O Come O Come Emmanuel - St. Agnes Cathedral DECEMBER 20, 20… · December 20, 2015 Fourth Sunday...


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December 20, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Parish of St. Agnes Cathedral

Most Reverend William F. Murphy, S.T.D., Diocesan Bishop

29 Quealy Place, Rockville Centre, NY 11570-4021

Phone: (516) 766– 0205 Fax: (516) 763-0745

Website: www.stagnescathedral.org

Email: parishoffice@stagnescathedral.org

Rev. Msgr. William E. Koenig, Rector

Rt. Rev. Msgr. James P. Kelly, Rector Emeritus,

In Residence

Rev. Ryan Creamer, Associate Pastor

Rev. Seth N. Awo Doku, Associate Pastor

Rev. James Hansen, Associate Pastor

Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A., Associate Pastor

Deacon Tom McDaid

O Come O Come O Come O Come O Come O Come EmmanuelEmmanuelEmmanuel

Sacraments Confessions Saturday, Eve of Holy Day, and Eve of First Friday 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Monday Evening following 7:30 p.m. Mass. Wednesday Morning following 7:45 a.m. Mass and the 12:10 p.m. Mass. Baptism Once a month on Saturday at 12:30 p.m. and on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:45 p.m. Contact the Rectory Office (766-0205) to arrange for interview, ceremony and registration for required Baptism Preparation Class (for first time parents).

Contact Numbers Rectory Office 766-0205 Open Mon. through Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (closed for lunch 12:30 -1:30 p.m.) Sat. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Emergencies anytime Elementary School 678-5550 Sr. Kathleen Carlin, O.P. Co-Principal Ms. Helen Newman, Co-Principal Religious Education 678-2306 Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff Adult Formation 678-2306 Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff Service Center/Outreach 678-1854 Sr. Kathleen P. Murphy, O.P. Music Office 764-9578 Michael Bower, Co-Director Michael Wustrow, Co-Director Youth Ministry 766-0205 Philip Malloy Comunidad Hispana 766-0205 Rev. German Villabon, O.S.A. Business Office 766-0205 Harry Larson, Manager

Marriage Arrangements should be made at least 12 months in advance and prior to making reception plans. Call the Rectory for appointment with priest or deacon you wish to witness your wedding. All couples are required to attend Pre-Cana. Pastoral Care of the Sick Priests and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are available to bring Holy Communion to parishioners confined to home. Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. Those who are seriously ill should request a priest for Anointing of the Sick. The Anointing of the Sick is celebrated each Monday morning during the 9:00 a.m. Mass. If you would like to be anointed, please sit in the first row of the pulpit transept.

Page 2 December 20, 2015

On Becoming A Catholic Those seeking information about the Catholic Faith are invited to contact Dr. Jo-Ann Metzdorff (678-2306) concerning the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

Schedule of Masses

Saturday Eve 5:00 p.m. Cathedral 7:30 p.m. Lower Hall 7:30p.m. Cathedral (Spanish Mass)

Sunday 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 10:30 Lower Hall (not celebrated during the summer) 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Weekday 6:30, 7:45, 9:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. (No 12:10 p.m. on Saturday) Monday 7:30 p.m.

Eve of Holy Day 5:00 p.m.

Holy Day Check the weekly bulletin


Masses For The Week Monday, December 21, Advent Weekday Sg 2:8-14; Lk 1:39-45 6:30 Rosemary Busa 7:45 Raymond J. Enright 9:00 John Michael Ahern 12:10 Anna Murphy 7:30 Dominick Sheehan Tuesday, December 22, Late Advent Weekday 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 6:30 Joan Clark 7:45 Gaetano & Annunziata Mammoliti & Giuseppe Paula Leone 9:00 Dec’d mbrs of the Zani Family 12:10 John & Helen Hurley Wednesday, December 23, Late Advent Weekday Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lk 1:57-66 6:30 Barbara Sullivan 7:45 Michael & Anna DeLucia, Dominick & Michael Danté Forchelli 9:00 Robert Morvillo 12:10 James & Eileen Rohan Thursday, December 24, Late Advent Weekday 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lk 1:67-79 6:30 Nicholas F. Vitalo, Jr. 7:45 Barbara Kiesling 9:00 Marco Mauro

CHRISTMAS EVE, THURSDAY, DEC. 24TH 4:00 p.m. in the Cathedral (Family Mass) 4:00 p.m. in the Parish Center and Lower Hall 5:30 p.m. in the Cathedral 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Center 8:00 p.m. Spanish Mass in the Cathedral 11:30 p.m. Procession and Blessing of the Créche 12:00 a.m. Pontifical Midnight Mass

CHRISTMAS DAY, FRIDAY, DEC. 25TH (all Masses in the Cathedral) 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

Saturday, December 26, St. Stephen, The First Martyr Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22 6:30 Peter & Bonnie Muzzonigro 7:45 Marie O’Donnell 9:00 Special Intention 5:00 Dominick Sheehan, Christopher Barry, Butch Schmidtt, Mark Bevilacqua, Mary T. Neller, Claudina Wright 7:30 C Gloria Gonzalez

