Night Raid in Nettuno



game notes

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Nettuno Once a quaint fishing village, in recent years Nettuno has blossomed into a thriving metropolis of trade.

Population: ~800 inhabitants Authorities: Mayor, Captain Militia: 20 guards

80 Potential Conscripts

1. Town Entrance 2. The Kelp Bed 3. Town Hall 4. Stables

5. Smithy 6. Marketplace 7. Windmill 8. Temple

9. Alchemist 10. Mansion 11. Mayor's Manor 12. Mermaid's Mead

13. Harbor 14. Ocean 15. Saltwatch Keep 16. Ancient Spire

Nettuno  by  the  Sea  at  a  Glance    Before  anything  in  Nettuno  was  the  spire.  Tall  and  imposing,  

it  drew  early  pilgrims  to  the  coastal  cliffs.  There,  they  found  ancient  ruins,  though  the  spire  was  all  that  remained  standing.  Sealed  and  inaccessible,  it  was  a  mystery  none  could  solve.  However,  the  local  sea  was  full  of  massive  crabs,  so  some  settled.  They  cleaned  up  some  of  the  ruins  and  set  up  a  new  temple  to  the  Sea  on  the  ancient  site.  Nettuno,  so  named  for  the  one  rune  left  in  the  ruined  temple,  became  a  quaint  fishing  village.    

In  recent  years,  a  traveling  noble  discovered  the  village  and  the  delicious  crabs,  as  well  as  the  mysterious  spire.  News  spread,  and  interest  int  the  village  kindled.  Soon,  nobles  were  building  villas  and  pleasure  boats.  Scholars  study  the  spire,  which  villagers  regarded  as  a  scared  symbol  of  good  luck.  A  new  clerical  order  moved  in,  replacing  the  old  temple  with  a  much  grander  one  to  Gozreh.  This  sudden  expansion  caused  much  tension  between  the  formerly  relaxed  and  simple  villagers.  To  make  matters  worse,  the  crab  harvest  has  suddenly  worsened,  and  the  crabs  seem  to  be  meaner.  There  have  numerous  reports  of  thefts,  and  rumors  of  disappearances.    There  are  giant  crabs  have  been  sinking  rich  people’s  ships.  The  original  villagers  blame  the  aristocracy’s  influence,  the  newcomers  think  they  are  being  sabotaged  and  the  clerics  believe  this  is  punishment  for  former  heresy.    Demographics  Mayor  Nickayla  Tidewater  Government  Democracy  Alignments  Lg,  NG,  N,  LN  Languages  Common  Qualities  Tourist  Attraction,  Fishing    Notable  Folk  Many  of  the  population  are  humble  fisherman  or  craftsmen,  with  a  large  portion  of  vacationing  nobles.  A  few  are  potentially  of  interest,  however:      Rayna  Karsten  (Location  1,  LN,  female  human  guard  1)  One  of  

the  few  locals  who  still  remains  on  the  guard,  Rayna’s  been  shunted  to  gate  duty.  While  bitter,  she’s  not  the  sort  to  complain.  Orders  are  orders.  

Hank  Arend  (Location  2,  LG,  male  human  commoner  3)  A  reserved  widower,  Hank  runs  The  Kelp  Bed  with  an  honest  hand.  He  worries  about  the  town,  and  is  in  the  beginning  stages  of  a  romance  with  Malina.  

Nickalya  Tidewater  (Location  3  or  11,  LN,  female  human  aristocrat  3)  The  mayor  of  Netteno  for  5  years,  Nickalya  has  seen  many  changes  in  her  beloved  village.  She’s  interested  in  the  money,  but  unsure  how  to  keep  everyone  happy.  

Thom  Cyrus  (Location  4,  LG,  male  human  commoner  2)  Thom  is  the  good-­‐natured  stable  master.  A  long-­‐term  Nettuno  local,  he’s  trouble  by  what’s  happening  in  his  town.  

Evert  and  Pearl  Garret  (Location  5,  LN,  craftsmen)  Evert  and  Pearl  are  the  aging  owners  of  the  smithy,  and  one  of  the  few  places  in  town  to  buy  adventuring  gear.  They  accept  their  changing  town  with  grace,  for  their  primary  concern  is  each  other.  

Dagan  Philander  (Location  6,  N,  male  human  common  2)  Small  and  wiry,  Dagan  is  a  local  market  stall  owner  looking  to  move  up  in  society.  He  welcomes  the  nobles  and  is  trying  to  make  a  profit.    

