NIBIRU LEGEND or Truth Ison and Planet X CELESTIAL Bodies Anomalous Approach to the Sun



Planet X - The Nibiru Legend & A Truth About Comet Ison?

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The recent explosion in the atmosphere of a small asteroid of a few thousand tons - which took place in the skies of Russia in February 2013 - dutiful, raises, which according to the scholar Luke Scantamburlo, must be properly contextualized, especially in light of evidence that the same uncomfortable Scantamburlo, he received over the years and 2006 2008 and which until now has decided not to disclose, in part for his own personal attitude wary, but above all to satisfy the requirements of one of his confidential sources and to collect material and information, providing evidence or smentissero the data in its possession.


By Luca Scantamburlo -

Unnamed sources are always a great snare. Can help, but at the same time depistare.Ma times seem ripe now. The events progressed. I feel a responsibility to the public. Certain information in my opinion now have gradually become public knowledge, and I too am waiting for further elements that may provide a clearer picture of the situation, always assuming that my sources - after years of prudent and understandable silence - decide to come forward again, giving me way, for example to verify their credentials. But I would appreciate a simple and isolated technical help to better understand the nature of the celestial bodies in abnormal approach to the Sun Also by third parties having jurisdiction. The images of the white trail in the sky of the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia, must give us pause: I talk about the recent explosion of the asteroid in Russia (February 15 2013), which can be a precursor event, a sort of sentinel event. It is natural explosion in the sky largest after the one that occurred in the Siberian region of Tunguska rivers, in 1908.

But first things first: a few years ago released a paper on the Net commenting on a singular decision made by the U.S. military leadership: << Classified images of racing cars? What dangers from space? American military forces decided to discontinue the release of the satellite photographic documentation on the phenomena of meteors and fireballs in the atmosphere. What lies behind this decision? >> Luca Scantamburlo for Misteritalia, 02 / 07 / 2009


Of this sudden decision to classify information on the balls of fire, I spoke in my last essay on the controversial issue of Planet X and the Mesopotamian myth of Nibiru (Revelation from Space. The advent of Nibiru and the Vigilante, , 2011).

Well, the apparent intensification of the phenomenon of race cars in the world (meteors per day capable of illuminating the night sky) could be related to the controversial decision taken by the military of the United States in very difficult times. Also because in my essay Apollo 20. The revelation (-2010 2011), remembered as other asteroids have exploded (fortunately without damage) in recent years before reaching the ground: in the skies over Sudan in October 2008 (with a photo from the Meteosat-8), and the skies of Indonesia 9 2009 October (see in this respect the service of Giovanni Caprara for Corriere della Sera, November 2 2009), and those Russians in February 2013, with an asteroid the size of between 17 20 and meters about. The asteroid exploded in Sudan was discovered just before impact on Earth, and it was the first time that an asteroid impacting was publicly announced shortly before his fall (Arizona University, Mt Lemmon Observatory, Asteroid 2008 TC3).

Regarding the explosions in Indonesia (October 2009) and in Russia (February 2013), they were clearly perceived by the frightened population present on the ground, and both have left dust explosions and smoke into the atmosphere, visible from the ground. However, the explosion of the asteroid in Sudan a few feet in diameter is not unusual. As noted by some experts, it is likely that every year there are some explosions of such magnitude that they are not detected by us and our instruments. So it's a bellwether only because of the discovery telescopic object asteroid in advance, before the impact, but statistically is normal. Instead the other two explosions, one of 2009 2013 and, in my opinion indicate an anomalous datum than the average asteroid explosions studied and related to the history of the Earth. In fact asteroidal objects of 10 meters in size (such as that exploded in Indonesia) fall on the Earth every 10 years or so, but here the data indicates that in less than four years we have had two discrete bursts of sensitive natural space bodies impacting (see << Asteroid Blast Reveals Holes in Earth's defenses >>, article by David Shiga, October 26 2009, New Scientist). The asteroid, in both of the latter two cases, exploded between 12 and 23 km of height with respect to the Earth surface. For more information please see the article by Brown et al., Entitled << The Flux of Small Near-Earth objects colliding with the Earth >>, Nature), which states that an object capable of exploding with 50 kton of power, hitting the earth every 10 years, Nature, vol. 420, November 21 2002.

In any case I am of the opinion that the magnitude of those fallen recently to limit or greater than the magnitude cited above, and therefore we have a deviation from the mean relative to the size.

Even the energy released by the explosion mentioned is a significant fact: it is growing, in chronological order: 1 kiloton for that in Sudan, 50 kilotons for the one in Indonesia (equivalent to 50 thousand tons of TNT, 3 times the power of the atomic bomb Hiroshima) and 500 kilotons for that exploded in Russia (see also << asteroid explodes in the sky. A shock wave from Atomic >>, February 16 2013, Fabrizio Dragosei, Corriere della Sera, and the article << In the city scarred by meteorite "The military does not have protected us" >>, also signed by Fabrizio Dragosei, Corriere della Sera, February 17 2013. More recent estimates have spoken of 440

kilotons, but it is always about three dozens of times the energy released by the aforementioned nuclear bomb dropped by the Americans on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in August 1945. should be noted that the use of meteorite is a misnomer, as the celestial phenomenon at issue is technically the explosion of a " superbolide "nature of a meteor asteroid, meteorite is the term used for the fragment of rock that falls to the ground and it can be found. For more details on the asteroid impacting in the skies of the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, I invite the reader to read the ratio << Additional Details on the Event Large Fireball over Russia on Feb. 15, 2013 >>, Don Yeomans & Paul Chodas, NASA / JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office, March 1 2013.

