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  • �ⓒ� 스피드� 리딩� 카페� -� 출처를� 밝히지� 않은� 수정� 및� 재배포는� 엄격히� 금지합니다.

    영어�원서� � 단어장


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    영어� 원서에� 나오는� 어려운� 어휘가� 정리되어� 있습니다.� � � � 이를� 활용하면� 원서를� 더욱� 쉽게� 읽고,� 어휘력을� 탄탄하게� 기를� 수� 있습니다!

    � 원본� 출처� :� 스피드� 리딩� 카페� 단어장� 게시판� (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/90518)

    � � � � 이� 단어장은�대한민국�최저가�인터넷�서점� 『인터파크�외국도서』와의� 제휴를� 통해� 재배포� 되고� 있습니다.

    � 국내� 최대� 원서� 읽기� 동호회� 스피드� 리딩� 카페를� 방문해보세요!

    이미� 수만� 명의� Reader들이� 함께� 모여� 영어� 원서를� 읽고� 있습니다!


  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    나비일레라 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/905181)- 1 -

    Words Meaning ExpressionChapter 1. Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe

    1. air-raid공습《공격받는 쪽의 말;cf.


    This story is about something that happened to them when they were sent away

    from London during the war because of the air-raids.

    2. come off 그만두다, 끝나다"I think he's an old dear," said Susan. "Oh, come off it!" said Edmund, who was

    tired and pretending not to be tired, which always made him bad-tempered.

    3. rown. 구짖기, 질책, 꾸지람

    듣기 / 법석, 소동, 소음

    "Hadn't we all better to go to bed?" said Lucy. "There's sure to be a row if we're

    heard talking here."

    4. creepy a.오싹한, 소름이 끼치는

    It was a far larger house than she had ever been in before and the thought of all

    those long passages and rows of doors leading into empty rooms was beginning to

    make her feel a little creepy.5. Badger n.오소리 "Badgers!" said Lucy.

    6. grumble v.투덜거리다, 불평하다 "Do stop grumbling, Ed," said Susan. 7. ten to one 십중팔구, 틀림없이 "Ten to one it'll clear up in an hour or so. And in the meantime we're pretty well

    off. There's a wireless and lots of books."8. well off 불편없이9. wireless n.라디오10. bluebottle n.수레국화(cornflower) There was nothing else in the room at all except a dead bluebottle on the

    window-sill.11. windowsill n. 창턱, 창 아래틀(cf. DOORSILL)

    12. troop out v.무리를 지어 걷다. "Nothing there!" said Peter, and they all trooped out again - all except Lucy.

    13. mothball n.알 좀약 To her surprise it opened quite easily, and two mothballs dropped out.

    14. pitter pattern., ad. 후두둑, 후드득, 후다닥

    As she stood looking at it, wondering why there was a lamp-post in the middle of

    a wood and wondering what to do next, she heard a pitter patter of feet coming

    towards her.

    15. catch up ~을 올려서 고정시키다, 걸다. He also had a tail, but Lucy did not notice this at first because it was neatly

    caught up over the arm that held the umbrella so as to keep it from trailing in the

    snow.16. trail v.질질끌다, 추적하다.

    17. gracious me 이런, 어머나!, 아뿔싸!

    "Goodness gracious me!" exclaimed the Faun.18. Faun

    n.【로마신화】 파우누스 《반인

    반양(半人半羊)의 숲·들·목축의

    신;그리스신화의 satyr에 해당》

    Chapter 2. What Lucy Found There

    19. spare room n.손님용의 예비 침실 “I - I got in through the wardrobe in the spare room," said Lucy.20. reign v.군림하다, 지배하다 Daughter of Eve from the far land of Spare Oom where eternal summer reigns

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    나비일레라 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/905182)- 2 -

    around the bright city of War Drobe, how would it be if you came and had tea

    with me?

    21. sardine n.정어리"It's only just round the corner," said the Faun, "and there'll be a roaring fire -

    and toast - and sardines - and cake."22. That's the way 그렇지, 바로 그거야 "I shall be able to hold the umbrella over both of us. That's the way. No - off we go."

    23. arm in arm 서로 팔을 끼고, 제휴하여And so Lucy found herself walking through the wood arm in arm with this strange

    creature as if they had known one another all their lives.

    24. mantelpiece

    n . 맨 틀 피 스

    《벽난로 앞면

    주위의 장식적

    구조 전체》It was a little, dry, clean cave of reddish stone with a carpet on the floor and two

    little chairs("One for me and one for a friend," said Mr. Tumnus) and a table and a

    dresser and a mantelpiece over the fire and above that a picture of an old Faun

    with a grey beard.25. dresser

    n.경대, 화장대

    26. set out 시작하다, 착수하다, 상 차리다 Lucy looked at these while he was setting out the tea things.

    27. Silenusn. 실레노스 《술의 신 바커스

    (Bacchus)의 양부(foster father)인

    뚱뚱한 노인》

    They had titles like The Life and Letters of Silenus or Nymphs and Their Ways or

    Men, Monks and Gamekeepers; A Study in Popular Legend or Is Man a Myth?28. Gamekeeper n.《영》 사냥터지기


    cavernn.큰 동굴, 땅굴, (동굴처럼)어두

    운 방

    v.동굴에 넣다; ~에 굴을 파다.He told about the midnight dances and how the Nymphs who lived in the wells and

    the Dryads who lived in the trees came out to dance with the Fauns; about long

    hunting parties after the milkwhite stag who could give you wishes if you caught

    him; about feasting and treasure-seeking with the wild Red Dwarfs in deep mines

    and caverns far beneath the forest floor; and then about summer when the woods

    were green and old Silenus on his far donkey would come to visit them, and

    sometimes Bacchus himself, and then the streams would run with wine instead of

    water and the whole forest would give itself up to jollification for weeks on end.

    Dryad【그리스신화】 드라이어드 《나무·숲

    의 요정》(cf. NAIAD, OREAD)

    give itself up to ~에 몰두하게 하다.

    jollification n. 놀이, 잔치판

    on end 계속하여

    Silenus : chief of the satyrs and foster father to

    Dionysus: often depicted riding drunkenly on a


  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    나비일레라 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/905183)- 3 -

    30. tricklev.똑똑 떨어지다, 졸졸 흐르

    다. 눈물을 흘리다. But a moment later she asked, "Mr Tumnus! Whatever is the matter?" for the

    Faun's brown eyes had filled with tears and then the tears began trickling down its

    cheeks, and soon they were running off the end of its nose; and at last it covred

    its face with its hands and began to howl.31. howl v.울부짖다, 악쓰다

    32.wring out

    (wring - wrung

    - wrung)

    짜내다, 착취하다; 억지로 얻어내다

    He merely took the handkerchief and kept on using it, wringing it out with both

    hands whenever it got too wet to be any more use, so that presently Lucy was

    standing in a damp patch.

    33. bawl v.소리치다, 엉엉 울다 "Mr. Tumnus!" bawled Lucy in his ear, shaking him.

    34. in the pay of~에게 고용되어, ~의 부하가

    되어I'm in the pay of the White Witch.

    35. lullv.달래다, 어르다,

    속여서 안심시키다.

    Would you believe that I'm the sort of Faun to meet a poor innocent child in the

    wood, one that had never done me any harm, and pretend to be friendly with it,

    and invite it home to my cave, all for the sake of lulling it asleep and then

    handing it over to the White Witch?



    v.(나뭇결·벽개면을 따라) 쪼

    개다;(쪼개어) 틈을 내다

    a. 갈라진

    And she'll have my tail cut off, and my horns sawn off, and my beard plucked out,

    and she'll wave her wand over my beautiful cloven hoofs and turn them into horrid

    solid hoofs like a wretched horse's.

    37.give sb one's


    팔을 (끼도록)내밀다, 팔에 기

    대게 하다.

    They both got up and left the tea things on the table, and Mr Tumnus once more

    put up his umbrella and gave Lucy his arm, and they went out into the snow.

    38. steal

    몰래 가다[오다] 《along, by, up,

    through》, 몰래 들어가다 《in, int

    o》, 몰래 빠져 나오다 《out, out

    of》;몰래 다가가다

    The journey back was not at all like the journey to the Faun's cave; they stole

    along as quickly as they could, without speaking a word, and Mr. Tumnus kept to

    the darkest places.39. on one's account 남의 셈[비용]으로;남을 위하여 And I do hope you won't get into dreadful trouble on my account.

