來源、國效果對消費者採用文化創意產 - National Chiao Tung … · 2016-01-29 ·...


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Chiao Da Managemenl Review Vol. 29 No. 2, 2009

pp. 21-45



Country-of- Origin Effect on Consumer's Adoption of

Cultural & Creative Products

陳紛里1 Hsiu-Li Chen


Department. of International Business, Ming-Chuan University

張智鈞 Zhu-Chun Chang


Department of Sales, Shian-Yan Rubber CO., LTD

摘要:自 1960 年代以來 , 來源、國效果對消費者購買行為的影響,便受到專家

學者的興趣與注意 。 另一方面,在全球化的背景下,消費者較以往有更多的

機會接觸其他國家的文化創意產品 。 而過去文獻在來源、國效果的研究上,鮮

少著重在文化創意產品土 。 據此,本研究擬探究來源、國效呆對文化創意「核

心產品 」 與 r ~遺產品 」 之購買意願'並 T 解國家熟悉度的干擾效果、以及

文化產品類別間的關聯效果 。

本研究實證之 「核心產品 」 為電視劇及工藝設計, r ~邊產品 」 為旅遊 。

產品來源、國包括美國、日本、全灣、韓國 。 其主要結論為 (l)COO 形象會

透過態度,進而影響消費者購買/~采用該國文化創意產品之意願。 (2)消費者對

核心產品之態度會影響其對週造產品的購買意願 。 (3)COO 形象對文化產品

態度的影響受到 「 國家熟悉度 」 所干擾 。 (4)關聯效果存在 。 亦即,消費者會

以該國較為熟悉的文化產品推論較不熟悉的文化產品 。


Abstract: Since the mid-1960s, numerous researches have successfully employed

1 Corresponding author: Department of Intemational Business, Ming-Chu個 Unive凹ity, T,剖pelCity, T,副W且 E-mail : h1chen@mcu.edu.tw

22 Countr -of- Origin Effec/ on Consumer s Adop/ion ofCul/ural & Crea/ive Produc/s

country-of-origin (COO) in eva1 uating consumers ' purchasing decisions. On the

other hand, on the context of globa1 ization, consumers have more opportunities to

select cultura1 & creative produ的 (C&C products) from foreign countries

Previous studies on ana1yzing COO effects seldom focus on C&C products. To fill

up the gap, this study tries to examine COO effects on the purchases of a ∞re as

well as a peripheral C&C products. Moreover, this study 剖so tests the intervening

effect of coun甘y familiarity on COO and consumer 's attitude toward C&C

product and the association effect between different C&C product categories

The empirical results of this study are as follows. (1) COO effect will

influenc串 consumers ' attitudes toward the C&C product and in tum influence their

purchase/adoption intentions. (2) Consumers ' attitudes tow訂d the ‘∞時, C&C

product positively affect their purchase/adoption intentions on the ‘periphera1 '

C&C product. (3) ‘Country familiari旬, has an intervening e宜ect on COO and

consumer 's attitude toward the core C&C products. (4) There is an ‘ assoclatlOn

effect' , 間 , consumer will infer the qua1 ity of an unfamiliar C&C product

category from the qua1 ity of a familiar C&C product category

Keywords: Cultural and creative product; Country of origin; Association effect

1. Introduction

lt has been genera11y agreed that consumers eva1 uate a product on two

information cues: intrinsic cues (e.g., design, performance) and extrinsic cues

(e.g., price, brand name, warranty, coun旬-of-origin (COO)) (Han, 1989; Han &

Terpstra, 1988; Verlegh et al. 2005). For intemationa1 products, especia11y those

which consumers are not familiar wi曲, extrinsic cues become important

information so凹ce for consumers to eva1uate the products . (Han, 1990; Hong,

1992; Kolter & Gemer, 2002). 的 the trend of globa1 ization, consumers have

more chances to adopt and purchase foreign products nowadays. In such a

circumstance, will consumers regard country-of-origin as an information cue in

eva1 uating a foreign product? In other words, in the context of globa1 ization, does

country吋ιongm effect play an important role for consumers to assess 出e

qu剖ities of甘le foreign product?

Chiao Da Management Review Vol. 29 No. 2, 2009 23

In addition, ‘cultural industrγ2 has received much attention re臼ntly. In

Taiwan, people gradually a∞ept foreign culture. According to the defmition made

by Taiwan's Council for Cultural A1fairs (2002 個d 2004), c叫他ral and creati ve

industries (C&C in心甘ies) are derived from cultural accumulation. By 趾

application and formation of intellectual property, the C&C industries could

create wealth and employment and promote national living environment.

Furthermore, the Council for Economic Plaruúng and Development (CEPD) in

Taiwan defines the cultural and creative industries as follows: (1) 'Cul旭re

industrialization' indicates the use of creative culture to promote consumer

products; (2) ‘ industry culturalization' indicates the use of cultural design to

increase products' added values. Previous studies on COO effect mostly focus on

physiωI products and seldom on non-physical products such as creative products

(e.g., performing 剖, film and video). To our best knowledge, there is no literature

that examines the COO effect on the adoption of cultural and creative produc包

(C&C products). As cultural and creative products often display certain social

custorns or rituals of a coun旬, they are di能rent from other consumer products.

