{Now,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031479/1889-06-29/ed-1/seq-8.… · t ftv §; 3,3....


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§;3,3. ‘%‘6"“.$.'I\ 311%




3’. 7k3“:x;}“z

CL‘» ~ 1 ‘ ‘


-*.‘:7:r.»‘y‘,' 533?“





'Ha v a n aj o u r n a l.


_AnKlouuent FAgaentatlonoftheClaims■ f

o ta h euAitivBY? u $ T.

Sw wt-Grwih-G nwL-"."".‘»r.«



■ o f Yeteyaiw,Bowland B. M ahany In th e Buffalo E xpresa

t >yylrtu* o f a a e x e e ui

X> Supreme Court«

against Jo hn JfjoCMjttseized all th e righiw i d John McCluredeeeribod property on th e

and,! shall sellthe sam e, at:

d w , y i® t en t h , d a y o k

.;p,atrOo'olMk,a .rm.atthi

coiurt House to the

»lh now o

an dC1 ''‘

oupje] .


Sheriff of gohuyiet c ounty , N. Y








TIMS. ,Ab ra n new s

S tylta ta F urmtt

m ak eitw eilwe -

ail tbe latest

novelties th a t

atne my-stockaoie agent for

itee givenwith

Your paper, usually so sensitive to the

impulses Ofpatriotio feeling, seems to have

joined without reserve in the onslaught

agaihst'tfiepenMoripblicy of GotporFITan-

ner.{Now, if yoii will pardon so radical a

difference of opinion, I think that p olic /la

one of the most admirable features of the

present administration. For some years

back it has been the custom to treat with

cynicism, contempt, and insult the claims

of .those whose-Bacriflces were the means of

our national salvation. Do you not think

it is high tim e for th is sort of thing to


A CWef Strlokiei* ’ Old Wom an m»d H e r


Was Ai^JtV..or.fcMpk Callert a Tender-

foot—A ’JRailtoader’a Thr}Ui«if Sjtopy*.S t a n d a r d C o u c h es


all fulllength—theab ieia tham ar k et.

and meat flur-


--■Scarlet fever is epidemic, iu Horse-


' L et m e relate t o y ou some of m fearly ex­-

periences, said C onductor F ry e, of th o Bur-

ago. W e were cbming eas t fro ta Ogden, ohd


a t a sm all s tation ia bpxsupposed to cp niaih e,

corpse w as put Iff tho express c ar, consignedto L incoln, Nob. Bill Axloy, now pn t,he

S anta F e , w as express messenger, an d wp

elevated tho b ox into tho c ar bo re m ark ed

th at i t d id not fit t he coffin well, as he fe lt n

rea c ting j ar a3 th e artiqlo was p ut .in thd ear,’

air l y w ell-dressed,There were tw o '■f

an d showing ho sapmU- pf suspiciph. ix:

w ith wh a tw o topk-fcpbe a na ge ti w om ah,w ho.

accom panied mb-i ’eihdihs. She: wa s repre­-sented a s being th o mother o f th e -deceased,

an d th e twp.iHen-wei'ethe--lattorJs--br.othei'S.rTho w om an, or m an , as she turn ed out to bo,

w as a n xio u s to re m a tnw ith'th e corpse in the

c ar, $h e also desired th a t h e r tw o sons might

bn Bv h er side. T his was hOrahlst th d Wiles.Jbob y a gainst e ,’an d they w ero informed th at tran s p o rta tion

would o nly bo allowed th o corpse i n th e ex­-

press c a r , a nd a cc ordingly th ey a gree d to

tak e seats in a coach.

—Binghamton uses about 2,000,000 “This is the blanket the dealer

told me was as good as a .

M& t en&iOM T a bl es ,


the N ovelty s W e Koner \

is th e h e at a n d strongest, < m u b es^flo.f.afe,tin g off, nq tacks, a gr eat saving ol patlenoean d brulsed Angers. lS automatlC, ta action,

d^ S 1andas ^

e 1S e above lines, -fpr th ey will

Please you. ,: ■- ;

c igar stamps a week. •

—Ofer 50,000 grape baskets have "beeh

' turned out,by a Naples firm for th e crop

of JL889.

i-vlsaao Wilmont has been appointed

postmaster at Glenora, and Mortimer J.

• ; Hoyt, at Potter, in T ates Oounty.

FREB—Qetfrom your dealer free, the

S/ i,Book. I t has handsome pictures and

valuable information about horses.

Two or three dollars for a s/a Horse

Blanket will make your horse worth mors

and eat less to keep warm.

It is inileed very proper to advocate“ re­-

trenchment” and“ economy,” but is it not

pretty pitiful governmental finance to“re­-

trench” and ‘'economize” the bread out of

gohuyiet ty ,

The, above eale

Weauewiay, —■"

place; . .-■ sheriff otSchurlerO bunty,N ,Y


—The copious rains of late have h ad the

. effect of raising the waters in Cayuga lake

—■—to a^higherpoint than has been known for

, years past.