    40. rather int. [반어적으로 강한 긍정의

    답에] 《영·구어》 그렇고 말고,


    "Perhaps I may keep the handkerchief?" "Rather" said Lucy, and then ran towards

    the far-off patch of daylight as quickly as her legs would carry her.41. far-off a.먼, 멀리서

    Chapter 3. Edmund and the Wardrobe

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    나비일레라 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/905184)- 4 -

    42. batty a.박쥐같은, 머리가 돈 "Batty!" said Edmund, tapping his head. "Quite batty."43. rap n.톡톡 두드림 v.톡톡두드리다 Peter went in and rapped his knuckles on it to make sure that it was solid.44. hoax n.날조, 짓궂은 장난 “A jolly god hoax, Lu," he said as he came out again; "you have really taken us

    in, I must admit. We half believed you."45. take in 참으로 여기다.

    46. make it up ~와 화해하다(with)

    She could have made it up with the others quite easily at any moment if she could

    have brought herself to say that the whole thing was only a story made up for


    47. spiteful a.짓궂은, 악의에 찬The two elder ones did this without meaning to do it, but Edmund could be

    spiteful, and on this occasion he was spiteful.

    48. itn.(술래잡기의)술래, 《구어》 극치,

    지상(至上), 이상(the ideal);필요한

    수완[능력];중요 인물, 제1인자

    That day, when it came to the afternoon and there was still no sign of a break in

    the weather, they decided to play hide-and-seek. Susan was "It" and as soon as

    the others scattered to hide, Lucy went to the room where the wardrobe was.

    49. grope v.손으로 더듬다, 찾다, 캐다He didn't like this at all and began groping wildly in every direction; he even

    shouted out, "Lucy! Lu! Where are you? I know you're here."

    50. Pax [Pax] (강국 등의 지배에 의한

    국제적) 평화Do come out. Make it Pax.

    51. Shetland pony


    의 조랑말


    The reindeer were about the size of Shetland ponies and their hair was so white

    that even the snow hardly looked white compared with them; their branching horns

    were glided and shone like something on fire when the sunrise caught them.

    52. harness

    n. [집합적;단

    수 취급] (마

    차 끄는 말의)


    Their harness was of scarlet leather and covered with bells.

    53. tassel n.(장식)술

    He was dressed in polar bear's fur and on his head he wore a red hood with a

    long gold tassel hanging down from its point; his huge beard covered his knees

    and served him instead of a rug.54. stern a.엄격한, 단호한 It was a beautiful face in other respects, but proud and cold and stern.

    55. champ

    (재갈을) 신경질적으

    로 씹다; (여물을) 우

    적우적 씹어 먹다

    Then they recovered themselves and stood champing their bits and blowing.

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    나비일레라 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/905185)- 5 -

    56. bit n.재갈

    57. pray《문어·고어》 [I pray you의 생략]

    제발(please), 바라건대, 여봐요"And what, pray, are you?" said the Lady, looking hard at Edmund.

    Chapter 4. Turkish Delight58. once and for all 단 한번만, 한번 뿐, 단호하게 "Answer me, once and for all, or I shall lose my patience. Are you human?"59. dominion n.[pl.]영토 And how, pray, did you come to enter my dominions?

    60.look ~ full in

    the face~의 얼굴을 똑바로 바라보다.

    As she spoke these words she rose from her seat and looked Edmund full in the

    face, her eyes flaming; at the same moment she raised her wand.61. for lost 죽은 것응로, 안 되는 것으로 Then, just as he gave himself up for lost, she appeared to change her mind.

    62. mantle n.망토"My poor child," she said in quite a different voice, "how could you look! Come and sit with

    me here on the sledge and I will put my mantle round you and we will talk."

    63. wrapping n.쌈, 포장함, 싸개, 포장재료The Queen took from somewhere among her wrappings a very small bottle which

    looked as if it were made of copper.

    64. foamy n.거품의, 거품투성이의It was something he had never tasted before, very sweet and foamy and creamy,

    and it warmed him right down to his toes.




    n. 운반원, 택배회사But you must have courtiers and nobles.

    66. snappisha.꽉 무는, 화 잘 내는, 퉁명


    "If I'd known you had got in I'd have waited for you," said Lucy, who was too

    happy and excited to notice how snappishly Edmund spoke or how flushed and

    strange his face was.

    67. about a.반대로And she drives about on a sledge, drawn by reindeer, with her wand in her hand

    and a crown on her head.Chapter 5. Back on This Side of the Door

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    나비일레라 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/905186)- 6 -

    68. amour =armor n.갑옷, 철갑But when at last they were all together (which happened in the long room, where

    the suit of armour was) Lucy burst out.



    n.(남을 얕보는)낄낄 웃음,

    v. 낄낄 웃다, 숨죽여 웃다.

    And Edmund gave a very superior look as if he were far older than Lucy (there

    was really only a year's difference) and then a little snigger and said, "Oh, yes,

    Lucy and I have been playing - pretending that all her story about a country in

    the wardrobe is true.

    70. score a success 성공하다.

    Edmund, who was becoming a nastier person every minute, thought that he had

    scored a great success, and went on at once to say, "There she goes again.

    What's the matter with her? That's the worst of young kids, they always-"

    71. savage 야만적인, 잔인한, 냉혹한 "Look here," said Peter, turning on him savagely, "shut up! You've been perfectly

    beastly to Lu ever since she started this nonsense about the wardrobe, and now

    you go playing games with her about it and setting her off again. I believe you did

    it simply out of spite."

    72. set off ~을 폭발시키다, 상쇄하다

    73. out of spite 앙갚음으로, 화풀이로

    74. row n.싸움, 말다툼, 꾸지람, 질책"Do stop it," said Susan; "it won't make things any better having a row between

    you two. Let's go and find Lucy."

    75.at one's

    disposal~가 원하는 대로 쓸 수 있는

    The Professor said, "Come in," and got up and found chairs for them and said he

    was quite at their disposal.

    76. see to it that=make certain (that)

    반드시 ~하도록 조처하다.

    Peter saw to it that Edmund stopped jeering at her, and neither she nor anyone

    else felt inclined to talk about the wardrobe at all.

    77. trail around v.추적하다, 뒤쫓다."Just as if any of us would want to waste half the morning trailing round with a

    crowd of strange grown-ups!" said Edmund, and the other three thought the same.

    78. take to bits 조각조각 분해하다.

    A few mornings later Peter and Edmund were looking at the suit of armour and

    wondering if they could take it to bits when the two girls rushed into the room

    and said, "Look out! Here comes the Macready and a whole gang with her."

    79.Sharp's the

    word서둘러라! 빨리 빨리! "Sharp's the word," and Peter, and all four made off through the door at the far

    end of the room.80. make off 급히 떠나다, 달아나다

    81.lose one's


    And after that - whether it was that they lost their heads, or that Mrs Macready

    was trying to catch them, or that some magic in the house had come to life and

    was chasing them into Narnia - they seemed to find themselves being followed

    everywhere, until at last Susan said, "Oh, bother those trippers! 82. tripper n.(짧은 기간의)여행객

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    나비일레라 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/905187)- 7 -

    83. fumble v.손으로 더듬다. 찾다But the moment they were inside they heard the voices in the passage - and then

    someone fumbling at the door - and then they saw the handle turning.Chapter 6. Into the Forest

    84. camphor n. 장뇌, 캠퍼 "And what a filthy smell of camphor!" said Edmund.85. by jove 맹세코!, 반드시!(=by jupiter) "By jove, you're right," said Peter, "and look there - and there. It's trees all around.86. peg n.못, 쐐기못, 걸이못, 말뚝 Behind them were coats hanging on pegs, in front of them were snow-covered trees.

    87. bag남의 물건을 악의없이

    슬쩍 가져가다.(steal)

    No one could say you had bagged a coat as long as you leave it in the wardrobe

    where you found it.

    88. get-upn.(색다른)옷차림, 차림새, 복

    But they all felt a good deal warmer and each thought the others looked better in

    their new get-up and more suitable to the landscape.

    89.give oneself


    저도 모르게 본심을 드러내다,

    남에게 비밀을 털어놓다.

    The moment the words were out of his mouth he realized that he had given

    himself away.

    90. prig

    n.융통성이 없는 사람,

    점잔빼는 사람, 학자인체 하는


    There seemed, indeed, no more to say, and presently the four resumed their

    journey; but Edmund was saying to himself, "I'll pay you all out for this, you pack

    of stuck-up, self-satisfied prigs."

    91. stump n.그루터기, 밑동줄기

    At first she wondered whether she would be able to find the way, but she

    recognized an odd-looking tree in one place and a stump in another and brought

    them on to where the ground became uneven and into the little valley and at last

    to the very door of Mr. Tumnus's cave.

    92. charv.숯으로 만들다, 까맣게 태우

    다, 약간 굽다, 태우다

    Snow had drifted in from the doorway and was heaped on the floor, mixed with

    something black, which turned out to be the charred sticks and ashes from the

    fire.93. stamp out 진압하다, 밟아 끄다 Someone had apparently flung it about the room and then stamped it out.