So in the last four years the Earth has been hit by at least 2 asteroids larger than the average of exploding into the atmosphere each year, the last of which (to 17 meters in Russia, February 15 2013) has resulted in more than a thousand injured and considerable damage to windows and building structures, because of the shock wave of the explosion occurred in the atmosphere.

What's going on? If Caprara remembered in the pages of the Corriere della Sera in 2009 that even then the vertices of NASA and USAF (United States Air Force) were very concerned, it is well understood that the asteroid exploded in Russia a few months ago could be part of a 'avant-garde, or in a series feared by senior military and scientific, although officially it is a hypothetical series unspoken for reasons of national security (or public).

But what would cause the increased risk of impact with our planet? What gravitational force is altering the orbits of asteroidal objects already present in the vicinity of the Earth, or is even increasing material debris present in the Solar System? There is a risk of a cometary swarm imminent and intended to cross the Earth's orbit?


Another fact is meaningful succession of discoveries of objects cometary no accident year 2013 is indicated by many as the year of comets. The discovery of the mysterious comet Ison (September 2012) - iniziamente celestial object cataloged as asteroidal object - is a further indication of something remarkable is happening in space. In fact, the comet's orbital elements and Ison shows especially apparent size of his false nucleus (the solid core is obscured by gas and dust forming the comet's coma) of unusual proportions: it can be cataloged, in my opinion, as a celestial body in abnormal approach to the Sun, and that shuns the model of comet associated with the image of a small iceberg or a dirty snowball, a model for many years carried out by the establishment of science. Rightly, there are those who - on the Internet, based on sound reasoning - some estimates put forward as possible to the diameter of its core values getting incredible: thousands of miles.

Scientists credited - such as those who work at the University of Maryland in the USA - I differ. Argue that it is already possible to obtain an idea of the size of the nucleus, starting from the amount of dust and water released every minute from the comet. Using the UVOT instrument data supplied with the Swift satellite (NASA), scientists have recently estimated a core diameter between and 1 10 km. The comet Ison would therefore an ordinary nucleus, perfectly normal comets studied for centuries. What is the truth?


2006 YEAR FIRST INSIDER REVEALS: an unknown planet overflown SECRETLY BY PIONEER 10

2006 from August until the end of the same year I received some information from my source, whose identity I am not still known. My interlocutor - with the exception of the first contact that consisted of a normal sending e-mail with attached files - it was very wary later on, since he chose a method of electronic communication that got him away from being identified by me. Instead the email address used by him the first and only time, was immediately rejected inactive or otherwise deliver it without any of my emails. The only way to interact with him on my part was under his conditions: I had to expose myself to answer him every time (albeit concealed by a nickname) publicly on a discussion forum on the Net I ordered him to open a discussion on the Internet with a referred to as the object name, and that was the way to identify me. I revealed some details of this case only on the occasion of some of my public interventions which I did years ago in some Italian cities. In writing, it is the first time that divulge. Some elements (few) corresponding to the profile of my source I have known (I have not had the opportunity yet to establish its authenticity) but I should not reveal the purpose of protecting the individual author information leak, which, however, a instaurai relationship of trust, albeit a few months. I will reveal in this paper only the data and the material that I consider to functional speech and the logic of the argument I want to take care: Planet X Nibiru and the myth. What is the relationship between the two issues and how much truth is behind them?

My anonymous source - which declared a European (omit his nationality here) and a layman in the field of study of the stars and of interstellar space - August 2006 sent me two pictures about a planet apparently unknown, as in my opinion has nothing to do with the gas giants like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune. My source 2 immediately linked to the same images that the well-known popularizer Adriano Forgione (a former consultant for the transmission of RAI Voyager) published at the time in the pages of the magazines he worked with. They - from a simple comparison - are actually the same published more than a dozen years ago. Of them have existed for years in Network low-resolution versions, grainy, and does not allow you to appreciate the details of the atmosphere of this unknown planet. Unfortunately, still today many ufologists and researchers attribute to the various probe Siloam, thus committing a misconception.

I later learned that these versions on the Internet, would be only a scan made in haste (and shades of gray) of the images published in magazines. It is Nibiru, the ancient Mesopotamian astro? And above all: Nibiru Planet X and the question of referring to the same celestial body or are they separate issues? Curious that the nickname certainly fictitious - initially chosen from my source on the occasion of our first contact - would evoke the figure of Thomas Aquinas, the most famous Catholic philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. A pseudonym - that of Thomas Aquinas - already chosen by another anonymous source who contacted years ago by letter dr. Giorgio Pattera, a biologist under the National UFO Center. I do not know if the source who contacted Pattera at the time is the same to have contacted me, sending me the photo of the alleged Nibiru.

click on photo to enlarge



At this point it is necessary for me to remember certain events and make a report of what happened at the end of anni'90 on the disclosure of the history of the phantom probe "Siloam". In the number 3 / 4 the July / August 1999 of ufology magazine called UFO Network, for the first time it was mentioned the space probe "Siloam", inserted in the homonymous space exploration program which has as its objective the study of the "twelfth planet" Zecharia Sitchin's interpretation, on the way next return (ie the tenth planet). A program highly confidential, of course. In reference to this disconcerting news, after a couple of unpublished snapshots of an unknown planet by the dense atmosphere were published on the first number of the magazine Dossier 20 Aliens (September-October 1999), and then a second time in the pages of the magazine Hera, founded and directed by Adriano Forgione (January 2000, number 1). At the time these images were therefore attributed - from editors of these magazines where he worked Adriano Forgione - the alleged spacecraft called "Siloam". Probe which later also spoke dr. Giorgio Pattera in a publication bearing his signature on the exit nr. 17 UFO News: << "Siloam," a very special >> sent, by G. Pattera, Dec. 2000. In this service Pattera resumed the search for Forgione, and argued that everything pointed to the involvement of the Vatican, albeit with NASA technology. He wrote dr. Pattera: << [...] undoubtedly the Vatican (because that would lead the research) could not call in a more representative the infrared probe that (it is said) wanted to send beyond the solar system. Who "needs to wash the eyes", the probe Siloam, to restore sight? Perhaps the "blindness" of contemporary astronomers, who insist (for convenience or interest) to delimit our solar system within the orbit of Pluto? >>