—The damage on the Pine Creek divis­-

ion of the Pall Brook railroad is not as

heavy as was at first reported, and trams

. wili b e running the entire length of tbis

v division inside of ten days,

v —T he members of the construction

i ■'i gangs in the Tioga valley are compelled to

proceed with a great deal of caution, as

: numbers of live rattlesnakes have been

\ found, in the flood trash, says the Wells-

■^VboroGazette.,^ —Alfred Hart, a laborer about fifty years

old, and his daughter Jennie were arrested

at Lyons on a charge of infanticide. A

' coroner’s jury discharged the girl but held

the father on a charge of incest. The girl

swore that her father was the fa ther of the

dead child. The case has greatly stirred

up the community.—An exchange states the Lyons Board

the mouths of old soldiers, their widows

and their orphans ? When we count up

the millions which are yearly log -rolled out

of the treasury in river and harbor bills,when we recollect the almost Innumerable

measures of kindred character that both

houses without a comment from those able

statistioans who-prove so conclusively that

a soldiers widow can live in luxury on 6J

cents a day ; when we consider the easy

circumstances o f those from whom most of

the anti-pension jeremiad comes; when we

remember that their prosperity is directlydue to the yery men whose self-renuncia­-

tion jn ad e prosperity possible, the utter

lackW appropriation finds a fit comparisononly in Milton’s description of“ Swinish

Gluttony” that

5/A F i v e M il e

5/A B oss St a b le

5 /A E l ec tr i c

5 /A E x tr a T e s t

Ask for1Notice to CM dltor*.


Surrogate of th e Cpunty of Schuyler, notice

Is hereby given t o all persons having elaiuH -

against Charles Sedam, la te of-the town of

Orange, in Bm<i c ounty, deceased, to. pwSeistit h e' same wlth the youehers, thereof-to ISaao

Ruscd.in th e viliagepf Monterey. ln aaid-tow n ,of orange, on or before t h eis t day otiNpvetiber,

1889, -DatedApril 18,1889. -p aaiKNA S

ISAAC RUSCO,Admhustratora. ■

Sheds W ate r or Snow, . Shoes canbe washed

clean, requiring dressing only once"a W eek

for men. once a Month for ,women.

It ls also an E le gant H ar s eii DreM iag...


This departm ent is oomplete ta a l l . itss , L e td e e a s o f tlx ep a st speak for thoBe,

of the fu ture .,

-S, W. E&RBAKD,■” ---■

- Havana,N, Y:30 other styles-at prices to suit every­-

body. If you can't get them from your

dealer, write us.

5AA R H E U IM A fiS N IlJ

HER PONDEROUS TOOT. F or M ore than T w epty -flv d Y oars.‘ - A <Jaa»--!

Ju s t b efore th e tr ain pulled out B ill said

to m e th a t he thou gh t th e gamp w as a

concocted robbery*, and w as determined to

have th e box handed,out au d inspected before

the t ra i n starte d . But w h at if it, w ere a re al

corpse? T he boys would h a v e hooted Bill off

th e ro a d fbr bis cow ardice. This I sa id to

-Bill, imd lie finally concluded tole t th e w o r s t.comeifitmust.Theconductorsignaledthe

tr ain to s tart, a n d Bill jumped in to b is c a r

a n d I go t into m ine ; h u t th e more I th o u gh t

of the situa tion th e more 1 found th a t Billy’s

suspicions were no t unfounded. F ina lly,.at

th e ne x t station, we Stopped to a wait a clear

track , a n d, Bill n o t being i n liis accustomed

place a t th e doorw ay of his car, I decided tp

asc ertain where h e was.

o r o re w e p ty o a -

I had Inflammatory Rheumatlam. jTo? nearly a

year I hadto be fedend turned In bod. i could flad

norelief. lUy Btomnchwta rnlnea anil cut topleeeewith powerful medicines tdcen to effect a cure »o

tlmtI waa compelledto live o n bread and water;. I

sufferedfor twonty-fivo years In this way. Iw a s tn -'

ducedto try Dr. David Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy,made at Rondout, N. Y., and

NoOce t o C re difo w* i *

TJURSUANT to ari order of Samuel O. KeOtef,JT Surrogate of Sohuyler County, New York,notice ja hereby given te all persons havingclalms-agatnst Cornelius k in g, latp of th e tb.wn

o t .H.eolor; ltiisaid , cwffitgr, deceased, <to »w*W«fe.

th e same with the vouqliers thereof to the un­

dersigned:Administratrix of the estate of said

deceased, a t her residence In said Town Of Heo-

tb r, on Or betore th e i s t u da y of October, 1889, 'Dated Watkins, N, Y’., ry irli 8t-h,T889. : .

■ -CORA W. KIN G,Administratrix. ,

'N dtic e t o C fc editorg .


.4, ;_;r.'

., 4'. J.‘ .

Ne’er loots to Heaven amid Ws gorgeous feast.

But wltb besotted, base ingratitude,oram s and blasphemes h is feeder.