    "This is a pretty good wash-out," said Edmund; "not much good coming here."94. wash-out n.붕괴장소, 실패, 낙오자The former occupant of these premises, the Faun Tumnus, ins under arrest and

    awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her Imperial Majesty Jadis,

    Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Island, etc., also

    of comforting her said Majesty's enemies, harbouring spies and fraternizing with


    95. occupant n.점유자, 현거주자96. premise n.전제, [pl.]토지, 부동산97. treason n.(국가정부에대한)반역98. chatelaine n.여자성주, 여주인99. harbour v.숨겨주다.

    100. larder n.고기저장소, 식료품실

    I'd vote for going back and getting something from the larder, only there doesn't

    seem to be any certainty of getting into this country again when once you've got

    out of it.

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    101. robin n.유럽울새, 로빈 There's a robin, with such a red breast.

    102. Great Scott

    Great God[Caesar, Scott,

    Sun]! 저런, 아이구, 아 놀랐


    "The Faun saved Lucy." "He said he did. But how do we know? And there's

    another thing too. Has anyone the least idea of the way home from here?" "Great

    Scott!" said Peter. "I hadn't thought of that."Chapter 7. A Day with the Beavers

    103. dodgev.재빨리 피하다, 교뵤히 회피


    "Whatever it is," said Peter, "it's dodging us. It's something that doesn't want to

    be seen."104. draw back 뒷걸음치다, 철수하다, 망설이다 But this time it didn't immediately draw back.

    105. hoarse a.목쉰, 쉰 목소리의, 허스키의So the children all got close together and walked up to the tree and in behind it,

    and there, sure enough, they found the Beaver; but it still drew back, saying to

    them in a hoarse throaty whisper, "Further in, come further in. Right in here.

    We're not safe in the open!"106. throaty

    a.목구멍 소리의, 목쉰, 묵직

    107. bough n.큰 가지

    Only when it had led them into a dark spot where four trees grew so close

    together that their boughs met and the brown earth and pine needles could be

    seen underfoot because no snow had been able to fall there, did it begin to talk to

    them.108. token n.표, 증거, 상징 "Here is my token."

    109. get wind of정보를 얻다; 낌새를 채다, 우

    연히 듣다

    Poor fellow, he got wind of the arrest before it actually happened to him I must

    meet you here and take you on to.

    110. whisker n.구렛나루, 콧수염, 수염Then, signalling to the children to stand as close around it as they possibly could,

    so that their faces were actually tickled by its whiskers, it added in a low whisper.

    111. trifle n.하찮은 것, 시시한 것, 소량And Mr. Beaver didn't say, "Hush" this time but, "Merely a trifle! Merely a trifle!

    And it isn't really finished!"

    112. level a.수평의, 평평한Above the dam there was what ought to have been a deep pool but was now, of

    course, a level floor of dark green ice.

    113. wreath n.화관, 화환, 화환모양의 조각 And where the water had been trickling over and spurting through the dam there

    was now a glittering wall of icicles, as if the side of the dam had been covered all

    over with flowers and wreaths and festoons of the purest sugar.114. festoon n.꽃줄, 꽃줄 장식

    115. daresay= I daresay = I DARE say

    아마 ~일 것이다.

    The potatoes are boiling and the kettle's singing and I daresay, Mr. Beaver, you'll

    get us some fish.116. whisk out 재빨리 집어내다 Mr. Beaver sat down quietly at the edge of the hole (he didn't seem to mind it

    being so chilly), looked hard into it, then suddenly shot in his paw, and before you 117. dish up① 요리를 접시에 담다[담아 내다] ②

    《구어》 ~을 재미있게 이야기하다

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    ③《구어》 ~을 해치우다, 못쓰게 만

    들다 could say Jack Robinson had whisked out a beautiful trout.

    118. snug a.포근한, 아늑한, 꼭 맞는Lucy thought the Beavers had a very snug little home though it was not at all like

    Mr. Tumnus's cave.119. bunk n.침대, 잠자리 There were no books or pictures, and instead of beds there were bunks.120. gumboot n.고무장화; 형사

    And there were hams and strings of onions hanging from the roof, and against the

    walls were gumboots and oilskins and hatchets and pairs of shears and spades and

    trowels and things for carrying mortar in and fishing-rods and fishing-nets and


    121. oilskin n.유포, 방수포, 방수복122. hatchet n.전투용 도끼123. shear n.큰 가위, 원예용 가위124. trowel n.(원예용의)모종삽125. mortar n.모르타르, 회반죽

    126. drain v.배수하다, 방수하다.

    Susan drained the potatoes and then put them all back in the empty pot to dry on

    the side of the range while Lucy was helping Mrs. Beaver to dish up the trout, so

    that in a very few minutes everyone was drawing up their stools (it was all

    three-legged stools in the Beavers' house except for Mrs. Beaver's own special

    rocking-chair beside the fire) and preparing to enjoy themselves.

    127. shove v.밀다, 떼밀다.

    And when each person had got his (or her) cup of tea, each person shoved back

    his (or her) stool so as to be able to lean against the wall, and gave a long sigh

    of contentment.

    128.cock one's

    eye at

    ~에게 눈짓을 하다, 알았다는

    듯이 힐끗 보다.It's snowing again," he added, cocking his eye at the window.

    Chapter 8. What happened after Dinner

    129. dearie=deary n. 《익살·구투》 귀여운

    사람아(darling) 《연배의 여자가

    젊은 여자에게 씀》

    "I don't doubt you'd save him if you could, dearie," said Mrs Beaver, "but you've

    no chance of getting into that House against her will and ever coming out alive."

    "Couldn't we have some stratagem?" said Peter.

    "I mean, couldn't we dress up as something, or pretend to be - oh, pedlars or

    anything - or watch till she was gone out - or - oh, hang it all, there must be

    some way.

    130. stratagem〔Gk 「군대를 인솔하다」의 뜻

    에서〕 n. [U.C] 전략, 군략(軍

    略);책략, 술책(cf. TACTICS)

    131. pedlar=peddler

    n. 행상인, 보따리 장수

    132.be on[upon] the

    lookout (for)

    (~을) 망보고 있다, 경계하고 있

    다 And that's why the Witch is always on the lookout for any humans in Narnia.

    133.time out of

    mind옛날 옛적, 아득한 옛날부터

    “Down at Cair Paravel - that's the castle on the sea coast down at the mouth of

    this river which ought to be the capital of the whole country if all was as it should

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    be - down at Cair paravel there are four thrones and it's a saying in Narnia time

    out of mind that when two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve sit on those

    four thrones, then it will be the end not only of the White Witch's reign but of her

    life, and that is why we had to be so cautious as we came along, for if she knew

    about you four, your lives wouldn't be worth a shake of my whiskers!"

    134. muffle v.지우다, 소음하다But the silently falling snow seemed to muffle their voices and there was not even

    an echo in answer.

    135. decoyv.유인하다, 유혹하다

    n.유인하는 장치, 미끼

    But she'll keep him alive as long as he's the only one she's got, because she'll

    want to use him as a decoy; as bait to catch the rest of you with."Chapter 9. In the Witch's House

    136.give sb the

    cold shoulder~를 쌀쌀맞게 대하다.

    And he had heard the conversation, and hadn't enjoyed it much either, because he

    kept on thinking that the others were taking no notice of him and trying to give

    him the cold shoulder.

    137. edgev.비스듬히 나아가다, 서서히


    It was then that he began very quietly to edge himself under the curtain which

    hung over the door.

    138. shuffle v.발을 질질 끌며 걷다.So he turned up his collar and shuffled across the top of the dam (luckily it wasn't

    so slippery since the snow had fallen) to the far side of the river.

    139.bark one's


    정강이를 까다.

    shin - n. 정강이

    He kept slipping into deep drifts of snow, and skidding on frozen puddles, and

    tripping over fallen tree-trunks, and sliding down steep banks, and barking his

    shins against rocks, till he was wet and cold and bruised all over.

    140. spire n.뾰족탑, 첨탑, 소용돌이It seemed to be all towers; little towers with long pointed spires on them, sharp

    as needles.



    dunce's cap

    n.열등생, 저능아

    원추형의 종이 모자 《예전에

    열등생이나 게으른 학생에게

    벌로 씌우던》

    They looked like huge dunces' caps or sorcerers' caps.

    142. turret n.(주건물에 부속된)작은 탑He walked on and on, past corner after corner of the House, and past turret after

    turret to find the door.

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    143. gloat 고소한 듯

    이 바라보다 《upon, over》

    And he stood there gloating over the sone lion, and presently he did something

    very silly and childish.

    144. stump n.그루터기, (연필의)동강He took a stump of lead pencil our of his pocket and scribbled a moustache on the

    lion's upper lip and then a pair of spectacles on its eyes.

    145. cat-a-mountainsn.【동물】 고양잇과(科)의 야생

    동물;《특히》 살쾡이, 표범

    There were stone satyrs, and stone wolves, and bears and foxes and

    cat-a-mountains of stone.

