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-).( /')0#,"! )*'!$(-,#'&(! )*'$+,*(!DDrr.. EEhhrreennffeelldd MMaallllyy,, RN, PhD, Head of Nursing dep. Associate Professor Tel-Aviv University,Dep of Nursing, Israel.DDrr.. MMeerrkkoouurriiss AAnnaassttaassiiooss.. RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Cyprus University of Technology.DDrr.. PPaavvllaakkiiss AAnnddrreeaass,, Professor of Open University of Cyprus.DDrr.. PPaappaaddooppoouullooss IIrreennaa PhD, MA(Ed), BA, DipNEd, DipN, NDNCert, RGN, RM Professor of Transcultural Health andNursing and Head of Research Centre for Transcultural Studies in Health Middlesex University, London UK.DDrr.. PPaappaassttaavvrroouu EEvvrriiddiikkii Lecturer Department of Nursing, Cyprus University of Technology.President of the Council ofNursing and Midwifery.SSiirroonnii CCeecciilliiaa RN, BSc, MSc Universita degli Studi dell’ Insubria-Varese Italy.

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!!**//0000!!++II// ((//''%%))//33AA,, AA))&&'' **UU//..%%HH'',, ##EE''33$$,,..// 22//..,,HH%%&&,, !!++!!..&& '',,//((//00""//,, ,,HH//....&&'' 33))!!''''//'',, 00!!HH))00,,// ))//33%%&&,, ''$$UU,,// %%'',,)),,00""//!µS@8<6B;<E? EM8DV9 µ6=9;:5 98<EL6A 6-16 C;:5 BC 7C4<@R? ;9A C8895<E?A C764RL6A ............................................27[THE VACCINE COVERAGE OF SCHOOLCHILDREN ( 6-16 YEARS OLD) IN A GREEK PROVINCE]

##!!''33$$,,..// //..##)),,HH%%&&,,##&&((&&%%))&&'' ""$$((((//%%//'',, //++!!FF//..##))// ''"",,%%''$$**,, 00,,HH))00$$'' 22//))//++//((33$$**'',, 22))**''// ((33//))$$!E;Lµ9B9 ;P5 /56>E:5 !E76LKCDB9A E6< "6;M4;<B9A ;P5 /5=4:7<5P5 3J4P5 *>CL6A B;9 2:46 µ6A B;@ 386LB<@ ;@D !=5<E@T ';46;9><E@T 'RCKL@D /5M7;DW9A 2007-2013 ........................................................................32[HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH NEEDS ASSESSMENT OF LIFE-LONG LEARNING IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE STRATEGIC NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2007-2013]

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GGHH&& 11$$))))&&'D56<B=9µ6;<E? 5@9µ@BT59-=CP4L6 E6< CN64µ@>IA B;9 5@B98CD;<E? K<@LE9B9 ........................................................46[EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: THEORY AND THE IMPLICATIONS IN THE NURSING LEADERSHIP]

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OORRIIGGIINNAALL AARRTTIICCLLEETThhee eeffffeeccttiivveenneessss ooff ppaaiinn mmaannaaggeemmeenntt iinn tthhee EEmmeerrggeennccyy DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt aanndd tthhee ddeeggrreeee ooff rreessppoonnssiivveenneessssttoo tthhee ppaattiieenntt’’ss nneeeeddss..GGeeoorrggee FFiilliippppaattooss,, RRNN,, MMSScc,, GGeenneerraall HHoossppiittaall ooff EElleeffssiinnaa ‘‘TThhrriiaassssiioo’’..

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn:: Pain is the main reason for out patients visitation to the Emergency Department. Painmanagement however in most cases is inadequate due to underestimation and inefficient treatment. AAiimm:: Identifying pain management practices and assess their effectiveness in pain relief. We also desireto identify the best pain management care plan to effectively reduce the patient’s pain and need foranalgesic drugs.MMeetthhoodd:: A study was conducted at the General Hospital of Attica, Emergency department during Juneand July of 2009. Data was completed by the collection of questionnaires (arrival / discharge) of all patientsaged 14 and over whose illness was not life threatening and had the ability to understand and answerthe questionnaire, and also with the patients analysis charts. Pain intensity was evaluated with an 11point numerical pain scale. RReessuullttss:: 247 patients participated in the study with a mean age 38.5 ± 15.3 years. The mean pain intensity onarrival was 7.2 ± 1.9 and at discharge 5.0 ± 2. Pain intensity was unchanged for 35.5% of patients during theirvisit to the ED. Patients were expected to leave the emergency department with a mean pain intensity of 2.5± 1.3, which deviates more than 2 points for 90% of the patients concerning pain intensity on discharge. In 68%of patients who should have been administered analgesics, they were not administered. Not one of the patientshad their pain intensity documented and less than 6% were recorded to have been administered pain relief. CCoonncclluussiioonnss:: The results showed a poor response in pain relief due to prevailing practice of pain managementin the Emergency Department and a lack of assessment of the needs and expectations of the patient.

KKeeyy wwoorrddss:: Pain management, oligoanalgesia, emergency department, patient expectation, patientsatisfaction

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-2@ABA5A;4::150 5@B98CD;IA BDµ78?4PB65 ;@ C4P;9µ6;@8J><@ ><’6D;J ;@ BE@7J. %@ 64R<EJ DAP-R N;<MR;9EC 67J ;@DAWong, P.T.P., Reker, G.T., E6< Gesser, G ;@ 1964. 3C4<I-RC< 32 C4P;?BC<A, RP4LQC;6< BC 5 D7@E8Lµ6ECA J7@D@< C4P;:µC5@< 6765;@T5 BC µ<6 C7;6SM=µ<6 Likertscale (BDµNP5: 67J8D;6 IPA K<6NP5: 67J8D;6).

$< D7@E8Lµ6ECA CL56< 6) Fear of death - UJS@A=65M;@D (1, 2, 7, 18, 20, 21, 32) S) death avoidance -/7@ND>? =65M;@D (3, 10, 12, 19, 26) >) neutral acceptance- $DKI;C49 /7@K@R? (6, 14, 24, 17, 30) K) approachacceptance - /7@K@R? =65M;@D (4, 8, 13, 15, 16, 22,25, 27, 28, 31) C) escape acceptance - #<6ND>? (5, 9,11, 23, 29). ';95 764@TB6 µC8I;9, 9 E8Lµ6E6 DAP-RµC;6N4MB;9EC B;6 C8895<EM E6< B;9 BD5IRC<6 I><5CVDR@µC;4<EJA I8C>R@A ;@D C4>68CL@D. 0<6 ;95 B;M=µ<-B9 ;@D C4P;9µ6;@8@>L@D K<C5C4>?=9E65 BD>ECE4<µI-5CA VDR@µC;4<EIA K@E<µ6BLCA ><6 ;95 CE;Lµ9B9 ;9A6W<@7<B;L6A (reliability) ;@D C4P;9µ6;@8@>L@D, ;9AC>ED4J;9;6A (validity), C5: 764M88986 I><5C I8C>R@A;9A K@µ?A ;@D (factor analysis).

0<6 ;9 µC;MN46B9 E6< R4?B9 ;P5 C4>68CLP5/C4P-;9µ6;@8@>LP5 K<6BN68LB;9EC 64R<EM I>>46N9 MKC<6µC;MN46B9A 67J ;@DA BD>>46NCLA ;P5 C4P;9µ6;@8@->LP5 E6< ;@DA E6;JR@DA ;P5 K<E6<PµM;P5 IEK@B9A.

& K<6K<E6BL6 ;9A µC;MN46B9A B;6 C8895<EM I><-5C BTµNP56 µC ;9 K<6K<E6BL6 7@D 74@;CL5C;6< 67J ;95“Trust Scientific Advisory Committee” SAC (MedicalOutcomes Trust Bulletin 1997 E6< MAPI ResearchInstitute, 2002): 6) K<>8PBB<E? µC;MN46B9 74@A KT@ E6;CD=T5BC<A(forward translation, backward translation) S) 7@8<;<Bµ<E? 74@B64µ@>? (cultural adaptation) µC7<8@;<E? CN64µ@>? ;P5 E8<µMEP5 B;@DA C4P;:µC5@DAµC R4?B9 ;9A >5PB;<E?A 74@BI>><B9A C765674@BK<@-4<Bµ@T (cognitive debriefing process/interview). &µC;MN46B9 E6< 9 74@B64µ@>? CL56< 7<=65J 56 688M-W@D5 ;95 CBP;C4<E? K@µ?, ><’ 6D;J R4C<MQC;6< 56 K<6-BN68<B;CL 9 6W<@7<B;L6 E6< C>ED4J;9;6 ;@D 656=CP-

49µI5@D C4>68CL@D. & µC;6N46B=CLB6 CEK@R? =CP-4CL;6< <BJ;<µ9 ;@D 74P;@>C5@TA C4>68CL@D µJ5@5 J;659 6W<@7<B;L6, 9 C>ED4J;9;6 E6< @ K@µ<EJA 764M>@5;6ACL56< 764Jµ@<6 µC ;@ 74P;@>C5IA C4>68CL@.

//WW<<@@77<<BB;;LL66HA 6W<@7<B;L6 C5JA C4CD59;<E@T C4>68CL@D @4LQC;6< 9IE;6B9 B;95 @7@L6 ;@ C4>68CL@ KL5C< ;6 LK<6 67@;C8I-Bµ6;6 BC C765C<89µµI5CA µC;4?BC<A E6< 656NI4C;6<B;95 6568@>L6 6E4LSC<6A E6< 656E4LSC<6A B;9 µI;49B9.

$< ;4C<A ED4<J;C4CA <K<J;9;CA ;9A 6W<@7<B;L6A CL56<9 B;6=C4J;9;6, K986K? 9 <E65J;9;6 µ<6A E8Lµ6E6A 56KL5C< ;6 LK<6 67@;C8IBµ6;6 BC C765C<89µµI5CA µC;4?-BC<A, 9 @µ@<@>I5C<6, 7@D B9µ6L5C< J;< J86 ;6 B9µCL6BC I56 C4>68CL@ µC;4@T5 ;95 LK<6 I55@<6 ? R646E;9-4<B;<EJ, E6< ;95 <B@KD56µL6, K986K? ;95 <E65J;9;6 ;@DC4>68CL@D 56 764M>C< ;6 LK<6 67@;C8IBµ6;6 J;65 R49-B<µ@7@<@T5;6< 764M88986 C4>68CL6 ? K<6K<E6BLCA.';<A CE;<µ?BC<A CBP;C4<E?A BD5@R?A R49B<µ@7@<CL-;6< @ BD5;C8CB;?A 6 ;@D Cronbach, µC ;@5 @7@L@ D7@-8@>LQC;6< 9 CBP;C4<E? BD5I7C<6 ? 9 @µ@<@>I5C<6 C5JAC4>68CL@D. !<K<EJ;C46, @ 6 67@;C8CL ;@ R6µ98J;C4@J4<@ ><6 ;95 689=<5? 6W<@7<B;L6 @8JE8949A ;9A I4CD-56A. (6=9µ6;<EM, 9 6W<@7<B;L6 E6=@4LQC;6< PA 9 656-8@>L6 ;9A µC;6S89;J;9;6A ;P5 65;67@E4LBCP5 ;9AµC8I;9A, 7@D CL56< ;@ 67@;I8CBµ6 ;P5 K<6N@4:5 65M-µCB6 B;@DA BDµµC;IR@5;CA. 'D5C7:A, @< 65;67@E4L-BC<A BC µ<6 6W<J7<B;9 µC8I;9 =6 K<6NI4@D5 8J>P ;@DJ;< ;6 M;@µ6 7@D BDµµC;IR@D5 IR@D5 K<6N@4C;<EIA67JVC<A E6< JR< K<J;< 9 I4CD56 CL56< BD>RD;<E? ? 74@-E68CL K<MN@4CA C4µ95CLCA. (C M886 8J><6, JB@ V98J-;C4@A CL56< @ 6, K986K? JB@ 7<@ E@5;M B;@ 1, ;JB@µC>68T;C49 CL56< 9 6W<@7<B;L6.