The simple fact of the matter is that if

you scratch a man opposed to pension leg­-islation tbe chances are ten to one that youwill strike a monopolist, a dude,an ex-army

contractor, or a copperhead. It is one of

the nice paradoxes of present politics that

the men who fattened on the nations ne­-

cessities are allowed to insult the country’sdefenders.

Rondout, Y.,I A m N ow W e ll y 1

thanka to this modloine, Dr. Eeunedy** Favorite

Remedy Is my host friend. With i t I am ensblodto

enjoy a good night’s rest. Also food, such as meat•sndp&atry, which I havo beendeprlvedot for years, ’

showingthat fheFavorite .itepredrhas no eaaid for

the ouro of lndlgostlon snd liyapepaiaas well. If

any should doubt this statementI will send th*

readyproofatonce.—(SarrettRansliig,Troy, -N.if.'"

I t Is m ypJeaaUre -ap'd' absoluto duty toward thoi*

who are struggling fo r vorylife against the doadlx^,

^ D is e a s e s o f th e K ldn ey sf

to add my-testimony to the already weighty evi­-

denceof thowonderful offlcaoyolSt.David Kenne­-

dy’s Favorite Remedy. Mywifewas a hopelesscaee,

abandoned by thephyslolans. Dr. Darhj Eounedy’sFayorita Remedy Was reported to; not because any

hope was plscodin it,butbecause nothingrise re­-

mained All means and medicines bad beeptested

without nvah. The effectwas littlo short ofamira­-

cle. Attho fiocontlbpttieBhohadregainedetrongth,endQontinulngths treatment haa fully recovered.—

AySweei. Albany. N. Y.


-MIA. Ill--QtUU yuu|lyj« - UtnzCiWvUi IU UiCflvliv lUv|sama_with th e vouchert there o f to A n n L o u i e

Cleveland, as Executrix, of th e e state ot said

deceased a t her residence in th e sa id to r""

Dik, on or b e fo re th e 9 th da y ofSeptember.Dated, Watkins, N. Y., March 1SM889.' -


, ,


, Executors, <ke, -


Manufd by Wm. Ayre s Sc son s. Phllada., who

make thetam ous Horse BtanffBaker Blankets.

Miserable twaddle about Pension ex tra ­

vagance is simply sickening. Did tbe heroes

of 1861, who at Lincoln’s call spraDg for­-

ward to protect and preserye the Union,

slop to consider whether fheir action was

“extravagant?” Did it not mean tp them

the loss of fortune and of life, nay, of that

which was dearer still than life, the love of

children, of mother, of wife, of sweet­-

heart? Did it not portend for them a

silence which no voice of earthly affection

could ever break ? Yet the soldiers of the

civil war did not falter! Freely they made

the sacrifice. With a devotion unexampledin history they poured out tbeir binod like

water for the preservation of their country.I t was“ extravagant,” but it was patriot­-ism ! And how much less "extravagant”

is for tbe nation, out of its teemingwealth, to make somereturn in base coins

for tbe more than golden gift of their heroic

service. a

At th e do orth ere s a tBill withafa cp a sp ale

a s a dead person, ap d With larg e drops ofp er­-

sp ira tion stan d in g on his forehead. Xw as about

to laugh, b u t a sudtien motion Of his h a n d

pro m p ted mo to re frain . F inally h e w alked

close to the door an d with one eye on m e an d

the other on the b ox he s aid :“ T here’s a m an

in th a t b o x alive and I know it. Yo g h a d

b e tter keep y o ur eye on those o th er follows.

or we’r e th eir gam e sure .” I paused foi - a

mom ent. I did no t want to make a b lunder

b y informing tho co n ductor and b ein g called

a tenderfoot; b u t supposing th at th e box

contains a live robb er, there w as th e point.I meditated aiid 1 finally said to Bill to

watch furth er developments, b ut ho refused

and said th a t if I did no t come to his assist­-

ance he would c all on somebody else. I Saw

th ath e w as frightened, an d he did p ot h av e

much th e b ettoro f me. T ak in g h eld of tlid

c ar door I entered it a nd We both stood a n d

gazed a t th o box. I t w as sealed a n d neithe r

of us h ad a rig h t t o open i t . 1 fipp jly called

th e conductor a n d informed him Of th e case.

“Yes,” said he,“ ap d I noticed t h a t the o l d

lady who is weeping in th e coach back, th e re

has a ponderous fo o t fo r a wom an.” But we

all a gree d to a w ai t developments, a nd I

agreed' to ride in th e express c ar w ith Bill.

1 :48 ;¢’~ ‘°‘.“ -.

% «*<fl°<»....‘ r : as

<6; 42;?y4ba“.’»?°°<57?4q;9<c4,‘~’°-a‘9¢~Ill ;vz’%:;, r..s.=*‘=m

of Trade about six weeks ago, placed an

advertisement m four of the Metropolitan

journals, setting forth the advantages of

i Lyons as a manufacturingpoint. Among

the answers received is one from an Ohio

chair factory, one from a Connecticut rope

manufacturer, one from a Pennsylvania

inventor of brass implements, one from a

southern railway, which proposes to manu­-

facture car doors and seats, a New York

man who wants to start a factory,and also

about forty other communications de­-

scribing various enterprises.

