New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-02-21 [p 3]. · Staget caaocrtfor Htck-Behraieaburg,...


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1K)1?a_AKD aa* CANADA SMO-WRRRLI% UMK. »Aa~H>tOEU EE1PW.m*0--SAlFA\-r?!^0-r. f*^*^^PATAPtKXX.......CtjALHjWI* ^¦¦ ymrea Pier Na. IB Narth RW*t. 5^*"HL%&_t_ aWbarf. rrnrnmi, areery "-EDNESDAT aai IATUb-AI. atB Eawrta* Hbm. M h-are

.» *. flfcfltBflfl* aad aaeet etmoamoeo traktkt Ba* ** Wa-tafli

t£*\$u? « Bt fl«OBn»-L8. » Oa.. Wa B8W^.

gUambcttt* ottd ttaUtoaftav.

P)B BRroOEF^)RT^FARi7fvO CENTR.---i_ _. AM.iiwiA. Capt. Cbaa. Duteher. leave*

-a!_l VVIJO l?Tt*DAT, THURSDAY and 8ATUE-mRj n - ria_bt <.*.* *t tbe lrwet ratet

NOBTBBRi RAILROAD ol NEW JERMEY.-Leate faattef Ce_r(la-dt«t, -.'ertey City Ferry, dailyAhf emaoateit. 1:4* p. m.. far Pieruiout and Buffern; 10m4 t p m for Pte.imor.t. Leave jsaffom at 7 a m., and

neitl':*.*>, 8 a. rr. tr.d V H' p rr. Staget caaocrt for Htck-Behraieaburg, NyarA New-'.'Ity. aud Utve.tliaw.

CENTRAL RAILROAD OE NEW-.IERSEY.CoaaeetiBg at New-Han.ploa with the De.twtre, t-arka-

iiati and Weitrin Railroad aud at Eattvn with the LehlghVallav Railro-dWfSTKH ARRANOEMENT.( ommenrlng De-. .1

Leave Nrw I ork IM Eettoa aud li.tariiedi-.te plaeet, from foot04* Ceunleiid'-tt at f * r. 12 ... an.l 4 in p iu, For Soiuer-ntke hy the above traini. and a' bW ;.. m.From Pier No 2 North Eivi r, at 7 JO and 11 K a. m. ard 3 38

m. at far Ea*t*o tni ti;t*n..edt*te tutiont, l*>r Soroerti'le bylhe abevc trtiui aad at 4.81 p iu.TV I. ro tr*rn fiom too: of ( ourtlandt¦¦..., tr.d tV.e :1:80a m.

aawiPier.N R n ahfl * eiare coi.necnon **. Y. +i:«n wtt h theItahUh V aliey Kai n- .d aud tbeucr via Eatt "enui-lvauia Kail-raad lo Reading, wahoi-t rhange of eara, and .-on-.ect* at Read-kageareeltor I'etUvlll* and HaniohnrgPanengen 'or the Delawaie. Lackmwaiina. aud ^-ei'.ern Kail-

tan4 vnl! leaar New Yo>k at 1 a m f.-om foot fmirtlai.dt »t, or

TB* frrtia Her t N K. only for ehtft. VeU*fl Ke-llroad at 8 andtta Bt. f*e*n foot M Cvn.>'iei>dl-al tod »t 7 80 ii-.l '::««. in.

aeea Pier I N. R. only. JOHN O 8TERNS. B .per_..trude-t

F°rR BOSTON ntid PROVIDENCE, via \SEW-PORT and PALL RIVER.-The iplmdiJ a.d inpriior

r 81 El ROI'Ol.lM, C-ipt Bvr.wt., le.iv>.* New-Y-.rl every


Tl'PM»AY, THI KM>AY, aud SATl'RHAY .1 b o'cloeh EMPili' ipt.Brayten.oa MONOAY.WEDfaEfDAY, and FRIDAY, it . c'cloth p ra., from PierMU KHereafter no reomt vt IH be regarded u« *,-eai'-i to any appU

.aal Bntil the t-ro* ahall have been paid for.Freight lo Rnew.i. ¦« '..rwt'ded .hrongh wui g-*-at ditpatf h by

aaEipret-K.eight TrainW M. BOBDEN, Agfi.;, N<-. 7fln.. 71 Wett tt.