!!>>EEDD44JJ;;99;;66& C>ED4J;9;6 656NI4C;6< B;@ E6;M 7JB@ I56 C4CD59-;<EJ C4>68CL@ µC;4M µC 6E4LSC<6 6D;J 7@D D7@;L=C;6<J;< µC;4M. (<6 E8Lµ6E6 µ7@4CL 56 CL56< 6W<J7<B;9 688M56 µ95 CL56< I>ED49, E6< 9 V98? 6W<@7<B;L6 KC5 67@-;C8CL 67646L;9;9 I5KC<W9 ;9A C>ED4J;9;6A, C5: ;@I>ED4@ C4>68CL@ CL56< 7M5;@;C 6W<J7<B;@. ';9 S<S8<@->46NL6 7C4<>4MN@5;6< ;4L6 CLK9 C>ED4J;9;6A: 7C4<C-R@µI5@D, K986K? 9 IE;6B9 B;95 @7@L6 ;@ 7C4<CRJµC-5@ ;9A E8Lµ6E6A 65;<74@BP7CTC< BN6<4<EM µ<6 I55@<6,E4<;94L@D, 9 @7@L6 KCLR5C< ;@ S6=µJ ;9A BRIB9A 65M-µCB6 B;95 67JK@B9 BC µ<6 E8Lµ6E6 E6< B;95 746>µ6-;<E? BDµ7C4<N@4M ;@D D7@EC<µI5@D, E6< K@µ<E?, 9@7@L6 S6BLQC;6< B;95 IE;6B9 B;95 @7@L6 µ<6 E8Lµ6E6µC;4M EM7@<6 =CP49;<E? K@µ? ? I56 R646E;94<B;<EJ.

//55MM88DDBB99 77664466>>JJ55;;PP55& 65M8DB9 7646>J5;P5 (factor analysis) 67@;C8CL µ<674@BI>><B9 6W<@8J>9B9A ;9A K@µ<E?A C>ED4J;9;6A,7@D KL5C< B;@5 C4CD59;? 7894@N@4LCA BRC;<EM µC ;95IE;6B9 B;95 @7@L6 µ<6 @µMK6 B9µCLP5 µC;4M ;95 LK<6K<MB;6B9 µ<6A I55@<6A. %6 B9µCL6 6D;M N@4;LQ@D5 BC

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&& KK<<66KK<<EE66BBLL66 µµCC;;MMNN4466BB99AA ;;99AA EE88LLµµ66EE66AA & E8Lµ6E6 R49B<µ@7@<?=9EC µC;M 67J >467;? MKC<6;@D C5JA CE ;P5 ;P5 BD>>46NIP5 E. Reker, G.T ><6µC;MN46B? ;9A B;6 C8895<EM. & K<6K<E6BL6 ;9A µC;M-N46B9A B;6 C8895<EM I><5C BTµNP56 1C ;9 K<6K<E6-BL6 7@D 74@;CL5C;6< 67J ;95 «Trust Scientific AdvisoryCommittee» (Medical Outcomes Trust., 1997). ';J-R@A ?;65 9 µC;MN46B9 ;@D C4P;9µ6;@8@>L@D 67J ;6/>>8<EM B;6 !8895<EM, K<6;94:5;6A ;6 ET4<6 R646E;9-4<B;<EM ;@D C4P;9µ6;@8@>L@D. "6;64R?5, I><5C µC;M-N46B9 B;6 C8895<EM E6< E6;J7<5 µC;6N4MB;9EC 65;L-B;4@N6 B;6 6>>8<EM KL>8PBB@ 5@B98CD;? 74@EC<µI5@D56 CW6BN68<B;CL 9 6E4<S?A 67JK@B9 ;P5 C4P;9µ6;@-8@>LP5 B;6 C8895<EM. %6 KT@ M;@µ6 7@D IE6565 ;9µC;MN46B9 C4>MB;9E65 65CWM4;9;6 E6< @ ET4<@A B;J-R@A ;9A 65;LB;4@N9A µC;MN46B9A ?;65 56 K<6BN68<-B;CL J;< @< C4P;?BC<A B;<A KT@ >8:BBCA =6 CLR65 ;95LK<6 I55@<6. ';9 BD5IRC<6, ;6 C4P;9µ6;@8J><6 BDQ9-;?=9E65 µC 65CWM4;9;@ 765C7<B;9µ<6EJ E6=9>9;? ;9A.@B98CD;<E?A, >5:B;9 ;@D =Iµ6;@A, ><6 ;95 6W<@8J->9B9 ;@D 8CE;<E@T, ;@D >46µµ6;<E@T E6< ;@D C55@<@-8@><E@T 7C4<CR@µI5@D ;P5 µC;6N4MBCP5. /E@8@T=9-BC BR@86B;<EJA I8C>R@A E6< BDQ?;9B9 67J ;95 C4CD59;<E?@µMK6 E6<, ;I8@A, I><565 @4<BµI5CA 6886>IA E6< C8M-R<B;CA >8PBB<EIA SC8;<:BC<A, :B;C 56 ;C8C<@7@<9=CL9 67JK@B9 B;6 C8895<EM. 0<6 56 E4<=CL 9 7@8<;<Bµ<E?E6;68898J;9;6 E6< BRC;<EJ;9;6 ;9A µC;MN46B9A ><6;@5 789=DBµJ-B;JR@, ;@ µC;6N46BµI5@ C4>68CL@ KJ=9-EC BC µ<6 @µMK6 6;JµP5 E6;M ;9 K<M4EC<6 7<8@;<E?AµC8I;9A. $ I56A 67J ;@DA E6;6BECD6B;IA ;@D C4P;9-µ6;@8@>L@D @ E. Reker, G.T., 67J ;@5 @7@L@ 8MS6µC ;95I>E4<B9 ><6 ;95 µC;MN46B9 ;@D, KC5 IE65C E6µL6 ;4@-7@7@L9B9 C7L ;@D µC;6N46BµI5@D C4P;9µ6;@8@>L@D.

33@@88<<;;<<BBµµ<<EE?? 7744@@BB6644µµ@@>>?? ;;@@DD CC44PP;;99µµ66;;@@88@@>>LL@@DD ((ccuullttuurraallaaddaappttaattiioonn)) 0<6 ;95 7@8<;<Bµ<E? 74@B64µ@>? (cultural adaptation)R49B<µ@7@<?=9EC ;@ C4P;9µ6;@8J><@ BC I56 ;DR6L@KCL>µ6 7I5;C 5@B98CD;:5, J7PA 74@;CL5C;6< B;95 K<6-K<E6BL6 >5PB;<E?A 656BEJ79B9A (cognitive debriefingprocess) (Medical Outcomes Trust., 1997). /N@T 74:-;6 C4P;?=9E65 ;6 M;@µ6 BD5@8<EM ><6 56 BDµ7894P-=CL ;@ C4P;9µ6;@8J><@, B;9 BD5IRC<6 4P;?=9E65 ><6

EM=C C4:;9B9 RP4<B;M 65 ?;65 E6;65@9;? E6< 65 R4C<-6QJ;65 56 ;95 656K<6;D7:B@D5 µC K<EM ;@DA 8J><6 ?74@;<µ@TB65 56 6886R;CL EM7@<6 BD>ECE4<µI59 8IW9BC EM7@<6 C4:;9B9 I;B< :B;C 56 >L5C< 7<@ E6;65@9;?9 C4:;9B9 (cognitive debriefing interview). %@ C4P-;9µ6;@8J><@ E6;M ;95 K<M4EC<6 ;9A 7@8<;<Bµ<E?A 74@-B64µ@>?A (cultural adaptation), ?;65 >C5<EM E6;65@9-;J E6< CTE@8@ BTµNP56 µC ;6 BRJ8<6 ;P5 5@B98CD;:5.#C5 D7?4W65 74@;MBC<A ;P5 C4P;:µC5P5 :B;C 56C5BPµ6;P=@T5 BC 5I6 KCT;C49 CEK@R? ;@D C4P;9µ6-

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death neutral approach escapeavoidance acceptance acceptance acceptance

fear of death rr 0,35 -0,43 0,23 0,20 PP <<00,,000011 <<00,,000011 00,,002211 00,,004422

death avoidance rr 0,03 0,29 0,07 PP 0,801 00,,000044 0,514

neutral acceptance rr 0,03 0,01 PP 0,768 0,959

approach acceptance rr 0,46 PP <<00,,000011

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:7).&-*5 *&µ; <18&-*5 *&µ; <1-5 *&µ; SD Cronbach's a

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>7&=30fear of death r 0,11

P 0,257death avoidance r 0,27

P 0,006neutral acceptance r 0,03

P 0,760approach acceptance r 0,07

P 0,513escape acceptance r -0,02

P 0,828

!I"#$#% 7. ?,)7"-54 #0%08/,*+, µ$ *5 µ12(6( principal components<1-( ?#('"8; ?#(6(.; @/A(4 B"61*$%56&0'"8;4 20,)*(" 20,)*(" 20,)*(" 0#(6(.;

44 !;#*$@5 "*; =0 $4µ0; #*', 20(/.$;#' µ$*/ 02" *' =/,0*" µ'7 00,,445555 L =/,0*'% =0 $4,0; ),0 *)9'% :;0 "90 µ'7 *0 2('-93µ0*0 00,,772288 L =/,0*'% $4,0; + $4#'.'% #$ ),0 16(' 02"97*+% ;80,'2'4+#+% 00,,449999 L =/,0*'% 2('#&)($; µ40 .;0&7:3 02" *', 0204#;' 8"#µ' 00,,77221111 L =/,0*'% $4,0; 02$9$7=)(5#+ 02" *', 2",' 80; *0 -/#0,0 00,,77771133 !;#*$@5 "*; ' 20(/.$;#'% =0 $4,0; ),0% 809@*$('% *"2'%

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2('#20=6 ,0 *+ .;6I5 µ08(;/ 00,,77991122 !('#20=6 2/,*0 ,0 µ+, #8)&*'µ0; *' =/,0*' 00,,77771199 B2'&$@:5 ,0 #8)&*'µ0; *' =/,0*' 02" 8/=$ /2'N+ 00,,77992266 !('#20=6 ,0 µ+, )15 *42'*0 ,0 8/,5 µ$ *' =)µ0 *'7 =0,/*'7 00,,77001155 L =/,0*'% $4,0; ),5#+ µ$ *' =$" 80; 0;6,;0 $7.0;µ',40 00,,88442222 !('#-9)25 #$ µ;0 $20,),5#+ µ$ *'7% 0:02+µ),'7% µ'7

µ$*/ *' =/,0*" µ'7 00,,66332255 M9)25 *' =/,0*' 5% *' 2)(0#µ0 #$ ),0 0;6,;' 80; $79':+µ),' *"2' 00,,66222277 L =/,0*'% 2('#&)($; µ40 72)('1+ 0,08'@&;#+ *+% N713% 00,,44112288 <,0 2(/:µ0 2'7 µ'7 .4,$; /,$#+ #*' ,0 0,*;µ$*524#5

*' =/,0*' $4,0; + 24#*+ µ'7 #*+, µ$*0=/,0*' A53 00,,774411 L =/,0*'% $4,0; 15(4% 0µ&;-'940 µ40 µ08/-(;0 $µ2$;(40 00,,445522 O 2(''2*;83 *'7 .;8'@ µ'7 =0,/*'7 µ'7 .+µ;'7(:$4 /:1'% 00,,882277 E,'19'@µ0; 02" *+, '(;#*;8"*+*0 *'7 =0,/*'7 00,,88001188 <15 ),*',' &"-' :;0 *' =/,0*' 00,,77112200 J' =)µ0 *+% A53% µ$*/ *' =/,0*' µ$ 2('-9+µ0*4A$; ),*',0 00,,66552211 J' :$:',"% "*; ' =/,0*'% #+µ04,$; *' *)9'% "95, *5, 2(0:µ/*5,

"25% *0 :,5(4A5 µ$ &'-4A$; 00,,66553322 O 0-$-0;"*+*0 *'7 *; #7µ-04,$; µ$*/ *' =/,0*' µ$ 0,+#71$4 00,,443366 L =/,0*'% =0 2()2$; ,0 0,*;µ$*524A$*0; 5% 8/*; &7#;'9':;8",

0,0µ&;#-3*+*' 80; 0,02"&$78*' :$:',"% 00,,66001144 L =/,0*'% $4,0; &7#;83 .;/#*0#+ *+% A53% 00,,44661177 L@*$ &'-/µ0; '@*$ 8095#'(4A5 *' =/,0*' 00,,55442244 L =/,0*'% $4,0; 029/ ),0 *µ3µ0 *+% .;0.;80#40% *+% A53% 00,,44443300 L =/,0*'% .$, $4,0; '@*$ 809"% '@*$ 808"% 00,,4422

TOMOS4_TEFXOS1 5/11/11 11:22 AM Page 19

[20] !""#$%&' ()*%+,%&' -#. /+0#")1-%&2. !3%0-2µ#.

