NEWSLETTER Animal Behavior February, 1998 Vol. 43, No. I Society 1998... · 2014-11-07 ·...


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NEWSLETTER Animal Behavior


Vol 43 No I February 1998

A quarterly publication

Susan A Foster Secretary

Cristin Hulslander Editorial Assistant Department of Biology Clark University 950 Main St Worcester MA 01610 USA


357 hallots were cast in the 1997 election This is approximately 1 yt) of the memhership

The following officers were elected

Second President Elect Patricia Gowaty

Program Officer Emflia Martins

I)arliamentarian Kimberly Sullivan

Member-at-Large James Ha

Congratulations to the new officers and thanks to all who ran for office The new officers will begin their terms at the end of the annual meeting in July 1998

Call for Resolutions

Resolutions which deal with important and timely politlcal or SOCial Issues that members wish to submit for the cOllsideration of the ABS membership are requested by 15 May Suhmitted resolutions will be voted on at the annual bus1l1ess meeting in Carbonda1e Approved resolutions reneet the views of the Anima1 Behavior Society membership and are sent to the appropriate external agencies organizations or public Written resolutions should be sent to Dr Linda S Rayor Chair of the ABS Public Affairs Committee Dept of Entomology Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853 E-mail Isrl comeJledu


Some Good News and a Correction

No question about it Marty Scheins presentation in College Park last summer on our history and some 01 our records at the Smithsonian Institution was wonderful or course my spelling of his last name I Jl

my last note to you all was not~ So do be atIl1 Never trust your computers spellcheckers to save a fading memory I The effects can be well embarrassing Anyway Marty thanks and sorry

Upcoming and future meeting venues and possihilities are looking nice As you might guess youll find me in Carhondale IL dunng Lee Drickamers ABS meeting at Southern Illinol University Hope to see you there l

Its likewise good news that the Executive Committee has approved the bid by Michael Pereria and colleagues at Bucknell University to host a llleetin) for us in Lewisburg PA in I c)99 We aJ I appreciate their offer very much and this will he a great venue Actually we met there several years ago now and thal was a great meeting too And Moorehead University in Atlanta GA is the venue in 2000 and looks super

Finally possibilities beyond Atlanta are firming up nicely The campuses involved are west and south or recent meeting venues and I believe that you all the membership will be pleased when I am ahle to tell you more I know that I speak for us all when I extend a genuine thank you in advance to these generous and dedicated colleagues for considering my requests to host an annual ABS meeting

Have a great spring I


Bennet G Galef Jr

Chris Barnard the European Editor of Animal Behaviour and Bennet G GaleL Jr the North American Executive Editor have agreed to start publishing Reviews in the journal In anticipation of that developmelll the description of Reviews at the end of thi s message will SOOI1 be appearing in the Instructions to Authors published in the back of each issue of the Journal Please note that the procedure for subnllsslOll of ReViews is different from that for submission of Articles and Commentaries Academic Press the puhlishers of Al11mal Behaviour have agreed to proVide extra pages for publication of Reviews so their inclusion in the journal will not result in any fewer pages being devoted to publication of articles

The introduction of Reviews is an exciting devel opment in the Ii fe of the journal and one we hope will markedly increase its usefulness to you the subscribers Reviews should address fundamental issues relating to behaviour and provide new insights into the suhject(s) they COVeL Original interdiSCIplinary syntheses are especially welcome Reviews should he no longef than 6000 words (excluding references) and should include an abstract of up to 250 words In the first instance a Ilrclilllinary outline of up to 600 words should be sent to the European or American Executive Editor according to the geographical location of the author The decision as to whether to proceed to a full review thell rests with the Executive Editofs or invited advisers Contributions submitted on this basis will be subJected to the same refereeing process as normal manuscripts


Symposium proposals for the 1999 anIlual meeting must be sublllltted to the Program Officer by two months prior to the previous (1998) annual meeting or by May IS 1998 Proposals may be suhmitted by email or regular post to Program Officer Anne Clark For information email aclarkbinghamtonedu


ADS Newsletter and general correspondence concerning the Society Susan Foster Dept (11 Biology Clark University 950 Main St Worcester MA 01610-1477 USA Deadlines are the 15th of the month preceding each Newsletter The next deadline is April 15 1998

Articles submitted by members of the Society and judged by the Secretary to be appropriate arc occasionally published in the ABS newsletter The publication of such material docs not imply endorsement by the ABS of the opinions expressed

Animal Behavior Society Web Site httpwwwcisabindianaeduABS

Animal Behaviour manuscripts and editOrial matters Animal Behavior Office 2611 East 10th St Office 170 Indiana University Bloomington IN 47408shy2603 USA Phone (812) 856-5541 Fax (812) 856shy5542 Email ahofficeindianaedu

Change of Address missing Of defective issues or Animal Behaviour Animal Behavior Oltice 2611 East 10th St Office 170 Indiana University Bloomington IN 47408-2603 USA Phone (812) 856-5541 Fax (812) 856-5542 Email abofficeindianaedu


President David Duvall Dept of Zoology Oklahoma State Universitv Stillwater OK 74078 USA E-mail duvalldokwayokstateedu First President-elect Meredith West Departments of Biology and Psychology Indiana University Bloomington IN 47405 USA E-mail mewestbioindianaedu Second President-elect Andrew Sih Center for Ecology Evolution and Behavior University of Kentucky Lexington KY 40506-0225 E-mail andydarwinceebukyedu Past President Susan Riechert Dept M Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Tellnessee Knoxville TN 37996-1610 USA E-mail sriecherutkedu Treasurer Marlene Zuk Dept of Biology University of California Riverside CA 92521 USA E-mail mzukcitrusucLedu Secretary Susan Foster Dept of Biology Clark University 950 Main St Worcester MA 01610shy1477 USA E-mail sfosterc1arkuedu Program Officer Anne Clark Department or Biological Sciences Binghamton University Binghan1lon NY 13902 USA E-mail aclarkbinghamtolledu


y Parliamentarian Kimberly Sullivan Department or Biology Utah State University Logan UT 84322-5305 USA E-mail yejuncoccusuedu

v Editor Bennett G Galef Jr Dept of Psychology McMaster University Hamilton ON L8S 4Kl Canada E-mail galeffu)mcmasterca

Members-at-Large Jean-Guy Godin Department 01 BIOlogy Mount Allison UllIversity Sackville NB E4L IG7 Canada E-mail jgodinmtaca Ken Yasukawa Department of Biology Beloit College Beloit WI 53511 USA E-mail yasllkawafu)hcloitedu Michelle p SCOll Dept 01 Zoology University of New Hampshire Durham NH 03824 USA E-mail mrs (Qchri slallllhedu Historian Donald Dewshury Dept of Psycholngy University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611 USA E-mail dewshuryfu1wehhpsychulledu


~embership Jennifer Fewell (1999) ChairshySuzette TanJill (1999)shyKathy Karlsteed (ll)99) Luxl--t~ Carole Skinner (1999) shyPeter Smallwood (200m shyJohn Van Weltering (2000) shy


Jim Benedix (20(x)) Chair Susan Riechert ( 19(8) I Andy Sill (1998)3 Kim Sullivan (19(8)4 Jill Mateo (1998) George Waring (1999) Linden Higgens (2000) Matt Groher (2000)

Education Micllael Renner (200()) Chair

Susan Riechert (1lt)98) I shyAndy Sih (1998)3 Nancy Solomon (1998)shyCheryl Logan ( 19(8) shyTom Sproat (1998) shyKathleen Morgan (1998) shyMary Crowe (1999) shy

~ Lynne CookiI(99) Lauren Wentz (1999)shySylvia Halkin (2000)shyPenny Bernstein (2000) shyJim Krupa (2000) _

Organization and Bylaws Kim Sullivan (1998)4 Chair shy

Jennifer Mather (1998) -Maggie Hodge (1999)shyJennifer Clarktl2(00)_

Nomination v Susan Rierchert (1998)1 Chairshy

Hugh Dingle (1999) Lee Drickamer (2000)shy

Animal Care Dehorah Forthman (1999) Chair

Martin Kavaliers (1998) Janette Wallis (ll)l)8) Robert Si kes ( 19l)8) II

Merle Krause (1998) V)t Mark Krause (1998) Randall K yes (1999) Dan Salden (1999) Sylvia Taylor (1999) Jennifer Weeks (2000)

Public Affairs Linda Rayor (2000) Chur

Linden Higgens (1998) Kim Sawrey (1998) Laura Higgens (1998) Marta Hersek (2000)

Film v~Neil Mercando (2000) Chair

Boh Woll (1998) Randall Wol fe (1998) Anne Storey (1999) Diselle Mora (1999) Dehorah Martin (2000) oJ Haken Cetinknya (2000) ~ David Duvall (ad hoc)

Research Grants v Jean-Guy Godin (1998)5 Chair

Kcn Yasukawa (1999)5 Michelle Scott (2000)5 Chris Maher (1998) Martha Chaiken (1998) Beth Jakoh (1998) Caldwell Hahn (1999) Jnhn Alcock (1999) Tom Jenscn (1999) Rohert Jaeger (2000)

Ethics Dehorah Gordon (199lt)) ChaIr Charles Blaich (1998) Jeffery Walters (1998) Barbara Turpin (1998) Sarah Lewis (1999) Fred Dyer (1999)


Dan Cnstoi (2000) Developing 1iations Research Grants Gordon Schuett (2000l Committee (ad hoc)

j Ken Yasakawa (1999)5 Chair Issues in Applied Animal Jean-Guy Godin (19Y8)5 John Wright (2000) Chair Michelle Scott (2000l5 Marianne Feaver (1998) Hugh Drummond (1998) Sheila Foran ( 1 (99) Brian Sullivan (1 (98) Victoria Voith (19(9) Suzanne Hells (2000l ARSmiddotASAR Liaison Committee (ad hoc) Peter Borchelt (2000) Chair BPC suocommillee Mereditll West (1998)2 Sue McDonnell 19(9)

Jeff Galcr (1998) Chair Mike Beecher (1998) Lee Drickamer ( 1(98)

Kathryn Bayne (1999) Pam Reid (1999)

Susan Riechert (19Y8) Meredith West (1998)

Con Siohodchikoff (2000) Dan Estrep (2(X)0) Legislative Liaison (ad hoc)

Indicates memhers of Board of Professional Ircne Pepperherg ( 1998)

CertificatIOn suocommittee (BPC) Latin American Affairs (ad hoc) Zuleyma Tang-Martinez ( 1(1)10 Chair

Career Awards Chuck Snowdon (1998) Susan Riechert (1998) I Chair Peter Narins (1998) Ken Yasakawa (1999raquo) Giselle Mora (2000) Michelle Scott (200m) Gabriel Francescoli (l9S18) Jean-Guy Godin (1998raquo) Dwain Saillee (1998) Sid Gauthreaux (19Y8) Hugh Drummond (11)1)8) Stuart Altmann (lYY9) Martha Chaiken (IY99) Liaisons (ad hoc) Linda McPheron (199Y) AAAS (Sec G) -- Patty Gowaty (lY98) Tom Jensell (200m AIBS Carlos Ruis-Miranda (ISlI)8)

APA Donald Dewshury (lY98) Endowments APS -shy Kathleen Morgan (IY98) Ir Perdle (2000) Chair AAALAC -- Joy Mench ( 19(8) LlUril Hieslend (1998) SICB -- Steve Nowicki (191)9) Will Gergits (1998) Neurosciences--Martha Chaiken (1998) Stephen Zawistowski (1999)

~aul Weldoll (2000) gtNi~ Webmasters (ad hoc) ABSnet- Jim Ha (1998)

Conservation yenlWW page- Shan Duncan ( 1(98) I i111 Ha (IYYY) Chair Allison Aloerts (1998) shy Project l)jrector for the ABS Central Office Cheryl Asa (1999) ~ (ad hoc) )anine Clemmons (1998) ~ Meredith West (1998) Guillermo Paz y Mii10 (1999) Cully Nordhy (1998) Animal Behaviour Journal Commilec Promotion

M elssa Flemlllg (200m ~-Carolie Caffrey (2000) ~

Commillee (ad hoc) TBA

Christine Hood (2000) Ex officio Memhers (these indiVIduals are regular voting memhers on ABS committees)

Investments (ad hoc) Randall BreitwischChair (2(X)O) I This position is flllcd hy Past-Presidelll bnl Brockmann (1998) 2 This position is lilled hy First President-Elect Bennell GaleI (1998) 3 This position is filled hy Second Presidelll-Elect PatriCia DeCoursey (1998) 4 This position is filled hy Parliamentarian Robert Matthews (19(8) 5 This position is filled hy Me111bcr-at-Largl


ABS AUTHORS If you have written or edited a book pertinent to animal behavior which was published in 1997 or will have a book coming out in 1998 please send the citation and a brief synopsis of its contents to Dr Linda Rayor Dept of Entomology Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853 Isrl cornelledu Chair of ABS Public Affairs Committee


RenewalStatus forms for 1998 have now heen mailed to all active and lapsed members with valid addresses on me If you havent received yours or your envelope was missing either the renewal form or information form please contact the central office (aboffice(g)indianaedu) or use the Application Renewal form on the hack of this newsletter You may also download a form from the ABS web site at httpwwwcisabindianaeduABSMemheriindex htm It your membership lapsed in 1997 and you wish to order 1997 journals you may do so by paying I iN7 dues (same as 1(98) and noting that you wish to receive 1997 journals on your form al1llJor check



The I lt)96 Animal Behavior Society Graduate Program Bulletin (Canada Mexico and the United States) prepared by the ABS Education Committee is once again available It is on line at the ABS web site httpwwwci sabi ndianaedu ABSResourceli ndex htm Hard copy is also available for $800 from the Central Office (see direction of correspondence)


The Constitution Bylaws and Handbook are on line at the ABS web site httpwwwcisabindianaedu Also posted are committee membership lists and a variety of other items concerning the Society and its members



Thanks to the generosity of William C Brown Publishers the Animal Behavior Society solicits nominations for the William C Brown Animal Behavior Teaching Award for 1998 to be awarded at the 1998 ABS meeting in Carhondale Illinois The awardee will receive a $500 personal stipend and a grant of $500 to enhance undergraduate instruction U1

animal behavior at the awardees institution Nominees for the award must show evidence of effective and innovative teaching and have a reputation among peers and studellls for excellence in ulldergraduate animal behavior instruction mail1l~lncd over a number of years Persons wishing to make a nomination must submit a one-page nomination letter and names addresses and phone numbers or at least two additional references Selection will he made by the ABS Education Committee upon receipt of a nominating letter the committee will solicit supporting materials such as course syllabi student evaluation summaries letters from students or peers documentation of teaching awards and innovatiolls textual Of laboratory materials and other ind ical(ifS il t superior undergraduate teaching Nominator and nominees must be members of the Animal Behaviur Society current ofticers and committee chairs or tile Animal Behavior Society are not eligible lor nomination Nominations must be submitted by March 15 11)98 to Dr Michael Renner Chair of the ABS Education Committee Dept of Psychology West Chester University West Chester PA 19383


Sites for future ABS meetings are needed Anyone wishing to host one of our meetings should contact David Duvall to discuss reljuiremems and to receive further information


JOHN T EMLEN JR 1908-1997

By John Stephen and Woody Emlen

John T Emlcn Jr - gentle man enthusiastic naturalist teacher scholar and longstanding professor at thc University of Wisconsin - Madison died Noemher 8 1997 at the age of 88 after a hrief illncss

Johnny was horn 111 Germantown PA in 1908 to John T Emlcn and Mary Jones and grew up attending Germaillown Friends School He studied at Haverford College (BS 193 I) and COflle]] University (PhD in ZoologyOrnithology 1(34) In IY34 after working as a park naturalist at Glacier National Park he married Virginia Merritt daughter of Corncll phySICS profcssor Ernest Merritt and Bertha Sutcrmcistcr Merritt

Hc first wcnt to Madison to work with Aldo Leopold and for thc US Burcau of BIOlogical SUfvey Then In 1935 he joined the hiology department at the University of California at Davis where he served as inslfuclOr of zoology until 1942 when hc joined the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Puhlic Health on a wartime project on fat control in the city of Baltimore Aller the war he returncd to Madison as l~sllciate professor of zoology at the University of W1SUJl1~lIL Advanced to full professorship in IY47 ilL ~crved as department Chalflll(ln from 1950 to 1953 ll1d conunued as professor and selllOf zoologist until IllS retirement in 1974

Dr Emlen was a pioneer in evolutionary studies of animal ecology and bchavior concenlfating Oil field studics of hirds and mammals in their natural hahitats He was a fcllow of numerous professional societies and served as president of the American Ornithologists Union the Wilson Ornit11Ological SOCIety and the Wlsconslll Socicty lor Ornithology He was both a John Simon Guggenheim and Flllhright Fellow and rccelved the highest honor conferred in American ornithology the Elliot Coues Award in 1973 At the Univcrsity wherc he was fondly known as Doc he ll1entored 19 doctoral and 22 Masters students many of whom arc current Icaders in their disciplincs throughout the world In his later years the University estahlished a scholarship lund in his name to he awarded each year to a graduatc student with outstanding potential for creativity in field research

Beset with heart problems In 1965 he was ohliged to go part time at the University Nevertheless he managed to continue his research studies working as

a team with his wife Jinny in many parts of the world He summarized his life in the following words I can look back over a rich Uld rewarding life in which I have visited all of the worlds continents and many of its islands How lucky can a guy get

He is survived by his wife Virginia and threc sons John Merritt Emlcn senior biologist with the CS Gcological Survey in Seattle W A Stephen Thompson Emlcn professor oi hehavioral ecolugy at Cornell Ulllversity in Ithaca NY and James Woodmff Emlcn Vice President for Exploratory Research at COllnetIcs Corporation in Palo AI to CA He has five grandchildren Douglas Emlen an assistant professor of Zoology at the University of Montana Katharine Emlell of Boulder CO Owen Emlen and Rohyn Emlcn of Denvcf CO and Scott Emlen of Seattle

Rememhrances should he scnt to the John T Emlen Scholarship Fund at the University of Wisconsin Foundation po Box 8860 Madison WI 537()Xshy8860


The Founders Memorial Postcr Award will he made this year in honor of John T Emlen a founder and Fellow of the Animal Behavior Socicty



The Behavior and Husbandry Advisory Group (B HAG) of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) requests ethograms for an Ethogram Rcpository

For many zoo staff and affiliates wishing to initiate a behavioral study particularly of a little-known or rare speCies a hottlencck III thc process is compiling an ethogram AddiLIonally zoo staff find ethograms useful when adding a new species to their collection dcsigning appropriate enrichmcnt and cxhihits and developing signs and educational materiaL

To facilitate the usc of hehavioral information in zoos the Behavior and Hushandry Advisory Group or the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) is estahlishing a repository of ethograms We have begun the process of collecting and compiling cxlsting ct1ograms and would like your help We arc making a standing request oj rescarchcr~ in Animal BehavlOr to assist us in this effort by sending copies (If published or unpublished ethograms they have dcveloped and used in their studics Authors of the etl10gram will be cited at the top of the first page Ethograms will bc stored and provided to AZA lllemhcr institutions (with relevant citations) upon re4uest

TI1C BHAG memher who will serve as contact person for collecting and distrihuting ethograms is Dr Tammie Betllnger Cleveland Melroparks Zoo 1900 Wildlife Way Cleveland OH 44109 USA (216) 661-6500 Fax (216) 661-3312 e-mail tammieh(g) ix netcomC(ll11

At this limc we arc rcquesting only vertehrate hehavior elhograms and those of cephalopods AllJlllugh it is optional we would prefer that donor~ ll1IilJ(je the following information with thcir ethograms unless it is part of a puhlication included with the ethogram SpecICs author of the ethogram location of thc study lcngth ()f study period sampling method composition of the study group (ie single animal single sex group or mixed sex group) contact person for questions amp any additional references you would recommend We would also appreciate any suggestions the author has for modifications to the ethograms used in a study Please scnd your hard copy or e-mail to the above contact


FORAGING98 An international conference on animal foraging hehavior will be held 21-24 July 199R at the University of California at Santa Cruz This will precedc the mceting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology in nearhy Monterey CA Organizers are Dave Stephens Marc Mangel and Don Kranler Deadline for Ahstracts and Pre-paid Registration is 15 March 19l)8 More information Foragingl)S Department or Ecology Evolution and Behavior University of Minnesota 100 Upper Buford Circle SL Paul MN 55101 USA VWW hup nashcbs u mn edu foragi ng ltforagingnashcbsul1lnedugt

The 5th International Congress of Neuroethology in La Jolla CA is rapidly approaching Although the target date for requesting the second circular (with full information ahout registration ctc) passed in Decemher it is not too late to indicate your interest But please dont delay any further The Congress Will take place on August 23-21 19l)8 on the campus of thc Uni versity of California San Diego in La Jolla California There will he 10 plenary lectures 20 symposia evening lectures and special eve11ls You may learn more ahout the Congress by visiting the ISNs Website at hllpwwwneumhioarizonaeduisn You may requcst registration lIlformation hy contacting ProL WB Kristan Dept of Biology UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA l)2093-0357 USA Telmiddot (619) 534-4760 Fax (619) 534-7309

email w kristan (gucsd ed u -or - asorgen frey (g)ucsd edu

The 10th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society will be held at the University of California at Davis 8-12 July )l)98 Davis is twenty minutes from Sacramento Metropolitan International Airport In July temperatures can range from pleasantly warm to hot The meeting will feature plenary speakers and one keynOle address Housing will be in UCD dorms or at local hotels (a list of hotels will he provided) Abstracts for papers arc due March 16 symposia ahstracts (consisting of four thematically-linked papcr abstracts demonstrating a synthetic and interdisciplinary focus) are due Fehruary 16 1998 Details for ahstracts will he forthcoming We welcome papers ol1llon-human animals that have relevance to human hehavior The program organizers are Jane Lancaster and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder the local host is Peter Richerson and the committee members are Denise Cummins Debra Judge Lore Ruttan and Joanna Scheib Beginning January 199R a web page for the meeting can he f()tllld at

httpwww desucdavisedu


XIII World Meeting of ISRA The International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) is a society of scholars and researchers interested in the scientific study of violence and aggression The society is both international and interdisciplinary and meets every other year on alternaung co1ltments Currently there are over 300 members from 34 countries with specialties in psychology psychiatry phYSIOlogy SOCIOlogy uIthropology animal behavior and pharmacology The current president of ISRA is Rowell Huesmann of the Unive rsity of Michigan and the Executive Secretary is Ed Donnerstein of the Univ of California Santa Barhara ISRA puhlishes a journal of research cntitled ARRressive Behavior (edited by Ron Baenninger or Temple University) and the ISRA Bulletin edited hy Roger Johnson (USA) and Kaj BJorkqvIst (Finland) From July 12-17 1998 ISRA will celehrate its 25th anniversary with the XIII World MeeUng TIle conference will be held on the campus or Ramapo College or New Jersey a 300 acre campus located in the suhurhan town of Mahwth New Jersey just 20 miles from New York City The conference will run from Sunday July 12 through Fnday July 19 and will include symposia invited addresses paper and poster SeSSl()I1S and SOCIal events All sessIons will bc held on the Ramapo College campus except for olle symposium which WIll be held at the Rockereller University in New York City The program co-chairs are MaryAnn and Ron Baenninger The deadline for submission of proposals for symposia is December L 1997 The deadline for submission of paper and poslCr presentatlllns is Feb I 1998 For details Oil

submission procedures plcase contact MaryAnn Baenninger Dept of Psychology The College of New Jersey PO Box 7718 Ewing New Jersey USA 08628-0718 or send emaillO baenlllllg(Qgttcnjedu The conkrence organwr IS Roger N Johnsoll Details about housltlg and regIstratIon will be announced III HIe December Issue of the ISRA Bulfelin For additional informatioll please visit the conference web site httpwwwski-towncomJisra


