News & Notes from the Gallatin Church of Christ Minister ...3:00 a.m. Soul winning spread...


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Minister: Noel Quinn Associate Minister: Daniel Gordon

Elders: John Cox, Ricky Hollins, Richard Pryor Associate Minister: Byron Gibbs

News & Notes from the Gallatin Church of Christ

Volume 39 Issue 2 February 2012

Father God, Please Send Revival

In 1904, churches in Europe and America were empty, hearts were cold, Christians were lethargic, and evil flourished. Up stepped Evan Roberts, a Welsh coal miner who led a prayer movement that swept millions of people into God’s Kingdom.

The following are excerpts from Oliver W. Prices’ “The Welsh Revivals of 1904-05.”

During the spring of 1904 a young Welshman named Evan Roberts was repeatedly awakened at 1:00 a.m. He met with God until 5:00 a.m. the Welsh revival followed. Churches were packed for prayer meetings. In a prayer meeting for young people, Pastor Joseph Jenkins asked for testimonies. A young girl named Florrie Evans, who had only been a believer a few days, rose and with a trembling voice said simply, “I love Jesus with all my heart.” The other young people’s hearts were melted. A powerful spiritual awakening that brought 100,000 people to Christ was under way.

On November 7th, 1904 Moriah chapel was filled to capacity for a prayer meeting that lasted until 3:00 a.m. Soul winning spread through the coalmines. Profane swearing stopped. Even miner’s horses were puzzled when their masters stopped cursing.

Bible verses covered the doors down in the coalmines.

The Times pointed out on January 10th, entire congregations were on their knees in fervent prayer and “for the first time there was not a single case of drunkenness at the Swansea Petty Sessions.”

. . . .quarrels between trade-union workmen and non-unionists had been made up . . . At Glyn Neath a feud had existed for the past 10 or 12 years between the two Independent Chapels, but during the past week united services have been held in both chapels, and the ministers have shaken hands before the congregations.”

Coal miners crowded into prayer meetings that lasted till 3:00 a.m. and then washed, ate breakfast and returned to work. Many drunkards confessed their sins and received Christ. According to the London Times of February 2nd, 1905, due to the Welsh Revival, many men abandoned dens of iniquity. Employers noticed a great improvement in the work produced by their employees. A judge named Sir Marchant Williams said that his work was much lighter especially regarding drunkenness and related offenses.

Prayer meetings multiplied. As many as 2,000 attended a prayer meeting in the city of Bradford. In the city of Leeds, Samuel Chadwick reported that his church was never empty all day. An amazing work of grace transformed life in a factory.

The taverns were emptied while people who had not attended church before came in record numbers and received Christ.

God, please do it again!

Leadership Meeting

Sunday, February 12th 6:00 p.m. in the CEC

This meeting is for Elders, Deacons, Ministers, Staff and

all Team Leaders.


In Memory of Ruby Spurlock

by Frank & Bettye Scott

Ben & Lou Della Mayberry

Phil & Tonya Hollins

Sherry & Hannah Long

Encompass Group LLC

Darrel & Joy Emerson

In Memory of Chuck Hardaway

by Ben & Lou Della Mayberry

In Memory of Jimmy Harrison

by Mark & Robbie Pruett

In Memory of Danny Coppage

by Linda Wiggins

In HONOR of the Church Staff

by Martha Nicholls


In Memory of Ruby Spurlock

by Tom & Dena Bruce

Joan Hollins

Richard & Kathy Pryor

In Memory of Polly Chenault

by The Soul Winning Class


In Memory of Ruby Spurlock

by Bea Scott

In HONOR of Charleen Hackett

by Bea Scott


In Memory of Ruby Spurlock

by Hack & Sue Gilliam

Cynthia Stovall


In Memory of Ruby Spurlock

by Bonnie Cornell

Starley & Jan Carr

A gift in APPRECIATION of Faye Cox

was given to the Mayberry Mission Fund & The Benevolence Fund

by Children’s Church

Congratulations To

Jacob & Kaitlin Poindexter on the birth of their daughter,

Macie Ann, born January 18th. She weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19 3/4 in. long.

Proud grandparents: David & Kathy Walters Great grandparents: Ray & Evelyn Augenstine

Our Sympathy to the families of these who have recently passed away.