F or this reason, the first p山pose of 也is study attempts to investigate if COO

effect has a significantly impact on a consumer's adoption of domestic vs. foreign

cultural and creative products. A LISREL model is employed to analyze the above


The Council for Economic Planning and Development in Taiwan c1assified

the cultural and creative industries into the ‘core indus師的, and the ‘peripheral

industries'. The core industries include the following 13 industries: ‘ advertising' ,

‘architecture' , ‘訂t & antiques market' , ‘crab', ‘dESigE', ‘designers fashion' ,

明1m',‘interactive leisure so企ware' , ‘ music',‘performing artsγpublishing' , ‘ so丘ware and computer services', and ‘television and radio' . On the other hand,

出e ' peripheral indus甘ies ' are the indus甘ies which use the concept of the core

industries and apply them to related areas. Hence, the core indus崗位 are the bases

2 'Cul阻ral ind凶try ' is proposed by Adorno & Horkheiner (1947) in their book ‘Dialektik der aufkl街M屯 After 出e following 60 y甜甜, di仔erent definitions of cultural indus甘ial are proposed. Throsby & David (2001) in 出eir book ‘ Econornics and Culture' suggest 四l旭raland

creative indus甘y should have three features

24 Countr -of- Origin EjJect 0 11 Consumer s Adoption ofCultural & Creative Products

of the C&C products, and the peripheral industries apply the concept of core C&C

product industries. For example, the development of tourism industry (a

peripheral C&C industry) should be dependent on architecture, crafts, and art

indus甘ies (a core C&C indus甘y). The comparisons of the core C&C indus甘y

categories of England, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Korea, and Taiwan are shown

in Table A 1. With this in mind, the second purpose of this study is to examine if

consumers ' artitudes toward the ∞re C&C produc的 will influence their purchase

intentions on peripheral C&C products. If this e宜ect ex悠悠, this study will further

compare the argument QfCOO effects on the purchase intentions between a core

product and a periphe叫 product

Moreover, previous studies have shown that COO has greater effects on

purchase intention when consumers are not familiar with the products than when

they are (H徊, 1990). In 0伽r words, when consumers 的 not familiar with the

coun旬'5 products, they may use COO to evaluate the products so as to simplify

the complex choi∞ pro臼sses. Although, several studies have answered the COO

effect on consumers ' purchase intention, this paper is the first one to examine if

coun甘y f;街niliarity has an intervening effect on COO and consumers' attitudes

toward foreign products. Moreover, to our best knowledge, there is no paper

examining the COO effect on foreign cultural and creative products. Therefore, the third purpose of this study is to investigate if country familiarity has

intervening effect on COO and consumers ' attitudes toward cultural and creative


Finally, for the generality of ∞untry image, consumers may rate specific

attributes of a coun甘y 's products in accordance wi出 their overall perception of

the products when they are not familiar with the country's products. Given thi丸

the fou付1 purpose of this study is to examine if consumers will infer quality of a

product from their image on other products produced by the same ∞untry. In

other words, there may exist a significant association among in1ages of different

product categories

Specifically, this study shall assess: (1) the direct effect of COO on

consumer attitude toward C&C product and the indirectly effect of COO on

consumer purchase intention; (2) 也e effect of consumers' attitudes toward core

Chiao Da Management Rev;,凹陷1. 29 No. 之 2009 25

C&C products on their purchase intention on the peripheral C&C products; (3) the

intervening effect of country familiarity between COO effect and consumers'

attitudes tow訂d the C&C products; (4) the existence of association effect between

an fm泊liar C&C product and the other unfamiliar C&C products

2. Literature Review and Hypotheses

As note above, numerous researches have been successful in evaluating the

effects of coo3 (or country image) on consun肘's choice behavior for the past

four decades. According to Usunier's estimation (2006), more than 400 academic

(peer-reviewed) papers dealing with the influence of a product's COO on

consumers' product evaIuations have been published. 叮lese research incIudes 出e

defmitions for country irnage and COO, COO effects across different consumer

backgrounds (e.g. , nationality, patriotism, lifestyle), and COO effects on different

product categori郎, etc. Schooler's (I 965) is the first articIe to prove 伽 influence

of the COO on consumers' evaIuations. Since then, the literature has studied the

COO image in a number of countries and for many indus的aI goods (e.g.,

Nagashima, 1970; Schooler, 1971). However, Bilkey and Nes (1982) argue that

COO is only one at甘ibute 缸nong the many 由at characterize a product. A product

may process intrinsic at仕ibutes and extrinsic at甘ibutes. Therefore single-cue

studies tend to over-estirnate the impact of COO. Since the 1980s, researches on

COO have focused on multi-at甘ibute studies by adding marketing variables, environmental variables, price, and store, etc. into the anaIysis (e.g. , Bilkey and

Nes 1982; Han and Terpstra, 1988; Martin and Eroglu, 1993; Cho and Kan皂, 2001;

VerIegh el al. 2005).

Previous studies aIso have different definitions for COO. For example, Nagashima (1970) gives a good point for profiI ing the coun旬 image. He states

that coun旬 image is the picture, the repu個.tion, and the stereotype that

businessmen 個d consumers give to products of a specific ∞m昀.百廿smage is

3 Following the trend of globalizati凹, m血y companies use OEM s回tegies 晶 a substitute for direction p叫uction. As a result, a product's coun昀-<lf-也rigin may not indica.扭曲e product's manufacturing ∞un甘y. COO in this study indicates the brand-oιongm