—The Hornellsvllle Tribune says :“A

strange specimen of humanity is Miss Ella

Miller, daughter of John E. Miller of this

county, twenty-three years of age. She

is but thirty-six inches in height and can

neither walk ncr talk. She has passed the

whdle of her existence in a cradle. Her

memory is phenomenal by signs. N o one

has been able to ask for an article in her


room that she was unable to point out.

Songs and poems, if repeated after long

intervals, are instantly recognized. Her

head is so small as to go in an ordinal y


Notice to Creditors.''

TJHRSUANT to oh order . o f Samuel-0. Keeler,X Surrogate of Schuyler County; New York,notice i s hereby ri v e n to all persons havingclaims against Henry P. Fero, late ot the town

Of Dix, in si,id,county, deceased,-to present the

sampwith. th e vouchers thereof to Oriandb .F,Corwin, Executor, Jzc., ot t h e esta te of Said de­-

ceased atills residence near Wedgwood P. O., In

thOTOwh OfDix, Sohuyler CountavN .,Y.,onor

before th e 8th day. of -July, 1889-Dated; Wat

J an s ,N .Y .,January s a,isa*


ITmoB ■ OltLANDOF. CORWIN, Executor.

AySweei. Albany.

Of■ n u i u iB u j «s I u i u i a w Ii uiiiw u js

FrepiredbyD R


•Ip er bottle BlxfortS. ^yaUdrUgghts. Kotico-to Creditors.

TpURSUANTto a n order of Samuel C. Keelef,L S urroga te6 fthe County of S ohr"’—” ’■notice is hereby.given fo all perse_________claims a gainst th e e state of ZalmoU Barker, la te° f tho Town of Hector, deoeased. to p re s e ni the

.samewiththevouchorsthere oftotheunder­-

signed Executor-of hi s e state, a t his ivsldenoe

In tlieTown of Hector, In s ald County of Schuy-le r, on or before tU e2 7 th day ot July,1888.

Dated H ector,Ja nu ary 17th, 1889^’

19W20 J. T. HAELENBECK, Executor.

Solhl Gold Watch.1]SoJdforSlOO* untlU$t«ly.Ue«t %8Switch iotb*world,Ferftct Hmekeep«r. Vfar-.


rimed. Heavy^Bolld Gold'

VHimtlng Casei. ’BothUdle$^Und tfau’ilz'eiftwithwork#and ciuei pf eqtuL vhlue.O n eF eno a Ihecchlo-ctltly can ■ecurfi ono.ft^e,

to^otierwUhourjargc etidiYtl-

llne> of JSouiehQldS atnpleis TheseMDphi, m

well- ex. the Yrxtch, wo, •end'

,-Yrces iindefteryou h»T»kept

theihId yonr.ho’mefor,£ raonthe xri^ihp^themtplhoiewho may.hnvo wiled,-they,becomeyour own property.

^Thoi*-who Write pt once can.he >u^ bf receiving:' theW ntch•nd Samples-vr« p*y tll expreii, frelRht, etc. AddrcnS tlasoB 45 Co., B o x SIX,P ortla n d, MsOnc.

Send 3 2«ent stamps to.A-I*. Ordway A Co-

ostan.H ass.. for Uostmodlcalwork pablisliedfIs it not disgraceful in view of their su­-

preme deservings that the government

should dole out to their widows and d e­-

pendents the“ munificent” sum of $2 a

month I Ifever indignationwas righteous,

-Machine 1oncoAatablUh

all parts, byour machines.

where tha people can see

them, we wiUsendf r e e toone

person in each locality,theverysewing-machine made in

world, withalltbe attachments.also sendfreea complete

of-our costly and valuable art. Inreturnwe ask thatyon

what we send, to those whoatyour home, and after&allshallbecome your own

This grand machine (aafter the S in ger patents,haverun out»beforepatents

iKtttchtnema, and now sells for0 . Best, strongest, moltuae-

machine in the world. All Iscapital required. Plain,

write to usai once canse­-

eewing-machiho in the world, end thefinestuneofworks ofhighartover ehown togetherin America.TR liK AC O


ISox ‘740, Augustit, Maine*


• Jfotico to Creditors.

T)lH tSUANTco an order of SamuelO. Keeler,JT Surrogate of sohuyler County, New York,notice; ls hereby given to a n persons havingciaims-againstthe e stateofJohnM. Higgins,lateof th e to w n ufMontourin Said Oottnty^eoeaittd,

I.UVwwwwV -

H avan*,Nor before the 23d d ay of December, law . ..

