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Consultant Teacher : Mr. Budi RobintasClass: XII. IPS. 1





Leader :Dimar Ardi Karisma

Members :1. Eddy Setiawan2. Elva Yurika3. Indah Asmarani

Consultant Teacher :Mr. Budi RobintasClass : XII. IPS. 1

DHARMA BHAKTI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL OF PALEMBANGLESSON YEAR 2012 / 2013Narrative Text a. Definition TextA narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people(teks narasi adalah cerita imaginatif yang bertujuan menghibur orang).Pada kamus bahasa Inggris, secara harfiah narrative bermakna:(1) a spoken or written account of connected events; a story. (2) the narrated part of a literary work, as distinct from dialogue. (3) the practice or art of narration.Narrative text adalah teks yang berisi sebuah cerita baik tertulis ataupun tidak tertulis dan terdapat rangkaian peristiwa yang saling terhubung.b. STRUCTURE GENERIC OF NARRATIVE TEXTb. 1.a Definition Orientation:It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced. (berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana). b. 1.b Orientation in this film King Stephen and his wife have been blessed with the birth of a daughter, Princess Aurora. Many travel to pay their respects to the birth of the Princess. Also attending the event, are King Hubert, and his son, Prince Phillip, who have journeyed from a neighboring kingdom. Through an agreement between the two rulers, Phillip is betrothed to Aurora, and their marriage will unite the two kingdoms when they come of ageb. 2.a Definition complication:Where the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang). b. 2.b Complication in this film Flora and Fauna persuade Merryweather to use her 'gift' to possibly stave off Maleficent's spell. Through her 'gift,' Aurora will not die, but only lay in sleep, until kissed by her true love. Even so, King Stephen still is fearful, and orders every spinning wheel in the kingdom to be burned.The three fairies ponder what to do to prevent Maleficent's curse from taking effect. They then decide to hide their magic and change their appearances, appearing as peasant women. The three then persuade the King and Queen that they will hide their daughter until she turns 16, and take her to an abandoned woodcutter's cottage.The years pass by, and as Aurora's 16th birthday approaches, the people of the Kingdom rejoice, as atop the Forbidden Mountain, the atmosphere has stayed in a constant clouded thunder, a sign of Maleficent's mood, and that her own quest to find the hidden Princess has not been fulfilled. Maleficent's mood is also foul in that her minions have only been searching for a baby for the last 16 years, not realizing that Aurora would grow up. After punishing her minions, Maleficent sends her crow Diablo to find the Princess.

c. 3.a Definition Resolution:Where the problems in the story is solved.Masalah selesai, secara baik "happy ending" ataupun buruk "bad ending".3. b Resolution in this film With evil vanquished, Phillip is led to Aurora's bedside, and his kiss awakens her and the entire kingdom. As King Hubert and King Stephen awaken, the sound of trumpets heralds the arrival of Phillip and Aurora, and it is soon made clear to Hubert that is was actually Aurora that Phillip met in the woods. The two then share a dance as their parents and the three faeries watch

