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GPA/34–Circular – January 2019

Dear Confreres,


Francis was born on August 21, 1567 in the family castle of Sales, Thorens, in

the duchy of upper Savoy. He was the firstborn child of Françoise de Sionnaz

and Françoise de Boisy. His father was forty-four, and his mother fifteen. There

were twelve children born to the family, five of whom died soon after their

birth. Francis' studies were lengthy and were accomplished in three stages:

college studies at la Roche and Annecy (where his priestly vocation was born);

then at the Jesuit college in Paris; and finally at Padua, where in 1591 he

obtained his doctorate in civil and canon law. During these years he also

studied theology. He was a gifted young man: of brilliant intellect, persevering,

purposeful, serene, affable, irresistibly charming, and above all, consumed with

the love of God.

He was ordained priest on December 18, 1593. His early years of priesthood in

the Calvinistic district of Chablais were largely coloured by extraordinary

missionary zeal. He preached with courage, and his method of gentle and

patient dialogue and prayer was to prove a determining factor in the return of Thonon and Chablais to the

Catholic faith.

On March 24, 1599 he was appointed coadjutor bishop at the age of thirty-one. In 1602, he journeyed to Paris

to organise the restoration of Catholic worship in the Gex area, part of his diocese and now reverted to French

jurisdiction. Francis accomplished this task in nine months.

Francis was ordained bishop on December 8, 1602 and became the good shepherd among his people. He was

tireless in visiting his 450 parishes. He organised the further formation of his clergy, proclaiming that learning

was the eighth sacrament for a priest. He concerned himself with the reform of monasteries, and the

catechesis of the young. He spent hours in the confessional, dialogued with the Calvinists, preached the

Advent and Lenten homilies in many cities in Savoy and France, undertook spiritual direction both viva voce

and in correspondence, took part in theological discussions, and with his friend Senator Antonio Favre

founded the Florimontane Academy. In the midst of this multitude of activities he found time to publish in

1608 his Introduction to the devout Life (Philothea) and in 1616 his Treatise on the Love of God (Theotimus).

At Dijon in 1604 he met the Baroness Jane Frémyot de Chantal, aged thirty-two, and a widow with four

children. Between these two saintly people there developed a strong spiritual friendship. In 1607, Francis suggested to her an important project: the founding of a new kind of Order of Contemplative Sisters that

would include the care of girls and widows, and be permitted to leave the convent to visit the sick and the

poor. The Order was founded on June 6, 1610.

Duke Charles Emanuel I of Savoy sent Francis to Paris to press for the marriage of the hereditary prince

Victor Amadeus with Christine of France, the sister of the young King Louis XIII. Francis spent some ten

months in the Capital. Despite being assailed by a mess of intrigues he engaged in an intense missionary

programme: tireless preaching, meetings with Vincent de Paul, Mother Angelica Arnaud and Richelieu. He

also founded a convent of his Visitation nuns, and declined to become the coadjutor of the Cardinal


In 1622, he was obliged to undertake another painful journey: to go to Avignon to the members of the royal

family of France, and accompany them via Rodano to Lyons. He was a guest at the Bellecour convent of the

Visitation Sisters at Lyons and there met the Reverend Mother Jane de Chantal for the last time. Francis died

of a stroke on December 28, 1622. His funeral was solemnised at Annecy on January 24, 1623 and his

remains transferred to the Visitation Convent. He was canonised on April 19, 1665 by Alexander VII. Many

years later in 1877, Pius IX declared him a Doctor of the Church. Such is the resumé of the life of our patron,

a life full of extraordinary splendour and benevolence. He was really a good shepeherd, a great missionary, a

prolific writer and journalist, a saint of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and a Lover of the Compassionate Mother of


Francis: A Good Shepherd

In him we find a marvellous fusion of two characteristics that are rarely seen together: astute thought and

intense activity, all inspired by a spiritual life of extraordinary distinction. The brief summary of Francis' life

above shows clearly what was dominant in his life as pastor, priest and bishop. He died at a relatively young

age: 55 years. He had been ordained priest at 26, after long and toilsome years of study at Paris and Padua.

There were left to him only 28 years of ministerial activities: five as a priest, four as a missionary in the

Chablais, and twenty as Prince-bishop of Geneva.

It should be realised that his service was intense and animated by the fact that he lived in a time fraught with

complexities. His apostolic life was closely bound up in the policy of his prince, Duke Charles Emmanuel of

Savoy, who wished to eliminate the religious dissensions rampant in his Duchy. However, in 1601, the Treaty

of Lyons restored a part of the diocese of Annecy (Gex) to France, and this obliged consultation also with the

French Government. Francis had to negotiate with political authorities (Henry IV and his courtiers), and

religious authorities (the bishops); he also had dealings with some of the spiritual giants of the day (the

extraordinary mystic Mme Acarie, Pierre de Bérulle, Vincent de Paul). Twice he was offered the

archbishopric of Paris and he refused to accept it with humility.

Besides all this, he was the bishop of Geneva, but exiled in Annecy. He thus found himself at the centre of

divergences between Catholics and Protestants, and the controversies raised by the Reformation. He laboured

ceaselessly for reconciliation, for the spiritual return to unity of the faith in his episcopal city. The Council of

Trent had concluded in 1563, four years before Francis was born, but even by 1600 the Catholic Counter-

Reformation had not influenced many of the ambitious and ignorant members of the clergy. The monasteries

were still in spiritual decline. Moreover, Francis lived in the age when the fruits of the Renaissance were

readily available - that imposing era that made such forceful demands on the bettering and perfecting of forms

and structures bequeathed by medieval and feudal times. Francis was a ‘modern’ of his day, and seized on

these new aspirations. They were, however, difficult times for Francis to carry out his pastoral duties, and to

lead his flock along the path of holiness.

The Gospel call to perfection of love and holiness is one and universal, and equal for everyone. However, in

practice, individual vocations vary from each other, and each person must respond to individual talents

according to particular ability. There are different reasons for this: the diversity of natural aptitudes, character,

education, environment, relationships. Such differences occur because of the greater or lesser degree of

generosity with which human liberty reacts. Each individual soul needs to be instructed, encouraged,

educated according to personal needs. A pastor of souls is well aware that he cannot expect the same result

from everyone, and that some have need of more particular attention.