26 Countr -of- Origin Effect on Consumer s Adoption ofCultural 是 C,凹tive Producls

created by such variables as representative products, national characteristics,

economic and political background, history, and 甘aditions . Martin & Eroglu

(1993) define country image as the total of all descripti間, inferential and

info口national beliefs one has about a particular coun甘y. Therefore, in order to

operationalize the definition, it is necessary to determine the relevant underlying

dimensions of this construct, n誼nely, the cons甘uct's domain are political,

e∞nomic, technological, and social desirability. Based on Bilkey & Nes (1982),

Han (1 989) defines country image as consumers ' general perceptions of quality

for products made in a given coun的人 Ro由& Romeo (1 992) further identify

coun甘y Image as a consume時, overall perception for products from a particular

coun甘弘 based on their prior perceptions of the country's production and

marketing s甘engths and weaknesses. Therefore, four dimensions of coun甘y image

become app缸ent: innovativeness, design, presti阱, and workmanship. In sum, 也c

definitions of COO or country image could be divided into two categories: the

‘overall ' image of a country and the ‘specific' image for a particul前 product from

a glven coun吋. This study adop包 the viewpoints of Han (1 989) and Roth &

Romeo and defines the COO as consumers ' image on a ‘ particul缸 , product from a

glven ∞untry

In addition to the discussions on COO definition. the literature has also examined

COO effects on consumer purchase intentions across culture or in different

demographics, e.g., age (Domoff, Tankersley & Whi筒, 1974; H凱, 1988;

Hutchens, 1989; Wall and Heslop, 1986), gender (Schooler, 1971 ; Festervand,

Lumpkin and Lundstrom, 1985; Wall , Hofstra and Heslop, 1989), education

(Domoff, Tankersley & White, 1974; Festervand, Lumpkin and Lundstrom, 1985),

income, (Hutche郎, 1989; Wall and Heslop, 1986), race (Schooler, 1971),

geography (LaTour and Henthome, 1990), nations and consumer patriotism

(Nagashima, 1970; Shimp and Sharma, 1987; H徊, 1988). For example, Schooler

(1971 )“lds 血at female consumers give higher evaluations on forei伊 products

th組 male consumers. Wall , Hofstra and Heslop (1989) find that consumers '

education levels could influence their evaluations on product qualities and in tum

inf1uence their purchase intention. Johansson, Douglas and Nonaka (1985)

argue that consumers with di宜erent national backgrounds may give di宜erent

Chiao Da Management Review Vol. 29 No. 2, 2009 27

evaluation on foreign products. Finally, Hong & yi (1 992) also frnd that

consumers' national background do infIuence the COO effect on the evaluation of

foreign products. They show that Korean consumers have higher negative attitude

tow,紅d foreign products than American consumers.

Based on the preceding discussions, we can infer that COO does infIuence

consumers' evaluations on foreign produc包 Jn other words, COO is an irnportant

cue when consumers evaluate the quality offoreign products. According to Bilkey

& Nes (1982), COO will infIuence consumer's perceived quality on foreign

products. Also, Berkrnan & Gilson (1986) state an attitude is an enduring

organization of rnotÎvational, ernotional, percep個al , and cognitive processes with

respect to sorne aspect of our environrnent. lf a consumer has rnore positive

attitude toward the product, then he will have a higher purchase intention on the

product. A1so, Han (1 990) indicates 出at the rnore positive COO irnage on a

certain country, the more positive attitude a consumer has toward the products

企orn the country. Li & Dant (1997) also assume that a consumer will tak.e COO as

an information cue to assess the product quality frorn different countries and this

information cue will in turn inf1uence the consumer's purchase intention. C&C

products are created by artists and with particular original and unique properties.

Therefore, a C&C indus住y is the econornic activities based on culture and 訂L

which is an experience and a valuable product (Shah, 2002). ηlUS, the following

hypothesis is proposed:

H 1: COO has a positive inψact on consumers' attitudes toward C&C products.

Furthermore, 凹nsun世間 , attitudes toward C&C produc釘 have a positive

znψact on their purchase intentions. ln other words, consumers' attitudes

have mediating e.JJects.

Moreover, as rnentioned earlier, a peripheral C&C product is 組 extension

of the core product. However, little research has been dealt with the relationship

between a peripheral C&C product and a core C&C product. Previous studies

have shown 也at consumer attitude toward a parent brand has a positive irnpact on

the purchase intention of its extending brand (Aaker & Keller, 1990; Keller, 2003).

For exarnple, the prevailing of Kore徊。r Japanese TV drarnas (a ∞re C&C

28 Counlr -01- Origin Effecl on Consumer s Adoplion ofCullural & Crealive Products

product) in other Asian countries has created a ‘Korean wave ' or a ‘Japanese

wave' which has promoted the tourist industry (a peripheral C&C product) in the

two countries. 8ased on 曲的 property, we propose the following hypothesis:

H]: Consumer attitude toward a country's C&C product has a significantly

positive effect on his purchase intention on the peripheral C& C product.

Han (1 990) indicates that country image is more Iikely to influence consumers '

attitudes towards a brand when Consumers are not familiar with the country's

products than when they are. Pecotich & Rosenthal (200 1) a1so point out that

consumers may have negative attitudes toward a country 's products when 由eyare

not familiar with the country. For C&C products, if consumers are familiar with a

coun旬, they are likely to be familiar with the implication or idea of the C&C

product from the coun甘y and therefore, have positive consumers' attitudes toward

the C&C product from the country. Consequently, we propose the following


Hj: Country familiarity lIas intervening effect. In other words, tlle positive

電ffect ofCOO 尾ffect on consumers' attitudes toward the C&C product is

higller when consumers' count.砂familiarities increase.

