NULKABA NEWS · 2019-10-27 · Nulkaba News - 2016 Term 4 Week 2 Page 6 Friday, 21 October 2016...


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Dear Parents and Carers

Term 4 has begun. There are lots to accomplish before the end of the Term. Christmas will be here before we know it.


Our P&C do a wonderful job, working very hard to raise funds to support the school with many projects. There are so many improvements that have been completed across the school that would not happen without the support of the P&C. They have two major fundraisers. The School Fair and the School Ball. These take a lot of organisation. The P&C sent a note out looking for someone or a group of people to take on the coordination of the School Fair. There were no responses. We do not wish to cancel this Fundraiser so we are looking at ways to maybe downsize so that the organisation would not be so great. The rides are already booked and the staff are keen to run their stalls again. Please contact Gary, Jacqui, Catherine or any other member of the P&C or myself if you would like to be involved. You will be supported by the P&C.

Kindergarten Orientation

Kindergarten Orientation is progressing well with the EXPO on Friday and the Fun Activities session next week. Our EXPO is always fun and informative and allows parents to ask any questions and find out any information they may need to make the transition to school smooth and fun.

Grandparents Day

All grandparents are invited to come to school on Thursday 27th October from 11.30am. They will be able to visit their grandchildren's classes and hear them read. At 12.30pm there will be a concert to watch with all classes involved and then a picnic lunch. Notes and lunch orders have been sent home and we look forward to seeing a large number of our grandparents here.


As usual our school disco was a lot of fun for all the children. Our Term 4 one is particularly special as it is a fundraiser for Year 6. They then purchase something for the school as a gift from them, which can be used long after they have left. It is also special as our 2017 kindergarten children are invited to attend with our K-2 students. It is great to watch our current and future students having a wonderful time together.


Our Year 6 students are currently involved in lessons on Personal Development run by Interrelate. We again need to thank the P&C for making this possible and we hope to make this an annual event for our Year 6 students.


A parent has reported to me that in the Bush between Austral and Carlew Street there were very large spikes in the ground. They are large and sharp and completely punctured their tyres. Please be aware and careful


Just a couple of important dates to remember; School Presentation – Monday, 5 December 2016; Special Presentation; Year 6 Farewell - Thursday, 8 December 2016 and Thank You Morning Tea – Wednesday, 14 December 2016. Notes will be sent home but just a save the date message.

NULKABA NEWS Nulkaba Public School 5 O’Connors Road NULKABA NSW 2325

Phone: 4990 1805 Fax: 4991 1408

Email: Web:

Issue 93: 2016 Term 4 Week 2 Friday, 21 October 2016

Nulkaba News - 2016 Term 4 Week 2 Page 2 Friday, 21 October 2016

Coming Events Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


ek 3

24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct

Swim School;

AECG Meeting and AGM at Mount View High

Swim School Year 6 Interrelate;

Swim School

Swim School;

Grandparents Day

Kinder Orientation;

Day for Daniel - Red Day;

Kinder Orientation Games Day;

Swim School


ek 4

31 Oct 1 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov

Swim School Swim School Year 6 Interrelate;

Swim School

Swim School Swim School;

Sat 5 Aerobics Spring Challenge


k 5

7 Nov 8 Nov 9 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov

Book Fair Viewing Day 1

Book Fair Viewing Day 2

Book Fair Sale Day Leaders Speeches (Girls) Stage 3 Only

Leaders Speeches (Boys) Stage 3 Only



6 14 Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov

Jumpstart Mount View High

For more information please visit our website:

Canteen Roster

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


k 3

24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct

F. Lanser

K. McDonald

M. McLellan

Help Needed

L. Edwards

H. Giese

K. Ward

W. Jenness

C. Vickers

Help Needed

W. Saywell

J. Slatter


k 4

31 Oct 1 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov

R. Lane

T. Woodward

A. Grant

A. McLennan

K. Watson

A. Allen

M. Knight

L. Barr

S. Green

M. Harrington

L. Hirst


k 5

7 Nov 8 Nov 9 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov

K. Mikisch

D. Thompson

E. Costello

P. Twentyman

S. Hayes

K. Ward

A. Smith

C. Thwaites

A. Allen

M. Knight


k 6

14 Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov

J. Allerton

L. Williams

R. Beckett

T. Broadbent

C. Webb

S. Clark

R. Procter

C. Gilmour

L. Williams

J. Borghero

M. Wills

Week 3 = Roster A Week 4 = Roster B Week 5 = Roster C Week 6 = Roster D

If you can help to fill our current vacancies, please contact

Phone Linda on 0457 514 786 Support your school by volunteering in the canteen once per month

Nulkaba News - 2016 Term 4 Week 2 Page 3 Friday, 21 October 2016

School Library News

Latest Book Club Issue – Great News!

Issue 7 of Book Club has a special offer for anyone who has used the LOOP ordering and payment system. Anyone placing an order from Issue 7 can earn up to 4 extra titles at absolutely NO CHARGE! What a great deal for early Christmas shopping. Issue 7 brochures were sent out to students last Monday and included with the brochure was a flyer giving details – or just log into LOOP for full details. LOOP is quite easy to use – just go to and follow the prompts!

With Christmas rapidly approaching, Scholastic has also introduced a new feature – if ordering gifts, there is now a check-box to indicate that the order contains gifts. This will flag the items in the ordering system, and items will have their gift status noted on the shipping docket – this of course means that Mrs Morris will know that items should not be sent home with students. Instead, parents will be contacted for pickup. What a great idea to help Santa fill those Christmas stockings! Any orders being placed for Issue 7 should be handed in to the Library, or placed online, by WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26.