DatedHavaUa, N. Y., JU ae 4th,l88».JAMBS SCOVXLL, Executor.


indignation righteous,

itw asth ato f Commissioner Tanner when

such pensions were presented for his signa­-ture.“Take them away,” he said,“ my

name shall never give validity to one of

them.” These words should be inscribed

in history side by side with Cromwell when

he pointed to the mace of tbe English bouse

of commons and exclaimed I“Take away

that bauble,”—tbe symbol of a corrupt and

deadened legislative conscience.

But in imagination I see the“ practical”man—the“ practical” man stayed at home

in ’61—wave these ideas aside as“ mere

sentiment.” But honor,justice,gratitude,and patriotism are also sentiments. I t was

“sentiment" that won the day at Vicks­-

burg,Donelson, Winchester, and Gettysburg.If, as a nation, we arp not too proud to

accept the immeasurable benefits of“ s,enti-

ment,” sentiment is the only just standard

with wbich to estimate the merits of our

benefactors. With the“ apothecary’sscales” ofmoney-grabbing peace wa should

not weigh the hearts that are bleeding from

the late war.

.Weagainpulledout,butwe'had no t gone

f a r before the bell rope was pulled a nd th e

train b egan to slacken up. A t th is junc ture

Bill did no t ru sh to the do or to see w h a tw a s

up, b ut s e t both e y es on th e box. A mom ent

of amazement ap d suddenly th e c over ofthe

box flew off aud a h e av ily armed b a n dit a t­

tempted to rise, b u t Bill h a d him a n d in a n

instant th e ball we nt whizzing throu gh th e

fellow’s neck a n d he fell o v er.“ G uard th e

door:” shouted Bill, afid tho w ord s had not

fully escaped his lips w hen th e ind iv id ual in,female attire d app eared ap d w as ab out to

enter t h e c ar w heu 1 leveled m y re v olv er and*

said,“Woman or man,-thro w up y o ur han d s

o r ri l shoot.’’ I n full ra n ge th e in div id ual

could n o t do otherw ise, a n d one of -the h an d s

while suspended clutched a fine specimen of

firearm s. ,


Yonr N am e an d A ddre s s o n,

thisfenA F onollS t am p on ly C O v

,Send postage stamps or postal noteandwe

will send you one by retummaiL Ag’u'Wtd.

iB1, C3--


S o h u y le r C G „N . Y.

—Rook 8TBKAM,N.Y.,June 22.—About

2:80 p. m., a severe storm of wind and

rain passed over tbis place and did consid­-

erable damage to roofs of houses and barns,

many chimneys were blown off, outbuild­-

ings leveled to the ground,very much dam-

age done to fruit trees, principally old

orchards, fences badly demolished and largelimbs of trees scattered in all directions,

fancy shrubs and choice plants suffered

severely, people badly frightened, and cel­-

lars occupied pretty generally by the

women and children. Considerable light

ning and thunder accompanied the storm.

—Alb a n y , June 22.—Hugh Bonner,Dan­-

iel Bradley of New York, Mark Rlerdon,

A. H.

P. Bauer, Edward C. Murphy of

Brooklyn, E. J. Park o f Elmira, C. H.

Sliney of Waverly, Jesse Browne, Jr.,


Jamaica, W. C. Lawson of Newburg,J.L.

Nixon of Horseheads, D. D. Turner of

PennYan are Trustees of the New York

State Council,Order of American Firemen,

incorporated with principal office in New

York City. The formation of a fraternity

or brotherhood of firemen is contemplatedfor the protection of and benefit of firemen

by aiding the disabled and infirm and de

fraying funeral expenses of deceased mem­-

bers, and establishing local branches.

—The first meeting of the commission

. created by the last Legislature to establish

a Meteorological Bureau and weather

'service in the State of New York was held

Eehw yi er C o n nt y C o i r t a n d C o urt - O f

S eg s fon s .O moiO F Sonrm.»R God n t t Juno*)

Watkins, Ja n uary *, 1889, fryUntil otherwise ordered th e term s o fth e coun.

t y Court a n d c o urt ot Session i n a n d torMid

County of Schuyler, are hereb y ordered to be

Held Atth e Court House, i n th e village of Wat-

kins, ,ln said pountyv with a Trial Jury,com-JUUS)AUOUlIUVVMUbJx1

meneingia s follows, viz:

OU th e third Monday o tFebruary., Onth e first Monday of Ootober,

Terms oftho County co urt,w itho ut a-jury,will

h e hoid a t th e Ohambera oft n e County-Judge, int h e CourtHouse, a s follows, vizr

On th e first Monday ofMarch,On th e flrsCMonday ofMay.On th e fir s tMonday ofJune;o n thef lr s t Monday ofJuly.-,On the first Monday ofSeptember,on tne firs t Monday ofNovember.

