Odyssey Part II Study Game. A bag of wind In order to help him get home, Aeolus gives Odysseus...


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Odyssey Part II

Study Game

A bag of wind

• In order to help him get home, Aeolus gives Odysseus ___________.

All the winds blow freely because of what the crew does, and the ship is blown off course.

• In this section, what happens that causes Odysseus and his men to return to sea?

She offers them food and drink.

• When the men next wash ashore, how does Circe lure them into her palace?

She casts a spell on them and turns them into pigs.

• What happens to half of Odysseus’ men at the hands of Circe?

They are turned into the thing they want the most.

• What is significant about what happens to these men?

The men are lost and starving.

• Eurolychus disapproves of Odysseus’ leadership because


• Who helps Odysseus so that he is not affected by Circe’s magic?

The Land of the Dead

• Circe tells Odysseus that he must go to __________ to find out how to get home.

He wants to use the blood to make a sacrifice to Tiresias, Penelope, and Hades.

• When Odysseus is trying to draw Tiresias near, he creates a pit and slaughters several animals. Why does he do this?

His mother, one of his former soldiers, and Tiresias

• Who does Odysseus see when he is in Hades?

Travel through Scylla and Charybdis, not touch Helios’ cattle, and honor Poseidon

• What does Tiresias tell Odysseus?

He will get home with all his men alive.

• If Odysseus follows Tiresias’ advice, what will happen?

They sing and lure men to their shores to kill them.

• After his talk with Tiresias, Odysseus and his men sail past the Sirens. What is their special power?

He must have his crew tie him to the mast of the ship

• What must Odysseus do in order to survive his encounter with the Sirens?


• How many men does Odysseus lose to the Sirens?

A creature that has multiple heads and tentacles

• Who is Scylla?

A giant whirlpool

• Who is Charybdis?


• How many men does Odysseus lose to Scylla?


• How many men does Odysseus lose to Charybdis?

She is hidden behind fog and vines.

• Why is Charybdis dangerous?

Sleeping away the afternoon

• Odysseus’ men kill Helios’ cattle while Odysseus is

They hope that Helios will accept their offering and not punish them.

• Why do Odysseus’ men slaughter the cattle with great ceremony?

All of the men die except for Odysseus, and he is left to drift on the ocean

• What happens to Odysseus and his crew after Zeus punishes them for eating the cattle?

Calypso’s Island

• Where does Odysseus end up after he and his men are punished?

King Alcinous

• To whom is Odysseus telling his story?


• What type of characterization is the following quote?

• “Her legs -- and there are twelve – are like great tentacles, unjointed, and upon her serpent necks are borne six heads like rows of fangs and deep gullets of black death.”


• What type of characterization is the following quote?

• “Then I addressed the blurred and breathless dead, vowing to slaughter my best heifer for them before she calved, at home in Ithaca, and burn the choice bits on the altar fire.”


• What type of characterization is the following quote?

• “Friends, have we never been in danger before this? More fearsome, is it now, than when the Cyclops penned us in his cave? What power he had! Did I not keep my nerve, and use my wits to find a way out for us?


• What type of characterization is the following quote?

• “My faithful company rested on their oars now”

Types of Conflict

man vs. technology

• Telemachus tries to string the bow

Man vs. Himself

• Odysseus mourns the loved ones he sees in Hades

Man vs. Society

• Penelope must remarry so that Ithaca may have a king

Man vs. Nature

• Odysseus and his men are starving and cannot catch food

Man vs. supernatural

• Athena appears to speak to Odysseus

Man vs. man

• Odysseus engages in battle against other soldiers