7:30 LH Mary Margaret Quinn

Sunday, December 27, The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

Sir 3:2-6, 12-14; Col 3:12-21; Lk 2:41-52 7:00 Parishioners of St. Agnes Cathedral 8:00 Larry Murray 9:30 Gertrude “Trudy” Hunt 10:30 LH Scott Rosenfeld 11:00 Francesca Rabito (1st Anniversary) 12:30 Giovanni & Divina Molinaro, Betty Klein, James Gammello, Margaret Reese, Mary Orlick, Veronica Palmer 5:00 Michael J. Tumulty

Please Pray For The Dearly Departed Audrey Riordan, Ann Cavanagh, Gladys Howell,

Barbara Andrews

For The Sick Marge Kelenhofer, Jeanne Longua, Mary

DeMattia, Joseph Ragonese, Bryant Malpica, Sandy Brown,

Donald Lebrecht, Raymond Sisti, Catalina Aloi, Lilly

Andrews, Laura Aquino, Elizabeth Bevacqua, Jill Blum,

Courtney Boehme, Catherine Boiselle, Kathleen Burns, Joan

Burkert, Lina Camilleri, Patrick Cashin, Hugh Cassidy, Jimi

Lyn Chapman, Sidney Chung, Eleanor Cobb, Madonna

Lacey Cole, Jim Cole, Colleen Costello, Kathy Cusimano,

Maria Davis, Susan DeMattia, Keith Delaney, Lou DeLuca,

Hugh Dennehy, Gregory Donegal, Patricia Donegal, Brielle

Faracini, Cecilia Finelli, Toddler Anthony Gale, Shayla

Garrett, Danny Gause, Lena Gause, Aimee Gentilcore, Sal

Giallombardo, Anthony Gigantiello, Marlene Gough, Nancy

Hahn, Baby Shelby Lynn Hallmann, Cynthia Haralson,

Eleanor Herbert, Marie Herbert, Rosemary Herrera, Sister

Bernadette Jones, O.P., Carolyn Kanter, Jimmy Kerrigan,

Annie Delores Kirkland, Gary Koehler, Susan Kowalski,

Ellie Krutt, Pauline LaBato, Michael Lanzi, William Leahy,

Michael Lema, Zellin Lowe, Arthur Makarius, Lily

McLaurin, Kevin McDermott, Parker Mills, Carmen Marino,

Mary Morahan, Dan Masciovecchio, Agnes Mueller, Donna

Mullen, Michael Nuzzi, Anne O’Brien, Neil O’Brien, Robert

O’Brien, Nicole O’Neal, Mary O’Neill, James Otto, Patti

Jean Pasquino, Mary Peterson, Thora Petzold, Steve Pickney,

Gertrude Platz, Lynn Pulambo, John D. Raphael, Baby Liam

Rickman, Shannon Schmidt, Kristen Serafin, Paul Serino,

Lisa Pelrine-Shulman, Christopher Stock, Russell and

Kathleen Stewart, Jonathan Stuart, Lauren Stotts, Maureen

Taylor, Kim Tersigni, Audrey Thomas, Joanie Thompson,

George Torez, Barbara Wright.

Names for the bulletin remain for three weeks unless the Rectory is notified.

Wine & Hosts

In Loving Memory of

Salvatore Cerruto

Rose for Life

In Loving Memory of

Margaret Jeanne Briody

Love, Mom, Dad, Jack & Mae

Page 4 December 20, 2015

Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Monday - after 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Masses


After the 9:00 a.m. Mass each Monday through Saturday

in the Cathedral except on First

Saturday when it is recited at 8:30 a.m.

All are welcome.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

You are invited to join us each Friday for some quiet

reflection and prayer in the Holy Cross Chapel

following the 9:00 a.m. Mass concluding with

Benediction at 3:00 p.m.


A Way of Life

This Week’s Readings

The Gospel today tells of the Virgin Mary, pregnant

herself, hurrying off to help her cousin Elizabeth. The

model of good stewardship, she who had given herself

to bear the Savior gave her time and love to others as


Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish

who have the courage, like Mary, to listen to God’s

voice in their own hearts and conscientiously pursue the

tasks to which they have been called.

Sharing One’s Material Resources

in the Parish

2015 Giving Tree

This is the last weekend for the Giving

Tree. Please make sure your gifts are

brought to church today. We thank you

for your incredible generosity.

Hospitality Sunday

Today is Hospitality Sunday! Join us in the

Parish Center after the 8:00, 9:30 and

10:30 a.m. Masses for coffee,

bagels and muffins. This event is

hosted by members of our Parish


Catholic Ministries Appeal

Serving God by Serving Others

Thank you for your generous support of the 2015

Catholic Ministries Appeal.

Please remember that any new pledges must be

received by December 31, 2015, and current pledges

must be paid by January 31, 2016 for the 2015

Appeal. Completing your 2015 Pledge ensures that our

Parish will benefit by receiving the full rebate.