The anonymous source of the images of the time - and who chose the popularizer Adriano Forgione to bring them to the knowledge of the public - it must be said, is not the same in those years who contacted the freelancer Cristoforo Barbato. The latter, starting from 2005 (after five years from the first contacts, spent to do

individual searches), began to publicly disclose more detailed details about the space mission "Siloam", controlled by an intelligence agency does not officially existing (called SIV, an acronym for the Vatican Information Service). This space mission would have been created with the help of U.S. space technology (in collaboration with Lockheed Martin). Since the year 2000 Barbato had numerous contacts (and a couple of meetings in the light of the sun) with the character who briefed him on the subject, passing secret material. He qualified as a Jesuit, a member of a religious group in the service of the Vatican City (mostly Jesuits and Benedictines, and some religious) for the management of classified information to the Holy See, similar to the structures which are the American CIA, the British MI6 and former KGB (now FSB). Soon Barbato received by mail a copy of a video recorded on VHS tape, inherent in a montage of footage that would show the spatial Tenth planet beyond the orbit of the last planets. The probe Siloam - assembled in Nevada in the United States - would have been secretly sent by the Vatican in space remote to closely study the celestial body in progressive approach to the Sun It would have been equipped with an electromagnetic pulse motor, and placed in orbit by a spaceplane the type Aurora. The insider who was seen as related with Barbato, confirmed that the observed celestial body that would be the Sumerian Nibiru. The data of the probe would be received in October 1995 by a secret radio telescope located in Alaska, and operated only by personnel of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). The headquarters of the radio telescope would be camouflaged inside an industrial plant for the recovery of oil, apparently abandoned. Data from the spacecraft were then transmitted to the structure of the SIV of the Holy See where the source of Barbato received them for processing. The probe Siloam would be launched at the end of construction of the telescope, and thus presumably in 1990 (my comment based on the information disclosed by Barbato). From the video frames disclosed in Net Barbato, and the vision of the same during his lectures, it is clear that the images broadcast by Forgione in magazines, are not frames of this movie (the "Jesuit Footage", I called him to simplicity).

Of this we are virtually certain, as the same Jesuit SIV - used to manage information above the top secret ("Secretum Omega" would be the classification used by the Vatican, equivalent to Cosmic Top Secret in its Mission to NATO), asked by Barbato about the material received in 1999 by Forgione, judged the images at first glance reliable even though he had no knowledge of the provenance (I invite the reader to read my interview with C. Barbato, published in UFO News nr.62, april 2006).

The Jesuit said he had contacted exclusively Cristoforo Barbato, and upon the group to which reference was made within the SIV. The Jesuit excluded categorically that those images could be submitted to the attention of members of the SIV Forgione, but confirmed that previously some summary information (and I assume I can also relative to the probe Siloam) but neither video nor photos, were made from filter Vatican circles to a couple of members of ufology Italian (I do not have the names) before being contacted Barbato. Really interesting observation of Barbato about the origin and the origin of the photo spread by Forgione: Barbato considered them in a context of leakage of information connected to the Internet, and NASA environments, and this is mirrored in the testimony that better describe below.

In fact, the 10 1999 March, just off Rome's Adriano Forgione met the former Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army named Robert Orel Dean (Dean Bob to his friends), returning from Fiumicino Airport. During the car ride, the former military Dean (still alive today although very old) Forgione told that the spacecraft had already

photographed the Sumerian Nibiru (based on rumors filter made by his seemingly Zecharia Sitchin), and that Some images had been available for a couple of days on the Net, but NASA ran for cover and made them disappear. The involvement of Sitchin has never been demonstrated. And even if the data to forecast provided by Robert Dean on observation with the naked eye of Nibiru proved completely wrong and misleading (he prophesied within four years since then, and so we waited in vain for the year 2003), will soon be obvious to the reader as some information conveyed by Robert Dean might have a basis in truth. Significant that Dean spoke with Forgione using the plural: he used the expression << >> artificial eyes of the probes, according to reports. I can then translate it this way: Bob Dean was and is fully aware that Planet X has been observed and studied for more space probes, and not just one. It would be logical to expect an interest of many parts and with different technologies, if Planet X is near its perihelion and constitutes a threat due to the effects of its passage within the Solar System.

A few months after Adriano Forgione, signing an exceptional service on the no. 1 the monthly Hera founded by him, he remembered again the origin of the two images that ritrarrebbero Nibiru (aka the tenth or twelfth planet depends dall'intepretazione that it shall be), and he wondered what connection there was with insight between the spacecraft Siloam and the probe Pioneer 10 license plate NASA, also implicitly advancing the hypothesis that they may coincide (see << >> The twelfth planet, Adriano Forgione, Hera, Jan. 2000, p-30 35). The shriek of the cover then recited << Nibiru Planet X >> photographed.