Finally, Han (1 990) a1so indicates that a ∞nsumer may infer the quality of a

product category from a given coun甘y 企om their perceived quality of other

categories or products in general from the country. That is, there exists a strong

association effect between images of different product categories. For example,

consumer may perceive that Japanese products in gener剖 are technologically

advanced because Japanese consumer electronics or automobile are

technologically advanced. There is no research uses this ∞ncept on examining

C&C product categories, vice versa. This statement leads to the following


H4: Consumers tend to infer the quality of a product from a given count.ηfrom

their perceived quality of other products from the country in generaL

A conceptual framework is shown in Figure 1 which includes three

Chiao Da Managemenl Review 均1. 29 No. 2, 2009 29

dimensions: 'COO', consumers' attitudes toward the C&C products, purchase

intentions ofthe core and peripheral products. Moreover, coun叮 familiarity plays

as an intervening variable

Figure 1 The Hypothesized Model ofThis Study

Coun甘ies fi血niliarity

,----------------------- -------------------------H3 Product attitude

COO (for core C&C product)

3. Methodology

3.1 Variables Definition and Measurements

According to Figure 1, the model includes COO, attitude toward C&C

product, purchase intention on the core and peripheral products. The variable 's

assessments and measurements are shown in Table 1.

Countries and Products

The following countries will be considered in 也is study: USA, Japan,

Taiwan, and Korea. These countries are selected for two reasons. First,

30 Countr -of- Origin Effecl on Consumer S Adoplion ofCullural & Crealive ProdUC1S

Taiwanese are more familiar wi由 the culture of these countries. Second, the level

of a foreign countrγs economic development may play an impo此ant role when

consumers evaluate the product from this country. To this end, this study

pu巾。sely selects two developed countries (USA and Japan) and two newly

developed countries (Taiwan and Korea) 的 the target counties.

Table 1

Variables Definitions and Measurement dimer尬的ns/references

COOI Han (1990)

Attitude loward C&C productl

Han (1990), Sheth, 恥1ittal & Newman (1999), Solomon


Consumer p叮晶晶e

intention/ Han (1990)

Country f:缸niliarity

Roth & Rom閱 (1992)

variables Tech. advance


presl1ge 甘1e COO dimension is 扭扭扭。d with five measures, workmanship which is measured on a seven-poinl scale ranging

Price from 'very agree' 10 ‘strongly disagree' servlce


cogru t.J. ve

A consumer 's rating of a producI is me自叮ed on a seven-poinl scale anchored from 冶∞d' 10 ‘bad'

A consumer's rating of a producl's overall quality is measured on a seven point scale anchor叫告om

‘overall excellenl quali旬, 10 ‘ov前all poor quali秒,

The subject'5 in扭曲。n to purch品e a given C&C produc阻 me晶ured on a five point scale anchored from 'w。叫d definilely inlenl 10 bu吵, and ‘ wo叫d

definilely n的1 inlend 10 buv' A ∞ns山ner's co凹try famíliarity for a give country is measured on a seven po曲1 scale anchored from V回y famíli缸, 10 ‘V咽y unfi缸nili缸,

Source: Collecled by the author for this study

Next, TV drama and craft are selected as the ∞re C&C products and truism

is selected as the peripheral C&C product. These C&C products are selected

because: (1) Japanese and Korean TV dramas have been popular in Taiwan

recently;ο) according to a report published by CEPD entitled “Challenging 2008

country development and planning (2002-2007)", CEPD selects craft as a priority

industry for coun甘y development. Therefore, the craft indus甘y be∞mes

important in the new century (See cultural white paper, p.171-176 ' 2004, Council

ChiaoDaMa間Igemenl Review Vol. 29 No. 2, 2009 31

for Cultural Aff也蹈, Ti剖wan); (3) The Korean wave and Japanese wave in Taiwan

resulted from the TV 街剖nas 台om the two countries have boosted 出E 甘Ulsm

indus師的 in Korea and Japan. In the pre-test conducted by tbis study, 50 persons

were asked to answer the following open-ended question ‘Please select two

industries or activities that 訂e promoted by the TV 也迦na or craft? Truism tums

out to be the one which is mentioned most frequently. F or tl山 reason,甘uisrn is

set to be the peripheral product

3.2 Reliability and Validity

The Cronbach's a coe伍cients of each dimension 位e I位咎由an 0.74, indicating a reasonable degree of reliability for the construct. In evaluating the

validi旬, the construct validi可 tested by KMO is 0.9 for COO dimension and 0.79

for attitude dimension. They are a1so significant, which imply our questionnaire

has good cons甘uct validity.

4. Analysis and Results

4.1 Preliminary Data Analysis

This study uses quota sarnpling technique" Out of the to個I sarnple of 500,

302 questionnaires were retumed, yielding a response rate of 60.4%. After

deleting incomplete questionnaires, 275 (or 55 %) questionnaires are deemed

usable. The responden臼 include 36.7% male; 61.5% aged under 由e category of

20-24; 56.7% have college or higher education; 73.45% respondents inhabited in

• The reliability for each dimension is 品 follows: (J) TV drama' s COO dimension: USA is 0.8343 , Japan is 0.8699, Taiwan is 0.9156, Korea is 0 .91 詞; (2) consumers' attitudes toward the C&C produc臼 USA is 0.724 1. Japan is 0.7227, Taiwan is 0.7801 , and Kor曲時 0.7183 (3) Craft's COO dimension: USA is 0.8953, Japan is 0.9004, Taiwan is 0.8958, and Korea is 0.9326; (4) consumers' attitudes toward the C&C produc個 USA is 0.7102, Japan is 0.7276, Taiwan 咕。 7012, and Korea is 0.7824

, According to Taiwan 's DGBAS (Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Ex間utive Yuan) definition, this study divid自由e population in Taiw叩 into three m句or are值

甘le nO吋1 訂閱 including Taipei, Tauoyu曲, 1-1間, Hsin-tsu, and Keelung has about 45% of出e

population. The south ar且 which includ自 Miao-li , Taichung, Chang-hua, Nan-tou, Yuan-I泊,Taitung, Hua-lien has about 28% of the popu1ation. The rest 訂閱 has about 27% of the population