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1>-+7. ?,+ !0. /!3:µ,/0 !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& <,)-.)-$2:0*+. /&$*)*-,µ;.)7 @&1"µ)!-,*;7 <"*,µ+/%)7$,+ !0. )*!%µ0/0 !07 +A,"',/!%+7 (reliability) !"& )-6-!0µ+!"#"$%"&, !07 )$*&-(!0!+7 (validity), ).> '+-3#-#0#+ ;$,.) ;#)$1"7 !07 <"µ27 !"& (factor analysis).B&$*)*-,µ;.+ 0 +A,"',/!%+ )*!,µ2:0*) µ) !0 µ;!-0-/0 !07 )/6!)-,*27 /&.34),+7 (internal consistency)$,+ !". ;#)$1" !6. /!",1)%6. !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& !";.+ ).3.!,+ /!" 3##", µ;!-0/0 !"& <)%*!0 Cronbach’salpha (Cronbach, 1951). C,µ;7 µ)$+#=!)-)7 2 %/)7 !"&0,7 :)6-"=.!+, +'"<)*!;7. D, /&.!)#)/!;7 /&/1;!,-/07 !"& Pearson (r) 1-0/,µ"'",2:0*+. $,+ !0. /&/1;-!,/0 !6. <,+/!3/)6. !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& /!+ '#+%-/,+ !07 )$*&-(!0!+7 <"µ27. E +.3#&/0 '+-+$(.!6.1-0/,µ"'",2:0*) $,+ .+ <,)-)&.0:)% 0 <"µ2 !"& )-6-!0µ+!"#"$%"& DAP-R *+, $,+ .+ /&$*-,:)% µ) !0. +&:)-

.!,*2 <"µ2. E <,)-)=.0/0 !07 <"µ27 !"& )-6!0µ+!"-#"$%"& (exploratory factor analysis) ;$,.) µ) !0 1-2-/0 !07 µ):(<"& Principal Components Analysis µ)Varimax with Kaiser Normalization (rotation method),µ) !0. "'"%+ +.+80!"=.!+. ", ,<,+%!)-", '+-3$".!)7'"& /&.:;!"&. !" )-6!0µ+!"#($,". C+ )'%')<+ /0µ+-.!,*(!0!+7 )%.+, +µ4%'#)&-+ *+, 0 /!+!,/!,*2 /0µ+-.!,*(!0!+ !;:0*) /!" 0,05. ?,+ !0. +.3#&/0 1-0/,µ"-'",2:0*) !" /!+!,/!,*( '-($-+µµ+ SPSS 17.0.

!"#$%&'(µ)$)B!". ''%%..++**++ 11 <%.".!+, !+ <0µ"$-+4,*3 /!",1)%+ !6./&µµ)!)1(.!6. *+:>7 *+, /!",1)%+ '"& +4"-"=. /!0.)-$+/%+ !"&7.B!". ''%%..++**++ 22 <%.".!+, /!",1)%+ '"& +4"-"=. /!0./&µ')-,4"-3 !6. /&µµ)!)1(.!6. +';.+.!, /) +/:)-

!I"#$#% 8. O& 0#/C$&4 *+, -"µµ$*$./,*+, -.$*&=) µ$ *( 2),0*(

<1-5 *&µ; SD

L =/,0*'% $4,0; 15(4% 0µ&;-'940 µ40 µ08/-(;0 $µ2$;(40 5,5 1,9O 2(''2*;83 *'7 .;8'@ µ'7 =0,/*'7 µ'7 .+µ;'7(:$4 /:1'% 5,2 2,0B2'&$@:5 *;% #8)N$;% =0,/*'7 µ$ 8/=$ 8"#*'% 5,1 1,8!;#*$@5 "*; =0 $4µ0; #*', 20(/.$;#' µ$*/ 02" *' =/,0*" µ'7 3,8 1,7L =/,0*'% =0 $4,0; ),0 *)9'% :;0 "90 µ'7 *0 2('-93µ0*0 2,5 1,9L =/,0*'% =0 2()2$; ,0 0,*;µ$*524A$*0; 5% 8/*; &7#;'9':;8", 0,0µ&;#-3*+*' 80; 0,02"&$78*' :$:',"% 6,2 1,1E,'19'@µ0; 02" *+, '(;#*;8"*+*0 *'7 =0,/*'7 5,9 8,2L =/,0*'% $4,0; + $4#'.'% #$ ),0 16(' 02"97*+% ;80,'2'4+#+% 3,4 2,0L =/,0*'% 2('#&)($; µ40 .;0&7:3 02" *', 0204#;' 8"#µ' 2,9 1,9?2'*$ + #8)N+ *'7 =0,/*'7 )(1$*0; #*' µ709" µ'7, 2('#20=6 ,0 *+ .;6I5 µ08(;/ 5,2 1,9L =/,0*'% $4,0; 02$9$7=)(5#+ 02" *', 2",' 80; *0 -/#0,0 3,1 2,0!('#20=6 2/,*0 ,0 µ+, #8)&*'µ0; *' =/,0*' 4,5 2,1!;#*$@5 "*; ' 20(/.$;#'% =0 $4,0; ),0 809@*$(' µ)('% 02" 07*" *', 8"#µ' 4,4 2,2L =/,0*'% $4,0; &7#;83 .;/#*0#+ *+% A53% 6,2 1,0L =/,0*'% $4,0; ),5#+ µ$ *' =$" 80; 0;6,;0 $7.0;µ',40 5,1 1,8L =/,0*'% 02'*$9$4 µ;0 72"#1$#+ :;0 µ;0 809@*$(+ A53 3,4 1,8L@*$ &'-/µ0; '@*$ 8095#'(4A5 *' =/,0*' 5,1 1,7<15 ),*',' &"-' :;0 *' =/,0*' 4,0 2,1B2'&$@:5 ,0 #8)&*'µ0; *' =/,0*' 02" 8/=$ /2'N+ 4,9 1,9J' =)µ0 *+% A53% µ$*/ *' =/,0*' µ$ 2('-9+µ0*4A$; ),*',0 5,0 1,9J' :$:',"% "*; ' =/,0*'% #+µ04,$; *' *)9'% "95, *5, 2(0:µ/*5, "25% *0 :,5(4A5 µ$ &'-4A$; 4,7 1,9!('#-9)25 #$ µ;0 $20,),5#+ µ$ *'7% 0:02+µ),'7% µ'7 µ$*/ *' =/,0*" µ'7 4,9 2,1M9)25 *' =/,0*' 5% 0,08'@&;#+ 02" *0 $:8"#µ;0 -/#0,0 3,1 2,0L =/,0*'% $4,0; 029/ ),0 *µ3µ0 *+% .;0.;80#40% *+% A53% 5,7 1,3M9)25 *' =/,0*' 5% *' 2)(0#µ0 #$ ),0 0;6,;' 80; $79':+µ),' *"2' 4,5 1,8!('#20=6 ,0 µ+, )15 *42'*0 ,0 8/,5 µ$ *' =)µ0 *'7 =0,/*'7 4,7 1,8L =/,0*'% 2('#&)($; µ40 72)('1+ 0,08'@&;#+ *+% N713% 4,3 1,9<,0 2(/:µ0 2'7 µ'7 .4,$; /,$#+ #*' ,0 0,*;µ$*524#5 *' =/,0*' $4,0; + 24#*+ µ'7 #*+, µ$*0=/,0*' A53 4,8 2,0M9)25 *' =/,0*' 5% 0,08'@&;#+ 02" *0 -/(+ 07*3% *+% A53% 2,9 1,8L =/,0*'% .$, $4,0; '@*$ 809"% '@*$ 808"% 4,9 2,1B,72'µ',6 :;0 *+ A53 µ$*/ *' =/,0*' 3,0 1,9O 0-$-0;"*+*0 *'7 *; #7µ-04,$; µ$*/ *' =/,0*' µ$ 0,+#71$4 4,4 1,9

TOMOS4_TEFXOS1 5/11/11 11:22 AM Page 20

!"µ#$ 4 - !%&'#$ 1 [21]

!"!#$%&'(H !")*+,A

.)%7 '-"16-0µ;."& /!+<%"&.B!". ''%%..++**++ 33 <%.)!+, 0 )',--"2 '"& +/*)% !" ')-,-/!+!,*( !"& :+.3!"& /!"&7 /&µµ)!;1".!)7.F0µ,"&-$2:0*+. ", +-1,*;7 ';.!) <,+/!3/),7 !"& )-6-!0µ+!"#"$%"& DAP-R (as defined by Wong et al., 1994).B!". ''%%..++**++ 44 ')-,$-34".!+, +&!;7 ", <,+/!3/),7 !"&)-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& DAP-R.

G'"<)*!2 +A,"',/!%+ H3/0 !"& <)%*!0 Cronbach'sa (internal consistency Reliability of the DAP-R) ;1"&-

µ) /!,7 <,+/!3/),7 death avoidance, approach acceptance,escape acceptance. B!0 <,3/!+/0 neutral acceptance0 +A,"',/!%+ <). ;4!+/) !" +'"<)*!( (-," 0.7.B!". ''%%..++**++ 55 <%.".!+, ", /&.!)#)/!;7 /&/1;!,/07 !6.<,+/!3/)6. !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& DAP-R.

I'2-A) /0µ+.!,*2 :)!,*2 /&/1;!,/0 !07 <,3/!+-/07 «fear of death» µ) !,7 <,+/!3/),7 «death avoidance»,«approach acceptance» *+, «escape acceptance».G.!%:)!+, &'2-A) /0µ+.!,*2 +-.0!,*2 /&/1;!,/0 !07

!I"#$#% 9. @(%) *+, 0#0,*;-$+, *(" $%+*5µ0*(7(83("

9",0*14 0#0,*;-$&4

L =/,0*'% $4,0; 15(4% 0µ&;-'940 µ40 µ08/-(;0 $µ2$;(40 SD D MD U MA A SAO 2(''2*;83 *'7 .;8'@ µ'7 =0,/*'7 µ'7 .+µ;'7(:$4 /:1'% SA A MA U MD D SDB2'&$@:5 *;% #8)N$;% =0,/*'7 µ$ 8/=$ 8"#*'% SA A MA U MD D SD!;#*$@5 "*; =0 $4µ0; #*', 20(/.$;#' µ$*/ 02" *' =/,0*" µ'7 SD D MD U MA A SAL =/,0*'% =0 $4,0; ),0 *)9'% :;0 "90 µ'7 *0 2('-93µ0*0 SD D MD U MA A SAL =/,0*'% =0 2()2$; ,0 0,*;µ$*524A$*0; #0 8/*; &7#;'9':;8", 0,0µ&;#-3*+*' 80; 0,02"&$78*' :$:',"% SA A MA U MD D SDE,'19'@µ0; 02" *+, '(;#*;8"*+*0 *'7 =0,/*'7 SA A MA U MD D SDL =/,0*'% $4,0; + $4#'.'% #$ ),0 µ)('% 02"97*+% ;80,'2'4+#+% SD D MD U MA A SAL =/,0*'% 2('#&)($; µ40 .;0&7:3 02" *', 0204#;' 8"#µ' SA A MA U MD D SD?2'*$ + #8)N+ *'7 =0,/*'7 )(1$*0; #*' µ709" µ'7, 2('#20=6 ,0 *+ .;6I5 µ08(;/ SD D MD U MA A SAL =/,0*'% $4,0; 02$9$7=)(5#+ 02" *' 2",' 80; *0 -/#0,0 SD D MD U MA A SA!('#20=6 2/,*0 ,0 µ+, #8)&*'µ0; *' =/,0*' SA A MA U MD D SD!;#*$@5 "*; ' 20(/.$;#'% =0 $4,0; ),0 809@*$(' µ)('% 02" 07*" *', 8"#µ' SA A MA U MD D SDL =/,0*'% $4,0; &7#;83 .;/#*0#+ *+% A53% SA A MA U MD D SDL =/,0*'% $4,0; ),5#+ µ$ *' =$" 80; 0;6,;0 $7.0;µ',40 SD D MD U MA A SAL =/,0*'% 02'*$9$4 µ;0 72"#1$#+ :;0 µ;0 809@*$(+ A53 SA A MA U MD D SDL@*$ &'-/µ0; '@*$ 8095#'(4A5 *' =/,0*' SA A MA U MD D SD<15 ),*',' &"-' :;0 *' =/,0*' SD D MD U MA A SAB2'&$@:5 ,0 #8)&*'µ0; *' =/,0*' 02" 8/=$ /2'N+ SD D MD U MA A SAJ' =)µ0 *+% A53% µ$*/ *' =/,0*' µ$ 2('-9+µ0*4A$; ),*',0 SA A MA U MD D SDJ' :$:',"% "*; ' =/,0*'% #+µ04,$; *' *)9'% "95, *5, 2(0:µ/*5, "25% *0 :,5(4A5 µ$ &'-4A$; SA A MA U MD D SD!('#-9)25 #$ µ;0 $20,),5#+ µ$ *'7% 0:02+µ),'7% µ'7 µ$*/ *' =/,0*" µ'7 SD D MD U MA A SAM9)25 *' =/,0*' 5% 0,08'@&;#+ 02" *0 $:8"#µ;0 -/#0,0 SA A MA U MD D SDL =/,0*'% $4,0; 029/ ),0 *µ3µ0 *+% .;0.;80#40% *+% A53% SA A MA U MD D SDM9)25 *' =/,0*' 5% *' 2)(0#µ0 #$ ),0 0;6,;' 80; $79':+µ),' *"2' SA A MA U MD D SD!('#20=6 ,0 µ+, )15 *42'*0 ,0 8/,5 µ$ *' =)µ0 *'7 =0,/*'7 SD D MD U MA A SAL =/,0*'% 2('#&)($; µ40 72)('1+ 0,08'@&;#+ *+% N713% SD D MD U MA A SA<,0 2(/:µ0 2'7 µ'7 .4,$; /,$#+ #*' ,0 0,*;µ$*524#5 *' =/,0*' $4,0; + 24#*+ µ'7 #*+, µ$*0=/,0*' A53 SD D MD U MA A SAM9)25 *' =/,0*' 5% 0,08'@&;#+ 02" *0 -/(+ 07*3% *+% A53% SD D MD U MA A SAL =/,0*'% .$, $4,0; '@*$ 809"% '@*$ 808"% SA A MA U MD D SDB,72'µ',6 :;0 *+ A53 µ$*/ *' =/,0*' SA A MA U MD D SDO 0-$-0;"*+*0 *'7 *; #7µ-04,$; µ$*/ *' =/,0*' µ$ 0,+#71$4 SD D MD U MA A SA