The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare will be published by Greenwood Press (Westport Connecticut) and is tentatively scheduled for release in June 1998 Edited by Marc BekolT of the University of Colorado this oncshyvolume retcrcnce work wIll prOVIde essays by recognized authorities in the field addressing many issues of animal rights and animal welfare The Foreword was written by Jane Goodall For more information please contact Marc Bekoff EPn

Biology University of Colorado Boulder Colorado 80309-0334 USA (e-mail marcbekoffeoloradoedu)

The Center for Field Research in viles proposals for 1998-1999 field grants funded by its affiliatc Earthwatch Earthwatch is an international non-profit organIzation dedicated to sponsoring tield research and promotlllg public education III the sCIences and humanitIes Past projects have been successfully fielded in but are not limited to the following disciplines animal behavior biodiversity ecology ornithology endangered species entomology marine mammalogy ichthyology herpetology marine ecology and resource and wildli fe management Interdisciplinary projects are especially encouraged as is multinational collaboration Information can be round at hllpwwwearthwatcllorgcfrclrhtml or you can cOlltact Tile Center for FIeld Research 680 Mt Auburn St Watertowll MA 02272 Tel (617) Y2(1shy8200 Fax (617) lJ26-8532 e-mail cfrearthwatchorg


The Sccretary would like III remind you allhough I try to avoid listing situations that arc already filled the time lag between submission and arrival of the Newsletter can cause Ulis to occur Please contact those offering the opportunities before applying

Assistant needed for study of avian sociality dispersal and population genetics in Australia Two licld assistants arc needed I August 31 November for a comparative study or the mating systems dispersal tactics and population genetics or two species of Australian treecreeper The primary study sIte is In eucalypt woodland in central New SUUUI Wales Duties will include nest-finding behavioral observatiolls radio-tracking mist netting banding and bleeding adults and nestlings Applicants should have experience with at least some of these activities be in good physical condition and willing to work oftell long l10urs in hot or cold weather Preferred applicants will have experience studying behavior in individually-marked populations Comfortable ilousing and a stipenJ of $400mo ($AUD) will be provided (along with fCUllastic native wildlife l ) but applicants MUST provide their own airfarl to Australia Send a cover letter resume and a list or 3 references including addresses and phone numbers before 1 Aprillo ERIK amp VERONICA DOERR Program in Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology University of Nevada Reno NV 89557 (cdoerrunrcdu)


Undergraduate Summer Research Internships - The Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) at Indiana University i nvlles applicaWlns to our NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Animal Behavior A total of 10 REU internshIps will he awarded to stUlicnts tn participate in this program irom I June to 8 August 10l)8 Each internship provides a $2500 stipend room amp hoard and transportation costs to ~Uld frolll Indiana University or the study site Undergraduates of racialethnic minorities first generation college or low income families are especially encouraged to apply hut all applicallls will he cllnsidered Applications will he accepted ulIlll all POSIlHlIlS are rilled For further information and application forms contact Linda Summers Administrative Assistant for REUCISAB at (812) 855-lJ663 or lIsnl11mer(aindlltlnacdu

Opportunities in the study of animal welfare A new animal welfare program was launched at the University llf British Columhia (in Vancouver Canada) in Octoher I JY7 As a key element in the program we are creating research and lraining opportunities for graduate studellls ami postshydoctoral workers Our funding comes from a range of interested partICs lllcluding the humane movement the veterinary profeSSIOn and animal agriculture and we hope to devel up resetrch projects to address wei fare issues relevant to these various supporters Two types of candidates are paniclarly encouraged (1 ) Students working in the life sciences especially with hackgrounds in hehaviour to conduct hehavioural or related research on farm lahoratory c()lllpanion or wild allimals (including Ilsh) directed at signillcltlm animal welfare issues and (2) students interested in interdisciplinary studies wiLh appropriate hackgrounds in the social sciences law and other nelds to conduct research on Issues suetl as the adetjuacy of legal proteCliou 01 allllllals the impact of international trade on alllmal welfare and the ellecliveness or animal protection programs We welcome inquiries from potential graduale students and post-doctoral workers with a strong interest in animal welfare and outstanding aptitude for research and team-work The Animal Wei lare Program has some financial support availahle and will assist others in applying for fundIng Please contact David Fraser and Dan Weary Department of nll11al SCIence and Centre for Applied EthICS University of British Columhia 2357 Main Mall - Suite 208 Vancouver V6T I Z4 Canada tel 604-822-2040 (Fraser) 604-822-3954 (We~uy) fax 604-822-4400 E-mail davidfraser(giuhcca dan w~ary(ajunixguhc ca httpwww jntcrchang~ u hcc a1agscii animal sc ilchair htm I

Volunteers - Approximately 30 volunteer positions arc open in 1998 at the American Museum of Natural Historys Southwestern Research Station in Portal Anzona The volunteer program IS run annually and olfers students in hiological sciences outstanding opportunities to ohserve and hecome involved with field research Food and lodging are provided in exchange lor 24 hr per week oj rOUline chores with the rel11aming time availahle for research The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students the latter may pursue their own research Volunteers are needed hetweell March 15 and Nov I Appointments are ror part ()f UllS period WIth a minimuIll of six weeks Applicants for spring (March-May) should suhl11it application hy Feh 15 summer volunteers (June-August) hy April I am fall volunteers (Sept - Nov) any time Dr Wade C Sherhrooke Director SouUIwestern Res~arch Station American Museum or Natural History Portal AZ 85632 USA Phone (520) 558-2396 e-mail swrs(a alllllhorg

Volunteer field assistants needed lor study 01 hehavioral ecology of Utah prairie dogs Topics of research include variance in male and remal~ reproductive success multiple paternity kin recognitinfl alarm calling infanlIClde communal nursIng levels of Inhreeding demography and population dynamICS Study site is in Bryce Canyon National Park Utah Field season starts 5 March and ends 10 July The only requirement is that you liave a genuine interest in field research in ecology and social hehavior Academic credit is possihle and several prevlOus assistants have applied research toward eIUwr a senior thesis or Mastcrs degree Contact John L Hoogland The University of Maryland Appalachian Lahoratory Frosthurg MD 21532 Tel 30 1-68lJ-3115 x216 (work) or 301-689shy8076 (home) Fax 301-68J-8518

Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecologist Tell ure Track Assistant Professor Position for Fall ilJ08 Application Deadline Review of applicatiolls will hegin March 1 19J8 and wiIl continue until the position is 1l1Ied Salary commensurate willI experience Requirements PhD in a hiological sciences area directly related to tcrrestrial vertehral ecology Preference will he given to individuals WIth

expertise or expericnce in two or more or the following areas ornithology mammalogy animal hehavior and wildlife management In addition applicants must have the ahility to teach undergraduate and graduate students and do research Responsihilities Course coordination and team teaching in general ecology plus teach other courses for undergraduate and graduate students relating to terrestrial vertehrate ecology in Ue applicants area ul expertise Conduct research involving undergraduate


andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



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Bennet G Galef Jr

Chris Barnard the European Editor of Animal Behaviour and Bennet G GaleL Jr the North American Executive Editor have agreed to start publishing Reviews in the journal In anticipation of that developmelll the description of Reviews at the end of thi s message will SOOI1 be appearing in the Instructions to Authors published in the back of each issue of the Journal Please note that the procedure for subnllsslOll of ReViews is different from that for submission of Articles and Commentaries Academic Press the puhlishers of Al11mal Behaviour have agreed to proVide extra pages for publication of Reviews so their inclusion in the journal will not result in any fewer pages being devoted to publication of articles

The introduction of Reviews is an exciting devel opment in the Ii fe of the journal and one we hope will markedly increase its usefulness to you the subscribers Reviews should address fundamental issues relating to behaviour and provide new insights into the suhject(s) they COVeL Original interdiSCIplinary syntheses are especially welcome Reviews should he no longef than 6000 words (excluding references) and should include an abstract of up to 250 words In the first instance a Ilrclilllinary outline of up to 600 words should be sent to the European or American Executive Editor according to the geographical location of the author The decision as to whether to proceed to a full review thell rests with the Executive Editofs or invited advisers Contributions submitted on this basis will be subJected to the same refereeing process as normal manuscripts


Symposium proposals for the 1999 anIlual meeting must be sublllltted to the Program Officer by two months prior to the previous (1998) annual meeting or by May IS 1998 Proposals may be suhmitted by email or regular post to Program Officer Anne Clark For information email aclarkbinghamtonedu


ADS Newsletter and general correspondence concerning the Society Susan Foster Dept (11 Biology Clark University 950 Main St Worcester MA 01610-1477 USA Deadlines are the 15th of the month preceding each Newsletter The next deadline is April 15 1998

Articles submitted by members of the Society and judged by the Secretary to be appropriate arc occasionally published in the ABS newsletter The publication of such material docs not imply endorsement by the ABS of the opinions expressed

Animal Behavior Society Web Site httpwwwcisabindianaeduABS

Animal Behaviour manuscripts and editOrial matters Animal Behavior Office 2611 East 10th St Office 170 Indiana University Bloomington IN 47408shy2603 USA Phone (812) 856-5541 Fax (812) 856shy5542 Email ahofficeindianaedu

Change of Address missing Of defective issues or Animal Behaviour Animal Behavior Oltice 2611 East 10th St Office 170 Indiana University Bloomington IN 47408-2603 USA Phone (812) 856-5541 Fax (812) 856-5542 Email abofficeindianaedu


President David Duvall Dept of Zoology Oklahoma State Universitv Stillwater OK 74078 USA E-mail duvalldokwayokstateedu First President-elect Meredith West Departments of Biology and Psychology Indiana University Bloomington IN 47405 USA E-mail mewestbioindianaedu Second President-elect Andrew Sih Center for Ecology Evolution and Behavior University of Kentucky Lexington KY 40506-0225 E-mail andydarwinceebukyedu Past President Susan Riechert Dept M Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Tellnessee Knoxville TN 37996-1610 USA E-mail sriecherutkedu Treasurer Marlene Zuk Dept of Biology University of California Riverside CA 92521 USA E-mail mzukcitrusucLedu Secretary Susan Foster Dept of Biology Clark University 950 Main St Worcester MA 01610shy1477 USA E-mail sfosterc1arkuedu Program Officer Anne Clark Department or Biological Sciences Binghamton University Binghan1lon NY 13902 USA E-mail aclarkbinghamtolledu


y Parliamentarian Kimberly Sullivan Department or Biology Utah State University Logan UT 84322-5305 USA E-mail yejuncoccusuedu

v Editor Bennett G Galef Jr Dept of Psychology McMaster University Hamilton ON L8S 4Kl Canada E-mail galeffu)mcmasterca

Members-at-Large Jean-Guy Godin Department 01 BIOlogy Mount Allison UllIversity Sackville NB E4L IG7 Canada E-mail jgodinmtaca Ken Yasukawa Department of Biology Beloit College Beloit WI 53511 USA E-mail yasllkawafu)hcloitedu Michelle p SCOll Dept 01 Zoology University of New Hampshire Durham NH 03824 USA E-mail mrs (Qchri slallllhedu Historian Donald Dewshury Dept of Psycholngy University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611 USA E-mail dewshuryfu1wehhpsychulledu


~embership Jennifer Fewell (1999) ChairshySuzette TanJill (1999)shyKathy Karlsteed (ll)99) Luxl--t~ Carole Skinner (1999) shyPeter Smallwood (200m shyJohn Van Weltering (2000) shy


Jim Benedix (20(x)) Chair Susan Riechert ( 19(8) I Andy Sill (1998)3 Kim Sullivan (19(8)4 Jill Mateo (1998) George Waring (1999) Linden Higgens (2000) Matt Groher (2000)

Education Micllael Renner (200()) Chair

Susan Riechert (1lt)98) I shyAndy Sih (1998)3 Nancy Solomon (1998)shyCheryl Logan ( 19(8) shyTom Sproat (1998) shyKathleen Morgan (1998) shyMary Crowe (1999) shy

~ Lynne CookiI(99) Lauren Wentz (1999)shySylvia Halkin (2000)shyPenny Bernstein (2000) shyJim Krupa (2000) _

Organization and Bylaws Kim Sullivan (1998)4 Chair shy

Jennifer Mather (1998) -Maggie Hodge (1999)shyJennifer Clarktl2(00)_

Nomination v Susan Rierchert (1998)1 Chairshy

Hugh Dingle (1999) Lee Drickamer (2000)shy

Animal Care Dehorah Forthman (1999) Chair

Martin Kavaliers (1998) Janette Wallis (ll)l)8) Robert Si kes ( 19l)8) II

Merle Krause (1998) V)t Mark Krause (1998) Randall K yes (1999) Dan Salden (1999) Sylvia Taylor (1999) Jennifer Weeks (2000)

Public Affairs Linda Rayor (2000) Chur

Linden Higgens (1998) Kim Sawrey (1998) Laura Higgens (1998) Marta Hersek (2000)

Film v~Neil Mercando (2000) Chair

Boh Woll (1998) Randall Wol fe (1998) Anne Storey (1999) Diselle Mora (1999) Dehorah Martin (2000) oJ Haken Cetinknya (2000) ~ David Duvall (ad hoc)

Research Grants v Jean-Guy Godin (1998)5 Chair

Kcn Yasukawa (1999)5 Michelle Scott (2000)5 Chris Maher (1998) Martha Chaiken (1998) Beth Jakoh (1998) Caldwell Hahn (1999) Jnhn Alcock (1999) Tom Jenscn (1999) Rohert Jaeger (2000)

Ethics Dehorah Gordon (199lt)) ChaIr Charles Blaich (1998) Jeffery Walters (1998) Barbara Turpin (1998) Sarah Lewis (1999) Fred Dyer (1999)


Dan Cnstoi (2000) Developing 1iations Research Grants Gordon Schuett (2000l Committee (ad hoc)

j Ken Yasakawa (1999)5 Chair Issues in Applied Animal Jean-Guy Godin (19Y8)5 John Wright (2000) Chair Michelle Scott (2000l5 Marianne Feaver (1998) Hugh Drummond (1998) Sheila Foran ( 1 (99) Brian Sullivan (1 (98) Victoria Voith (19(9) Suzanne Hells (2000l ARSmiddotASAR Liaison Committee (ad hoc) Peter Borchelt (2000) Chair BPC suocommillee Mereditll West (1998)2 Sue McDonnell 19(9)

Jeff Galcr (1998) Chair Mike Beecher (1998) Lee Drickamer ( 1(98)

Kathryn Bayne (1999) Pam Reid (1999)

Susan Riechert (19Y8) Meredith West (1998)

Con Siohodchikoff (2000) Dan Estrep (2(X)0) Legislative Liaison (ad hoc)

Indicates memhers of Board of Professional Ircne Pepperherg ( 1998)

CertificatIOn suocommittee (BPC) Latin American Affairs (ad hoc) Zuleyma Tang-Martinez ( 1(1)10 Chair

Career Awards Chuck Snowdon (1998) Susan Riechert (1998) I Chair Peter Narins (1998) Ken Yasakawa (1999raquo) Giselle Mora (2000) Michelle Scott (200m) Gabriel Francescoli (l9S18) Jean-Guy Godin (1998raquo) Dwain Saillee (1998) Sid Gauthreaux (19Y8) Hugh Drummond (11)1)8) Stuart Altmann (lYY9) Martha Chaiken (IY99) Liaisons (ad hoc) Linda McPheron (199Y) AAAS (Sec G) -- Patty Gowaty (lY98) Tom Jensell (200m AIBS Carlos Ruis-Miranda (ISlI)8)

APA Donald Dewshury (lY98) Endowments APS -shy Kathleen Morgan (IY98) Ir Perdle (2000) Chair AAALAC -- Joy Mench ( 19(8) LlUril Hieslend (1998) SICB -- Steve Nowicki (191)9) Will Gergits (1998) Neurosciences--Martha Chaiken (1998) Stephen Zawistowski (1999)

~aul Weldoll (2000) gtNi~ Webmasters (ad hoc) ABSnet- Jim Ha (1998)

Conservation yenlWW page- Shan Duncan ( 1(98) I i111 Ha (IYYY) Chair Allison Aloerts (1998) shy Project l)jrector for the ABS Central Office Cheryl Asa (1999) ~ (ad hoc) )anine Clemmons (1998) ~ Meredith West (1998) Guillermo Paz y Mii10 (1999) Cully Nordhy (1998) Animal Behaviour Journal Commilec Promotion

M elssa Flemlllg (200m ~-Carolie Caffrey (2000) ~

Commillee (ad hoc) TBA

Christine Hood (2000) Ex officio Memhers (these indiVIduals are regular voting memhers on ABS committees)

Investments (ad hoc) Randall BreitwischChair (2(X)O) I This position is flllcd hy Past-Presidelll bnl Brockmann (1998) 2 This position is lilled hy First President-Elect Bennell GaleI (1998) 3 This position is filled hy Second Presidelll-Elect PatriCia DeCoursey (1998) 4 This position is filled hy Parliamentarian Robert Matthews (19(8) 5 This position is filled hy Me111bcr-at-Largl


ABS AUTHORS If you have written or edited a book pertinent to animal behavior which was published in 1997 or will have a book coming out in 1998 please send the citation and a brief synopsis of its contents to Dr Linda Rayor Dept of Entomology Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853 Isrl cornelledu Chair of ABS Public Affairs Committee


RenewalStatus forms for 1998 have now heen mailed to all active and lapsed members with valid addresses on me If you havent received yours or your envelope was missing either the renewal form or information form please contact the central office (aboffice(g)indianaedu) or use the Application Renewal form on the hack of this newsletter You may also download a form from the ABS web site at httpwwwcisabindianaeduABSMemheriindex htm It your membership lapsed in 1997 and you wish to order 1997 journals you may do so by paying I iN7 dues (same as 1(98) and noting that you wish to receive 1997 journals on your form al1llJor check



The I lt)96 Animal Behavior Society Graduate Program Bulletin (Canada Mexico and the United States) prepared by the ABS Education Committee is once again available It is on line at the ABS web site httpwwwci sabi ndianaedu ABSResourceli ndex htm Hard copy is also available for $800 from the Central Office (see direction of correspondence)


The Constitution Bylaws and Handbook are on line at the ABS web site httpwwwcisabindianaedu Also posted are committee membership lists and a variety of other items concerning the Society and its members



Thanks to the generosity of William C Brown Publishers the Animal Behavior Society solicits nominations for the William C Brown Animal Behavior Teaching Award for 1998 to be awarded at the 1998 ABS meeting in Carhondale Illinois The awardee will receive a $500 personal stipend and a grant of $500 to enhance undergraduate instruction U1

animal behavior at the awardees institution Nominees for the award must show evidence of effective and innovative teaching and have a reputation among peers and studellls for excellence in ulldergraduate animal behavior instruction mail1l~lncd over a number of years Persons wishing to make a nomination must submit a one-page nomination letter and names addresses and phone numbers or at least two additional references Selection will he made by the ABS Education Committee upon receipt of a nominating letter the committee will solicit supporting materials such as course syllabi student evaluation summaries letters from students or peers documentation of teaching awards and innovatiolls textual Of laboratory materials and other ind ical(ifS il t superior undergraduate teaching Nominator and nominees must be members of the Animal Behaviur Society current ofticers and committee chairs or tile Animal Behavior Society are not eligible lor nomination Nominations must be submitted by March 15 11)98 to Dr Michael Renner Chair of the ABS Education Committee Dept of Psychology West Chester University West Chester PA 19383


Sites for future ABS meetings are needed Anyone wishing to host one of our meetings should contact David Duvall to discuss reljuiremems and to receive further information


JOHN T EMLEN JR 1908-1997

By John Stephen and Woody Emlen

John T Emlcn Jr - gentle man enthusiastic naturalist teacher scholar and longstanding professor at thc University of Wisconsin - Madison died Noemher 8 1997 at the age of 88 after a hrief illncss

Johnny was horn 111 Germantown PA in 1908 to John T Emlcn and Mary Jones and grew up attending Germaillown Friends School He studied at Haverford College (BS 193 I) and COflle]] University (PhD in ZoologyOrnithology 1(34) In IY34 after working as a park naturalist at Glacier National Park he married Virginia Merritt daughter of Corncll phySICS profcssor Ernest Merritt and Bertha Sutcrmcistcr Merritt

Hc first wcnt to Madison to work with Aldo Leopold and for thc US Burcau of BIOlogical SUfvey Then In 1935 he joined the hiology department at the University of California at Davis where he served as inslfuclOr of zoology until 1942 when hc joined the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Puhlic Health on a wartime project on fat control in the city of Baltimore Aller the war he returncd to Madison as l~sllciate professor of zoology at the University of W1SUJl1~lIL Advanced to full professorship in IY47 ilL ~crved as department Chalflll(ln from 1950 to 1953 ll1d conunued as professor and selllOf zoologist until IllS retirement in 1974

