Nonsensical item drops



Pages to print and cut out as items to give to players (random item drops).Most of the items are stupid, utterly mundane or anachronistic. However, there are two or three weapons that are Some items are from a forum (ref lost). The items are interspersed and not sorted.Originally intended for Pathfinder.

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  • CLOAK OF BILLOWING This mystical cloak harnesses the power of wind to billow behind you in a dramatic fashion. If the wearer enters a room and exclaims with confidence Do not fear I am here!, this mystical cloak produces a crescendo, giving a +2 bonus on diplomacy and intimidate checks. VITRIOL QUILL A writing quill with an endless supply of ink. Due to the evil side of the quill, the scribe must make a DC10 will save every hour of use or break out for 1d4 hours of maniacal laughter. GEM OF OBVIOUS DESTRUCTION When activated, the user is imediately killed in some sort of "accident".


    Appears as a standard Bag of Holding, but only holds half (or less) of the capacity of an equivalent non-magical bag. As an added bonus, it's not waterproof either. CLOAK OF ELVISKIND This sparkly cape causes the wearer to grow prominent sideburns and a pompadour (replacing their existing hair, if any), even if their race or gender would normally not allow for such a hairstyle. It also gives a +2 competence bonus to charisma-based skill checks. IOUN CHEF This spatula-shaped turquoise Ioun stone leaves in the air an eldritch trail of runes that when read impart the knowledge of a pertinent recipe. These give a +10 bonus on profession(cooking/baking). However, if the wearer remembers he has the stone, he must succeed a DC15 will save or blurt out loud a cooking remark. COIN OF SPORADIC DIVINATION You ask this magic copper coin a yes/no question, then flip it into the air, and when it lands, it has a 50% chance of magically telling you the answer to your question.

    PSYCHEDELIC RUG When a creature walks on this warn beige rug, they leave coloured footprints behind. They fade after 2 rounds and every creature on it at the same time makes a different color footprint. COLONE OF UNNATURAL LUST When sprayed on a creature (50 uses), the nearest creature is filled with lust and desire for the wearer (as per the spell unnatural lust). The target is filled with the compulsion to rush to the subject of its lust and passionately kiss or caress that subject on its next turn, taking no other actions. If the target would not normally have lustful feelings toward the designated creature or object, it receives a +4 bonus on its saving Will throw (DC15). RING OF WEDDING Temporarily (1d4 rounds) transports the wearer into the middle of a wedding, replacing the groom/bride. The bride/groom has a 50% chance of going along with it anyway. CUP OF THIRST Makes you thirstier every time you drink. RING OF EXTRA RING SLOT This ring grants the wearer an extra ring slot. ANIMATED BROOM It keeps your floor clean and the room reverberates to the music of Fantasia. For every half hour of use, roll a Reflex save (DC15), if you fail the broom goes into overdrive causing a disaster. DECK OF MANY STINGS You draw a card from the deck, no matter what you choose you always take 1 hp of damage from a paper cut. BAG OF MOSQUITOS, GNATS, AND HORSE-FLIES This little, brown sack, when opened, unleashes a swarm of annoying insects that attacks whoever was possessing the bag for greater than 24 hours, or the person who just opened the bag if no one possessed the bag for greater than 24 hours. The insects do not cause any damage, but the person being attacked by the insects suffers a -1 to attack, AC, saving throws, and skill checks. If you attempt to cast a spell, Concentration check (DC 10) is required. The cloud dissipates after 6 hours. This can only be done 1/day.

