November 2011 Newsletter



Who Will LOVE A Muslim?

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“ T h e p e o p l e w h o k n ow t h e i r g o d s h a l l b e s t ro n g , a n d c a r ry o u t g r e at e x p lo i t s . ” Da n i e l 1 1 : 3 2

F R E E d Mth

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E q u i p p i n g n a t i o n a l s R e s h a p i n g C u l t u r e s E s t a b l i s h i n g f r e e d o m

My wife and I have been doing a lot of talk-ing to the Lord and to one another lately about the condition of what seems to be the majority of the modern American and west-ern church. There are a good 10% of people that we talk to that get what we are saying concerning Muslims and Islam but it seems as though the other 90%, including those involved in missions, are completely disinter-ested in the eternal fate of nearly 22% of this earth’s inhabitants.

I have anguished in my heart at the apathy and indi�erence that I see by those that only wish to play Church political games and secure their place in the social clubs they attend on Sunday morning, or the Christian conferences they attend to secure more “clout” with the spiritual “elite”, or the minis-terial organizations they feel will help them rise up the ladder of Church politics and positions. Many of you may say, “Kamran, that is a bit harsh! You should walk in love.” To that I would say, “ I am walking in love toward our Muslim brothers and sisters. And I am confronting my American brothers and sisters, who, for the most part, do not seem to care about them!”

I feel like the Apostle Paul who would see heart attitudes and dispositions of churches in various locations and write them letters in order that he may perfect them in their walk with the Lord. Paul

by Kamran Karimi | Vol.12 / Issue 11

in each of his letters dealt with specific issues that concerned a particular people in a regional church. They were people such as the Galatians, the Ephe-sians, the Corinthians and so on.

This letter comes from my heart to the American, western church concerning their heart attitudes toward Muslims and their eternal salvation and earthly peace. I wish to prick the heart of everyone who is reading this newsletter and see hearts bleed with compassion for a people who so desperately need Jesus and His mercy and grace, as we all do!

We are living in the last days and the work we do here at G.E.M. is vital. God has allowed this minis-try to be an oasis amidst a spiritual desert among Muslims. Muslims are hungry to know a God that loves them and His name is Jehovah! As I write this letter, we are embarking on many new and much bigger endeavors into the Muslim world, especially among Farsi-speaking Muslims. We are pressing against the principalities and pushing them back and we need your help to push back bigger and stronger!

There are a good 10% of people we talk to that get what we are saying concerning Muslims...including those in missions, the rest are completely disinterested in the eternal fate of nearly 22% of this earth’s inhabitants.


Persecution is rising and even our own underground leaders are being arrested, interrogated and harmed physically and emotionally. But do they care? NO! They have a revelation of who Jesus is and each one of them has committed their lives even unto death.

It has dawned on me that most of our readers and the American church do not understand that there is a reality to “giving our lives” for the Gospel here at G.E.M. They are surprised and shocked to learn that the Iranian government wants me dead for converting to Christ and for preaching the Gospel in Iran. But do I care? NO! These precious people are worth the risk!

Jesus died for them too! And we must, I said, “WE MUST, reach them!” I am asking you to shore up your giving on every level and help us achieve the bench-marks God has set before us in reaching Farsi-Speaking Muslims! It is time; the harvest is white! We cannot wait for tomorrow! We must act today! They are desperate!

The greatest affront to the Body of Christ on this planet today is Islam. It is fighting us tooth and nail in all corners of this earth.

We must rally our troops, as the army of the living God, and focus our efforts on pushing back the principality behind Islam and on setting Muslims free from its dominion.

This is the time for their freedom! Please do not throw this letter away without taking action! God needs you, we need you, and Muslims need you to act! We love you and have committed to only speak the truth to you. I pray you are stirred up and that your heart has been turned toward Muslim peoples everywhere!

Declaring His Majesty,

Kamran Karimi

P.S. This month we are releasing my new book “In Allah They Trust.” I have written more in this book concerning the church’s responsibility for Muslims.

Please order your copy today, it is free with a donation of $20.00 or more.


need you TO ACT.


Pastor Youcef NadarkhaniIranian pastor facing death for standing by his Christian faith, has recently got the attention of the Iranian Supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, who will be weighing in with his opinion on the matter.


Office (817) 370-9229

We need people to take action in each of the following areas:

PRAY: We, here at G.E.M. and our leadership team in Iran, desperately need those who will diligently intercede on our behalf. In these perilous times, there simply cannot be too much “air support” (prayer) going up on our behalf.

GIVE: We need to make HUGE leaps in our finances and partnership levels if we are going to go where God is asking us. We pray you see the eternal value in reaching Muslims and bringing them into God’s kingdom!

DO: If you have skills (i.e. creative, administrative), we can use consistent volunteers here in the ministry! The harvest is white but the laborers are few!

The magazine you hold in your hands is entitled “The Voice of Freedom.” Beginning in January you will witness Global Exploits Ministries become silent in our publications and digital media. We will be coming to you as “The Voice of Freedom.” You will see this change reflected in everything: website, Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, and print. This is part of the shift God is doing in this ministry! Global Exploits Ministries will still exist as the umbrella organization but will be silent in every other way.

We will also be making a shift to complete digital communications as of January 1, 2012. We feel that it is time to make this shift for two reasons:

1. This maximizes the staff and monetary resources of the ministry.2. This reduces waste.

As we make this shift in branding and modes of communication, we ask that you continue to follow us through e-mail, the website, and social media. We have innovative communications lined up for you! We will let you know more next month!

need you TO ACT.


What’s new at Global exploits ministries ?

what am I supporting when I give?

You support OUR DAILY BROADCAST into the Farsi-speaking Muslims world, reaching a potential 110,000,000 people and a definite watching audience of 30,000,000 people weekly.

You support BIBLE DISTRIBUTION into closed Islamic nations such as Iran and Afghanistan.

You support AWARENESS among the American church concerning Islam and Islam’s agenda in the earth.

You support OUR LEADERS! You support training them through three venues:

1. Through quarterly leadership training seminars.2. Through iPod Bible Schools.3. Through helping us to establish them in House Churches.


for YOUR GIFT of $20.00 or MORE



You can contact us on the web by visiting:www.globalexploits.orgor email us

If you feel led to move into action, using your gifts, talents, prayers, or finances for the cause of reaching Muslims for Jesus Christ; please take the time to fill out our

response card and designate how you’d like to be involved! Thank you for all you do!

More and more, we want to express our gratitude for your prayers and support that help us continue the work God has called us to: tending the Lord’s sheep and bringing more people to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. As one river, with all the streams meeting and flowing in one direction, we can do more for the glory of Jesus. Unity among the body of Christ is one of the most important ways for us to stay effective in reaching people who do not know Him. I’m reminded that in Acts 2:1 the day of Pentecost came as they were ALL TOGETHER, in one place, and in one accord. There is strength and power in numbers. However, it is of the utmost importance that we all move in the same direction and focus our strengths, gifts, talents, prayers, and finances towards the ONE direction God is leading.

Today, I encourage you, do not not just half-heartedly give of yourself, but completely give yourself towards the direction God is leading you. When you do this, you will be the most effective for the Kingdom of God!

We are excited about the release of this book! God has been preparing this for sometime. The o�cial release is in November of this year.

If you would like to pre-order a copy of the book please request to be on our preorder list by e-mailing us at Be sure to include your full name and mailing address. Upon your request you’ll receive and e-mail to download the first chapter!