Forgione told he could procure Image gallery of Bob Dean had mentioned a few days after their meeting (March 1999). In my opinion Forgione was deliberately misled, albeit partially: its source confided in fact - according to the report emerged - that these images would be made with an infrared system from a satellite called << Siloam, which is part of an eponymous program exploration, neither military nor civilian >>. Forgione conducted research on biblical texts and discovered the origin of the word Siloam (New Testament). In addition, months after it was first reported by BBC News, in reference to a sudden gravitational deflection of the space probe Pioneer 10 diverted along its route from an unknown gravitational force, led Forgione to connect the deviation of the Pioneer 10 occurred on December 8 1992 with information about the secret probe Siloam. If the source revealed to Forgione accurate information but handed him the photos that they are not related to the probe Siloam (albeit probably genuine) but to another probe, this could not easily be understood then. Years later, with further elements are in place and new witnesses, I can state my conviction that the magazines where he worked Adriano Forgione, have spread to the first of the authentic picture of the Planet worshiped in Mesopotamia (the Sumerian Nibiru), also known as Planet X. The Forgione properly connected them to a mission reserved probe Pioneer 10, but then (albeit in good faith) also joined the spacecraft to Siloam, suggesting that the Pioneer 10 had been given a new assignment with this name, Siloam.

In fact, years after it was realized that Siloam is a more recent space probe sent anni'90 at the beginning of the last century, and with much more advanced technology than the Pioneer 10. The technical management of such a probe would be the prerogative of the SIV of the Holy See (but this Forgione could not know it in detail, as only Cristoforo Barbato had more information about it). As much as I respect, I consider excellent work done by Forgione until then. Questionable instead his grip away - some years later - from the concept of the astronomical myth of Nibiru, which proved not to believe with the same conviction of a time (although not nengandone the possibility). I remain deeply convinced that Nibiru is an ancient

myth connected to an astronomical reality tangible, an anomalous component of the solar system, of cometary origin.

Let's see what happened to the opinion of Adriano Forgione on the images you had from his informant. Of this I also discuss in detail in my essay The American Armageddon (read Appendix A). For the convenience of the surfers and those who have not had the chance to read my book, rework below are a few steps of it: after more than 2 years after the publication of the magazine on the number 1 Hera, Forgione pleaded not more testimony in about the photos of Nibiru, as its source would prove to be "unreliable" as Forgione itself confirmed the second conference organized by the Italian edition of the magazine Nexus New Times in Abano Terme (Padova), in the days 26 27-October 2002 .

But there's more: that was not a Forgione and its pullback but a change of course. In fact, the Director of the Italian edition of Nexus New Times - at the time the journalist Furio Star, then switched to Mattino di Padova - reported some statements by Forgione on the number 41 of information, the insert Italian Nexus (November-December 2002) where Forgione did not exclude that it could be a planet Nibiru as Sitchin describes it, but it was not inclined to believe that Nibiru had an orbit that bring within the Solar System. That is, it was a comet. And even if it was, (and this step is crucial, in my opinion) the researcher Neapolitan added the following thought:

<< [...] There is no confirmation that the Tenth Planet enters the solar system and that it has the elongated orbit and intersecting. It makes no sense. And, even if Sitchin was right, of course times are not those of 2003 but much later. >>

So, with insight and critical, A. Forgione had subdorato the presence of misinformation about the much-vaunted date of 2003 (indicated by many as the period of closest approach to the Sun of the dark body). But in addition to distance themselves from the year 2003, inexplicably Forgione expressed his doubts to Stella alleged cometary orbital characteristics of the star worshiped in Mesopotamia. While not denying the possibility. That is the same Forgione did not exclude absolutely that in fact can be a star Nibiru comet, which returns cyclically in the Solar System. Evidently Forgione and Stella had had an interview - I suppose - just because the article by F. Stella was accompanied by the publication of one of the two images of the alleged Nibiru (one of those given to Forgione from his mysterious informant. Though it is not clear, it is possible that Adriano Forgione has passed one of the two images to the drafting of Furio Star, for publication.

The picture caption reads as follows: << One of the photos of the alleged Tenth Planet: proved unreliable [...] >>

But based on what arguments the image was defined as "not trusted"? We can not know, because in the article, there are no test results or claims of third parties who have claimed fraud. Why Forgione did not trust most of its source and changed the tracks of his research, and strive for a symbolic-esoteric approach? And how is it expressed strong doubts Furio Star on the opinion of Sitchin Nibiru that would be inhabited? As reported by Star, Forgione argued that the Sumerian cosmogony must be interpreted in a more "symbolic key", because the "Anunnaki" would not have its inhabitants. This would only be a "deduction" of Sitchin.

For years, Adriano Forgione is no longer involved in ufology as a time (I suppose for a personal choice) and works as a scholar of the puzzles of human history, especially archeology and symbolism of the sacred. He is at the helm of his new magazine

Fenix, ideal continuation and development of the initial project of the journal Hera.