On the first M onday ofDecember. •

Bach Otsaid term s ot Court willoommenoea t 10

o’clock In, th e forenoon Of th e respective day s

above designated. a ,8. 0. KERLER, Sohuyler Co. Judge;


D. C. B L A I R ,


-j - J - l - f -

(Suceessortn a. 0. Whittemore,)


,I h eld th e s tra n ge guest a t th e -p oin t of m y

revolver a nd w a s surprised tb see a little

gray h aire d m a n come o ut of the ne x t,

coach w ith the tw o a llegedb rq th e rs heav ilyshackled. The little ipa n Who subdued th e

tw o companions was a U nite d S tates m ar­

shal w ho w as o n b o ard th e tr ain a t th e time.

The conductor wa s covered an d ordered to

pull th e bell r op e , b u t before, th e train w as

fairly stopped t h e littlo officer h ad b oth m en

in irons. Tho supposed female turn ed ottt

to be a m an in female attire. T h e feig ned

corpse w as converted in to a re al one, an d his

companions w ere sentenced fo the peniten­-

tiary fo r tw enty-one y ears each, an d arc now

at Joliet, Bis.

The victim of Bfii’s m arksmanship w as

U tah C harley, one of th e most d arin g t rai n

ro bb ers th at ov er infested th® Plains. W e

put t he box an d body off a t th e nex t s ta tio n

and they were disposed ofin a m anner w hic h

I nev er learned. Anyw ay,, Bill’s tem erity

was th e means o f b re akin g Up a b an d oft rai n

ro b b ers t h at had-terro riz e d-tho w est, and his

marksmanship s e nt JJta ti C harley to a no th er

home where he could p o t s tay in a pine b o x

long. Billhad ab out $35,000in ch arg e at-the ,time, a n d a fter making th a t t rip he turne d

over his keys a n d abandoned th e service.—

O maha Bee.

areawwnkruptGrain, Clover and Timothy



GOAL ( Anthracite, Cumberland for

GOAL"( Blacksmith’s, Steam.

LUMBER f Maple, Pine, Hemlock,

Lath, Shingles.l u m b e r ]

F R I D A Y,

M A Y 24,

1 8 8 9,

But, entirely aside from the sentiment

of tbe case, there is an eminently practicafadvantage in Tanner’s pension policy. It

prevents the pauperization of tbe old sol­-

diers, or of the widows and dependents of

those wbo fell in tbe struggle. Now,w ith­-

out tbe pension, the great majority of these

people would be a charge upon the com­-

munities m which they live,expensive alm-

houses would be multiplied, and an un­-

desirable element in o ur population greatlyincreased. With the help of tbe pension,however, the pensioners can often earn

enough in addition to sustain themselves

as respectable and useful, citizens, and

many a soldier’s widow has been able to

keep together and educate ber little ones

by tbis blessed aid given by tbe national

government. Love of country is thus in­-

evitably instilled in those who, were they

permitted to be pauperized by their father’s

devotion to country, might trace a life of

'woe or perhaps of crime to his exalted



Iff. Y.

County Treasure*’* Notice.


with th e 'Treabturer of Schuyler vCounty will find him ta

attendance a t his office ta Farm ers’ and Mer-

e han t’S B ank each day m th e weekfrom s a-m.,

to i p. m., except o n such da y s as m a yb e

hqlldays.m: w%*^t«.WA£C, Cohnly Treasurer;Dated Watkins,’N. Y., Jan.*!, 1889.

Authracite fur butter makers.

By bbl. for stock, Agri­-cultural for Land.


S A L T - /




H av in g b o n gli t th e B a nk r u p t Stock o f


j^mts, Gaps, OtoerMis, Jfyc.iformerly owne d b y E


.XJpdike o f H orse ­

h e a ds,



I gu aran tee t o se ll th e a b o v e

g oo ds &5 p er cen t,

l ess th an can b e b o u ght

e lsew h e r e.

These g oo dsw ill b e o p en e d on

F r i d a y o f thiswee k.

C a ll soon,

as thiss t oc k

mus t b e cl ose d ou t re gar dl ess o f C os t,

w ithi n

60d a y s fr o m da te.

S ign — BIG - RED FLA G -


Decker Block,

next to YanDuzer’s Drug Store.




Sheriff’s Notice.


rp HB Office ot th e Shorlff of th e Gountgr ofJl Sohuyler, will h e rea fte r be held a t th e

Jailer’s residence, Oounty J ail Building,in t h e

.villageOfWatkins,untilfurth ernotice,BUal-ne ssh o urs from 8 a. m. tfilflp. m.

.CHAS. W. WHITE, Sheriff. .

yin . M. P z ttiT, u n d er Sheriff. .J . MWAxikay, D eputy an d Turnk ey ..




Pra tt’s Food forPoultry and Stock.

Flour Feed, Meal, Bran,






NW1‘? WGHKS;Wednesday, June 19, at the office of T h e Dog Craze.

. Hon. Simeon Smith, in Ithaca. The board

organized by the election of the Hon.

Andrew S. Draper as President, the Hon.

In a word, the disabled and helpless of

the civil war must be cared for. Will the

government do it honorably by pension or

dishonorably by almhouses ? This is tbe

question that Commissioner Tanner has

answered in the only way consistent with

national credit. If he err at times in lib­-

eral construction of a claim, even so he

acts with justice, for it is better for the

national honor that 99 with slender rightsbe pensioned than that by any possiblemistake one deserving person be refused.