32 COUl7lr -of- Origin E.ffec/ on Consumer s Adop/ion ofCul/ural & Crea/ive Produc/s

Taipei area, 13 .45% in Kaohsiung area and 13.10% in other areas

Table 2 shows the average scores ofCOO, attitude, and purchase intentions

For TV drama, Japanese TV drama has the highest averaεe score (5 .45) in the

COO dimension and Taiwan has the lowest score (4.08). It indicates that

respondents regard Japanese TV drama has created the best COO image. For craft,

Japanese craft a1so receives the highest score (5.66) and Kore個 craft has the

lowest score (4.54). With respect to the purchase intention dimension, respondents

have the highest intention in watching Japanese TV drama (3.68) and have the

lowest intention in watching Taiwanese TV drama (2.59). For product familiari旬,

respondents have significantly higher product familiarity in TV drama than in

Table 2

Average Perceived Values of Country Images for TV Dramaand Craft

Source country TV drama Craft

dimensions Variables USA Japan Taiwan Korea USA Japan Taiwan Korea

Tech advanced

5.27 5.61 4.29 5.17 4.93 5.87 5.20 4.70

COO Prestige 5.58 5.78 4.29 5.44 4.96 5.86 5.23 4.70 Workmanshi p 5.23 5.75 4.05 5.15 4.92 5.9 5.17 4.61 Price 5.07 5.38 3.95 4.88 4.79 5.43 4.87 4.39 Service 4.27 4.73 3.84 4.55 4.71 5.22 4.52 4.29

Average 5.08 5.45 4.08 5.04 4.86 5.66 4.99 4.54

Overall quali ty 5.15 5.71 4.3 1 4.87 4.84 5.83 5.01 4.61 Attitude Overall

evaluation 4.75 5.39 4.37 4.69 4.43 5.43 4.84 4.25

Average 4.95 5.55 4.34 4.78 4.64 5.63 4.92 4.43 CoreC&C

3.25 3.68 2.59 309 3.24 3.90 3.49 3.04 Purchase


mtentton Peripheral C&C product Country USA Japan T剖wan Korea

Tourism 4.17 4.37 3.89 3.76 Familiarity Coun句

3.96 4.35 5.76 3.60 f由niliarity

Product familiarity

4.88 3.88

Chiao Da Management Re叫凹,的1. 29 No. 2, 2009 33

craft (T-value=12 .208 p <O.OI). In terms of country fami1iari旬,

respondents regard Taiwan as the most fami1iar country and Korea as the 1east fami1iar country (F-value =150.548 ' p <O.OOI). The order of these variables is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Rankines of Consumers' Attitudes Toward the C&C products

COO Attitude toward ωre

C&C produc阻Purchase intentÎon in

C&C products Purchase intention on

peripheral C&C product

TVdrama Higl> • Low

Craft H妙→ Low

Japan USA Kore泡 Taiwan Japan Taiwan USA Korea

Japan USA Korea Taiwan Japan Taiwan USA Korea

Tourism industry Japan Korea Taiw缸, Korea

4.2 Hypotheses Tests

The proposed model is estimated by using LISREL technique (Jöreskog &

Sörbom, 2003), and the path diagram of the hypothesized model is shown in

Figure 2. Before assessing 也e hypothesized relationsmps, discussions about the

goo伽ess of fit for the whole model and the measurements are in order. First of a\l, the goodness of fit for the whole model appears to be good across ωun師的組d

produ叫 Table 4 shows GFI,附FI,個d NFI are gre伽岫 0.9; X句 IS 訕。

gr回ter than or equal to 2. In addition, according to McDona\d and Ho (2002) that

a structura\ model is good fit if 也e RMSEA value is less 也個 O.肘, but it is still

acceptable if RMSEA va\ue is less than 0.08. The RMSEA values of the

hypothesized model across four countries and the product categories are sma\ler

than 0.08. Hence, the linear structura\ models are acceptable.

In the hypotheses testing, H, tests the COO effect on consumers' attitudes

toward the C&C products and consumers' attitude on the purchase of the C&C

products. Table 4 shows that COO has a significant effect ( y" 個d ß21 are

significant at 0.01 level) on the attitude toward the products across the four

countries. It indicates that COO has a directly positive effect on consumers'

34 Co帥Ir -of- Origin ξffeCI on Consumer s Adoplion ofCultural & C悶。live Produc/s

attitudes toward the C&C products and has an indirectly effect on the purchase

intention. In other words, consumer attitude has a significant mediating e宜ect. It

implies that hypothesis H, may be not rejected

Figure 2 Path Diagram of the Hypothesized Model

ð, ð,

ð, 一一→I Workmanshi

ð, .[!ζ]

ð, 一一一. Servi血 ~, ç;-•

r" Attitude


Pcriphcral C&C product



};, •- s,

CoreC&C product pur由ase

H2 exarnines the effect of consurners ' attitudes toward the core product on

the purchase intention of the periphe叫 product. Table 4 indicates that ß3, is

significantly positive. The finding suggests that the more positive attitude toward

the ∞re product the higher is the purchase intention ofthe peripheral producë.