  • THE BANANA WALKIE-TALKIES There exists two, and only two, of these items in the world. One of which is possessed by a cranky, lonely half-orc. It appears to be an innocuous wooden banana with a coat of faded yellow paint. When an end (doesn't matter which one) is placed against your ear, you can hear a ringing followed by a *click* and a half-orc yelling at you for waking him up at this ungodly hour. If you drop the banana or "hang up," the call ends. If you stay and listen, the half-orc will yell at you, call out obscenities, and start going on about his daily problems and mishaps in his love life. Every so often (1% chance/week), the banana will ring while you are sleeping and the half-orc will want to talk to you about his problems. FRAMES OF DISGUISE These appear to be a pair of thick, black glasses without the lenses. When wearing it, and brushing your hair slightly forward, people will pretend to not notice you as yourself, but as someone else. SPOON OF BENDING By chanting "Rubber spoon," this metal spoon bends. VENTRILOQUIST TEDDY BEAR A Teddy Bear that when held magically wave its hands and say a stored phrase, such as "Gee, , I don't think casting fireball in the middle of this forest would be a good idea... it could cause a forest fire!". IOUN BRICK A large brick that constantly circles around the users head (1d3 ft), deals bludgeoning damage (1d4) to anyone who gets too close (DC10 reflex save). +2 MASTERWORKS ADAMANTINE DAGGER (M) 1d4 1920/2 10 ft. 1 lb. P or S 20 SHADOWCLOY BOLTS This crossbow bolt is hollow and contains a fragile vial woth shadowcloy. Its cloying vapors cling to a target, obscuring vision for a short period of time. A direct hit means the target treats the ambient light as one category darker than normal, with a creature already in natural darkness treating it as supernatural darkness. This effect lasts for 1 round.

    20 FIRE BOLTS These carefully crafted wooden bolts have a hollow core filled with alchemists fire. 50 gp ea. On a successful hit, fire bolts deal normal damage plus 1d4 points of fire damage. Alchemical fire bolts do not cause any splash damage, and the fire burst isnt enough to ignite targets (unless they are particularly flammable).

    20 ACID BOLTS These metal bolts have a glass section in the middle, filled with acid. 40 gp ea. On a successful hit, acid bolts deal normal damage and 1d4 points of additional acid damage. Acid bolts do not cause any splash damage.

    20 DROW POISON BOLTS These iron bolts have small resin tips that break when the bolts strike their targets. Inside is a dose of drow poison. 100 gp ea. Benefit: Anyone struck by a drow poison bolt must make a DC 13 Fortitude save or become affected by drow poison. Those using drow poison bolts do not risk poisoning themselves. Drawback: The strange tip affects the bolts accuracy. Double the range penalties when using a drow poison bolt. Frequency 1/minute for 2 minutes Drow Poison: Initial Effect unconsciousness for 1 minute; Secondary Effect unconsciousness for 2d4 hours; Cure 1 save

    20 HOLY WATER BOLTS Holy water damages undead creatures and evil outsiders almost as if it were acid. 50 gp ea. A direct hit by a holy water bolt deals 1d6 points of additional damage to an undead creature or an evil outsider.

  • 20 LODESTONE BOLT This heavy iron bolt head is sealed with an alchemical resin; pulling a small string breaks the seal and activates the reaction in the arrowhead, greatly increasing its magnetic properties. Action: Pulling the string to break the seal and activate the reaction in the bolt head is a move action. Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls when firing a lodestone bolt at a target wearing a significant amount of metal armor (at least chain mail or a metal shield) or made of metal. The increased magnetism fades 1 round after you activate it, after which time it is a normal arrow. Special: In areas with a lot of magnetic metal, the attack bonus may drop to 0 or even become a penalty as competing sources steer the arrow away from your intended target. Drawback: The magnetized arrow only deals half damage.

    20 BOLTS OF TRUE STRIKE When firing this bolt you gain a +20 insight bonus. Additionally, you are not affected by the miss chance that applies to attackers trying to strike a concealed target.

