Office Staff - Contacts (770) 923-6633, plus Ext


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Office Staff - Contacts (770) 923-6633, plus Ext.

Carmen Neris, Parish Secretary (bilingual) Ext. 110

Paul Suwak, Communica ons Coordinator Ext. 113 Jim Cur ss Liturgy Coordinator, Ext. 124 jim.cur

Paul Hayes, Business Manager Ext. 114

Mitzi Richardson, Accounts Payable Ext. 112 Kevin McClusky Facility Maintenance, Ex. 122

Kathy Laskodi, Accounts Receivable Ext. 131

Deacon Mike Hayward, Stewardship/Safe Environment Coord. Ext. 127 Mar McLeer, Preschool Director mar, Ext. 130

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS are to be sent to Paul Suwak at NO LATER THAN noon on Friday, two weeks prior to the weekend requested for the bulle n. Late submissions may or may not be able to be placed.

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time The parable of the Sower in today’s Gospel is aimed at the hearts of the listeners. The one sowing the seed is God, and the seed is the Word of God. The field is the heart of humans. God is generous, so he sows the seed on all kinds of fields, upon the path, the rocky ground, the thorny field and upon the rich soil.

The sowing is being done whenever we read or listen to the Holy Scriptures. The seed is also sown by parents, teachers and catechists when they encourage children and teach them Gospel values for life. In our effort to grow as a Stewardship Community, here in SJN we are all commi ed to knowing, living, and sharing our faith through a deeper understanding, love and prac ce of the Word of God in our daily lives. There may be some of each of these four types of soils in the hearts of all of us.

We are called to do our own grooming of our hearts’ soil, so that misunderstanding and prejudice, or disappointment and the cross, or worldly anxiety and the lure of riches or tempta ons will not render our hearts unfer le soil for Jesus’ words. May the soil of our hearts be recep ve to the Word and carry it out through the presence of the Spirit within us.

15to Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

La parábola del sembrador, en el Evangelio de hoy, está dirigida a los corazones de los oyentes. El que siembra la semilla es Dios, y la semilla es la Palabra de Dios. El campo es el corazón de los humanos. Dios es generoso, por lo que siembra la semilla en todo po de campos, en el camino, el suelo rocoso, el

campo espinoso y la erra rica.

La siembra se realiza, cada vez que leemos o escuchamos las Sagradas Escrituras. La semilla también es sembrada por padres, maestros y catequistas cuando alientan a los niños y les enseñan valores del Evangelio para la vida. En nuestro esfuerzo por crecer como una Comunidad de Mayordomía, aquí en SJN, todos estamos comprome dos a conocer, vivir y compar r nuestra fe a través de una comprensión, amor y prác ca más profunda de la Palabra de Dios en nuestra vida diaria. Puede haber algunos, de cada uno de estos cuatro pos de suelos, en los corazones de todos nosotros. Estamos llamados a preparar nuestra propia erra de nuestros corazones, de modo que los malentendidos y los prejuicios, o la decepción y la cruz, o la ansiedad mundana y el atrac vo de las riquezas o las tentaciones no hagan que nuestros corazones sean erra fér l para las palabras de Jesús. Que la erra de nuestros corazones sea recep va a la Palabra y la lleve a cabo, a través de la presencia del Espíritu, dentro de nosotros.

Padre Sunny Punnakuziyil, MSFS Párroco

Fr. Sunny Punnakuziyil, MSFS Pastor

Pastor’s Corner Esquina Pastoral


5:00pm Apóstoles de la Palabra


16 Jueves 14 Martes 15 Miércoles 13 Lunes 17 Viernes 18 Sábado 19 Domingo

16 Thursday 14 Tuesday 15 Wednesday 13 Monday 17 Friday 18 Saturday

Monday July 13

6:30 am 9:00 am

Priest intention. Mike Kelly †

Is 1:10-17 Ps 50:8-9, 16b-17, 21, 23 Mt 10:34-11:1

Tuesday July 14

6:30 am 9:00 am

Priest intention. Ed Blake †

Is 7:1-9 Ps 48:2-8 Mt 11:20-24

Wednesday July 15

6:30 am 9:00 am

Virginia Hartman † Rita and Carl Guidice †

Is 10:5-7, 13b-16 Ps 94:5-10, 14-15 Mt 11:25-27

Thursday July 16

6:30 am 9:00 am

Virginia Marten (SI) Edward Blake †

Is 26:7-9,12, 16-19 Ps 102:13-14b, 15-21 Mt 11:28-30

Friday July 17

6:30 am 9:00 am

Colleen Valdes (SI) Mary Rose Offer †

Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8 Ps 38:10-12, 16 Mt 12:1-8

Saturday July 18

9:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm

Veronica Nnoli (SI) Jenny and David Hare † Personas de la parroquia.