Beowulf  Reginald  (Location  7  or  10,  N,  male  human  aristocrat  4)  The  noble  who  “discovered”  Nettuno,  Beowulf  is  maneuvering  to  become  the  next  mayor.  He  was  one  of  the  first  to  build  a  manor,  and  now  owns  the  windmill  and  local  farms.  

Father  Cripian  Stormsalt  (Location  8,  LN,  male    human  cleric  3)  The  arrogant  new  cleric,  he  believes  that  the  former  sins  of  the  town  have  angered  Gozreh  by  improper  worship.  

Crawford  Randal  (Location  9,  CG,  human  male  alchemist)  A  wiry  and  electric  little  man,  Crawford  is  always  working  on  some  eccentric  potion  or  brew.  

Malina  Fisher  (Location  12,  CN,  female  selkie  commoner  1/rogue  2)  Malina  is  the  beautiful  and  boisterous  owner  of  The  Mermaid’s    Mead.  Lonely  as  a  child,  Malina  decided  to  join  a  human  settlement.  She  has  grown  quite  fond  of  “her”  town  and  of  Hank.  She  keeps  her  selkie  nature  hidden.    

Father  Sands  (Location  14,  LN,  cleric  5)  Father  Sands  is  the  aging  former  priest  of  Nettuno,  from  the  old  temple.  After  being  cast  out,  he  moved  to  a  small  cave  by  the  sea.  Many  still  visit  the  beloved  Father  to  perform  sea-­‐worship.  This  infuriates  Stormsalt,  but  Sands  takes  everything  in  stride.  His  level  head  is  a  source  of  great  comfort  to  the  anxious  villagers.  

Gopinthia  Savitr  (Location  13,  CG,  sailor)  Captian  of  the  Mermaid’s  Mistress,  Gopinthia  is  a  skilled  captain  and  trader  popular  in  the  town.  While  a  foreigner,  she  fell  in  love  long  ago  with  quaint  Nettuno  and  keeps  a  regular  room  at  The  Kelp  Bed.  She’s  disturbed  by  the  recent  changes  in  the  town.  

Cassius  Aeson  (Location  15,  LN,  fighter  4)  The  newly  appointed  Captian  of  the  Guard,  Cassisus  has  overseen  the  construction  of  the  massive  keep.  He  believes  that  Nettuno  would  make  an  excellent  naval  outpost  but  thinks  of  the  town  as  currently  ‘provincial.’  

Garnet  Belenus  (Location  16  or  2,  CN,  female  human  loremaster  2/aristocrat  1)  A  scholar  from  a  distant  kingdom  Garnet  is  sure  that  she  will  be  able  to  solve  the  Spire’s  mysteries,  and  she  does  not  appreciate  anyone  criticizing  her  encroachment  on  the  sacred  site.  

 D6  Rumor  

1. *  Father  Sands  is  sacrificing  villagers  in  the  night  to  regain  his  power.  

2. Crawford  Randal  sells  smuggled  magical  items.  3. Giant  crabs  have  been  seen  in  the  bay.  4. Villagers  are  being  attacked  by  dog-­‐sized  crabs.  5. Beowulf  Reginald  is  planning  to  make  a  run  for  mayor,  

and  may  do  something  drastic  to  win.  6. Malina  has  a  secret.  

NI G H T RA I D ( EL 9 ; XP 9 , 6 0 0 ) The PCs are staying in Nettuno. During the night, a crabman raiding party wades silently ashore and launches a sudden, ferocious attack! The vile crabman inflict death and destruction but, curiously, they seem more intent on dragging subdued but still-­‐living villagers into the water. The PCs must aid the people of Nettuno, if they are to have any hope of driving off the crabmen. Late during the night, the sudden sounds of screaming and commotion can be heard coming from the direction of the village’s docks. Bells begin ringing throughout the village, signaling a general alarm! Once the PCs are in the vicinity of the commotion, read:

Although a few villagers are hurriedly grabbing weapons and rushing toward the commotion on the docks, many more are running away in terror. In the distance, strange humanoids with crab heads, pincers, and arms and legs which end in splayed feet are swarming the area. Their eye stalks wave frantically as they seize townspeople with their wicked appendages. Some of the vile creatures point chitinous wands at villagers, causing them to collapse, while others quickly scoop up the seemingly lifeless bodies in their scrawny secondary arms.

Clearly, the villagers are unable to fight off this attack and the party must help defend the village. The PCs will not have to fight all the crabmen. Instead, they must defeat those listed here. When they have done so, the remaining crabmen retreat with their captives.


