“Night” and the Holocaust What was the Holocaust? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who...


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“Night” and the Holocaust

• What was the Holocaust?

• When did it happen?

• Where did it happen?

• Who was involved?

• How was it carried out?

• Why wasn’t it stopped?

Ghetto Ration Card

Ghetto ration card for October 1941. This card officially entitled the holder to 300 calories daily.

Photo credit: Meczenstwo Walka, Zaglada Zydów Polsce 1939-1945. Poland. No. 137.


• Camp entrance with sign: ARBEIT MACHT FREI. (Work makes you free.)


• Storehouse for seized property and Zyclon B.


• Entrance to gas chamber.

German Concentration Camps

• http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/MAPS/map008b.pdf

Buchenwald Gate Building

• Gate Building at Buchenwald. The left wing housed SS offices and the right wing housed arrest cells.

JEDEM DAS SEINE "TO EACH HIS OWN" inscription on gate at Buchenwald.

Crematorium Ovens at Buchenwald

• Crematorium ovens at Buchenwald.

Buchenwald Urns

• Crematorium urns at Buchenwald.


• Arbeit macht Frei. (Work makes you free.) This sign greeted inmates when they arrived at the camp entrance.


• View of the interior of the Dachau Small Crematorium

Barracks at Majdanek Death Camp

• Bunks used by prisoners at the Majdanek camp.

Shoes at Majdanek

• Wire bins of prisoners' shoes.

Majdanek Death Camp Gas Chamber

• Interior of one of the gas chambers.

Majdanek Death Camp Gas Chamber

• Peep hole through which camp officials watched the gassing of prisoners.

Majdanek Death Camp Gas Chamber

• Zyclon B containers found at the camp. The pellets were released from the ceiling into rooms of prisoners.

Bernburg Euthanasia Facility

• Detail of shower head inside the gas chamber.

Bernburg Euthanasia


• Dissection room.