Dr Emlen was a pioneer in evolutionary studies of animal ecology and bchavior concenlfating Oil field studics of hirds and mammals in their natural hahitats He was a fcllow of numerous professional societies and served as president of the American Ornithologists Union the Wilson Ornit11Ological SOCIety and the Wlsconslll Socicty lor Ornithology He was both a John Simon Guggenheim and Flllhright Fellow and rccelved the highest honor conferred in American ornithology the Elliot Coues Award in 1973 At the Univcrsity wherc he was fondly known as Doc he ll1entored 19 doctoral and 22 Masters students many of whom arc current Icaders in their disciplincs throughout the world In his later years the University estahlished a scholarship lund in his name to he awarded each year to a graduatc student with outstanding potential for creativity in field research

Beset with heart problems In 1965 he was ohliged to go part time at the University Nevertheless he managed to continue his research studies working as

a team with his wife Jinny in many parts of the world He summarized his life in the following words I can look back over a rich Uld rewarding life in which I have visited all of the worlds continents and many of its islands How lucky can a guy get

He is survived by his wife Virginia and threc sons John Merritt Emlcn senior biologist with the CS Gcological Survey in Seattle W A Stephen Thompson Emlcn professor oi hehavioral ecolugy at Cornell Ulllversity in Ithaca NY and James Woodmff Emlcn Vice President for Exploratory Research at COllnetIcs Corporation in Palo AI to CA He has five grandchildren Douglas Emlen an assistant professor of Zoology at the University of Montana Katharine Emlell of Boulder CO Owen Emlen and Rohyn Emlcn of Denvcf CO and Scott Emlen of Seattle

Rememhrances should he scnt to the John T Emlen Scholarship Fund at the University of Wisconsin Foundation po Box 8860 Madison WI 537()Xshy8860


The Founders Memorial Postcr Award will he made this year in honor of John T Emlen a founder and Fellow of the Animal Behavior Socicty



The Behavior and Husbandry Advisory Group (B HAG) of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) requests ethograms for an Ethogram Rcpository

For many zoo staff and affiliates wishing to initiate a behavioral study particularly of a little-known or rare speCies a hottlencck III thc process is compiling an ethogram AddiLIonally zoo staff find ethograms useful when adding a new species to their collection dcsigning appropriate enrichmcnt and cxhihits and developing signs and educational materiaL

To facilitate the usc of hehavioral information in zoos the Behavior and Hushandry Advisory Group or the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) is estahlishing a repository of ethograms We have begun the process of collecting and compiling cxlsting ct1ograms and would like your help We arc making a standing request oj rescarchcr~ in Animal BehavlOr to assist us in this effort by sending copies (If published or unpublished ethograms they have dcveloped and used in their studics Authors of the etl10gram will be cited at the top of the first page Ethograms will bc stored and provided to AZA lllemhcr institutions (with relevant citations) upon re4uest

TI1C BHAG memher who will serve as contact person for collecting and distrihuting ethograms is Dr Tammie Betllnger Cleveland Melroparks Zoo 1900 Wildlife Way Cleveland OH 44109 USA (216) 661-6500 Fax (216) 661-3312 e-mail tammieh(g) ix netcomC(ll11

At this limc we arc rcquesting only vertehrate hehavior elhograms and those of cephalopods AllJlllugh it is optional we would prefer that donor~ ll1IilJ(je the following information with thcir ethograms unless it is part of a puhlication included with the ethogram SpecICs author of the ethogram location of thc study lcngth ()f study period sampling method composition of the study group (ie single animal single sex group or mixed sex group) contact person for questions amp any additional references you would recommend We would also appreciate any suggestions the author has for modifications to the ethograms used in a study Please scnd your hard copy or e-mail to the above contact


FORAGING98 An international conference on animal foraging hehavior will be held 21-24 July 199R at the University of California at Santa Cruz This will precedc the mceting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology in nearhy Monterey CA Organizers are Dave Stephens Marc Mangel and Don Kranler Deadline for Ahstracts and Pre-paid Registration is 15 March 19l)8 More information Foragingl)S Department or Ecology Evolution and Behavior University of Minnesota 100 Upper Buford Circle SL Paul MN 55101 USA VWW hup nashcbs u mn edu foragi ng ltforagingnashcbsul1lnedugt

The 5th International Congress of Neuroethology in La Jolla CA is rapidly approaching Although the target date for requesting the second circular (with full information ahout registration ctc) passed in Decemher it is not too late to indicate your interest But please dont delay any further The Congress Will take place on August 23-21 19l)8 on the campus of thc Uni versity of California San Diego in La Jolla California There will he 10 plenary lectures 20 symposia evening lectures and special eve11ls You may learn more ahout the Congress by visiting the ISNs Website at hllpwwwneumhioarizonaeduisn You may requcst registration lIlformation hy contacting ProL WB Kristan Dept of Biology UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA l)2093-0357 USA Telmiddot (619) 534-4760 Fax (619) 534-7309

email w kristan (gucsd ed u -or - asorgen frey (g)ucsd edu

The 10th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society will be held at the University of California at Davis 8-12 July )l)98 Davis is twenty minutes from Sacramento Metropolitan International Airport In July temperatures can range from pleasantly warm to hot The meeting will feature plenary speakers and one keynOle address Housing will be in UCD dorms or at local hotels (a list of hotels will he provided) Abstracts for papers arc due March 16 symposia ahstracts (consisting of four thematically-linked papcr abstracts demonstrating a synthetic and interdisciplinary focus) are due Fehruary 16 1998 Details for ahstracts will he forthcoming We welcome papers ol1llon-human animals that have relevance to human hehavior The program organizers are Jane Lancaster and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder the local host is Peter Richerson and the committee members are Denise Cummins Debra Judge Lore Ruttan and Joanna Scheib Beginning January 199R a web page for the meeting can he f()tllld at

httpwww desucdavisedu


XIII World Meeting of ISRA The International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) is a society of scholars and researchers interested in the scientific study of violence and aggression The society is both international and interdisciplinary and meets every other year on alternaung co1ltments Currently there are over 300 members from 34 countries with specialties in psychology psychiatry phYSIOlogy SOCIOlogy uIthropology animal behavior and pharmacology The current president of ISRA is Rowell Huesmann of the Unive rsity of Michigan and the Executive Secretary is Ed Donnerstein of the Univ of California Santa Barhara ISRA puhlishes a journal of research cntitled ARRressive Behavior (edited by Ron Baenninger or Temple University) and the ISRA Bulletin edited hy Roger Johnson (USA) and Kaj BJorkqvIst (Finland) From July 12-17 1998 ISRA will celehrate its 25th anniversary with the XIII World MeeUng TIle conference will be held on the campus or Ramapo College or New Jersey a 300 acre campus located in the suhurhan town of Mahwth New Jersey just 20 miles from New York City The conference will run from Sunday July 12 through Fnday July 19 and will include symposia invited addresses paper and poster SeSSl()I1S and SOCIal events All sessIons will bc held on the Ramapo College campus except for olle symposium which WIll be held at the Rockereller University in New York City The program co-chairs are MaryAnn and Ron Baenninger The deadline for submission of proposals for symposia is December L 1997 The deadline for submission of paper and poslCr presentatlllns is Feb I 1998 For details Oil

submission procedures plcase contact MaryAnn Baenninger Dept of Psychology The College of New Jersey PO Box 7718 Ewing New Jersey USA 08628-0718 or send emaillO baenlllllg(Qgttcnjedu The conkrence organwr IS Roger N Johnsoll Details about housltlg and regIstratIon will be announced III HIe December Issue of the ISRA Bulfelin For additional informatioll please visit the conference web site httpwwwski-towncomJisra


The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare will be published by Greenwood Press (Westport Connecticut) and is tentatively scheduled for release in June 1998 Edited by Marc BekolT of the University of Colorado this oncshyvolume retcrcnce work wIll prOVIde essays by recognized authorities in the field addressing many issues of animal rights and animal welfare The Foreword was written by Jane Goodall For more information please contact Marc Bekoff EPn

Biology University of Colorado Boulder Colorado 80309-0334 USA (e-mail marcbekoffeoloradoedu)

The Center for Field Research in viles proposals for 1998-1999 field grants funded by its affiliatc Earthwatch Earthwatch is an international non-profit organIzation dedicated to sponsoring tield research and promotlllg public education III the sCIences and humanitIes Past projects have been successfully fielded in but are not limited to the following disciplines animal behavior biodiversity ecology ornithology endangered species entomology marine mammalogy ichthyology herpetology marine ecology and resource and wildli fe management Interdisciplinary projects are especially encouraged as is multinational collaboration Information can be round at hllpwwwearthwatcllorgcfrclrhtml or you can cOlltact Tile Center for FIeld Research 680 Mt Auburn St Watertowll MA 02272 Tel (617) Y2(1shy8200 Fax (617) lJ26-8532 e-mail cfrearthwatchorg


The Sccretary would like III remind you allhough I try to avoid listing situations that arc already filled the time lag between submission and arrival of the Newsletter can cause Ulis to occur Please contact those offering the opportunities before applying

Assistant needed for study of avian sociality dispersal and population genetics in Australia Two licld assistants arc needed I August 31 November for a comparative study or the mating systems dispersal tactics and population genetics or two species of Australian treecreeper The primary study sIte is In eucalypt woodland in central New SUUUI Wales Duties will include nest-finding behavioral observatiolls radio-tracking mist netting banding and bleeding adults and nestlings Applicants should have experience with at least some of these activities be in good physical condition and willing to work oftell long l10urs in hot or cold weather Preferred applicants will have experience studying behavior in individually-marked populations Comfortable ilousing and a stipenJ of $400mo ($AUD) will be provided (along with fCUllastic native wildlife l ) but applicants MUST provide their own airfarl to Australia Send a cover letter resume and a list or 3 references including addresses and phone numbers before 1 Aprillo ERIK amp VERONICA DOERR Program in Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology University of Nevada Reno NV 89557 (cdoerrunrcdu)


Undergraduate Summer Research Internships - The Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) at Indiana University i nvlles applicaWlns to our NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Animal Behavior A total of 10 REU internshIps will he awarded to stUlicnts tn participate in this program irom I June to 8 August 10l)8 Each internship provides a $2500 stipend room amp hoard and transportation costs to ~Uld frolll Indiana University or the study site Undergraduates of racialethnic minorities first generation college or low income families are especially encouraged to apply hut all applicallls will he cllnsidered Applications will he accepted ulIlll all POSIlHlIlS are rilled For further information and application forms contact Linda Summers Administrative Assistant for REUCISAB at (812) 855-lJ663 or lIsnl11mer(aindlltlnacdu

Opportunities in the study of animal welfare A new animal welfare program was launched at the University llf British Columhia (in Vancouver Canada) in Octoher I JY7 As a key element in the program we are creating research and lraining opportunities for graduate studellls ami postshydoctoral workers Our funding comes from a range of interested partICs lllcluding the humane movement the veterinary profeSSIOn and animal agriculture and we hope to devel up resetrch projects to address wei fare issues relevant to these various supporters Two types of candidates are paniclarly encouraged (1 ) Students working in the life sciences especially with hackgrounds in hehaviour to conduct hehavioural or related research on farm lahoratory c()lllpanion or wild allimals (including Ilsh) directed at signillcltlm animal welfare issues and (2) students interested in interdisciplinary studies wiLh appropriate hackgrounds in the social sciences law and other nelds to conduct research on Issues suetl as the adetjuacy of legal proteCliou 01 allllllals the impact of international trade on alllmal welfare and the ellecliveness or animal protection programs We welcome inquiries from potential graduale students and post-doctoral workers with a strong interest in animal welfare and outstanding aptitude for research and team-work The Animal Wei lare Program has some financial support availahle and will assist others in applying for fundIng Please contact David Fraser and Dan Weary Department of nll11al SCIence and Centre for Applied EthICS University of British Columhia 2357 Main Mall - Suite 208 Vancouver V6T I Z4 Canada tel 604-822-2040 (Fraser) 604-822-3954 (We~uy) fax 604-822-4400 E-mail davidfraser(giuhcca dan w~ary(ajunixguhc ca httpwww jntcrchang~ u hcc a1agscii animal sc ilchair htm I

Volunteers - Approximately 30 volunteer positions arc open in 1998 at the American Museum of Natural Historys Southwestern Research Station in Portal Anzona The volunteer program IS run annually and olfers students in hiological sciences outstanding opportunities to ohserve and hecome involved with field research Food and lodging are provided in exchange lor 24 hr per week oj rOUline chores with the rel11aming time availahle for research The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students the latter may pursue their own research Volunteers are needed hetweell March 15 and Nov I Appointments are ror part ()f UllS period WIth a minimuIll of six weeks Applicants for spring (March-May) should suhl11it application hy Feh 15 summer volunteers (June-August) hy April I am fall volunteers (Sept - Nov) any time Dr Wade C Sherhrooke Director SouUIwestern Res~arch Station American Museum or Natural History Portal AZ 85632 USA Phone (520) 558-2396 e-mail swrs(a alllllhorg

Volunteer field assistants needed lor study 01 hehavioral ecology of Utah prairie dogs Topics of research include variance in male and remal~ reproductive success multiple paternity kin recognitinfl alarm calling infanlIClde communal nursIng levels of Inhreeding demography and population dynamICS Study site is in Bryce Canyon National Park Utah Field season starts 5 March and ends 10 July The only requirement is that you liave a genuine interest in field research in ecology and social hehavior Academic credit is possihle and several prevlOus assistants have applied research toward eIUwr a senior thesis or Mastcrs degree Contact John L Hoogland The University of Maryland Appalachian Lahoratory Frosthurg MD 21532 Tel 30 1-68lJ-3115 x216 (work) or 301-689shy8076 (home) Fax 301-68J-8518

Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecologist Tell ure Track Assistant Professor Position for Fall ilJ08 Application Deadline Review of applicatiolls will hegin March 1 19J8 and wiIl continue until the position is 1l1Ied Salary commensurate willI experience Requirements PhD in a hiological sciences area directly related to tcrrestrial vertehral ecology Preference will he given to individuals WIth

expertise or expericnce in two or more or the following areas ornithology mammalogy animal hehavior and wildlife management In addition applicants must have the ahility to teach undergraduate and graduate students and do research Responsihilities Course coordination and team teaching in general ecology plus teach other courses for undergraduate and graduate students relating to terrestrial vertehrate ecology in Ue applicants area ul expertise Conduct research involving undergraduate


andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



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26 J ILl 0 fH 110 BLOOMINGTON IN 47408-2603 USA

y Parliamentarian Kimberly Sullivan Department or Biology Utah State University Logan UT 84322-5305 USA E-mail yejuncoccusuedu

v Editor Bennett G Galef Jr Dept of Psychology McMaster University Hamilton ON L8S 4Kl Canada E-mail galeffu)mcmasterca

Members-at-Large Jean-Guy Godin Department 01 BIOlogy Mount Allison UllIversity Sackville NB E4L IG7 Canada E-mail jgodinmtaca Ken Yasukawa Department of Biology Beloit College Beloit WI 53511 USA E-mail yasllkawafu)hcloitedu Michelle p SCOll Dept 01 Zoology University of New Hampshire Durham NH 03824 USA E-mail mrs (Qchri slallllhedu Historian Donald Dewshury Dept of Psycholngy University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611 USA E-mail dewshuryfu1wehhpsychulledu


~embership Jennifer Fewell (1999) ChairshySuzette TanJill (1999)shyKathy Karlsteed (ll)99) Luxl--t~ Carole Skinner (1999) shyPeter Smallwood (200m shyJohn Van Weltering (2000) shy


Jim Benedix (20(x)) Chair Susan Riechert ( 19(8) I Andy Sill (1998)3 Kim Sullivan (19(8)4 Jill Mateo (1998) George Waring (1999) Linden Higgens (2000) Matt Groher (2000)

Education Micllael Renner (200()) Chair

Susan Riechert (1lt)98) I shyAndy Sih (1998)3 Nancy Solomon (1998)shyCheryl Logan ( 19(8) shyTom Sproat (1998) shyKathleen Morgan (1998) shyMary Crowe (1999) shy

~ Lynne CookiI(99) Lauren Wentz (1999)shySylvia Halkin (2000)shyPenny Bernstein (2000) shyJim Krupa (2000) _

Organization and Bylaws Kim Sullivan (1998)4 Chair shy

Jennifer Mather (1998) -Maggie Hodge (1999)shyJennifer Clarktl2(00)_

Nomination v Susan Rierchert (1998)1 Chairshy

Hugh Dingle (1999) Lee Drickamer (2000)shy

Animal Care Dehorah Forthman (1999) Chair

Martin Kavaliers (1998) Janette Wallis (ll)l)8) Robert Si kes ( 19l)8) II

Merle Krause (1998) V)t Mark Krause (1998) Randall K yes (1999) Dan Salden (1999) Sylvia Taylor (1999) Jennifer Weeks (2000)

Public Affairs Linda Rayor (2000) Chur

Linden Higgens (1998) Kim Sawrey (1998) Laura Higgens (1998) Marta Hersek (2000)

Film v~Neil Mercando (2000) Chair

Boh Woll (1998) Randall Wol fe (1998) Anne Storey (1999) Diselle Mora (1999) Dehorah Martin (2000) oJ Haken Cetinknya (2000) ~ David Duvall (ad hoc)

Research Grants v Jean-Guy Godin (1998)5 Chair

Kcn Yasukawa (1999)5 Michelle Scott (2000)5 Chris Maher (1998) Martha Chaiken (1998) Beth Jakoh (1998) Caldwell Hahn (1999) Jnhn Alcock (1999) Tom Jenscn (1999) Rohert Jaeger (2000)

Ethics Dehorah Gordon (199lt)) ChaIr Charles Blaich (1998) Jeffery Walters (1998) Barbara Turpin (1998) Sarah Lewis (1999) Fred Dyer (1999)


Dan Cnstoi (2000) Developing 1iations Research Grants Gordon Schuett (2000l Committee (ad hoc)

j Ken Yasakawa (1999)5 Chair Issues in Applied Animal Jean-Guy Godin (19Y8)5 John Wright (2000) Chair Michelle Scott (2000l5 Marianne Feaver (1998) Hugh Drummond (1998) Sheila Foran ( 1 (99) Brian Sullivan (1 (98) Victoria Voith (19(9) Suzanne Hells (2000l ARSmiddotASAR Liaison Committee (ad hoc) Peter Borchelt (2000) Chair BPC suocommillee Mereditll West (1998)2 Sue McDonnell 19(9)

Jeff Galcr (1998) Chair Mike Beecher (1998) Lee Drickamer ( 1(98)

Kathryn Bayne (1999) Pam Reid (1999)

Susan Riechert (19Y8) Meredith West (1998)

Con Siohodchikoff (2000) Dan Estrep (2(X)0) Legislative Liaison (ad hoc)

Indicates memhers of Board of Professional Ircne Pepperherg ( 1998)

CertificatIOn suocommittee (BPC) Latin American Affairs (ad hoc) Zuleyma Tang-Martinez ( 1(1)10 Chair

Career Awards Chuck Snowdon (1998) Susan Riechert (1998) I Chair Peter Narins (1998) Ken Yasakawa (1999raquo) Giselle Mora (2000) Michelle Scott (200m) Gabriel Francescoli (l9S18) Jean-Guy Godin (1998raquo) Dwain Saillee (1998) Sid Gauthreaux (19Y8) Hugh Drummond (11)1)8) Stuart Altmann (lYY9) Martha Chaiken (IY99) Liaisons (ad hoc) Linda McPheron (199Y) AAAS (Sec G) -- Patty Gowaty (lY98) Tom Jensell (200m AIBS Carlos Ruis-Miranda (ISlI)8)

APA Donald Dewshury (lY98) Endowments APS -shy Kathleen Morgan (IY98) Ir Perdle (2000) Chair AAALAC -- Joy Mench ( 19(8) LlUril Hieslend (1998) SICB -- Steve Nowicki (191)9) Will Gergits (1998) Neurosciences--Martha Chaiken (1998) Stephen Zawistowski (1999)

~aul Weldoll (2000) gtNi~ Webmasters (ad hoc) ABSnet- Jim Ha (1998)

Conservation yenlWW page- Shan Duncan ( 1(98) I i111 Ha (IYYY) Chair Allison Aloerts (1998) shy Project l)jrector for the ABS Central Office Cheryl Asa (1999) ~ (ad hoc) )anine Clemmons (1998) ~ Meredith West (1998) Guillermo Paz y Mii10 (1999) Cully Nordhy (1998) Animal Behaviour Journal Commilec Promotion

M elssa Flemlllg (200m ~-Carolie Caffrey (2000) ~

Commillee (ad hoc) TBA

Christine Hood (2000) Ex officio Memhers (these indiVIduals are regular voting memhers on ABS committees)

Investments (ad hoc) Randall BreitwischChair (2(X)O) I This position is flllcd hy Past-Presidelll bnl Brockmann (1998) 2 This position is lilled hy First President-Elect Bennell GaleI (1998) 3 This position is filled hy Second Presidelll-Elect PatriCia DeCoursey (1998) 4 This position is filled hy Parliamentarian Robert Matthews (19(8) 5 This position is filled hy Me111bcr-at-Largl


ABS AUTHORS If you have written or edited a book pertinent to animal behavior which was published in 1997 or will have a book coming out in 1998 please send the citation and a brief synopsis of its contents to Dr Linda Rayor Dept of Entomology Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853 Isrl cornelledu Chair of ABS Public Affairs Committee


RenewalStatus forms for 1998 have now heen mailed to all active and lapsed members with valid addresses on me If you havent received yours or your envelope was missing either the renewal form or information form please contact the central office (aboffice(g)indianaedu) or use the Application Renewal form on the hack of this newsletter You may also download a form from the ABS web site at httpwwwcisabindianaeduABSMemheriindex htm It your membership lapsed in 1997 and you wish to order 1997 journals you may do so by paying I iN7 dues (same as 1(98) and noting that you wish to receive 1997 journals on your form al1llJor check



The I lt)96 Animal Behavior Society Graduate Program Bulletin (Canada Mexico and the United States) prepared by the ABS Education Committee is once again available It is on line at the ABS web site httpwwwci sabi ndianaedu ABSResourceli ndex htm Hard copy is also available for $800 from the Central Office (see direction of correspondence)


The Constitution Bylaws and Handbook are on line at the ABS web site httpwwwcisabindianaedu Also posted are committee membership lists and a variety of other items concerning the Society and its members