    146. lithe a.나긋나긋한, 유연한There was the great shape of a centaur and a winged horse and a long lithe

    creature that Edmund took to be a dragon.

    147. bristlen.(돼지의)센털


    Instantly the huge creature rose, with all the hair bristling along its back, opened a

    great, red mouth and said in a growling voice: "Who‘s there? Who’s there? Stand

    still, stranger, and tell me who you are."

    148. bound v. 튀어오르다, 바운드하다.

    Edmund stood and waited, his fingers aching with cold and his heart pounding in

    his chest, and presently the great wolf, Maugrim, the Chief of the Witch's Secret

    Police, came bounding back and said, "Come in! Come in! Fortunate favourite of

    the Queen - or else not so fortunate."Chapter 10. The Spell Begins to Break

    149.bundlebundle (oneself)


    n.묶음, 다발, 꾸러미

    v.다발로 하다, 꾸리다, 싸다

    따뜻하게 몸을 감싸다.

    As soon as Mr Beaver said, "There's no time to lose," everyone began bundling

    themselves into coats, except Mrs Beaver, who started picking up sacks and laying

    them on the table and said: "Now, Mr. Beaver, just reach down that ham. 150. crock n.오지그릇 And if someone will get two or three loaves out of the crock over there in the corner.


    chime in

    v.울리다. 단조롭게 말하다.

    (찬성의 뜻을 가지고)대화에

    끼어들다, ~에 동의하다.

    "That's what I say," chimed in Mr Beaver.

    152. under cover a.비밀로 행해지는, 비밀의We can't get there before her but we can keep under cover and go by ways she

    won't expect and perhaps we'll get through.153. on the run 도망쳐, 경찰에 쫓기어,도주하여 And you don't think you'll be able to use it while we're on the run, I suppose?

    154. abidev.참다, 견디다, 맞서다, 저항


    "I can't abide the thought of that Witch fiddling with it," said Mrs. Beaver, "and

    breaking it or stealing it, as likely as not."

    155. in single file 일렬종대로They went in single file - first Mr. Beaver, then Lucy, then Peter, then Susan, and

    Mrs. Beaver last of all.

    156. padn.(발걸음 등의)터벅터벅 소

    리, 쿵 소리

    And she stopped looking at the dazzling brightness of the frozen river with all its

    waterfalls of ice and at the white masses of the tree-tops and the great glaring

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    moon and the countless stars and could only watch the little short legs of Mr.

    Beaver going pad-pad-pad-pad through the snow in front of her as if they were

    never going to stop.

    157. plaguey〔 〕a.귀찮은, 성가신, 지독한


    "If you hadn't all been in such a plaguey fuss when we were starting, I'd have

    brought some pillows," said Mrs. Beaver.

    158. earthya.흙의, 흙 같은, 땅의 ,땅속

    에 사는

    It wasn't nearly such a nice cave as Mr. Tumnus's, Lucy thought - just a hole in

    the ground but dry and earthy.

    159. flask n.플라스크, 휴대용 병,

    Then Mrs. Beaver handed round in the dark a little flask out of which everyone

    drank something - it made one cough and splutter a little and stung the throat,

    but it also made you feel deliciously warm after you'd swallowed - and everyone

    went straight to sleep.

    160. tickle v.간잘이다, 따끔거리다.Then she felt a set of long whiskers tickling her cheek and saw the cold daylight

    coming in through the mouth of the cave.

    161. bramblen.가시나무, 들장미, 나무 딸

    기속의 식물.

    He knew he could scramble to the top of the bank among bushes and brambles without

    being seen; and he wanted above all things to see which way the Witch's sledge went.




    a.(사람이 많이 모여) 후끈한, 퀴퀴한

    《영·구어》 n. (사람이 많이 모인 방

    의) 후끈함, 후텁지근함, (악취·훈김으

    로) 숨막힘;탁한 공기

    So Mrs. Beaver and the children came bundling out of the cave, all blinking in the

    daylight, and with earth all over them, and looking very frowsty and unbrushed

    and uncombed and with the sleep in their eyes.163. crumble v.부스러지다, 힘없이 무너지다 It looks as if her power is already crumbling.

    164. hollyberry

    【식물】 서양호

    랑가시나무;그 가

    지[잎] 《크리스

    마스 장식용》

    He was a huge man in a bright red robe (bright as hollyberries) with a hood that

    had fur inside it and a great white beard that fell like a foamy waterfall over his


    165. sluice-gaten.수문(의 아래위로 여닫는


    "And as for you, Mr Beaver, when you get home you will find your dam finished

    and mended and all the leaks stopped and a new sluice-gate fitted."

    166. rampv.뒷발로 일어서

    다. 위협하는 자세를 취하다.

    The shield was the colour of silver and across it there ramped a red lion, as bright

    as a ripe strawberry at the moment when you pick it. The hilt of the sword was of

    gold and it had a sheath and a sword belt and everything it needed, and it was

    just the right size and weight for Peter to use.167. hilt n.(칼)자루, 손잡이

    168. quiver n.(등에 메는)화살통, 전동"These are for you," and he handed her a bow and a quiver full of arrows and a

    little ivory horn.

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    169. cordialn.1 코디얼주, 리큐어(liquor);과

    일 주스에 물·설탕을 탄 음료 2

    강장제, 강심제

    "In this bottle," he said, "there is a cordial made of the juice of one of the

    fire-flowers that grow in the mountains of the sun.

    170. crack

    v.찰깍하며 깨지다, 날카로운

    폭음을 내다, 철썩

    하고 소리를 내다.

    Then he cried out, "Merry Christmas! Long live the true King!" and cracked his

    whip, and he and the reindeer and the sledge and all were out of sight before

    anyone realized that they had started.Chapter 11. Aslan is Nearer

    171. brat n.애새끼. 꼬마녀석Then she appeared to change her mind and said, as if to herself, "And yet it will

    not do to have the brat fainting on the way," and once more clapped her hands.

    172. hunk

    1. 《구어》 큰 덩어리, 《특히》 빵·

    고기의 큰 조각(chunk) 2 《속어》

    덩치가 큰 사람;골격이 튼튼한 남자

    3 《미·속어》 매력있는[섹시한] 남자

    The dwarf went away and presently returned bringing an iron bowl with some

    water in it and an iron plate with a hunk of dry bread on it.



    a.불쾌한, 혐오감을 일으키는,

    (태도등이) 쌀쌀한, 냉정한

    He grinned in a repulsive manner as he set them down on the floor beside

    Edmund and said: "Turkish Delight for the little Prince. Ha! Ha! Ha!"

    174. nibble v.조금씩 물어뜯다, 갉아먹다.But the Witch suddenly turned on him with such a terrible expression on her face

    that he apologized and began to nibble at the bread, though it was so stale he

    could hardly get it down.

    175. stalea.싱싱하지못한, (빵 등이)곰

    팡내 나는, 딱딱해진

    176. get down[음식·약 따위]를 (그럭저럭)




    drenched] to

    the skin

    흠뻑 젖은

    Before they had been going quarter of an hour all the front of him was covered

    with snow - he soon stopped trying to shake it off because, as quickly as he did

    that, a new lot gathered, and he was so tired. Soon he was wet to the skin.

    178. swishn.(지팡이.채찍 등의)휙 소리,

    일격, 한번 휘두름

    And still they went on and on, with no sound but the everlasting swish of the

    snow and the creaking of the reindeer's harness

    179. dog-fox 숫여우(male fox)

    A little way off at the foot of a tree sat a merry party, a squirrel and his wife with

    their children and two satyrs and a dwarf and an old dog-fox, all on stools round a


    180. holly

    【식물】 서양호랑가시나무;그

    가지[잎] 《크리스마스 장식


    Edmund couldn't quite see what they were eating, but it smelled lovely and there

    seemed to be decorations of holly and he wasn't at all sure that he didn't see

    something like a plum pudding.

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    n.명랑함, 유쾌함, [pl.]잔치

    a. 명랑한

    But when the whole party saw the sledge stopping and who was in it, all the

    gaiety went out of their faces.182. vermin n.해충, 기생충, 악당, 인간쓰레기

    "Speak, vermin!" she said again. "Or do you want my dwarf to find you a tongue

    with his whip? What is the meaning of all this gluttony, this waste, this

    self-indulgence? Where did you get all these things?"

    183.find one's


    다시 말할 수 있게 되다; 평정을

    되찾다. 입을 열게 하다.

    184. gluttony n.대식, 폭음, 폭식

    185.lose one's


    흥분하다, 분별력을 잃다, 허

    둥대다At that moment one of the young squirrels lost its head completely.



    n.반역자, 역적, 매국노, 배신자


    "As for you," said the Witch, giving Edmund a stunning blow on the face as she

    re-mounted the sledge, "let that teach you to ask favour for spies and traitors.