SD=strongly disagree .;0&5,6 02"97*0, D=disagree .;0&5,6, MD= moderately disagree .;0&5,6 µ)*(;0, U= undecided0,02'&/#;#*'%/+, MA= moderately agree #7µ&5,6 µ)*(;0, A=agree #7µ&5,6, SA=strongly agree #7µ&5,6 02"97*0

TOMOS4_TEFXOS1 5/11/11 11:22 AM Page 21

<,3/!+/07 «fear of death» µ) !0 <,3/!+/0 «neutralacceptance». G*(µ+, &'2-A) /0µ+.!,*2 :)!,*2 /&/1;-!,/0 !07 <,3/!+/07 «death avoidance» µ) !0 <,3/!+-/0 «approach acceptance». C;#"7, &'2-A) /0µ+.!,-*2 :)!,*2 /&/1;!,/0 !07 <,3/!+/07 «escape acceptance»µ) !0 <,3/!+/0 «approach acceptance».B!". ''%%..++**++ 66 <%.".!+, ", /&.!)#)/!;7 /&/1;!,/07 !6.<,+/!3/)6. !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& DAP-R µ) !0. 0#,-*%+ !6. /&µµ)!)1(.!6..

I'2-A) /0µ+.!,*3 1+µ0#2 :)!,*2 /&/1;!,/0 !07<,3/!+/07 «death avoidance» µ) !0. 0#,*%+ !6. /&µ-µ)!)1(.!6.. D'(!) (/" +&A3.)!+, 0 0#,*%+ !6. /&µ-µ)!)1(.!6. !(/" +&A3.)!+, *+, 0 +'"4&$2 !"& :+.3-!"&. F). H-;:0*) /0µ+.!,*2 /&/1;!,/0 !07 0#,*%+7µ) !"&7 &'(#",'"&7 '+-3$".!)7.B!". ''%%..++**++ 77 <%.".!+, !+ +'"!)#;/µ+!+ !07 +.3#&-/07 '+-+$(.!6. (factor analysis) µ) !0 µ;:"<" principalcomponents.

E /&."#,*2 µ)!+H#0!(!0!+ '"& )')A0$)%!) +'(!"&7 +.6!;-6 5 '+-3$".!)7 )%.+, 58%. D '+-3$".!+7«G'"4&$2 :+.3!"&» /&µ'%'!), µ) !0 <,3/!+/0 «Deathavoidance». 5'%/07, " '+-3$".!+7 «J(H"7 :+.3!"&»+'"!)#)%!+, +*-,H>7 +'( !,7 %<,)7 )-6!2/),7 µ) !0<,3/!+/0 «Fear of death». D '+-3$".!+7 «D&<;!)-0+'"<"12» /&µ'%'!), µ) !0 <,3/!+/0 «Neutral acceptance».D, )-6!2/),7 4,8,13,16 *+, 31 µ) !0. '+-+'3.6 +.3-#&/0 ')-,;1".!+, /!". '+-3$".!+ «K;/" <,+4&$27»+.!% .+ ')-,;1".!+, /!0 <,3/!+/0 «Approach acceptance».

L!/, *+!+#2$"&µ) /!" (!, !" )-6!0µ+!"#($," )%.+,;$*&-" )-$+#)%" $,+ !0. )*!%µ0/0 !07 /!3/07 !6.."/0#)&!>. +';.+.!, /!" :3.+!" +##3 &'3-1), µ,+<,+4"-"'"%0/0 /!" '",)7 )-6!2/),7 /&µ')-,#+µH3-

.), " *3:) '+-3$".!+7 /!0. )##0.,*2 )*<"12 !"& DAP-R.B!!". ''%%..++**++ 88 ')-,$-34".!+, ", +'(@),7 !6. /&µµ)-!)1(.!6. /1)!,*3 µ) !" :3.+!", ('67 +&!;7 H+:µ"-#"$2:0*+. *+!3 µ;/" (-" +'( !"&7 )-$+8(µ)."&7.B!". ''%%..++**++ 99 ')-,$-34)!+, 0 4"-3 !6. +'+.!2/)6.!"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"&.B!". ''%%..++**++ 1100 '"& +*"#"&:)% ')-,$-34".!+, ", .;)7<,+/!3/),7 !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& DAP-R.

G'"<)*!2 +A,"',/!%+ H3/0 !"& <)%*!0 Cronbach'sa (internal consistency Reliability of the DAP-R) ;1"&-µ) /!,7 ')-,//(!)-)7 <,+/!3/),7. B!0 <,3/!+/0 D&<;-!)-0 +'"<"12 0 +A,"',/!%+ <). ;4!+/) !" +'"<)*!((-," 0.7.B!". ''%%..++**++ 1111 <%.".!+, ", /&.!)#)/!;7 /&/1;!,/07!6. .;6. <,+/!3/)6. !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& DAP-R.

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!I"#$#% 11. !",*$7$-*14 -"-.1*&-54 *+, ,1+, 6&0-*)-$+, *(" $%+*5µ0*(7(83(" DAP-R

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*+,-$.(.D /!(1"7 !07 µ)#;!07 2!+. 0 /!3:µ,/0 !"& )-6!0µ+-!"#($,"& )*!%µ0/07 !07 /!3/07 !6. ."/0#)&!>. +';-.+.!, /!" :3.+!" DAP-R, µ)!3 +'( µ)!34-+/2 !"&)-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& *+, '"#,!,/M,*2 '-"/+-µ"$2. ?,+!0. /!3:µ,/0 !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& <,).)-$2:0*+./&$*)*-,µ;.)7 @&1"µ)!-,*;7 <"*,µ+/%)7 $,+ !0. )*!%-µ0/0 !07 +A,"',/!%+7 (reliability) !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"-$%"&, !07 )$*&-(!0!+7 (validity), ).> '+-3##0#+ ;$,-.) ;#)$1"7 !07 <"µ27 !"& (factor analysis). B&$*)*-,µ;.+0 +A,"',/!%+ )*!,µ2:0*) M) !0 µ;!-0/0 !07 )/6!)-,-*27 /&.34),+7 (internal consistency) $,+ !". ;#)$1"

!6. /!",1)%6. !"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& !" ;.+ ).3.!,+ /!"3##", (µ) !0. µ;:"<" <"*,µ+/%+7-)'+.+<"*,µ+/%+7),µ;!-0/0 !"& <)%*!0 Cronbach’s alpha.

C+ +'"!)#;/µ+!+ !07 ;-)&.+7 !6. Clements *+,Rooda (2000) &'"/!2-,A+. ). µ;-), !0. +-1,*2 <"µ2!"& )-6!0µ+!"#"$%"& !6. )-)&.0!>., )'+.+#+µH3."-.!+7 !+ +'"!)#;/µ+!+ !6. &'"*#,µ3*6. µ) µ,*-;7<,+4"-;7. D, &'"*#%µ+*)7 J(H"7 N+.3!"&, G'"4&$2N+.3!"&, K;/" <,+4&$27, G'"<"12 N+.3!"& H-;:0-*) .+ µ)!-3.) <,+4"-)!,*"=7 '+-3$".!)7 *+, .+ )%.+,+A,(',/!)7. D, %<,", H-2*+.) (!, ", )-6!2/),7 '"& <,+-µ"-4>."&. !0. &'"*#%µ+*+ "&<;!)-0 +'"<"12 µ'"--)% .+ µ0. µ)!-3.) *3!, ).,+%" +##3 µ'"-"=. .+ <,+-µ"-4>/"&. *+, 60 &'"*#%µ+*+ +'"!)#"=µ).0 +'( !,7)-6!2/),7 17 *+, 30.

K)!3 +'( !0. '+-+$".!,*2 +.3#&/0 0 '+-"=/+;-)&.+ +.;<),A) !"&7 A)16-,/!"=7 '+-3$".!)7 '"&

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TOMOS4_TEFXOS1 5/11/11 11:22 AM Page 24

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/&.:;!"&. !" )-6!0µ+!"#($,". D '+-3$".!+7 «G'"-4&$2 :+.3!"&» /&µ'%'!), µ) !0 <,3/!+/0 «Deathavoidance». 5'%/07, " '+-3$".!+7 «J(H"7 :+.3!"&»+'"!)#)%!+, +*-,H>7 +'( !,7 %<,)7 )-6!2/),7 µ) !0<,3/!+/0 «Fear of death». D '+-3$".!+7 «D&<;!)-0+'"<"12» /&µ'%'!), µ) !0 <,3/!+/0 «Neutral acceptance».D, )-6!2/),7 4,8,13,16 *+, 31 µ) !0. '+-+'3.6 +.3-#&/0 ')-,;1".!+, /!". '+-3$".!+ «K;/" <,+4&$27»+.!% .+ ')-,;1".!+, /!0 <,3/!+/0 «Approach acceptance».

*+µ"%/0(µ)$):E )##0.,*2 )*<"12 !"& DAP-R +'"!)#)% ;.+ +A,(',-/!" *+, ;$*&-" )-$+#)%" $,+ !0. )*!%µ0/0 !07 /!3/07!6. ."/0#)&!>. +';.+.!, /!" :3.+!".

O/" +4"-3 /!+ +'"!)#;/µ+!+ +'( !0. +.3#&/0!6. +'+.!2/)6. !6. )-6!>µ).6., <)%1."&. (!,, $,+.+ !-"'"'",0:)% 0 /!3/0 !6. ."/0#)&!>. /) /1;/0µ) !". :3.+!", <,+4+%.)!+, 0 +.3$*0 <,+1)%-,/07 !"&<,*"= !"&7 3$1"&7 *+, !6. +.0/&1,>. !"&7, !+ "'"%+/1)!%8".!+, µ) H,6µ+!,*;7 *+!+/!3/),7, +'( !,7 "'"%-)7 <). µ'"-"=. .+ +'+##+$"=. *+, !"&7 )'0-)38"&.*+, /!". )-$+/,+*( !"&7 1>-". C" *#),<% )µ4+.%8)!+,/!0. )*'+%<)&/0 !"&7 (/" +4"-3 !0. <,+1)%-,/0 !;!",-6. :)µ3!6.. G. *+, ", '-"/6',*;7 )µ'),-%)7 '+%8"&./0µ+.!,*( -(#" /!0 <,+µ(-46/0 /!3/)6. *+, +'(-@)6., 0 )*'+%<)&/0 )%.+, +&!2 '"& !)#,*3 :+ *+:"--%/), *+, !0. /&."#,*2 /&µ')-,4"-3 !6. ."/0#)&!>.+';.+.!, /) 3!"µ+ '"& '):+%."&..