Thanks to the generosity of William C Brown Publishers the Animal Behavior Society solicits nominations for the William C Brown Animal Behavior Teaching Award for 1998 to be awarded at the 1998 ABS meeting in Carhondale Illinois The awardee will receive a $500 personal stipend and a grant of $500 to enhance undergraduate instruction U1

animal behavior at the awardees institution Nominees for the award must show evidence of effective and innovative teaching and have a reputation among peers and studellls for excellence in ulldergraduate animal behavior instruction mail1l~lncd over a number of years Persons wishing to make a nomination must submit a one-page nomination letter and names addresses and phone numbers or at least two additional references Selection will he made by the ABS Education Committee upon receipt of a nominating letter the committee will solicit supporting materials such as course syllabi student evaluation summaries letters from students or peers documentation of teaching awards and innovatiolls textual Of laboratory materials and other ind ical(ifS il t superior undergraduate teaching Nominator and nominees must be members of the Animal Behaviur Society current ofticers and committee chairs or tile Animal Behavior Society are not eligible lor nomination Nominations must be submitted by March 15 11)98 to Dr Michael Renner Chair of the ABS Education Committee Dept of Psychology West Chester University West Chester PA 19383


Sites for future ABS meetings are needed Anyone wishing to host one of our meetings should contact David Duvall to discuss reljuiremems and to receive further information


JOHN T EMLEN JR 1908-1997

By John Stephen and Woody Emlen

John T Emlcn Jr - gentle man enthusiastic naturalist teacher scholar and longstanding professor at thc University of Wisconsin - Madison died Noemher 8 1997 at the age of 88 after a hrief illncss

Johnny was horn 111 Germantown PA in 1908 to John T Emlcn and Mary Jones and grew up attending Germaillown Friends School He studied at Haverford College (BS 193 I) and COflle]] University (PhD in ZoologyOrnithology 1(34) In IY34 after working as a park naturalist at Glacier National Park he married Virginia Merritt daughter of Corncll phySICS profcssor Ernest Merritt and Bertha Sutcrmcistcr Merritt

Hc first wcnt to Madison to work with Aldo Leopold and for thc US Burcau of BIOlogical SUfvey Then In 1935 he joined the hiology department at the University of California at Davis where he served as inslfuclOr of zoology until 1942 when hc joined the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Puhlic Health on a wartime project on fat control in the city of Baltimore Aller the war he returncd to Madison as l~sllciate professor of zoology at the University of W1SUJl1~lIL Advanced to full professorship in IY47 ilL ~crved as department Chalflll(ln from 1950 to 1953 ll1d conunued as professor and selllOf zoologist until IllS retirement in 1974

Dr Emlen was a pioneer in evolutionary studies of animal ecology and bchavior concenlfating Oil field studics of hirds and mammals in their natural hahitats He was a fcllow of numerous professional societies and served as president of the American Ornithologists Union the Wilson Ornit11Ological SOCIety and the Wlsconslll Socicty lor Ornithology He was both a John Simon Guggenheim and Flllhright Fellow and rccelved the highest honor conferred in American ornithology the Elliot Coues Award in 1973 At the Univcrsity wherc he was fondly known as Doc he ll1entored 19 doctoral and 22 Masters students many of whom arc current Icaders in their disciplincs throughout the world In his later years the University estahlished a scholarship lund in his name to he awarded each year to a graduatc student with outstanding potential for creativity in field research

Beset with heart problems In 1965 he was ohliged to go part time at the University Nevertheless he managed to continue his research studies working as

a team with his wife Jinny in many parts of the world He summarized his life in the following words I can look back over a rich Uld rewarding life in which I have visited all of the worlds continents and many of its islands How lucky can a guy get

He is survived by his wife Virginia and threc sons John Merritt Emlcn senior biologist with the CS Gcological Survey in Seattle W A Stephen Thompson Emlcn professor oi hehavioral ecolugy at Cornell Ulllversity in Ithaca NY and James Woodmff Emlcn Vice President for Exploratory Research at COllnetIcs Corporation in Palo AI to CA He has five grandchildren Douglas Emlen an assistant professor of Zoology at the University of Montana Katharine Emlell of Boulder CO Owen Emlen and Rohyn Emlcn of Denvcf CO and Scott Emlen of Seattle

Rememhrances should he scnt to the John T Emlen Scholarship Fund at the University of Wisconsin Foundation po Box 8860 Madison WI 537()Xshy8860


The Founders Memorial Postcr Award will he made this year in honor of John T Emlen a founder and Fellow of the Animal Behavior Socicty



The Behavior and Husbandry Advisory Group (B HAG) of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) requests ethograms for an Ethogram Rcpository

For many zoo staff and affiliates wishing to initiate a behavioral study particularly of a little-known or rare speCies a hottlencck III thc process is compiling an ethogram AddiLIonally zoo staff find ethograms useful when adding a new species to their collection dcsigning appropriate enrichmcnt and cxhihits and developing signs and educational materiaL

To facilitate the usc of hehavioral information in zoos the Behavior and Hushandry Advisory Group or the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) is estahlishing a repository of ethograms We have begun the process of collecting and compiling cxlsting ct1ograms and would like your help We arc making a standing request oj rescarchcr~ in Animal BehavlOr to assist us in this effort by sending copies (If published or unpublished ethograms they have dcveloped and used in their studics Authors of the etl10gram will be cited at the top of the first page Ethograms will bc stored and provided to AZA lllemhcr institutions (with relevant citations) upon re4uest

TI1C BHAG memher who will serve as contact person for collecting and distrihuting ethograms is Dr Tammie Betllnger Cleveland Melroparks Zoo 1900 Wildlife Way Cleveland OH 44109 USA (216) 661-6500 Fax (216) 661-3312 e-mail tammieh(g) ix netcomC(ll11

At this limc we arc rcquesting only vertehrate hehavior elhograms and those of cephalopods AllJlllugh it is optional we would prefer that donor~ ll1IilJ(je the following information with thcir ethograms unless it is part of a puhlication included with the ethogram SpecICs author of the ethogram location of thc study lcngth ()f study period sampling method composition of the study group (ie single animal single sex group or mixed sex group) contact person for questions amp any additional references you would recommend We would also appreciate any suggestions the author has for modifications to the ethograms used in a study Please scnd your hard copy or e-mail to the above contact


FORAGING98 An international conference on animal foraging hehavior will be held 21-24 July 199R at the University of California at Santa Cruz This will precedc the mceting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology in nearhy Monterey CA Organizers are Dave Stephens Marc Mangel and Don Kranler Deadline for Ahstracts and Pre-paid Registration is 15 March 19l)8 More information Foragingl)S Department or Ecology Evolution and Behavior University of Minnesota 100 Upper Buford Circle SL Paul MN 55101 USA VWW hup nashcbs u mn edu foragi ng ltforagingnashcbsul1lnedugt

The 5th International Congress of Neuroethology in La Jolla CA is rapidly approaching Although the target date for requesting the second circular (with full information ahout registration ctc) passed in Decemher it is not too late to indicate your interest But please dont delay any further The Congress Will take place on August 23-21 19l)8 on the campus of thc Uni versity of California San Diego in La Jolla California There will he 10 plenary lectures 20 symposia evening lectures and special eve11ls You may learn more ahout the Congress by visiting the ISNs Website at hllpwwwneumhioarizonaeduisn You may requcst registration lIlformation hy contacting ProL WB Kristan Dept of Biology UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA l)2093-0357 USA Telmiddot (619) 534-4760 Fax (619) 534-7309

email w kristan (gucsd ed u -or - asorgen frey (g)ucsd edu

The 10th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society will be held at the University of California at Davis 8-12 July )l)98 Davis is twenty minutes from Sacramento Metropolitan International Airport In July temperatures can range from pleasantly warm to hot The meeting will feature plenary speakers and one keynOle address Housing will be in UCD dorms or at local hotels (a list of hotels will he provided) Abstracts for papers arc due March 16 symposia ahstracts (consisting of four thematically-linked papcr abstracts demonstrating a synthetic and interdisciplinary focus) are due Fehruary 16 1998 Details for ahstracts will he forthcoming We welcome papers ol1llon-human animals that have relevance to human hehavior The program organizers are Jane Lancaster and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder the local host is Peter Richerson and the committee members are Denise Cummins Debra Judge Lore Ruttan and Joanna Scheib Beginning January 199R a web page for the meeting can he f()tllld at

httpwww desucdavisedu


XIII World Meeting of ISRA The International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) is a society of scholars and researchers interested in the scientific study of violence and aggression The society is both international and interdisciplinary and meets every other year on alternaung co1ltments Currently there are over 300 members from 34 countries with specialties in psychology psychiatry phYSIOlogy SOCIOlogy uIthropology animal behavior and pharmacology The current president of ISRA is Rowell Huesmann of the Unive rsity of Michigan and the Executive Secretary is Ed Donnerstein of the Univ of California Santa Barhara ISRA puhlishes a journal of research cntitled ARRressive Behavior (edited by Ron Baenninger or Temple University) and the ISRA Bulletin edited hy Roger Johnson (USA) and Kaj BJorkqvIst (Finland) From July 12-17 1998 ISRA will celehrate its 25th anniversary with the XIII World MeeUng TIle conference will be held on the campus or Ramapo College or New Jersey a 300 acre campus located in the suhurhan town of Mahwth New Jersey just 20 miles from New York City The conference will run from Sunday July 12 through Fnday July 19 and will include symposia invited addresses paper and poster SeSSl()I1S and SOCIal events All sessIons will bc held on the Ramapo College campus except for olle symposium which WIll be held at the Rockereller University in New York City The program co-chairs are MaryAnn and Ron Baenninger The deadline for submission of proposals for symposia is December L 1997 The deadline for submission of paper and poslCr presentatlllns is Feb I 1998 For details Oil

submission procedures plcase contact MaryAnn Baenninger Dept of Psychology The College of New Jersey PO Box 7718 Ewing New Jersey USA 08628-0718 or send emaillO baenlllllg(Qgttcnjedu The conkrence organwr IS Roger N Johnsoll Details about housltlg and regIstratIon will be announced III HIe December Issue of the ISRA Bulfelin For additional informatioll please visit the conference web site httpwwwski-towncomJisra


The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare will be published by Greenwood Press (Westport Connecticut) and is tentatively scheduled for release in June 1998 Edited by Marc BekolT of the University of Colorado this oncshyvolume retcrcnce work wIll prOVIde essays by recognized authorities in the field addressing many issues of animal rights and animal welfare The Foreword was written by Jane Goodall For more information please contact Marc Bekoff EPn

Biology University of Colorado Boulder Colorado 80309-0334 USA (e-mail marcbekoffeoloradoedu)

The Center for Field Research in viles proposals for 1998-1999 field grants funded by its affiliatc Earthwatch Earthwatch is an international non-profit organIzation dedicated to sponsoring tield research and promotlllg public education III the sCIences and humanitIes Past projects have been successfully fielded in but are not limited to the following disciplines animal behavior biodiversity ecology ornithology endangered species entomology marine mammalogy ichthyology herpetology marine ecology and resource and wildli fe management Interdisciplinary projects are especially encouraged as is multinational collaboration Information can be round at hllpwwwearthwatcllorgcfrclrhtml or you can cOlltact Tile Center for FIeld Research 680 Mt Auburn St Watertowll MA 02272 Tel (617) Y2(1shy8200 Fax (617) lJ26-8532 e-mail cfrearthwatchorg


The Sccretary would like III remind you allhough I try to avoid listing situations that arc already filled the time lag between submission and arrival of the Newsletter can cause Ulis to occur Please contact those offering the opportunities before applying

Assistant needed for study of avian sociality dispersal and population genetics in Australia Two licld assistants arc needed I August 31 November for a comparative study or the mating systems dispersal tactics and population genetics or two species of Australian treecreeper The primary study sIte is In eucalypt woodland in central New SUUUI Wales Duties will include nest-finding behavioral observatiolls radio-tracking mist netting banding and bleeding adults and nestlings Applicants should have experience with at least some of these activities be in good physical condition and willing to work oftell long l10urs in hot or cold weather Preferred applicants will have experience studying behavior in individually-marked populations Comfortable ilousing and a stipenJ of $400mo ($AUD) will be provided (along with fCUllastic native wildlife l ) but applicants MUST provide their own airfarl to Australia Send a cover letter resume and a list or 3 references including addresses and phone numbers before 1 Aprillo ERIK amp VERONICA DOERR Program in Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology University of Nevada Reno NV 89557 (cdoerrunrcdu)


Undergraduate Summer Research Internships - The Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) at Indiana University i nvlles applicaWlns to our NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Animal Behavior A total of 10 REU internshIps will he awarded to stUlicnts tn participate in this program irom I June to 8 August 10l)8 Each internship provides a $2500 stipend room amp hoard and transportation costs to ~Uld frolll Indiana University or the study site Undergraduates of racialethnic minorities first generation college or low income families are especially encouraged to apply hut all applicallls will he cllnsidered Applications will he accepted ulIlll all POSIlHlIlS are rilled For further information and application forms contact Linda Summers Administrative Assistant for REUCISAB at (812) 855-lJ663 or lIsnl11mer(aindlltlnacdu

Opportunities in the study of animal welfare A new animal welfare program was launched at the University llf British Columhia (in Vancouver Canada) in Octoher I JY7 As a key element in the program we are creating research and lraining opportunities for graduate studellls ami postshydoctoral workers Our funding comes from a range of interested partICs lllcluding the humane movement the veterinary profeSSIOn and animal agriculture and we hope to devel up resetrch projects to address wei fare issues relevant to these various supporters Two types of candidates are paniclarly encouraged (1 ) Students working in the life sciences especially with hackgrounds in hehaviour to conduct hehavioural or related research on farm lahoratory c()lllpanion or wild allimals (including Ilsh) directed at signillcltlm animal welfare issues and (2) students interested in interdisciplinary studies wiLh appropriate hackgrounds in the social sciences law and other nelds to conduct research on Issues suetl as the adetjuacy of legal proteCliou 01 allllllals the impact of international trade on alllmal welfare and the ellecliveness or animal protection programs We welcome inquiries from potential graduale students and post-doctoral workers with a strong interest in animal welfare and outstanding aptitude for research and team-work The Animal Wei lare Program has some financial support availahle and will assist others in applying for fundIng Please contact David Fraser and Dan Weary Department of nll11al SCIence and Centre for Applied EthICS University of British Columhia 2357 Main Mall - Suite 208 Vancouver V6T I Z4 Canada tel 604-822-2040 (Fraser) 604-822-3954 (We~uy) fax 604-822-4400 E-mail davidfraser(giuhcca dan w~ary(ajunixguhc ca httpwww jntcrchang~ u hcc a1agscii animal sc ilchair htm I

Volunteers - Approximately 30 volunteer positions arc open in 1998 at the American Museum of Natural Historys Southwestern Research Station in Portal Anzona The volunteer program IS run annually and olfers students in hiological sciences outstanding opportunities to ohserve and hecome involved with field research Food and lodging are provided in exchange lor 24 hr per week oj rOUline chores with the rel11aming time availahle for research The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students the latter may pursue their own research Volunteers are needed hetweell March 15 and Nov I Appointments are ror part ()f UllS period WIth a minimuIll of six weeks Applicants for spring (March-May) should suhl11it application hy Feh 15 summer volunteers (June-August) hy April I am fall volunteers (Sept - Nov) any time Dr Wade C Sherhrooke Director SouUIwestern Res~arch Station American Museum or Natural History Portal AZ 85632 USA Phone (520) 558-2396 e-mail swrs(a alllllhorg

Volunteer field assistants needed lor study 01 hehavioral ecology of Utah prairie dogs Topics of research include variance in male and remal~ reproductive success multiple paternity kin recognitinfl alarm calling infanlIClde communal nursIng levels of Inhreeding demography and population dynamICS Study site is in Bryce Canyon National Park Utah Field season starts 5 March and ends 10 July The only requirement is that you liave a genuine interest in field research in ecology and social hehavior Academic credit is possihle and several prevlOus assistants have applied research toward eIUwr a senior thesis or Mastcrs degree Contact John L Hoogland The University of Maryland Appalachian Lahoratory Frosthurg MD 21532 Tel 30 1-68lJ-3115 x216 (work) or 301-689shy8076 (home) Fax 301-68J-8518

Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecologist Tell ure Track Assistant Professor Position for Fall ilJ08 Application Deadline Review of applicatiolls will hegin March 1 19J8 and wiIl continue until the position is 1l1Ied Salary commensurate willI experience Requirements PhD in a hiological sciences area directly related to tcrrestrial vertehral ecology Preference will he given to individuals WIth

expertise or expericnce in two or more or the following areas ornithology mammalogy animal hehavior and wildlife management In addition applicants must have the ahility to teach undergraduate and graduate students and do research Responsihilities Course coordination and team teaching in general ecology plus teach other courses for undergraduate and graduate students relating to terrestrial vertehrate ecology in Ue applicants area ul expertise Conduct research involving undergraduate


andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



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Dan Cnstoi (2000) Developing 1iations Research Grants Gordon Schuett (2000l Committee (ad hoc)

j Ken Yasakawa (1999)5 Chair Issues in Applied Animal Jean-Guy Godin (19Y8)5 John Wright (2000) Chair Michelle Scott (2000l5 Marianne Feaver (1998) Hugh Drummond (1998) Sheila Foran ( 1 (99) Brian Sullivan (1 (98) Victoria Voith (19(9) Suzanne Hells (2000l ARSmiddotASAR Liaison Committee (ad hoc) Peter Borchelt (2000) Chair BPC suocommillee Mereditll West (1998)2 Sue McDonnell 19(9)

Jeff Galcr (1998) Chair Mike Beecher (1998) Lee Drickamer ( 1(98)

Kathryn Bayne (1999) Pam Reid (1999)

Susan Riechert (19Y8) Meredith West (1998)

Con Siohodchikoff (2000) Dan Estrep (2(X)0) Legislative Liaison (ad hoc)

Indicates memhers of Board of Professional Ircne Pepperherg ( 1998)

CertificatIOn suocommittee (BPC) Latin American Affairs (ad hoc) Zuleyma Tang-Martinez ( 1(1)10 Chair

Career Awards Chuck Snowdon (1998) Susan Riechert (1998) I Chair Peter Narins (1998) Ken Yasakawa (1999raquo) Giselle Mora (2000) Michelle Scott (200m) Gabriel Francescoli (l9S18) Jean-Guy Godin (1998raquo) Dwain Saillee (1998) Sid Gauthreaux (19Y8) Hugh Drummond (11)1)8) Stuart Altmann (lYY9) Martha Chaiken (IY99) Liaisons (ad hoc) Linda McPheron (199Y) AAAS (Sec G) -- Patty Gowaty (lY98) Tom Jensell (200m AIBS Carlos Ruis-Miranda (ISlI)8)

APA Donald Dewshury (lY98) Endowments APS -shy Kathleen Morgan (IY98) Ir Perdle (2000) Chair AAALAC -- Joy Mench ( 19(8) LlUril Hieslend (1998) SICB -- Steve Nowicki (191)9) Will Gergits (1998) Neurosciences--Martha Chaiken (1998) Stephen Zawistowski (1999)

~aul Weldoll (2000) gtNi~ Webmasters (ad hoc) ABSnet- Jim Ha (1998)

Conservation yenlWW page- Shan Duncan ( 1(98) I i111 Ha (IYYY) Chair Allison Aloerts (1998) shy Project l)jrector for the ABS Central Office Cheryl Asa (1999) ~ (ad hoc) )anine Clemmons (1998) ~ Meredith West (1998) Guillermo Paz y Mii10 (1999) Cully Nordhy (1998) Animal Behaviour Journal Commilec Promotion

M elssa Flemlllg (200m ~-Carolie Caffrey (2000) ~

Commillee (ad hoc) TBA

Christine Hood (2000) Ex officio Memhers (these indiVIduals are regular voting memhers on ABS committees)

Investments (ad hoc) Randall BreitwischChair (2(X)O) I This position is flllcd hy Past-Presidelll bnl Brockmann (1998) 2 This position is lilled hy First President-Elect Bennell GaleI (1998) 3 This position is filled hy Second Presidelll-Elect PatriCia DeCoursey (1998) 4 This position is filled hy Parliamentarian Robert Matthews (19(8) 5 This position is filled hy Me111bcr-at-Largl


ABS AUTHORS If you have written or edited a book pertinent to animal behavior which was published in 1997 or will have a book coming out in 1998 please send the citation and a brief synopsis of its contents to Dr Linda Rayor Dept of Entomology Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853 Isrl cornelledu Chair of ABS Public Affairs Committee


RenewalStatus forms for 1998 have now heen mailed to all active and lapsed members with valid addresses on me If you havent received yours or your envelope was missing either the renewal form or information form please contact the central office (aboffice(g)indianaedu) or use the Application Renewal form on the hack of this newsletter You may also download a form from the ABS web site at httpwwwcisabindianaeduABSMemheriindex htm It your membership lapsed in 1997 and you wish to order 1997 journals you may do so by paying I iN7 dues (same as 1(98) and noting that you wish to receive 1997 journals on your form al1llJor check



The I lt)96 Animal Behavior Society Graduate Program Bulletin (Canada Mexico and the United States) prepared by the ABS Education Committee is once again available It is on line at the ABS web site httpwwwci sabi ndianaedu ABSResourceli ndex htm Hard copy is also available for $800 from the Central Office (see direction of correspondence)


The Constitution Bylaws and Handbook are on line at the ABS web site httpwwwcisabindianaedu Also posted are committee membership lists and a variety of other items concerning the Society and its members



Thanks to the generosity of William C Brown Publishers the Animal Behavior Society solicits nominations for the William C Brown Animal Behavior Teaching Award for 1998 to be awarded at the 1998 ABS meeting in Carhondale Illinois The awardee will receive a $500 personal stipend and a grant of $500 to enhance undergraduate instruction U1

animal behavior at the awardees institution Nominees for the award must show evidence of effective and innovative teaching and have a reputation among peers and studellls for excellence in ulldergraduate animal behavior instruction mail1l~lncd over a number of years Persons wishing to make a nomination must submit a one-page nomination letter and names addresses and phone numbers or at least two additional references Selection will he made by the ABS Education Committee upon receipt of a nominating letter the committee will solicit supporting materials such as course syllabi student evaluation summaries letters from students or peers documentation of teaching awards and innovatiolls textual Of laboratory materials and other ind ical(ifS il t superior undergraduate teaching Nominator and nominees must be members of the Animal Behaviur Society current ofticers and committee chairs or tile Animal Behavior Society are not eligible lor nomination Nominations must be submitted by March 15 11)98 to Dr Michael Renner Chair of the ABS Education Committee Dept of Psychology West Chester University West Chester PA 19383


Sites for future ABS meetings are needed Anyone wishing to host one of our meetings should contact David Duvall to discuss reljuiremems and to receive further information