    Drive on!"187. skid v.미끄러지다. The sledge jerked, and skidded and kept on jolting as if it had struck against

    stones.188. jolt v.갑자기 세게 흔들다.

    189. fast고정된, 고착한, 견고한, 단단히 붙은,

    흔들거리지 않는(opp. loose)

    There also seemed to be a curious noise all round them, but the noise of their

    driving and jolting and the dwarf's shouting at the reindeer prevented Edmund

    from hearing what it was, until suddenly the sledge stuck so fast that it wouldn't

    go on at all.

    190. dripn.똑똘 떨어지기, 똑똑 떨어지

    는 물방울소리And much nearer there was a drip-drip-drip from the branches of all the trees.

    191. slushn.녹기 시작한 눈, 질벅한 길,


    He stepped out into the snow - but it was really only slush by now - and began

    helping the dwarf to get the sledge out of the muddy hole it had got into.192. thaw v.녹다 n.해빙, 해동 "We can't sledge in this thaw."193. overtake v.따라잡다, 따라붙다 "We shall never overtake them walking," growled the dwarf. "Not with the start

    they've got." "Are you my councillor or my slave?" said the Witch.194. councillor n.고문관, 평의원

    195. flickn.가볍게 치기,

    v.(채찍등으로)가볍게 치다.

    He kept on slipping in the slush and mud and wet grass, and every time he

    slipped, the dwarf gave him a curse and sometimes a flick with the whip.

    196. glade n.숲속의 빈터, 슾지, 늪지 Coming suddenly round a corner into a glade of silver birch trees Edmund saw the

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    197. celandine

    n.애기 똥풀

    ground covered in all directions with little yellow flowers - celandines.

    198. crocus

    n.【식물】 크로

    커스;그 꽃 《영

    국에서 봄에 맨

    먼저 피는 꽃》

    Only five minutes later he noticed a dozen crocuses growing round the foot of an

    old tree - gold and purple and white.

    199. chirp v.짹짹 울다, 즐거운 듯 말하다 Close beside the path they were following, a bird suddenly chirped from the branch of a tree.

    200. chirrup

    n.짹짹 《새 우는 소리》;쯧쯧

    《혀차는 소리》

    v. 소리를 내다,

    쯧쯧하여 어르다

    And then, as if that had been a signal, there was chattering and chirruping in

    every direction, and then a moment of full song, and within five minutes the whole

    wood was ringing with birds' music, and wherever Edmund's eyes turned he saw

    birds alighting on branches, or sailing overhead or chasing one another or having

    their little quarrels or tidying up their feathers with their beaks.

    201. larch


    The larches and birches were covered with green, the laburnums with gold.

    202. laburnum

    n.【식물】 금련화

    (金蓮花) 무리

    Chapter 12. Peter's First Battle

    203. kingfisher

    n.[조류]물총새And by now they had even stopped saying to one another, "Look! There's a

    kingfisher," or, "I say, bluebells!" or, "What was that lovely smell?" or, "Just listen

    to that thrush!"

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    204. bluebell

    n. 블루벨 《종

    모양의 남빛 꽃

    이 피는 풀;금강

    초롱, 야생의 히

    아신스 등》

    205. thrush

    【조류】 개똥지




    n . 【 식

    물】 산


    ( 屬 ) ,




    n.관목(shrub), 덤불

    They walked on in silence drinking it all in, passing through patches of warm

    sunlight into cool, green thickets and out again into wide mossy glades where tall

    elms raised the leafy roof far overhead, and then into dense masses of flowering

    currant and among hawthorn bushes where the sweet smell was almost




    a.움직일 수 없는, 불쾌한, 불길한

    n. 석판, 널빤지It was a great grim slab of grey stone supported on four upright stones.

    208. pavilion n.전시관, 정자, 대형천막The next thing they saw was a pavilion pitched on one side of the open place.

    209. pitch on ~을 선정하다, 결정하다.

    210. rampant a.만연한, 널리퍼진, 사나운A wonderful pavilion it was - and especially now when the light of the setting sun

    fell upon it - with sides of what looked like yellow silk and cords of crimson and

    tent-pegs of ivory; and high above it on a pole a banner which bore a red

    rampant lion fluttering in the breeze which was blowing in their faces from the

    far-off sea.211. flutter

    v.펄럭이다, 나부끼다, 날개치

    212. standard기(旗), (왕실의) 기, 군기(軍旗),

    《특히》 기병 연대기;(문장(紋章)의)

    군기 문양

    And next to Aslan stood two leopards of whom one carried his crown and the other

    his standard.


    come to the


    n.거수 경례


    He drew his sword and raised it to the salute and, hastily saying to the others, "Come on.

    Pull yourselves together," he advanced to the Lion and said " "We have come - Aslan."

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    214.fidget n.안절부절 못함,

    His voice was deep and rich and somehow took the fidgets out of them.g i v e [ h a v e ]

    the fidgets

    《영·구어》 안달나게 하다[안


    215. velvet n.벨벳, 우단The lion shook his mane and clapped his paws together ("Terrible paws," thought Lucy, "if

    he didn't know how to velvet them!") and said, "Meanwhile, let the feast be prepared.

    Ladies, take these Daughters of Eve to the pavilion and minister to them."

    216. bugle

    n .나팔 ,

    각적, 뷰

    글And once more Peter said nothing, for at that moment a strange noise woke the

    silence suddenly. It was like a bugle, but richer.

    217. purrv.그르렁거리다, 낮은 소리를


    "It is your sister's horn," said Aslan to Peter in a low voice; so low as to be

    almost a purr, if it is not disrespectful to think of a lion purring.


    win[get, gain]

    one's spurs


    훈작사(勳爵士)(knight)의 작

    위를 받다;공훈을 세우다, 출


    Then, when he saw all the other creatures start forward and heard Aslan say with

    a wave of his paw, "Back! Let the Prince win his spurs," he did understand, and

    set off running as hard as he could to the pavilion.

    219. Alsatian

    n.알사스 사

    람, 독일종 셰

    퍼드 Then he saw that it looked like an Alsatian, though it was far too big to be a dog.

    220. on end 똑바로 서서, 곧추서서 All the hair on its back stood up on end.221. branch n.나뭇가지, 분지 Susan had not been able to get higher than the second big branch.

    222. duck downv.머리를 홱 숙이다, 몸을 홱


    As it was - though all this happened too quickly for Peter to think at all - he had

    just time to duck down and plunge his sword, as hard as he could, between the

    brute's forelegs into its heart.

    223.think none the

    worse of a

    person 역시 남을 존경하다 She and Peter felt pretty shaky when they met and I won't say there wasn't

    kissing and crying on both sides. But in Narnia no one thinks any the worse of you

    for that.224.think the

    best[worst] of a


    (남이) 최선을 다할[최악의 일

    을 할] 것이라고 예상하다

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    bane n.파멸, 맹독, 죽음, 멸망

    And when Peter had done so he struck him with the flat of the blade and said,

    "Rise up, Sir Peter Wolf's-Bane. And whatever happens, never forget to wipe your

    sword.Wolf's bane

    Chapter 13. Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time

    226. yew 〔ju:〕

    n.【식물】 주목(= tre) 《흔

    히 묘지에 심는 상록수;죽음·

    슬픔·부활의 상징》

    When he had been made to walk far further than he had ever known that anybody

    could walk, the Witch at last halted in a dark valley all overshadowed with fir trees

    and yew trees.


    [|werwʊlf]n. (pl. -wolves) (전설상의)

    이리가 된 인간, 이리 귀신이

    들린 사람, 늑대 인간

    Call out the giants and the werewolves and the spirits of those trees who are on

    our side. Call the Ghouls, and the Boggles, the Ogres and the Minotaurs. Call the

    Cruels, the Hags, the Spectres, and the people of the Toadstools.

    228. ghoul [gu:l]n.(전설 등에서) 사람 시체를

    먹는 악귀

    229. boggle n. 도깨비, 귀신, 요귀(妖鬼), 유령 230. ogre n.(동화 등의) 사람 잡아먹는 도깨비

    231. minotaurn.【그리스신화】 사람 몸에 쇠머

    리를 가진 괴물

    232. cruel a.잔혹한

    233. hagn.마녀;《고어》 여자 귀신;여

    자 마술사



    n.유령, 망령(ghost), 귀신,

    요괴(妖怪)235. toadstool n. 버섯, 《특히》 독버섯 236. collar n.칼라, 깃 And the Dwarf undid Edmund's collar and folded back his shirt at the neck.

    237. boulder n. 큰 알돌, 호박돌, 뭉우리

    돌;【지질】 표석(漂石)

    It was perfectly still and presently the moon grew bright; if you had been there

    you would have seen the moonlight shining on an old tree-stump and on a

    fair-sized boulder.