SYNOPSIS King Stephen and his wife have been blessed with the birth of a daughter, Princess Aurora. Many travel to pay their respects to the birth of the Princess. Also attending the event, are King Hubert, and his son, Prince Phillip, who have journeyed from a neighboring kingdom. Through an agreement between the two rulers, Phillip is betrothed to Aurora, and their marriage will unite the two kingdoms when they come of age.Also in attendance, are the Three Good Fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. Each has come to bestow a gift on the Princess. Flora gives the gift of beauty, Fauna the gift of song. However, before Merryweather can bestow her gift, a gale wind blows through the great hall, signifying the arrival of Maleficent, a sorceress from The Forbidden Mountain. Upset over not having been invited, Maleficent casts a spell, promising that once Aurora turns 16, she'll prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and die. Stephen orders Maleficent captured, but she disappears with a laugh and a plume of smoke.Flora and Fauna persuade Merryweather to use her 'gift' to possibly stave off Maleficent's spell. Through her 'gift,' Aurora will not die, but only lay in sleep, until kissed by her true love. Even so, King Stephen still is fearful, and orders every spinning wheel in the kingdom to be burned.The three fairies ponder what to do to prevent Maleficent's curse from taking effect. They then decide to hide their magic and change their appearances, appearing as peasant women. The three then persuade the King and Queen that they will hide their daughter until she turns 16, and take her to an abandoned woodcutter's cottage.The years pass by, and as Aurora's 16th birthday approaches, the people of the Kingdom rejoice, as atop the Forbidden Mountain, the atmosphere has stayed in a constant clouded thunder, a sign of Maleficent's mood, and that her own quest to find the hidden Princess has not been fulfilled. Maleficent's mood is also foul in that her minions have only been searching for a baby for the last 16 years, not realizing that Aurora would grow up. After punishing her minions, Maleficent sends her crow Diablo to find the Princess.After 16 years, the Princess has grown into a lovely young woman, whom the three fairies have named Briar Rose. On the eve of her 16th birthday, the three fairies (who've convinced the Princess that they are her 'aunts') send her out to pick berries, while they prepare a birthday cake for her. The Princess walks through the forest, confiding in some forest animals that follow her, that she dreams of one day meeting a handsome prince. Close by, some of the animals find a red cape, a hat, and some boots, and after taking their places, create a make-shift 'dream prince' for the young woman to dance with.However, it just so happens that these items belong to Prince Phillip, who has been riding through the forest on his horse, Samson. Phillip finds the Princess, and the two share a dance, though neither knows that they are their betrothed. The Princess is enchanted by the young man, but remembering how the fairies told her not to talk to strangers, runs away. However, she does tell the Prince where she lives.Aurora returns to the cottage to find a dress and a cake made for her by the three faeries. Excitedly, she explains how she met someone in the forest, whom she is in love with. It is then that the three faeries reveal who they really are, and that she is betrothed to Prince Phillip. When they explain that she must not meet this 'stranger' again, Aurora runs to her room, distraught. During all this, none of them have noticed Maleficent's raven, Diablo, peeking in through a window, before flying off to tell Maleficent.Back at King Stephen's Castle, King Hubert is also in attendance, as the entire court is preparing for Aurora to return. Stephen speaks grandly of the future for their children, as Phillip arrives. Phillip grandly tells his father about the 'peasant girl' he met in the woods, and hopes to marry. Hubert is upset at these turn of events, and tries to persuade his son to remember his betrothal, but Phillip rides back to the forest and to the cottage.In the meantime, the 3 faeries have brought Aurora into the castle through a secret entrance, to prepare her to meet her family. However, she is still upset about never seeing the young man in the woods again. The 3 faeries give her some time to herself, but in their absence, Maleficent opens a secret passage in the castle room, and Aurora, under a trance, follows a floating green orb through the passageway.When the three faeries enter the room, they find Aurora following the green light, and give chase. However, before they can catch her, Aurora has pricked her finger on an enchanted spinning wheel, and now lays crumpled on the floor, with Maleficent cackling wickedly over the faerie's failure to safeguard her.Outside in the castle courtyard, the kingdom prepares to welcome the Princess home. However, in a tower room, the 3 faeries have placed Aurora on a bed, distraught over what has happened. It is then that Flora decides to put the entire Kingdom to sleep, until Aurora is awakened. As they finish putting King Stephen and King Hubert asleep, Flora hears Hubert talk about the Prince meeting a 'peasant girl.' Deducing that it was Phillip that Aurora had met in the forest, they remember her saying how the person she met would be coming to the woodcutter's cottage. Hoping to get to him and awaken Aurora, they set off through the forest, only to find the cottage door wide open, and Phillip's hat on the floor. The three deduce that Maleficent must have captured him, and taken him to her castle on the Forbidden Mountain.The three sneak into the castle, where they find Maleficent's goons celebrating, while she pays a visit to Prince Phillip, stuck in a dungeon. Maleficent taunts Phillip with images of Aurora sleeping, and of one day, sending him off to wake the Princess, once he and his horse Samson have aged considerably, laughing at the very idea.Once she leaves, the three faeries free Phillip, and arm him with the 'Shield of Virtue,' and the 'Sword of Truth.' With his new weapons, and the faeries' help, Phillip finds Samson, and they ride off toward King Stephen's castle.Maleficent tries to strike down Phillip with lightning bolts, but the 'Shield of Virtue' deflects them. Before he can reach the castle, her magic creates a forest of thorns that surrounds the structure. Phillip triumphs and cuts his way through with the 'Sword of Truth.' Outraged at his determination, Maleficent appears before Phillip, transforming herself into a dragon. The enormous beast appears to be no match for the Prince, until the three faeries guide the 'Sword of Truth' into Maleficent's heart, felling her once and for all.With evil vanquished, Phillip is led to Aurora's bedside, and his kiss awakens her and the entire kingdom. As King Hubert and King Stephen awaken, the sound of trumpets heralds the arrival of Phillip and Aurora, and it is soon made clear to Hubert that is was actually Aurora that Phillip met in the woods. The two then share a dance as their parents and the three faeries watch.