Francis: A Great Missionary

Already from the year 1534 the city of Geneva had become the bastion of Protestantism, and Calvin had

conquered the whole region. The Catholic faith was suppressed with raids, pillaging and massacres; churches

were destroyed, worship forbidden, priests exiled or done to death. In Francis' day the Chablais had been

gripped in the jaws of Calvinism. Theodore Beza, Calvin's successor, reigned supreme. In obedience to Pope

Clement VIII he had three meetings with Theodore Beza, Calvin's successor. Peaceful advances proved

uncertain, nay, futile. Catholics in Upper Savoy lived in discouragement and dejection.

Francis arrived in Chablais with few belongings - among them his Breviary, Bellarmine's Catechism for his

homilies, a Bible for reference and explanation. The young missionary had to face distrust and inflexibility -

he was even threatened with menaces and execution for his audacity. However, in his initial efforts Francis

set out to gain the goodwill of the simple and humble folk. His first sermon boasted a congregation of one old

lady, to whom he remarked that one single soul was worth a whole diocese.

Then came the moment of God even for the most intractable of his listeners. Whilst his first public

discussions had invited head-on clashes, his individual chats on a one-to-one basis were able to overcome

distrust and lead to a gradual openness of heart and mind. Even the militant fanatics yielded to Francis’ gentle

and persuasive preaching. He instructed them with conviction and they were won over by his teaching -

secretly at first, but eventually quite openly. Francis humbly recognised the change, and did not hesitate to

write to Clement VIII that when he arrived in the Chablais he had found only 100 Catholics; now only 100

Protestants could be found.

Francis: A Prolific Writer and Journalist

Francis expressed the best of his teaching in three remarkable spiritual books: Introduction to the Devout Life

(or Philothea, 1608, definitive edition 1619); Treatise on the Love of God (or Theotimus 1616); and the

posthumous Spiritual Conferences. He had no wish to be considered a litterateur. His preaching and writing

were the result of inspiration, duty to his episcopal office, and demanded by his pressing and urgent

apostolate and pastoral experience.

The Introduction to the Devout Life belongs to the Savoy period of his episcopate. It reveals Francis de Sales

as a director of souls, an educator dedicated to the spiritual good of men and women desirous to live an

authentic Christian life within the hurly-burly of their mundane tasks. The Treatise on the Love of God is a

summation of Francis' convictions and the fruit of his intense episcopal activity (1607-1616). These were

years of direct contact with bishops in Savoy, Rome and France, with priests, with devout souls, with

parishioners of the city and of the mountains; and six years of spiritual direction given to the Visitation

Sisters. In these ten years Francis’ thinking matured and clarified. Writing had become for him a relief from

his intense activities, a means of harvesting the fruits of his experience and of communicating them to others.

Finally, the Spiritual Conferences (1629), published and edited by Saint Jane de Chantal, consists of the

question-and-answer discussions in the fairly frequent meetings Francis had with the Visitation Sisters from

1611 to 1622.

One of Francis' first Masses celebrated in mission territory was in honour of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, it was

during this ceremony that a brilliant idea occurred to him. `If my opponents will not lend me their ears, then I

must win over their eyes to read what I write.' He then composed the so-called `leaflets', the actual

forerunners of modern advertisement placards and propaganda circulars. Francis' pamphlets proved a rapid

way of spreading his message - a resumé of the truths of the faith - catechesis in a nutshell. The youngsters he

had befriended were overjoyed at being part of the plot, and were his willing couriers. Leaflets were slipped

under front doors and were furtively read by the inmates and discussed with animation.

Francis: A Saint after the Sacred Heart of Jesus

For every human being it is the `heart' that matters: and our hearts were made for God. The spiritual teaching

of Francis de Sales can be summed up in two remarks found in the Treatise on the love of God: “Man is the

perfection of the Universe, the spirit is the perfection of man; love is the perfection of the spirit, and charity is

the perfection of love. This is why the love of God is the goal, the perfection and the excellence of the

universe.” And again: “If our thoughts contain some reference to God, we immediately sense a certain

congenial emotion of the heart, which shows that God is the God of the human heart.”

The heart that loves God loves him totally and always. The heart is the actual person making private and

profound choices. If the heart chooses God and lives united to one, love will of necessity permeate one’s

whole being and enliven its manifold richness; and all one's practical living will be imbued with the

supernatural. In particular, Francis exalted human sensitivity. Left to its own resources it is in danger, but in

expressing true love it becomes invaluable. If the totality of human is one’s heart created for God, then the

totality of Jesus Christ is his pierced Heart from which issues the blood of our redemption and the living

water of life eternal. Remember, the great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was renewed in the Church in

a monastery of one of the daughters of St Francis de Sales at Paray-le-Monial, St Margaret Mary Alacoque, a

Visitation nun.

Francis: A Lover of the Compassionate Mother of God

Francis was inspired by the compassion of Mary. According to Francis, although several loving souls were

present at Jesus’ death, it was his gentle Mother who was most deeply transfixed by the sword of sorrow. The

sorrow of her Son pierced her own heart because of the intimate union between Jesus and Mary. She was so

compassionate that she suffered with him, and that she always longed to die from love of Jesus. “Several

loving souls were present at our Lord’s death. Those who knew the most love experienced the deepest

sorrow, for them love melted into sorrow, sorrow into love. Passionately fond of their Saviour, they were also

in love with his sorrowful passion. But it was his gentle Mother, whose love was greater than all the others,

who was most deeply transfixed by the sword of sorrow. The sorrow her Son was experiencing pierced

through into his Mother’s heart, so perfect was the intimate union between their two hearts; nothing could

pierce one without sorely wounding the other. That Mother’s heart, then, was wounded by love; and not only

did she refrain from seeking a cure for it, but she preferred the wound to any cure, lovingly cherishing all the

shafts of sorrow she received, shafts leveled at her heart by love” (Cf. Saint Francis de Sales, The Love of

God: A Treatise, Tr. Vincent Kerns, Westminister: The Newman Press, 1962, pp. 308-309).

From “General Congress” to General Chapter of the MSFS Congregation

According to our first Constitutions, the Superior General was to appoint a priest with the title of Vicar

General till the election of a new Superior General. A sealed letter contained the name of the Vicar General.

