NINTH GRADE ENGLISH. Subject/Verb Agreement Rule #1 Plural nouns usually end in –s. Singular...


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Subject/Verb AgreementRule #1 Plural nouns usually

end in –s.

Singular verbs usually end in –s.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #2 Singular subjects need singular verbs.

Examples:He washes the dishes.

A girl in my neighborhood plays in the band.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #3 Plural subjects need plural verbs.

Examples:They wash the dishes.

Several girls in my neighborhood play in the band.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #4 Don’t determine the number of a subject

by a word in a phrase or clause following the subject.

Examples:The apartments across the street (does, do)

have balconies.Eli, one of my friends, (was, were) late.The planes pulling up to the gate (was,

were) purchased by a movie company.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #5 Singular Indefinite Pronouns Take

Singular Verbs…

Subject/Verb AgreementSingular Indefinite Pronouns

Each Either Neither One

Anybody Somebody Nobody Everybody

Anyone Someone No one Everyone

Anything Something Nothing Everything

Subject/Verb AgreementSingular Indefinite Pronouns How to remember these????

Each, Either, Neither…The ONES, The BODYS, The THINGS, + ONE

Subject/Verb AgreementSingular Indefinite Pronouns Examples

Each of the athletes (run, runs) effortlessly.Neither of the women (is, are) ready to start.Someone (was, were) waving a large flag.(Does, do) everyone who signed up enjoy

playing tennis.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #5 Plural Indefinite Pronouns Take Plural


Subject/Verb AgreementPlural Indefinite Pronouns

Both Several

Few Many

Subject/Verb AgreementPlural Indefinite Pronouns How to remember these????

Both sisters found mom.


Subject/Verb AgreementPlural Indefinite Pronouns Examples

(Were, was) both of the games postponed?Few that I know of (has, have) qualified.Several of the runners (is, are) exercising.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #5 Singular OR Plural Indefinite Pronouns

can take either singular or plural verbs depending on how they are used in each sentence

Subject/Verb AgreementSingular-Plural Pronouns

All Any More

Most None Some

Subject/Verb AgreementSingular-Plural Pronouns How to remember these????

All Active Men Need More Sports.



Subject/Verb AgreementSingular-Plural Pronouns Examples

Some of the test (is, are) hard.Some of the questions (is, are) hard.Most of his routine (sound, sounds)

familiar.Most of his jokes (sound, sounds) familiar.(Was, were) any of the feedback positive?(Was, were) any of the reviews positive?

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #6 Two subjects joined by AND take a

plural subject

Examples:George Lucas and Steven Spielberg (make,

makes) movies.Rhythm and imagery (helps, help) poets

express their feelings.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #6 Exception…Compound subjects that

name only one person, thing, or place take a singular verb.

Examples:My pen pal and best friend (is, are) my

cousin.Macaroni and cheese (is, are) my favorite


Subject/Verb AgreementRule #7 Subjects joined by OR or NOR…the

verb should agree with the subject closest to it.

Neither the children nor the their mother (were, was) ready for the trip.

Neither the mother nor her children (were, was) ready for the trip.

Subject/Verb AgreementCompound Subjects Examples Either Anne or Tony (load, loads) the

dishwasher. Neither the coach nor the principal (is,

are) happy with the team’s performance. Either the boys or their sisters (take,

takes) the garbage out. Neither the dogs nor the cats (comes,

come) when we call them.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #8 Collective nouns may be either singular

or plural, depending on their meaning in the sentence

Examples:The class (has, have) completed their

projects.The class (has, have) elected its officers.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #9 An expression of an amount may be

singular or plural depending on how it’s used in a sentence.

Three fourths of the pizza (is, are) gone. Of these songs, three fourths (is, are)


Subject/Verb AgreementAmount Examples Two hours (was, were) a long time to

wait. Thirty dollars (was, were) too much for

a concert ticket. Six dollars (was, were) found in the

couch cushions. Two hours—one before school and one

after—(is, are) all I have for practice.

Subject/Verb AgreementRule #10 Some nouns that are plural in form that

singular verbs

“Memories” (is, are) my favorite poem. Rickets (are, is) a serious health

concern in some countries. The news of the nominee (was, were) a


Subject/Verb AgreementRule #11 Subjects preceded by EVERY or MANY

A take singular verbs.

Every homeowner and storekeeper (has, have) joined the cleanup.

Many a litterbug (was, were) surprised by the stiff fines.