St. Agnes Cathedral Parish

Christmas Pageant

“The Christmas


December 20, 2015

7:00 p.m.

in the Cathedral


Christmas 2015


Saturday, December 19th, 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Monday, December 21st

following the 7:30 p.m. Mass






4:00 p.m. in the Cathedral (Family Mass)

4:00 p.m. in the Parish Center

and 4:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall

5:30 p.m. in the Cathedral

and 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Center

8:00 p.m. Spanish Mass in the Cathedral

11:30 p.m. Christmas Carols, Procession and

Blessing of the Crèche

12:00 a.m. Pontifical Midnight Mass


(All Masses in the Cathedral)

7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.




5:00 p.m. (English) and 7:30 p.m. (Spanish)


(All Masses in the Cathedral)

6:30, 7:45, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. and 12:10 p.m.


Mass Schedule

During Renovation of Cathedral

In order to accommodate the work that is being

done during the Cathedral renovation, the

following information regarding adjustments in

the use of the Cathedral is brought to your


Sunday Mass: On the Weekend of January 2nd

and 3rd, all Cathedral Masses will be in the

Cathedral as usual.

After the January 2nd and 3rd Weekend,

Weekend Masses will be celebrated in the Parish

Center and Lower Hall. The “usual” weekend

Mass Schedule is:

Saturday, 5:00pm—Cathedral

Saturday, 7:30 pm Spanish—Cathedral

Saturday, 7:30pm—Lower Hall

Sunday, 7:00 am—Cathedral

Sunday, 8:00am—Cathedral

Sunday, 9:30am—Cathedral

Sunday, 10:30am—Lower Hall

Sunday, 11 am—Cathedral

Sunday, 12:30pm—Cathedral

Sunday, 5:00pm—Cathedral

Weekday Mass: Starting on Monday, January 4th,

2016, and going through the end of the 2nd phase

of the renovation (approximately March 19, 2016),

all Weekday Masses (Monday @ 6:30 a.m. through

Saturday @ 9:00 a.m.) will be celebrated in the

Lower Hall. Entrance to the Lower Hall is

thorough the Auditorium/Gym Doors on Clinton

Avenue or the eastern entrance of the Parish

Center. Please know that there is an elevator at the

eastern entrance of the Parish Center which goes

down to the Lower Hall. Once again, this shift

affects all Weekday Masses).

Funerals: Neighboring Parishes have been

contacted and have agreed to accommodate us

during this time of renovation. The priests of St.

Agnes and our Consolation Ministers will still meet

with the family, attend the wake and celebrate the

funeral, albeit at a nearby Church. The Funeral

Home and St. Agnes will, after meeting with the

family, schedule the funeral at the nearby Church.

In arranging a funeral, one needs only to identify

themselves as belonging to the Parish of St. Agnes.

March for Life

January 22, 2016

St. Agnes Cathedral will again provide a bus on

January 22, 2016 for pilgrims from the Rockville

Centre area to travel to Washington D.C. for the

March for Life, which peacefully demonstrates for

life in the years since the Roe v. Wade abortion

ruling on January 22,1973. Fr. James Hansen will

be joining us this year.

This is not a Women’s Health issue as abortion

advocates proclaim, it is an issue that defines the

dignity of the human person.

Please consider joining the hundreds of thousands of

people going to Washington D.C. on Friday, January

22nd. Our bus leaves from the Cathedral at 6:00

a.m. after a 5:30 a.m. mass and blessing. We will

return to the Cathedral prior to 11:00 p.m. that

evening. It is important that you make a reservation

on the bus by e-mailing St. Agnes at

parishoffice@stagnescathedral.org or by calling the

rectory at (516) 766-0205.

Your reservation must include your cell phone

number and e-mail address.

— 2015 —


of Mercy — 2016 —


of the



As one of the four designated

Pilgrimage sites in the

Diocese of Rockville Centre,

Adoration of the

Blessed Sacrament will take

place every Tuesday

following the 12:10 p.m. Mass until 4:30 p.m.

(From January 4th to Easter,

Adoration will be in the Holy Cross Chapel

of the Ministry Building)

The Holy Door is Open

On Saturday, December 12th, Bishop William Murphy opened the Extraordinary Year of Mercy in the Diocese of Rockville Centre by opening the Holy Door of Mercy at St. Agnes. Pilgrims may now visit the Cathedral and pass through the doors as part of their spiritual journey during this Jubilee Year.

Page 6 December 20, 2015

The Newly


On November 28th and 29th,

December 5th, 12th and 13th, 2015

we welcomed the following

children into the St. Agnes

Cathedral Parish Community:

Congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized.

Hailey Abreu

Liam Arguello

Aaron Colon

John Faughnan

Giancarlo Ficalora

Joseph Frassa

Allegra McCrossen

Lucas Oswald

Fiona Schaefer

Violet Smith

Paige Sobel

Paityn Sobel

Margaret Weeks

Austin Weiss


Christmas 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,

Christ is born: sing glory! Christ has descended from heaven: go out to meet Him! Christ is on earth:

lift yourselves up! Sing to the Lord, all the earth; for He who belongs to heaven is now on earth!