In the absence of any such letter, the General Councillors could elect a Vicar General. On October 4, 1862,

three days after the death of Fr Mermier, the sealed letter was opened and found the name of Fr Philippe

Gaiddon. He convoked the meeting of a “General Congress” of all the perpetually professed members who

elected him Superior General on March 12, 1863 at La Feuillette. (Cf. Francis Moget, The Missionaries of St

Francis de Sales of Annecy, Bangalore: SFS Publications, 1985, P. 116).

Silver Jubilarians of the Year 2019

Fr Nicholas Bara was born at Rajouti Khutitoli, Chatisgarh, on March 30, 1963, as the fourth child of Paulus Bara and Veronica Tirkey. His native parish is

Catholic Ashram, Jokbahla, in the Diocese of Raigarh. After his matriculation, he

joined S.F.S. Bhavan, Kharguli, Assam, in 1983 and Minor Seminary at

Fransalian Vidyajyothi, Nidadavole, in 1984. In 1985, he was admitted to

Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession

on December 15, 1986. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya

College, Bangalore. Before he joined Oriens Theological College, Shillong, for

his theological studies in 1991, he did one year of regency at Holy Rosary

Church, Purul. He made his perpetual profession on December 08, 1992. He was

ordained deacon at Oriens Theological College, Shillong, on July 31, 1994, by

Most Rev. Joseph Mittathany, Archbishop of Imphal. After the completion of

theological studies, he was ordained priest at Catholic Ashram, Jokbahla,

Chatisgarh, by Most Rev. Victor Kindo, Bishop of Raigarh, on May 23, 1995. Fr Nicholas will be completing

the silver jubilee of his ordination on May 23, 2020.

Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 Holy Rosary Church, Purul Regent 1990-1991 2 Christ King Church, Gogamukh Deacon 1994- 1995

3 Ka Syiem Jingsuk Church, Amlarem Asst. P.P. 1995 - 1998 4 Divya Jyoti Ashram, Latagaon Staff Member 1998 - 1999

5 Ka Syiem Jingsuk Church, Amlarem Parish Priest 2000 - 2006 6 SFS Church, Umwahlang, Meghalaya Parish Priest 2008 - 2011

7 Divine Mercy Church, Mawryngkneng, Meghalaya Parish Priest 2011- 2018 8 SFS Church, Galsi Parish Priest 2018-

Fr Athnas Kerketta was born at Bhunsritoli, Chatisgarh, on January 5, 1965, as the third child of Joseph Kerketta and Carmela Ekka. His native parish is St Joseph's Church, Banspatra, in the Diocese of Jashpur nagar. After his matriculation, he joined S.F.S. Bhavan, Kharguli, Assam, in 1983 and Minor Seminary at Fransalian Vidyajyothi, Nidadavole, in 1984. In 1985, he was admitted to Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession on December 15, 1986. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya College, Bangalore. Before he joined Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune, for his theological studies in 1991, he did one year of regency at Don Bosco School, Silapathar. He made his perpetual profession on November 28, 1992. He was ordained deacon at Fransalian Seminary, Pune, on January 24, 1994, by Most Rev. Valerian D’Souza, Bishop of Pune. After the completion of theological studies, he was ordained priest at Christ Merciful Church, Duldula,

Chatisgarh, by Most Rev. Victor Kindo, Bishop of Raigarh, on May 15, 1995. He served the province as Provincial Councillor for two terms from 2002 to 2003 and from 2014to 2017. He completed his doctorate in canon law from Angelicum University, Rome in 2011. He was appointed youth director of the Archdiocese of Guwahati from 1997 to 1998. Fr Athnas will be completing the silver jubilee of his ordination on May 15, 2020.

Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 Don Bosco School, Silapathar Regent 1990 – 1991

2 SFS Church, Dhemaji Deacon 1994 – 1995 3 Vinaya Bhavan, Thamarassery Staff Member 1995 – 1996

4 St. Paul’s Centre, Rangia Asst. Director 1996 – 1998 5 SFS Church, Hamren Associate Priest 1998-1999

6 Sacred Heart Church, Burdwan Parish Priest 1999 – 2003 7 Procura Generale Dei MSFS, Rome Studies 2003 – 2011

8 Christ Bearer of Good News Church, , Guwahati Parish Priest 2011- 2014 9 St. Peter’s Church, Chandrapur Parish Priest 2014- 2015

10 SFS Church. Dhemaji Parish Priest 2015-2017 11 MSFS Study House, Shillong, Rector 2017-

Fr Jiji Konthananickal was born at Uzhavoor, Kerala, on April 18, 1968, as the fourth child of Mani and Mary. His native parish is Christ the King Church, Pulinjal, in the Diocese of Kottayam. After his matriculation, he joined S.F.S. Seminary, Ettumanoor, in 1983. In 1986, he was admitted to Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession on July 16, 1987. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya College, Bangalore. Before he joined Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune, for his theological studies in 1991, he did one year of regency at Sacred Heart Church, Bhandari. He made his perpetual profession on June 6, 1993. He was ordained deacon at Fransalian Seminary, Pune, on June 14, 1993, by Most Rev. Valerian D’Souza, Bishop of Pune. After the completion of theological studies, he was ordained priest at Christ the King

Church, Pulinjal, by Most Rev. Jacob Thoomkuzhy, Bishop of Thamarassery, on January 5, 1995. Fr Jiji will be completing the silver jubilee of his ordination on January 5, 2020.

Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 Sacred Heart Church, Bhandari Regent 1990 -1991

2 St. Paul’s Church, Peren Deacon 1994 - 1994

3 SFS Bhavan, Guwahati Prov. Secretary 1995 - 1996

4 SFS Church, Silapathar Assistant Priest 1996 -1999

5 Theological Seminary, Tamil Nadu (Madurai) studies-media 1999 - 2001

6 NESCOM, Dimapur, Nagaland On the Staff 2001 - 2002

7 Fransalian School, Jonai Principal 2002 - 2003

8 MSFS Provincialate, Narangi, Guwahati Member 2003 - 2005

9 SFS Bhavan, Sreenagar, Guwahati Director of Media 2005 - 2010

10 MSFS Provincialate, Narangi, Guwahati Member 2010 - 2012

11 St. Jude’s Parish, Bahalpur (Chappar) Parish Priest &



12 St. Francis de sales Church, Telam Parish Priest &



13 MSFS Provincialate, Narangi, Guwahati Media and



Fr Bernard Manda Sangma was born at Pakwakgiri, Meghalaya, on June 11, 1960, as the third child of Moson Ch. Marak. Sangma and Sanjak Sangma. His native parish is St Francis of Assisi, Songsak, Meghalaya, in the Diocese of Tura. After his matriculation, he joined S.F.S. Bhavan, Kharguli, Assam, in 1983 and Minor Seminary at Fransalian Vidyajyothi, Nidadavole, in 1984. In 1985, he was admitted to Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession on December 15, 1986. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya College, Bangalore. Before he joined Oriens Theological College, Shillong, for his theological studies in 1991, he did one year of regency at SFS Bhavan, Guwahati. He made his perpetual profession on December 8, 1992. He was ordained deacon at Oriens Theological College, Shillong , on July 31, 1994, by Most Rev. Joseph Mittathany, Archbishop of Imphal. After the completion of theological studies, he was ordained priest at St. Francis of Assisi,