Mi 2:1-5 Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14 Mt 12:14-21

Sunday July 19

7:00am 8:30 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm

People of the parish. Veronica Nnoli (SI) Mary Jane Hiller † Personas de la parroquia. Mary Nimmo †

Wis 12:13, 16-19 Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16 Rom 8:26-27 Mt 13:24-43

Date Time Mass Intention Daily Scripture Eucharistic Adoration

16to Domingo del Tiempo



(vea las directrices para asistir a misa en

nuestro web-site:

19 Sunday

Our Parish Week-at-a-Glance: Mon., July 13th - Sun., July 19th, 2020

Eucharistic Adoration

9:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

You can see Mass Being Livestreamed

on our website:

Nuestra Parroquia La-Semana-en-un-Vistazo: lunes, 13 de julio al domingo, 19 de julio, 2020

To donate flowers for your special occasion or to remember a deceased loved one, contact:

Mary Marder at (678) 549-0188 or † Deceased (s) Special Intention *en español ~Nursery at all weekend Masses.~

9:45AM - 12:00PM



Thursdays, following the 9:00 am Mass till 5 pm

in the Church Sanctuary


Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays of each month following morning Mass, 9:45 am - 5:00 pm

Confession: Saturdays, 8:00-8:45 am and 3:30-4:30 pm in Reynolds Hall until further notice. Confessions can also be done by appointment.

Bap sms — Prepara on Classes in English are normally held on the third Monday of the month from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in room 6. Contact the Parish Office for further informa on and to register for class. Bap sms are held on the first and third Sundays of each month at 3:00 pm. Bap sm classes in Spanish are held on the second Friday of the month from 7pm to 9pm in room 3. Contact Carmen 770-923-6633, ext. 110 to Register.

Saint John Neumann Catholic Church 801 Tom Smith Road, Lilburn, Georgia 30047-2299 Ph: 770-923-6633; Fax: 770-381-7856; Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm; (Closed for Lunch: 2:00-3:00 pm) Fr. Sunny Punnakuziyil, MSFS, Pastor; e-mail: Fr. Dairo Rico, Parochial Vicar; e-mail: Permanent Deacons: Rev. Mr. Mike Byrne; e-mail: Rev. Mr. Mike Hayward; e-mail: Rev. Mr. Greg Ollick; e-mail: Rev. Mr. Manuel Echevarria; e-mail: Rev. Mr. Joe Odom; email: Mass Schedule: Sunday 8:30 am; 11:00 am; 1:00 pm (en Español); 5:00 pm (Life Teen) Monday—Friday 6:30 am & 9:00 am * Wednesday - 7:00 pm (* First Wednesday of the month) Saturday 9:00 am & 5:00 pm Vigil Mass * Nursery is available at all weekend Masses.

SJN Preschool: Program Director:

Mar McLeer, 770-833-0404 Mar

Office of Religious Educa on Religious Educa on Secretary:

Ariana Dominguez, ext. 118

Parish School of Religion: Coordinator /Coordinadora:

Sue Balcom, ext. 117

Growing In Faith Together Program: Sue Balcom, ext. 117

Director Faith Forma on EDGE / Life Teen

Linda Koerner, ext 132

EDGE Middle School Program Coordinator/Coordinadora:

Linda Mauge, ext. 120

LIFE TEEN High School Program Coordinator/Coordinadora:

Allana Joseph ext. 133

Adult Educa on: Deacon Greg Ollick,

Dr. Julie Broom, Principal, 770-381-0557

COUPLES CELEBRATING THEIR 50th AND 60th Anniversary in 2020 The Archdiocese of Atlanta would like to honor couples married in 1970 and 1960 with a golden/diamond Marriage Anniversary Mass on Saturday, October 3, at noon, at Saint Brigid Catholic Church, celebrated by Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv. This year, due to precautionary measures related to COVID-19, jubilarian couples are asked to attend without additional guests. Family members and friends may watch the celebration via a livestream video instead. The archdiocese will provide updates if it becomes possible to bring additional guests, or if circumstances require additional changes. A reception, for the anniversary couples, will follow the Mass. Please go to to RSVP for this event and for additional information.


SJN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION UPDATE “Faith Formation is more than a subject to be taught- it is an invitation to a way of life.”

Joe Paprocki

You and your children are INVITED. All are Welcome! The faith forma on office is open for Registra on! ( 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) every Tuesday &

Wednesday. If you visit us in person you must wear a mask.

• SPROUTS- PreK -5th grade • GIFT - Family at home catechesis for PreK - 5th grade from the Church of St Paul which include a monthly packet,

monthly parent classes, a monthly family gathering and you teach everything to your children. For more info go to family

• First Reconciliation/ First Communion sacrament prep (2 year process) • Baptism classes for children over the age of 6. • Discovering my Catholic Faith program for 3rd - 5th graders who are want to learn about God's love,

encounter Jesus Christ and prepare for sacraments. • EDGE for youth in grades 6-8 • RCIT-Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens- for 6th -12th graders just beginning to learn about their Catholic

faith. • Life Teen youth ministry program for teens in grades 9-12 • Confirmation Program for teens in 10th grade or above with 2 years of prior faith formation in grades 8,9....