JOHN T EMLEN JR 1908-1997

By John Stephen and Woody Emlen

John T Emlcn Jr - gentle man enthusiastic naturalist teacher scholar and longstanding professor at thc University of Wisconsin - Madison died Noemher 8 1997 at the age of 88 after a hrief illncss

Johnny was horn 111 Germantown PA in 1908 to John T Emlcn and Mary Jones and grew up attending Germaillown Friends School He studied at Haverford College (BS 193 I) and COflle]] University (PhD in ZoologyOrnithology 1(34) In IY34 after working as a park naturalist at Glacier National Park he married Virginia Merritt daughter of Corncll phySICS profcssor Ernest Merritt and Bertha Sutcrmcistcr Merritt

Hc first wcnt to Madison to work with Aldo Leopold and for thc US Burcau of BIOlogical SUfvey Then In 1935 he joined the hiology department at the University of California at Davis where he served as inslfuclOr of zoology until 1942 when hc joined the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Puhlic Health on a wartime project on fat control in the city of Baltimore Aller the war he returncd to Madison as l~sllciate professor of zoology at the University of W1SUJl1~lIL Advanced to full professorship in IY47 ilL ~crved as department Chalflll(ln from 1950 to 1953 ll1d conunued as professor and selllOf zoologist until IllS retirement in 1974

Dr Emlen was a pioneer in evolutionary studies of animal ecology and bchavior concenlfating Oil field studics of hirds and mammals in their natural hahitats He was a fcllow of numerous professional societies and served as president of the American Ornithologists Union the Wilson Ornit11Ological SOCIety and the Wlsconslll Socicty lor Ornithology He was both a John Simon Guggenheim and Flllhright Fellow and rccelved the highest honor conferred in American ornithology the Elliot Coues Award in 1973 At the Univcrsity wherc he was fondly known as Doc he ll1entored 19 doctoral and 22 Masters students many of whom arc current Icaders in their disciplincs throughout the world In his later years the University estahlished a scholarship lund in his name to he awarded each year to a graduatc student with outstanding potential for creativity in field research

Beset with heart problems In 1965 he was ohliged to go part time at the University Nevertheless he managed to continue his research studies working as

a team with his wife Jinny in many parts of the world He summarized his life in the following words I can look back over a rich Uld rewarding life in which I have visited all of the worlds continents and many of its islands How lucky can a guy get

He is survived by his wife Virginia and threc sons John Merritt Emlcn senior biologist with the CS Gcological Survey in Seattle W A Stephen Thompson Emlcn professor oi hehavioral ecolugy at Cornell Ulllversity in Ithaca NY and James Woodmff Emlcn Vice President for Exploratory Research at COllnetIcs Corporation in Palo AI to CA He has five grandchildren Douglas Emlen an assistant professor of Zoology at the University of Montana Katharine Emlell of Boulder CO Owen Emlen and Rohyn Emlcn of Denvcf CO and Scott Emlen of Seattle

Rememhrances should he scnt to the John T Emlen Scholarship Fund at the University of Wisconsin Foundation po Box 8860 Madison WI 537()Xshy8860


The Founders Memorial Postcr Award will he made this year in honor of John T Emlen a founder and Fellow of the Animal Behavior Socicty



The Behavior and Husbandry Advisory Group (B HAG) of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) requests ethograms for an Ethogram Rcpository

For many zoo staff and affiliates wishing to initiate a behavioral study particularly of a little-known or rare speCies a hottlencck III thc process is compiling an ethogram AddiLIonally zoo staff find ethograms useful when adding a new species to their collection dcsigning appropriate enrichmcnt and cxhihits and developing signs and educational materiaL

To facilitate the usc of hehavioral information in zoos the Behavior and Hushandry Advisory Group or the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) is estahlishing a repository of ethograms We have begun the process of collecting and compiling cxlsting ct1ograms and would like your help We arc making a standing request oj rescarchcr~ in Animal BehavlOr to assist us in this effort by sending copies (If published or unpublished ethograms they have dcveloped and used in their studics Authors of the etl10gram will be cited at the top of the first page Ethograms will bc stored and provided to AZA lllemhcr institutions (with relevant citations) upon re4uest

TI1C BHAG memher who will serve as contact person for collecting and distrihuting ethograms is Dr Tammie Betllnger Cleveland Melroparks Zoo 1900 Wildlife Way Cleveland OH 44109 USA (216) 661-6500 Fax (216) 661-3312 e-mail tammieh(g) ix netcomC(ll11

At this limc we arc rcquesting only vertehrate hehavior elhograms and those of cephalopods AllJlllugh it is optional we would prefer that donor~ ll1IilJ(je the following information with thcir ethograms unless it is part of a puhlication included with the ethogram SpecICs author of the ethogram location of thc study lcngth ()f study period sampling method composition of the study group (ie single animal single sex group or mixed sex group) contact person for questions amp any additional references you would recommend We would also appreciate any suggestions the author has for modifications to the ethograms used in a study Please scnd your hard copy or e-mail to the above contact


FORAGING98 An international conference on animal foraging hehavior will be held 21-24 July 199R at the University of California at Santa Cruz This will precedc the mceting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology in nearhy Monterey CA Organizers are Dave Stephens Marc Mangel and Don Kranler Deadline for Ahstracts and Pre-paid Registration is 15 March 19l)8 More information Foragingl)S Department or Ecology Evolution and Behavior University of Minnesota 100 Upper Buford Circle SL Paul MN 55101 USA VWW hup nashcbs u mn edu foragi ng ltforagingnashcbsul1lnedugt

The 5th International Congress of Neuroethology in La Jolla CA is rapidly approaching Although the target date for requesting the second circular (with full information ahout registration ctc) passed in Decemher it is not too late to indicate your interest But please dont delay any further The Congress Will take place on August 23-21 19l)8 on the campus of thc Uni versity of California San Diego in La Jolla California There will he 10 plenary lectures 20 symposia evening lectures and special eve11ls You may learn more ahout the Congress by visiting the ISNs Website at hllpwwwneumhioarizonaeduisn You may requcst registration lIlformation hy contacting ProL WB Kristan Dept of Biology UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA l)2093-0357 USA Telmiddot (619) 534-4760 Fax (619) 534-7309

email w kristan (gucsd ed u -or - asorgen frey (g)ucsd edu

The 10th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society will be held at the University of California at Davis 8-12 July )l)98 Davis is twenty minutes from Sacramento Metropolitan International Airport In July temperatures can range from pleasantly warm to hot The meeting will feature plenary speakers and one keynOle address Housing will be in UCD dorms or at local hotels (a list of hotels will he provided) Abstracts for papers arc due March 16 symposia ahstracts (consisting of four thematically-linked papcr abstracts demonstrating a synthetic and interdisciplinary focus) are due Fehruary 16 1998 Details for ahstracts will he forthcoming We welcome papers ol1llon-human animals that have relevance to human hehavior The program organizers are Jane Lancaster and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder the local host is Peter Richerson and the committee members are Denise Cummins Debra Judge Lore Ruttan and Joanna Scheib Beginning January 199R a web page for the meeting can he f()tllld at

httpwww desucdavisedu


XIII World Meeting of ISRA The International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) is a society of scholars and researchers interested in the scientific study of violence and aggression The society is both international and interdisciplinary and meets every other year on alternaung co1ltments Currently there are over 300 members from 34 countries with specialties in psychology psychiatry phYSIOlogy SOCIOlogy uIthropology animal behavior and pharmacology The current president of ISRA is Rowell Huesmann of the Unive rsity of Michigan and the Executive Secretary is Ed Donnerstein of the Univ of California Santa Barhara ISRA puhlishes a journal of research cntitled ARRressive Behavior (edited by Ron Baenninger or Temple University) and the ISRA Bulletin edited hy Roger Johnson (USA) and Kaj BJorkqvIst (Finland) From July 12-17 1998 ISRA will celehrate its 25th anniversary with the XIII World MeeUng TIle conference will be held on the campus or Ramapo College or New Jersey a 300 acre campus located in the suhurhan town of Mahwth New Jersey just 20 miles from New York City The conference will run from Sunday July 12 through Fnday July 19 and will include symposia invited addresses paper and poster SeSSl()I1S and SOCIal events All sessIons will bc held on the Ramapo College campus except for olle symposium which WIll be held at the Rockereller University in New York City The program co-chairs are MaryAnn and Ron Baenninger The deadline for submission of proposals for symposia is December L 1997 The deadline for submission of paper and poslCr presentatlllns is Feb I 1998 For details Oil

submission procedures plcase contact MaryAnn Baenninger Dept of Psychology The College of New Jersey PO Box 7718 Ewing New Jersey USA 08628-0718 or send emaillO baenlllllg(Qgttcnjedu The conkrence organwr IS Roger N Johnsoll Details about housltlg and regIstratIon will be announced III HIe December Issue of the ISRA Bulfelin For additional informatioll please visit the conference web site httpwwwski-towncomJisra


The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare will be published by Greenwood Press (Westport Connecticut) and is tentatively scheduled for release in June 1998 Edited by Marc BekolT of the University of Colorado this oncshyvolume retcrcnce work wIll prOVIde essays by recognized authorities in the field addressing many issues of animal rights and animal welfare The Foreword was written by Jane Goodall For more information please contact Marc Bekoff EPn

Biology University of Colorado Boulder Colorado 80309-0334 USA (e-mail marcbekoffeoloradoedu)

The Center for Field Research in viles proposals for 1998-1999 field grants funded by its affiliatc Earthwatch Earthwatch is an international non-profit organIzation dedicated to sponsoring tield research and promotlllg public education III the sCIences and humanitIes Past projects have been successfully fielded in but are not limited to the following disciplines animal behavior biodiversity ecology ornithology endangered species entomology marine mammalogy ichthyology herpetology marine ecology and resource and wildli fe management Interdisciplinary projects are especially encouraged as is multinational collaboration Information can be round at hllpwwwearthwatcllorgcfrclrhtml or you can cOlltact Tile Center for FIeld Research 680 Mt Auburn St Watertowll MA 02272 Tel (617) Y2(1shy8200 Fax (617) lJ26-8532 e-mail cfrearthwatchorg


The Sccretary would like III remind you allhough I try to avoid listing situations that arc already filled the time lag between submission and arrival of the Newsletter can cause Ulis to occur Please contact those offering the opportunities before applying

Assistant needed for study of avian sociality dispersal and population genetics in Australia Two licld assistants arc needed I August 31 November for a comparative study or the mating systems dispersal tactics and population genetics or two species of Australian treecreeper The primary study sIte is In eucalypt woodland in central New SUUUI Wales Duties will include nest-finding behavioral observatiolls radio-tracking mist netting banding and bleeding adults and nestlings Applicants should have experience with at least some of these activities be in good physical condition and willing to work oftell long l10urs in hot or cold weather Preferred applicants will have experience studying behavior in individually-marked populations Comfortable ilousing and a stipenJ of $400mo ($AUD) will be provided (along with fCUllastic native wildlife l ) but applicants MUST provide their own airfarl to Australia Send a cover letter resume and a list or 3 references including addresses and phone numbers before 1 Aprillo ERIK amp VERONICA DOERR Program in Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology University of Nevada Reno NV 89557 (cdoerrunrcdu)


Undergraduate Summer Research Internships - The Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) at Indiana University i nvlles applicaWlns to our NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Animal Behavior A total of 10 REU internshIps will he awarded to stUlicnts tn participate in this program irom I June to 8 August 10l)8 Each internship provides a $2500 stipend room amp hoard and transportation costs to ~Uld frolll Indiana University or the study site Undergraduates of racialethnic minorities first generation college or low income families are especially encouraged to apply hut all applicallls will he cllnsidered Applications will he accepted ulIlll all POSIlHlIlS are rilled For further information and application forms contact Linda Summers Administrative Assistant for REUCISAB at (812) 855-lJ663 or lIsnl11mer(aindlltlnacdu

Opportunities in the study of animal welfare A new animal welfare program was launched at the University llf British Columhia (in Vancouver Canada) in Octoher I JY7 As a key element in the program we are creating research and lraining opportunities for graduate studellls ami postshydoctoral workers Our funding comes from a range of interested partICs lllcluding the humane movement the veterinary profeSSIOn and animal agriculture and we hope to devel up resetrch projects to address wei fare issues relevant to these various supporters Two types of candidates are paniclarly encouraged (1 ) Students working in the life sciences especially with hackgrounds in hehaviour to conduct hehavioural or related research on farm lahoratory c()lllpanion or wild allimals (including Ilsh) directed at signillcltlm animal welfare issues and (2) students interested in interdisciplinary studies wiLh appropriate hackgrounds in the social sciences law and other nelds to conduct research on Issues suetl as the adetjuacy of legal proteCliou 01 allllllals the impact of international trade on alllmal welfare and the ellecliveness or animal protection programs We welcome inquiries from potential graduale students and post-doctoral workers with a strong interest in animal welfare and outstanding aptitude for research and team-work The Animal Wei lare Program has some financial support availahle and will assist others in applying for fundIng Please contact David Fraser and Dan Weary Department of nll11al SCIence and Centre for Applied EthICS University of British Columhia 2357 Main Mall - Suite 208 Vancouver V6T I Z4 Canada tel 604-822-2040 (Fraser) 604-822-3954 (We~uy) fax 604-822-4400 E-mail davidfraser(giuhcca dan w~ary(ajunixguhc ca httpwww jntcrchang~ u hcc a1agscii animal sc ilchair htm I

Volunteers - Approximately 30 volunteer positions arc open in 1998 at the American Museum of Natural Historys Southwestern Research Station in Portal Anzona The volunteer program IS run annually and olfers students in hiological sciences outstanding opportunities to ohserve and hecome involved with field research Food and lodging are provided in exchange lor 24 hr per week oj rOUline chores with the rel11aming time availahle for research The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students the latter may pursue their own research Volunteers are needed hetweell March 15 and Nov I Appointments are ror part ()f UllS period WIth a minimuIll of six weeks Applicants for spring (March-May) should suhl11it application hy Feh 15 summer volunteers (June-August) hy April I am fall volunteers (Sept - Nov) any time Dr Wade C Sherhrooke Director SouUIwestern Res~arch Station American Museum or Natural History Portal AZ 85632 USA Phone (520) 558-2396 e-mail swrs(a alllllhorg

Volunteer field assistants needed lor study 01 hehavioral ecology of Utah prairie dogs Topics of research include variance in male and remal~ reproductive success multiple paternity kin recognitinfl alarm calling infanlIClde communal nursIng levels of Inhreeding demography and population dynamICS Study site is in Bryce Canyon National Park Utah Field season starts 5 March and ends 10 July The only requirement is that you liave a genuine interest in field research in ecology and social hehavior Academic credit is possihle and several prevlOus assistants have applied research toward eIUwr a senior thesis or Mastcrs degree Contact John L Hoogland The University of Maryland Appalachian Lahoratory Frosthurg MD 21532 Tel 30 1-68lJ-3115 x216 (work) or 301-689shy8076 (home) Fax 301-68J-8518

Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecologist Tell ure Track Assistant Professor Position for Fall ilJ08 Application Deadline Review of applicatiolls will hegin March 1 19J8 and wiIl continue until the position is 1l1Ied Salary commensurate willI experience Requirements PhD in a hiological sciences area directly related to tcrrestrial vertehral ecology Preference will he given to individuals WIth

expertise or expericnce in two or more or the following areas ornithology mammalogy animal hehavior and wildlife management In addition applicants must have the ahility to teach undergraduate and graduate students and do research Responsihilities Course coordination and team teaching in general ecology plus teach other courses for undergraduate and graduate students relating to terrestrial vertehrate ecology in Ue applicants area ul expertise Conduct research involving undergraduate


andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



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Send this form with payment to Animal Behavior Society EMAIL abofficc(aJindianacdu 2611 East 10th St Officc 170 to report Journal DelhmiddotcrJ crrors Indiana University ADDRESS CHANGES or other Bloomington IN USA 47408-2603 mcmbershill Ilroblcms FAX (812) 856-5542

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ABS AUTHORS If you have written or edited a book pertinent to animal behavior which was published in 1997 or will have a book coming out in 1998 please send the citation and a brief synopsis of its contents to Dr Linda Rayor Dept of Entomology Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853 Isrl cornelledu Chair of ABS Public Affairs Committee


RenewalStatus forms for 1998 have now heen mailed to all active and lapsed members with valid addresses on me If you havent received yours or your envelope was missing either the renewal form or information form please contact the central office (aboffice(g)indianaedu) or use the Application Renewal form on the hack of this newsletter You may also download a form from the ABS web site at httpwwwcisabindianaeduABSMemheriindex htm It your membership lapsed in 1997 and you wish to order 1997 journals you may do so by paying I iN7 dues (same as 1(98) and noting that you wish to receive 1997 journals on your form al1llJor check



The I lt)96 Animal Behavior Society Graduate Program Bulletin (Canada Mexico and the United States) prepared by the ABS Education Committee is once again available It is on line at the ABS web site httpwwwci sabi ndianaedu ABSResourceli ndex htm Hard copy is also available for $800 from the Central Office (see direction of correspondence)


The Constitution Bylaws and Handbook are on line at the ABS web site httpwwwcisabindianaedu Also posted are committee membership lists and a variety of other items concerning the Society and its members



Thanks to the generosity of William C Brown Publishers the Animal Behavior Society solicits nominations for the William C Brown Animal Behavior Teaching Award for 1998 to be awarded at the 1998 ABS meeting in Carhondale Illinois The awardee will receive a $500 personal stipend and a grant of $500 to enhance undergraduate instruction U1

animal behavior at the awardees institution Nominees for the award must show evidence of effective and innovative teaching and have a reputation among peers and studellls for excellence in ulldergraduate animal behavior instruction mail1l~lncd over a number of years Persons wishing to make a nomination must submit a one-page nomination letter and names addresses and phone numbers or at least two additional references Selection will he made by the ABS Education Committee upon receipt of a nominating letter the committee will solicit supporting materials such as course syllabi student evaluation summaries letters from students or peers documentation of teaching awards and innovatiolls textual Of laboratory materials and other ind ical(ifS il t superior undergraduate teaching Nominator and nominees must be members of the Animal Behaviur Society current ofticers and committee chairs or tile Animal Behavior Society are not eligible lor nomination Nominations must be submitted by March 15 11)98 to Dr Michael Renner Chair of the ABS Education Committee Dept of Psychology West Chester University West Chester PA 19383


Sites for future ABS meetings are needed Anyone wishing to host one of our meetings should contact David Duvall to discuss reljuiremems and to receive further information


JOHN T EMLEN JR 1908-1997

By John Stephen and Woody Emlen

John T Emlcn Jr - gentle man enthusiastic naturalist teacher scholar and longstanding professor at thc University of Wisconsin - Madison died Noemher 8 1997 at the age of 88 after a hrief illncss

Johnny was horn 111 Germantown PA in 1908 to John T Emlcn and Mary Jones and grew up attending Germaillown Friends School He studied at Haverford College (BS 193 I) and COflle]] University (PhD in ZoologyOrnithology 1(34) In IY34 after working as a park naturalist at Glacier National Park he married Virginia Merritt daughter of Corncll phySICS profcssor Ernest Merritt and Bertha Sutcrmcistcr Merritt

Hc first wcnt to Madison to work with Aldo Leopold and for thc US Burcau of BIOlogical SUfvey Then In 1935 he joined the hiology department at the University of California at Davis where he served as inslfuclOr of zoology until 1942 when hc joined the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Puhlic Health on a wartime project on fat control in the city of Baltimore Aller the war he returncd to Madison as l~sllciate professor of zoology at the University of W1SUJl1~lIL Advanced to full professorship in IY47 ilL ~crved as department Chalflll(ln from 1950 to 1953 ll1d conunued as professor and selllOf zoologist until IllS retirement in 1974

Dr Emlen was a pioneer in evolutionary studies of animal ecology and bchavior concenlfating Oil field studics of hirds and mammals in their natural hahitats He was a fcllow of numerous professional societies and served as president of the American Ornithologists Union the Wilson Ornit11Ological SOCIety and the Wlsconslll Socicty lor Ornithology He was both a John Simon Guggenheim and Flllhright Fellow and rccelved the highest honor conferred in American ornithology the Elliot Coues Award in 1973 At the Univcrsity wherc he was fondly known as Doc he ll1entored 19 doctoral and 22 Masters students many of whom arc current Icaders in their disciplincs throughout the world In his later years the University estahlished a scholarship lund in his name to he awarded each year to a graduatc student with outstanding potential for creativity in field research

Beset with heart problems In 1965 he was ohliged to go part time at the University Nevertheless he managed to continue his research studies working as

a team with his wife Jinny in many parts of the world He summarized his life in the following words I can look back over a rich Uld rewarding life in which I have visited all of the worlds continents and many of its islands How lucky can a guy get

He is survived by his wife Virginia and threc sons John Merritt Emlcn senior biologist with the CS Gcological Survey in Seattle W A Stephen Thompson Emlcn professor oi hehavioral ecolugy at Cornell Ulllversity in Ithaca NY and James Woodmff Emlcn Vice President for Exploratory Research at COllnetIcs Corporation in Palo AI to CA He has five grandchildren Douglas Emlen an assistant professor of Zoology at the University of Montana Katharine Emlell of Boulder CO Owen Emlen and Rohyn Emlcn of Denvcf CO and Scott Emlen of Seattle

Rememhrances should he scnt to the John T Emlen Scholarship Fund at the University of Wisconsin Foundation po Box 8860 Madison WI 537()Xshy8860


The Founders Memorial Postcr Award will he made this year in honor of John T Emlen a founder and Fellow of the Animal Behavior Socicty



The Behavior and Husbandry Advisory Group (B HAG) of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) requests ethograms for an Ethogram Rcpository

For many zoo staff and affiliates wishing to initiate a behavioral study particularly of a little-known or rare speCies a hottlencck III thc process is compiling an ethogram AddiLIonally zoo staff find ethograms useful when adding a new species to their collection dcsigning appropriate enrichmcnt and cxhihits and developing signs and educational materiaL

To facilitate the usc of hehavioral information in zoos the Behavior and Hushandry Advisory Group or the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) is estahlishing a repository of ethograms We have begun the process of collecting and compiling cxlsting ct1ograms and would like your help We arc making a standing request oj rescarchcr~ in Animal BehavlOr to assist us in this effort by sending copies (If published or unpublished ethograms they have dcveloped and used in their studics Authors of the etl10gram will be cited at the top of the first page Ethograms will bc stored and provided to AZA lllemhcr institutions (with relevant citations) upon re4uest

