oButton Functions (0 10 ro l. . .A: remote control. C[R2 ... · (0 Remote Control C[R2-CBL-cv§D...


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Operating InstructionsFor CABLEVISION(0 Remote Control




Universal Remote Control, Inc.(www.universalremote.com)OCE·OO30A Rev23(01/20/12)

o IntroductionThe remote control is designed to operate theScientific-Atlanta= Explorer 8000, PioneerVoyager DVR and the Pace Micro DVR Seriesset top boxes and the majority of TV's on themarket

o Replacing BatteriesBefore you program or operate the remote control,I you must install two AA alkaline batteries.

(STEP1) Remove the battery compartment coverI on the back of your remote control.(STEPZ) Check battery polarity carefully, and

install the batteries as shown in the illus-tration below.

(STEP3) Replace the battery compartment cover.

Install twoAA alkaline batteries

as shown here

(STEP3)Pointthe remotecontroltoward the lV andenterthe three-digitcode numberassignedto your brandfromthe code tables.

o OperationsDefault State:Device Default: Scientfic-Atlanta" Explorer8000

Volume Default: TV volume and mute throughthe TV, with the option of controlling volumeand mute through the Cable. Refer to Section Dfor programming the volume and mute throughyour Cable.

o Button Functions

DEVICE KEYS -..-...•Allow you to turn on and off your TV andCABLE box. They are also used to setup theremote control.

.. ............• -..... The Scientific-Atianta@Explorer

@ roc Converterhasanon-screen program~ B guide that can ~ sort~ several different ways:

l _.A: sorts the gUide by time10.... . B : SOlIs the guide by !hemeFOUR-WAY A·· lbdJ 0 C: SOJ1Sthe guide by titleCURSOR KEYS ....._ ...- • .. ..~ • ~ - ..•.... _... Consult your converter manual for more

~.::: ~~:~::~~: ~n.screer .~f~~.II~~~E .._ ••_ .._ :::;tion on the on-screen guide.

~ ~ !Jl)J Moves the menu forward and backward one page.Displays current cable box SOItmgs '; W _

, ~~~~;~~:~~:~~~.;~~~ :f~~a;,o~ ...• .. •.. ~ e@_-_.~_, -_.-~~out of on-screen menus.e e ,·-···-GUIOE~.!~~·;~;~s;:~~~~;~;~:·~;~· : _ .•• ~.Ir\ .._. Disp~ystheprogramguidelistings.

~. ..·FAVMUTE · · · ~o. 00 Steps through favorite channels.

Turns volume off. ",.. VOL 00 CH .••. (0VOLUME Displays the applications menu.Turns the volume up and down. .. (D'..itE)e.

I ~i~~aySalistofProgramsthatyOUhave /AG]0~:';""recorded, allowing you to select one for viewing. rF.:l1 . LIVEo 0 i Displays live television programming.

II ZPlayS the previous few seconds of a program. : ·ID i®·!l VOD KEYS. . Perform the video-an-Demand functions.·!0S@im '......


/99'ge:'l.......j... ~B!gE ·····..-, ..·-,e i _ - =ec~'!!~~ higher or lower channel

in the PIP window.

*T'Ip: The TVwill1llm offwhen the correct1hree-digiti:ode number has been entered. Voucan verify you have selected the correctcede bY pressing the (MUTE) bUl1on,the 1V

or*Note: lfthere is more thanone three-digit number

listedfor your band; fly one code number at atime W1til your 1V turns Q/f.

(SlEP4)Store the three-digitcode numberbypress-ingthe [TV] buttononce again.The iObuttonwill blinktwice to confirmthatthe codehasbeenstored.

*Note : Try all thejWu:tions on the remote control. Ifany of thejWu:tions do not work as theyshould, repeat from Step 2 using the next three·digit code munber from the same brand list.

B. Auto Search MethodIfthe three-dig~ code numbers assigned to yourbrand do notturn off your TV orthe code tablesdo not list your brand, you can use the AutoSearch Method to find the correct three-digitcode number for your lV by the following steps:(sTEP! )T urnonthe lV youwish to operate.<S1EP2)Pressthe [TV] buttonandthe [SELlbutton

simultaneouslyfor3seconds.The iObuttonwillum on.

..........CHChanges the channel up and down.

NUMBER KEYS - ......•

.... PIP MOVEMoves the PIP window to anotherlocation on the screen.

r,,:TheiObullDnwillightonforalseconds.The nextstep.Fbe entered while the iObutIoois

#Reserved for future use.

Allow direct access to specific channels andI menu options.

*Reserved for future use.

PIP ON/OFF _ - - •....•Opens or closes the PIP window.

.....•..- - - - .. PIP SWAPSwaps the contents of the PIP window andthe main viewing screen so that the PIPwindow displays on the main screen. (STEP'.OPressthe [CH"'I or [CH..•.I buttononestep

at atime or keep~pressed.The remotewillemta seriesof Power ON/OFFcommands.Releasethe [CH"'1or [CH..•.1buttonas soonastheTVturnsoff.

*TqJ: You can~youselectedthe correctcode by [MUTEJ btJIIQn. The TVshould tum off.

VIDEO ..•..........._ _ .._ ..__•.............._ _ _•.........J

SOURCESelects the video source.

o Programming the Remote Control.A. Three-Digit Code Programming Method.The remote control can be programmed by pressing in a three digit code number that corre-sponds to particular manufacturers and brands of TV.The three-digit code numbers are listed in the code table of the instruction manual.

(STEP1) Turn on the TV you wish to program.

(STEPZ) Press the [TV] button and the [SEL] button simultaneously for 3 seconds. The iO buttonwill turn on indicating the unit is ready to be programmed.~----~~~------~~butmn onfor20 Th KI: step beenteredWbi{ethe iO


(STEPOPress the [TV] buttonto storethe code.TheiObuttonwill blinktwicefo confirmthatthecode hasbeenstored.

C. ToFind the Three Digit Code NumberThat was Stored in the W.

(SlEPI)Pressthe [TV] buttonandthe [SELlbuttonsimultaneouslyfor 3 seconds.