Because the reader can understand these My ratings and better frame the context in which to place the 2 photo of the alleged Nibiru, I now return anonymous insider who contacted me in late August 2006: list below the basic information contained in his first letter (omit some details known to me, to protect my source), and join with some personal comments:

1) 2 the bluish images received from me (and that are visible on my site, in the two photos made by me) are the same as published in 1999 2000 and magazines Dossier Aliens and Hera, I have no doubt about it, it can be seen clearly making a comparison with the photos published in magazines quoted; 2) they would - in the words of my text source - << images taken with a system similar to infrared with an exposure time of about 2 seconds, given the very low amount of light present in that very remote area of deep space: the images were then transmitted to the ground at NASA but at low resolution, due to the use of a compression system, Reed-Solomon, the precursor of modern and more effective the algorithm that is used in image compression, known as JPG. >> 3) my anonymous source (a scientist to understand) said that they are not images taken by the probe mysterious Siloam, but are images sent from the Pioneer 10, my source also placed all within the question of " alleged Nibiru ", even if not explicitly stated that the celestial body portrait in the picture is the Sumerian Nibiru.

click on photo to enlarge

In September 2006 I had a second contact, and insider clarified how I came into possession of images (he was the recipient without request it, after having already visionata time before with other colleagues in the context of scientific research, in a place that I'd rather not disclose), I gave further details about the history of the mission of the probe Pioneer reserved 10, but I expressly asked not to use the

material and information provided to me for publication. Everything - from the perspective of my source that constitute an "outburst, a confidence" to treasure - my eyes began to become a sort of valuable asset with which to deepen the search for truth, but also a burden, a kind of sandstone bring in silence, and at that time only shared with some members and leaders of the most important Italian UFO association. The request of my source is not perhaps clashed with the public's right to know? Very surprised, I could just in time - after talking with the Director responsible - to block the exit of a service in the way, and for the pages of a magazine which collaborated with ufology. The page space probably thought for the detection of the photographic material, was so filled with news about the exhibition of a Florentine painter and illustrator, an exhibition organized on the occasion of the centenary of a famous Italian magazine dedicated to the hunt. Only the magazine cover on the front page of ufology came out with one of the two images, for internal decision or an oversight of the editorial. At the time no one seemed to notice the thing and no one commented on it publicly, as far as I know. In any case, rispettammo as far as possible the will of my source, but at the same time the magazine cover testified that those pictures exist. But the European scientist - Aware of this - it was obviously deeply upset and this to me. I replied saying that he had done everything possible to curb the publication. But then, in August 2006 had received the material without any kind of constraint or request in this regard. I considered myself therefore entitled to use it to the most appropriate, in consultation with the Director of the magazine. So why change course, only a month later, and ask me not to use the material? When an insider contacts a journalist to reveal uncomfortable truths, he should know that the journalist has indeed the duty to protect the source, but also has the moral and professional obligation to disclose information, especially when they relate to public life and issues of global importance. To restrain, besides wanting to comply with the request, there was also the need to investigate the delicate question, looking for feedback and other data.


Summary below the information received in September 2006 at the second contact that you had for me "mail" (so to speak) with the European scientist. I still use the division in points only for convenience of the reader and facilitate clarity of exposition:


4) he had the first information to a colleague overseas, who revealed to him that the space probe Pioneer 10 NASA << was not at all >> abandoned to his fate, and that was given a new task << but >> reserved. It was not anything as such American went further, bringing international attention to alleged evidence: the European scientist (and his colleagues present) were thus witnesses to the vision of a series of slides 6, through a compact viewer; 2 6 images are those of the in my possession (the same procured by Forgione years earlier), these images would be the result of a secret space exploration program completed by Pioneer 10. The American revealed to the astonished present (including my source) that years before these images were made accessible from a link posted on a newsgroup << astronomy in English >>, allowing connection to access the << ' Internet address of a subpage of a NASA site, on which the above images were present, albeit at low resolution >>, the author of the flight information at the time (which made images accessible on the Internet), it was soon identified and fired by NASA. Of course at the time these images could be found - along with a series of folders for files of the secret space mission - only by those who possessed the << >> access permissions. However, the American

researcher did not reveal my source as he had come into possession of such images.

5) a few months after my source (the European scientist) received by mail on computer your pictures above, the scientist was able to recognize a detail inside the envelope, the likely sender: the American scientist then.

6) my source declared to me that he never had no previous relationship or contacts with Adriano Forgione; therefore concluded that he did not know who could have provided the same images from Forgione he held;

7) my source asked me not to use the material and information for a publication, as already explained to me.




Of course the material and the little information received, led me to focus my research on the space probe Pioneer 10 in an attempt to understand whether there was a prima who prove what my source had revealed to me. Not by chance a few months later, I wrote an article entitled << December 1992, beyond Neptune: a secret flyby of Pioneer 10? >>, Published in the bimonthly UFO Newsletter, no. 69, June-July 2007. And in this regard, even NASA scientists interpellai mission experts Pioneer 10, because I clarifying certain things. NASA I did not have any answers. I told him what evidence I have found, in my essay The American Armageddon (in Italian,, 2009). Briefly summarize some points, for the benefit of the reader who has no way to read my book and my previous articles. They are the main clues that might substantiate this incredible occult history of space exploration (text and reworked freely from my essay The American Armageddon, cf. Chapter III):


a) The December 8 1992 the U.S. space probe Pioneer 10 - at a distance of about twenty years since its launch on March 2 1972 with a carrier Atlas-Centaur - made an unexpected (?) fly-by near a " trans-Neptunian object ", at a distance estimated to be about 56 astronomical units (AU) from the Earth. This news was branched 1999 only in September when it became public knowledge the research work of an international team consisting of scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena (California) and Queen Mary and Westfield College, London (later Queen only Mary, University of London, abbreviated QMUL). The principal scientists study's authors are John Anderson, Mrs EL Lau and Italian Giacomo Giampieri (scientist who died a few years ago in Los Angeles, due to an incurable disease). Their scientific work was released in October under the title << Pioneer 1999 10 Encounter with a Trans-Neptunian Object at 56 AU? >>.