With these words, the fourth century theologian, St Gregory Nazianzen (+389) proclaimed the Christmas message that

is as true today as it was from that first moment in Bethlehem when the Blessed Mother Mary brought her son Jesus

into the world. Since that night we, like Gregory and all others who know Jesus, have exulted in the gift of the Son of

God made man. His birth heralds the defeat of sin and death. His presence among us, like us in all things but sin,

shines the bright promise of God’s merciful love on our faces and into our hearts. Who does not rejoice to know that

God so loved the world that He sent His Son? Which one of us would turn away from this blessed scene of the Virgin

with Joseph in the Bethlehem stable offering the Child to us so that all humankind can be saved? How can we do

anything but sing Glory to God with the angels and bend low in adoration with the shepherds. This night we all be-

come free! This night we all are one. This night we see the salvation of our God.

My dear friends, this has not been an easy year for any of us, for our families, for our parishes, for our nation, for the

world. The forces of darkness are strong and determined. Terrorism seems to be widening its sweep and too many of

our leaders seem unsure of what must be done to protect society and care for the suffering. Too many families are

struggling to make ends meet. Too many youth in our midst are led astray by the false gods of drugs, alcohol and

momentary pleasures. Freedom is under attack at home and abroad. Many look in all the wrong places for answers

that hurt rather than help.

We have the right answer. We all need Christmas. We all need Jesus. We all need Mary. God has given HIS answer

to the world, an answer that overcomes all its tragedies and all its temptations. God’s response to our cries is clear and

unequivocal: His Son! Yes: Jesus Christ, His Son! He is God’s answer to our cries. He is God’s gift for our lives.

He breaks down the barriers, for the name of peace is Jesus Christ. He is Our Peace! And He and He alone can calm

our fears, renew our strength, lift up our hearts and give joy to our lives!

Yes, my friends, this Christmas go out to meet Him; lift up your hearts; Sing for joy. For all humankind has seen the

salvation of our God! A blessed and Joyous Christmas to you all!

Bishop of Rockville Centre

PO Box 9023, Rockville Centre, New York 11571–9023 • telephone 516.678.5800 • fax 516.678.3138 • www.drvc.org

Page 8 December 20, 2015

Navidad 2015

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Jesucristo,

¡Cristo ha nacido: cantad gloria! ¡Cristo ha descendido del cielo: salid a su encuentro! ¡Cristo está en la tierra:

levantaos! ¡Cantad al Señor, toda la tierra; porque El, que pertenece al cielo, está ahora en la tierra!

Con estas palabras, el teólogo del siglo cuarto, San Gregorio Nacianceno (+389) proclamó el mensaje de Navidad que

es tan cierto hoy como lo fue desde el primer momento en Belén cuando la Santísima Virgen María nos dió a su hijo

Jesús al mundo. Desde esa noche nosotros, como Gregorio y todos los otros que conocen a Jesús, nos hemos

regocijado en el don del Hijo de Dios hecho hombre. Su nacimiento anuncia la derrota del pecado y de la muerte. Su

presencia entre nosotros, igual a nosotros en todo menos en el pecado, ilumina la brillante promesa del amor miseri-

cordioso de Dios en nuestros rostros y en nuestros corazones. ¿Quién no se alegra al saber que Dios amó tanto al

mundo que envió a su Hijo? ¿Quién de nosotros daría la espalda a esta sagrada escena de la Virgen con José en el

establo de Belén ofreciéndonos al Niño, para que toda la humanidad pueda ser salvada? ¿Qué otra cosa podemos

hacer si no es cantar Gloria a Dios con los ángeles y postrarnos en adoración con los pastores? ¡Esta noche todos

somos libres! Esta noche todos somos uno. Esta noche vemos la salvación de nuestro Dios.

Mis queridos amigos, este no ha sido un año fácil para ninguno de nosotros, para nuestras familias, para nuestras

parroquias, para nuestra nación, para el mundo. Las fuerzas de la oscuridad son fuertes y decididas. El terrorismo

parece estar ampliando su barrido y muchos de nuestros líderes parecen estar inseguros de lo que debe hacerse para

proteger a la sociedad y el cuidado de los que sufren. Demasiadas familias están luchando para logar cubrir los gastos

básicos. Demasiados jóvenes en nuestro medio son desviados por los falsos dioses de drogas, alcohol y placeres

momentáneos. La libertad está bajo ataque en el país y en el extranjero. Muchos miran en todos los lugares

equivocados en busca de respuestas que dañan en vez de ayudar.