Raja Stephen dan istrinya telah diberkati dengan kelahiran seorang putri, Putri Aurora.Banyak perjalanan untuk memberikan penghormatan kepada kelahiran Putri.Juga hadir dalam acara tersebut, adalah Raja Hubert, dan putranya, Pangeran Phillip, yang berangkat dari kerajaan tetangga.Melalui kesepakatan antara dua penguasa, Phillip yang bertunangan dengan Aurora, dan pernikahan mereka akan menyatukan dua kerajaan ketika mereka datang dari usia.Juga hadir, adalah Tiga Fairies Baik, Flora, Fauna, dan Merryweather.Masing-masing telah datang untuk memberikan hadiah pada sang Putri.Flora memberikan karunia keindahan, Fauna karunia lagu.Namun, sebelum Merryweather bisa memberikan hadiah itu, angin bertiup kencang melalui aula besar, menandakan kedatangan jahat, seorang penyihir dari The Mountain Terlarang.Kesal atas tidak karena telah diundang, Maleficent melemparkan mantra, menjanjikan bahwa setelah Aurora ternyata 16, dia akan menusuk jarinya pada poros dari roda berputar, dan mati.Perintah Stephen jahat ditangkap, tapi dia menghilang dengan tertawa dan segumpal asap.Flora dan Fauna membujuk Merryweather untuk menggunakan 'hadiah' dia mungkin mencegah mantra jahat itu.Melalui dia 'hadiah,' Aurora tidak akan mati, tetapi hanya berbaring dalam tidur, sampai dicium oleh cinta sejatinya.Meski begitu, Raja Stephen masih takut, dan perintah setiap roda berputar di kerajaan yang akan dibakar.Tiga peri merenungkan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mencegah kutukan jahat itu dari mengambil efek.Mereka kemudian memutuskan untuk menyembunyikan sihir mereka dan mengubah penampilan mereka, muncul sebagai petani perempuan.Ketiga kemudian membujuk Raja dan Ratu bahwa mereka akan menyembunyikan putri mereka sampai dia berubah 16, dan membawanya ke pondok seorang penebang kayu yang ditinggalkan.Tahun-tahun berlalu, dan sebagai pendekatan 16 Aurora ulang tahun, orang-orang dari Kerajaan bersukacita, seperti di atas Gunung Terlarang, suasana telah tinggal di guntur berkabut konstan, tanda mood jahat, dan bahwa dia sendiri pencarian untuk menemukan yang tersembunyi Putri belum terpenuhi.Suasana jahat adalah juga busuk dalam bahwa antek-anteknya hanya telah mencari bayi selama 16 tahun terakhir, tidak menyadari bahwa Aurora akan tumbuh.Setelah menghukum antek-anteknya, Maleficent mengirimkan nya crow Diablo untuk menemukan sang Putri.Setelah 16 tahun, Putri telah tumbuh menjadi seorang wanita muda yang cantik, yang tiga peri telah bernama Briar Rose.Pada malam ulang tahun ke-16, tiga peri (yang pernah meyakinkan Putri bahwa mereka nya 'bibi') mengirimnya keluar untuk memilih berries, sementara mereka menyiapkan kue ulang tahun untuknya.The Princess berjalan melalui hutan, pengakuan pada beberapa hewan hutan yang mengikutinya, bahwa ia bermimpi suatu hari bertemu dengan seorang pangeran tampan.Dekat, beberapa hewan menemukan jubah merah, topi, dan beberapa sepatu, dan setelah mengambil tempat mereka, membuat make-shift 'mimpi pangeran' bagi wanita muda menari dengan.Namun, itu hanya kebetulan bahwa barang-barang milik Pangeran Phillip, yang telah naik melalui hutan di atas kudanya, Samson.Phillip menemukan Putri, dan berbagi dua tarian, meskipun tidak tahu bahwa mereka adalah tunangan mereka.Putri ini terpesona oleh pemuda, tapi mengingat bagaimana peri menyuruhnya untuk tidak berbicara dengan orang asing, melarikan diri.Namun, dia tidak memberitahu Pangeran di mana dia tinggal.Aurora kembali ke pondok untuk menemukan gaun dan kue yang dibuat untuknya oleh tiga peri.Penuh semangat, dia menjelaskan bagaimana dia bertemu dengan seseorang di hutan, yang dia jatuh cinta dengan.Hal ini kemudian bahwa tiga faeries mengungkapkan siapa mereka sebenarnya, dan bahwa dia bertunangan dengan Pangeran Phillip.Ketika mereka menjelaskan bahwa dia tidak