Newtown Newsies - Council Rock School District · 2019-11-21 · About the Newsies The Newsies are...


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Newtown Newsies

Issue #1

About the Newsies

The Newsies are a group of writers, authors, artists, and

designers who want to teach and entertain students and

readers of all ages. We meet weekly during R/A on 5A days. It

is a fun club, but the members associated with this club

understand that it is their responsibility to get done what they

signed up for. We always have a ball and encourage any

student who may be interested in joining to sign up. We

produce editions on the first of every month. We are the


Spirit Week

On october 21-25, our school participated in spirit week. The days were Pajama day, USA day,

decade day, Hawaiian/beach day, and pink and blue day! On some days, there would be themed

music playing as you entered the school! Everyone had a great time dressing up and it was a

great way to show school spirit!

Monday: Pajama day

Tuesday: USA day

Wednesday: Decade day

Thursday: Hawaiian and beach day

Friday: Pink and blue day

By: Ajuni S, Riley M, and Dylan R

Dodgeball Tournament

Last Thursday, October 24, almost one hundred kids gathered to the gym to start a legendary competition. Teams were formed, and outfits were put together over the last two weeks so the teams could prepare for the Dodgeball Tournament. The Phys Ed teachers paired teams up, and they played each other. The competition was intense, but at the end of the day, I think everyone had a blast. What’s not fun about snacks, friends, and dodgeball? The rules were that every team got two losses. After you lost once, you got another chance. But if you lost twice, then you and your team were done for the night. At the closing of the competition, the winners were a group of eighth grade boys called the Bad Dogs. Congratulations!


Halloween Dance by Jennifer Kolady

Newtown Middle School held its Halloween dance on October

17th at 7:00 pm in the gym. At the door, everyone was greeted

with a glowstick to light up the room. NMS even had its own

custom snapchat filter for the night! It was so much fun with the

blasting music and creative costumes. Such a great opportunity to

hang with your friends for the night! Thanks to everyone who put

this night together and to all of the students that attended.

HalloweenBy Caroline Takacs

Halloween of 2019 was such an exciting night for all the kids and families at NMS! Despite the rain and the bad weather, all the kids came to school with a smile on their faces in their creative costumes. Everyone who wore their costumes did an amazing job and had such creative outfits. Everyone’s spirit and effort was awesome. Everyone is excited for next year and can’t wait for the next holiday season to come around.

Pink Out by Kacie Welch

On Friday, November 1st, Newtown Middle School had a Pink Out Pep Rally to

get the sports players ready for the big Newtown vs Holland game. The school

also sold sweatshirts and T-shirts to help raise money for breast cancer! The Pep

Rally was super fun and exciting. They introduced the sports teams and played

some fun games. Four kids from each team, 2 girls and 2 boys, were chosen to

play a football hand-off game. The winning dodgeball team from the dodgeball

tournament played a dodgeball game against the teachers, and the teachers won.

The Newtown vs Holland game was a great game. Unfortunately, Holland won

both games with a score of 22-8 on heavyweight and 38-8 on lightweight, but

everyone still had a great time at the game!

Mr. Wiggs InterviewBY: Ava DeMaio & Izzy Teitleman

We interviewed Mr. Wiggs to find out some of his favorite things. His favorite

thing about teaching is working with kids. (We are better than adults!) Grading

papers is the worst part, he says.

Why do you love science?-- It’s interesting, a way to think, and I love sharing

science with the world.

Favorite season?-- Spring, because it is when all the trees start to bud out,

like a rebirth.

Favorite thing to do in your spare time? -- Mr. Wiggs loves surfing, walking his

dogs, Pearl and Violet, mountain biking, and spending time with his wife

Favorite sports?-- Mountain biking, surfing, and ice hockey

Mr. Long Interview pt.1 - Audrey StoreyIt was late October when I sat down with our school principal, Mr. Long, in his

office and asked him questions about his life. I found out a lot of things about him

that I and many other people did not know. He started working at Council Rock in

2006, but started working with kids who were 12-14 years of age at a Residential

Treatment Center in Wyoming in 1991. Growing up, his favorite subjects were

American history and math, and he also liked gym class. Mr. Long’s favorite grade

was sixth grade, because at the end of the year, the whole grade went to an

overnight camp called Camp Laughing Waters for 3-4 nights. He went to graduate

school at Montana State University where he majored in Special Education. He

also went to Arizona State University for graduate school, where he majored in

Administrative work. He went to undergraduate school at West Chester University

with a major in History and a minor in Psychology.

Mr. Long Interview pt.2 - Audrey Storey

His favorite thing about being principal is being able to goof around with the

students because kids these days have so much stress in their lives, and he

wants them to see him as a person not just their principal. Mr. Long loves anything

outdoors, and his favorite color is blue. His favorite Spirit Week day was Decades

Day because growing up, he saw people all around him dress like the students

dressed up on this day. He is married and has two kids, a daughter who is 14

years old and a son who is 17 years old. He is the youngest of five siblings in his

family! He has three cats and used to have two dogs, but sadly, one of them

passed away so now he only has one dog who is 12 years old. After living in many

states, Mr. Long has settled in Pennsylvania to lead our school. With his guidance,

I’m sure this will be a great year for all of us at Newtown Middle School!

