Notes 4-3 and 4-4 Metals, Nonmetals, Inert Gases and Semimetals


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Notes 4-3 and 4-4 Metals, Nonmetals, Inert Gases and Semimetals Slide 2 Metals Physical Properties Malleable Magnetic Ductile Thermal conductivity Electrical conductivity Chemical Properties Reactive Corrosive Slide 3 Types of Metals Most of the Periodic Table is made up of metals!!! Alkali Metals Group 1; most reactive group of elements Alkaline Earth Metals Group 2 Transition Metals Groups 3-12 Metals in Mixed Groups Groups 13-15 Special Cases: Lanthanides Similar properties to Group 2 elements Antinides most created artificially in labs; unstable nuclei Synthetic Elements atomic numbers higher than 92; made by scientists by forcing nuclear particles to crash into one another Slide 4 Nonmetals Slide 5 Inert Gases Group 18!!! Tend to be UNreactive Slide 6 Hydrogen Element with the simplest atoms Very different from atoms of other elements so not in a family Makes up more than 90% of the atoms in the universe Makes up only 1% of Earths crust Rarely found on Earth in its pure form Most hydrogen is combined with oxygen in water Slide 7 Semimetals Also called metalloids Some of the properties of both metals and nonmetals Most useful property is their ability to conduct electric currents
