Offertory Loose Plate £377.73 Gift Aid £650.56 … · debtors “How much do you owe ... Eileen...


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The Prodigal Son would

willingly have filled his belly with the husks the pigs were

eating but no one offered him anything. Then he came to his senses and said: “How many of my fathers’ paid servants have more food than they want, and here am I dying of hunger…..!”

Now I have lost my stewardship I know what I will do…He called his masters’

debtors “How much do you owe?” “100 measures of oil;” “take your bond and write 50” “How much do you owe?” “100 measures of wheat”; take your bond and write 80”. The master praised the dishonest steward for his

astuteness. The children of this world are more astute than the children of light.”

Confessions 9.30 - 10 am (P) (or when they end) and 5 - 6 pm (J). Also Confessions at any time. Ring for a mutually convenient time.

Last Sunday: Offertory Loose Plate £377.73 Gift Aid £650.56 For Gift Aid contact John Baggaley 432683 Many thanks!

COMMUNION FOR THE SICK The Congregation says: May this sacrament unite them with Christ and his Church and give them consolation and peace.

Adoration in Church. St. Joseph’s Adoration Chapel Exposition is at any time that you can make it. We have the rota for watching and

we hope it covers much of the week. You are welcome to pop in any time.


£100 Winner no 235 Week 35 Agent Kate Jordan

Friday 30 September Extra 7.15 mass. 3 orthodox Sisters from near Minsk in

Belarus help Orphan children in a home and adults and children in a Psychiatric

home. With the approval of Archbishop Malcolm they will come to Leyland to share

something of their story and sell goods to raise money for their work. Please come

and support them, build unity with the Orthodox. See the notices on the boards.

We celebrate Mercy in our Metropolitan Cathedral as a Deanery on Saturday 1st

October. The programme starts at 10.00am, and ends with lunch (taken with us) at

roughly 1.30pm. There is a flier with much information about the programme from

the cathedral for anyone still to make up their mind. Our Cathedral represents the

living body of Christ in the Archdiocese; special graces are available on this day

for all. Anyone who feels they are in need of Mercy please note and come, or invite

anyone that may or may not be Church going who wants to rediscover God’s Mercy.

Please sign the list in the Narthex. NO 9.00am MASS THAT DAY. Dep. 08.45.

Journey in Faith begins on 2nd October at 4.30 – 5.00pm. Anyone interested in

exploring the Catholic Faith please see Fr. Jonathan or ring 01772 455955

The Sacramental Programme starts of 3 October. This year the year 4 children

in the Primary School will receive their first Holy Communions in May (No

confirmations any more until High School age, year 9). If any parent has a child in

a non-Catholic School, please contact us immediately to enrol them on the course.

SOS - Church cleaners - cleaner required for two sets of benches to sweep,

dust and polish with the 'A ‘team. If you can help please contact Kate on 435721.

Ampleforth Abbey Trustees Registered Charity No. 1026493


Saturday 6.00 (Vigil Mass) Janice Wardley's

intentions / EBC

Sunday 11th September 24th in ordinary time

9.30 Margaret & Alex Anthony ruby wedding ints

11.00 Thanksgiving for a 80 good years

/ Mary Holt, recently died / The Parish

Monday 12th September 9.00 No Mass

12.15 Kieran Mannion anniversary

Tuesday 13th September St John Chrysostom

7.50 (with schools) Norah Turner anniversary

12.15 Abbot Jerome Hodkinson

Wed 14th September Exaltation of the Holy Cross 9.00 Harry Evans

12.15 Requiem Mass for Edna Glading

Thu 15th September Our Lady of Sorrows

8.00 (Alverna) Fr Luke Waring OSB

12.15 Fergus Whelan

Fri 16th September SS Cornelius 9.00 No Mass

12.15 Sr Anne Bromwich (Colwich)

Saturday 17th September 9.00 Carmel & Phil

Pearman Ruby wedding 2.30 Elderly, sick

and Housebound / In thanksgiving

6.00 (Vigil Mass) The Parish

Sunday 18th September 25th in ordinary time

9.30 EBC / Edna Glading died recently.

11.00 Chippendale family intentions.



455955 CHURCH Sr Veronica 424665 Steve i.c. Youth 07977249636 Website Blog Page 66 & 74 in the mass books. 24th Sunday in ordinary.

was made flesh and lived among us

6th SUNDAY of the Year P.