    238. crouchv.몸을 쭈그리다, 쪼그리고 앉


    And next you would have thought that the stump did look really remarkably like a

    little fat man crouching on the ground.239. crave v.갈망하다. 열망하다. Sire, there is a messenger from the enemy who craves audience.

    240. safe conduct 안전 통행증 "The Queen of Narnia and Empress of the Lone Islands desires a safe conduct to

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    come and speak with you," said the dwarf, "on a matter which is as much to your

    advantage as to hers."

    241. growl v.으르렁거리다.

    The three children who had not seen her before felt shudders running down their

    backs at the sight of her face; and there were low growls among all the animals


    242. shrilla. 날카로운,

    새된, 높은"Tell you?" said the Witch, her voice growing suddenly shriller.

    243. sceptre/-ter

    n.(제왕의 상징으로서의) 홀

    (笏), 권장(權杖) Tell you what is engraved on the sceptre of the Emperor-beyond-the-Sea?

    A sceptre is an ornamental rod that a king or queen carries on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of his or her


    244. hangman n.교수형 집행인"So that's how you came to imagine yourself a queen - because you were the

    Emperor's hangman. I see."

    "Peace, Beaver," said Aslan, with a very low growl.

    "And so," continued the Witch, "that human creature is mine. His life is forfeit to

    me. His blood is my property."

    245. Peace n.고요, 침묵

    246. forfeit

    n. 1 [U.C] 벌금, 과료(fine);추징금

    2 (권리·명예 등의) 상실, 박탈

    3 몰수물

    4 [pl.;단수 취급] 벌금 놀이

    247. bellowv.큰 소리로 울다. 고


    "Come and take it the," said the Bull with the man's head, in a great hellowing


    248. bumble-bee n.【곤충】 뒝벌 , 호박벌

    But everyone became perfectly still in the end, so that you noticed even small

    sounds like a bumble-bee flying past, or the birds in the forest down below them,

    or the wind rustling the leaves.249. renounce v.포기하다. 단념하다. She has renounced the claim on your brother's blood

    250.run for one's

    (dear) life

    (필사적으로) 도망치다; 간신

    히 도망가다

    "Haa-a-arrh!" roared Aslan, half rising from his throne; and his great mouth

    opened wider and wider and the roar grew louder and louder, and the Witch, after

    staring for a moment with her lips wide apart, picked up her skirts and fairly ran

    for her life.Chapter 14. The Triumph of the Witch

    251. encamp v.야영하다[시키다] We shall encamp tonight at the Fords of Beruna.

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    252. fordn. 여울, (도보·말·차 등이 건

    널 수 있는) 얕은 물[곳]

    253. siege

    n. 포위공격, 공성

    v. 포위하다, 공격하다.


    "As soon as she has finished her business in these parts," he said, "the Witch and

    her crew will almost certainly fall back to her House and prepare for a siege. You

    may or may not be able to cut her off and prevent her from reaching it."

    254. scout n.정찰병, 수색병, 정찰기

    And all the time he was advising Peter how to conduct the operations, saying thins

    like, "You must put your Centaurs in such and such a place" or "You must post

    scouts to see that she doesn't do so-and-so," till at last Peter said, "But you will

    be there yourself, Aslan."255. pitch v.[캠프를]설치하다. 천막을 치다. So they proceeded to pitch their camp.256. steal away 몰래 가버리다, 떠나다 You don't think he could be stealing away and leaving us tonight, do you?


    may[migh t]

    (just) as well

    do (as ...)

    (…하는 것은) …하는 거나 마찬가지

    이다, (…하느니) 차라리 …하는 편이


    "All right. Let's," said Susan; "we might just as well be doing that as lying awake


    258. droop v.축 늘어지다, 처지다, 시들다 And his great, royal head drooped so that his nose nearly touched the grass.

    259. incubus(특히 잠자는 여자를 범한다는 상상 속의)

    몽마(夢魔)(cf. SUCCUBUS - 여자몽마)

    Ogres with monstrous teeth, and wolves, and bull-headed men; sprits of evil trees

    and poisonous plants; and other creatures whom I won't describe because if I did

    the grown-ups would probably not let you read this book - Cruels and Hags and

    Incubuses, Wraiths, Horrors, Efreets, Sprites, Orknies, Wooses, and Ettins.

    260. wraith생령(生靈) 《사람의 임종 직

    전[전후]에 나타난다고 하는》261. horror 소름끼칠 듯이 싫은 것[사람]262. afreet n. (아라비아 신화의) 악마

    263. spriten. 요정(妖精)(fairy), 작은 요정

    (elf);귀신(goblin);《고어》 영혼

    264. woose =wuss (속어) 쪼다, 병신

    265. ettin (archaic, fantasy) giant

    266. gibber

    vi.1 (추위·무서움으로) 달달 떨

    며 말하다;영문 모를 말을 (빨리)

    지껄이다 2 끽끽


    n. 종잡을 수 없는 말(chatter);

    시시한[허튼] 소리

    A howl and a gibber of dismay went up from the creatures when they first saw the

    great Lion pacing towards them, and for a moment even the Witch seemed to be

    struck with fear.

    267. leer v.곁눈질하다, 추파를 던지다Four Hags, grinning and leering, yet also (at first) hanging back and half afraid of

    what they had to do, had approached him.

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    268. strain v.잡아당기다, 팽팽하게하다.But he made no noise, even when the enemies, straining and tugging, pulled the

    cords so tight that they cut into his flesh.

    269. squatv.웅크리다, 쪼그리고 앉다.

    쪼그려 앉히다.

    Another roar of mean laughter went up from her followers as an ogre with a pair

    of shears came forward and squatted down by Aslan's head.270. surge v.파도처럼 밀려오다. And they surged round Aslan, jeering at them, saying things like, "Puss, Puss! Poor

    Pussy," and, "How many mice have you caught today, Cat?" and "Would you like a

    saucer of milk, Pussums?"

    271. puss n.고양이, 소녀

    272. pussy n.고양이, 호랑이

    273. muzzlev.부리망을 씌우다.

    입막음하다. n. 부리망,총구"Muzzle him!" said the Witch.

    274. rabblen.어중이떠중이, 오합지졸,

    (동물.곤충의)떼 And this seemed to enrage all the rabble. Everyone was at him now.275. be at …을 공격하다, …을 노리다

    276. hoist

    v. (특히 기

    중기 등을 써서) 올리다, 높이


    He was so huge that even when they got him there it took all their efforts to hoist

    him on to the surface of it.

    277. hush n. 침묵, 고요함When once Aslan had been tied (and tied so that he was really a mass of cords)

    on the flat stone, a hush fell on the crowd.278. whet v.갈다. Then she began to whet her knife.

    Chapter. 15 Deeper Magic from Before the Dawn of Time

    279. set about① ~에 착수하다, 시작하다

    (start) ② 《구어》 ~을 공격하

    "Now! Follow me all and we will set about what remains of this war! It will not

    take us long to crush the human vermin and the traitors now that the great Fool,

    the great Cat, lies dead."

    skirlv. (백파이프 소리 같은) 높고

    날카로운 소리를 내다

    For with wild cries and a noise of skilring pipes and shrill horns blowing, the whole

    of that vile rabble came sweeping off the hill-top and down the slope right past

    their hiding-place.


    281. minotaurn.【그리스신화】 사람 몸에

    쇠머리를 가진 괴물 They felt the Spectres go by them like a cold wind and they felt the ground shake

    beneath them under the galloping feet of the Minotaurs; and overhead there went

    a flurry of foul wings and a blackness of vultures and giant bats.282. flurry n.일진, 광풍, 질풍, 혼란283. foul a.더러운, 악취가나는, 사악한284. vulture n.독수리, [야구]구원투수

    285. fondlev.귀여워하다(pet), 애지중지


    And when they saw his face without it they burst out crying again and kissed it

    and fondled it and wiped away the blood and the foam as well as they could.

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    286. field mouse n.들쥐(cf. house mouse) They could see the mice nibbling away; dozens and dozens, even hundreds, of

    little field mice. And at last, one by one, the ropes were all gnawed through.287. gnaw v.(앞니로)갉다.

    288. plate n.접시, 금속판At that moment they heard from behind them a loud noise - a great cracking,

    deafening noise as if a giant had broken a giant's plate.289. clutch v.꽉 잡다. "What's that?" said Lucy, clutching Susan's arm.

    290. make out~을 발견하다[찾아내다], 인


    Then at last, as they stood for a moment looking out towards the sea and Cair

    Paravel (which they could now just make out) the red turned to gold along the line

    where the sea and the sky met and very slowly up came the edge of the sun.291. run down v.흘러 떨어지다. The Stone Table was broken into two pieces by a great crack that ran down it

    from end to end; and there was no Aslan.292. from end to end 끝에서 끝까지

    293. look it 그런 것처럼 보이다

    She couldn't bring herself to say the word ghost. Aslan stooped his golden head

    and licked her forehead. The warmth of his breath and a rich sort of smell that

    seemed to hang about his hair came all over her. "Do I look it?" he said.