OORRIIGGIINNAALL AARRTTIICCLLEEDDEEAATTHH AATTTTIITTUUDDEE PPRROOFFIILLEE--RREEVVIISSEEDD ((DDAAPP--RR))--VVAALLIIDDAATTIIOONN OOFF GGRREEEEKK VVEERRSSIIOONN MM.. KKaalllliiaarroouu11,, PP.. SSaarraaffiiss22,, KK.. KKaarraatthhaannaassii33,, TT.. SSeerraaffiimm44,, KK.. SSoottiirriiaaddoouu55,, EE.. TThheeooddoossooppoouulloouu66

[[11.. CCaappttaaiinn RRNN,, MMSScc oonn HHeeaalltthh IInnffoorrmmaattiiccss,, GGrraadduuaattee SSttuuddeenntt ooff HHeeaalltthh CCaarree MMaannaaggeemmeenntt,, OOppeenn UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff CCyypprruuss,,PPhhDDcc NNuurrssiinngg FFaaccuullttyy,, NNaattiioonnaall CCaappooddiissttrriiaann UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff AAtthheennss,, 440044 GGeenneerraall MMiilliittaarryy HHoossppiittaall,, SScciieennttiiffiicc ccoollllaabboorraattoorrTTeecchhnnoollooggiiccaall IInnssttiittuuttiioonn ooff LLaarriissaa//NNuurrssiinngg DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt,, 22.. LLiieeuutteennaanntt RRNN,, HHeell.. NNaavvyy,, AAtthheennss NNaavvaall && VVeetteerraannssHHoossppiittaall,, PPhhDD,, SScciieennttiiffiicc ccoollllaabboorraattoorr NNCCUUAA,, TTrraavveell MMeeddiicciinnee ooff EEvvggeenniiddeeiioonn HHoossppiittaall,, 33.. MMaajjoorr RRNN,, SSppeecciiaalliizzeedd oonnSSuurrggeerryy NNuurrssiinngg AAMMEEDDDD,, TTeexxaass UUSSAA,, GGrraadduuaattee SSttuuddeenntt ooff HHeeaalltthh CCaarree MMaannaaggeemmeenntt,, OOppeenn UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff CCyypprruuss,,HHeeaadd NNuurrssee,, 440044 GGeenneerraall MMiilliittaarryy HHoossppiittaall,, 44.. MMaajjoorr,, MMeennttaall HHeeaalltthh RRNN,, 442244 GGeenneerraall MMiilliittaarryy HHoossppiittaall,, 55.. MMaajjoorr RRNN,,HHeelllleenniicc AArrmmyy GGeenneerraall SSttaaffff,, 66.. AAssssoocciiaattee PPrrooffeessssoorr,, NNuurrssiinngg FFaaccuullttyy,, NNaattiioonnaall CCaappooddiissttrriiaann UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff AAtthheennss]]

AAiimm:: To translate a questionnaire that evaluates and validates the attitude of nurses’ attitudes towards death.MMeetthhoodd:: 150 nurses completed this questionnaire. The initial DAP-R was constructed by Wong, P.T.P., Reker, G.T.,and Gesser, G in 1994. It contains 32 questions and is separated in 5 sub levels where the participants are asked toanswer a seven-level Likert scale (I absolutely agree to I absolutely disagree).The DAP-R was translated in Greek and a psychometric evaluation of the tool was made. Prior translating and usingthe tools/questionnaires, permission was guaranteed by the authors. Translation was based on “Trust ScientificAdvisory Committee” SAC: (double reversed translation) cultural adjustment, validation of the questionnaire. In orderto validate the questionnaire certain psychometric tests were conducted to estimate the reliability and validity of thequestionnaire, in addition control of factor analysis was also made. RReessuullttss:: The factor «apofigi thanatou (G'"4&$2 :+.3!"&)» overlaps with the aspect «Death avoidance». Moreover,the factor «fovos thanatou (J(H"7 :+.3!"&)» consists of the same questions as the aspect «Fear of death». The factor«oudeteri apodoxi (D&<;!)-0 +'"<"12)» overlaps with the aspect «Neutral acceptance». Questions 4, 8, 13, 16 and31 based on the above analysis are included in factor «meso diafigis (K;/" <,+4&$27)» instead of aspect «Approachacceptance».CCoonncclluussiioonn:: The Greek version of DAP-R is a reliable and valid tool to estimate nurses' attitude towards death.

KKeeyy wwoorrddss:: death, nurse, validation.

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1. M3,+ C., R0-"% Q., F;/2+ B., H;6µ'7 J., H8$,*)(+% >. (2000). E7(3-µ0*0 02" *' B*'µ;8" C$9*4' S:$40% *'7 D0=+*3 80; !$(0;*)(5

BI;'9":+#3 *'7%. 38' !0,$993,;' !0;.;0*(;8" H7,).(;', #$9.277.2. G/#;µ'% Q (2003). !('&7908*;8'4 Eµ-'9;0#µ'4. >)0 !0;.;0*(;8/Q(',;8/. 3 (1):21-25.

3. G'7()0 - G($µ0#*;,'@ JA., (2006). M0#;8/ T)µ0*0 C+µ"#;0% S:$4-

[30] !""#$%&' ()*%+,%&' -#. /+0#")1-%&2. !3%0-2µ#.

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M *+, 90% $,+ +,µ(4,#" ,.4#"&;.!/+7 !='"& b (Hib). ?,+ !+ )µH(#,+ '"& ).!31:0*+. /!" 5:.,*( 9-(-

$-+µµ+ 5µH"#,+/µ>. !" 2006, <0#+<2 ')-%'"& !"<,3/!0µ+ '"& <,)A+$(!+. 0 µ)#;!0, 0 )µH"#,+/!,*2*3#&@0 '",*%#),. K) /&8)&$µ;." )µH(#," $,+ µ0.,$-$,!,<(*"**" "-""µ3<+7 C (MCVC)- '"& 2!+. <,+:;-/,µ" /!" )µ'(-," +'( !" 2001- )%1+. )µH"#,+/!)%')-%'"& 7 /!+ 10 '+,<,3 (72%). O'67 )%.+, +&!"-.(0!", /1)<(. $,+ !" /=."#" !6. )µH"#,+/µ>. +&!>.!" *(/!"7 !"& )µH"#%"& )%1) *+!+H#0:)% +'( !0.",*"$;.),+ *+, 0 µ)$3#0 '#),"@04%+ !"&7 (87%) )%1)$%.), /!". ,<,6!,*( !"µ;+. K) /&8)&$µ;." 7<=.+µ")µH(#," *+!3 !"& '.)&µ".(*"**"& (PCV7) *+, µ))µH(#," +.)µ)&#"$,37 (Var)- '"& *&*#"4(-0/+./!0. 5##3<+ !" 2005- <0#+<2 #%$" µ(." *+,-( '-,.!0 <,)A+$6$2 !07 µ)#;!07, !+ '"/"/!3 *3#&@07 2!+.1+µ0#3 (5% *+, 13% +.!,/!"%167), ('67 +.+µ).(!+.(9+.+-$,6!('"&#"7 *+, /&. , 2006).

C+ '+,<,3 !07 ?’ $&µ.+/%"& )µ4+.%8"&. 1+µ0#(-!)-+ )'%')<+ )µH"#,+/!,*27 *3#&@07 +'( +&!3 !6.µ,*-(!)-6. '+,<,>.. R<,+%!)-0 /0µ+/%+ ;1), !" +.)-'+-*;7 )'%')<" *3#&@07 µ) <&" <(/),7 )µH"#%"&MMR (80%), !" /1)!,*3 1+µ0#( )'%')<" )µH"#,+-/µ"= $,+ 0'+!%!,<+ M (85%) *+, 0 '"#= 1+µ0#(!)-0*3#&@0 µ) )µH(#," µ0.,$$,!,<(*"**"& "-""µ3<+7C (43%). B0µ),>.)!+, (!, ;.+ '"/"/!( 5,5% ')-%-'"& !6. '+,<,>. <). '-"/*(µ,/+. H,H#,3-,", +42-.".!+7 )-6!0µ+!,*3 $,+ !0 /6/!2 *+!+$-+42 *+,'+-+*"#"=:0/0 !07 +.3'!&A07 !"& '+,<,"=.E ).%-/1&/0 !6. <0µ"/%6. )µH"#,+/!,*>. *;.!-6. >/!).+ +&A0:"=. ", <&.+!(!0!)7 !6. $".;6. .+ '-"/4)=-$"&. /) +&!3 +'"!)#)%, )'"µ;.67, +*-"$6.,+%" #%:"$,+ !0. +=A0/0 !07 )µH"#,+/!,*27 *3#&@07 /!0 1>-+µ+7, ,<%67 $,+ '+,<,3 +'( ),<,*;7 '#0:&/µ,+*;7"µ3<)7 *+, +'( ",*"$;.),)7 µ) 1+µ0#;7 ",*"."µ,-*;7 <&.+!(!0!)7.



[[11.. MM..SScc..,, HHeeaalltthh VViissiittoorr ooff HHeeaalltthh CCeenntteerr aatt SSttyylliiddaa,, 22.. RRNN,, MM..SScc..,, GGeenneerraall HHoossppiittaall ooff LLaammiiaa,, 33..RRNN,, 44.. AAssssiissttaannttPPrrooffeessssoorr ooff TTEEII LLaammiiaa,, 55.. NNuurrssiinngg ssttuuddeenntt ooff TTEEII LLaammiiaa]]

AAiimm:: To assess the vaccine coverage of schoolchildren in the responsibility area of a Health Center, as recordedduring Personal Health Card ( PHC) fill-in procedure.MMaatteerriiaall aanndd mmeetthhooddss:: The sample consisted of 611 pupils( boys: 319), aged 6-16 years old of the 1st, 3rd and 5thgrade of Elementary School as well of 1st Junior High School class and 1st High School class, in the responsibilityarea of Stylida Health Center. Their PHC records were evaluated. X2 was used for comparison and statistical significancewas set at p=0,05.RReessuullttss:: 319 children ( 51.20%) were boys and 292(47.80%) were girls. Fully vaccinated for all the recommendedvaccines were 139 boys and 132 girls, 43.57% and 44.1% respectively. No statistical differences were observed betweenboys and girls. Most low vaccination coverage refers to meningococcus vaccine ( 45,51%) followed by MMR andvaricella –zoster vaccine (14.42%. CCoonncclluussiioonnss:: A considerable percentage of school children of both sexes s presented with vaccination coveragedeficits. Most deficits occur in vaccines lately introduced in The National Vaccination Program.

KKeeyy wwoorrddss:: Personal Health Card (PHC), vaccine, Health Promotion.

TOMOS4_TEFXOS1 5/11/11 11:22 AM Page 30

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0%. E.H.C.S., 296-7, 359-360, 362-4.4. G'7()0-G($µ0#*;,'@ JA., JA0,08/8+ J., (2004). E=,;8" G),*(' B,0-&'(/% D+,;::4*;.0%, :15.

5. G5,#*0,*"2'79'% K.B., (2005). EI$94I$;% #*+, !0;.;0*(;83, C;0-:,5#*;83 80; T$(02$7*;83. D$*$820;.$7*;8" H$µ;,/(;' !0;.;0-*(;83%. M’ !0;.;0*(;83 G9;,;83 !0,$2;#*+µ4'7 B=+,6,.

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11. !0,0:;5*"2'79'% J. 80; 'µ/.0 µ$9)*+%, E=,;83 H1'93 C+µ"#;0%S:$40% *'7 20;.;'@, U,#*;*'@*' S:$40% *'7 20;.;'@, G),*(' E9):-1'7 80; !("9+N+% >'#+µ/*5, (*µ3µ0 E2;.+µ;'9':;83% $2;*3-(+#+%), B(;#*'*)9$;' !0,$2;#*3µ;' T$##09',48+% (U0*(;8" *µ3-µ0), !0,$2;#*3µ;' G(3*+% (*'µ)0% 8';,5,;83% U0*(;83%), S2'7(:$4'S:$40% 80; G';,5,;83% B99+9$::@+, (2006). E=,;83 µ$9)*+ 80*/-#*0#+% $µ-'9;0#µ'@ 80; #71,"*+*0% &7µ0*;83% 9'4µ5I+% #*020;.;/, #$9. 6, 8, 15-23, 32-35.

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=6)*4 /+0/$0"3µ%,/4 ),/(4 /'*9/34 #%124 #%+ ),*0%9698 (9"&%4 ),% )>/="&%. M% #%#/81* 0"/$=-)µ%,%"$*."-B/(0 #(.&64 ,% -,/µ% µ;)*4 *=+#&%4, "02 ,%0/)8µ%,% ,/( #(#=/?/.+#/3 "&0%+ * #(.+7,".* %+,&%1%0-,/( ),+4 *=+#&"4 60+

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OECD average

!"#$: OECD (2010), %ducation at a Glance 2010, Table A5, 1a, available at

%&H'# 1. !"µµ#$%&' $%" /()0"1µ%- )(+,9.2 25-64 #$<* 1# /4%=48µµ.$. ,.$84$+1)2, 1$+2 &<4#2 $%" >>!?, 2007

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!"#$: European Association for the Study of Obesity.