    PEDANTIC OATHBOW Weight 3 lbs. DESCRIPTION Of elven make, this white +2 composite longbow (+2 Str bonus) requires the wielder (player) to cry, Swift defeat to my enemies (dant lagor anin gyth nn) in Elvish (Sindarin) when nocked and pulled. If the player forgets the character is stunned for 1d4 rounds as he is chanting verb conjugations in Elvish (Sindarin). If the player says correctly without googling a GM specified tense of a chosen verb the penalty is only one round. UNIMPEDED ELDRITCH CROSSBOW This +5 heavy crossbow can fire through solid objects. Firstly the aiming mechanism of this heavy crossbow features a crystalline lens that allows the viewer to see and aim through solid objects. Secondly, the tiller ends in a black orb, into which the fired bolts disappear before reappearing in front of the intended target by teleporting across any obstacle. Shooting across armor is a tricky shot (-5), but is a touch attack. Imbued with teleport, true seeing

    BOOK OF PERFECT JOKES Price 27,000 gp; Slot none; CL 8th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate enchantment This small, weathered journal contains 10,000 jokes that change to be perfectly suited for particular audiences. The book grants its owner a +5 bonus on any Diplomacy check to influence the attitude of a creature. Additionally, up to three times per day the book can be used to cast hideous laughter (Will DC 13 negates). By expending one use of mythic power as a standard action, the book's reader can make a brutal verbal tirade mocking a creature. The target creature is enraged per the rage spell, and all other enemies within 30 feet of the target begin laughing uncontrollably, as hideous laughter (Will DC 14 negates either effect). The book contains only one perfect joke for any given creature, so attempting to use the book on a creature a second time yields no effect. UNLEASH YOUR MIND IN 10 EASY STEPS 3 days of reading gives:

    feat Wild Talent (2 power points/day, psionic subtype)

    1 rank in Autohypnosis 1 in Knowledge (Psionics) power Dj vu (target repeats his last action) 1PP psychokinetic power Control object (animate

    small object) 1PP telepathic power Mindlink (telepathic

    communication) 1PP

    IDIOTS GUIDE OF FIREDANCING 4 hours of reading this tome gives the feat Firebrand. (Book fades after use) Treat a torch as a light mace (1d6 x2 B); with one point of fire damage HYMNBOOK OF SAINT REMO Read to gain feat Hymn Singer When using bardic performance, you may choose to play, recite, or sing a religious song or piece of scripture of your faith. Each round of bardic performance you spend in this way, you count as presenting a holy symbol, chanting prayers, or ringing a hand bell for the purpose of keeping vampires at bay. THE ARROW OF TOTAL DESTRUCTION Cf. the web

  • IDIOTS GUIDE TO INSULTS Read to gain Feat Antagonize. Benefit: You can make Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to make creatures respond to you with hostility. No matter which skill you use, antagonizing a creature takes a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and has a DC equal to 10 + the targets Hit Dice + the targets Wisdom modifier. You cannot make this check against a creature that does not understand you or has an Intelligence score of 3 or lower. Before you make these checks, you may make a Sense Motive check (DC 20) as a swift action to gain an insight bonus on these Diplomacy or Intimidate checks equal to your Charisma bonus until the end of your next turn. The benefits you gain for this check depend on the skill you use. This is a mind-affecting effect. Diplomacy: You fluster your enemy. For the next minute, the target takes a 2 penalty on all attacks rolls made against creatures other than you and has a 10% spell failure chance on all spells that do not target you or that have you within their area of effect. Intimidate: The creature flies into a rage. On its next turn, the target must attempt to make a melee attack against you, make a ranged attack against you, target you with a spell, or include you in the area of a spell. The effect ends if the creature is prevented from attacking you or attempting to do so would harm it (for example, if you are on the other side of a chasm or a wall of fire). If it cannot attack you on its turn, you may make the check again as an immediate action to extend the effect for 1 round (but cannot extend it thereafter). The effect ends as soon as the creature attacks you. Once you have targeted a creature with this ability, you cannot target it again for 1 day. CLIMBING FOR BEGINNERS (ILLUSTRATED BOOK) Read to gain Feat Athletic You possess inherent physical prowess. Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Climb and Swim skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill. CHASTITY BELT A leather belt with a metal codpiece that fits over the wearers genitals. It has a lock on the front, which allows it to be removed. An Escape Artist check (DC20) allows the wearer to wriggle free from a common chastity belt, or (DC30) from a masterwork chastity belt.