We don't know what our programs will look like this year, but we have plan A, B & C depending on how long the COVID 19 virus stays with us. We have Godly programs and experiences for families and youth in the 2020-21 Faith

Forma on year. We miss you and pray for you. We are excited to be together to Encounter Christ! Visit SJN website “” or the Religious Educa on Office for Registra on Forms or further Informa on.

ACTUALIZACION PARA INSCRIPCIONES DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA/FORMACION EN LA FE “La formación en la fe es más que un tema para ser enseñado, es una invitación a una forma de vida.”

Joe Paprocki

Usted y sus hijos están INVITADOS. ¡Todos son Bienvenidos! La oficina de formación en la fe está abierta para las inscripciones, cada martes y miércoles

de 9 am—3 pm. Si usted nos visita en persona, deberá tener un cubre cara/máscara.

• SPROUTS- Grados de PreK hasta 5th. • GIFT - Catequesis de familia en el hogar para Pre K hasta 5to grado, de la Iglesia de San Pablo, que incluye un

paquete mensual, clases mensuales para padres, una reunión familiar mensual y usted enseña todo a sus hijos. Para más información ir a

• Preparación de los Sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación/ Primera Comunión (2 años de preparación) • Clases de Bautismo para niños más de 6 años de edad. • Programa Descubriendo mi Fe Católica para alumnos de 3ro hasta 5to grado, que desean aprender sobre el

amor de Dios, encontrarse con Jesucristo y prepararse para los sacramentos. • EDGE para jóvenes de 6to a 8vo grado. • RCIT-Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Jóvenes - para 6to hasta 12do grado, recién comenzando a aprender

sobre su fe católica. • Ministerio del Programa de Life Teen para jóvenes de 9no hasta 12do grado. • Programa de Confirmación para jóvenes de 10mo grado o más, con 2 años previos de formación en la fe (8,9,…)

No sabemos cómo serán nuestros programas este año, pero tenemos un plan A, B y C, dependiendo de cuánto empo permanezca con nosotros el virus COVID 19. Tenemos programas piadosos y experiencias para familias y jóvenes en el año 2020-

21 de la Formación en la Fe. Te extrañamos y rezamos por . ¡Estamos emocionados de estar juntos para encontrarnos con Cristo! Visite la página web de SJN "" o la Oficina de Educación Religiosa para obtener inscripciones o más información.


Next Sunday, July 19th, our Second Collec on will be for the: Campus Maintenance Fund Your generosity is truly Appreciated…Thank You!

Please pray for our suffering loved ones: Charlo e Smith-Harris, Aida Galarza,

Bobby Prui , Joyce Prui , Helen Lemke, Frances Wilkins, Phyllis Slaght,

Richard Wise, Joseph Constan no, Estela Salazar, Mar n Anacleto,

Salvador Guerrero, Michael Wharton, Peggy Mar n, Dan Maloney,

Sonya Powell, John Ruda, Eric Wright, Ethan Wright, Jose Isaiah Españo, Mickaelyn Moon, Iris Lee Young, Zenaida Espano, David Frapwell,

Zachary Sandy, Lea Custer, David Wise, Julio Carranza, Lydia D’Amico

Please pray for our deceased loved ones: John Gombala, María Inés Delaó, Ken Douglas, Benjamin Williams

Anderson, Mary Nimmo, Rosemary Ellen Gatherer, Janice Wassel,

Nan Savage, Mary Ann Creighton, Patsy Petro, Brian Livingston Hinds,

Gloria Theresa Maloof Hawk, Barbara Hepp, Charles Berry,

Marcia Oshinski, Mario Valenzuela, Joan E. Lo , Ed Blake, Peter Opolka, Lan Mahon, Ruth Poss, Cur s Eidson, Diana Wright, Charles Mar nchich,

Ann Merrill, Sharon Osborne, María Corona, Lawrence Hogan,

Chris na Vázquez, Harold Haynes, Walter Czerniawski, Luis Alvarez,

Michael Kelly

Offertory Campus Total

*Offertory, June 28th, 2020 $27,453.00 $4,919.00 $32,371.00

This Year - YTD $1,463,755.00 $152,615.00 $1,616,370.00

Budget - YTD $1,604,176.00 $209,300.00 $1,813,476.00

Thank you for your continued generosity! Our weekly average operating expenses are $34,875.00

Note: Our Fiscal Year Runs July 1 through June 30 If you are an e-Giver, please use your offertory envelope and “I Give Electronically”

Numbers Not Available Prior to Sending To The Publisher

Congratula ons to the 2020 RCIA par cipants! They received the Sacraments of Bap sm, First Communion, and Confirma on.

Welcome to our Catholic Faith.

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