Newsletter 14 12 2012



All Hallows Newsletter 14 12 2012

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Friday 14th December 2012

Attendance matters at All Hallows

Each week the attendance of students is closely monitored. Students understand the importance of attendance for their chances of academic

achievement. This week Year 7 to Year 11 attendance is:

Year 7 - 96.3% back in 1st place, well done

Year 8 - 93.4% going up, well done

Year 9 - 91.7% oh dear, fallen by 4%

Year 10 - 94.1% going up, well done

Year 11 - 91.8% a slight fall

The college attendance since September is 94.7% whilst this week it has been 93.4%. Attendance matters at All Hallows and so please keep the

college informed each day if your child is absent for any reason.

Advent Prayer

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, ever faithful to your promises and ever close to your Church: the earth rejoices in hope of the Saviour's coming and looks forward with longing to his return at the end of time. Prepare our hearts and remove the sadness that hinders us from feeling the joy and hope which his presence will bestow. Amen

Recommended Reads

Help support your child's learning by encouraging them to read widely and independently at home. Every week college staff and students will recommend a book for Key Stages 3 and 4. Many of these books can be borrowed from the school library.

KS3 - All Hallows is welcoming a visit from local non fiction author John Malam after Christmas to run workshops with Year 8. Why don't you find out more about him by reading one of his books? He has written a range of biographies on influential people including Florence Nightingale and Leonardo da Vinci. He has also written lots of factual history books and books about mythology. Look in the library for his books and watch this space for more details if you want to come and meet the author! Miss Stebbings, English department

KS4 - 'Heroes of Olympus' series by Rick Riordan is about 7 young demigods, Roman and Greek, and their battle to protect the earth from the forces of evil. Written by the same author as the 'Percy Jackson' series, this is a must read thrilling adventure with twists and turns in the plot throughout. If you're a fan of action, adventure or mythology, these are the books for you! Year 9 student

Carol Service

Monday 17th December 2012

St. Albans Church, Macclesfield

7pm — Mince Pies & Drinks


Rugby Results All Hallows vs Tytherington High 24-0 Tries: Dan Briggs x 2 Harry King Emile Evans Conversions: Harry King x 2 Man of the match: Conor Chalcroft

Awards Evening

Wednesday 19th December 2012

7:15pm for a 7:30pm start. Light Refreshments after in

Café’ Bernard. Please send reply slips in or

contact reception to confirm by the Wednesday 12th December