6 ln addition, this study also conducts a rival model test. An additional path is added into the hypothesized model, i.e. r況, the COO effect on purchase intention ofthe peripheral product. If 出e rival model is better th扭曲e baseline model, the x.. value will be improved (Jöreskog and Sörbom 2003) 甘l1S S仙dy is a 4x2 mode (four countries by two product categories). Therefo悶,there are eight ri叫 models. According to 伽扭扭扭ment, all 也e X values are not improved. lt indicates 出at 出e basel ine models are better 曲曲 the rival models. The relative x values are as

必llows For TV drama (l)USA zj訓, =4807, p〈OOOl vs zfnJ斗7.09, X; (l)=O.9802,

ChiaoDaMa間'gemenl Review 的1. 29 No. 2, 2009 35

Table 4 Goodness-oF -Fits of Measures and Structural Coefficients

(Completely standardized solution) TVdrama

Coun訂y USA Japan Taiw.缸】 Korea

YII 。.7431*** 。.8049*** 0.8041*** 0.8192*** S甘uc仙ral

coefficÎents β21 。后 120*** 0.5616*** 0.6582*** 0.6272***

β31 0.4374*** 0.4847*** 0.3176*** 。 3495***

GFI 0.9652 0.9569 。.9561 0.9568

Goodness of AGFI 。 9326 0.9224 。 .9241 0.9075 NFI 0.9684 0.9752 。 .9802 0.9816

fit 。 9765 0.9798 NNFI 0.9855 0.9809

RMSEA 0.05793 0.06674 0.06551 0.0560

的4 48.07124 56.14125 54.27126 38.78121


Country USA Jap個 Taiwan Korea

Yll 0.6478*** 。 7077*** 0. 6799*** 0.8290*** 曲回到

qdE::icrt; β21 。.6330*** 。 5957*** 0.4645*** 。.57147***

β" 。.4016*** 。 5405*** 0.4268*** 0.4307***

GFI 0.9528 0.9508 0.9571 0.9702

Goodness AGFI 。.9184 0.9148 0.9094 0.9442

NFI 。 9661 0.9722 0.9688 0.9877 。f fit

NNFI 0.9721 。 9765 0.9705 0.9929 RMSEA 0.07014 0.07288 0.07“2 0.04588

的dJ 62.63126 65.14126 的 21124 38.69121

p〉03222, (2)JapmzhsJ -5仰, p<O.∞lvs zf叫 55.44,必(1)吋 3834, p>O.5358; (3)

Taiwan;zj站, =5427, p〈OOOl vs zAsr詔 54, .1';(1) 斗的吟, p<0.0446 妒value is

咿ifican仙owe叫he negative咿 of y" 時 imlldi(4)komzjJ3878, p〈0 ∞ 1 vs

zjEJ =3239, xkl) ZO3229. p o5699.For cmR(1)USA:zj26J =6263, p< 0.OOl vs

X;,.) ~53 .45, X;(I)~7泊位, p<0.0059 (p-value 的剖伊ific酬., however the negative si伊 of

Y31 ~-0.2826 is inv耐; (2) Japan: X;,叫 ~65.14, p<0.001 vs. X;25) ~3 鈣, xkron15,

p>O.5892; (3) Taiwan: X;:叫 ~54.27, p<0.001 vs. X;25 ) ~2.64, x; (I) ~.032I , p>0.8579; (4)

Korea: X:'I) =38.69,p<0.001 vs. X::叫 =37.06, x~(l)~咒他, p>0.3766.

36 Coun1r -of- Origin Effec/ on Consumer S Adop/iO /1 of Cul/ural & Crea/ive Produc/s

Note ..叫odi阻tes significant at 1% level.COnsequently, hypothesis 2 may not be


Moreover, it is interesting to note that ß21 va1 ue is greater than ß31

across the four countries and the two product categories. It indicates that

consumers' attitudes toward the core C&C product have positive influences on

purchase intentions for both the core and the peripheral C&C produc包 However,

this effect is stronger on the former than 伽 latte r. Furthermore, if we obse附

from the ‘ total effe仗, of COO on purchase intention , we could find that the tota1

effect of COO on watching TV drama (a core product) is greater than COO on

purchasing a tourism product (a peripher叫 product) 7; and the total effect of COO

on purchasing is also greater on craft than on tourism8. Therefore, we conclude

that the COO effect on the purchase of the core C&C products 的 greater than that

on the periphera1 product

H3 tests the intervening effect of coun甘Y f:誼nili缸ity. The hypothesized

model is shown in Figure 3. If H3 is supported, then ‘country familiarity ' should

have significantly positive impacts on 'COO' and ‘attitude'. Besid郎, COO should

also have a significantly positive e宜ect on attitude. In other words, coefficients

K11 ' K21 'P2I should a11 be significantly positive (Chu, 2005). As shown in Table

4, the goodness-of-fit for the whole model is good across the countries and the

products. GFI values are greater than 0.9 and the other indices are also in the

acceptable levels. The coefficients K11, K21 andρ21 are all significantly

positive across the four countries and the two products. It indicates that the COO

effect on consumers ' attitudes toward the C&C product is stronger if consumers

are more familiar wi自由e coun甘y. One ex∞ption is for the case of Taiwan as KIl

is negative. It may be due to the fact that the respondents are Taiwanese. They are

more familiar wi出 Taiwan 缸ld are more Iikely to have a . negative image on

7 甘le tot剖 etfec扭。fCOO on TV drama (core) vs. COO on towism 印eripberal) are: (1) USA is 0.5737>0.3287; (2) Japan is 0.4520>0.3901; (3) Taiwan is 0.5293>0.2554; (4) Korea is 0.5 138>0.2863

• Tbe tot叫 etf,自阻 of COO craft (∞re) vs. COO 00 towism (peripheral) 缸e : (1) USA is 0.4 100>0.2602; (2) Japan is 0.4215>0.3825; (3) T,曲wan is 0.3185>0.2902; (4) Korea is 0.4737>0.3347

