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АнглійськА мовАРобочий зошит

для 4 класузагальноосвітніх навчальних закладів

До підручника О.Д. Карп’юк

А.А. Андрієнко


Cyan 1 Black 1 Англ. мова. 4 кл. Андрієнко

© Навчальна книга – Богдан, 2016ISBN 978-966-10-4338-0

Андрієнко А.А.А 64 Англійська мова : робочий зошит для 4 класу загальноосвітніх

навчальних закладів : до підручника О.Д. Карп’юк / А.А. Андрієн-ко. — Тернопіль : Навчальна книга — Богдан, 2016. — 64 с.

ISBN 978-966-10-4338-0Робочий зошит з англійської мови для 4-го класу загаль-

ноосвітніх навчальних закладів укладено відповідно до чинної програми Міністерства освіти і науки України та підручника для 4-го класу (Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова : підручник для 4 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів).

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АНДРієНКО Алла Антонівна

АнглійсьКА мовА

Робочий зошит

для 4 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів

До підручника О.Д. Карп’юк

Cyan 2 Black 2 Англ. мова. 4 кл. Андрієнко

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Cyan 3 Black 3 Англ. мова. 4 кл. Андрієнко

Stick your photo. Complete the sentences with your personal information.

My name is .

I am years old.

I am a pupil in .

My e-mail is .

My telephone number is .

Tick () the correct spelling.

forteen 14 fourteen

thirty 30 thity

ninty 90 ninety

four hundred 400 four hundreds

eghteen 18 eighteen

fourty-three 43 forty-three

Read the information and write the sentences about the girl.

Olesia Hrutsenkoten067-98-57-432Vinnytsia

This is a

Her name is



Introduction Lesson 1Personal Information



Cyan 4 Black 4 Англ. мова. 4 кл. Андрієнко

Introduction Lesson 2Personal Information

1. Answer the questions.

1 What’s your name?

2 What’s your surname?

3 Where do you live?

4 What’s your e-mail?

5 What form are you in?

6 What’s your telephone number?

Mark the sentences True or False.

True False1 There are twenty pupils in your class. 2 Your friend sits next to you. 3 Your teacher is a man. 4 Your favourite lesson is Music. 5 Your friends like to play football. 6 You don’t have an e-mail address.

Stick a photo or draw a picture of your friend. Complete the story.

My friend’s name is .

She / He is from .

Her / His favourite sport is .

She / He likes to play .

Her / His favourite colour is .

She / He can very well.




Cyan 5 Black 5 Англ. мова. 4 кл. Андрієнко

Unit 1 Lesson 1Getting Ready for School

Label the pictures.


Tell and write the time.

Complete the sentences.

1 I need for my English lessons.

2 I can buy new copybooks in the .

3 My lessons start at .

4 My teacher’s name is .

5 I like to write with my new .

6 I don’t need for Maths.





Cyan 6 Black 6 Англ. мова. 4 кл. Андрієнко

Unit 1 Lesson 2Getting Ready for School

1. Unscramble the words and make up three sentences with them.

a nwe mfurnio eb oevr fele asd

Mark the sentences True or False.

True False1 Summer holidays are over. 2 Our lessons start at 9 o’clock. 3 All my classmates have got many new textbooks. 4 Children feel happy because summer is over. 5 Many schoolchildren have got new bags. 6 I like to work with scissors and glue.

Fill in the missing words. Act out the dialogue.

sad bye why old bag school are holidays

: Hello. How you?

: Well, I feel .

: ?

: are over.

: Are you ready for ?

: Yes, I am. I’ve got a new . What about you?

: My bag is OK.

: See you at school!

: Bye!




Cyan 7 Black 7 Англ. мова. 4 кл. Андрієнко

Unit 1 Lesson 3Getting Ready for School

Read and circle the correct word.

1 Fred’s brother is / are going to study German.2 Tamara is / are going to play a game.3 My friends is / are going to paint a picture.4 What time is / are the lesson going to start?5 I is / am going to study Spanish next year.6 Louisa am / is going to buy a new school uniform. 7 She is / are going to buy a nice dress.8 My friends am / are going to play football. 9 We are / is going to visit our grandparents.

Fill in am, is, are.

1 I going to put books in my bag.

2 Tonia going to read a book.

3 Ben going to ride his bike.

4 Children going to buy ten pairs of scissors.

5 Our teacher going to meet us in room 3.

6 We going to play on the computer.

Write six sentences using:

am going to is going to





Cyan 8 Black 8 Англ. мова. 4 кл. Андрієнко

Unit 1 Lesson 4Getting Ready for School

Look and write about the girl.

Vira Kravchenko is a Ukrainian . She goes to school.

She has got a new .

She has got a on the of her jacket.

Answer the questions.

1 What is your friend’s name?

2 Is he / she tall?

3 What colour is his / her hair?

4 Has he / she got long or short hair?

5 What colour are his / her eyes?

6 What is he / she wearing today?

Draw a uniform you like. Describe it.




Vira Kravchenko


Cyan 9 Black 9 Англ. мова. 4 кл. Андрієнко

Unit 1 Lesson 5Getting Ready for School

Look and write the name of the lesson you use these things at.

Read and circle the correct word.

1 My grandparents is / are going to move to a new house on Monday.2 Mark is / are going to play football tomorrow.3 My classmates is / are going to read stories.4 What time is / are English going to start?5 I is / am going to study well this year.6 It’s windy. Nick and Frank is / are going to fly a kite. 7 Boys is / are not going to play football tomorrow.

Answer the questions.

1 Are you going to study French?

2 What are you going to buy?

3 What is your granny going to bake?

4 When are you going to have Maths?

5 What are your friends going to do on Sunday?

6 What subjects is your brother going to take?

7 What are you going to do after classes today?