Nosotros tenemos la respuesta correcta. Todos necesitamos la Navidad. Todos necesitamos a Jesús. Todos

necesitamos a María. Dios ha dado SU respuesta al mundo, una respuesta que supera todas las tragedias y todas las

tentaciones. La respuesta de Dios a nuestras suplicas es clara e inequívoca: ¡Su Hijo! ¡Sí: Jesucristo, su Hijo! Él es la

respuesta de Dios a nuestros clamores. Él es el regalo de Dios para nuestras vidas. Él rompe las barreras, pues el

nombre de la paz es Jesucristo. ¡Él es Nuestra Paz! ¡Él y sólo Él puede calmar nuestros temores, renovar nuestra

fuerza, levantar nuestros corazones y dar gozo a nuestras vidas!

¡Sí, mis amigos, en esta Navidad salgan a su encuentro; alcen sus corazones; Canten de alegría! ¡Pues toda la

humanidad ha visto la salvación de nuestro Dios! ¡A todos una bendecida y Gozosa Navidad!

Obispo de Rockville Centre

PO Box 9023, Rockville Centre, New York 11571–9023 • telephone 516.678.5800 • fax 516.678.3138 • www.drvc.org


2015—Jubilee of Mercy—2016 “God never tires of casting open the doors of his heart…” —Pope Francis

What is a jubilee year?

The practice of a jubilee year has ancient roots in the Jewish tradition and evidence for it can be

found in the Old Testament (for example, see Leviticus 25). The jubilee year was called every fifty

years and was a time for forgiveness. It stood as a reminder of God's providence and mercy.

The dedication of a year for this emphasis provided the community with a time to come back into

right relationship with one another and with God. As the practice of the jubilee year was adopted

into the Catholic Church, these themes of mercy, forgiveness, and solidarity continued.

How is this Jubilee different from other Jubilee years?

The Jubilee of Mercy that Pope Francis has called, from December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016, is an Extraordinary

Jubilee. This designation as an “Extraordinary Jubilee” sets it apart from the ordinary cycle of jubilees, or holy years,

which are called every 25 years in the Catholic Church. By calling for a holy year outside of the normal cycle,

a particular event or theme is emphasized. For example, Pope Francis called this particular Extraordinary Jubilee of

Mercy to direct our attention and actions “on mercy so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father’s actions

in our lives . . . a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more

effective” (MV, 3).

Why a Jubilee of Mercy now?

Pope Francis himself addressed this question in his homily for First Vespers for Divine Mercy Sunday. “Here, then, is the

reason for the Jubilee: because this is the time for mercy. It is the favourable time to heal wounds, a time not to be weary

of meeting all those who are waiting to see and to touch with their hands the signs of the closeness of God, a time to offer

everyone, everyone, the way of forgiveness and reconciliation. May the Mother of God open our eyes, so that we may

comprehend the task to which we have been called; and may she obtain for us the grace to experience this Jubilee of

Mercy as faithful and fruitful witnesses of Christ.”

What is the Jubilee of Mercy?

In the Bull of Indiction, Misericordiae vultus, Pope Francis declared that the Jubilee of Mercy will begin on December 8,

2015 (the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and conclude on November 20, 2016

(the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe). December 8, 2015 also marks the fiftieth anniversary of

the closing of the Second Vatican Council, a Council that sought to bring the love of God to the modern world. Similarly,

the Holy Father strongly desires this Jubilee celebration of mercy to be lived out in the daily lives of the faithful, and all

who turn to God for compassionate love and mercy.

How do we live out the Jubilee of Mercy in our daily lives?

In Misericordiae vultus, Pope Francis emphasizes the need for the Church and all her members to live out the loving

mercy that God has for us. Our response to God’s loving mercy towards us is to act in that same way to all those we

meet. The Holy Father reminds us that “Mercy is the very foundation of the Church's life. All of her pastoral activity

should be caught up in the tenderness she makes present to believers; nothing in her preaching and in her witness to the

world can be lacking in mercy. The Church’s very credibility is seen in how she shows merciful and compassionate

love” (MV, 10). As members of the Body and Christ, our lives should reflect this witness of mercy to those we meet on

a daily basis. We are called to be “merciful like the Father” and reflect God's superabundant mercy in our daily actions

towards one another.

What are the Holy Doors?

One of the central components of the Jubilee of Mercy is that the Holy Doors throughout the world will be opened

during this Jubilee year. When they are opened at the beginning of the year, “the Holy Door will become a Door of

Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instils hope”

(MV, 3). Since each diocese will have the opportunity to open a Door of Mercy in their diocese, all members of the

faithful will have opportunity to make a pilgrimage to their local Holy Door during the Jubilee. This pilgrimage is to be

a journey of walking closer with God and discovering “moment[s] of grace and spiritual renewal” (MV, 3). These doors

are symbols of God’s mercy, open to welcome everyone into the compassion of God’s love that Christ proclaimed.