TI1C BHAG memher who will serve as contact person for collecting and distrihuting ethograms is Dr Tammie Betllnger Cleveland Melroparks Zoo 1900 Wildlife Way Cleveland OH 44109 USA (216) 661-6500 Fax (216) 661-3312 e-mail tammieh(g) ix netcomC(ll11

At this limc we arc rcquesting only vertehrate hehavior elhograms and those of cephalopods AllJlllugh it is optional we would prefer that donor~ ll1IilJ(je the following information with thcir ethograms unless it is part of a puhlication included with the ethogram SpecICs author of the ethogram location of thc study lcngth ()f study period sampling method composition of the study group (ie single animal single sex group or mixed sex group) contact person for questions amp any additional references you would recommend We would also appreciate any suggestions the author has for modifications to the ethograms used in a study Please scnd your hard copy or e-mail to the above contact


FORAGING98 An international conference on animal foraging hehavior will be held 21-24 July 199R at the University of California at Santa Cruz This will precedc the mceting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology in nearhy Monterey CA Organizers are Dave Stephens Marc Mangel and Don Kranler Deadline for Ahstracts and Pre-paid Registration is 15 March 19l)8 More information Foragingl)S Department or Ecology Evolution and Behavior University of Minnesota 100 Upper Buford Circle SL Paul MN 55101 USA VWW hup nashcbs u mn edu foragi ng ltforagingnashcbsul1lnedugt

The 5th International Congress of Neuroethology in La Jolla CA is rapidly approaching Although the target date for requesting the second circular (with full information ahout registration ctc) passed in Decemher it is not too late to indicate your interest But please dont delay any further The Congress Will take place on August 23-21 19l)8 on the campus of thc Uni versity of California San Diego in La Jolla California There will he 10 plenary lectures 20 symposia evening lectures and special eve11ls You may learn more ahout the Congress by visiting the ISNs Website at hllpwwwneumhioarizonaeduisn You may requcst registration lIlformation hy contacting ProL WB Kristan Dept of Biology UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA l)2093-0357 USA Telmiddot (619) 534-4760 Fax (619) 534-7309

email w kristan (gucsd ed u -or - asorgen frey (g)ucsd edu

The 10th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society will be held at the University of California at Davis 8-12 July )l)98 Davis is twenty minutes from Sacramento Metropolitan International Airport In July temperatures can range from pleasantly warm to hot The meeting will feature plenary speakers and one keynOle address Housing will be in UCD dorms or at local hotels (a list of hotels will he provided) Abstracts for papers arc due March 16 symposia ahstracts (consisting of four thematically-linked papcr abstracts demonstrating a synthetic and interdisciplinary focus) are due Fehruary 16 1998 Details for ahstracts will he forthcoming We welcome papers ol1llon-human animals that have relevance to human hehavior The program organizers are Jane Lancaster and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder the local host is Peter Richerson and the committee members are Denise Cummins Debra Judge Lore Ruttan and Joanna Scheib Beginning January 199R a web page for the meeting can he f()tllld at

httpwww desucdavisedu


XIII World Meeting of ISRA The International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) is a society of scholars and researchers interested in the scientific study of violence and aggression The society is both international and interdisciplinary and meets every other year on alternaung co1ltments Currently there are over 300 members from 34 countries with specialties in psychology psychiatry phYSIOlogy SOCIOlogy uIthropology animal behavior and pharmacology The current president of ISRA is Rowell Huesmann of the Unive rsity of Michigan and the Executive Secretary is Ed Donnerstein of the Univ of California Santa Barhara ISRA puhlishes a journal of research cntitled ARRressive Behavior (edited by Ron Baenninger or Temple University) and the ISRA Bulletin edited hy Roger Johnson (USA) and Kaj BJorkqvIst (Finland) From July 12-17 1998 ISRA will celehrate its 25th anniversary with the XIII World MeeUng TIle conference will be held on the campus or Ramapo College or New Jersey a 300 acre campus located in the suhurhan town of Mahwth New Jersey just 20 miles from New York City The conference will run from Sunday July 12 through Fnday July 19 and will include symposia invited addresses paper and poster SeSSl()I1S and SOCIal events All sessIons will bc held on the Ramapo College campus except for olle symposium which WIll be held at the Rockereller University in New York City The program co-chairs are MaryAnn and Ron Baenninger The deadline for submission of proposals for symposia is December L 1997 The deadline for submission of paper and poslCr presentatlllns is Feb I 1998 For details Oil

submission procedures plcase contact MaryAnn Baenninger Dept of Psychology The College of New Jersey PO Box 7718 Ewing New Jersey USA 08628-0718 or send emaillO baenlllllg(Qgttcnjedu The conkrence organwr IS Roger N Johnsoll Details about housltlg and regIstratIon will be announced III HIe December Issue of the ISRA Bulfelin For additional informatioll please visit the conference web site httpwwwski-towncomJisra


The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare will be published by Greenwood Press (Westport Connecticut) and is tentatively scheduled for release in June 1998 Edited by Marc BekolT of the University of Colorado this oncshyvolume retcrcnce work wIll prOVIde essays by recognized authorities in the field addressing many issues of animal rights and animal welfare The Foreword was written by Jane Goodall For more information please contact Marc Bekoff EPn

Biology University of Colorado Boulder Colorado 80309-0334 USA (e-mail marcbekoffeoloradoedu)

The Center for Field Research in viles proposals for 1998-1999 field grants funded by its affiliatc Earthwatch Earthwatch is an international non-profit organIzation dedicated to sponsoring tield research and promotlllg public education III the sCIences and humanitIes Past projects have been successfully fielded in but are not limited to the following disciplines animal behavior biodiversity ecology ornithology endangered species entomology marine mammalogy ichthyology herpetology marine ecology and resource and wildli fe management Interdisciplinary projects are especially encouraged as is multinational collaboration Information can be round at hllpwwwearthwatcllorgcfrclrhtml or you can cOlltact Tile Center for FIeld Research 680 Mt Auburn St Watertowll MA 02272 Tel (617) Y2(1shy8200 Fax (617) lJ26-8532 e-mail cfrearthwatchorg


The Sccretary would like III remind you allhough I try to avoid listing situations that arc already filled the time lag between submission and arrival of the Newsletter can cause Ulis to occur Please contact those offering the opportunities before applying

Assistant needed for study of avian sociality dispersal and population genetics in Australia Two licld assistants arc needed I August 31 November for a comparative study or the mating systems dispersal tactics and population genetics or two species of Australian treecreeper The primary study sIte is In eucalypt woodland in central New SUUUI Wales Duties will include nest-finding behavioral observatiolls radio-tracking mist netting banding and bleeding adults and nestlings Applicants should have experience with at least some of these activities be in good physical condition and willing to work oftell long l10urs in hot or cold weather Preferred applicants will have experience studying behavior in individually-marked populations Comfortable ilousing and a stipenJ of $400mo ($AUD) will be provided (along with fCUllastic native wildlife l ) but applicants MUST provide their own airfarl to Australia Send a cover letter resume and a list or 3 references including addresses and phone numbers before 1 Aprillo ERIK amp VERONICA DOERR Program in Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology University of Nevada Reno NV 89557 (cdoerrunrcdu)


Undergraduate Summer Research Internships - The Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) at Indiana University i nvlles applicaWlns to our NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Animal Behavior A total of 10 REU internshIps will he awarded to stUlicnts tn participate in this program irom I June to 8 August 10l)8 Each internship provides a $2500 stipend room amp hoard and transportation costs to ~Uld frolll Indiana University or the study site Undergraduates of racialethnic minorities first generation college or low income families are especially encouraged to apply hut all applicallls will he cllnsidered Applications will he accepted ulIlll all POSIlHlIlS are rilled For further information and application forms contact Linda Summers Administrative Assistant for REUCISAB at (812) 855-lJ663 or lIsnl11mer(aindlltlnacdu

Opportunities in the study of animal welfare A new animal welfare program was launched at the University llf British Columhia (in Vancouver Canada) in Octoher I JY7 As a key element in the program we are creating research and lraining opportunities for graduate studellls ami postshydoctoral workers Our funding comes from a range of interested partICs lllcluding the humane movement the veterinary profeSSIOn and animal agriculture and we hope to devel up resetrch projects to address wei fare issues relevant to these various supporters Two types of candidates are paniclarly encouraged (1 ) Students working in the life sciences especially with hackgrounds in hehaviour to conduct hehavioural or related research on farm lahoratory c()lllpanion or wild allimals (including Ilsh) directed at signillcltlm animal welfare issues and (2) students interested in interdisciplinary studies wiLh appropriate hackgrounds in the social sciences law and other nelds to conduct research on Issues suetl as the adetjuacy of legal proteCliou 01 allllllals the impact of international trade on alllmal welfare and the ellecliveness or animal protection programs We welcome inquiries from potential graduale students and post-doctoral workers with a strong interest in animal welfare and outstanding aptitude for research and team-work The Animal Wei lare Program has some financial support availahle and will assist others in applying for fundIng Please contact David Fraser and Dan Weary Department of nll11al SCIence and Centre for Applied EthICS University of British Columhia 2357 Main Mall - Suite 208 Vancouver V6T I Z4 Canada tel 604-822-2040 (Fraser) 604-822-3954 (We~uy) fax 604-822-4400 E-mail davidfraser(giuhcca dan w~ary(ajunixguhc ca httpwww jntcrchang~ u hcc a1agscii animal sc ilchair htm I

Volunteers - Approximately 30 volunteer positions arc open in 1998 at the American Museum of Natural Historys Southwestern Research Station in Portal Anzona The volunteer program IS run annually and olfers students in hiological sciences outstanding opportunities to ohserve and hecome involved with field research Food and lodging are provided in exchange lor 24 hr per week oj rOUline chores with the rel11aming time availahle for research The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students the latter may pursue their own research Volunteers are needed hetweell March 15 and Nov I Appointments are ror part ()f UllS period WIth a minimuIll of six weeks Applicants for spring (March-May) should suhl11it application hy Feh 15 summer volunteers (June-August) hy April I am fall volunteers (Sept - Nov) any time Dr Wade C Sherhrooke Director SouUIwestern Res~arch Station American Museum or Natural History Portal AZ 85632 USA Phone (520) 558-2396 e-mail swrs(a alllllhorg

Volunteer field assistants needed lor study 01 hehavioral ecology of Utah prairie dogs Topics of research include variance in male and remal~ reproductive success multiple paternity kin recognitinfl alarm calling infanlIClde communal nursIng levels of Inhreeding demography and population dynamICS Study site is in Bryce Canyon National Park Utah Field season starts 5 March and ends 10 July The only requirement is that you liave a genuine interest in field research in ecology and social hehavior Academic credit is possihle and several prevlOus assistants have applied research toward eIUwr a senior thesis or Mastcrs degree Contact John L Hoogland The University of Maryland Appalachian Lahoratory Frosthurg MD 21532 Tel 30 1-68lJ-3115 x216 (work) or 301-689shy8076 (home) Fax 301-68J-8518

Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecologist Tell ure Track Assistant Professor Position for Fall ilJ08 Application Deadline Review of applicatiolls will hegin March 1 19J8 and wiIl continue until the position is 1l1Ied Salary commensurate willI experience Requirements PhD in a hiological sciences area directly related to tcrrestrial vertehral ecology Preference will he given to individuals WIth

expertise or expericnce in two or more or the following areas ornithology mammalogy animal hehavior and wildlife management In addition applicants must have the ahility to teach undergraduate and graduate students and do research Responsihilities Course coordination and team teaching in general ecology plus teach other courses for undergraduate and graduate students relating to terrestrial vertehrate ecology in Ue applicants area ul expertise Conduct research involving undergraduate


andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



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1 1


This is a (please check one) o RENEW AL - make any corrections beside mailing label at bottom of pageD NEW MEMBERSHIP Print or type full name and mailing address at bottom of page

=] Begm my membership nm (send back issues) Begin my membership January_~_(year) Phone Fax E-mail_---~___-c- _~~U I would like ABS to send relevant mailings (eg ballots renewaI reminders) to me viae-mail rvly correct e-mail address is YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE SOLD OR DISSEMINATED TO OTHER ORGANIZATIONS EVEN IF YOU CHECK THIS BOX

MEMBERSHIP CLASS VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS (I) Regular Member $46 (2) Student Member $23

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In advan~

Ethnic Diversitv Fund (4) Multiple (Joint) Membert $28

Research A wards Flind onalions

(S) Emeritus Member $23 (8) Newslelter Only (nonmember) $ 8

Unrestricted Fund are deductible

(9) Developing Nations Membet $2S (10) DeVeloping Nations Student$IS

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Signature of card holder ----=--C~-~-----~~-------C---------OC-~-~1~nlbers art remind~d it tt)sb [0 proc~ss ra~m~nts lllWh ( bullJr nlor~) to your 1()1~d

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t My Multiple (JointSpouse) Mcmbcrship is with _~~__ ___~__ ___~_____~______~_ YOU MUST SPECIFY a FULL MEMBER with whom you share a COlly of the Journal

bull -1l1t~ following nations shall not be considcred Developing Nations 111C United States Canada Israel Japan Australia New Zealand Iceland Norwav SWeUCtL Finland Dcnmark Germanv The Netllltrlallds BelgiUm Luxembourg France The JlItted Kmgdom Ireland Switzerland Austna Ttal Spain and Portugal

Send this form with payment to Animal Behavior Society EMAIL abofficc(aJindianacdu 2611 East 10th St Officc 170 to report Journal DelhmiddotcrJ crrors Indiana University ADDRESS CHANGES or other Bloomington IN USA 47408-2603 mcmbershill Ilroblcms FAX (812) 856-5542

Animal Behavior Society Non-Profit S Foster Secretary organir11lio I

Dept of Biology US POSTAGE Clark University PAID 9S0 Mam St WORCESTER MA Worcester MA USA 01610-1477 PERMIT NO 18X6



26 J ILl 0 fH 110 BLOOMINGTON IN 47408-2603 USA

JOHN T EMLEN JR 1908-1997

By John Stephen and Woody Emlen

John T Emlcn Jr - gentle man enthusiastic naturalist teacher scholar and longstanding professor at thc University of Wisconsin - Madison died Noemher 8 1997 at the age of 88 after a hrief illncss

Johnny was horn 111 Germantown PA in 1908 to John T Emlcn and Mary Jones and grew up attending Germaillown Friends School He studied at Haverford College (BS 193 I) and COflle]] University (PhD in ZoologyOrnithology 1(34) In IY34 after working as a park naturalist at Glacier National Park he married Virginia Merritt daughter of Corncll phySICS profcssor Ernest Merritt and Bertha Sutcrmcistcr Merritt

Hc first wcnt to Madison to work with Aldo Leopold and for thc US Burcau of BIOlogical SUfvey Then In 1935 he joined the hiology department at the University of California at Davis where he served as inslfuclOr of zoology until 1942 when hc joined the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Puhlic Health on a wartime project on fat control in the city of Baltimore Aller the war he returncd to Madison as l~sllciate professor of zoology at the University of W1SUJl1~lIL Advanced to full professorship in IY47 ilL ~crved as department Chalflll(ln from 1950 to 1953 ll1d conunued as professor and selllOf zoologist until IllS retirement in 1974

Dr Emlen was a pioneer in evolutionary studies of animal ecology and bchavior concenlfating Oil field studics of hirds and mammals in their natural hahitats He was a fcllow of numerous professional societies and served as president of the American Ornithologists Union the Wilson Ornit11Ological SOCIety and the Wlsconslll Socicty lor Ornithology He was both a John Simon Guggenheim and Flllhright Fellow and rccelved the highest honor conferred in American ornithology the Elliot Coues Award in 1973 At the Univcrsity wherc he was fondly known as Doc he ll1entored 19 doctoral and 22 Masters students many of whom arc current Icaders in their disciplincs throughout the world In his later years the University estahlished a scholarship lund in his name to he awarded each year to a graduatc student with outstanding potential for creativity in field research

Beset with heart problems In 1965 he was ohliged to go part time at the University Nevertheless he managed to continue his research studies working as

a team with his wife Jinny in many parts of the world He summarized his life in the following words I can look back over a rich Uld rewarding life in which I have visited all of the worlds continents and many of its islands How lucky can a guy get

He is survived by his wife Virginia and threc sons John Merritt Emlcn senior biologist with the CS Gcological Survey in Seattle W A Stephen Thompson Emlcn professor oi hehavioral ecolugy at Cornell Ulllversity in Ithaca NY and James Woodmff Emlcn Vice President for Exploratory Research at COllnetIcs Corporation in Palo AI to CA He has five grandchildren Douglas Emlen an assistant professor of Zoology at the University of Montana Katharine Emlell of Boulder CO Owen Emlen and Rohyn Emlcn of Denvcf CO and Scott Emlen of Seattle

Rememhrances should he scnt to the John T Emlen Scholarship Fund at the University of Wisconsin Foundation po Box 8860 Madison WI 537()Xshy8860


The Founders Memorial Postcr Award will he made this year in honor of John T Emlen a founder and Fellow of the Animal Behavior Socicty



The Behavior and Husbandry Advisory Group (B HAG) of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) requests ethograms for an Ethogram Rcpository

For many zoo staff and affiliates wishing to initiate a behavioral study particularly of a little-known or rare speCies a hottlencck III thc process is compiling an ethogram AddiLIonally zoo staff find ethograms useful when adding a new species to their collection dcsigning appropriate enrichmcnt and cxhihits and developing signs and educational materiaL

To facilitate the usc of hehavioral information in zoos the Behavior and Hushandry Advisory Group or the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) is estahlishing a repository of ethograms We have begun the process of collecting and compiling cxlsting ct1ograms and would like your help We arc making a standing request oj rescarchcr~ in Animal BehavlOr to assist us in this effort by sending copies (If published or unpublished ethograms they have dcveloped and used in their studics Authors of the etl10gram will be cited at the top of the first page Ethograms will bc stored and provided to AZA lllemhcr institutions (with relevant citations) upon re4uest

TI1C BHAG memher who will serve as contact person for collecting and distrihuting ethograms is Dr Tammie Betllnger Cleveland Melroparks Zoo 1900 Wildlife Way Cleveland OH 44109 USA (216) 661-6500 Fax (216) 661-3312 e-mail tammieh(g) ix netcomC(ll11

At this limc we arc rcquesting only vertehrate hehavior elhograms and those of cephalopods AllJlllugh it is optional we would prefer that donor~ ll1IilJ(je the following information with thcir ethograms unless it is part of a puhlication included with the ethogram SpecICs author of the ethogram location of thc study lcngth ()f study period sampling method composition of the study group (ie single animal single sex group or mixed sex group) contact person for questions amp any additional references you would recommend We would also appreciate any suggestions the author has for modifications to the ethograms used in a study Please scnd your hard copy or e-mail to the above contact


FORAGING98 An international conference on animal foraging hehavior will be held 21-24 July 199R at the University of California at Santa Cruz This will precedc the mceting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology in nearhy Monterey CA Organizers are Dave Stephens Marc Mangel and Don Kranler Deadline for Ahstracts and Pre-paid Registration is 15 March 19l)8 More information Foragingl)S Department or Ecology Evolution and Behavior University of Minnesota 100 Upper Buford Circle SL Paul MN 55101 USA VWW hup nashcbs u mn edu foragi ng ltforagingnashcbsul1lnedugt

The 5th International Congress of Neuroethology in La Jolla CA is rapidly approaching Although the target date for requesting the second circular (with full information ahout registration ctc) passed in Decemher it is not too late to indicate your interest But please dont delay any further The Congress Will take place on August 23-21 19l)8 on the campus of thc Uni versity of California San Diego in La Jolla California There will he 10 plenary lectures 20 symposia evening lectures and special eve11ls You may learn more ahout the Congress by visiting the ISNs Website at hllpwwwneumhioarizonaeduisn You may requcst registration lIlformation hy contacting ProL WB Kristan Dept of Biology UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA l)2093-0357 USA Telmiddot (619) 534-4760 Fax (619) 534-7309

email w kristan (gucsd ed u -or - asorgen frey (g)ucsd edu

The 10th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society will be held at the University of California at Davis 8-12 July )l)98 Davis is twenty minutes from Sacramento Metropolitan International Airport In July temperatures can range from pleasantly warm to hot The meeting will feature plenary speakers and one keynOle address Housing will be in UCD dorms or at local hotels (a list of hotels will he provided) Abstracts for papers arc due March 16 symposia ahstracts (consisting of four thematically-linked papcr abstracts demonstrating a synthetic and interdisciplinary focus) are due Fehruary 16 1998 Details for ahstracts will he forthcoming We welcome papers ol1llon-human animals that have relevance to human hehavior The program organizers are Jane Lancaster and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder the local host is Peter Richerson and the committee members are Denise Cummins Debra Judge Lore Ruttan and Joanna Scheib Beginning January 199R a web page for the meeting can he f()tllld at

httpwww desucdavisedu


XIII World Meeting of ISRA The International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) is a society of scholars and researchers interested in the scientific study of violence and aggression The society is both international and interdisciplinary and meets every other year on alternaung co1ltments Currently there are over 300 members from 34 countries with specialties in psychology psychiatry phYSIOlogy SOCIOlogy uIthropology animal behavior and pharmacology The current president of ISRA is Rowell Huesmann of the Unive rsity of Michigan and the Executive Secretary is Ed Donnerstein of the Univ of California Santa Barhara ISRA puhlishes a journal of research cntitled ARRressive Behavior (edited by Ron Baenninger or Temple University) and the ISRA Bulletin edited hy Roger Johnson (USA) and Kaj BJorkqvIst (Finland) From July 12-17 1998 ISRA will celehrate its 25th anniversary with the XIII World MeeUng TIle conference will be held on the campus or Ramapo College or New Jersey a 300 acre campus located in the suhurhan town of Mahwth New Jersey just 20 miles from New York City The conference will run from Sunday July 12 through Fnday July 19 and will include symposia invited addresses paper and poster SeSSl()I1S and SOCIal events All sessIons will bc held on the Ramapo College campus except for olle symposium which WIll be held at the Rockereller University in New York City The program co-chairs are MaryAnn and Ron Baenninger The deadline for submission of proposals for symposia is December L 1997 The deadline for submission of paper and poslCr presentatlllns is Feb I 1998 For details Oil

submission procedures plcase contact MaryAnn Baenninger Dept of Psychology The College of New Jersey PO Box 7718 Ewing New Jersey USA 08628-0718 or send emaillO baenlllllg(Qgttcnjedu The conkrence organwr IS Roger N Johnsoll Details about housltlg and regIstratIon will be announced III HIe December Issue of the ISRA Bulfelin For additional informatioll please visit the conference web site httpwwwski-towncomJisra


