NEXT In 1863, President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, which helps to change the...


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In 1863, President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, which helps to change the war’s course.

Section 1

The Emancipation Proclamation

Calls for Emancipation



The Emancipation Proclamation

• President Lincoln does not feel he has power to abolish slavery

• Does not want to divide the nation further by freeing slaves

• Abolitionists, Frederick Douglass, urge Lincoln to emancipate slaves

• If freeing the slaves weakens the South, then Lincoln would do it

The Emancipation Proclamation



• President Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863):- frees all slaves in Confederate territory

• Lincoln asks Congress to gradually abolish slavery throughout Union

• Frees southern slaves, weaken South, makes proclamation military action

• Proclamation makes Civil War a war of liberation

• Few slaves actually liberated because most live far from Union troops

Abraham Lincoln reading a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation to

his cabinet on July 22, 1862.

Response to the Proclamation



• Abolitionists are happy about Emancipation Proclamation

• Most Union soldiers welcome proclamation, it makes South weaker

• Some Northern Democrats afraid proclamation will anger South more

• Southerners outraged, many slaves begin to run away to Union lines:- deprives Confederacy of labor- provides Union with soldiers

African American Soldiers



• Emancipation Proclamation lets African American men join Union army

• African American soldiers are often given worse jobs, less pay

• After emancipation, African Americans rush to join army

• Show great courage on the battlefield• By war’s end, 180,000 black soldiers in Union army

The 107th Colored Infantry stand guard (about 1860–1865).

The 54th Massachusetts



• African American 54th Massachusetts Regiment 1st organized in North

• Heroics of 54th lead to increased African American enlistment

• Leads heroic attack on Fort Wagner in South Carolina (July 1863)

• African American prisoners often shot or returned to slavery by South

The storming of Fort Wagner, South Carolina, by the 54th Massachusetts Colored Regiment on July 18,

1863. Depiction (1890), Kurz & Allison.


Section 2

War Affects SocietyThe Civil War causes social, economic, and political changes in the North andthe South.

Disagreement About the War



• Southerners grow weary of war, Confederate deserters increase

• Lincoln has protesters arrested, suspends writ of habeas corpus

• Copperheads—Northern Democrats that favor peace with South

War Affects Society

Political cartoon showing the Union defending itself against "Copperheads."

The Draft Laws



• North, South pass laws of conscription, also known as the draft:- require men to serve in military

• North offers bounties, cash payments, to men who volunteer to serve

• In South, North men can hire substitutes to serve in their place

• Anger over draft leads to New York City draft riots (July 1863)

Economic Effects of the War



• Inflation—an increase in price and decrease in the value of money

• In North, inflation is less, war boosts industry• In South, food shortage, inflation are common

• U.S. establishes the first income tax—a tax on earnings (1861)

• U.S. issues new paper money, greenbacks, which:- ensures people have money to spend- helps Union pay for the war

Resistance by Slaves



• To hurt Southern economy, slaves:- slow their work pace or stop altogether- sabotage crops and farm equipment- refuse to join fleeing planters

• Many enslaved people run away from plantations, join Union army

Women Aid the War Effort



• Many women run farms, take over “men’s” work in factories, offices

• In North, Dorothea Dix is leader of about 3,000 nurses

• Work for soldier relief agencies and as nurses

• Women serve as spies, including:- Harriet Tubman for North- Belle Boyd for South

Nurse Anne Bell caring for two wounded Federal soldiers during the Civil War.



• In North, South prisoners of war face terrible conditions

• Camp at Andersonville, Georgia, is one of the worst in South

• Prison camp at Elmira, New York, is one of the worst in North

Civil War Prison Camps

• Thousands of prisoners die of sickness, exposure

Prison camp at Andersonville, Georgia.


Section 3

The North WinsThanks to victories, beginning with Gettysburg and ending with Richmond, theUnion survives.

The Road to Gettysburg


• President Lincoln names Ambrose Burnside as commander of U.S. army


• Burnside loses to Confederates at Battle of Fredericksburg (1862)

• Lincoln replaces Burnside with General Joseph Hooker

The North Wins

• Hooker loses to Confederates at Chancellorsville, Virginia

• Confederate General “Stonewall” Jackson is killed at Chancellorsville

• General Lee decides to invade North again to:- fuel Northern discontent with war- gain European support

The Battle of Gettysburg



• Union, Confederate forces fight 3 days, Battle of Gettysburg (1863)

• General Lee, Confederates retreat, Union army fails to pursue

• Confederate attack, known as Pickett’s Charge, fails

• Lee’s hopes for a Confederate victory in the North are crushed


The Siege of Vicksburg



• General Grant, troops fight Confederates at Siege of Vicksburg

• Union has control of entire Mississippi River, South is split in two

• After a month and a half siege, Confederates surrender (July 1863)

• Britain gives up all thought of supporting the South


Sherman’s Total War



• President Lincoln names General Grant commander of Union armies

• Captures Atlanta (September 1864), marches to sea, wages total war

• General William Tecumseh Sherman, Union troops push to Atlanta

• Union troops tear up rail lines, destroy crops, burn and loot towns

• Sherman’s success helps Lincoln win re-election• Sherman captures Savannah (December 1864)


Grant’s Virginia Campaign



• Grant’s army, Lee’s army fight series of battles in Virginia

• Grant’s army lays siege on Richmond, Virginia, for 10 months

• Despite high casualties, Grant’s army continues to advance

• General Lee, troops evacuate Richmond, Grant captures the city

Surrender at Appomattox



• General Lee sends message, he is ready to surrender to General Grant

• Grant offers generous terms, Confederates can return home in peace

• Surrender arrangements made at Appomattox Court House (April 9, 1865)

• After four long years, the Civil War comes to a close

General Lee surrendering to General Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, on April 9, 1865. Photograph (1887).


Section 4

The Legacy of the WarThe Civil War brings great changes and new challenges to the United States.

Costs of the War


• Many Northerners, Southerners have bitter feelings toward each other


• President Lincoln hopes to heal the nation, bring North, South together

The Legacy of the War

• Civil War, deadliest war in American history; has great economic costs

The Thirteenth Amendment



• Emancipation Proclamation only frees slaves in the Confederacy

• Thirteenth Amendment (1865) bans slavery in the entire U.S.

Lincoln’s Assassination



• John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre

• Lincoln dies morning after, (April 15, 1865), Seward recovers

• Booth’s accomplice stabs Secretary of State William Seward

• First American president to be assassinated

• Lincoln’s murder stuns the nation, causes intense grief

• U.S. troops kill Booth, capture his accomplices

The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s

Theatre in Washington, D.C., on April 14, 1865.

Consequences of the War



• U.S. is viewed as single country not collection of states

• The Civil War also causes:- national government to expand- national government to grow more powerful- new industries to grow rapidly- economic disaster in the South

