Newies rctm 2013 - creation output




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Newies Recruitment Spring 2013


• Creation Flow

• Creation Output

Creation Flow

Analysis Goals the campaign

Target Group Definition

Messages (+concept of visuals)

Packages for LCs


Phases of the campaign

Campaign assessment

1. Analysis

1. How did you get to know about AIESEC

2. Reasons to join AIESEC

3. Growth of AFs in time (both Spring and Fall of 2012)

4. Interest in Exchange

5. Marketing campaign evaluation

2. Goals of the campaign

1. Application forms: 430

2. People Selected: 203

3. Retention Rate: 85%

3. Target Group

1st & 2nd grade students of:

1. IT

2. Economics / Management

3. Humanities

3. Target Groups


Soft skills



Purpose of AIESEC


Theory in practise

Corporate sphere


Leadership / Management



Idea of AIESEC

Theory in Practise (professional dev.)

4. Messages

What AIESEC can offer What students want

What´s incommon?

Communication of specific benefits to the 3 target groups

4. Message

Concept of the stories

• The campaign will be again based on story telling, although with slight changes comparing to the autumn campaign

• The main message as well as stories will be connected with a story that will be supposed to express on benefit that person got from AIESEC

• There will be 10 co-messages (benefits) and LCs can pick on based on their reality and what people they need to get for specific positions

• So this time the campaign will be focused more on explaining the very specific benefits

4. Message

A co dá AIESEC tobě?

4. Message

Concept of the visuals:

• The main message is strongly connected to the benefits

• This time the photo of story tellers will express the benefit itself too (not only the story)

• The visuals will consist of: Photo, Main message, co-message (benefit), webpage, partners, other information

4. Message Co-messages (benefits)

- Naučil jsem se prezentovat před velkým publikem

- Vedl jsem tým osmi lidí (číslo sa dá upraviť)

- Zlepšil jsem si komunikační dovednosti a ted' nemám problém prodávat na firmách / spolupracovat s představiteli firem.

- Komunikuji s manažeri firem a mám spoustu kontaktů do budoucna

- Umím si lépe setřídit svůj volný čas

- Získal jsem potřebnou praxi a zkušenosti do životopisu již během školy

- Komunikuji s médii a naučila jsem se pracovat s webovými stránkami

- Diky AIESEC jsem mela moznost pracovat v tymu s lidmi z 12 různych zemí.

- Znám 20 lidí v zahraničí, které mohu zkontaktovat a navštívit.

- Díky AIESEC jsem se naučil jak vybrat správne kandidáty pro 12 pracovních pozicí zahraničí.

As each of the LCs have different reality and various approaches to the student market, there will be special packages created for each of the committees that would:

1. reflect the best communication mix (channels) that work at each LC

2. show at what channel to focus at what time based on „Growth of AFs in time“ analysis

3. include recommendations about possible bottlenecks for LCs

5. Packages

6. Budget


• POS (prints) will covered by LCs

• Photo shooting will covered by MC

7. Phases of Campaign

LC needs target groups

Execution & assessment

Growth in AFs timing, channels

Campaign newies feedback

Analysis application forms

RCTM team structure

Goals setting

Defining TG +their motivation

LC packages final

Analysis Creation Finalization Execution

Visuals draft

LC packages frame

Message motto

Comm. mix channels

Visuals final

7. Phases of Campaign Timeline

• Final visuals: 22.12.2012

• Materials delivery to LCs: 14.1.2013

• Online Promotion: from 14.1.2013

• Physical Promotion:

– Wave 1: 21.1. – 1.2.2013

– Wave 2: 18.2. - 15.3.2013

8. Assessment

• The success of the campaign will be assessed accorging to the goals of the RCTM

• Also, all the channels used will be assessed

Let´s engage and develop!