James “Marty” Ziegler (Chris’ dad) Robert C. Beasley

Florence Moss (Richard Pryor’s aunt)

Michael Henry (Zach’s dad) Linda York (Jerry Conyer’s niece)

Richard Turner (Codye Sterry’s dad) Betty Gregory (Macayla Forsyth’s great-grandma) Our new website will be up and

running soon. There are some new and exciting things in store - the Lamplighter and calendar will be

available on the website as well. In the meantime, check us out on





Winterfest 2012 Its time again for our annual trip to Winterfest

in Gatlinburg, TN. The dates are February 17th through 19th. I am listing additional information below. The deadline to sign up is February 12th. If you have any questions please let me know. What is Winterfest: A weekend Christian rally for students in grades 6-12 Purpose of trip: Christian fellowship and faith development Trip leader: Byron Gibbs, Associate Minister, Gallatin Church of Christ

Chaperoned by responsible adults Lodging in hotel rooms (1 adult, 3 students per room) All rally activities held in Gatlinburg Convention Center

Dates: Friday, February 17 – Sunday, February 19 Departure: Gallatin Church of Christ parking lot, 3:30 p.m. on Friday

(Subway sub and bottled water pre-ordered and ready to eat upon arrival)

Transportation: church bus, church van, and personal vehicle(s) Students arrive packed

(Students encouraged to pack and leave bags at building on Wednesday or Thursday before)

Route: I-40 east to exit #407 through Sevierville and Pigeon Forge to Gatlinburg Return: Gallatin Church of Christ parking lot, 5:30 p.m. on Sunday

Location: Gatlinburg, TN Hotel: Greystone Lodge at the Aquarium, Gatlinburg (Light #5) Phone number: 1-800-451-9202 Rally activities: Gatlinburg Convention Center (Light #8)

Cost to Go: $75.00 for 1, $130.00 for 2, $170.00 for 3 Sponsorships available for students in need (notify Byron) Bring money for 6 meals and any souvenirs desired

2012 Liability Release Form required Protects church and church leaders, and allows

medical attention to students

Guidelines Students should respect and follow the instructions of Byron

and his adult chaperones. Students should never go off alone, but always stay with the

group. Boys are not allowed in the girls’ sleeping area, nor girls allowed

in the boys’. Student couples should not be alone and apart from the group

at any time. Students should help with meals and other activities. Students should participate in all activities, unless there is a real

hindrance or concern. Absolutely no tobacco, alcohol, or non-prescribed drugs

allowed. Prescribed medications should be included on the Liability Release Form and reported to Daniel. Generic drugs, such as Tylenol or Advil, will be included in the group first-aid kit.

Cell phones are allowed, but use will be restricted, and phones mostly left in students’ cabin bedrooms. This is a retreat. Daniel’s phone will be on at all times, day and night.

No musical instruments on this retreat. They can easily get damaged and take up space during travel.

No airsoft pellet guns or paintball guns. No lighters or other fire starters. Music: You may bring CDs for the group during travel. No

iPods, CD players, ear buds.

Packing List Outdoor clothing (depending on the weather, wearing layers is

a good idea) Outdoor socks and shoes, we will be walking a lot so wear

comfortable shoes Warm jacket Pajamas, night clothes Toiletries, hygiene supplies

Soap, shampoo, comb, brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. Bible Prescription medications Not needed: Bedding, pillow, towels, washcloths

Thanks and I am looking forward to the trip! Byron Gibbs Phone: 615 293 2972 Email:

February 1 Prepared Meal ~ 6:00-6:45; classes begin at 7:00 February 5 Souper Bowl Sunday February 8 Prepared Meal ~ 6:00-6:45; Classes begin at 7:00 February 12 BENEVOLENCE SUNDAY February 12 Leadership Meeting ~ 6:00 p.m. in the CEC February 15 Prepared Meal ~ 6:00-6:45; Classes begin at 7:00 February 17-19 Youth gone to Winterfest in Gatlinburg, TN February 22 Prepared Meal ~ 6:00-6:45; Classes begin at 7:00 February 29 POTLUCK ~ 6:30 p.m.

Men’s Ministry - Thursdays at 12:00 Noon in the CEC. Bring a sack lunch. Wednesday Morning Bible Class - 10:00 a.m. in the Ladies Precept Classroom

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Gallatin Church of Christ 150 East Main Street Gallatin, Tennessee 37066

Office: (615) 452-0271 ● Fax: (615) 452-7787 Prayer Line: (615) 664-1322

Email: Web:






The prayer line for February is sponsored in Memory of Ben Joe Moss

by Ms. Elizabeth

Souper Bowl Sunday Sunday, February 5th

Following the morning Worship service, our teens will be at the doors with soup pots for your contributions. All proceeds will go to the

Good Neighbor Mission.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 1 John 3:1

You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. Amy Carmichael

Plush teddy bears, extravagant flower arrangements, rich velvety chocolates - the signs of Valentine’s Day are inescapable in the middle of February. Some think that this particular holiday is not for Christians, that it’s a completely secular and commercial occasion. But if God is love - and we know that He is - and if love is a beautiful sign of His work in the world, then maybe we should put even more emphasis on a holiday set apart for celebrating love. Of course, the love proclaimed on Valentine’s Day can stray far from the pure love of God - it can be tawdry, cheap, and conditional. But if you get creative and ask for help from God, you just might find ways to share His un-relenting love with those around you.

Lord, help me to be salt and light in my world, sharing Your love with others.