Mr.Groves Interview- Chase Behrend

Mr.Groves is a Social Studies teacher on team 7A(Impact). He wants all students

to learn the true value of hard work. Where did you grow up? “ I grew up in

Morrisville, PA.” He has been teaching for 33 years! What was your favorite

subject growing up? “ Easily Social Studies.” Do you have any siblings? “ Yes, a

brother and a sister. I was the favorite.” Mr. Groves has one dog named Gibbs

Groves. He also has two daughters, one in the Coast Guard the other a part of the

Police. His favorite season is summer, for one big reason, the BEACH! What is

your favorite food? “Sushi for dinner and meatballs for lunch.” He does this every

day! He thinks of himself as a man of tradition.

Volleyball by Regan NesterukThis year’s Newtown Middle School volleyball season

has sadly ended.The team of 30 high spirited girls have

done an amazing job this season!

On our last game of the season, our varsity and JV

White teams had sadly lost, but not all hope was lost when

JV Blue was victorious!

This season was truly amazing, thanks to Mr Qualli

and Ms. Fetters. They stayed with the team everyday after

school until 4:45 pm for practice! A huge thanks to them!

These girls had a GREAT party with their teammates

to celebrate, and then sadly parted ways for this season.

Newtown Newsies

Football Interview By: Ajuni S, Riley M, and Dylan R.Tommy Terence Butler III

How's it like cooperating with your team.

“It's basically every man for themselves

in practice, but most of the time we all

get along.”

What position do you play?

”I play right tackle and D-line.”

Mack Marcy

What does football mean to you?

“Football, in my opinion, has a

requirement for everyone to get along,

so games go smoothly.”

What position do you play?

“I primarily play tight end, but I

occasionally play cornerback”

Varun Misra

What position do you play?

“I play O-line and D-tackle,”

Varun stated.

What is your favorite thing

about playing for NMS?

“I love being with my friends

and wearing white socks at

away games!”

ComicBy Erin Fey

Advice Column Almost everyone wishes it was still summer and some people are having trouble

adjusting to going back to school. I’ve recently went around and asked people what they’re still struggling to adjust to and the most common thing these students have said to me is managing their time correctly. Some kids forget to do their school work due to after school activities which can lead to other problems. My advice to you is first start off with your work that you find harder to get it out of the way. Then when you get done with the hard stuff you can get all you other work right out of the way! If you also have projects don’t start at the last minute, get the idea that you want for the project then plan it out. This way if you need something then you know what to need and finish your project quicker. I hope some of these tips will help you out and if you have any problems then let us know so we can give you more advice on next months articles!

By: Taylor Siegel

A Day in the Life on Team 7C by Sophia Caruso

Team 7C (Vision) is so much fun. We have great teachers and great people. 7C Core block is on 1A days and 2B days. During Core Block, we do things such as going on a walk in Tyler, watching movies, study hall, and more. From my point of view, I enjoy the team very much. It has a convenient location, because it is located by the doors to buses, the cafeteria, and it is pretty close to arts, the gym, and the library. I am cross-teamed, so walking through many people is hard to get to my class. By the C-Hallway stairs, there is a nice, quiet hallway that I use to walk over. Overall, I really enjoy being on the amazing team.

Meet Our Teachers:

❖ Ms. Porter - Reading (Team Leader)❖ Mrs. Parke - English❖ Mr. Wiggs - Science❖ Ms. Mock - Social Studies❖ Mrs. Strange - Math❖ Ms. Taminini - Math

Fantastic Facts! By Sophia Caruso

The American Flag that we know today was originally designed by a high school student in Ohio for a class project! His teacher had originally given him a B-.


Newsie Of The Month: Ava DeMaio!PART 1By: Ella Caruso

Ava DeMaio, one of our Newsies, was chosen to be the

Newsie of the Month. Here are some need-to-know facts

about Ava!

Her favorite thing about middle school is meeting new

people and learning new things. She is going to try out for our

school’s basketball team. Her favorite ice cream flavor is mint

chocolate chip, and her favorite color is teal. Even though her

favorite season is fall, she absolutely loves Christmas!

Newsie Of The Month: Ava DeMaio!PART 2By: Ella Caruso

When asked to recommend any good books, movies, or

shows, Ava loves Wonder (book and movie,) Elf (movie,) The

Office (show,) and The Goldbergs (show.) Her favorite song

is “Memories” by Maroon Five.

Those were some facts about Newsie of the month, Ava

DeMaio! Make sure to keep reading to learn about more

Newsies on our Newspaper staff!

Credits Editor

Mrs. Parke


Luccia Moraes

Vice Presidents

Sophia Caruso

Taylor Siegal

Dylan Robinson

Ajuni Sabharwal

Riley McDonnell

Justin Schneider

Audrey Storey

Caroline Takacs


Ella Caruso

Ava DeMaio

Erin Fey

Jen Kolady

Regan Nesteruk

Izzy Teitelman

Kacie Welch

Chase Behrend

SourcesNewtown Newsies -

About the Newsies -


Spirit Week -

Halloween -

Pinkout -

Volleyball - Pictures by Regan Nesteruk

Comic - Picture by Erin Fey

A Day in the Life on Team 7C -

Fantastic Facts -