Please fill in our new Record Form


PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR SICK Teresa Richards, Lesley Saunders, Norah Platt,

Neil and Jean Fow, Fr. Peter Kelly (Liverpool) John McDermott, Mark Craven, Margaret Pollard, Tony Rogerson, Gordon Miller, Janice Wardley, Graham Dunn,

Tony Scott, Tom Halliwell, Louise McNulty, June Embery, Baby Abigail Bowman –

miracle needed, Terry Kerrigan, Grace Fernando (HS Year 8), Peter Blackwell,

Catherine Breen, Anne Smith, Natalie Whelan, Janet Turner, Glenda Kelly, Paul

Rhodes, Howard Buffett, Howard Tomlinson (1 Yr. old), Dorothy Hunt, Michael

Waite, Eileen Hilliard, Baby William (connected with Tony Waidson), Allen Withnell,

Jacob Privet (premature baby) Rita Bloomsdale, Ann Hanlon (Dever), Peter Beatty,

Marjorie Hart, Eileen Whelan, Marjorie Parr, Tracey Simpson, Fr Theo, Bethany

O’Reilly, and connected with us:, Paul Beck, Catherine Walker, Robin Shaw, Joyce

Lamomby, Marie Purslow snr and jnr, Christopher Proby, Heather Conde, Peter

Richard Proctor, Helen Sweeney, Anthony Dailly. Long-term sick are prayed for each day at mass. Let us know those who you wish

PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR DEPARTED: Especially Edna Glading, Fr Damian Kearney OSB (Portsmouth Abbey USA) and Elizabeth Grifoné who died recently and the following whose anniversaries occur about this time Phyllis Clarkson, Mary Coan, Michael Dunne, Nora Turner, Ilian Jakiemczuk, Rex Bennett, Harold Chippendale, Joyce Jennings.

THIS WEEK Today: Heritage Open day in our church 2 p m - 4 p m Family Rota of Prayer: Jackson family 4 Long Moss.

Youth Group 7-9pm

Monday: Church cleaning 9.00am 'B' team.

Widows welcome 7.30 p m in the Parish centre

SPUC 7.45 in Abbot Herbert room.

Tuesday : Baptism course 8 p m in the Narthex

SVP 7.30 pm Abbot Herbert room.

Thursday: Home Rosary 8 p m Mrs Marie Harris 10 Woodlands Avenue.

Friday: - Divine Mercy prayers 11.00am in the Adoration chapel everyone welcome.

Saturday Mass for the Elderly, sick and Housebound 2.30 p m in church.

NEXT SUNDAY Family Rota of Prayer: Kealey family 16 Balshaw Rd.

Andrew Jones is in a play in Kendal (son of Tony & Madeleine) on 8th October at

5 pm called Love, Lies and Taxidermy - if anyone is interested call 01772 495920.

Coach going 11.00 am - play at 5 pm so time to have lunch and wander in Kendal.

WAY OF LIFE Taken from Pope Francis’ talk at a general audience, May 7th. 2014

Prayer is so important. To pray with the prayers that we all learned as children,

but also to pray in our own words. To ask the Lord: “Lord, help me, give me counsel,

what must I do now?” Through prayer we make space so that the Spirit may come

and help us in that moment, that he may counsel us on what we all must do.

Prayer! Never forget prayer. Never! No one realises when we pray on the bus, on

the road: we pray in the silence of our heart. Let us take advantage of these

moments to pray, pray that the Spirit gives us the gift of counsel.


True mercy can only come through a deeply abiding relationship with Jesus. Prayer

helps us continually to see the world through God’s eyes and to ask Him how to

conform our will to His.

Do you pray with your own words?

The best way to learn is to try.

Take five minutes to speak with Jesus.

WORD OF LIFE ‘All belong to you and you belong to Christ. (1 Cor 3:22-23)

Once more the great Christian proclamation rings out: God is with us, and we are

not lost, orphaned, abandoned to ourselves, but, as God’s children, we are God’s. As

a true Father God cares for each one, without letting us lack anything we need for

our good. Indeed, God is superabundant in love and in giving, as Paul affirms: ‘The

world, life, death, the present, the future – all belong to you!’ God has even given

us his Son, Jesus.

What huge trust on God’s part in giving each thing into our hands! How often

instead have we abused his gifts! We have believed ourselves to be the lords of

creation to the point of plundering and despoiling it, lords of our brothers and

sisters to the point of enslaving and slaughtering them, lords of our own lives to

the point of wasting them in narcissism and self-destruction. The full text is in front of the Piety Shop & in New City (free) or on the website.

Lourdes Pilgrimage - there will be a relaxed pilgrimage staying at Hosanna House

next year 25th August to 1st September. The group are flying from Manchester

the price is all inclusive of food £700 approx. There are still some spaces available

contact Richard McDowell 01772 904302 or Jackie Lee 434118.

A week of prayer for Prisons week 9th to 15th October 2016 leaflets available

in church. Also Cafe Church for Prisons week - an informal evening service raising

awareness of issues surrounding prisons beginning at 18.30 on 25th September in

the Coffee bar at Leyland Methodist - Turpin Green Lane.