The crabmens’ goal is to abduct as many villagers as possible and escape before organized resistance can be mounted. Keshkylkuk uses a bone wand of sleep to incapacitate his victims. Other crabmen then quickly grab the sleeping villagers and place them in large nets located near the edge of the water (each net can hold between three and five adult humans). As soon as their nets are full, the crabmen shove them into the water and dive in after them. Once in the water, the crabmen quickly disappear into the depths, dragging the full nets after them. Once underwater, crabmen wearing shark’s tooth amulets make sure to stay near the nets at all times so the people inside do not drown. The crabmen are not at all pleased to see the well-­‐armed defenders and viciously attack to keep the PCs busy while their fellows continue abducting people.


XP 1,200 Fighter 2 N Large monstrous humanoid Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3


AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (–1 size, +7 natural) hp 38 (5d10+10) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3 Armor wooden


Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee 2 claws +10 (1d6+5 plus grab)| Melee Trident +10 (1d8+5/19-20x2) Melee Underwater Crossbow +5 (1d10/19-20x2) [120ft] Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks constrict (claw) 1d6+3

STATISTICS Str 20, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10 Base Atk +5; CMB +7 (+11 to grapple); CMD 17 Feats Alertness, Power Attack, Weapon Training (spears), Armor Training, Aquatic Combatant Skills Craft (any one) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +2, Survival +6, Swim +21; Racial Modifiers +4 Swim Languages Crabman, Common SQ amphibious  


XP 600 N Large monstrous humanoid Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3


AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (–1 size, +7 natural) hp 19 (3d10+6) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3


Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee 2 claws +5 (1d6+3 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks constrict (claw) 1d6+3

STATISTICS Str 16, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8 Base Atk +3; CMB +7 (+11 to grapple); CMD 17 Feats Alertness, Power Attack Skills Craft (any one) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +2, Survival +6, Swim +21; Racial Modifiers +4 Swim Languages Crabman SQ amphibious  


XP 900 Sorcerer 3 (arcanna bloodline) N Large monstrous humanoid Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3


AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (–1 size, +7 natural) hp 42 (6d10+12) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3


Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee 2 claws +5 (1d6+3 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks constrict (claw) 1d6+3


1st (6/day)—animate rope, enlarge person, mage armor, shocking grasp 0—detect magic, mage hand, message, resistance, touch of fatigue (DC 12) Long Limbs (Ex) When making a melee touch attack, the crabman’s reach increases by 5 ft.

COMBAT GEAR wand of sleep (25 chgs.), wand of magic missile (CL 5th; 20 chgs.), scroll of resist energy, scroll of acid arrow


Str 16, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8 Base Atk +3; CMB +7 (+11 to grapple); CMD 17 Feats Alertness, Power Attack Skills Craft (any one) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +2, Survival +6, Swim +21; Racial Modifiers +4 Swim Languages Crabman SQ amphibious  


Nettuno’s dock area is small and well ordered. A single, long pier extends out into the water. While there are a few fish-processing areas and a beach, it is mostly surrounded by crops (which can be set ablaze).

Illumination: Although the attack takes place at night, star and moonlight provide dim illumination throughout the area. Thus, combatants have concealment (20% miss chance) against attacks unless their attacker can see in the dark.

Water: The sea is calm (DC 10 Swim), but cold. Within 5 ft. of the shore it is about 3 ft. deep, but it quickly drops away to 10 ft. deep. The areas around the dock are 10 ft. deep or deeper. Fighting in water is difficult – refer to Water & Movement (page 32) and Water & Combat (page 33) for useful handouts presenting information on moving and fighting underwater.    Wooden Docks: The wooden docks are 10 ft. wide and stand 5 ft. above the water. Characters on the dock gain the benefit of higher ground (+1 on melee attacks) against targets in the water. Characters under the docks gain cover (+4 AC, +2 Reflex) against attacks originating from above.

Small Boats: Many small fishing boats bob at anchor along the docks. Characters in a boat gain the benefit of higher ground (+1 on melee attacks) against targets in the water. However, if a character is fighting in a boat a crabman tries to dump him into the water by tipping over the boat. If the crabman makes a DC 15 Strength check it tips the boat over and the occupant(s) must make a DC 15 Reflex save or fall into the water.     AFTERMATH Once the crabmen have been driven off, the PCs may help deal with the chaos and terror that follows the battle. Many of the villagers are inconsolable with grief over the probably fate of those carried away and others are badly wounded. Many villagers want to mount a rescue but cooler heads quickly prevail – the villagers are not powerful or brave enough to succeed in such an endeavor. A P L E A F O R A I D Shortly after the battle, Nettuno’s mayor, Nickalya  Tidewater seeks out the party. Nickalya  is friendly and out-­‐going, but this attack has upset her. She knows the villagers cannot rescue those carried off and asks the PCs for aid. Nickalya  is a skilled negotiator and a stern, no-­‐nonsense decision maker. She asks the PCs to follow the sahuagin to their aquatic lair and to rescue the captives. She begs the PCs to hurry as no doubt a terrible fate awaits those carried away in the raid. SEARCHING T H E F A L L EN Beyond looting the bodies of the fallen sahuagin, the party may search the site of the battle for clues.