Page 10 December 20, 2015


Page 12 December 20, 2015

Maj. Thomas J. Barrett, U.S. Army 1st Lt. Paul D. Cammarota, USMC Lt. Scott Kiley Childers, U.S. Navy

LCDR Richard Childers, M.D. U.S. Navy Lt. Greg Crescenzo, U . S. Navy

Spc. Michael J. Cronin, U.S. Army Airman Michael Cummo, U.S. Navy

P.O. 2nd Class Robert W. DeMattia, U.S. Navy Lt. J.G.-Kevin Doyle, U.S. Navy

Daniel Fels, U.S. Army, Military Police 2nd Lt. Charles Flanagan, U. S. Army

A.M.T 3, Kyle Forster, U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Brian Gallagher, U.S. Army 82nd Airborne

Lt. Maura C. Garrity, U.S. Navy Capt Steven Hampson, U.S. Army Capt. Cody Hardenburgh USMC Pvt. Daniel Healey, U.S. Army

2nd Class Petty Officer, Robert Hock, U.S. Navy 1st Lt. Tynika Holland, U.S. Army 1st Lt. Edmund J. Horace, USMC

Major Philip F. Johndrow, U.S. Army Lt. Justin L. Krol, U.S. Navy

Lance Corporal Jason Maccaron, USMC S N Matthew T. Mallay, U.S. Navy

Cpl James Thomas Maroney, USMC Sgt. Joseph Meyer, U.S. Army

Maj. Christopher V. Meyers, USMC Lt. Col. Gregory John Mueller, USMC (Reserve)

Stephan O’Connor, E-5, U.S. Navy Matthew Pacheco, U.S. Army Ensign John A. Petr, US Navy

Lance Corporal Eric Roehrig, USMC Spc. Jeanine M. Rosa, U.S. Army

Col. Mark P. Rowan, USAF Thomas Sullivan, U. S. Army

Robert C. Tempesta, Master at Arms, 1st Class U.S. Navy PFC Derick Thomas, USMC

Corporal Peter C. Wadkins, Jr. USMC

Prayer for our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.

Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families

for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.

And give us peace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen

Kindly call the Rectory Office at 766-0205 if you know of anyone that is on this list

and has returned home. Thank you

Banns of Marriage


Kelly Harms St. Agnes Cathedral

Alex Diorio St. Agnes Cathedral

Bridget Croutier St. Agnes Cathedral

Gerard Caulfield St. Agnes Cathedral


Amanda Bodkin St. Agnes Cathedral

William Lunkes St. Francis Xavier

Wilmette, IL

Spirituality For Singles

Our Monthly Singles Gathering will be held on

Saturday, January 9, 2016, at 8:30 p.m. at St. Aidan

Parish, 510 Willis Ave., Williston Park, NY, 11596

Our Monthly gathering for singles will feature

discussion, meditation, and socialization.

Ages 35+; $5.00 donation - snacks, pizza and

beverages will be served. This gathering will feature a

special guest speaker. Contact: Ray (516) 561-6994 or


Society of

St. Vincent de Paul

Jesus was born during the night of

the year when darkness is the

longest. The Savior of the world

comes for the people in dark places. The real, lasting,

and deep joy is that the Light shines there.

Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,

“Light” has shown, bringing real, lasting and deep joy

to the hearts of the poor who live in dark places in our

streets and neighborhoods.

Paul Conte Cadillac“Your local Cadillac Dealer

Sunrise Hwy, Freeport(516) 378-1130

Psychotherapy/ClinicalHypnosisIndividual, Family MarriageKathleen Joyce, Ph.D.NYS Licensed Psychoanalysis

516 747-8213 By Appt

BARBECUE TUNE UPSPECIAL $69.95 plus parts536-4900 - House CallsL&R Fireplace & Barbecue, Inc.

464 Merrick Rd., Oceanside

AAddvvaannccee FFoorrmmaall WWeeaarr234 Sunrise Hwy.516-678-3555www.rvctux.com

Under New Ownership

KKiitt KKaatt TTuuttoorrKKaatthhlleeeenn OO’’LLeeaarryyCertified TeacherMultiple Subjects

Test Prep516-432-5699

NNeewwllyy RReennoovvaatteedd aanndd EExxppaannddeedd Private Party RoomsFor 30 to 300 People or Off Site Catering Available

LLuunncchh •• BBrruunncchh •• DDiinnnneerrLLaattee SSnnaacckkss // CCaassuuaall DDiinniinngg

PPrriinntt OOuurr CCaatteerriinngg MMeennuu @@ KKaasseeyyrrvvcc..ccoomm2233 NNoo.. PPaarrkk AAvvee..,, RRVVCC 776666--55004499

CCaatteerriinngg 880077--22999955

Denise L. Emma, DDSOrthodontist for Children & Adults

Invisalign Specialist70 Seventh St. • Garden City

516.741.7970 Complimentary Consultationwww.doctoremma.com


551166--667788--44555500Open Every Day 11AM-10PMLLuunncchh •• DDiinnnneerr •• CCaatteerriinngg

SSeevveenn BBrrootthheerrssGOURMET FOOD MARKETComplete Catering Service Since 1972

Oceanside 678-59992914 Long Beach Rd. (next to PIP Printing)ample parking in the back of the store

Owner, Ralph Yovino Service Mgr., Howie SilversteinN & M COMPLETEAuto Repair Inc.

