Norske - Credentials 20161216 RB (New)


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December 2016 By: Rich Banham - Partner


WHY WE EXIST Have you ever:

• Looked at your monthly revenue forecast wished you had a larger client portfolio? • Wished your business development efforts could convert more high-value clients? • Considered how best to leverage your success stories to access new markets? • Thought you could support more teams within a clients business, but wondered how? • Felt your services deserved a higher price tag? • Wished you had an extra pair of hands to help grow the business effectively?

After 10 years of being asked these questions time and again, Norske was born.

Value proposition



WHAT WE DO We bring stability, clarity and traction to creative businesses.

Whilst generating new revenue is generally our objective. We find building awareness, refining processes and helping to “win back time” is part of our DNA.

We help our clients not only find opportunities but we help them focus on their customers key issues, frame solutions and write winning proposals.

So in a nutshell, we’ll give you a new business approach that works.




“TO PROMOTE CREATIVE EXCELLENCE & PROTECT CREATIVE INTEGRITY” At Norske, we firmly believe each creative discipline has shaped the world we live in (in some way or another). As ambassadors of the the creative industry, it is our role to promote creativity in order to facilitate new relationships and shape the future.




HOW WE DO IT Our clients generally ask us to help with:

• Assessing new markets and opportunities • Developing business development strategies • Implementing business development tools and systems • Optimising business development processes • Creating business development plans and campaigns • Managing and mentoring business development teams

We also often support clients by:

• Providing research for validating target markets • Qualifying and reframing client issues and briefs • Developing pitch plans and writing proposals • Managing RFP and procurement requirements • Introducing complementary creative partners • Managing client satisfaction surveys and annual planning




WHO WE WORK WITH We work with all sizes of business, from specialist firms to groups and international networks.

Norske’s expertise stems from the creative services industry, and spans the spectrum from advertising, full service and integrated agencies through to digital agencies, PR firms, media planners and buyers, architects and interior design consultancies.

Case studies


The Dubs



New York Office Client type: Content marketing agency Requirement: Launch of New York office Services: Market assessment, BD strategy, BD planning, BD activation, BD management and reporting

“Norske worked with us to expand our horizons and position us for success in the US market. Their considered methodology ensured we understood the nuances of the market upfront and their agile sales approach meant we were easily able to adapt our value proposition to our new audience. Norske have subsequently worked with us in Sydney and we highly recommend their services”.

Josh Frith - Managing Director




New York Office Client type: Retail design consultancy Requirement: Launch of New York office Services: BD strategy, CRM implementation, BD activation, BD management and reporting

“Over a four month period, HMKM asked Norske to test the market potential for their retail design services in North America. From a standing start, Norske took our proposed target list and made incredible inroads to that market; establishing very quickly where we could find traction and where we would require an alternative strategy. Adjusting the approach accordingly, Norske set up multiple network partners and new business contacts resulting in key meetings and proposal issue. Theirs is a focused, commercial and results based approach that was very welcome by our management team.”

Alison Cardy - Managing Director




Sydney Office Client type: Digital marketing agency Requirement: Business development training Services: BD hiring plan, BD on-boarding program, BD mentoring and performance management

“Norske worked with us to focus our new business team at the Deepend Group. Norske’s structure, drive and dedication brought great stability and clarity to the business and allowed us to build a solid pipeline of great clients for the agency. I would wholeheartedly recommend the business”.

Chris Crammond – Managing Partner

Thank you Contact: Rich Banham - Partner

T: + 61 (0) 467 896 000 E:

LinkedIn: Rich Banham