    294. dawnv.날이 새다, 밝아

    지다But if she could have looked a little further back, into the stillness and the

    darkness before Time dawned, she would have read there a different incantation.295. incantation v.주문(을 욈), 마법, 요술



    in a person's


    n.대신, 대리

    ~의 대신에

    She would have known that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery

    was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start

    working backwards.

    297. limb n.사지, 팔다리, 날개He stood for a second, his eyes very bright, his limbs quivering, lashing himself

    with his tail.298. scramble v.기어오르다, 급히 서둘러하다. Laughing, though she didn't know why, Lucy scrambled over it to reach him.

    299. rompv.뛰어놀다, 장난치며 놀다,

    희롱하며 뛰어놀다.

    It was such a romp as no one has ever had except in Narnia; and whether it was

    more like playing with a thunderstorm or playing with a kitten Lucy could never

    make up her mind.


    to business.일을 시작하다. 착수하다.

    "And now," said Aslan presently, "to business. I feel I am going to roar. You had

    better put your fingers in your ears."

    301. meadow n.목초지, 초원And they saw all the trees in front of him bend before the blast of his roaring as

    grass bends in a meadow before the wind.

    302. heave n.들어올리기, 들썩거림And with a great heave he rose underneath them and then shot off, faster than

    any horse could go, downhill and into the thick of the forest.

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    303. padding n.채워넣기, 충전물Think of that' and then take away the heavy noise of the hoofs and the jingle of

    the bit and imagine instead the almost noiseless padding of the great paws.

    304. threadv.요리조리 헤치며 나아가다. 실을 꿰

    다 He rushes on and on, never missing his footing, never hesitating, threading his

    way with perfect skill between tree trunks, jumping over bush and briar and the

    smaller streams, wading the larger, swimming the largest of all.305.briar


    n. 찔레, 들장미(의 가지)

    1【식물】 브라이어 《남유럽산;히스

    (heath)의 일종》

    306. down n.[보통 pl.]넓은 고원지, 초원지 And you are riding not on a road nor in a park nor even on the downs, but right

    across Narnia, in spring, down solemn avenues of beech and across sunny glades

    of oak, through wild orchards of snow-white cherry trees, past roaring waterfalls

    and mossy rocks and echoing caverns, up windy slopes alight with gorse bushes,

    and across the shoulders of heathery mountains and along giddy ridges and down,

    down, down again into wild valleys and out into acres of blue flowers.

    307. cavern n.(큰)동굴, 땅굴

    308. gorse n.【식물】 가시금작화(furze)(의 덤불)

    309. heathery a. 히스의, 히스 비슷한, 히스가 무성한

    310. giddy a.현기증나는, 어지러운, 아찔한

    311. frown v.눈살을 찌푸리다. And now it no longer looked like a toy castle but rose frowning in front of them.312. slack v.늦추다, 저하시키다. And Aslan, not at all slacking his pace, rushed straight as a bullet towards it.

    313. inside n.신체내부, 뱃속

    Next moment the whole world seemed to turn upside down and the children felt as

    if they had left their insides behind them; for the Lion had gathered himself

    together for a greater leap than any he had yet made and jumped - or you may

    call it flying rather than jumping - right over the castle wall.Chapter 16. What Happened about the Statues

    314. whisk

    v.(먼지 등) 털다, 홱 가져가

    다. (달걀, 크림등) 빨리 휘젓


    Then without waiting a moment he whisked round - almost as if he had been a cat

    chasing its tail - and breathed also on the stone dwarf, which (as you remember)

    was standing a few feet from the lion with his back to it.

    315. pouncev.~에 갑자기 달려들다, 와락


    Then he pounced on a tall stone dryad which stood beyond the dwarf, turned

    rapidly aside to deal with a stone rabbit on his right, and rushed on to two

    centaurs.316. prop (up) v.받치다, 버티다;버팀목을 대다 I expect you've seen someone put a lighted match to a bit of newspaper which is

    propped up in a grate against an unlit fire.317. graten.(벽난로의 연료받이) 쇠살대,


    318. lickv.핥다, (파도가)철썩거리다, 넘실

    거리다.Then a tiny streak of gold began to run along his white marble back - then it

    spread - then the colour seemed to lick all over him as the flame licks all over a

    bit of paper - then, while his hindquarters were still obviously stone, the lion shook 319. hindquartern.(짐승 고기의) 뒤쪽 4분의

    1;[pl.] 뒷다리와 궁둥이

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    320. ripple v.잔물결을 일으키다. his mane and all the heavy, stone folds rippled into living hair.

    321. prodigious a.거대한, 막대한, 비범한 Then he opened a great red mouth, warm and living, and gave a prodigious yawn.

    322. friskv.(경쾌하게)뛰어다니다, 뛰어


    Then, having caught sight of Aslan, he went bounding after him and frisked around

    him, whimpering with delight and jumping up to lick his face.

    323. plumage n. (조류의) 깃털, 깃;좋은 옷 Instead of all that deadly white the courtyard was now a blaze of colours; glossy

    chestnut sides of centaurs, indigo horns of unicorns, dazzlling plumage of birds,

    reddy-brown of foxes, dogs and satyrs, yellow stockings and crimson hoods of

    dwarfs; and the birch-girls in silver, and the beech-girls in fresh, transparent

    green, and the larch-girls in green so bright that it was almost yellow.

    324. birch n.박달나무, 자작나무

    325. beech n.너도밤나무

    326. larch n.낙엽송

    327. yelp

    v.(개가)깽깽 울다, (사람이)

    쇠된 소리를 지르다, 비명을


    And instead of the deadly silence the whole place rang with the sound of happy

    roarings, brayings, yelpings, barkings, squealings, cooings, neighings, stampings,

    shouts, hurrahs, songs and laughter.328. joyous =joyful "It's all right!" shouted Aslan joyously.

    329. club n.곤봉 A moment later he lifted his club off his shoulder, rubbed his eyes and said, "

    Bless me! I must have been asleep. Now! Where's that dratted little Witch that

    was running about on the ground? Somewhere just by my feet it was."330. dratv.(속어)저주하다.《damn의 완곡

    한 말》

    331. haystack

    n.(비에 젖지 않게 지붕을 해

    씌운)큰 건초더비, 건초의 노


    But when everyone had shouted up to him to explain what had really happened,

    and when the Giant had put his hand to his ear and got them to repeat it all

    again so that at last he understood, then he bowed down till his head was no

    further off than the top of a haystack and touched his cap repeatedly to Aslan,

    beaming all over his honest ugly face.

    332.lady's chamber


    a room that once upon a

    time a high born lady would

    have her own chamber.

    n.개인방, 일광욕실

    "Look alive, everyone. Up stairs and down stairs and in my lady's chamber! Leave

    no corner unsearched. You never know where some poor prisoner may be


    333. fusty

    a.곰팡내 나는(musty);케케묵

    은, 진부한, 고루한, 숨막힐

    듯한, 완고한

    And into the interior they all rushed and for several minutes the whole of that

    dark, horrible, fusty old castle echoed with the opening of windows and with

    everyone's voices crying out at once, "Don't forget the dungeons - Give us a hand

    with this door! - Here's another little winding stair - Oh! I say. Here's a poor

    kangaroo. Call Aslan - Phew! How it smells in here - Look out for trap-doors - U[

    here! There are a whole lot more on the landing!"

    334. trap-doorn. (마루·지붕·천장·무대의) 뚜

    껑문, 함정문, 들창

    335. landing n. 층계참

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    336. ransack v.샅샅이 뒤지다, 들추다. But at last the ransacking of the Witch's fortress was ended.

    337. bawlv.소리치다, 고함치다, 울부짖

    "That'll be all right," said Aslan; and then, rising on his hind legs, he bawled up at

    the Giant.


    stride -

    strode -


    v.성큼성큼 걷다. Then he strode to the gate himself and bang - bang - bang went his huge club.

    339. tackle v.~에 달려들다, 붙잡다. Then he tackled the towers on each side of them and after a few minutes of

    crashing and thudding both the towers and a good bit of the wall on each side

    went thundering down in a mass of hopeless rubble; and when the dust cleared it

    was odd, standing in that dry, grim, stony yard, to see through the gap all the g

    rass and waving trees and sparkling streams of the forest, and the blue hills

    beyond that and beyond them the sky.

    340. thud v.털썩 떨어지다, 쿵 소리나다.