Songsak, by Most Rev. George Mamalasseril, Bishop of Tura, on February 19, 1995. Fr Bernard will be completing the silver jubilee of his ordination on February 19, 2020. Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 SFS Bhavan, Guwahati Regent 1990-1991 2 Catholic Church, Silapathar Deacon Dec ‘95

3 Catholic Church, Silapathar Asst. P.P. 1995 - 4 Catholic Church, Siju A. Parish Priest

5 Catholic Church, Siju Parish Priest 1998 - 2002 6 Catholic Church, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh Parish In Charge 2002 – 2004

7 SFS Church, Narangi, Guwahati Parish Priest 2004 – 2009 8 Holy Angel’s Church, Tato, Arunachal P Asst. Priest 10/09- 2011 Feb

9 Pastoral Ministry, Tuting, (Under Yingkiong Parish)

Associate Priest 2011/06-2012/2

10 Cinacle Ashram, Bilaspur Renewal Program 2012/8-2013/5

11 Holy Redeemer Renewal Center, Umroi On the staff 2013-2015 12 Holy Redeemer Renewal Center, Kaying Director 2015-2018

14 Holy redeemer Renewal Centre, Tura On the staff 2018-

Fr Siby Mattappallil was born at Kadappoor, Kerala, on September 10, 1967, as the sixth child of Varkey and Kathreena. His native parish is St. Joseph’s Church, Koodalloor, in the Diocese of Pala. After his matriculation, he joined S.F.S. Seminary, Ettumanoor, Kerala , in 1983. In 1986, he was admitted to Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession on July 16, 1987. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya College, Bangalore. Before he joined Oriens Theological College, Shillong, for his theological studies in 1991, he did one year of regency at SFS Church, Medziphema. He made his perpetual profession on July 1, 1993. He was ordained deacon at Oriens Theological College, Shillong , on July 31, 1994, by Most Rev. Joseph Mittathany, Archbishop of Imphal. After the completion of theological studies, he was ordained priest at St. Joseph’s Church, Koodalloor, by Most Rev. John Thomas Kattrukudiyil, Bishop of Diphu, on January 10, 1995. Fr Sibi will be completing the silver jubilee of his ordination on January 10, 2020.

Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 SFS Church, Medziphema Regent 1990-1991

2 Vinaya Bhavan, Thamarassery Vocation Promoter 1995

3 St. Xavier’s Church, Chima-Impel Asst. P.P. 1995-1998

4 MSFS Study House, Mawroh-Mawlai, Shillong Procurator & B. Ed


1998- 2000

5 SFS Church, Medziphema, Nagaland Assistant Priest 2000 – 2004

6 SFS School, Medziphema, Nagaland Principal 2000 – 2004

7 SFS Church, Telam, Assam Parish Priest 2004 – 2006

8 SFS School, Satgaon-Narangi, Guwahati Principal 2006 – 2009

9 MSFS Provincialate, Narengi, Guwahati M Ed. Studies 2009-2011

10 SFS College, Aalo, Arunachal Pradesh Staff 2011-2013

11 SFS School, Dhemaji P.P. & Headmaster 2013

12 SFS Church, Nongalbibra member 2013-2014

13 SFS School, Nongalbibra Headmaster 2014-

Fr Jacob Mattathil was born at Venappara, Kerala, on August 18, 1963, as the fourth child of Joseph and Kathrina. His native parish is Holy Family Church, Venappara, in the Diocese of Thamarassery. After his matriculation, he joined S.F.S. Seminary, Ettumanoor, Kerala , in 1983. In 1985, he was admitted to Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession on December 8, 1986. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya College, Bangalore. Before he joined Oriens Theological College, Shillong, for his theological studies in 1991, he did one year of regency at SFS Church, Hamren. He made his perpetual profession on December 8, 1992. He was ordained deacon at Oriens Theological College, Shillong, on July 31, 1994, by Most Rev. Joseph Mittathany, Archbishop of Imphal. After the completion of theological studies, he was ordained priest at Holy Family Church, Venappara, by Most Rev. John Thomas Kattrukudiyil, Bishop of Diphu, on January 12, 1995. He served the province as Provincial Bursar from 2002 to 2005 and as Provincial Councilor from 2008 to 2011. Fr Jacob will be completing the silver jubilee of his ordination on January 12, 2020. Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 SFS Church, Hamren Regent 1990-1991 2 Deacon 1994- 1994

3 St. Paul’s Church, Peren Asst. P.P. 1995 -1997 4 Vinaya Bhavan, Thamarassery Procurator 1997 - 2000

5 SFS Church, Dhemaji Asst. P. P. 2000 - 2001 6 SFS Church, Dhemaji Principal 2001 - 2002

7 MSFS Provincialate, Satgaon-Narengi Bursar & Superior 2002 - 2004 8 St. Francis de Sales School, Narengi Bursar & Principal 2004 - 2005 9 St. Francis de Sales School, Narengi, Guwahati Principal 2004 – 2006

10 SFS Church, Hamren, Assam Parish Priest 2006 – 2011 11 SFS Church, Dhemaji Parish Priest 2011-2013

12 South Africa Holy Rosary Cathedral, Dundee Parish Priest 2013-2015 13 St Joseph’s School, Kaying Principal 2015-2018

14 Full Time Vocation Promoter of the province, Thamarassery


Fr Sunny Panthanazhivadakethil was born at Thellakom, Kottayam Dt., Kerala, on February 17, 1965, as the fourth child of Thomas and Aleyama. His native parish is Holy Family Church, Parampuzha, in the Diocese of Changanassery. After his matriculation, he joined S.F.S. Seminary, Ettumanoor, Kerala , in 1981. In 1984, he was admitted to Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession on December 15, 1985. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya College, Bangalore. Before he joined Oriens Theological College, Shillong, for his theological studies in 1990, he did one year of regency at Christ King Parish, Gogamukh and then he was sent for B. Ed studies in Guwahati. He made his perpetual profession on December 8, 1991. He was ordained deacon at Oriens Theological College, Shillong, on July 31, 1994, by Most Rev. Joseph Mittathany, Archbishop of Imphal. After the completion of theological studies, he was ordained priest at Holy Family Church, Parampuzha, Kerala, by Most Rev. Joseph Powathil,

Bishop of Changanassery, on January 7, 1995. He did his studies in Mechanical Engineering from Acharya Polytechnic, Bangalore, in 2000. Fr Sunny will be completing the silver jubilee of his ordination on January 7, 2020.

Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 Christ King Parish, Gogamukh, Assam Regency 1989 - 1990 2 SFS Bhavan, Sreenagar, Guwahati B. Ed 1990 – 1991

3 Catholic Mission Bandari, Nagaland Asst. Priest 1995 – 1997 4 SFS Tech. Institute, Diphu, Assam Director 2000 – 2003

5 Suvidya College To the Staff 2003 - 2004 6 St.Peter Und Paul, Winterthur, Switzerland Assistant 2005 - 2008

7 St. Martin, Birmensdorf and St. Nicolas of Flueli, Urdorf, Switzerland

Assistant 2008 - 2011

8 Sacred Heart Church, Turbenthal, Switzerland Parish Priest 2011-2018

Fr Saji Tharayil was born at Mullenkolly, Kerala, on August 12, 1966, as the first child of Joseph and Rosamma. His native parish is St. Mary’s Forane Church, Mullenkolly, in the Diocese of Manantoddy. After Higher Secondary Education, he joined S.F.S. Seminary, Ettumanoor, Kerala, in 1983. In 1986, he was admitted to Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession on July 16, 1987. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya College, Bangalore. Before he joined Oriens Theological College, Shillong, for his theological studies in 1991, he did one year of regency at St. Paul’s Church, Peren. He made his perpetual profession on July 1, 1993. He was ordained deacon at Oriens Theological College, Shillong, on July 31, 1994, by Most Rev. Joseph Mittathany, Archbishop of Imphal. After the completion of theological studies, he was ordained priest at Lourdes Matha Church, Koodathai, Kerala, by Most Rev. John Kattrukudiyil, Bishop of Diphu, on January 16, 1995. He completed his M A from North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, in 2002. Fr Saji will be completing the silver jubilee of his ordination on January 16, 2020.

Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 St. Paul’s Church, Peren Regency 1990 - 1991 2 Holy Rosary Church, Purul Asst. Priest 1995 - 1995

3 Holy Rosary Church, Phaibungkhullen Asst. Priest 1995 - 1998 4 SFS Church, Medziphema, Nagaland Asst. Priest 1998 - 2000

5 MSFS Study House, Mawroh, Shillong Administrator 2000 - 2002 6 SFS Church, Dhemaji, Assam Asst. Priest 2002 - 2003

7 SFS Church, Tening, Nagaland Parish Priest 2003 - 2007 8 DonBosco Silapathar Head Master 2008 -2013

9 SFS College, Aalo Staff 2013 10 SFS School, Dhemaji Headmaster &APP 2013-2015

11 St Peter’s Church, Chandrapur Parish Priest 2015-2018 12 St Francis de Sales Church, Hamren Parish Priest 2018

Fr Kusumkant Samir Toppo was born at Chandidad, Chattisgarh, on August 12, 1962, as the second child of Joseph toppo and Bibiana Barwa. His native parish is St. Joseph’s Parish, Ginabahar, in the Diocese of Jashpur. After Higher Secondary Education, he joined SFS Bhavan, and later in Fransalian Vidyajyoti, AP, in 1983. In 1985, he was admitted to Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession on December 15, 1986. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya College, Bangalore. Before he joined Oriens Theological College, Shillong, for his theological studies in 1991, he did one year of regency at SFS Church, Jonai, Assam. He made his perpetual profession on December 8, 1992. He was ordained deacon at Vinayalaya, Bangalore, on May 31, 1994, by Most Rev. Joseph D’Silva, Bishop of Bellary. After the completion of theological studies, he was ordained priest at St. Joseph’s Church, Ginabahar, Chhattisgarh, by Most Rev. Victor Kindo, Bishop of Jashpur, on May 18, 1995. He completed his study on

Printing Technology from Chennai in 2000. Fr Kusumkant will be completing the silver jubilee of his ordination on May 18, 2020.

Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 SFS Church, Jonai, Assam Regency 1990 - 1991

2 St. Paul’s Church, Peren, Nagaland Diaconate 1994 -1995 3 SFS Church, Kangpokpi, Manipur Asst. Priest 1995 - 1999

4 SFS Technical Institute, Manipur Director 2000 - 2007 5 Dimapur, Nagaland B. Ed Studies 2008

6 Francis Xavier Church, Bashbari Parish Priest 2009 - 2014 7 SFS Church, Peren PP & Headmaster 2014 - 2017

8 Divine Mercy Parish, Yingkiong Parish Priest 2017 -

Fr Emmanuel Uppamthadathil was born at Kayalempara, Kerala, on September 9, 1968, as the fifth child of Philipose and Aleykutty. His native parish is St. Sebastian’s Church, Ratnagiri, Kerala, in the Archdiocese of Tellicherry. After his matriculation, he joined S.F.S. Seminary, Ettumanoor, Kerala, in 1983. In 1986, he was admitted to Novitiate at Salesianum, Visakhapatnam, and made his first religious profession on July 16, 1987. Later, he pursued his philosophical studies at Suvidya College, Bangalore. Before he joined Oriens Theological College, Shillong, for his theological studies in 1991, he did one year of regency at SFS Seminary, Medziphema, Nagaland. He made his perpetual profession on July 1, 1993. He was ordained deacon at Oriens Theological College, Shillong , on July 31, 1994, by Most Rev. Joseph Mittathany, Archbishop of Imphal. After the completion of theological studies, he was ordained priest at St. Sebastian’s Church, Rathnagiri, Kerala, by Most

Rev. John Kattrukudiyil, Bishop of Diphu, on January 14, 1995. He completed in Sanscrit language and Doctorate from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, in 2005. He served the province as Provincial Councilor from 2014-2017. Fr Emmanuel will be completing the silver jubilee of his ordination on January 14, 2020.