Towing Service • Elec. Systems • Inspections • BrakesTune Ups • Front End • Emissions Tests • Pick Up & Deliver2431 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside, NY (3 blocks S. Merrick Rd.)

(516) 766-3380 fax (516) 766-0372 nmauto@mrpcusa.net 236 North Long Beach Rd., Rockville Centre

N.Y.S. Licensed ((551166)) 223388--11225511PPaattrriicckk VViittaallee,, LLCCSSWW--RR,, AACCSSWW



Levin’s Pharmacy Inc.“Famous For Our Low Priced Prescription”Fred Rigel, Supervising Pharmacist

364 Long Beach Rd., OceansideFree Delivery 766-2288

Ryan Medical Pharmacy2000 N. Village Ave.

Rockville Centre, NY 11570T: 516-362-2422F: 516-442-6111FREE DELIVERY

CJ’s Coffee Shop“The Family Restaurant”

Where the Elite Meet to EatServing RVC Since 1978

Great for Breakfast and Lunch225 No. Long Beach Rd., RVC 766-9107

LLiinnddssaayy’’ss59 N. Park Ave., RVC

442-3344Open 7 Days

Featuring Fine Wines & Spirits.Appetizers & Desserts


516-764-0800Authentic Italian CuisinePrivate Parties Available


“We Live Here, We Worship Here”(516) 826-5514

TOTAL Floor and Carpet ServicesHardwood FloorSanding/Refinish

Carpet&Upholstery CleaningStone Floor SpecialistFloor Cleaning and Polishing Services

Since 1973 Lic. & Ins.(516) 764-4677


“Specialists in Hair Cutting ForThe Whole Family”114 North Park Ave., RVC

Dr. Wayne GoldbergOPTOMETRIST

282 Sunrise Hwy., RVC

516-678-6313ZENIE LANDSCAPINGCreative Landscape and Garden DesignsComplete Weekly Maintenance Service


• Lunch • Dinner • Brunch • Late Nite Snacks


WWW.JPAULSOCEANSIDE.COM239 Merrick Rd., Oceanside 536-1806

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All Plumbing RepairsAll Bathroom Leaks including Tile Repair

516-488-2480serving the

Community Since 1990

265 Sunrise Hwy., Suite 41Rockville Centre, NY 11570Phone: 516-378-3100 Fax: 516-379-5954

DDOODDIICCII RRiissttoorraannttee IIttaalliiaannoo

PPrriivvaattee PPaarrttyy RRoooomm AAvvaaiillaabbllee1122 NN.. PPaarrkk AAvvee..,, RRoocckkvviillllee CCttrr..

www.georgemartingroup.comOpen 7 Days

• Dinner • Lunch • Cocktails� Serving Sunday Brunch 11:30 - 3:00

13 No. Park Ave., RVC 678-1290

764-0434 678-5117Dr. David Karpe, DPM

Dr. Howard Kessler, DPMPodiatric MedicinePodiatric Surgery

200 North Village Ave.,RVC

NNeeeedd PPaarrttyy HHeellpp??waiters/waitresses/bartenders

bbq chefccaallll PPeettee

551166 441100--00117744Lunch Served Monday - FridayDinner Seven Nights A WeekInquire about private parties

& cateringVisit us at


Fundraisers Birthdays Parties

leagues Special ProgramsLadies • Mens Mixed • Seniors

Adult/Child • Juniors •Business

Now Under New OwnershipNew Special Programs

THE GOLDEN REEFRestaurant - Diner

Fresh Seafood - ChopsThe Place For The Hungry Fisherman


McPartland’s Fine Carpentry

For All Your Home Improvement NeedsCustom Woodwork / Built-Ins / DecksBasements / Kitchens / Bathrooms

Lic/Ins John (516) 779-0757

208 Sunrise HighwayRockville Centre

Tel (516) 678-1996wwwtonycolombos.com


Bus. (516) 678-8282 75 North Park Avenue, Rockville Centre

Pizzeria & Casual Italian DiningPrivate Parties Available

26 No. Park Ave., RVC 763-4900

Independence & Dignity Count, Inc.YYoouurr NNeeww MMeeddiiccaall SSuuppppllyy && EEqquuiippmmeenntt SSttoorree

FFiinnaallllyy tthhee HHeellpp YYoouu NNeeeedd!! ~~ FFrreeee CCoonnssuullttaattiioonnsswwwwww..iiddccmmeeddiiccaallssuupppplliieess..ccoomm

232 Sunrise Hwy., RVC 516-594-4494






CustomerService@MPTRG.com Office: (516) 336-8622Over 25 Years of Experience

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74 N. Prospect Ave., Lynbrook 887-4411 or 4415Bar - Restaurant

Call for Parties 764-637248 No. Village Ave., RVC

�� Call For a FreeHome Appraisal

180 N. Long Beach Rd.Oceanside766-7900

Residential Service Experts!(516) 536-5700www.mistersparky.com

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed



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100 Maple Ave., RVC, NY516-678-3010


Experience the Difference

Sandwich • Wine Bar

Over 40 different


New in RVCwith locations in Bk&Queens

Top Rated by Zagat & Food NetworkEat in - Take Out

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764-3000XII XII

DDiissccoouunnttss ffoorr SStt.. AAggnneess PPaarriisshhiioonneerrss

Serving ourCommunityover 70 Yrs.

