Newsletter - · PDF fileNewsletter Dennis Voboril, ... Tjahjadi and Kafi Kurnia of Peka ......


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M o n t h l y U p d a t e f r o m F o r e i g n A g r i c u l t u r a l S e r v i c e , J a k a r t aM o n t h l y U p d a t e f r o m F o r e i g n A g r i c u l t u r a l S e r v i c e , J a k a r t a —— I n d o n e s i aI n d o n e s i a


Dennis Voboril, Counselor for

Agricultural Affairs of American

Embassy, Jakarta announced The

U.S. Department of Agriculture

(USDA) Council of Chefs (CoC) as a

annual program of Foreign

Agricultural Service (FAS) /United

States Department of Agriculture

(USDA) in Indonesia. This program

was established to support the

regional USDA Cooperators, U.S.

Suppliers, and local food industry.

The program objective is utilizing

the USDA Council of Chefs in

Indonesia to introduce existing hi-

value products or new-to-market

products through cooking

demonstrations, customer training,

recipes development based on

traditional local dishes, and

consumer sampling. To achieve

these objectives the Council of

Chefs who are local chefs assisted

the cooperators in development,

preparation and implementation

some innovative recipes using U.S.

food products and ingredients. The

CoC consisted of four Indonesian

Chefs: Mr.

Edwin Handoyo

Lauwy (Chef

Edwin Lau) is

specializing in

healthy food,

Mr. Muchtar

Alamsyah (Chef

Tatang) is

specializing in

hot-food, Mr.


Makmoer (Chef

Haryanto) is

specializing in

pastry, and Ms. Ucu Sawitri (Chef

Ucu) is specializing in baking.

On July 5-7, the USDA Council of Chefs participated in the Train the Trainer Program at Meranti Magsaysay Center for Hospitality and Culinary Arts in Jakarta. The series of training session had been carried out to give some highlights of U.S. produce, the application techniques, and some practical guidance and tips on how to cook and bake US fruits, dried fruits, nuts and potatoes. The first Train the Trainer program was conducted by Chef Mike Fleming, Director of the School of Baking Technology at CerealTech in Singapore. Leo Tjahjadi and Kafi Kurnia of Peka Consult as the representatives of some US agriculture cooperators in Indonesia also gave product knowledge introduction.

The chefs developed their own recipes after learning about different U.S. food products. They will share what they have learned with the Indonesian culinary industry through cooking and baking demonstrations in Jakarta and selected cities throughout

Indonesia. During the culinary course conducted by Chef Mike Fleming, the Indonesian chefs prepared dishes using products from a number of American agricultural producer associations including United States Potato Board (USPB), Washington Apple, Sunkist, Sunsweet, California Grapes, Bard Valley Medjool Fresh Dates, and Sun Maid Raisins. The chefs will continue to work with USDA producer associations and the local food industry to develop new Indonesian recipes using U.S. food products.

The Council of Chefs programs are funded by the USDA under its “Emerging Markets Program” (EMP). There will be two more courses during July to October, 2011 in U.S. and Jakarta, also, baking and cooking demo activities in Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya to be completed to achieve the objectives of USDA Council of Chefs – Train the Trainer Program.

USDA Council of Chefs: Developed New Indonesian Recipes Using U.S. Food Products

United States Department of Agriculture

USDA Blog—Reaching Out, Every Day in Every Way

Left—Right: Chef Tatang, Chef Ucu, Chef Haryanto, Mike Flem-ing, Chef Edwin Lau with their innovative creations .

V ol u m e 1 , I s s ue 1 1 0 A u g u s t, 2 0 1 1


Apple Banana Roll, Assorted Pukis, Pan Seared Scallops & Beef wrapped in Beef Bacon, Steak ala Indo-China. Amazing array of dishes created as part of the annual USDA Council of Chefs (CoC) Train the Trainer Program organize by FAS Jakarta in July 2011.

Chef Haryanto Makmoer and Chef

Ucu Sawitri, member of the USDA

Council of Chef had a baking demo

at the U.S. Food Ingredient Agent

Show in Bandung on July 14, 2011.


World Dairy Expo

September 28—October 2

Produce Marketing Associa-tion Fresh Summit

October 15—18

America’s Food and Bever-age Show and Conference

October 26—27

Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan 3 — 5

Jakarta 10110

United States Department of Agriculture

Foreign Agricultural Service Jakarta, Indonesia

Phone: 62-21-3435 9161Fax: 62-21– 3435 9920


Front row (L-R): Dr. Amy Estiati (LIPI); Sarah Simanjuntak (International Student Affairs & Hospitality, IPB); Dr. Puspita Lisdyanti (LIPI).

Rear row (L-R): Marika Olson (Ag. Officer, USAID Jakarta); Jonn Slette (Ag. Attache, FAS Jakarta); Dr. Harvey Glick (Senior Director of Scientific Affairs Asia, Monsanto); Dr. Suharsono, DEA (Director of Bioresources and Biotech-nology Research Center, IPB); Prof. Dr. Purwiyatno Hariyadi (Director of SEAFAST Center, IPB); Dr. Muhammad Agil, DVM, MSc.Agr. (Head of Division of International Programs, IPB); Dr. Roger Beachy; Dr. Bambang Purwan-tara, DVM, MSc. (Director of SEAMEO/BIOTROP); Titi Rahayu (Ag. Assistant, FAS Jakarta), Herry Kristanto (Corporate Affairs Lead, Monsanto Indonesia), Sidi Asmono (Country Coordinator Indonesia, PBS/IFPRI), Rahadian Pratama (International Programs’s staff, IPB).