    TELESCOPE This magically imbued telescope is intricately detailed and possesses a regal tripod and a shimmering astrolabe. When the user whispers a name of the celestial feature the telescope will reorient and put the body in focus. TITLE OF NOBILITY Gain title Sir and feat: Noble Scion You are a member of a proud noble family, whether or not you remain in good standing with your family. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (nobility) checks, and that chosen Knowledge skill is always considered a class skill for you. When you select this feat, choose one of the benefits listed below that matches the flavor of your noble family. Work with your GM to ensure that your choice is appropriate. Scion of the Arts: You gain a +1 bonus on all Perform checks, and Perform is always a class skill for you. If you have the bardic performance ability, you can use that ability for an additional 3 rounds per day. Scion of Lore: You gain a +1 bonus on all Knowledge skills in which you have at least 1 rank. Scion of Magic: You gain one of the following languages as a bonus language: Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, or Sylvan. Once per day, as a free action, you can gain a +2 bonus on any Spellcraft check you make. You must spend the free action to gain this bonus before you make the check. Scion of Peace: Whenever you take 10 on a Wisdom-based skill, treat the result as if you had rolled a 13 instead of a 10. Scion of War: You use your Charisma modifier to adjust Initiative checks instead of your Dexterity modifier.

  • FLIGHT JUMPSUIT 50cr, +4 armour, +8 max dex, 0 penalty, 0% arcane failure, 6 lb. This jumpsuit is not from Golarion. It is commonly worn by Dragonstar military pilots, arcane spellcasters, and others who want full-body armor protection without sacrificing freedom of movement. It is constructed of high-strength, synthetic composite fiber. The suit is light, non-restrictive, and very effective. PERSONAL COMMUNICATOR These small and versatile units are typically mounted in a light headset, a single earplug, or a tiny pin that can be clipped to the user's clothing. Personal communicators are generally voice activated and can operate through subvocalization or bone conduction. These devices integrate radios and satellite uplinks for a broad range of wireless communications tasks. The radios have a line-of-sight range of about 10 miles. Using cellular relays, they can be used anywhere within the operating area of a city, continent, or planet with a developed telecommunications network. Finally, using satellite uplinks, the devices allow global and orbital communication on any planet with an accessible network of communication satellites. BLACK MARKET YELLOW PAGES Read to gain Feat: Black Marketeer You have many contacts and a keen eye for hidden opportunities in the marketplace. Benefit: By utilizing your black market connections, you acquire a resource pool worth 100 gp. This can only be used on illegal or illicit items or services (note that something may be illegal or illicit in one area but perfectly acceptable in another). Typical illegal or illicit items are drugs, poisons, evil magic items, slaves, or dead bodies, though intangibles such as secret information may also qualify (and for these items, a secret of equal valueat the GMs discretionmust be contributed to the pool).

  • Selferpair: 2hp/d. Whenever the wielder of a metal weapon

    rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll against a creature wearing living steel armor or wielding a living steel shield, the item must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or gain the broken condition (or destroyed if broken). 35hp/in 15hd (not 30hp/in 10hd)

    Impact 1d10>d12. +2 to bull rush

    LIGHTSABER Blade colour:

    1. Green 2. Green

    3. Green 4. Blue

    5. Blue 6. Blue

    7. Red 8. Red

    9. Cyan 10. Yellow

    11. Purple

    12. White Dex based touch attach.

    Roll body part dice. Loss of limbs: stunned 1 round. Wound

    is cauterised. Crit fumble: self damage.

    Nominal damage . Cannot cut adamantium.