The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare will be published by Greenwood Press (Westport Connecticut) and is tentatively scheduled for release in June 1998 Edited by Marc BekolT of the University of Colorado this oncshyvolume retcrcnce work wIll prOVIde essays by recognized authorities in the field addressing many issues of animal rights and animal welfare The Foreword was written by Jane Goodall For more information please contact Marc Bekoff EPn

Biology University of Colorado Boulder Colorado 80309-0334 USA (e-mail marcbekoffeoloradoedu)

The Center for Field Research in viles proposals for 1998-1999 field grants funded by its affiliatc Earthwatch Earthwatch is an international non-profit organIzation dedicated to sponsoring tield research and promotlllg public education III the sCIences and humanitIes Past projects have been successfully fielded in but are not limited to the following disciplines animal behavior biodiversity ecology ornithology endangered species entomology marine mammalogy ichthyology herpetology marine ecology and resource and wildli fe management Interdisciplinary projects are especially encouraged as is multinational collaboration Information can be round at hllpwwwearthwatcllorgcfrclrhtml or you can cOlltact Tile Center for FIeld Research 680 Mt Auburn St Watertowll MA 02272 Tel (617) Y2(1shy8200 Fax (617) lJ26-8532 e-mail cfrearthwatchorg


The Sccretary would like III remind you allhough I try to avoid listing situations that arc already filled the time lag between submission and arrival of the Newsletter can cause Ulis to occur Please contact those offering the opportunities before applying

Assistant needed for study of avian sociality dispersal and population genetics in Australia Two licld assistants arc needed I August 31 November for a comparative study or the mating systems dispersal tactics and population genetics or two species of Australian treecreeper The primary study sIte is In eucalypt woodland in central New SUUUI Wales Duties will include nest-finding behavioral observatiolls radio-tracking mist netting banding and bleeding adults and nestlings Applicants should have experience with at least some of these activities be in good physical condition and willing to work oftell long l10urs in hot or cold weather Preferred applicants will have experience studying behavior in individually-marked populations Comfortable ilousing and a stipenJ of $400mo ($AUD) will be provided (along with fCUllastic native wildlife l ) but applicants MUST provide their own airfarl to Australia Send a cover letter resume and a list or 3 references including addresses and phone numbers before 1 Aprillo ERIK amp VERONICA DOERR Program in Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology University of Nevada Reno NV 89557 (cdoerrunrcdu)


Undergraduate Summer Research Internships - The Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) at Indiana University i nvlles applicaWlns to our NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Animal Behavior A total of 10 REU internshIps will he awarded to stUlicnts tn participate in this program irom I June to 8 August 10l)8 Each internship provides a $2500 stipend room amp hoard and transportation costs to ~Uld frolll Indiana University or the study site Undergraduates of racialethnic minorities first generation college or low income families are especially encouraged to apply hut all applicallls will he cllnsidered Applications will he accepted ulIlll all POSIlHlIlS are rilled For further information and application forms contact Linda Summers Administrative Assistant for REUCISAB at (812) 855-lJ663 or lIsnl11mer(aindlltlnacdu

Opportunities in the study of animal welfare A new animal welfare program was launched at the University llf British Columhia (in Vancouver Canada) in Octoher I JY7 As a key element in the program we are creating research and lraining opportunities for graduate studellls ami postshydoctoral workers Our funding comes from a range of interested partICs lllcluding the humane movement the veterinary profeSSIOn and animal agriculture and we hope to devel up resetrch projects to address wei fare issues relevant to these various supporters Two types of candidates are paniclarly encouraged (1 ) Students working in the life sciences especially with hackgrounds in hehaviour to conduct hehavioural or related research on farm lahoratory c()lllpanion or wild allimals (including Ilsh) directed at signillcltlm animal welfare issues and (2) students interested in interdisciplinary studies wiLh appropriate hackgrounds in the social sciences law and other nelds to conduct research on Issues suetl as the adetjuacy of legal proteCliou 01 allllllals the impact of international trade on alllmal welfare and the ellecliveness or animal protection programs We welcome inquiries from potential graduale students and post-doctoral workers with a strong interest in animal welfare and outstanding aptitude for research and team-work The Animal Wei lare Program has some financial support availahle and will assist others in applying for fundIng Please contact David Fraser and Dan Weary Department of nll11al SCIence and Centre for Applied EthICS University of British Columhia 2357 Main Mall - Suite 208 Vancouver V6T I Z4 Canada tel 604-822-2040 (Fraser) 604-822-3954 (We~uy) fax 604-822-4400 E-mail davidfraser(giuhcca dan w~ary(ajunixguhc ca httpwww jntcrchang~ u hcc a1agscii animal sc ilchair htm I

Volunteers - Approximately 30 volunteer positions arc open in 1998 at the American Museum of Natural Historys Southwestern Research Station in Portal Anzona The volunteer program IS run annually and olfers students in hiological sciences outstanding opportunities to ohserve and hecome involved with field research Food and lodging are provided in exchange lor 24 hr per week oj rOUline chores with the rel11aming time availahle for research The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students the latter may pursue their own research Volunteers are needed hetweell March 15 and Nov I Appointments are ror part ()f UllS period WIth a minimuIll of six weeks Applicants for spring (March-May) should suhl11it application hy Feh 15 summer volunteers (June-August) hy April I am fall volunteers (Sept - Nov) any time Dr Wade C Sherhrooke Director SouUIwestern Res~arch Station American Museum or Natural History Portal AZ 85632 USA Phone (520) 558-2396 e-mail swrs(a alllllhorg

Volunteer field assistants needed lor study 01 hehavioral ecology of Utah prairie dogs Topics of research include variance in male and remal~ reproductive success multiple paternity kin recognitinfl alarm calling infanlIClde communal nursIng levels of Inhreeding demography and population dynamICS Study site is in Bryce Canyon National Park Utah Field season starts 5 March and ends 10 July The only requirement is that you liave a genuine interest in field research in ecology and social hehavior Academic credit is possihle and several prevlOus assistants have applied research toward eIUwr a senior thesis or Mastcrs degree Contact John L Hoogland The University of Maryland Appalachian Lahoratory Frosthurg MD 21532 Tel 30 1-68lJ-3115 x216 (work) or 301-689shy8076 (home) Fax 301-68J-8518

Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecologist Tell ure Track Assistant Professor Position for Fall ilJ08 Application Deadline Review of applicatiolls will hegin March 1 19J8 and wiIl continue until the position is 1l1Ied Salary commensurate willI experience Requirements PhD in a hiological sciences area directly related to tcrrestrial vertehral ecology Preference will he given to individuals WIth

expertise or expericnce in two or more or the following areas ornithology mammalogy animal hehavior and wildlife management In addition applicants must have the ahility to teach undergraduate and graduate students and do research Responsihilities Course coordination and team teaching in general ecology plus teach other courses for undergraduate and graduate students relating to terrestrial vertehrate ecology in Ue applicants area ul expertise Conduct research involving undergraduate


andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



httpwwwbucknelledudepartmentspsychology Animal_Beha vior-abs1999

1 1


This is a (please check one) o RENEW AL - make any corrections beside mailing label at bottom of pageD NEW MEMBERSHIP Print or type full name and mailing address at bottom of page

=] Begm my membership nm (send back issues) Begin my membership January_~_(year) Phone Fax E-mail_---~___-c- _~~U I would like ABS to send relevant mailings (eg ballots renewaI reminders) to me viae-mail rvly correct e-mail address is YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE SOLD OR DISSEMINATED TO OTHER ORGANIZATIONS EVEN IF YOU CHECK THIS BOX

MEMBERSHIP CLASS VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS (I) Regular Member $46 (2) Student Member $23

You may

In advan~

Ethnic Diversitv Fund (4) Multiple (Joint) Membert $28

Research A wards Flind onalions

(S) Emeritus Member $23 (8) Newslelter Only (nonmember) $ 8

Unrestricted Fund are deductible

(9) Developing Nations Membet $2S (10) DeVeloping Nations Student$IS

RENEWALS ARE DUE BY DECEMBER 1st THEREAFTER INCLUDE A $10 LATE FEE D Check or Monev Order o Visa Mast~r Card American Express 0 Discover

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Signature of card holder ----=--C~-~-----~~-------C---------OC-~-~1~nlbers art remind~d it tt)sb [0 proc~ss ra~m~nts lllWh ( bullJr nlor~) to your 1()1~d

LJ please add $_ to my totaI to help ABS offset credit card processing costs o Please send a receipt for tax purposes 0 Please acknomiddotwledge via e-mail

My Student Membership is endorsed by Dept Ikad ABS Membr or Fellow Print Name

YOU MUST INCLUDE THIS (RENEWING Members may send photocopy of currentlD instead)

t My Multiple (JointSpouse) Mcmbcrship is with _~~__ ___~__ ___~_____~______~_ YOU MUST SPECIFY a FULL MEMBER with whom you share a COlly of the Journal

bull -1l1t~ following nations shall not be considcred Developing Nations 111C United States Canada Israel Japan Australia New Zealand Iceland Norwav SWeUCtL Finland Dcnmark Germanv The Netllltrlallds BelgiUm Luxembourg France The JlItted Kmgdom Ireland Switzerland Austna Ttal Spain and Portugal

Send this form with payment to Animal Behavior Society EMAIL abofficc(aJindianacdu 2611 East 10th St Officc 170 to report Journal DelhmiddotcrJ crrors Indiana University ADDRESS CHANGES or other Bloomington IN USA 47408-2603 mcmbershill Ilroblcms FAX (812) 856-5542

Animal Behavior Society Non-Profit S Foster Secretary organir11lio I

Dept of Biology US POSTAGE Clark University PAID 9S0 Mam St WORCESTER MA Worcester MA USA 01610-1477 PERMIT NO 18X6



26 J ILl 0 fH 110 BLOOMINGTON IN 47408-2603 USA


The Behavior and Husbandry Advisory Group (B HAG) of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) requests ethograms for an Ethogram Rcpository

For many zoo staff and affiliates wishing to initiate a behavioral study particularly of a little-known or rare speCies a hottlencck III thc process is compiling an ethogram AddiLIonally zoo staff find ethograms useful when adding a new species to their collection dcsigning appropriate enrichmcnt and cxhihits and developing signs and educational materiaL

To facilitate the usc of hehavioral information in zoos the Behavior and Hushandry Advisory Group or the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) is estahlishing a repository of ethograms We have begun the process of collecting and compiling cxlsting ct1ograms and would like your help We arc making a standing request oj rescarchcr~ in Animal BehavlOr to assist us in this effort by sending copies (If published or unpublished ethograms they have dcveloped and used in their studics Authors of the etl10gram will be cited at the top of the first page Ethograms will bc stored and provided to AZA lllemhcr institutions (with relevant citations) upon re4uest

TI1C BHAG memher who will serve as contact person for collecting and distrihuting ethograms is Dr Tammie Betllnger Cleveland Melroparks Zoo 1900 Wildlife Way Cleveland OH 44109 USA (216) 661-6500 Fax (216) 661-3312 e-mail tammieh(g) ix netcomC(ll11

At this limc we arc rcquesting only vertehrate hehavior elhograms and those of cephalopods AllJlllugh it is optional we would prefer that donor~ ll1IilJ(je the following information with thcir ethograms unless it is part of a puhlication included with the ethogram SpecICs author of the ethogram location of thc study lcngth ()f study period sampling method composition of the study group (ie single animal single sex group or mixed sex group) contact person for questions amp any additional references you would recommend We would also appreciate any suggestions the author has for modifications to the ethograms used in a study Please scnd your hard copy or e-mail to the above contact


FORAGING98 An international conference on animal foraging hehavior will be held 21-24 July 199R at the University of California at Santa Cruz This will precedc the mceting of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology in nearhy Monterey CA Organizers are Dave Stephens Marc Mangel and Don Kranler Deadline for Ahstracts and Pre-paid Registration is 15 March 19l)8 More information Foragingl)S Department or Ecology Evolution and Behavior University of Minnesota 100 Upper Buford Circle SL Paul MN 55101 USA VWW hup nashcbs u mn edu foragi ng ltforagingnashcbsul1lnedugt

The 5th International Congress of Neuroethology in La Jolla CA is rapidly approaching Although the target date for requesting the second circular (with full information ahout registration ctc) passed in Decemher it is not too late to indicate your interest But please dont delay any further The Congress Will take place on August 23-21 19l)8 on the campus of thc Uni versity of California San Diego in La Jolla California There will he 10 plenary lectures 20 symposia evening lectures and special eve11ls You may learn more ahout the Congress by visiting the ISNs Website at hllpwwwneumhioarizonaeduisn You may requcst registration lIlformation hy contacting ProL WB Kristan Dept of Biology UCSD 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla CA l)2093-0357 USA Telmiddot (619) 534-4760 Fax (619) 534-7309

email w kristan (gucsd ed u -or - asorgen frey (g)ucsd edu

The 10th annual meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society will be held at the University of California at Davis 8-12 July )l)98 Davis is twenty minutes from Sacramento Metropolitan International Airport In July temperatures can range from pleasantly warm to hot The meeting will feature plenary speakers and one keynOle address Housing will be in UCD dorms or at local hotels (a list of hotels will he provided) Abstracts for papers arc due March 16 symposia ahstracts (consisting of four thematically-linked papcr abstracts demonstrating a synthetic and interdisciplinary focus) are due Fehruary 16 1998 Details for ahstracts will he forthcoming We welcome papers ol1llon-human animals that have relevance to human hehavior The program organizers are Jane Lancaster and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder the local host is Peter Richerson and the committee members are Denise Cummins Debra Judge Lore Ruttan and Joanna Scheib Beginning January 199R a web page for the meeting can he f()tllld at

httpwww desucdavisedu


XIII World Meeting of ISRA The International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) is a society of scholars and researchers interested in the scientific study of violence and aggression The society is both international and interdisciplinary and meets every other year on alternaung co1ltments Currently there are over 300 members from 34 countries with specialties in psychology psychiatry phYSIOlogy SOCIOlogy uIthropology animal behavior and pharmacology The current president of ISRA is Rowell Huesmann of the Unive rsity of Michigan and the Executive Secretary is Ed Donnerstein of the Univ of California Santa Barhara ISRA puhlishes a journal of research cntitled ARRressive Behavior (edited by Ron Baenninger or Temple University) and the ISRA Bulletin edited hy Roger Johnson (USA) and Kaj BJorkqvIst (Finland) From July 12-17 1998 ISRA will celehrate its 25th anniversary with the XIII World MeeUng TIle conference will be held on the campus or Ramapo College or New Jersey a 300 acre campus located in the suhurhan town of Mahwth New Jersey just 20 miles from New York City The conference will run from Sunday July 12 through Fnday July 19 and will include symposia invited addresses paper and poster SeSSl()I1S and SOCIal events All sessIons will bc held on the Ramapo College campus except for olle symposium which WIll be held at the Rockereller University in New York City The program co-chairs are MaryAnn and Ron Baenninger The deadline for submission of proposals for symposia is December L 1997 The deadline for submission of paper and poslCr presentatlllns is Feb I 1998 For details Oil

submission procedures plcase contact MaryAnn Baenninger Dept of Psychology The College of New Jersey PO Box 7718 Ewing New Jersey USA 08628-0718 or send emaillO baenlllllg(Qgttcnjedu The conkrence organwr IS Roger N Johnsoll Details about housltlg and regIstratIon will be announced III HIe December Issue of the ISRA Bulfelin For additional informatioll please visit the conference web site httpwwwski-towncomJisra


The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare will be published by Greenwood Press (Westport Connecticut) and is tentatively scheduled for release in June 1998 Edited by Marc BekolT of the University of Colorado this oncshyvolume retcrcnce work wIll prOVIde essays by recognized authorities in the field addressing many issues of animal rights and animal welfare The Foreword was written by Jane Goodall For more information please contact Marc Bekoff EPn

Biology University of Colorado Boulder Colorado 80309-0334 USA (e-mail marcbekoffeoloradoedu)

The Center for Field Research in viles proposals for 1998-1999 field grants funded by its affiliatc Earthwatch Earthwatch is an international non-profit organIzation dedicated to sponsoring tield research and promotlllg public education III the sCIences and humanitIes Past projects have been successfully fielded in but are not limited to the following disciplines animal behavior biodiversity ecology ornithology endangered species entomology marine mammalogy ichthyology herpetology marine ecology and resource and wildli fe management Interdisciplinary projects are especially encouraged as is multinational collaboration Information can be round at hllpwwwearthwatcllorgcfrclrhtml or you can cOlltact Tile Center for FIeld Research 680 Mt Auburn St Watertowll MA 02272 Tel (617) Y2(1shy8200 Fax (617) lJ26-8532 e-mail cfrearthwatchorg


The Sccretary would like III remind you allhough I try to avoid listing situations that arc already filled the time lag between submission and arrival of the Newsletter can cause Ulis to occur Please contact those offering the opportunities before applying

Assistant needed for study of avian sociality dispersal and population genetics in Australia Two licld assistants arc needed I August 31 November for a comparative study or the mating systems dispersal tactics and population genetics or two species of Australian treecreeper The primary study sIte is In eucalypt woodland in central New SUUUI Wales Duties will include nest-finding behavioral observatiolls radio-tracking mist netting banding and bleeding adults and nestlings Applicants should have experience with at least some of these activities be in good physical condition and willing to work oftell long l10urs in hot or cold weather Preferred applicants will have experience studying behavior in individually-marked populations Comfortable ilousing and a stipenJ of $400mo ($AUD) will be provided (along with fCUllastic native wildlife l ) but applicants MUST provide their own airfarl to Australia Send a cover letter resume and a list or 3 references including addresses and phone numbers before 1 Aprillo ERIK amp VERONICA DOERR Program in Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology University of Nevada Reno NV 89557 (cdoerrunrcdu)


Undergraduate Summer Research Internships - The Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) at Indiana University i nvlles applicaWlns to our NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Animal Behavior A total of 10 REU internshIps will he awarded to stUlicnts tn participate in this program irom I June to 8 August 10l)8 Each internship provides a $2500 stipend room amp hoard and transportation costs to ~Uld frolll Indiana University or the study site Undergraduates of racialethnic minorities first generation college or low income families are especially encouraged to apply hut all applicallls will he cllnsidered Applications will he accepted ulIlll all POSIlHlIlS are rilled For further information and application forms contact Linda Summers Administrative Assistant for REUCISAB at (812) 855-lJ663 or lIsnl11mer(aindlltlnacdu

Opportunities in the study of animal welfare A new animal welfare program was launched at the University llf British Columhia (in Vancouver Canada) in Octoher I JY7 As a key element in the program we are creating research and lraining opportunities for graduate studellls ami postshydoctoral workers Our funding comes from a range of interested partICs lllcluding the humane movement the veterinary profeSSIOn and animal agriculture and we hope to devel up resetrch projects to address wei fare issues relevant to these various supporters Two types of candidates are paniclarly encouraged (1 ) Students working in the life sciences especially with hackgrounds in hehaviour to conduct hehavioural or related research on farm lahoratory c()lllpanion or wild allimals (including Ilsh) directed at signillcltlm animal welfare issues and (2) students interested in interdisciplinary studies wiLh appropriate hackgrounds in the social sciences law and other nelds to conduct research on Issues suetl as the adetjuacy of legal proteCliou 01 allllllals the impact of international trade on alllmal welfare and the ellecliveness or animal protection programs We welcome inquiries from potential graduale students and post-doctoral workers with a strong interest in animal welfare and outstanding aptitude for research and team-work The Animal Wei lare Program has some financial support availahle and will assist others in applying for fundIng Please contact David Fraser and Dan Weary Department of nll11al SCIence and Centre for Applied EthICS University of British Columhia 2357 Main Mall - Suite 208 Vancouver V6T I Z4 Canada tel 604-822-2040 (Fraser) 604-822-3954 (We~uy) fax 604-822-4400 E-mail davidfraser(giuhcca dan w~ary(ajunixguhc ca httpwww jntcrchang~ u hcc a1agscii animal sc ilchair htm I

Volunteers - Approximately 30 volunteer positions arc open in 1998 at the American Museum of Natural Historys Southwestern Research Station in Portal Anzona The volunteer program IS run annually and olfers students in hiological sciences outstanding opportunities to ohserve and hecome involved with field research Food and lodging are provided in exchange lor 24 hr per week oj rOUline chores with the rel11aming time availahle for research The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students the latter may pursue their own research Volunteers are needed hetweell March 15 and Nov I Appointments are ror part ()f UllS period WIth a minimuIll of six weeks Applicants for spring (March-May) should suhl11it application hy Feh 15 summer volunteers (June-August) hy April I am fall volunteers (Sept - Nov) any time Dr Wade C Sherhrooke Director SouUIwestern Res~arch Station American Museum or Natural History Portal AZ 85632 USA Phone (520) 558-2396 e-mail swrs(a alllllhorg

Volunteer field assistants needed lor study 01 hehavioral ecology of Utah prairie dogs Topics of research include variance in male and remal~ reproductive success multiple paternity kin recognitinfl alarm calling infanlIClde communal nursIng levels of Inhreeding demography and population dynamICS Study site is in Bryce Canyon National Park Utah Field season starts 5 March and ends 10 July The only requirement is that you liave a genuine interest in field research in ecology and social hehavior Academic credit is possihle and several prevlOus assistants have applied research toward eIUwr a senior thesis or Mastcrs degree Contact John L Hoogland The University of Maryland Appalachian Lahoratory Frosthurg MD 21532 Tel 30 1-68lJ-3115 x216 (work) or 301-689shy8076 (home) Fax 301-68J-8518

Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecologist Tell ure Track Assistant Professor Position for Fall ilJ08 Application Deadline Review of applicatiolls will hegin March 1 19J8 and wiIl continue until the position is 1l1Ied Salary commensurate willI experience Requirements PhD in a hiological sciences area directly related to tcrrestrial vertehral ecology Preference will he given to individuals WIth

expertise or expericnce in two or more or the following areas ornithology mammalogy animal hehavior and wildlife management In addition applicants must have the ahility to teach undergraduate and graduate students and do research Responsihilities Course coordination and team teaching in general ecology plus teach other courses for undergraduate and graduate students relating to terrestrial vertehrate ecology in Ue applicants area ul expertise Conduct research involving undergraduate


andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



httpwwwbucknelledudepartmentspsychology Animal_Beha vior-abs1999

1 1


This is a (please check one) o RENEW AL - make any corrections beside mailing label at bottom of pageD NEW MEMBERSHIP Print or type full name and mailing address at bottom of page