*Restricted age group **Germany overweight figures derived from WHO MONICA studies

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[[11.. BBAA,, MMSScc,, PPhhDD,, HHeeaalltthh EEccoonnoommiisstt,, SScciieennttiiffiicc CCoollllaabboorraattee ooff TTEEII ooff AAtthheennss,, 22.. BBAA,, MMSScc,, PPoolliittiiccaall SScciieennttiisstt,, CChhiieeff ooffEEdduuccaattiioonnaall DDiirreeccttoorraattee ooff MMiinniissttrryy ooff HHeeaalltthh aanndd SSoocciiaall SSoolliiddaarriittyy,, 33.. BBAA,, MMSScc,, PPhhDD,, LLaawwyyeerr,, PPrrooffeessssoorr ooff FFrreeddeerriiccUUnniivveerrssiittyy,, CCyypprruuss,, 44.. CChhiieeff ooff EEmmeerrggeennccyy DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt,, IIppppookkrraatteeiioonn GGeenneerraall HHoossppiittaall ooff AAtthheennss,, 55.. RRNN,, MMiinniissttrryy ooffHHeeaalltthh aanndd SSoocciiaall SSoolliiddaarriittyy]]

BBaacckkggrroouunndd:: Education and training contribute to better responsiveness and performance. Relevant policies shouldbe based on the population health needs assessment. The National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2007-2013is a unique opportunity for planning modern education and training so that human resources for health meet currentand future needs of the population AAiimm:: The aim of this study was to assess health professionals’ training needs and life-long learning in our country,based on population profiles, and was one of the consultation documents under the National Strategic DevelopmentPlan (NSDP) 2007-2013MMeetthhoodd:: Demographic and epidemiological data of the Greek population were combined with relevant human resourcespolicies described by international organizations CCoonncclluussiioonn:: Leadership is crucial in shaping the appropriate policy and establishing goals and strategies to achievehuman resource development. Key issues to be addressed to this direction is detailed inventory of existing capacity(numbers and characteristics), the provision for future services, improving the quality and skills, through investmentin education and training, including lifelong learning and education in new technologies.

KKeeyy wwoorrddss:: Life long learning, health professional, skills, competencies.

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OORRIIGGIINNAALL AARRTTIICCLLEETTRREEAATTMMEENNTT OOFF CCHHRROONNIICC KKIIDDNNEEYY DDIISSEEAASSEE:: CCOOSSTT AANNAALLYYSSIISS OOFF BBIICCAARRBBOONNAATTEE DDIIAALLYYSSIISS AANNDDHHAAEEMMOODDIIAAFFIILLTTRRAATTIIOONNPPaarraasskkeevvii TThheeooffiilloouu,, PPhhDD PPssyycchhoollooggiisstt,, NNaattiioonnaall SScchhooooll ooff PPuubblliicc AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn,, DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ooffHHeeaalltthh SSeerrvviicceess,, AAtthheennss

AAiimm:: The economic assessment of haemodialysis (HD) in a Unit of Artificial Kidney of a private clinic. More specifically,cost analysis of bicarbonate dialysis and haemodiafiltration is used.

PPooppuullaattiioonn SSttuuddyy:: 120 patients with end - stage renal disease, undergoing HD in the Unit of Artificial Kidney of theclinic in 2006.

MMaatteerriiaall aanndd MMeetthhoodd:: The demographic, clinical and economic characteristics were recorded from the files ofpatients. Data were collected by the finance management of the clinic with regards to the payroll of personnel,the capital and technological equipment, dampings, fixed costs and other consumables. Prices of 2006 were usedand one HD session was considered as the unit of cost.

RReessuullttss:: The total cost of an HD session with haemodiafiltration surpasses by 30% of the method of bicarbonatedialysis. This important increase of cost is due to the additional sanitary material that is required in the particularmethod (bags and lines of haemodiafiltration).

CCoonncclluussiioonnss:: HD is an especially expensive method regarding the treatment of end - stage renal diseasepatients, based on the use of innovative technologies. Similar analyses of economic evaluation are not fullydocumented, if they do not take into account of the clinical superiority and they do not attribute in terms ofcost -effectiveness.

KKeeyy wwoorrddss:: Economic Assessment, chronic Kidney disease, bicarbonate dialysis, haemodiafiltration

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D,* '+"108 :+:=+/9.%?&% ($-.>/(0 '(/ $./)"99&-)"+4 ,*4 D(0%+)1*µ%,+#84 T/*µ/)30*4 ,/( DanielGoleman #%+ ,60 John Mayer, Peter Salovey $/( %0#%+ '+%1;,/(0 $/==- #/+0- ),/+>"&% 64 $./4 ,+4 ($/-1;)"+4 #%+ ,+4 $./)'/#&"4 9+% ,*0 "$&'.%)* ,*4 D(0%+-)1*µ%,+#84 T/*µ/)30*4 '+%?;./(0 ),/ 9"9/074 7,+/ $.2,/4 $./,"&0"+ ;0%0 $+/ 9"0+#7 #/+060+#7-)(0%+-)1*µ%,+#7 /.+)µ7 "02 /+ '"3,"./+ $".+9.-?/(0 ,*D.T. 64 906),+#7-)(0%+)1*µ%,+#8 +#%07,*,% $%.-)%0 >%.%#,*.+),+#7 ,*4 $./)6$+#7,*,%4.

34 µ4,@;54 #.O. @G, P. Salovey 72) J. Mayer' #A,2)9+6µ2@)7- O46µ49B,6 G. )72,8@6@2D,/ $%.%#-,6 )>8µ% %$"+#/0&B",%+ ,/ µ/0,;=/ ,60Salovey&Mayer, ,/ /$/&/ $".+9.-?"+ ,+4 ,;))".+4 +#%-07,*,"4 ,*4 D.T. #%+ ,+4 %0,&),/+>"4 )(0%+)1*µ%,+#;4'+%'+#%)&"4, /+ /$/&"4 "&0%+ ),/+>"+/1",*µ;0"4 µ",;,/+/ ,.7$/ 2)," #-1" #%,*9/.&% %$7 #-,6 $./4 ,%$-06 0% %0,+),/+>"& )" $+/ %$=;4 +#%07,*,"4 ,*4 %0,&-=*A*4 #%+ ;#?.%)*4 ,/( )(0%+)18µ%,/4, )" %0,&1"-)* µ" ,*0 %02,".* #%,*9/.&% $/( $".+=%µ:-0"+ ,*

%&H'#1: F% µ%*$;(% !"*.+10)µ.$+,'2 G%)µ%1-*)2 $5* John Mayer,Peter Salovey( Mayer& Salovey, 1997)

!$%&.1$+,' H-0µ+1) $%" !"*.+10'µ.$%2 =+. $)* /4%.=5=' $)2 1"*.+10)µ.$+,'2 ,.+ /*#"µ.$+,'2 .*8/$"I)2

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! %0,&=*A*, * %5+/=79*)* #%+ ;#?.%)* ,/( )(0%+-)18µ%,/4 %$/,"=/30 ,*0 #%,2,".* #%,*9/.&% ,/()>8µ%,/4 1 #%+ %?/./30 ),*0 %#.&:"+% µ" ,*0 /$/&%,% -,/µ% µ$/./30 0% %0,+=*?1/30, 0% %5+/=/98)/(0#%+ 0% "#?.-)/(0 ,% )(0%+)18µ%,% ,/(4. ! '"3,".*#%,*9/.&% %?/.- ),* )(0%+)1*µ%,+#8 '+"(#7=(0)*,60 906),+#20 '+%'+#%)+20. E(,8 "),+-B"+ ),/ $64,/ )(0%&)1*µ% "$*."-B"+ ,/ 906),+#7 )3),*µ% 2),"0% ,/ "5/$=&B"+ 9+% $+/ %$/,"=")µ%,+#8 "$&=()* $./-:=*µ-,60, %+,+/=79*)*, =8A* %$/?-)"60 #%+ $+/'*µ+/(.9+#;4 $./)$-1"+"4. (Palfai& Salovey,1993).!,.&,* #%,*9/.&% ,/( )>8µ%,/4 %?/.- ),*0 +#%07,*-,% ,*4 #%,%07*)*4 ,60 )(0%+)1*µ-,60 #%+ ,*4 >.*-)+µ/$/&*)*4 ,*4 )(0%+)1*µ%,+#84 902)*4. ! %02-,".* #%,*9/.&% ,/( µ/0,;=/( D.T. ,60 Mayer #%+Salovey %?/.- ),* )(0"+'*,8 .31µ+)* ,60 )(0%+-)1*µ-,60 2)," 0% $./-9",%+ * )(0%+)1*µ%,+#8 #%+$0"(µ%,+#8 %0-$,(5* ,/( %,7µ/( #%+ $".+=%µ:-0"+,* .31µ+)* ,*4 "µ$"+.&%4 #%+ ,*4 ;#?.%)*4 ,60)(0%+)1*µ-,60 %$/)#/$20,%4 ),*0 "$&,"(5* ,60),7>60 ,/( %,7µ/(.

34 µ4,@;54 #.O. @4A Daniel Goleman' #A,2)9+6µ2@)7- O46µ49B,6 G. K2027@60)9@)78 @6. /049G/)78@6@2.M/ µ/0,;=/ ,*4 D.T ,/( Goleman $/( %$"+#/0&B",%+),/ $%.%#-,6 )>8µ% '&0"+ ;µ?%)* )" %,/µ+#;4 '+%-?/.;4 ),*0 /.9-06)* #%+ ;#?.%)* ,60 )(0%+)1*µ--,60 #%+ )(0%?20 #/+060+#20 '"5+/,8,60 7$64 * "0)(-0%&)1*)*, ,% #&0*,.%, * $./)%.µ/),+#7,*,% #%+ 9"0+#8)(9#+0*)+%#8 #%,-),%)*.

I;@0696 @6. #.O.H+ Petrides #%+ Furnham (Petrides & Furnham, 2001)$.7,"+0%0 ;0%0 +'"/=/9+#7 '+%>6.+)µ7 µ",%53 ,60 '3/$./)"99&)"60 ,*4 D(0%+)1*µ%,+#84 T/*µ/)30*4 :-)"+,*4 >.*)+µ/$/+/3µ"0*4 µ"1/'/=/9&%4 µ;,.*)84 ,/(4.! $./);99+)* ,*4 D.T. 64 +#%07,*,% µ",.-,%+ µ" ,"),µ;9+),*4 %$7'/)*4 "02 * $./);99+)8 ,*4 64 >%.%-#,*.+),+#7 ,*4 $./)6$+#7,*,%4 µ",.-,%+ µ" ".6,*-µ%,/=79+% %(,/%0%?/.-4.

! µ;,.*)* ,*4 D.T 64 +#%07,*,% "&0%+ $./:=*µ%-,+#8 "$"+'8 * )(µ?(84 ($/#"+µ"0+#8 ?3)* ,*4 )(0%+-)1*µ%,+#84 "µ$"+.&%4 ($/0/µ"3"+ ,*0 $./)$-1"+%%0-$,(5*4 ,"), µ;9+),*4 %$7'/)*4, $%.7µ/+% '*=%-'8 µ" ,% IQ tests. V+% ,*0 $%.-#%µA* %(,/3 ,/( $./-:=8µ%,/4 (+/1",81*#%0 '+%'+#%)&"4 :%1µ/=79*)*4$/( $./)$%1/30 0% '*µ+/(.98)/(0 )6),;4 "$+=/9;4µ",%53 $/==20 "0%==%#,+#20.

H+ $+/ '+%#"#.+µ;0"4 #=&µ%#"4 µ;,.*)*4 %(,84,*4 $./);99+)*4 ,*4 D.T. "&0%+ ,/ Multifactor Emotionaland Intelligence Scale (MEIS, Mayer, Caruso, Salovey,1999)#%+ ,/ Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotion andIntelligence Test CMSCEIT; Mayer , Salovey, Caruso2002). H+ $+/ >.*)+µ/$/+/3µ"0"4 #=&µ%#"4 µ;,.*)*4,*4 D.T 64 >%.%#,*.+),+#7 ,*4 $./)6$+#7,*,%4 "&0%+:Emotional Quotient Inventory EQ-i(Bar-On,1997),Emotional Competence Inventory ECI (Boyatzis,Goleman, Hay/McBer,1999), Trait Emotional IntelligenceQuestionnaire TEIQue (Petrides&Furnham,2003).