b) But not all scientists Slava G. Turyshev, Michael M. Nieto (the latter of the Los Alamos National Laboratory) and the already mentioned John Anderson (NASA), in the course of their scientific report presented in Paris - the of COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 18-25 2004 - in a page of presentation reminded the

audience of insiders who own since the middle of the probe Pioneer 1979 10 was monitored to identify the Planet X. Having already traveled 20 astronomical units from launch, through the analysis of the data received at the Earth, in fact it was monitoring the Doppler shift of the received frequency, looking for anomalous acceleration of the probe.


c) The third coincidence (if we want to call it) is as follows: the space probe Pioneer 10 was (and is) with a rich scientific instruments, among which an infrared radiometer and a fotopolarimetro to capture images in the red channel and blue channel, respectively, to obtain the image so-called "red" (R) - through the long wavelengths (yellow, orange and red) - and the image "blue" (B), obtained from the wavelengths short (purple, blue and green). This tool is called in English with the following expression: Imaging Photopolarimeter.

Possible that the probe Pioneer 10 think, was able to capture some images of this hypothetical celestial body that transneptunian gravitationally deflected the same space probe? It just so happens that the Photopolarimeter Imaging - the tool board which made the color images - the year 1992 was still operating. A nice coincidence, no doubt about it. In fact, for the sake I did a little research into documentation of NASA available on-line and to my great surprise I found that NASA sent via radio education off to save power until October 1993: So nearly a year after the mysterious fly-by December 1992. A fly-by - at this point we can support it - that maybe it was not random, but with planned several years in advance, as part of what in the jargon is called an extended mission. Highly confidential.


At the time I placed embarrassing technical questions to some experts, including NASA scientists competent on the space mission Pioneer 10. The questions that so far no one was able to answer me, are as follows:


1) if it would be possible to shoot with the IPP (the fotopolarimetro) the trans-Neptunian object responsible for the gravitational deflection of the probe Pioneer 10, despite the great darkness characteristic of that region of space;

2) if the data of any images, at that time, would have been sent to Earth in a compressed format, using the Reed-Solomon system.


To my knowledge, the Voyager spacecraft sent to Earth 2 some images in compressed form, using the Reed-Solomon code that is actually used in the telecommunications space. But not Piooner and 10 11. This is why I asked the question to the proper authorities. In my book The American Armageddon stretch it more extensively.

Let's go back to the meeting with the alleged KBO (Kuiper Belt Object). In which region of the sky would take place the meeting with the Pioneer 10? At the time I did the extensive research and found that the content of the discovery of the gravitational deflection of Pioneer 10 - after meeting with the trans-Neptunian object

- was also discussed in Italy, during the thirty-first annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS), at the Congress Centre of Abano Terme (Padova, October 12 1999, Sala Pietro d'Abano, parallel session of oral contribution.). The speakers for the event in question they provided the following data: ecliptic longitude: 73,9 degrees ecliptic latitude: 3,1 degrees, distance at which occurred on fly-by: 56 au, period event: December 8 1992. Possible that up to now no one is interested in the mass of the trans-Neptunian object, and to his current position?

Of course if this story narratami from my source of 2006 is true, the space probe Pioneer 10 effected only a planned fly-by of the mysterious planet (Nibiru?), Ie a flyby relative velocity sustained. This is because only a spacecraft equipped with enough propulsion, such as ion propulsion, would be able to accelerate and decelerate for placing in orbit around the planet to study, after decades of sailing at high speed (about 12 km / second). The Pioneer 10 had only three pairs of rockets hydrazine to make small maneuvers, sufficient for small course corrections, not to approach and enter into orbit around a planet met after years of surfing on the trajectory of escape. Officially, the Pioneer 10 is directed toward the constellation of Taurus, and will pass near the star Aldebaran in about 2 millions of years. Every year the probe covers a distance of about 2,58 astronomical units. Officially, there the mission was considered finished by NASA on March 31 1997 for budgetary reasons, although its radio signals were received for some years (the last signal was received on January 22 2003).


Now we come to the second anonymous testimony that I received in February 2008. It was an episode of isolated contact. Later I realized that some ufologists Italians were approached in a similar manner. In fact, one of them popularized years ago on his YouTube channel the text of the email that was essentially identical to that received by me. I will divulge here almost in full for the first time after them, and they will be discussed later, in reference to the orbital elements of the comet Ison, discovered in September 2012.

Here is the text of the email that I received on February 26 2008 through an Internet service that allows you to send e-mail without being detected, especially useful for victims of violence and crimes, but also for those who live under the oppression of dictatorial regimes. My source used therefore a service that minimized the risks to be identified. I omit the name of the service chosen and used by my source, and even a single detail included in the email with reference to the estimated percentage of the potential harm to life on Earth, because the next passage of Planet X:


Dr. Scantamburlo << Hello, I am a researcher at the 'ESA, the European Space Agency. We read his articles on Planet X. Perhaps you will wonder if the Europeans know the planet X. You know the Europeans. After Americans, Russians and even the Vatican, they also have launched a probe to the fighter on the planet X. The probe is a twin of the Cassini-Huygens probe. Check the launch dates of the Cassini-Huygens mission. You will discover two dates: October 15 1997 and 4 1997 November. These dates are correct because both probes are two. One went to Saturn and Titan. The

other, her twin, she headed to Planet X. Moreover, the two probes were coupled with an interferometer gravitational allowing to accurately calculate the mass of Planet X. I hereby confirm that the analysis of the mass of Planet X have confirmed a mass equal to the mass of Jupiter 0.94. This planet will increase to an average distance of 0.4 AU from our planet. The effects of this transition will obviously be catastrophic. The twin of the Huygens probe was launched on Planet X, and sent a lot of data before being knocked down by hostile forces. At present all contact was lost with the probe. I can not tell you more. It applies to my life and my family. Know that in our scientific community many people know but no one will talk because they fear for their lives. From latest projections estimate that life on Earth will be reduced by ... [percentage omitted here, not to create unnecessary alarm. Note by Luca Scantamburlo].