Sl. No. Place of Appointment Designation Period

1 SFS Seminary, Medziphema, Nagaland Regency 1990 – 1991

2 Ka Siyem Jingsukh Church, Amlarem Asst. Priest 1995 3 Fransalian Seminary, Pune Study 1995 – 1997

4 Suvidya College, Bangalore, Karnataka On the staff 1997 – 2001 5 Suvidya College, Bangalore, Karnataka Dean of Studies 2006 – 2014

6 MSFS Provincialate, Narengi Superior 2014 - 2016 7 St Clement College, Nagaon Rector 2016-

We wish them blessings of almighty God. Let us also accompany them with our prayers and encouragement in their onward spiritual journey as priests. Hearty Congratulations to you, dear fathers, in this year of


Transfers and Appointments

Fr Joseph Thekkel is appointed Local Superior of MSFS Provincialate Community, Narengi, with effect

from December 17, 2018.

Fr Varghese Chettupuzhakaren is on sabbatical year for refresher courses and retreat programmes

beginning from December 20, 2018.

Fr Philip Kurisummoottil is appointed at MSFS Community, Lengpui, as Retreat Preacher and Spiritual

Counsellor with effect from February 15, 2019.

Fr Joy Velicakathu is appointed on the staff of SFS College, Along, with effect from January 24, 2019.

The MSFS Provincialate Formed Local Community is reconstituted with the following confreres on the

House Administration: Fr Jose Thekkel (Superior), Fr Santhosh Chavaranal (Bursar), Fr John Barman

(Councillor), Fr Mathew Puthumana (Councillor) and Fr Jiji Konthananickal (Councillor).

Tribute to Bishop Emeritus Robert Kerketta

With sadness the Missionaries of St Francis de Sales of Northeast India Province (MSFS) come to know of

the demise of Bishop Emeritus Robert Kerketta, SDB of Tezpur, an encouraging and supportive missionary

friend of the MSFS too. He quietly departed this life on December 22, 2018 at Baptist Christian Hospital,

Tezpur, creating a huge void in the Northeast Church which can never be filled up. He has left behind a

legacy of unassuming simplicity and astounding humility in serving the Lord and his Church. He is no more

with us physically but his phenomenal missionary personality and religious spirit will ensure that he lives in

the heart of every person who met him once. We place on record the immense support he extended to our

confreres in the mission. He was really an inspiration and instrument for our confreres to reach out to

Arunachal Pradesh with the Gospel message. May his soul rest in peace!

Information of / Thanks / Congrats /Appreciation To:

Congratulations to newly ordained priests of our Province:

Fr Vemballykunnel Sibin was ordained priest on January 2, 2019 by Most Rev. Jose Porunnedam, the

Bishop of Mananthavady.

Fr Pullattuvaliyaparambil Rojin Joseph was ordained priest on January 3, 2019 by Most Rev. George

Njaralakatt, Archbishop of Tellicherry.

Fr Tigga Alock was ordained priest on January 5, 2019 by Most Rev. Paul Alois Lakra, Bishop of


Rev. Fr Emmanuel Mappilaparambil was installed Regional Superior of Dibrugarh Region by Fr George

Panthanmackel, Provincial of Northeast India Province, on January 20, 2019 at Silapathar in the presence

of a large number of priests, religious and invitees.

Fr Joy Velicakathu is back in India after exemplary, edifying and committed pastoral work in Germany.

The Province remains grateful to him for raising financial resources to support it in various ways.

Rev.Fr Joseph Kunjaparambil is re-appointed Vicar General of the Diocese of Keetmanshoop in Namibia

with effect from January 1, 2019 by Most Rev. Willem Christiaans OSFS, Bishop of Keetmanshoop.

Rev. Fr Benny Koottanal is appointed Provincial of South West India Province by Superior General for a

second term of three years from January 24, 2019.

Rev. Fr Manoj Arackal is appointed the Delegation Superior of Chad-Cameroon Mission for a term of

three years with effect from September 29, 2018.

Fr Jojan Plathottathil, Fr Jose Chettaniyil, staff and students of SFS School, Pasighat, for winning the first

price in the Science Exhibition Fiesta and Craft Expo 2018 organized at SFS School, Pasighat.

Fr Santhosh Chavaranal, Provincial Bursar, for organizing update programme on Accountancy coupled

with the Local Bursars meet on December 10-11, 2018. On December 10 the programme was animated

by Mr Guilherme Vaz on the Topic, “Transparency, Compliance & Governance in an Accountability

Driven Environment.” The second day’s session was animated by Mr. E. Madusudana Reddy CA of RSM


Fr George Vettukattil, Councillor Incharge of Formation, for organizing the Mid-year animation and

evaluation programme of Regents on January 7-9, 2019 at MSFS Provincialate, Narengi. Other sessions

were animated by Fr George Panthanmackel on “Regency in MSFS Constitutions and General

Directory”, Fr. Mathew Puthumana on “Psycho-Sexual Spiritual Integration,” Fr George Vettukattil on

"Human Formation based on Pastores Dabo Vobis,Ch. III” and Fr Saji George Puthiyakulangara on

“Social Service Outreach of the Province.”

Fr John Barman, Director of Fransalian Youth Mission, in collaboration with FAsCE India, Guwahati,

organized the 2nd Regional Fransalian Youth Conference from December 7 to 9, 2018 at MSFS

Provincialate, Narengi.

Fr Abraham Ponvelil and Fr John Kelamkuzhackal for organizing the third Youth Convention on

December 14-16, 2018 at Mary Mother of Compassion Church, Somonpara.

Fr Stephen Pou and Fr Lukose Kavunkal for organizing the Parish Sabha at Holy Rosary parish, Basar, on

January 11-13, 2019.

The foundation stone for extension of SFS School, Narengi, was blessed by Fr George Panthanmackel,

Provincial, on January 10, 2019, in the presence of Fr George Thomas Poovathunkal, Principal, MSFS

Provincialate community members, teachers, students and contractors.