Newsletter The Cochran Fellowship Program

The Cochran Fellowship Program trains and supports Fellows from developing nations agricultural systems and strengh the trade links with the U.S. The Cochran Fellowship Program accomplishes this by providing U.S. -based agricultural training opportunities for senior and mid-level specialists and administrators, from the public and private sectors, concerned with agricultural trade, agribusiness development, management, policy, marketing, and technology transfer. The program provides short-term training (about 2 - 3 weeks) in the United States. The Cochran Program works closely with USDA agencies, other government agencies, universities, and U.S. agricultural trade and market development associations to provide appropriate training.

Five Indonesian specialists who get the training opportunities through this program in 2011, include: Denny S. Agustin (SEAFAST Center, Bogor Agricultural University), for Baking Science & Technology Program at the American Baking Institute, KS; Endah Nurwulan, Fitrianna Cahyaningrum (both of them are the National Agency of Drug and Food Control’s officials) for Food Safety Pro-gram at the Michigan State University, MI ; Dr. Muljadi Daeng Mario (The Agency of Gorontalo Maize Information Center), and Aviv Andriani(Indonesian Cereals Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture) for Plant Genetics and Food Crops training at the Uni-versity of Missouri, MO.

Since its beginning in Indonesia in 1995, the Cochran Fellowship Program has provided training to 216 Indonesians o n such variety topics, such as: grain purchasing, post harvest development, animal health, food safety, biotechnology and quarantine.

Borlaug Fellowship Program 2011

Bambang Hanggono of Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Center, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fishery will fly to Tucson, AZ to conduct a short-term research on aqua-culture at the University of Arizona. Also, Dr. Sri Yuliani of Indonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture is going to the Purdue University , West Lafayette, INfor conducting a twelve-week research on application nanotechnology for food delivery system Both of them are sponsored by the 2011 Borlaug Fellowship Program in 2011.

The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program (Borlaug Fellowship Program) helps developing countries strengthen sustainable agricultural practices by providing short-term scientific training and collaborative research opportunities to visiting researchers, policymakers and university faculty while they work with a mentor. The program targets developing countries and places participants at land-grant universities and 1890`s colleges, government agencies, international research centers and other nonprofit institutions and private companies.

Indonesian scientists are eligible for Borlaug Fellowship Program since 2008. Up to now there are 10 Indonesian scientists received the award in the field of plant genetics, climate change, cocoa pest prevention, aquaculture, and food science & technology.

V ol u m e 1 , I s s ue 1 1 0 A u g u s t, 2 0 1 1

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) represents the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Indonesia and works closely with U.S. exporters, Indone-sian importers, trade associations, and Government of Indonesia officials to increase sales of U.S. agricultural products and promote food security.

FAS Jakarta in collaboration with U.S. Cooperators assist traders of bulk and intermediate commodities including wheat, soybeans, cotton, soybean meal, and forest products. FAS Jakarta also promotes sales of U.S. high value prod-ucts, such as dairy, fresh and processed fruit & vegetables and processed package and ready to eat food products.

Worldwide, FAS bears the primary respon-sibility for USDA’s overseas activities, including market intelligence (the collec-tion and analysis of statistics and market information), market access (international trade agreements and negotiations), and market development. It also administers USDA’s export credit guarantee and capacity building programs, as well as supports and administers U.S. Govern-ment programs targeted at the cross cutting issues of food security and climate change.

Linking U.S. Agriculture to

the world

We’re We’re

on the web!on the web!

About FAS Jakarta


U.S. Food Ingredient Agent Show 2011

A one day U.S. Food Ingredient Agent Show was held in Bandung, West Java on July 14, 2011. This show was conducted by Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Jakarta and Agrisource. In conjunction with the show, five seminars were organized involving famous chefs and experts to be the guest speakers and baking demonstrators. The exhibitors include: PT Kabulinco Jaya, PT Pandurasa Kharisma, PT Alam Subur Tirta Kencana, PT Pangan Lestari, PT Prambanan Kencana, PT Karunia Mitra Duta Sentosa (House of Culinaire), PT Nirwana Lestari, PT Surya Cemerlang Niaga Abadi, PT Libra Lestari Industrial, PT Sukanda Djaya, PT Ramoco Dinamika, PT Bandung Kulina Utama, PT Kelston Indonesia, PT Alison Agung, PT Kartikawira Adisukses, PT Candela Citra Cemerlang, PT Jakarta Sereal Trading, PT Ekacitta Dian Persada, USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council (USDPLC), US Raisins Administrative Commitee (RAC), US Potato Board (USPB), Food Export Association of the Midwest USA, PT Peka Consult: Washington Apple, Pear Bureau, Sunmaid Raisins/ PD Express Utama, Sunkist Growers, Medjool Dates.

Each exhibitor expect between 5—10% sales increase in the next year after participating in this event.

Dr. Beachy of Donald Danforth Plant Science Center’s Visit

Dr. Roger N. Beachy, a founder of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, MO, and former Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) visited Indonesia over July 25 – 28, 2011 to discuss new agricultural technologies. During Dr. Beachy’s three day visit, he met with a number of high-profile Indonesian decision makers, including President Yudhoyono. He also met with the Vice Rector and other high-level faculty members of the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) where he was able to tour IPB’s facilities, and engaged in a Q&A session with IPB staff with regard to agricultural technology and bio-technology in particular. Dr. Beachy also gave a presentation on the benefits of biotechnology at the Futurology Conference, held at the Shangri La Hotel, Jakarta on July 28, 2011.

Participants on the “U.S. Pulses: Innovative and Healthy Food Ingredients” presented by Dee Rich-mond—USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council (USDPLC).

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