    341. rubble n.파편, 조각

    342. grim a.불길한, 무서운

    343. gap n.갈라진 틈, 구멍

    344. muck n.거름, 퇴비, 쓰레기, 혼란

    "Blowed if I ain't all in a muck sweat," said the Giant, puffing like the largest

    railway engine. "Comes of being out of condition. I suppose neither of you young

    ladies has such a thing as a pocket-handkerchee about you?"

    345. puff v.(연기를)내뿜다.346. comes of ~에서 옮아오다.

    347.out of


    건강상태가 나쁜, 만족스럽지

    않은 상태에





    a.당분의 n. 사카린


    This time he managed to get it about it was only about the same size to him that

    a saccharine tablet would be to you, so that when she saw him solemnly rubbing it

    to and fro across his great red face, she said, "I'm afraid it's not much use to you,

    Mr. Rumblebuffin."

    350. smell out 냄새를 맡아내다, 탐지하다Those who are good with their noses must come in front with us lions to smell out

    where the battle is.351. bustle n.야단법석, 소란 And with a great deal of bustle and cheering they did.

    352. lot n.(사람.물건의)떼, 패

    The most pleased of the lot was the other Lion who kept running about

    everywhere pretending to be very busy but really in order to say to everyone he




    n.쌀쌀함, 냉담함, 무뚝뚝함,

    거만함No side, no stand-off-ishness.

    354. hedgehog n.고슴도치 At least he went on saying this till Aslan had loaded him up with three dwarfs, one

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    나비일레라 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/9051826)- 26 -

    355. steady v.침착해지다, 진정시키다. dryad, two rabbits, and a hedgehog. That steadied him a bit.

    356. nosev.냄새 맡다, 냄새를 찾아내


    At first the lions and dogs went nosing about in all directions. But then suddenly

    one great hound picked up the scent and gave a bay.

    357. streak v.번개처럼 달리다, 질주하다.

    Soon all the dogs and lions and wolves and other hunting animals were going at

    full speed with their noses to the ground, and all the others, streaked out for

    about half a mile behind them, were following as fast as they could.

    358. go at ~에 덤벼들다, 공격하다

    It was Peter she was fighting - both of them going at it so hard that Lucy could

    hardly make out what was happening; she only saw the stone knife ad Peter's

    sword flashing so quickly that they looked like three knives and three swords.359. tumble off ~에서 떨어지다. And they both tumbled off.

    360. battleaxen.전부《도끼처럼 생긴 옛날


    Then Lion and Witch had rolled over together but with the Witch underneath; and

    at the same moment all warlike creatures whom Aslan had led from the Witch's

    house rushed madly on the enemy lines, dwarfs with their battleaxes, dogs with

    teeth, the Giant with his club (and his feet also crushed dozens of the foe),

    unicorns with their horns, centaurs with swords and hoofs. 361. foe n.적, 원수

    362. gibber v.끽끽거리다. And Peter's tired army cheered, and the newcomers roared, and the enemy

    squealed and gibbered till the wood re-echoed with the din of that onset.363. din n.소음, 시끄러운 소리.364. onset n.습격, 공격

    Chapter 17. The Hunting of the White Stag

    365.for one's


    (1) 수고 값으로 (2) 《반

    어》 애쓴 보람도 없이

    And when he reached her he had the sense to bring his sword smashing down on

    her wand instead of trying to go for her directly and simply getting made a statue

    himself for his pains.

    366. stopper n.(병의)마개 =plugHer hands trembled so much that she could hardly undo the stopper, but she

    managed it in the end and poured a few drops into her brother's mouth.

    367. high tea

    《영》 오후 늦게 또는 저녁

    일찍 먹는 가벼운 식사 《보통

    홍차와 샌드위치》

    How Aslan provided food for them all I don't know; but somehow or other they

    found themselves all sitting down on the grass to a find high tea at about eight


    368. mermann.(남자)인어, 수영잘하는 남

    자 (cf. mermaid)

    And through the eastern door, which was wide open, came the voices of the

    mermen and the mermaids swimming close to the shore and singing in honour of

    their new Kings and Queens.

    369. revelryn.술 마시고 떠들어댐[흥청거

    림], 환락

    And that night there was a great feast in Cair Paravel, and revelry and dancing,

    and gold flashed and wine flowered, and answering to the music inside, but

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    나비일레라 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/9051827)- 27 -

    stranger, sweeter, and more piercing, came the music of the sea people.

    370. haunt v.(유령 등이)출몰하다. At first much of their time was spent in seeking out the remnants of the White

    Witch's army and destroying them, and indeed for a long time there would be

    news of evil things lurking in the wilder parts of the forest - a haunting here and a

    killing there, a glimpse of a werewolf one month and a rumour of a hag the next.

    371. rumour n.소문, 풍문, 평판

    372. hag n.마녀, 여자 마술사

    373. brood n.한배의 병아리, 아이들 But in the end all that foul brood was stamped out.

    374. busybodyn.참견 잘하는 사람, 일 봐주

    기 좋아하는 사람

    And they made good laws and kept the peace and saved good trees from being

    unnecessarily cut down, and liberated young dwarfs and young satyrs from being

    sent to school, and generally stopped busybodies and interferers and encouraged

    ordinary people who wanted to live and let live.375. liberate v.~로부터 해방시키다(from)

    376. deep-chesteda. 가슴이 두툼한, 가슴팍이 두꺼

    운;가슴속 깊이에서 우러나는

    And Peter became a tall and deep-chested man and a great warrior, and he was

    called King Peter the Magnificent.

    valiant a.용맹스런, 씩씩한, 장한

    But as for Lucy, she was always gay and golden-haired, and all princes in those

    parts desired her to be their Queen, and her own people called her Queen Lucy

    the Valiant.


    378. fall out일어나다 《that ..., to be

    ...》And one year it fell out that Tumnus (who was a middle-aged Faun by now and

    beginning to be stout) came down river and brought them news that the White

    Stag had once more appeared in his parts - the White Stag who would give you

    wishes if you caught him.379. stouta.뚱뚱한, 풍채가 당당한, 튼

    실한, 용감한, 단호한

    380. consortn.(특히 왕.여왕의)배우자, 동

    Then said King Peter (for they talked in quite a different style now, having been

    Kings and Queens for so long), "Fair Consorts, let us now alight from our horses

    and follow this beast into the thicket; for in all my days I never hunted a nobler

    quarry."381. quarry n.사냥감, 엽수, 엽조

    382. by likelihood 아마도“By likelihood when this post and this lamp were set herer there were smaller trees in the

    place, or fewer, or none. For this is a young wood and the iron post is old."

    383. work upon① =work away ② ~에 효력[효과]

    이 있다; ~에게 작용하다 ③ 설득하

    다 ④ ~에 착수하다, ~을 연구하다

    Then said Kimg Edmund, " I know how it is, but his lamp on the post worketh

    upon me strangely. It runs in my mind that I have seen the like before; as it were

    in a dream, or in the dream of a dream."

    384. foreboding n.에언, 육감, 예감, 전조 "Madam," said King Edmund, "the like foreboding stirreth in my heart also." "And

  • The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

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    385. wherefore 왜, 그런 이유로

    in mind, fair brother," said King Peter. “And in mine too," said Queen Susan

    "Wherefore by my counsel we shall lightly return to our horses and follow this

    White Stag no further."

    386.a feat of


    무공, 무훈

    feat n.위업, 공, 공훈

    For never since we four were Kings and Queens in Narnia have we set out hands

    to any high matter, as battles, quests, feats of arms, acts of justice, and the like

    and then given over; but always what we have taken in hand, the same we have


    387. set out 제시하다, 착수하다, 시작하다

    388. take ~ in hand …에 착수하다; 처리하다

    389. signification n.의미, 의의, 어의, 취지, 표시"And I have such desire to find the signification of this thing that I would not by

    my good will turn back for the richest jewel in all Narnia and all the islands."

    "Then in the name of Aslan," said Queen Susan, "if ye will all hae it so, let us go

    on and take the adventure that shall fall to us."

    390. ye

    n. 1.《고어·시어》 너희들 《2인

    칭 대명사 THOU의 복수형》

    2 [2인칭 단수 주격으로 쓰여]

    당신은 《특히 윗사람·첫 대면인

    사람에게 쓰는 정중한 말투》

    391. array

    n.(군대의)정렬, 포진, 군대

    《시어·문어》 옷, 의상(dress),

    미장(美裝)(rich apparel)

    And the next moment they all came tumbling out of a wardrobe door into the

    empty room, and they were no longer Kings and Queens in their hunting array but

    just Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy in their old clothes.

    392.Bless me

    이런, 아차, 아이구 깜짝이야,

    원 저런! 《놀람·노여움·기쁨·

    곤혹 등의 소리》

    Bless me, what do they teach them at these schools?

    =(Lord) bless my soul!=Bless my heart!=Bless your heart alive!=I'm blessed!

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