=] Begm my membership nm (send back issues) Begin my membership January_~_(year) Phone Fax E-mail_---~___-c- _~~U I would like ABS to send relevant mailings (eg ballots renewaI reminders) to me viae-mail rvly correct e-mail address is YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE SOLD OR DISSEMINATED TO OTHER ORGANIZATIONS EVEN IF YOU CHECK THIS BOX

MEMBERSHIP CLASS VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS (I) Regular Member $46 (2) Student Member $23

You may

In advan~

Ethnic Diversitv Fund (4) Multiple (Joint) Membert $28

Research A wards Flind onalions

(S) Emeritus Member $23 (8) Newslelter Only (nonmember) $ 8

Unrestricted Fund are deductible

(9) Developing Nations Membet $2S (10) DeVeloping Nations Student$IS

RENEWALS ARE DUE BY DECEMBER 1st THEREAFTER INCLUDE A $10 LATE FEE D Check or Monev Order o Visa Mast~r Card American Express 0 Discover

Accl ___ _ __ ___ _ __ Expires __ ~~


Includ~ LATE FEE If


Signature of card holder ----=--C~-~-----~~-------C---------OC-~-~1~nlbers art remind~d it tt)sb [0 proc~ss ra~m~nts lllWh ( bullJr nlor~) to your 1()1~d

LJ please add $_ to my totaI to help ABS offset credit card processing costs o Please send a receipt for tax purposes 0 Please acknomiddotwledge via e-mail

My Student Membership is endorsed by Dept Ikad ABS Membr or Fellow Print Name

YOU MUST INCLUDE THIS (RENEWING Members may send photocopy of currentlD instead)

t My Multiple (JointSpouse) Mcmbcrship is with _~~__ ___~__ ___~_____~______~_ YOU MUST SPECIFY a FULL MEMBER with whom you share a COlly of the Journal

bull -1l1t~ following nations shall not be considcred Developing Nations 111C United States Canada Israel Japan Australia New Zealand Iceland Norwav SWeUCtL Finland Dcnmark Germanv The Netllltrlallds BelgiUm Luxembourg France The JlItted Kmgdom Ireland Switzerland Austna Ttal Spain and Portugal

Send this form with payment to Animal Behavior Society EMAIL abofficc(aJindianacdu 2611 East 10th St Officc 170 to report Journal DelhmiddotcrJ crrors Indiana University ADDRESS CHANGES or other Bloomington IN USA 47408-2603 mcmbershill Ilroblcms FAX (812) 856-5542

Animal Behavior Society Non-Profit S Foster Secretary organir11lio I

Dept of Biology US POSTAGE Clark University PAID 9S0 Mam St WORCESTER MA Worcester MA USA 01610-1477 PERMIT NO 18X6



26 J ILl 0 fH 110 BLOOMINGTON IN 47408-2603 USA

XIII World Meeting of ISRA The International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) is a society of scholars and researchers interested in the scientific study of violence and aggression The society is both international and interdisciplinary and meets every other year on alternaung co1ltments Currently there are over 300 members from 34 countries with specialties in psychology psychiatry phYSIOlogy SOCIOlogy uIthropology animal behavior and pharmacology The current president of ISRA is Rowell Huesmann of the Unive rsity of Michigan and the Executive Secretary is Ed Donnerstein of the Univ of California Santa Barhara ISRA puhlishes a journal of research cntitled ARRressive Behavior (edited by Ron Baenninger or Temple University) and the ISRA Bulletin edited hy Roger Johnson (USA) and Kaj BJorkqvIst (Finland) From July 12-17 1998 ISRA will celehrate its 25th anniversary with the XIII World MeeUng TIle conference will be held on the campus or Ramapo College or New Jersey a 300 acre campus located in the suhurhan town of Mahwth New Jersey just 20 miles from New York City The conference will run from Sunday July 12 through Fnday July 19 and will include symposia invited addresses paper and poster SeSSl()I1S and SOCIal events All sessIons will bc held on the Ramapo College campus except for olle symposium which WIll be held at the Rockereller University in New York City The program co-chairs are MaryAnn and Ron Baenninger The deadline for submission of proposals for symposia is December L 1997 The deadline for submission of paper and poslCr presentatlllns is Feb I 1998 For details Oil

submission procedures plcase contact MaryAnn Baenninger Dept of Psychology The College of New Jersey PO Box 7718 Ewing New Jersey USA 08628-0718 or send emaillO baenlllllg(Qgttcnjedu The conkrence organwr IS Roger N Johnsoll Details about housltlg and regIstratIon will be announced III HIe December Issue of the ISRA Bulfelin For additional informatioll please visit the conference web site httpwwwski-towncomJisra


The Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare will be published by Greenwood Press (Westport Connecticut) and is tentatively scheduled for release in June 1998 Edited by Marc BekolT of the University of Colorado this oncshyvolume retcrcnce work wIll prOVIde essays by recognized authorities in the field addressing many issues of animal rights and animal welfare The Foreword was written by Jane Goodall For more information please contact Marc Bekoff EPn

Biology University of Colorado Boulder Colorado 80309-0334 USA (e-mail marcbekoffeoloradoedu)

The Center for Field Research in viles proposals for 1998-1999 field grants funded by its affiliatc Earthwatch Earthwatch is an international non-profit organIzation dedicated to sponsoring tield research and promotlllg public education III the sCIences and humanitIes Past projects have been successfully fielded in but are not limited to the following disciplines animal behavior biodiversity ecology ornithology endangered species entomology marine mammalogy ichthyology herpetology marine ecology and resource and wildli fe management Interdisciplinary projects are especially encouraged as is multinational collaboration Information can be round at hllpwwwearthwatcllorgcfrclrhtml or you can cOlltact Tile Center for FIeld Research 680 Mt Auburn St Watertowll MA 02272 Tel (617) Y2(1shy8200 Fax (617) lJ26-8532 e-mail cfrearthwatchorg


The Sccretary would like III remind you allhough I try to avoid listing situations that arc already filled the time lag between submission and arrival of the Newsletter can cause Ulis to occur Please contact those offering the opportunities before applying

Assistant needed for study of avian sociality dispersal and population genetics in Australia Two licld assistants arc needed I August 31 November for a comparative study or the mating systems dispersal tactics and population genetics or two species of Australian treecreeper The primary study sIte is In eucalypt woodland in central New SUUUI Wales Duties will include nest-finding behavioral observatiolls radio-tracking mist netting banding and bleeding adults and nestlings Applicants should have experience with at least some of these activities be in good physical condition and willing to work oftell long l10urs in hot or cold weather Preferred applicants will have experience studying behavior in individually-marked populations Comfortable ilousing and a stipenJ of $400mo ($AUD) will be provided (along with fCUllastic native wildlife l ) but applicants MUST provide their own airfarl to Australia Send a cover letter resume and a list or 3 references including addresses and phone numbers before 1 Aprillo ERIK amp VERONICA DOERR Program in Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biology University of Nevada Reno NV 89557 (cdoerrunrcdu)


Undergraduate Summer Research Internships - The Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) at Indiana University i nvlles applicaWlns to our NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Animal Behavior A total of 10 REU internshIps will he awarded to stUlicnts tn participate in this program irom I June to 8 August 10l)8 Each internship provides a $2500 stipend room amp hoard and transportation costs to ~Uld frolll Indiana University or the study site Undergraduates of racialethnic minorities first generation college or low income families are especially encouraged to apply hut all applicallls will he cllnsidered Applications will he accepted ulIlll all POSIlHlIlS are rilled For further information and application forms contact Linda Summers Administrative Assistant for REUCISAB at (812) 855-lJ663 or lIsnl11mer(aindlltlnacdu

Opportunities in the study of animal welfare A new animal welfare program was launched at the University llf British Columhia (in Vancouver Canada) in Octoher I JY7 As a key element in the program we are creating research and lraining opportunities for graduate studellls ami postshydoctoral workers Our funding comes from a range of interested partICs lllcluding the humane movement the veterinary profeSSIOn and animal agriculture and we hope to devel up resetrch projects to address wei fare issues relevant to these various supporters Two types of candidates are paniclarly encouraged (1 ) Students working in the life sciences especially with hackgrounds in hehaviour to conduct hehavioural or related research on farm lahoratory c()lllpanion or wild allimals (including Ilsh) directed at signillcltlm animal welfare issues and (2) students interested in interdisciplinary studies wiLh appropriate hackgrounds in the social sciences law and other nelds to conduct research on Issues suetl as the adetjuacy of legal proteCliou 01 allllllals the impact of international trade on alllmal welfare and the ellecliveness or animal protection programs We welcome inquiries from potential graduale students and post-doctoral workers with a strong interest in animal welfare and outstanding aptitude for research and team-work The Animal Wei lare Program has some financial support availahle and will assist others in applying for fundIng Please contact David Fraser and Dan Weary Department of nll11al SCIence and Centre for Applied EthICS University of British Columhia 2357 Main Mall - Suite 208 Vancouver V6T I Z4 Canada tel 604-822-2040 (Fraser) 604-822-3954 (We~uy) fax 604-822-4400 E-mail davidfraser(giuhcca dan w~ary(ajunixguhc ca httpwww jntcrchang~ u hcc a1agscii animal sc ilchair htm I

Volunteers - Approximately 30 volunteer positions arc open in 1998 at the American Museum of Natural Historys Southwestern Research Station in Portal Anzona The volunteer program IS run annually and olfers students in hiological sciences outstanding opportunities to ohserve and hecome involved with field research Food and lodging are provided in exchange lor 24 hr per week oj rOUline chores with the rel11aming time availahle for research The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students the latter may pursue their own research Volunteers are needed hetweell March 15 and Nov I Appointments are ror part ()f UllS period WIth a minimuIll of six weeks Applicants for spring (March-May) should suhl11it application hy Feh 15 summer volunteers (June-August) hy April I am fall volunteers (Sept - Nov) any time Dr Wade C Sherhrooke Director SouUIwestern Res~arch Station American Museum or Natural History Portal AZ 85632 USA Phone (520) 558-2396 e-mail swrs(a alllllhorg

Volunteer field assistants needed lor study 01 hehavioral ecology of Utah prairie dogs Topics of research include variance in male and remal~ reproductive success multiple paternity kin recognitinfl alarm calling infanlIClde communal nursIng levels of Inhreeding demography and population dynamICS Study site is in Bryce Canyon National Park Utah Field season starts 5 March and ends 10 July The only requirement is that you liave a genuine interest in field research in ecology and social hehavior Academic credit is possihle and several prevlOus assistants have applied research toward eIUwr a senior thesis or Mastcrs degree Contact John L Hoogland The University of Maryland Appalachian Lahoratory Frosthurg MD 21532 Tel 30 1-68lJ-3115 x216 (work) or 301-689shy8076 (home) Fax 301-68J-8518

Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecologist Tell ure Track Assistant Professor Position for Fall ilJ08 Application Deadline Review of applicatiolls will hegin March 1 19J8 and wiIl continue until the position is 1l1Ied Salary commensurate willI experience Requirements PhD in a hiological sciences area directly related to tcrrestrial vertehral ecology Preference will he given to individuals WIth

expertise or expericnce in two or more or the following areas ornithology mammalogy animal hehavior and wildlife management In addition applicants must have the ahility to teach undergraduate and graduate students and do research Responsihilities Course coordination and team teaching in general ecology plus teach other courses for undergraduate and graduate students relating to terrestrial vertehrate ecology in Ue applicants area ul expertise Conduct research involving undergraduate


andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



httpwwwbucknelledudepartmentspsychology Animal_Beha vior-abs1999

1 1


This is a (please check one) o RENEW AL - make any corrections beside mailing label at bottom of pageD NEW MEMBERSHIP Print or type full name and mailing address at bottom of page

=] Begm my membership nm (send back issues) Begin my membership January_~_(year) Phone Fax E-mail_---~___-c- _~~U I would like ABS to send relevant mailings (eg ballots renewaI reminders) to me viae-mail rvly correct e-mail address is YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE SOLD OR DISSEMINATED TO OTHER ORGANIZATIONS EVEN IF YOU CHECK THIS BOX

MEMBERSHIP CLASS VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS (I) Regular Member $46 (2) Student Member $23

You may

In advan~

Ethnic Diversitv Fund (4) Multiple (Joint) Membert $28

Research A wards Flind onalions

(S) Emeritus Member $23 (8) Newslelter Only (nonmember) $ 8

Unrestricted Fund are deductible

(9) Developing Nations Membet $2S (10) DeVeloping Nations Student$IS

RENEWALS ARE DUE BY DECEMBER 1st THEREAFTER INCLUDE A $10 LATE FEE D Check or Monev Order o Visa Mast~r Card American Express 0 Discover

Accl ___ _ __ ___ _ __ Expires __ ~~


Includ~ LATE FEE If


Signature of card holder ----=--C~-~-----~~-------C---------OC-~-~1~nlbers art remind~d it tt)sb [0 proc~ss ra~m~nts lllWh ( bullJr nlor~) to your 1()1~d

LJ please add $_ to my totaI to help ABS offset credit card processing costs o Please send a receipt for tax purposes 0 Please acknomiddotwledge via e-mail

My Student Membership is endorsed by Dept Ikad ABS Membr or Fellow Print Name

YOU MUST INCLUDE THIS (RENEWING Members may send photocopy of currentlD instead)

t My Multiple (JointSpouse) Mcmbcrship is with _~~__ ___~__ ___~_____~______~_ YOU MUST SPECIFY a FULL MEMBER with whom you share a COlly of the Journal

bull -1l1t~ following nations shall not be considcred Developing Nations 111C United States Canada Israel Japan Australia New Zealand Iceland Norwav SWeUCtL Finland Dcnmark Germanv The Netllltrlallds BelgiUm Luxembourg France The JlItted Kmgdom Ireland Switzerland Austna Ttal Spain and Portugal

Send this form with payment to Animal Behavior Society EMAIL abofficc(aJindianacdu 2611 East 10th St Officc 170 to report Journal DelhmiddotcrJ crrors Indiana University ADDRESS CHANGES or other Bloomington IN USA 47408-2603 mcmbershill Ilroblcms FAX (812) 856-5542

Animal Behavior Society Non-Profit S Foster Secretary organir11lio I

Dept of Biology US POSTAGE Clark University PAID 9S0 Mam St WORCESTER MA Worcester MA USA 01610-1477 PERMIT NO 18X6



26 J ILl 0 fH 110 BLOOMINGTON IN 47408-2603 USA

Undergraduate Summer Research Internships - The Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) at Indiana University i nvlles applicaWlns to our NSF-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Animal Behavior A total of 10 REU internshIps will he awarded to stUlicnts tn participate in this program irom I June to 8 August 10l)8 Each internship provides a $2500 stipend room amp hoard and transportation costs to ~Uld frolll Indiana University or the study site Undergraduates of racialethnic minorities first generation college or low income families are especially encouraged to apply hut all applicallls will he cllnsidered Applications will he accepted ulIlll all POSIlHlIlS are rilled For further information and application forms contact Linda Summers Administrative Assistant for REUCISAB at (812) 855-lJ663 or lIsnl11mer(aindlltlnacdu

Opportunities in the study of animal welfare A new animal welfare program was launched at the University llf British Columhia (in Vancouver Canada) in Octoher I JY7 As a key element in the program we are creating research and lraining opportunities for graduate studellls ami postshydoctoral workers Our funding comes from a range of interested partICs lllcluding the humane movement the veterinary profeSSIOn and animal agriculture and we hope to devel up resetrch projects to address wei fare issues relevant to these various supporters Two types of candidates are paniclarly encouraged (1 ) Students working in the life sciences especially with hackgrounds in hehaviour to conduct hehavioural or related research on farm lahoratory c()lllpanion or wild allimals (including Ilsh) directed at signillcltlm animal welfare issues and (2) students interested in interdisciplinary studies wiLh appropriate hackgrounds in the social sciences law and other nelds to conduct research on Issues suetl as the adetjuacy of legal proteCliou 01 allllllals the impact of international trade on alllmal welfare and the ellecliveness or animal protection programs We welcome inquiries from potential graduale students and post-doctoral workers with a strong interest in animal welfare and outstanding aptitude for research and team-work The Animal Wei lare Program has some financial support availahle and will assist others in applying for fundIng Please contact David Fraser and Dan Weary Department of nll11al SCIence and Centre for Applied EthICS University of British Columhia 2357 Main Mall - Suite 208 Vancouver V6T I Z4 Canada tel 604-822-2040 (Fraser) 604-822-3954 (We~uy) fax 604-822-4400 E-mail davidfraser(giuhcca dan w~ary(ajunixguhc ca httpwww jntcrchang~ u hcc a1agscii animal sc ilchair htm I

Volunteers - Approximately 30 volunteer positions arc open in 1998 at the American Museum of Natural Historys Southwestern Research Station in Portal Anzona The volunteer program IS run annually and olfers students in hiological sciences outstanding opportunities to ohserve and hecome involved with field research Food and lodging are provided in exchange lor 24 hr per week oj rOUline chores with the rel11aming time availahle for research The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students the latter may pursue their own research Volunteers are needed hetweell March 15 and Nov I Appointments are ror part ()f UllS period WIth a minimuIll of six weeks Applicants for spring (March-May) should suhl11it application hy Feh 15 summer volunteers (June-August) hy April I am fall volunteers (Sept - Nov) any time Dr Wade C Sherhrooke Director SouUIwestern Res~arch Station American Museum or Natural History Portal AZ 85632 USA Phone (520) 558-2396 e-mail swrs(a alllllhorg

Volunteer field assistants needed lor study 01 hehavioral ecology of Utah prairie dogs Topics of research include variance in male and remal~ reproductive success multiple paternity kin recognitinfl alarm calling infanlIClde communal nursIng levels of Inhreeding demography and population dynamICS Study site is in Bryce Canyon National Park Utah Field season starts 5 March and ends 10 July The only requirement is that you liave a genuine interest in field research in ecology and social hehavior Academic credit is possihle and several prevlOus assistants have applied research toward eIUwr a senior thesis or Mastcrs degree Contact John L Hoogland The University of Maryland Appalachian Lahoratory Frosthurg MD 21532 Tel 30 1-68lJ-3115 x216 (work) or 301-689shy8076 (home) Fax 301-68J-8518

Terrestrial Vertebrate Ecologist Tell ure Track Assistant Professor Position for Fall ilJ08 Application Deadline Review of applicatiolls will hegin March 1 19J8 and wiIl continue until the position is 1l1Ied Salary commensurate willI experience Requirements PhD in a hiological sciences area directly related to tcrrestrial vertehral ecology Preference will he given to individuals WIth

expertise or expericnce in two or more or the following areas ornithology mammalogy animal hehavior and wildlife management In addition applicants must have the ahility to teach undergraduate and graduate students and do research Responsihilities Course coordination and team teaching in general ecology plus teach other courses for undergraduate and graduate students relating to terrestrial vertehrate ecology in Ue applicants area ul expertise Conduct research involving undergraduate


andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



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Animal Behavior Society Non-Profit S Foster Secretary organir11lio I

Dept of Biology US POSTAGE Clark University PAID 9S0 Mam St WORCESTER MA Worcester MA USA 01610-1477 PERMIT NO 18X6



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andor graduate students and serve on departmental committees Suhmit a letter of application curriculum vitae academic transcripts statement of lCach1l1g and research interests and names and telephone numbers of three professional references to Dr Bill Bessler ChaIr Department ofBiologicai Sciences PO Box 8400 MSU 34 Mankato State University Mankato Minnesota 56002-8400 Phone 507-389-2786 E-MAIL hill_hessler(g) I11S lllankatomsusectu

Field Assistants needed mid May early August for an ongoing study of the mating system of the While-throated sparrow Research will he conducted at the Cranherry Lake Biological Station in the Adirondack Mountains of New York Work will include mist-netting handing sampling blood for hormonal assays and DNA fingerprinting hehavioral ohservatIons and mailllenance of captive hreeding pairs Previous experience desirahle but not necessary only pnre4uisites are patience and persistence Expenses at the tkld station will he paid For further information or to apply contact Dr Elaina M Tuttle Department or Biology Sl Marys College or Maryland Rte 5 Sl Marys City Maryland 20686 tel (301 )862-0474 e-mail ctIIlllclospreysmcmcdu

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Genetics and Uehavior Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study gcne networks and hrain development as they affect courtship hehavinr in tile Irlll lly Drosophila Previous experience with Drunplllia is not necessary Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph J Greenspan 1he Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreens pan nsLedugt

Ilost-Dolioral Position in Fly Behavioral Modeling Applications arc invited for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow to study modeling of the neural hasis of behavior in the fruit tly Drosophila Applicants should have a hackground in somc aspect of neurohiology preferahly related to insects or other invertehrates Previous experience with Drosophila is not mandatory Suhmit a curriculum vitae statement of research interests and names of three references to Dr Ralph 1 Greenspan or Dr Olaf Sporns The Neurosciences Institute 10640 John Jay Hopkins Dr San Diego CA 92121 FAX 619-626-2099 e-mail ltgreenspannsiedugt



JULY 18 bull JULY 22





JUNE 26 - JULY 1



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Animal Behavior Society Non-Profit S Foster Secretary organir11lio I

Dept of Biology US POSTAGE Clark University PAID 9S0 Mam St WORCESTER MA Worcester MA USA 01610-1477 PERMIT NO 18X6



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JUNE 26 - JULY 1



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Send this form with payment to Animal Behavior Society EMAIL abofficc(aJindianacdu 2611 East 10th St Officc 170 to report Journal DelhmiddotcrJ crrors Indiana University ADDRESS CHANGES or other Bloomington IN USA 47408-2603 mcmbershill Ilroblcms FAX (812) 856-5542

Animal Behavior Society Non-Profit S Foster Secretary organir11lio I

Dept of Biology US POSTAGE Clark University PAID 9S0 Mam St WORCESTER MA Worcester MA USA 01610-1477 PERMIT NO 18X6



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Animal Behavior Society Non-Profit S Foster Secretary organir11lio I

Dept of Biology US POSTAGE Clark University PAID 9S0 Mam St WORCESTER MA Worcester MA USA 01610-1477 PERMIT NO 18X6



26 J ILl 0 fH 110 BLOOMINGTON IN 47408-2603 USA