ChiaoDaMa間rgement Re叫帥均1. 29 No. 2, 2009 37

Taiwan. The effect should further be examined. Neverthele吭吭 j s partiall y


Table 5

Tbe COO Effect 00 Attitude witb Couotry Familiarity as

Aoloterveoiog Variable

(Completely s!andardized solution)

TV drama

Country USA Japan 有Iwan Korea

KII 0.1423'" 0.3279'" -0.0178 。 2699'"S甘uctural

coefficienls K2I 0.2344'" 0.3746'" 0.0497 。 .2032'"

P2I 。 7608'" 。 5311'" 。 .8392'" 。.8122" ﹒

GFI 0.9522 0.9670 。 9730 0.9672

Goodness of AGFI 0.8988 。 9301 0.9429 0.9262 NFI 0.9586 0.9807 0.9858n 0.9849

fit NNFI 。 9514 。 9827 0.9889 。 .9851

RMSEA 0.0903 。.0662 0.0536 0.0695

χ'f,司Y 56.3311 7 36.63 /17 32.08/17 36.03116 Craft

country USA Japan Taiwan Ko時a

KII 。 1 346'" 。 2927'" 0.0453 0.4073'" S甘uc仙ral

∞efficien個 K2I 。 2844'" 。 2494'" 。 1142 。 1105'"

P2I 。 7386'" 。 6303'" 。 7491'" 0.8067'"

GFI 0.9733 0.9575 0.9672 0.9677

Goodness of AGFI 。 9435 0.9150 0.9156 0.9317

fit NFI 0.9803 。 9747 0.9783 。.9868

NNFI 。 9850 0.9745 0.9723 0.9880 RMSEA 0.0530 0.0788 0.0777 。.0648

j /dJ 31.1 7117 49.87118 37.75/14 37.57117

NOle : "'indicates the variable is significant at 1 % level

~ examines the association effect between different product categories.

Namely, does a consumer infer the quality of an 山ú扭曲liar product category from

38 Countr -o!- Origin E.ffect on Consumer s Adoption ofCultural & cr四tive Products

the average quality of other familiar products? Figure 4 shows the hypothesized

model. If the path coefficient 付'12 ) between latent exogenous variables (1;,、巴2) is

significant, then the association effect exists

Figure 3

LISRE可了. . ~ Country Familiarity叫n Intervening Variable

61 一→ .dv"旦」\|叫iarity l Prestige \ /l. j I v / \v .,.I affi軒ti_ve I• 6 6 y


岫叫,h lztii、/coo ~, \ /心' 1/、\


6 2

6 3

E 4

6, Figure 4

LISREL 時lodel: the Association ElTect

~可可1 立立~



TV drama coo




Ro mob



文口而wn "(1{' Table 2, 宙e研o product cωat能eg伊oi早;E:言zτ訂ha前ve叫.-1ài

4羊手ζ互可戶川例例川0仰州圳0ω叫lη) 咖叫r昀E川ha訟s low product fa缸milia缸rity. Table 6 exhibits the goodness-of-fit

model is quite good and the pa也 coefficient Øl2 is significantly positive across



the four countries. lt indicates that the association effect exis的 Consequently, H4

may not be rejected. This finding is consistent with that of Han (1990). He

concludes that consumers tend to infer the quality of an unfamiliar product from

the perceived quality of other familiar products from the same country

Chiao Da Management Revi,酬, 均1. 29 No. 2, 2009 39

Moreover, this study utilities an intangible product (i.e., TV 街個1份 to infer

a physic叫 product (i.e. , craft). lt implies 出at an intangible product could be used

to infer a physical product. However, only two product categories are used in the

study, and the generality of inference should be further verified.

5. Discussions and Conclusions

This study aims at the analysis of coun句。f origin effect on consumers'

purchase intention for cultural and creative products. By exarrurung the

hypothesized role of country image in consumer choice behavior, we have

established four specific hypotheses about coun阿 image and its impact on

consumers' purchase intention of C&C product are developed. A fo叫自coun師的

(i丸 USA, Jap徊, T~也W徊, 如d Korea) and two-product-category (TV drama and

craft) mode is used to test the hypotheses. By using the LISREL tecru世que, we

have reached the following findings. First, COO has a positive impact on

consumers ' attitude toward the C&C product for a given coun甘y. This attitude

will in turn influence 由e purchase intention of 出e C&C product. This result is

consistent with that of Han (1990). Second, similar to 由e con臼pt of brand

extension 曲的 a consumer's attitude toward a parent brand may have a positive

impact on the purchase of its extending brand. The empirical result of也is study

shows 血at consumer's attitude toward the ∞re C&C product (i.e., the parent

brand) will have a positive influence on the p叮chωe of the peripheral C&C

product (i.e., the extending brand). However, the total effect of COO on purchase

ntention for the core product is greater 也扭曲at for the periphera1 product. Third,

country famili訂ity has an intervening effect between COO and ∞nsumer 甜itude

toward the C&C product. Except for the Taiwan's case, COO is more likely to

influence a consumer's attitude toward the product if the ∞nsumer IS more

familiar with the coun叮. A consumer may have a positive attitude toward a C&C

product from a given ∞m位γif he or she is more familiar wi曲曲e culture of也e

coun甘y.The empirical result a1so fmds 也at there ex.ists an association effect. i

S叮ril訂 to Han (1 990), it is a1so found in the study that consumers tend to infer

the quality of unfamiliar product categories 企om familiarity product categories.