If this appear a generous view, remember

that we never can be generous to those

whose merits dwarf all generosity. The

countless lonely graves on many a south­-

ern battlefield, the nameless desolation that

reigns In many a northern home, bear silent

witness to this truth.

Buffalo, J ane 10.

T he dog“cra ze” is increasin g an d w ith -

s tartling rap id ity , a n d i t continues to b e

sh ared alike b y b o th sexes. A p air of c an ine

treasure s is now counted a sm all possession,and t h e fashionable and, avowed adm irer of;

of dogs now b o a s taa collection of five or si x

v aried specimens aud think s nothin g of g oing:out fo r a stroll oh a su n shin y da y throu gh

oneo f the c ity ’s p ark s atten ded b y the Whole

collection. I t does p re se nt ft somewhat c u ri­-

ous scenefor a sty lish ly dressed Woman to be

holding, as it w ere, a s o r t of improm ptu cir ­

cus i n one ofthe squares, H e r several dogfe

gambolingab out While she'checks them With

a slender w hip clasped i n h er d aintily glovedhand a n d summ ons th e m to h e r side b y a

shrill whistle, ail under the-observance o f m

motley crow d o f sp ectators th a t s tan d off a t

a respectable distance a s If enjoying a fre o

show. The fashionable,dog for th e feminine

pet is increasing in size, an d Instead of th e

soft, curled poodles an d to y pUgs w o now see

E n glish and Iris h setters, sy m m etrical I tal ­

ian a n d English, greyhounds, -Scotch collies

aiid Blenheim spaniels.—Tablo T alk ,

all kinds of Chicken Feed, &c., &c.H ava n a , Jf ow Y o rk ,


PLOWS, CULTIVATORS,.I have the finest line of Flours in

Schuyler County.Yours respectfully,D. O.BLAIR.

Stineon Smith as Treasurer,and Prof. E. A.Havan a

,N . Y-

,M ay 23, 1880.



Hariing increased-our eapaclty fo r dolngthl*>kind ofw ork by a d din g m e re room , a ne w lN -

GINB LATHE, a n dm a n y o th ermachinist’* too li;also a full s e tofPn?* C urrnfo T oorc.w e a re pre-

uelr patronage.

Fuertes as Director of the service. W. O.

’ K err was appointed clerk to the commit­-

tee. The temporary organization,hithefto

under the auspices of the Chief Signal Of-

- fleer of the Army, was merged in the State

service contemplated by law. The service

begins with 45 regular volunteer stations

and 6 United States stations, 49 of which

stations display weather signals, and 81

crop correspondents. The central office

of the commission is at Cornell University.

—I th a c a N. Y., June 21.—Among the

distinguished guests here during com­-

mencement, were Summer R ,Stone,a bank-


er of New York, president of the Ithaca,

Auburn & Western road, and E.M . Barnes,of New York, treasurer of the same road.

' They were here apparently to enjoy the

commencement exercises, but they Were a

committee representing Drexel, Morgan &

Co,,Barnes & Co., of New York,and other

stockholders and officers of the above



Is now prepared tor the Fa.ll trad e in Stoves.

Horse Bakes, Or and. otMr farm implement, ex-

ominc th ose Offered by p .® . Criine, CatJiaflno,N. Y., w here m ay toe found the ’Whltely



everputtb-1 e teate We w ouia c allsp eeia latte n-


tlonfoourn ew

T H ILX i O U L .’P I V A T O R.

•This implement ne v er falls to give sal

and reme m bcr.w e gi ve resnbhi

privilegeot a tb___,Havana,May 18,13

tr im .

tisfac tion

Ab le -p attie s th *

So l i d St e e l m o We b s & b i n d e r s ,

the Royal selt-dumplng Rake, Hail’s Bevefsibie

■a s th e great,Boop-poieMower, a nd th e Binderis

open-end: one, simple, mid c an bind anything

an from short Buckwheat to seventootiftyo, and

togotherm ake the“ finest p air ofmachlneB eft

earth.” Kxamlne th e m befofe.buying.

, These-machines are in c harge ef A. 3D. BeArd-

Bley, Catbarhio; N , V .

Th k“ G O O D E N O U G H” Fa mil y




• W 5 J -

a i #‘ f '3



It.contain s iyiliO heajLXhibe, H alf aiid

’Sypophospb tas,*wliieh is really awofider-

ful comhinat.-fl jattd oxerts a m eat potontinflnence in a. weak, exhausted ana nerv-

life and vigor to t"v bpdy and hrain.

SYRACUSE SYRACUSE / . CHI LLED V. PLOWS. flamed road,and came here for tbe purposeof Investigating the advisability of extend-

* ••"ifijf'tiieirroad tb’ Ithaca, the road, havlfiglieVer been complete;} as. wgs TnterKiga b y

4 ta ~«^ i fl al projectors. .1W*


after going Over the road, were driven over

estecfiiotragd havef

ifladeA careful investigation of the matter.