There remain less than 5 years before the catastrophe. I chose not to nick the case NGC 6210 to identify me to her. If I can communicate some other information in this way will know that I am. Good luck. >>


Obviously I ADOP right now looking for feedback. I was not able to identify a second launch of the Cassini-Huygens mission, as I had suggested. The only official launch of the Cassini-Huygens mission (co-NASA-ESA-ASI) is dated October 15 1997. The whole story seemed so very doubtful, though it seemed to me sensible that even the European Space Agency (in English European Space Angecy, in short ESA) could have made efforts to study secretly Planet X.

Almost superfluous, but my duty to point out that officially the European Space Agency does not study secretly deep space, sending space probes occult, that there is no probe twin of the Cassini-Huygens mission dedicated to a meeting with the Planet X, nor does it seem that ESA has ever interessasata in recent years to the issue of Planet X. Nevertheless, it is natural that when a celestial body abnormally - or more anomalous celestial bodies - with a large mass, as near to the Sun and the Earth, as well as a space agency ESA would have an interest to know the details as soon as possible in about, and to study well in advance of the possible consequences of such a step. In this case, it is likely to think that there may be classified space programs and projects, the results of which are not intended for public disclosure, but a study of the management of emergencies. Moreover the same anonymous insider confessed "researcher ESA," admits that in addition to the United States and the Vatican, even the Russians would launch a spacecraft to study the Planet X.

click on photo to enlarge


For several years I thought about the content of this anonymous message (which was not followed by further communications) until it was discovered on September 21 2012 the comet C / 2012 S1, more simply known as Comet Ison, from ISON network name, acronym for International Scientific Optical Network, consisting of scientific institutions belonging to 18 9 States. The main coordinator of the network ISON is the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences. ISON is a project designed to monitor the near-Earth space, and space debris cosiddettri. Ison The comet was discovered by amateur astronomers Vitali Nevski (Belarusian) and Artyom Novichonok. Initially I did not realized that they were dealing with a comet. The asteroid believed, always a minor body of the solar system.

click on image to enlarge

When I checked the orbital elements of the comet - which was initially classified as an asteroidal object - I was astonished to note the value of its distance of perigee (minimum distance from our planet): This is the same value prophesied five years before from my mysterious caller , declared itself a researcher ESA. 0.4 << >> AU from our planet insider wrote on February 26 2008, several years before the official discovery of the comet Ison, that will pass to 0,429 astronomical units from Earth on December 26 2013, or about 64 million kilometers. I believe that this value can not be a mere coincidence, evidently there are characters and scientific institutions of all respect fully aware of the heavenly bodies in abnormal approach to the Sun More than one, then?.

Determine which of them is the so threatening Planet X, and if such body coincides with the mythical Nibiru, is a difficult task to solve. And this interpretation of the anomalous bodies is important as the Jesuit who contacted Barbato SIV and sent him the video of the alleged Nibiru ("Jesuit Footage"), spoke at the time of the secret radio telescope operated by the Vatican in Alaska, as a science center built in 1990 with the aim of studying the heavenly bodies << 'abnormal' on approach to land >> (from >> << Interview with Jesuit. Rome, 2001, Cristoforo Barbato, (C) 2006). The use of the plural is pregnant, and shows how the issue of Planet X declinarsi and can result in a set of celestial bodies related to our solar system (comets and non-periodic), which are of particular importance to us because of their approach and their nature.

So what meaning to the message that I received in late February 2008? Surely some data is incorrect: it is an example of the period of the supposed catastrophe. The ESA said and anonymous researcher wrote that there were less than five years before the catastrophe, implicitly understood the reference to the minimum distance between the celestial body and the Earth. It means 2012 December or January 2013 the limit. Nothing serious has happened, except for the asteroid exploded in Russia on February 15 2013. But it is equally clear that the coincidence of the values of perigee is absolutely baffling. I do not think that the comet Ison is Planet X, even if for a brief moment I believed that the figure of eccentricity of the orbit was not changed from the initial assessment, which was slightly less than 1 (the value associated to a body of nearly parabolic trajectory, then a celestial object that returns ciciclamente).

Today, given the eccentricity - updated as a result of numerous observations and based on precise calculations - places it around a value of just over 1. In this case the eccentricity indicates that the conic is a hyperbola, and therefore the celestial object moves on orbit hyperbolic (open), and therefore the comet is not periodic: destined to not return. Ison's visit would be the first and last within our Solar System. If so, how could this be Nibiru comet, planet of the gods and return, which would move along a closed orbit? It could not be because it would be a blatant contradiction. In addition, I have personally used the system of the JPL Horizons NASA, ascertaining that the 8 1992 December - the date of the alleged fly-by of Pioneer 10 with a body transneptunian unknown - the comet Ison would have the following coordinates:

RA (Right Ascension) h 07 36 51.26 s me, and Declination + 32 57 ° '42.4. "

To understand this would be in the direction of the Star of Gemini Castor (alpha Gem), just over the top left of the star, while the Pioneer 10 (on the same date) would have the following coordinates:

H m 04 51 13,54 RA and Declination + sec 25 38 '37.1 "

As seen from the values, they do not refer to the same area of the sky, and also the distances are different. For example, the comet Ison in December 1992 was about forty astronomical units from us, while the Pioneer in July 10 1992 had traveled almost over the fifty astronomical units. The Pioneer 10 - according to official data and what we know of the trajectory of the probe officer - may not have met the comet Ison.

