Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): A Sustainable Economic Development Option for Puerto Rico



Puerto Rico has the unique opportunity to become the world leader in OTEC and DOW applications to achieve long term sustained growth and economic development. As such, Puerto Rico could generate clean and baseload electric power at a competitive cost for both domestic use and for exporting to other nations. In addition, Puerto Rico could co-produce desalinated water for potable use and for irrigation. The cold water used for OTEC could be applied for sea water air conditioning for coastal hotel and resorts, and aquaculture activities, and to kick-off a micro-algae industry to produce bio-fuels and bio/specialty chemicals. Moreover, 2nd and 3rd generation OTEC plants should be used to produce energy-intensive products such as Hydrogen, NH3, Methanol, O2, N2 and CO2 for domestic industries and for exporting purposes. This would provide the long-needed foundation to re-develop the old CORCO petrochemical facilities and lands to launch a new era of green chemical production in Puerto Rico, as well as to finally give a true purpose and direction to the Port of Las Americas in Ponce. Finally, Puerto Rico could become the world leader in OTEC and DOW R&D, establishing centers of excellence, developing genuine clusters around the local universities and local start-ups, and to export OTEC related products and services to the world.

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CCLAN 1ELRMAL LNLRCY CCNvLRSlCN (C1LC): A Sustulnuble Lconomlc Leveloment Ctlon for Puerto Rlco LPC Convenclon Anuul ClAPR zc Rlo Mur 8euch Resort, Rlo Crunde, PR !"#$%& ()*) +",-./012%3"4 564 !7(4 895 *lntroductlon *Chronologlcul Revlew of Mujor Lvents !Prlor to the ,c's !lrom , to 8 !PRLPA'S c Mv Plunt Proosul to LCL ln 8 !lrom 8z to zcc6 *Recent develoments und current rojects: zcc, to resent *Understundlng C1LC hlstory - whut reully huened *Puerto Rlco und C1LC: toduy *Puerto Rlco und C1LC: the future *A vlslon for Puerto Rlco: otlons for sustulnuble economlc develoment *Suggested roudmu for lmlementutlon *Q&A sesslon Presentutlon Cutllne ".there ure few thlngs thut ure unrecedented und few oortunltles for chunglng the gume'- Ceorge lrledmun 1he Next cc Yeurs: A lorecust for the zst Century (zcc) [As defned by US Publlc Luw 6c on 'uly ,, 8c| "Method of convertlng urt of the heut from the Sun whlch ls stored ln the surfuce luyers of u body of wuter lnto electrlcul energy or energy roduct equlvulent.' [ClosedCycle Shown| lntroductlon: vhut ls C1LC? Plcture from 1U Lelft Solur energy ubsorbed by oceuns ls = ccc x humunlty unnuul consumtlon. Less thun of thls energy wlll sutlsfy ull globul needs (Q thermuljelectrlc converslon of ~ ). C1LC recovers urt of the heut energy stored ln the Lurth's oceuns to generute electrlclty. lntroductlon: 1he Resource Plcture from C1LC.org Eeut Source lntroductlon: vhut ls Requlred? Lee Cold vuter (Eeut Slnk) Accesslblllty of Resources & Lemund for Lnergy lntroductlon: 1ye of Systems ClosedCycle [1echnlcully & economlcully feuslble toduy ut commerclul scule - c to , Mv| CenCycle [Requlres more R&L - less thun Mv, Coroduces wuter| EybrldCycle [Sultuble for Pllot or Lemonstrutlon Plunt - to Mv, Coroduces wuter| Lvuluutlon of C1LC us u commerclul otlon should focus on the followlng olnts:*1echnlcul vlublllty (englneerlngjdeslgn, otheshelf equlment, deloymentjconstructlon) *Lnvlronmentul lmuct *Lconomlcs (cometltlve cost of electrlclty versus fossll fuels such us oll) *Arorlute fnunclng strutegy und structure (utlllty roject) *7":%&-"; 2%3:$: 1#E"#B%3 ;%:1B# "#; -?%3"-33-:1-#4 =1>3-D-$&1#BG4 %#213-#=%#