■ It ttf understood that the result of this ex -

amin&tion will be a report of the effect

that building to Ithaca is advisable,and the

Only thing that will m ake the road a re­-

munerative investment. The road will be

entirely reorganized, the object being to


m ake a capitalization which will be in bet­-

ter proportion to the property which it

represents; that Is practically reducing the

capital from $.3,000,00 0 to $1,000,000.

This capital will consist of $500 ,000capitalstock and $500,000mortgagebonds. This

will b es great benefit to Ithaca as it bringsin trade from rich agricultural counties,With which there is at present no direct

railroad connection, and makes a direct

outlet to Auburn, Syracuse and tbe north.

In R anges I have tho Norman, as representedin the above cut. The


_..tn P arlorStO ves.T ha-vim e celebrated


IHso’s Remedy for catarrh is the

Bait, Kaslest to Use. and Cheapest. J


Sold by druggists; or sent by mall. H

iOc. I T . Hazeltlne. Warren, Pa.

TUes® stoves have been ordered direct fromthe m anufacturers, anil I c a n riv e m y customers

some bargains :never betore offered in SohuylerO’o u n ly .before.

Jy store Js. Crowded fuller than over

If y o u r a p p e t i t e i d p o o r ,t r y i t .If y o u h ave th a t a ll -

g one f ee l­-

i n g , t r y i t .

If y ou eann ot sleep,try It.

If y ou are n ervous tr y It.

J f y o u h a v e i n d i g e s t i o n,t r y i t .

If y o u are e x h au ste d , tr y

It, Contains blr>od_making and life givingto a w o n de rf ul ’ ,an d i n

tho exhausted conditions from whatever

av aso ,’ b oth in adults an d c hildre n , i t . i f

c a lc ula ted to b uild Up *b d

e histrengthen the system. F or

Bruggista at $1 per bottle,

-sal y ‘All


c cre o


l . t v n AGENTS WANTED..«ja v mumen, ladies, teachers and minister* < an

make money rapldiy aeJllngoutgreat work


T IN W A R E . I ’A IN T S , OtiS,



D O O R S,

an d BLIN D S,

whirl, i „m.selling at the lowest possible pricesfor atricu> lira: cliisa goods. I have;a completelint-of

No Dropping Oil

No Fauce t to Leak or get knocked open to

wajte Content* or cause Exploeiona JPw npand Gan cloie automatically Art Tight.

N o iL<ufelt*g*--N» Kw«r>OOTittozli-

*anoAMOtumr »*n


AU nlvarM l MetHMhoMl N so—ntty.

&Dealers ta aft kind* of

H A V A N A,

N . Y .


K like It eterjptibllshed. S joolk Over SSO elegant eitsyarlnas,reports .70 orders Tn s days. Asent'

foks lo noe

A n<-"l*s profit

Nothingvolume.-rent re fl

- — -

J.1S.50 No, competition. EXclnMVe terrltop<!la as well as "Twenty Years of Congiess i>y

Jgm>s O. Blaine. ;Ag«nM emfiloy<£ OT commM.m

TSUI Hlinf^niLLPtraLlBHlN§fcO..NOBW |(^/r

FIXJOB o ii. tXOTtt. Hl iN alS a iLAMPS, ETC,

<’allTinroofing end picmhlUr a specialty,and pxatalnp goo<jg and ge t price*. '

j . t Mc k e i), Main St., Havana, N. Y. •CO TT * tOWNE,

Chkmisv*.Naur T en*

, .



s~‘:§."£.;t ‘:§3.+.§~.J 4*».


‘ . v.3,3":;;"‘s ‘

1. VL.-W:4;v;‘~Z*£‘a..: '


When Xsay Cu b e I do no t mean merely to

stop them ior a time, and then have th em r e ­

turn again. I m e a n A RADICAL. CUBE.

1 have made th e disease of





A life - longB tudy. X w a r ra n t my re m e dy t o

C ure th e wors t oases.Be c a u s e o the r s ha v e

f a i l e d Is no re a s o n f o r no t no w re c e i v ing a c ure .

S e nd a t o n ce f o r a trea t i se a nd a F r ee B o ttl e

o f myI n f a l l i b l e R e m e dy . Give E x pre s s

a n d P o s t Office. I t c o sts y o u no thin gl o r a

tria l , a n d i t will c ure y o u . Ad dre s s




-•end'h»T»kepttplhoieThoi*-tc hAddrcnMsOnc.


Anew stock;of Teas. Coffees, CraoketU,‘ Cdnteo

tionery, Sc., Just received.


offered to eustomers in the Way oflow prioes andthOBKST o o o o s



Y .

sted twioe to th re e times e ach week, as the

le demands, th e reb y enabling his enstpmers:et a t all tim e s

Fre s h B row n ed Coffees

ro wteab y hlxnseir a t b i s OOff*oHcmAe a t

, , BCAVAtpN-jA^ Jf - V .