Fr George Poovathunkal, staff and teachers of SFS Higher Secondary School, Narengi, for facilitating the

organization of Corporate Industrial Conclave Model United Nations. Almost 180 students from various

parts of the North-Eastern states participated in this Mega event on January 11-12, 2019.

Fr Saji Tharayil and Fr Sabin Kavunkal for organizing Parish Sabha at SFS Church, Hamren, from

January 11 to 13, 2019.

Fr Joseph Illickal for successfully completing MHA from St John’s Medical College, Bangalore.

Fr James Pattarakalayil for publishing his doctoral thesis, “Freedom of the Will Without Alternatives? A

Critical Assessment of Harry Frankfurt’s Intuition”.

Fr Ronesh and Fr Swarna Anil for organizing the blessing and inauguration of the new school building at

Panbari on January 18, 2019. Rev. Fr George Panthanmackel, Provincial of Northeast India Province,

blessed the building and Mr Shaji Adathala inaugurated it. Thanks to “Light in Life” Organisation for

making the dream of people of Panbari a reality. Besides, Mr Shaji Adathala, the President of “Light in

Life” Organisation, five other members of the same organization attended the event.

Fr John Kelamkuzhakkal and Fr Abraham Ponvelil for organizing the blessing and inauguration of the

newly built second floor of the SFS School, Somonpara. The new building was blessed by Most Rev.

Andrew R. Marak and inaugurated by Rev. Fr George Panthanmackel on January 22, 2019 in the

presence of Mr Shaji Adathala, the President of “Light in Life” organisation and five other member of the

same organisation.

Sincere thanks to Fr Saji George Puthiyakulangara, Provincial Councillor, and Fr Santhosh Chavaranal,

Provincial Bursar, who took enormous effort in getting the Somonpara and Panbari projects completed.

Fr Saji Tharayil and Fr Sabin Kavunkal for organizing the blessing of the newly constructed St Thomas

Church at Langkar-om Village on January 20, 2019. Most Rev. Paul Mattekkat blessed and dedicated the

new village church. Sincere gratitude to Ms Dona Nicolai who financed the construction of this church.

Fr Jiji Konthananickal for attending SPA programme at Annecy from September 15 to October 31, 2018.

Rev. Fr Joy Mampally, Rector, Fr James Pattarkalayil, Dean, and the entire community of Suvidya

College for the well-organized “Gabriel Memorial Lectures” on December 12, 2018.

Fr Genes Shangpliang, Fr Joby Kurukilamkattu and Fr Lijo Thakadiyel for organizing the 13th

Convention of the Catholic Women of Nongstoin Diocese at Mary Mother of Compassion Parish,

Mawkhlam, on January 19-20, 2019.

Fr Lukose Kavunkal and Fr Stephan Pou for organizing the 4th

Inter Basar Schools Literary and Cultural

Competition at SFS School, Basar, on January 19, 2019.

Fr D. R Paul, Fr Jacob Thaile, Fr Shaju Ambiyil, Thomas Olickamalayil, Cherian Marottickathadathil,

Gracious Chirattolickal, Fr Thomas Vanderkunnel, Fr Saju Thalayinakandathil, Fr Sebastian Paredom, Fr

Salu Thattaparambil, Fr Bibin Puthuppaliyil, Joseph Pazheveettil, Fr Alwyn Zothansanga, Fr Francis

Huwn, Fr Augustine Parampuzha, Fr Noble Nakathinkal and Fr Libin Chiraparambil, who were on

holiday in India, extend their greetings to all the confreres in Northeast India.

Upcoming Programmes to be Noted

Date Programme

Feb. 1-13 MSFS General Chapter at MSFS Provincial House, Narengi, Guwahati

Feb. 15 The last day to Submit the Budget 2019-20

Mar. 1 Local Superiors Forum Meeting

Mar. 2 Stewardship Forum Meeting

Mar. 8 Social Apostolate and Innovative Ministries Forum Meeting

Mar. 19 Formation Forum Meeting

Mar. 21 Education Forum Meeting

Mar. 22-23 MSFS Principal’s Training Programme

Mar. 29 Mission Forum Meeting

May I request the Conveners of the Apostolic Communities in Northeast India to contact the

respective Bishops and appraise him/them about the dates of the Extended Apostolic

Community Meetings (EACM), given in Provincial’s Programme. Please invite him for the

EACM. If the Bishop is not able to be present for the already scheduled meeting, kindly request

him to send his delegate for it.

Please note the change of date

The counselling programme for priests from 21 years and above in priesthood is as scheduled

from May 6 to 9, 2019; and the counselling Programme for priests from 11 to 20 years is re-

scheduled to be from August 27 to 30, 2019. Please be present for the respective programme

without fail.

Promotion of Vocations

May I request every confrere of the Province to encourage worthy candidates to religious life

and priesthood. We believe that potential vocations are all around us – in our schools, in our

institutions, in our parish families. Let us support with prayers, encouragement, and

cooperation that each of us contributes to promote good vocations. Please help the candidates to

be in touch with vocation promoters Fr Jacob Mattathil (Mob No: 9946669950) and Fr John

Barman (Mob No: 9954706597).

MSFS’ New Missions New Mission in Malawi: Three confreres from Southeast India Province – Fr Soosai Raj, Fr Anantharaj,

and Fr Nelson – are already in Karonga diocese preparing to take up Livingstonia mission in March 2019.

Fr Arockia Doss, Fr Berin, and Fr Sathish Kumar are working in East Africa Province, immersing

themselves into African culture and life, but will join the Malawi mission later. Four scholastics, Bros.

Winner, Jerald, Adaikalam, and Marshal will undergo their formation program in Tanzania and will also

join Malawi mission in future.

New Mission in Ecuador: Fr Melky Fernandes, Fr John Kennedy and Fr Adaikalarajan from Pune

Province left for Ecuador on January 08, 2019 to launch into the new mission in the Apostolic Vicariate

of Esmeraldas, Ecuador.

MSFS to Flores Island, Indonesia: At the invitation of Bishop of Larantuka, Bishop Fransiscus Kopang

Kung, Fr Thomas Perumalil and Fr Ananda Prasad along with Fr Chinnappa Reddy, Provincial of

Visakhapatnam, made an exploratory visit to Larantuka in Flores Island. Bishop has cordially welcomed

the MSFS offering two parishes with special focus on family apostolate and youth animation. The

Provincial has positively responded to take up the mission in early 2019.