$,D/@A:6 @6. #.O.I.7)?%,"4 0"(./)(µ$".+?/.+#;4 ;."(0"4 %$/'"+-#03/(0 7,+ * D.T µ$/."& 0% %0%$,(>1"& µ;)% %$7 $%.%-#&0*)*, -)#*)* #%+ %0%,./?/'7,*)*. H Goleman ($/-

%&H'#2: F% µ%*$;(% !"*.+10)µ.$+,'2 G%)µ%1-*)2 $%" D. Goleman (Daniel Goleman, 1998)


?"$#/9=*51) ?"$%4-0µ+1) D9*)$4. !"µ/#4+A%482

! !*3(78-' /87 -27%5-='µ#/87 ! 92/,<".(?,4 ! C#-' *+,4 .*3/.2@' ! 92/,%@5,"F('-' ! 9@5,*5-/3% ! B<-µ.2-'! 92/,*.*,3='-' ! !2-27.5$'-3% ! &+8/,O,2"3%

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! 6%""5<+(.5% $.-µA7! >27.+(%-3%! Lµ%$50<4 50%7F/'/.4

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!.". #$% &'(% )(*+#,+-@ >+?µ)4 !"3, 323%3 # 5.6. !-µ>1::'( !"#, 2$3!=-2(0/ 0+( '2+**':µ+"(0/ '2("-<%+ 2+$+µ7,'( 1*,=-!"34. A%,+( )µ=4 +,+µ;%>3:# # !-µ>3:/ "#4 !"#, '2(-"-<%+ '%"' )"+, +-"/ 3$%&'"+( =4 (0+,)"#"+ "3- +")µ3-*(+ +-"'2%*,=!#, +-"30-$(+$<%+, +-"37:'*<3, '-!--,'(8#!%+ 0+( 8-,+")"#"+ ,+ µ2+%,'( !"# ?7!# "=,1::=,, ,+ "3-4 0+"+,3'%, ,+ "3-4 +!0'% '2($$3/, ,+'2(03(,=,'% 0+( ,+ !-,'$*1&'"+( )2=4 2+$3-!(1!"#-0' +2) "3, Daniel Goleman ,'%"' )"+, 3$%&'"+( =4 #(0+,)"#"+ +,"%:#9#4, +.(3:)*#!#4, 70;$+!#4 0+( 8(+-<'%$(!#4 "=, !-,+(!?#µ1"=, )2=4 2+$3-!(1!"#0'+2) "3-4 Mayer 0+( Salovey

B-") !-µ>+%,'( *(+"% "+ !-,+(!?#µ+"(01 ,3/µ3,+1"3µ+ 0+"+;7$,3-, ,+ µ'"+8%83-, 0+:C"'$+ "(4 (87-'4 0+( "3-4 !")<3-4 "3-4 µ' "$)23 23- 8', '2(87<'-"+( +µ;(!>#"/!'(4, 01,3,"+4 "3-4 1::3-4 ,+ +(!?1-,3,"+( 0+"1::#:3( !"3 '$*+!(+0) "3-4 2'$(>1::3,(Goleman,1998), 0+?D4 0+( *(+"% # 5.6. !<'"%&'"+( µ'"(4 03(,=,(074 (0+,)"#"'4 23- +2+("3C,"+( *(+ !-,'$-*+!%+ 0+( '23µ7,=4 +) '%,+( <$/!(µ# *(+ "# 8#µ(3-$-*%+ 3µ+:1 !-,'$*+&)µ',=, 3µ18=,, >)3( #*7"'4 µ'5.6. !' !-,'$*+!%+ µ' "3 '$*+"(0) 8-,+µ(0) µ23$3C,,+ '2(8$1!3-, !"(4 !<7!'(4 "=, +")µ=, 0+( ,+ !-µ->1::3-, !"#, +C.#!# "#4 +"3µ(0/4 0+( 3µ+8(0/4 !-,+(-!?#µ+"(0/4 ,3#µ3!C,#4 0+( !"#, 3$*+,=!(+0/ 87!µ'--!# (Cherniss, 2001)

!.". .+/ 0%#12)3$/.4 5/%,.1#1E 2+$3-!%+ "#4 5.6. !"3-4 '2+**':µ+"%'4 ,3!#:'--"74 (8(+%"'$+ µ'"1 "#, µ'"+>3:/ "3- !-!"/µ+"34 2+$3-</4 ;$3,"%8+4 2$34 µ(+ 3:(!"(0/ ?'D$#!# "3- +!?'-,3C4 '%,+( +2+$+%"#"#. 5"$+"#*(074 )2=4 # !-,'$*+!%+,# +,3(<"/ '2(03(,=,%+ ,3!#:'-"/ – +!?',/ , # +,+-*,D$(!# "=, 8(0D, "3- !-,+(!?#µ1"=, , "=, !-,+87:-;=,, "=, +!?',D,, # 8(+<'%$(!# "=, !-,+(!?#µ1"=,")!3 '!="'$(01 )!3 0+( µ7!+ !"(4 !<7!'(4 "3- (,3!#-:'-"/ – 2$3F!"1µ',3, ,3!#:'-"/ – ,3!#:'-"/ – ,3!#-:'-"/- ,3!#:'-"/ – *(+"$), ,3!#:'-"/ – +!?',/ / 0+(3(03*7,'(+), +23"':3C, !#µ+,"(01 !"3(<'%+ "#4 ,7+4,3!#:'-"(0/4 2$+*µ+"(0)"#"+4.

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5Cµ;=,+ µ' "3, Ryback (Ryback, 1998) 3 !-,+(-!?#µ+"(01 ,3/µ=, #*7"#4 '08#:D,'( 870+ >+!(074!-µ2'$(;3$74:11.. J', 0$+"1 '2(0$("(0/ !"1!# !"3-4 -;(!"+µ7,3-4

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+,+8'%.3-, "(4 (0+,)"#"74 "3-4

@ Goleman !' 1$?$3 "3- (2000) 01,'( :)*3 *(+ 7.( 8(+-;3$'"(03C4 "C23-4 (!"-:) #*'!%+4 23- !-,873,"+( 1µ'-!+ µ' "(4 8(+!"1!'(4 "#4 !-,+(!?#µ+"(0/4 ,3#µ3!C-,#4. @( "C23( +-"3% '%,+(: 3 0+"+2('!"(0)4 (coercive),3 3$+µ+"(!"/4 (visionary), 3 +,?$=2(!"(0)4 (affiliative),3 8#µ30$+"(0)4 (democratic), 3 0+?38#*#"(0)4(pacesetting) 0+( 3 !-µ>3-:'-"(0)4 (coaching). @(2$+*µ+"(01 '2("-<#µ7,3( 0+( +23"':'!µ+"(03% #*7"'48', <$#!(µ323(3C, µ),3 7,+ "C23 #*'!%+4 ,+::1 ',+:-:1!!3-, !"-: +,1:3*+ µ' "(4 +,1*0'4 "#4 '$*+!%+4.

@( !-,+(!?#µ+"(01 ,3/µ3,'4 ,3!#:'-"74 #*7"'4'µ2,73-, !"3-4 1::3-4 ',?3-!(+!µ) *(+ 7,+ )$+µ+0+( µ(+ 03(,/ +23!"3:/, 2+%$,3-, 2$="3>3-:%+ 0+(8$3-, =4 #*7"'4 +,'.1$"#"+ +2) "# ?7!# "3-4, >3#-?3C, "3-4 1::3-4 ,+ 7<3-, 0+:/ '2%83!#.

H' 8'83µ7,# "# <+3"(0/ ;C!# "3- !-!"/µ+"34-*'%+4 3( #*7"'4 ,3!#:'-"74 23- 7<3-, +-"74 "(4 (0+-,)"#"'4 µ23$3C, ,+ +23"':7!3-, 23:C"(µ# 2#*/ *(+"3-4 3$*+,(!µ3C4 -*'%+4.

K!")!3, +.()2(!"'4 0+( 7*0-$'4 7$'-,'4 *C$= +2)"# 5.6. !"3 <D$3 "#4 -*'%+4 !"+ 2:+%!(+ "#4 '::#,(-0/4 '2(0$1"'(+4 2$72'( +0)µ# ,+ 2$+*µ+"323(#?3C,.

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BBaacckkggrroouunndd:: Emotional intelligence is popular in literature as an important characteristic for successful leaders.Health care is changing rapidly and leaders should use modern models of leadership focused on creating relationshipsbased on trust. Nurse leaders who exhibit characteristics of emotional intelligence enhance staff organizationalskills and effectiveness of their work.AAiimm:: This paper aims to present an analysis of the literature on Emotional Intelligence and explore the implicationsof it for the nursing leadership.MMeetthhoodd:: A literature search was undertaken using international databases (MEDLINE, PUBMED) covering the period1998 to 2008. A hand-search of relevant journals added to the data.CCoonncclluussiioonnss:: Emotionally intelligent nurse leaders who are self-aware, supervisory skillful, capable of address theemotional side of their staff can develop strong synergized teams, necessary for the survival during this changinghealthcare landscape.

KKeeyy wwoorrddss:: Emotional intelligence, nursing administration, competence, leadership

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0+( 8(+!;1:(!#4 "#4 23()"#"+4 (+,+;7$?#0+, !' 170$1"#-µ7:# "#4 A.A.).

! P3, 0+?3$(!µ) '?,(0/4 -2#$'!%+4 / ;3$7+ *(+ "#,23()"#"+ !"3, <D$3 "#4 -*'%+4 (13 0$1"#-µ7:# "#4A.A.).

! P#, '270"+!# "#4 8-,+")"#"+4 '2(:3*/4 "3- +!?'-,3C4, "=, 8(0+(=µ1"=, 0+( "#4 +!;1:'(14 "3- (130$1"#-µ7:#).

! P# >':"%=!# "#4 0+"1$"(!#4 0+( +.(3:)*#!#4 "=,'2+**':µ+"(D, -*'%+4 (12 0$1"#-µ7:#).

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5"#, A::18+ # ';+$µ3*/ 2$3*$+µµ1"=, >':"%=-!#4 "#4 23()"#"+4 8', '%,+( '2+$0D4 +,'2"-*µ7,#,+, 0+( 7<3-, *%,'( 2$3!21?'('4 *(+ 3$*+,=µ7,# -:3-23%#!# 2$+0"(0D,, '(8(01, µ7!+ +2) "(4 +2+("/!'(4<$#µ+"38)"#!#4 23- 3$%&'( "3 A.5.Q.B. A%,+( ',8'(-0"(0) )"( µ7<$( "+ "7:# "#4 8'0+'"%+4 "3- ’90 3( +,+-;3$74 *(+ C2+$.# "7"3(=, 2$3*$+µµ1"=, !"#, -*'%+/"+, 2'$(!"+!(+074 0+( !' 2$="3>3-:(+0) '2%2'83+2) "3-4 '2+**':µ+"%'4 -*'%+4 0+( )<( +2) "(4 8(3(-0/!'(4 "=, ,3!303µ'%=, / 0',"$(01 +2) "3 +$µ)8(3-23-$*'%3 (Theodorakioglou & Tsiotras, 2000). 5-*0'-0$(µ7,+, µ7<$( 0+( "(4 +$<74 "3- 213- +(D,+, !"#,A::18+ "3 91,7% "=, ,3!303µ'%=, 8/:=,' )"( 8','%<' ?7!'( "#, 23()"#"+ !"#, 2+$3</ -*'(3,3µ(0D,-2#$'!(D, =4 8(+0$(") 0+( µ'"$/!(µ3 !")<3 / =4<=$(!"1 <$#µ+"383"3Cµ',3 !032). A2%!#4, µ),3 "316,6% "=, 8(3(0/!'=, "=, ,3!303µ'%=, ';+$µ)&'('$*+:'%+ 8(+<'%$(!#4 "#4 23()"#"+4 0+( "3 41,7% +$0'%-

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"+( µ),3 !' 'µ2'($(074 2$3!'**%!'(4 0+( µ'"$/!'(4(P3C,"+4, 203: 545).

5' 'µ2'($(0/ 23!3"(0/ 7$'-,+ 23- 7*(,' !' +!?'-,'%4 8#µ)!(3- ,3!303µ'%3-, 8(+2(!"D?#0' )"( "+ &#"/-µ+"+ 23- +;3$3C, !"#, (0+,)"#"+ 0+( '2(!"#µ3!C,#"=, *(+"$D,, !"#, -*('(,/ "=, <D$=, ,3!#:'%+4 "=,+!?',D, !' !-,1$"#!# µ' "3 <$),3 ,3!#:'%+4, !"#,µ3$;/ +!;1:(!#4 0+( !"#, !-µ2'$(;3$1 "3- ,3!#-:'-"(03C 2$3!=2(03C 0+?)$(!+, "#, C2+$.# "#4 23(-)"#"+4 !"3 8#µ)!(3 ,3!303µ'%3 0+( 70+,+, ,+ ,(D?3-,(0+,323(#µ7,3( 3( +!?','%4 (Lekidou, et al., 2007).S!3, +;3$1 !"+ Pµ/µ+"+ A2'(*),"=, Q'$(!"+"(0D,(PAQ) !"+ 8#µ)!(+ ,3!303µ'%+, 8(+2(!"D?#0' )"( 3(0+?3$(!"(03% 2+$1*3,"'4 *(+ "#, 23()"#"+ "=, 2+$'-<3µ7,=, -2#$'!(D,, 7"!( D!"' ,+ +(!?1,3,"+( (0+,3-23(#µ7,3( 3( +!?','%4 +2) "#, 2+$3</ ;$3,"%8+4 -*'%-+4 '%,+( # +.(32(!"%+, 8#:+8/, # !"+?'$)"#"+ "#4;$3,"%8+4, # !-,72'(+ "#4 '0"7:'!#4 0+( # 8(1$0'(+"=, 2+$'<3µ7,=, -2#$'!(D,, # +,"+2)0$(!# 0+( #'"3(µ)"#"+ "3- 2$3!=2(03C ,+ '.-2#$'"/!3-, "3,+!?',/, # (0+,)"#"+ "3- 2$3!=2(03C, # 2$3!>+!(µ)-"#"+ !"(4 -2#$'!%'4 -*'%+4, # '-*7,'(+, 0+"+,)#!# 0+('2(03(,=,%+ "=, '2+**':µ+"(D, -*'%+4 !' !-,1$"#!#µ' "3, '2+**':µ+"(!µ) "3-, "#, +!;1:'(+ 0+( "3 2'$(->1::3, !"3, <D$3 "#4 -*'%+4 (H+::(+$3C, 0.1., 2009).