Australia: Story Country Book Fair Is Coming!

Come check out our annual Book Fair! We’ll be setting it up for viewing on Monday, November 7th and Tuesday, November 8th – that’s the time to fill out those wish lists, and if you’ve been wondering what a particular book might be like, it’s a great chance to just have a look! SALE DAY will be Wednesday, November 9th from 8.30 am until after school – call in any time! Brochures about the Fair will be going home very soon. Pre-orders and payments can be placed, and on the day EFTPOS facilities will be available. Mrs Morris will be running some Fair competitions as well, so stay tuned to be in line for some great prizes! See you at the fair!

Oliver is here!

Well, it took a while but our Library now has the Oliver Library Management System installed. Oliver is a quantum leap, well and truly taking our library into the 21st century! So far, staff have been introduced to Oliver and are quite impressed with its capacities. Mrs Morris is currently introducing Oliver to our primary students, and many have thoroughly enjoyed customizing Oliver’s Orbit interface. Oliver has 2 search interfaces and both staff and students can opt to use either. The screenshots you can see show both – the top one being the Orbit screen and the bottom being the Oliver screen. They both have the

same functions but Orbit is somewhat simpler, with more visual content to help younger students. The Oliver system has some wonderful features – users can see what items they have on loan, including any overdue items. Users can place reservations for library items, see images of library items, save their own searches – even write their own reviews for any library items. Then, for senior students especially, Oliver has the capacity to link to other libraries and search for items far and wide – really linking us to the world! Oliver has so many capabilities that it is hard to note them all in a quick newsletter note. Over the coming weeks, and into early 2017, we will all be learning about the many wonderful ways we can make use of this new system.

Nulkaba News - 2016 Term 4 Week 2 Page 4 Friday, 21 October 2016

School Sports News

Let’s Support Joshuua!

Joshuua Crampton from Stage 3 has been selected to play as a member of the NSW PSSA golf team later on this term.

Joshuua will be travelling to Murray’s Bridge, in South Australia to participate in the 5 day Nationals event. We are

holding an out of uniform day to help raise money to support Joshuua. We are asking you to come with your best ‘golf

pants’ or ‘golf hat’ or ‘golf shirt’ and to bring a gold coin donation. We are holding the out of uniform day on Friday 11th

November (week 5), with Joshuua leaving on the 13th. Congratulations to Joshuua on this amazing achievement.

Skip Off Day is a Skipping Success!

Wow! Wow! Wow! The last Friday of last term was our first ‘Nulkaba Public Skip off’ and it was a fantastic day. Students

spent much of the term practising and building on their skills in preparation, whilst also getting sponsors to support

them on the day. We never thought it would be so successful in raising funds to support the much needed work to

happen on the gardens, but also the improvement in the students’ skills. It was amazing. Well done to the whole school

community for getting behind what we hope to make an annual event. Thank you to the P&C for supporting the day by

purchasing ropes. It is heart-warming to have so many of our students with ropes at home, building on their skills even

further. Well done to the kids for their dedication and skill! You are awesome!

Nulkaba News - 2016 Term 4 Week 2 Page 5 Friday, 21 October 2016

Grandparent’s Day

Thursday 27th October, 2016 11:30am Start

Dear Grandparents,

On Thursday 27th October, you are invited to visit your grandchild (or grandchildren) at school for Grandparents Day. From 11:30am-12:15pm, you are welcome to see your grandchild in their classroom, and to listen to them read you a story.

Join us afterwards for a special Grandparents concert at 12:30pm. We’re so excited to share with our wonderful grandparents all the amazing things we have been learning at school!

Please bring a picnic lunch and blanket and enjoy the sunshine with the children over lunch (weather pending).

We hope you are able to visit your grandchildren on this special day.

We can’t wait to see you!

Kind Regards, Staff and Students of Nulkaba Public School.

Nulkaba News - 2016 Term 4 Week 2 Page 6 Friday, 21 October 2016

Samaritans Christmas Appeal

Each year Nulkaba Public School parents and children contribute generously to the annual Samaritans Christmas Appeal. If you would like to donate toys, non-perishable foods etc. there is a box in the foyer of the Staffroom for donations to be left. Our donations are greatly appreciated every year and are distributed by the Samaritans to families in need.

Thank you Vicki O’Hearn

Nulkaba News - 2016 Term 4 Week 2 Page 7 Friday, 21 October 2016

Nulkaba News - 2016 Term 4 Week 2 Page 8 Friday, 21 October 2016

School Banking News

Thank you for supporting School Banking!

We would like to thank all of our students who have taken part in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program this year. Not only does the program reward children for saving regularly, but it is also a great fundraiser for our school. Keep an eye out for our 2017 Back to School launch in Term 1 next year where you’ll find out about our new theme, new rewards and the Grand Prize competition! Our final School Banking day for 2016 will be 30th November. If you wish to order a reward item for your child this year please ensure that your redemption slip is filled in and returned prior to this date. Any tokens that have not been redeemed this year can be used in 2017.

Outback Pat Bag Tag

All reward items are only available while stocks last

Name: _________________

Class: _________________

Student ID: _____________

School Banking Rewards Program

Some great 2016 and 2015 rewards are still available!

I would like to redeem 10 tokens for a:

Outback Pat Bag Tag Wriggly Glow Worm Bush Fly Fan Intergalactic Rocket Outer Space Savers Money


ET DVD Outer Space

Savers Money Box Intergalactic

Rocket Wriggly Glow

Worm Bush Fly


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