Updates from Southern African Region by Regional Superior Rev. Fr Baiju Mundackal

Congratulations to Fr Thomas Kochalumchuvattil MSFS: Our Superior General, Rev. Fr Abraham

Vettuvelil, has appointed Fr Thomas as the Director of Lumen Christi Institute (LCI) with effect from

December 01, 2018 for a period of three years. We thank Fr Devasia Manalel MSFS, the Interim

Director, for his commitment and dedication to LCI.

Fr Bibin Martin will be away for his home holiday from December 28, 2018 to January 29, 2019.

Fr Alwyn Zothansanga will be on his home holiday from January 10, 2019 to March 10, 2019.

Erection of a new Parish from St Philip’s in Swaziland: One of the outstations of St Philip’s,

Siphofaneni, was elevated to the status of a new parish on December 9, 2018 by Moat Rev. José Luis

IMC, Bishop of Manzini, Swaziland. The new parish, which is under the care of the MSFS, has 6

outstations, leaving 7 outstations to St Philip’s. Fr Lukose Perumannikala, Fr Shiju Poomarathingal and

Fr Baiju Mundackal witnessed the event.

Fr Babychan Arackathara will be in Midrand, Pretoria, for a month supplying as Fr Thomas

Vanderkunnel will be on holiday.

Congratulations to Fr Nikseng Sangma and the parish of St Thomas, Vredendal, for celebrating its

Decennial Jubilee with Eucharistic procession presided over by Bishop Edward Risi OMI.

Special Communication







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Let us Pray for the Departed:

Rev. Fr Joseph Kunnapally (74), belonging to East Africa Province, passed away on January 8, 2019.

Mr Abin Thomas Thekkel (23), nephew of Fr Jose Thekkel, passed away on November 18, 2018.

Provincial’s Programme



Jan. 28-29: CRI-CBCI Meeting, Delhi


Feb. 1-13: MSFS General Chapter at MSFS Provincial House, Narengi, Guwahati

Feb. 18: Inauguration and Blessing of School Extension, Bahalpur

Feb. 19-Mar. 15: Classes at St Clement College, Nagaon


Mar. 1: Local Superiors Forum Meeting

Mar. 2: Stewardship Forum Meeting

Mar. 3-6: Budget scrutiny by Finance Committee

Mar. 6: Ash Wednesday

Mar. 8: Social Apostolate and Innovative Ministries Forum Meeting

Mar. 12: Ranchi

Mar. 19: Formation Forum Meeting

Mar. 21: Education Forum Meeting

Mar. 22-23: MSFS Principal’s Training Programme

Mar. 24-26: Provincial Council Meeting (Budget Approvals and Promotion of Candidates)

Mar. 29: Mission Forum Meeting


Apr. 21: Easter

Apr. 24-26: Regional Assembly of Dibrugarh Region

Apr. 27: Provincial Council Meeting

Apr. 30: Tato


May. 2: Yinkiong

May 6-9: Counselling/ Communication Skills (for priests from 21 years and above)

May 9-11: CRI-CBCI Meeting, Bangalore

May 14: EACM of Mizoram and Pastoral meeting with Diocesan Authorities

May 17: EACM of Tripura and Pastoral meeting with Diocesan Authorities

May 20: EACM of Galsi-Ranchi and Pastoral meeting with Diocesan Authorities

May 24: Provincial Council Meeting

May 25: EACM of Nagaland and Pastoral meeting with Diocesan Authorities

May 26: EACM of Manipur and Pastoral meeting with Archdiocesan Authorities

May 28: EACM of Khasi Hills and Pastoral meeting with Archdiocesan and Diocesan



June 1: EACM of Upper Assam and Pastoral meeting with Diocesan Authorities

June 3: EACM of Arunachal Pradesh and Pastoral meeting with Diocesan Authorities

June 6: EACM of Guwahati and Pastoral meeting with Archdiocesan and Diocesan


June 7: EACM of Lower Assam and Pastoral meeting with Archdiocesan and

Diocesan Authorities

June 8: EACM of Garo Hills and Pastoral meeting with Diocesan Authorities

June 11: EACM of Thamaraserry and Pastoral meeting with Diocesan Authorities

June 12-18: Suvidya College

June 19: Oriens Theological College

June 29: Provincial Council Meeting


5-20: Canonical Visitation to USA

July 22-27: Province Annual Retreat I (From 22nd evening to 27th evening)

July 28: Provincial Council Meeting


Aug. 26: Provincial Council Meeting

Aug. 27-30: Couselling Programme (for priests from 11 to 20 years)

Aug. 28-Sept. 2: CRI-Northeastern Pastoral Conference, Guwahati


Sept. 5-20: Canonical Visitation to Swaziland, Namibia

Sept. 30: Perpetual Profession at MSFS Study House, Shillong

Sept 20: Provincial Council Meeting


Oct. 4-9: Province Annual Retreat II (From 4th evening to 9th evening)

Oct. 23-25: Annual ACPI Meeting, Goa

Oct. 30: Provincial Council Meeting


Nov. 4-6: Annual Salesian Seminar at MSFS Provincialate, Guwahati (4th 9 a.m to 6th 4 p.m)

Nov. 8-27: Canonical Visitation to Europe

Nov. 30: Provincial Council Meeting


Dec. 20: Provincial Council Meeting



Jan. 20: Provincial Council Meeting

Jan. 24: Feast of St Francis de Sales

A Concluding Thought

St Francis de Sales is a saint of agapeic/ unconditional love. To love is to renounce oneself, and total renunciation of self demands total and unconditional love (agape). In order to grow towards unconditional

love, one must cultivate fidelity to prayer, frequent confession, and make a constant effort to be vigilant with

oneself and others. For Francis, like St Bonaventure, God sent his Son not only to expiate sin, but first of all

to possess a creature who could be totally loved, and from whom he could receive love in its totality. Francis

expressed this love in his radical living of gentleness and humility. He became for all a gentleman and

‘humbleman’, who was convinced of the power of the small. Francis goes on to tell us: “We do not always

have to cope with important things in our lives; but we always have the ability to carry out our small duties

extraordinarily well, i.e., with great love. To suffer a rebuke with two grams of love is far more meritorious

than to suffer martyrdom with only one gram of love.”


Yours in the Lord,

Fr George Panthanmackel MSFS

Provincial of Northeast India Province


Wish you all a very happy feast of St Francis de Sales