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[[11.. PPhhDD..,, AAssttoonn BBuussiinneessss SScchhooooll,, AAssttoonn UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, BBiirrmmiinngghhaamm,, UUKK –– NNaattiioonnaall CCeennttrree ooff PPuubblliicc AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn aannddLLooccaall GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt,, TThheessssaalloonniikkii,, 22.. NNuurrssee,, AAggiiooss DDiimmiittrriiooss PPuubblliicc HHoossppiittaall,, TThheessssaalloonniikkii]]

The quality in the healthcare services is important for the provision of healthcare treatment for the patients. Its maindimensions relate to human resources, organization and procedures, and the outcomes from the services offeredto patients. The methods available for the improvement of quality levels have to do with Total Quality Management,systems for quality assurance and quantitative methods relevant to quality and the relationship between cost andbenefit. The role of the human factor for the improvement of quality through Donabedian’s conceptual framework issubstantial, since it is related to all three dimensions comprising healthcare services. Finally, as far as the implementationof quality improvement programmes in hospitals, in Greece and abroad, it has been found that Greece lacks behindother developed EU and OECD countries, due to the absence of organized and systematic activity on quality assuranceand development of relative quality programmes. KKeeyywwoorrddss:: service quality, health professionals, Donabedian, Total Quality Management, quality assurance

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[[11.. NNuurrssee TT..EE..,, MMSScc --PPHHDDcc,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy HHoossppiittaall ooff RRiioo,, 22.. NNuurrssee TT..EE..,, HHoossppiittaall ooff RRiioo]]

The communication is an interaction process aiming at the exchange of messages. It is innate in each person, butsome techniques and skills are teachable. The nurses are considered "professionals" in communication, sincenursing is based upon the competence to create good interpersonal relations with the patients.

WWoorrddss KKeeyyss:: discussion, communication, consultation, nursing practice, transmitter, receptor, message, patient.

TOMOS4_TEFXOS1 5/11/11 11:23 AM Page 61

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E 2$)3834 !"(4 '2(!"/µ'4 0+( "(4 "'<,3:3*%'4 2<.µ(0$3- 0+( ,+,3"'<,3:3*%'4 7<'( 8D!'( ,7'4 8-,+")"#-

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P3 Lifeshirt "#4 Bµ'$(0+,(0/4 '"+($%+4 VIVOMETRICS+23"':'% "3 2:73, +,+2"-*µ7,3 0+( 0:(,(01 830(µ+!µ7-,3 ;3$'") (+"$(0) !C!"#µ+, "3 323%3 2+$7<'( +8(1:'(-2"# 2+$+03:3C?#!# 2'$(2+"#"(0D, +!?',D,, µ7!=0+"+*$+;/4 0+( "32(0/4 +23?/0'-!#4 +,+2,'-!"(0D,0+( 0+$8(+0D, 2+$+µ7"$=,.

A%,+( "3 2$D"3 ;3$'") !C!"#µ+ µ# '2'µ>+"(0/4!-,'<3C4 2+$+03:3C?#!#4 23- µ23$'% ,+ !-::7.'(8'83µ7,+, 8#µ(3-$*D,"+4 µ(+ !-,'</ '(0),+ – 2$3;%:"#4 -*'%+4 "3- +")µ3- ',D +-") '0"':'% 0+,3,(01 "(40+?#µ'$(,74 "3- 8$+!"#$()"#"'4.[ http:// /Vivo/]

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P3 !C!"#µ+ µ23$'% '2%!#4 ,+ 2'$(:+µ>1,'( 7,+ #:'-0"$3,(0) #µ'$3:)*(3 "=, +!?',D, (Vivolog Digital Diary))23- µ23$3C, ,+ 0+"+*$1;3,"+( "+ 8'83µ7,+ "3- <$/!"#.

P3 Lifeshirt Sleep Diagnosis µ23$'% ,+ <$#!(µ3-23(#?'% 0+( *(+ "#, 2+$+03:3C?#!# "3- C2,3- H' "#<$/!# +-"/4 "#4 !-!0'-/4 >':"(D,'"+( # "+<C"#"+, #23()"#"+ 0+( # 3(03,3µ(0/ +2)83!# "=, µ':'"D, C2,3-,+;3C 2:73, 3( +!?','%4 µ23$3C, ,+ 2+$+03:3-?3C,"+(+2) "3 !2%"( "3-4. 5#µ+,"(0/ '%,+( # <$/!# "3- LifeshirtSleep Diagnosis !' )"( +;3$1 "#, +,%<,'-!# "#4 Obstructive

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Sleep Apnea (OSA). P3 Lifeshirt '%,+( 7,+ 1,'"3 7,8--µ+ "3 323%3 µ23$'% ,+ 2+$7<'( µ(+ -9#:/4 23()"#"+4!-::3*/ 8'83µ7,=, !' 1,'"3 *(+ "3, +!?',/ 2'$(>1:-:3, +,"(0+?(!"D,"+4 "#, 2(?+,), 8-!1$'!"# '.7"+!/"3- !"3 '$*+!"/$(3.[5;1:µ+! E +,+;3$1 "#4 -2'$-!C,-8'!#4 8', '%,+( 7*0-$#.], [\-<1$# X. 2005]

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<,'-!# "#4 +!?7,'(+4.! P#, >3/?'(+ "=, <$#!"D, !' ;1!# +230+"1!"+!#4! P#, ',#µ7$=!# "=, <$#!"D, *(+ "#, 23$'%+ "#4 -*'%-

+4 "3-4! P#, µ'%=!# "=, 3(03,3µ(0D, 8+2+,D, "=, <$#!"D,

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P3 Healthwear 21"#!' 21,= !"+ +23"':7!µ+"+ "#4'$'-,#"(0/4 83-:'(14 23- 7*(,' !"3 2:+%!(3 "3- Wealthy0+( +278'(.' !"#, 2$1.# "+ µ'*1:+ 3;7:# +2) "#, -:3-23%#!# ',)4 "7"3(3- '*<'($/µ+"34 !"#, 0+?#µ'$(,/2$+0"(0/.

H%+ +0)µ# ;3$'"/ !-!0'-/ '%,+( "3 Smart Shirt "#4Sensatex, 23- +$<(01 '%<' !<'8(+!"'% +2) "3 GeorgiaInstitute of Technology. A%,+( 7,+ 03,"3µ1,(03 µ2:3--&10( 23- !-::7*'( +2) )23(3, "3 ;3$1'( +$0'"1 +2) "+>+!(01 &="(01 !/µ+"+ "3- 3$*+,(!µ3C, ',D '%,+( !'?7!# ,+ +,(<,'C'( 0+( "(4 0(,/!'(4 "3-. H23$'% ,+ $+;"'%+,1:3*+ D!"' ,+ µ23$'% ,+ ;3$'?'% +2) 323(3,8/23-"'. V,+ µ=$) 23- ;3$1'( "3 smart shirt, µ23$'% ,+ 7<'(

-2) 2+$+03:3C?#!# "+ &="(01 "3- !/µ+"+ D!"' ,+ +23-;'-<?'% "3 !C,8$3µ3 "3- +(;,%8(3- >$';(03C ?+,1"3-(sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS), 23- 2+$+"#-$'%"+( 0-$%=4 0+"1 "# 8(1$0'(+ "3- C2,3-.[Park J. AndMar 2009]

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+&-'+%-3*'9-%:2µ%&'$, %"%1&;6<0+%" &% Textrodes,&% '1'8% !8"%* +%&%,+!(%,µ4"% %1# 8"!$ %"'>!83/&'(%&,%)*'; +%* 6-0,*µ'1'*';"&%* ,! .µ!,0 !1%:2 µ! &'34-µ% ,&' D%"!1*,&2µ*' Ghent.C*% &0 µ4&-0,0 &0$ %"%1"'2$ %"%1&;6<0+! 4"%$ %+#-

µ% %*,<0&2-%$ %1# +)/,&'E:%"&'(-9*+. ()*+.. A 5@"0Respibelt !8"%* !18,0$ +%&%,+!(%,µ4"0 %1# "2µ% %"'->!83/&'( %&,%)*'; [Axisa F., +%* )'*1'8 2005]

!"#$%&'&F* );,!*$ &/" :'-4,*µ/" %(&@" ,(,&0µ.&/" 1-41!* "%!8"%* 4&,* ,6!3*%,µ4"!$ @,&! "% !8"%* :*)*+4$ 1-'$ &'6-2,&0, +%* %-+!&. !(:(!8$ @,&! "% !"&'185'(" %" '%,<!"2$ &*$ 6-0,*µ'1'*!8 ,/,&.. =1*1-',<4&/$, &% ,(,&2-µ%&% <% 1-41!* "% !8"%* !1%-+@$ 3*%+-*&*+. 9*% "% µ0"3*%&%-.,,'(" &' ,("0<*,µ4"' &-#1' 5/2$ &'( %,<!"2+%* "% !1*&-41'(" &0" !1*+'*"/"8% µ! 4"%" !*3*+#, #1'-&! %(&2 +-8"!&%* %1%-%8&0&0.[ Wollina U+%* )'*1'8, 2003]

!"µ()*+'µ,%, F 4)!96'$ &/" 3%1%"@" µ1'-!8 "% 98"!* µ4,/ &/" &0)!-µ%&*+@" &!6"')'9*@", )%µ?."'"&%$ (1#G0 #&* #)!$ '*1)0-':'-8!$ +%* &% 3!3'µ4"% 1'( 1%-.9'"&%* 2 %>*'-1'*';"&%* 9*% &0" %"&*µ!&@1*,0 !"#$ 1!-*,&%&*+';, +%&%-9-.:'"&%* µ! 0)!+&-'"*+# &-#1'. A +%&%9-%:2 !1*&-4-1!* &0" %".)(,0 +%* %>*')#90,0 +%* +%&. ,("41!*% &0"%"&*,&'860,0 µ! 3!8+&!$ %1'&!)!,µ%&*+#&0&%$ +%* :(,*-+@" 3%1%"@".H" &4)'$ <(µ0<';µ! #&* 0 70)!I%&-*+2 !8"%* '(,*%-

,&*+. «(1'?'0<';,!$ &!6"')'98!$» +* #6* 4"%$ "4'$+).3'$ *%&-*+2$, &#&! µ1'-';µ! !;+')% "% 3!6&';µ!#&* 0 '-9."/,0 +%* 1%-'62 9*% 1%-.3!*9µ% +%&’ '8+'""',0)!8%$, <% %1'&!)4,!* %"&*+!8µ!"' 4"&'"'( %"&%9/-"*,µ'; µ!&%>; 30µ',8/" +%* *3*/&*+@" :'-4/". H1'&!)!8 '(,*%,&*+. (1'6-4/,0 &/" !1%99!)µ%-

&*@" (9!8%$ "% !8"%* ,! <4,0 "% 6-0,*µ'1'*';" &% &0)!-µ%&*+. ,(,&2µ%&% 1-'$ #:!)'$ &/" %,<!"@" +%* &/"*38/".



[[11.. PPhhyyssiicciisstt,, MMSScc HHeeaalltthh IInnffoorrmmaattiiccss,, 22.. NNuurrssee RRNN,, BBSScc,, MMSScc,, PPhhDD HHeeaalltthh IInnffoorrmmaattiiccss,, 33.. PPrrooffeessssoorr HHeeaalltthh IInnffoorrmmaattiiccss,,LLaabboorraattoorryy HHeeaalltthh IInnffoorrmmaattiiccss ooff NNuurrssiinngg DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt,, NNaattiioonnaall aanndd KKaappooddiissttrriiaann UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff AAtthheennss]]

In an international level, the effort of reducing the mean time of hospitalization in secondary and tertiary health careinstitutions constitutes a common practice. Modern technologies provide the possibility of reliable and empoweredhealth care, out of hospitals. This fact becomes very important given that in contemporary societies the populationolder than 65 years old constantly increases. “Smart Wearable Biomedical Systems” could play a key-role in thepreventive health care. The present article constitutes a thorough study, based on the review of relevant printed andon-line Greek and International literature. The purpose of the study is to present current situation about “Smart WearableBiomedical Systems”, focusing on the monitoring of cardiovascular and respiratory disorders. Topics like telemedicine,telecare, informatics’ and communications’ technologies are presented as well. Additionally, concepts relatively biologicalsigns and the operation of biosensors regarding measuring vital parameters of human body are described.

KKeeyywwoorrddss:: Telemedicine, wearable systems, biosensors, life signs, health services, telecommunications, telecare,smart clothes.

TOMOS4_TEFXOS1 5/11/11 11:23 AM Page 65

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