At the same time this comet is presented as an abnormal objects. Not only for the exceptional brightness referred to perihelion passage, and even before (even brighter than the full Moon), but especially for the aura of mystery that surrounds it: why even today there are no valid estimates of the diameter of the core solid comet? Only few evaluations of some American scientist, who value a nucleus of only 5 kilometers. How can a nucleus of only 5 km herald of magnitude as the comet of the century, able to be visible even in broad daylight for a few weeks? In addition, as ever despite the apparent small size of the nucleus, the comet Ison is at the center of a program of observation of NASA? It was officially launched by NASA the Comet Observing Campaing Ison, in short "CIOC" (The Observing Campaign of Comet Ison). Why so much interest? And where are the images that surely the Hubble Space Telescope has already taken a long time? Those claims that are circulating on the Net for a few days, they are not the original ones, are not tied to a NASA official link, nor do they show the characteristic marking of Hubble Space Telescope images, with details of the instrumentation used (such as the Wide Field Planetary Camera, used to photograph the comet Hale-Bopp in 1995, already with an advance of two years than at perihelion). The CIOC will allow observation of the comet from space Ison by HST (Hubble Space Telescope), and Spitzer and Chandra space telescopes, just to name a few. I am of the opinion that for several years they are already used to study anomalous celestial bodies, without any need to put them in an observing campaign official.

In my opinion then you are worthy of great interest assessments made in recent months from the signing of the blogger pseudonym "Skywalk / Skywalksurvey", on the gigantic size of the head of the comet, or better than his' false nucleus "as I understand it. Please see in this regard the widespread collection of writings on his blog called "The supercometa the new millennium": The author (or authors?), She wonders if the core of the Ison both planetary scale. A legitimate question. The assessments made for now estimate a core of thousands of miles of magnitude. Of course are provisional and can not be considered a scientific truth recognized.

Of course, this cometary nucleus is surrounded by dust and gases emitted by the comet gradually due to the solar wind interaction with the radiant energy of the Sun, as the comet approaches the point of perihelion. This is known as "false nucleus", being the solid invisible from Earth, hidden by debris and gases. It is also said that the so-called hair nebula ("coma" in English) surrounding the solid core. Even the albedo of the comet nucleus is important, for the purposes of determining the size of the same. In any case of radar images - for example, obtained by the Arecibo Observatory or with the NASA Deep Space Network - would certainly give valid estimates of the comet's nucleus. Where are these images? The silence of the international scientific community than the size of the "comet of the century", it's embarrassing. Unless actually the nucleus of the comet is not present Ison of planetary dimensions, and in this case the silence would be due to understandable caution in order to avoid the dissemination of news disruptive. Another way to assess the size of the nucleus of a comet, is the close study by a space probe sent on purpose (see, for example, the Giotto probe launched by ESA in 1985, and who studied the Halley's comet in 1986, coming to pass just 600 kilometers from the nucleus).



Meteor showers ISON THE COMET?

Also the fact that the comet Ison is a "Sungrazing Comet", a comet grazing the Sun's family of "Kreutz sungrazers" with a very close perihelion (minimum distance from the Sun of 0.012 ua, about 1.1 million kilometers in late November 2013), and with the possibility of a breakdown of the same comet due to the Roche limit, could constitute a safety problem. If the comet has a larger nucleus of comets ordinary, its disintegration due to solar tidal forces could throw out debris with different trajectories. The same distance Earth Moid (the Moid in relation to the Earth) of the comet ISON, is another parameter to take into consideration: the so-called Moid is the minimum absolute distance between the orbit of a celestial body and that of another, regardless from their positions along the orbits. In English it is Minimum Orbital Intersection Distance. The Earth Moid on the comet Ison is: 0.023 astronomical units (source: NASA JPL, Small-Body Database), that is more or less 3 million and four hundred seventy-seven thousand kilometers. Very few Earth-Moon distances. It is a question of the minimum distance between the two conical in Space: Earth's (almost a circle), and that of comet Ison, hyperbole (iniziamente believed nearly a parabola). The Moid is a parameter subject to continuous change, due to disturbance of the major planets. Associated with the comet Ison there is also the so-called meteor / comet, and there is the possibility that the Earth passes through it in January 2014. Meteor showers come from comets in the Oort cloud (which is the case of the comet Ison) are rare events, as pointed out by Michael S. Kelly in a recent article circulated on the Net (2013, Ison Comet Is Coming << >>).

And again I ask: can the comet Ison is massive to the point of dragging with it asteroidal objects? A small natural satellites orbiting court, it would be possible? Do not forget that the same comet Hale-Bopp apparently had a small companion in tow,

about 30 km. And how will react the Sun and solar activity in general from the electromagnetic point of view, the perihelion passage of the comet Ison? Only a few months the dates of perihelion and perigee.

With what effect for the Earth and its inhabitants - I might add - we'll know soon. In any case, regardless of the comet Ison and his passage (hoping to be happy and leave us only the memory of a stunning celestial show), there are sufficient reasons to keep your eyes open, and prepare for the worst that the next few years could in Serbia have for us.

courtesy of Luke Scantamburlo

© L. Scantamburlo - 19 April 2013