• DC 15 Perception: The PCs recover a strange crab’s claw amulet. The amulet has an odd, jagged triangle symbol carved on one side. Inadvertently dropped by one of the crabmen during the battle, this is a shark tooth’s amulet (page 30).

GA T H E RING INFORMATION As well as searching the docks and other areas that saw battle, the PCs may question surviving villagers, in search of clues. The villagers want to help, but the savagery of the attack has left them exhausted and confused. A Diplomacy check may reveal useful information. A successful check reveals all information gained from a lesser result.

• DC 10: The attack was brutal, sudden and overwhelming. • DC 15: Although they slew many villagers, several of the attackers used magic wands to incapacitate villagers who

were then dragged into the sea by warrior crabmen. • DC 20: The crabmen withdrew, they were not driven off. That’s odd as Father Cripian tells anyone and everyone that

they are merciless, bloodthirsty killers.    • DC  25:  Malina  regards  this  attack  as  extremely  unusual,  saying  crabmen  are  usually  quite  content  to  keep  to  

themselves   T H E MERMAID ’ S MI S T R E S S If the PCs have no way to get to the Sunken Pyramid themselves, a small merchant ship, The Mermaid’s Mistress, arrives just after sunrise the next morning. Its captain, Gorpinthia Savitr, is a beautiful woman with short, dark hair and fierce temper. She reveals her ship was attacked by a shipwrecker crab the previous night, and some of the crew were taken by crabmen. Gorpinthia knows the general location of the Sunken Pyramid and offers to take the PCs there if they promise to rescue those of her crew dragged overboard by the evil sea devils.


This giant-sized creature is a bipedal humanoid with a crab-like head, large hands that end in powerful pincers, feet that are splayed. It is covered with chitinous plates, reddish-brown in color. Two smaller humanoid arms protrude below its pincers.


XP 600 N Large monstrous humanoid Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3


AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (–1 size, +7 natural) hp 19 (3d10+6) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3


Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee 2 claws +5 (1d6+3 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks constrict (claw) 1d6+3


Str 16, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8 Base Atk +3; CMB +7 (+11 to grapple); CMD 17 Feats Alertness, Power Attack Skills Craft (any one) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +2, Survival +6, Swim +21; Racial Modifiers +4 Swim Languages Crabman SQ amphibious


Environment Temperate aquatic Organization Gang (2–12) Treasure Standard

Crabmen inhabit coastal waters, hunting fish and gathering food. Crabmen communicate with others of their race through a series of hisses and clicks. A typical crabman stands about 9 feet tall. They speak their own language, and those with an Intelligence of 12 or higher often speak common. Crabman Society Crabmen make their homes in sea caves and coastal cliffs, venturing forth occasionally in search of food. They spend most of their time hunting,

filtering algae for food, or scavenging the shores and beaches. Occasionally, they will gather wet sand from the seashore and filter it through their mouths, sucking out all organic material and plankton. The remainder is a hardened, dry ball of sand approximately 1 inch across; these pellets inadvertently give away the presence of a crabman community. Crabmen live in coastal caves, but some communities will excavate more expansive burrows into the cliff face. Within such a warren, each individual has a lair set off from a centralized meeting area. Each crabman tribe is lead by an elder that can be of either sex. Most crabman tribal elders are at least 3rd-level warriors. Crabmen have no regular breeding or mating cycle, and each female seems to have her own periods of fertility and infertility. A fertile female will produce about 100 eggs within a two-week period. Crabman eggs are released into the ocean, hatching into translucent larvae with soft shells. These larvae vaguely resemble the adults, but may be mistaken for normal crabs given their size. After 6 months, crabman larvae molt and develop the harder shell required for life on land. Before their first molting, crabman larvae are practically defenseless. Crabmen rarely engage in commerce with other humanoid communities around them, including other crabman tribes. Crabman artisans produce only ephemeral goods made of driftwood, shells, and seaweed, and are quite capable of producing what other more aesthetic races would call works of art.