harus memenuhi ini 'asing' lagi, Aurora berjalan ke kamarnya, bingung.Selama ini, tidak satupun dari mereka telah memperhatikan raven jahat itu, Diablo, mengintip melalui jendela, sebelum terbang untuk memberitahu jahat.Kembali di Istana Raja Stephen, Raja Hubert juga hadir, sebagai pengadilan seluruh mempersiapkan Aurora kembali.Stephen berbicara megah dari masa depan untuk anak-anak mereka, seperti Phillip tiba.Phillip megah memberitahu ayahnya tentang 'gadis petani' ia bertemu di hutan, dan berharap untuk menikah.Hubert marah pada pergantian peristiwa ini, dan mencoba untuk membujuk putranya untuk mengingat pertunangan, tapi Phillip naik kembali ke hutan dan ke pondok.Sementara itu, 3 faeries telah membawa Aurora ke dalam benteng melalui pintu masuk rahasia, untuk mempersiapkan dirinya untuk bertemu keluarganya.Namun, dia masih kesal tidak pernah melihat pemuda di hutan lagi.The 3 peri memberinya waktu untuk dirinya sendiri, tapi tanpa kehadiran mereka, Maleficent membuka jalan rahasia di ruang istana, dan Aurora, di bawah trance, mengikuti bola hijau mengambang melalui lorong.Ketika tiga faeries memasuki ruangan, mereka menemukan Aurora mengikuti lampu hijau, dan memberikan mengejar.Namun, sebelum mereka bisa menangkapnya, Aurora telah jarinya ditusuk pada roda berputar terpesona, dan sekarang meletakkan kusut di lantai, dengan jahat terkekeh jahat atas kegagalan faerie untuk melindungi dirinya.Di luar di halaman istana, kerajaan mempersiapkan untuk menyambut rumah Putri.Namun, di ruang menara, 3 faeries telah menempatkan Aurora di tempat tidur, bingung atas apa yang telah terjadi.Hal ini kemudian bahwa Flora memutuskan untuk menempatkan seluruh Kerajaan untuk tidur, sampai Aurora dibangunkan.Ketika mereka selesai menempatkan Raja Stephen dan Raja Hubert tertidur, Flora mendengar Hubert berbicara tentang pertemuan Pangeran 'gadis petani. "Menyimpulkan bahwa itu adalah Phillip bahwa Aurora telah bertemu di hutan, mereka ingat dia mengatakan bagaimana orang yang dia temui akan datang ke pondok penebang kayu itu.Berharap untuk mendapatkan dia dan membangkitkan Aurora, mereka berangkat melalui hutan, hanya untuk menemukan pintu pondok terbuka lebar, dan topi Phillip di lantai.Tiga menyimpulkan jahat yang harus telah menangkapnya, dan membawanya ke istananya di Gunung Terlarang.Menyelinap tiga menjadi benteng, di mana mereka menemukan preman jahat yang merayakan, sementara dia membayar kunjungan ke Pangeran Phillip, terjebak dalam penjara.Maleficent ejekan Phillip dengan gambar tidur Aurora, dan dari satu hari, memintanya untuk membangunkan Putri, setelah ia dan kudanya Samson telah berusia jauh, menertawakan gagasan.Setelah dia pergi, tiga peri bebas Phillip, dan lengan dia dengan 'Shield of Virtue,' dan 'Pedang Kebenaran. "Dengan senjata barunya, dan bantuan peri ', Phillip menemukan Samson, dan mereka naik ke arah istana Raja Stephen.Maleficent mencoba untuk menjatuhkan Phillip dengan petir, tetapi 'Perisai Kebajikan' mengalihkan mereka.Sebelum dia dapat mencapai benteng, sihirnya menciptakan hutan duri yang mengelilingi struktur.Phillip kemenangan dan memotong jalan melalui dengan 'Pedang Kebenaran. "Marah pada tekadnya, Maleficent muncul sebelum Phillip, mengubah dirinya menjadi seekor naga.Binatang besar tampaknya tidak cocok untuk Pangeran, sampai tiga faeries memandu 'Pedang Kebenaran' ke dalam hati jahat itu, penebangan dia sekali dan untuk semua.Dengan jahat kalah, Phillip dipimpin ke sisi tempat tidur Aurora, dan ciuman membangunkan dia dan seluruh kerajaan.Sebagai Raja Hubert dan Raja Stephen terbangun, suara terompet bentara kedatangan Phillip dan Aurora, dan akan segera dibuat jelas Hubert yang sebenarnya Aurora bahwa Phillip bertemu di hutan.Kedua kemudian berbagi tarian dengan orang tua dan tiga menonton faeries.