40 Countr -of- Origin ξ且是ct on Consumer s Adoplion ofCultural & CreatÎve Produc/s

Table 6

Goodness-Of-Fits of Measures and Structural Coefficients: Association Effect

(Completely standardized 叩lution)

COlmtry USA Japan Taiwan Korea

5位ucturaJ ø12 0.4762'" 0.6221'.* 。 3656'" 0.6382'" coe悶cients

GFI 0.9454 0.9490 0.9442 0.9509 Goo也less~ AGFI 0.9031 0.9066 0.9010 0.9129

of- NFI 0.9683 0.9773 0.9727 0.9789 fit NNFI 0.9709 。 9789 0.9751 0.9823

RMSEA 0.07526 0.0728 0.07670 。 06983

的df 81.79/31 77.21 /30 81.46131 71. 83/31

Note : ...indicates 出e variables are significant at 1 % level

Moreover, this study has used a cultural creative product as the target product and

compared the finding with H徊's fmding on TV set. Jt is also indicated that a

consumer may use an intangible product to infer the quality of a physical product

J n accordance wi由 the above conclusions, a variety of management

implications for business and govemment are possible

ρ') For business management

First, as COO has a positive influence on consumer purchase intention of

the C&C products, importers, if importing the produc包含om a ∞untry with a

good coun甘y image, may use COO to promote the products. In contrast, if

marketers import products from a ∞untry with a poor ∞untry image, they may

should avoid taking COO as a marketing strategy to promote the products or

brands. For instance, this empirical study has shown that consumers in Taiwan

have the best country image on Japan. Therefore, marketers when importing

Japanese C&C products or brands may leverage consumers' good image on

Japanese culture to attract consumers to buy their products. Moreover, for

Taiw徊's exporte時, as the country image of Taiwan is lower than those of some

developed countries such as USA and Japan, they may form a s甘ategic a11iance

with foreign brands or retailing stores to alleviate the negative ∞untry irnage

Moreover, manufacturers could use a stage strategy. In other words,出ey ∞uld do

OEM first in order to gain the opportunities of reaching foreign markets and then

Chiao Da Management Review 制 29 No. 2, 2009 41

build their own brand (e.g. , Franz).

Second, since consumers' attitudes toward the core product will inf1uence

the purchase intentions of the peripheral product, marketers of the two industries

could make a strategic alliance to promote their products cooperatively. For

ex位nple, a TV drama or a craft design could cooperate with a tourism industry.

Taiwan's Pili drama company could cooperate with a 甘avel company to design a

to凹 package to visit Pili's shooting field at Huwei town. Simil訂Iy, a craft

company could also cooperate with a travel company to design a tour package to

visit the fact 'Ories of Franz or Liu-Li Gong Fang or to DIY on cerarrùc production.

Third, consumers tend to infer the quality of an unfarrùliar product from

farrùliar products. Consequently, marketers could use placement marketing to

m甘uduce craft & design in TV dr位na senes orωprovide the t'Ourism farming for

TV drama t 'O do a movie. This will give consumers a good impression on the craft

desi伊 or the tourism farming and in turn encourage them to purchase the


(2) For the government

If a c'Ounty'S image deems to be good for foreigners, COO c'Ould be used as

a promotional tool in an intemational market. On the con缸訂y, if 也e coun甘y

image is not go 'Od, then the marketing s甘ategy should be focus吋 onm甘oducing

曲e good attributes of the product so as to avoid consumers taking COO as an

infonnation cue while eval聞ting 由e product. Taiw曲's govemment has

introduced the ‘ Taiwan Excellence' concept to promote and brand Taiwan's image.

However, it takes a long-tenn planning to build or improve a coun旬's image.

Therefore, Taiwa且's govemment needs to integrate sources from public and

private sectors to improve ils producl quality and Ïnnovalion. In 50 doin皂,也c

countIγimage ofTaiwan could be improved gradually.

(3) Limitations and戶rther research

This study does have its shortcomings in research design, which may limit

the generalization of the findings. The drawbacks are as follows. First, the retums

'Of questionnaire are mostly 台om northem Taiwan. Therefore, future research may

c'On仕01 the 泊mple distribution to make the empirical data more representative and

credible. M'Oreover, data source in further research may come from different age

42 Counlr -01- Origin Effecl on Consumer s Adoplion ofCullural 挂 C阿ative Products

or occupation groups to find other dimensions of this topic. Second, only have a

limited number of product types been examined in this study. Future study may

examine high association C&C products and to fu巾er verify the hypotheses

proposed by this s仙旬. Third, fu仙re study may also take other marketing

variables into study, and compare the COO effects with these variables on

consumer purchase intention on C&C products


TableAl The Definitions of Cultural and Creative Industries for UJ(., Hong Kong, New Zealand, Korea, and Taiwan

Item U.Jι Hong

New Zealand Korea Taiwan Kong

Advertising 、, 、,

Architecture 、, 、, 、,

Art & antiques 、, 、, VisuaI ar旭(Art& VisuaI ar臼

market anbques m缸ket)

Crafts 、, lncluding in 、,

visual arts Design 、"


Designers 、, 、"


Film & video 、, Film 、, Film Film

Interactive 、, Leisure (including C缸100n8 "

leisure software software and 血d

softwar它 infonnation electroruc 自rvice) games

Music - 、, Music 個d Phonorecord 、,

performing arts

Performing 、" (including in 、,

缸站 music)

Publishing v 、, 、, . Softw缸eand 、, 、, 、, Cartoons computer servlces

Chiao Da Managemenl Review 拘1. 29 No. 2, 2009 43

Television and " Television " 、,

radio C閉目.ture " "

Sow間。 Council for Economic Planning and Development (2002) and conducted for this r目earch

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