O’ sons of Mountains-1


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  • 8/9/2019 O sons of Mountains-1


    O sons of the Mountains

    Times are dark in the mountains and a spell has been blown into our hearts and

    minds with wickedness.

    O sons of the mountains,

    Weve been given birth by our mother but raised by the mountains. They taughtus to rise high like them, to see the light of the dawn and to stay calm, to bring

    peace on earth.

    They know nothing can move the mountains, but if shaken, they can blow out fire

    from hell that can turn life into smoke and dust. Be very careful my brothers, in

    life and death together we need to give flow to our waters so that all can flourish

    near and far.

    Mountains of Pakhtun and Hazara are nothing but mountains. We learnt from

    them where to place our hands and plant our feet. They taught us how to face the

    winds and the storms. They stood as tall and strong as they were born and thatis our very nature too. We all had opened our eyes to the same heights and

    changing skies, we have swam and drank the pure water of the mountains and

    we have witnessed the same beauty and grandeur in the day and night, livingamong these mountains.

    The leadership running a country is supposed to be visionary, taking care of the

    interest of all concerned. Although, knowing the history of the Pakhtuns, theirwisdom couldnt see a disaster on arms length when they decided to rename theNorth West Frontier Province. What were they thinking? Where were these

    protectors of our lives and votes when they were separating us politically on

    race and age? These selfproclaimed visionaries, leader, guardians and wellwishers; together have blown this wicked spell and approved it. They are the

    sinners, liars and enemies of brotherhood and peace who have aggravated thedifferences between us, giving rise to the chants of Haraza! Hazara! Theyve just

    poured more anger, rage and hate into the mountains. Now shaken up, the

    clashing mountains will surely send cracks traveling across the country. Karachiseeking independence from sindh, Multan from Punjab, while Kashmir already

    has a similar stance. Whats going to be next: Baluchistan wanting to declareitself a sovereign state? These headless, blinded and heartless leaders didnthave the foresight. They are the culprits and were the victims. For the sake of

    Pakistan, dont let them win again!

    There are no Pathans, Khans, Maliks, Pakhtuns or Judoons. These grand and

    gigantic mountains are witness to all our existence together as one brotherhood,even before times. We have lived the same way and have known the same ways

    of the mountains. Rivers flow for Punjab and mountains stand tall for us. We all

    are sons of the mountains with the same instinct, passion and compassion andthat makes us brothers of the mountains.

  • 8/9/2019 O sons of Mountains-1


    We have our own traditions of the mountains. Let us call for the Jirga to settle

    this dispute and make peace. This is our true identity; there shall we make Allahour witness and we declare our name to mountains and valleys. Lets collect our

    traditions and expressions and coin a name out of Pushto, Urdu, Hindko, Persianor Arabic or mix of any and declare who we are?

    In my opinion, we being stubborn like our teachers the mountains, the only wayto keep us together as brothers is to work on two critical action points:

    1 Change the name to Pakhtunkha Hazara

    2 Make Abbottabad the capital of Pakhtunkha Hazara against this tragedy

    Nothing could stay forever so make peace for our children. Let them learn the

    ways of mountains and cherish our brotherhood.

    O sons of mountains, time has come again to prove that we are mountains of

    faith, unity and discipline. We do not move, we do not surrender and they cantshake us down. Weve given sacrifices for Pakistan before, and well continue to

    do it again and again and again because we always stay stable to bring peace on


    Son of the mountains & a brother of yours,

    Ali Mirza

    House 71/A , Mohallah Loharan

    Ward No 1, Havellian


    Pakhtunkha Hazara