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65 N. Park Ave., RVC(516) 678-7272

Jose (516) 764-4041

Gourmet Fine Food & Cateringwww.happyhostess.com318A Sunrise Hwy., RVC, NY(516) 766-1046

Morgan J. OʼBrien

(516) 764-2880

Licensed Master Plumber

MMaarryy JJeeaann AAbbaarrLicensed Real Estate

SalespersonCBR-Certified Buyer

RepresentativeOO:: 551166--885555--44559933mjabar@jpjre.comwww.JPJRE.com

154 Union Ave., Lynbrook

Catering Available $35.pp - Appetizer, Salad,Main Course, Wine, Beer, Soda, Coffee, Dessert

House CallsAvailable+

BBlluuee MMoooonn



Branches inOceanside and


“Your �nancial guardian angels.”

Sun-Thurs onlyw/ $20 minimum purchase

Rockville Centre340 Sunrise Hwy

(516) 766-1238BONEFISHGRILL.wm/rvc

Lunch, Dinner, Sunday BrunchPatio available for private partiesKitchen open til 2AM Fri. & Sat.

Call for Reservations516.766.2500


Specialty Cakes, Sheet Cakes ~ LI’s #1 Cheesecake3424 LAWSON BLVD., OCEANSIDE 536-8526


AAssssiissii VVeetteerriinnaarryy HHoossppiittaall

IInntteerrnnaall MMeeddiicciinnee,, SSuurrggeerryy && EEmmeerrggeennccyy MMeeddiicciinnee

PPeett GGrroooommiinngg aanndd BBooaarrddiinngg AAvvaaiillaabbllee

225500 HHeemmppsstteeaadd AAvveennuuee MMaallvveerrnnee551166--225566--00002222

wwwwww..aassssiissiivvhh..ccoomm 399 Ocean Ave., cor of Sunrise Hwy., RVC

FARMER JOELʼSProduce & Deli

177 Davidson Ave., Oceanside766-5211 766-5463

7 Days a WeekWe specialize in all kinds of platters

Thomas A. Glynn & Son, Inc. Funeral Home

John J. Glynn Thomas A. Glynn Patrick MarronLifelong Parishioners of St. Agnes Cathedral

20 Lincoln Ave. glynnfh.com 766-4700

Lunch • Dinner13 North Village Avenue

Rockville CentrePh: 516-544-2526


305 N. Newbridge Rd.Levittown

516-CAR-CASHSell Your Car Fast

$100 Donation to your parishfor selling your vehicle

2681 Long Beach Rd Oceanside(516) 766-0425


CHADWICKSCHADWICKSAmerican Chop House & BarAmerican Chop House & Bar

Lunch dinner catering take outLunch dinner catering take out551166--776666--77880000 wwwwww..cchhaaddwwiicckkssllii..ccoomm 4499 ffrroonntt sstt..,, RRVVCC ((aaccrroossss ffrroomm RRVVCC ttrraaiinn ssttaattiioonn))

International Spanish Tapas and Wine Bar

Now Open for Sunday Brunch11 AM - 3PM

Check Out Our Menu Onlinewww.sangredeuva.com

GRAY2401 Capri Place, North Bellmore, NY 11710

Chris Gray, R.A.Phone: 516-679-4722

Licensed & Insured

mmaaeessttrroomusic centerspianos, organs, keyboards, lessons for all ages516-644-2910 www.maestrocenter.com“fulfilling your musical dreams...one note at a time!”

FFoorr ssuucccceessssffuull ssoolluuttiioonnss ccaallll DDrr.. BBeenn AAccccoommaannddoo

Front StreetBakery51 Front St., Rockville Centre

(516) 766-1199

ROCKVILLE HARDWAREScreen RepairWindow • Door • Porch

263 Merrick Road Rockville Centre

OOppeenn 77 DDaayyss70 Seaman Ave., RVC, NY 11570Call for an appt. (516)764-4997www.undergroundhair.com

Phone: 766-5550Dr. Lawrence P. Horl

PodiatristDiplomate American Board of

Podiatric Surgery

Office Hours by AppointmentHouse Calls Available

61 N. Park AvenueRockville Centre, NY 11570









FUNERAL HOME INC. Family Owned and Operated


18 South Park Ave.

G.BWholesale Growerof Nursery Stock


239 North Long Beach RoadRockville Centre, NY 11570 516-764-2490

Landscaping and DesignCertified Nursery



GG rraanndd OO pp eenniinngg AA uu gguu sstt 3300,, 22001111

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RRoocckkvviillllee CCeennttrree’’ss ccoomm pplleettee ““ccoomm ppuutteerr ffiixx”” IITT sshhoopp..

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