EW-TORK AND ERIE RAILROAD..Paa.. letger l.-ain. .ea.e I ierfooicf Duane -t at foilowa. TlllDl NRIRK EXPBPS^at7a m f<r Duukirk. Buflaio, Can-

aadaiiua. »nd diatr -ta'-ifn*.NAv Bl KOII EXrRli.sS it .1 t* p m fir ':< wbnrgh, Mld-

dletevtu. aud iuter-iruittc "la'iout.NItaHl rXPRESSa". 1:90 p.m., for Dnckiik, Buffa.0, Canan-

B-igt.a. ind priu.'ipai iMr.i-.i.aIbe Ezpraai w'.th tl.e Ca.iandalgua

aad Niagaia Fai.. Kaiir,»d ai HaajhaatlflflLWilb tha BjneaaaRailroad,tt To.-iinr aaitli tbe Bplliead fc* R.H'i.ra-^r aud "luf-Wet at Orttt Beud, wilb tb*. Rai.road fot Sc'aatoa, aud at Buf-hie tnd Donkirk. witb He Lake Sbore Ralli'.-ad. lor Cb-veUnd,Chyuinaii Toledo, Detr-ait, Cbi-'igo, Ac md tte Ca..*da R«*J-

f^j, 111 AS. M1NOT, Oeieral -suptNavb'l Majeih Reeriver^_KD8l>N~hlVER RAILROAO .Er un Dt-e.88, 18»9 Train* will leave Ch»mbert-rt. »-t»lip.i ** MflWfl

Eaprr*. Iraini* aud :1 . m. tnd 4:*0p m f-.r »in_; Siaa, 8:45rnnif **p. ni fot 7 8.1 a m and IT 10 aal 8 »p. ax., foi Peekrkiil, .Vli p. iu. A MonUeal and BuiU'.o r«weu-aer Tmhi (wiih tieepiug ctin) lrtvet 3lit-tt daiiy at 9:*' p. ui.

Tbe Peogbaa ep*le. PeekalUl evo Siog Sit.g Tr*i*.« *t-p at n.'.t ofthe Way itttiout ratteng* 't ttken at Cb _.Wm, I aut-, hrl*tipbai and 31*1 tte Trt'nt k-t New-Yoik leave Troj at B'.U tud10:10 a.m, and at 4 aud 9 p. pi aud Aibany abont 15 miuutetMlaa. Oti Sund_y. at6:18p. m.

A. F. SMITH, Snperlnteadent.rf_S REOl'LAR MAIL LINE nt STOH1HO-X TON for B('!«TON. PBOVIDENCE-Laud Route.Tbeahortett and n>o*t uirct.Ctrrjiug thfl Eaitern Mtl!TbeMetmeit PLYMOUTH ROC-, Capt .loei ^tone. a»d C.

VANDERBILT. Capt D B Stnrce*. la counrctlon wilb theBUainrtoD tnd Providrcce, and Botton and Providence Kail-.aafl- leavitigNew-Yprk aatly t^undav exccptedl, from Plei NoIN. R. (br«i w^aii" above Battery-place). at 5 p. ni., and Stou-______gton al t :*P p. m or on arrival at tbe maii train wnlcb ieaveiBeaton at bt* r m


Tne C. VAN OERBiLT from New Y ork-Monday. VVednet-day ard Inday. tttm 9lm.-.cgton-Tueiday. Thuradty andBaturdav.Tbe PLYMOT'TH ROCE. 'rom New York-Tueidty. Th_rt-

Aay atid Sttorday From BM vingtor.- Monday, Wcdncedsy,aad Eriday.

Paattng. Tl frrwead from Stoningtnn, per rallioad, to Prov*-a*ace ar.d Borton ir. tbe Eipret* Mail Train. rcar.hing taidpitrt-t lu nf ;ho*a- by otber rontet tnd in anple Haa* forall ti* early aMt-lng llnat ronr.eot'.ng Nortb tnd Eiat. l'*>***a-aar* tba. pief.r II ¦. n.ain cn h-.»rd tl.e »te.-_. er er.j >y a d'.^M'i.atundi.turbad. breakiait tt detirerft, and leave Htouiugton lnthe 7 am. train, counecting at Prevideuct- with lhe li a m- Uaialor Beaton.Bare ftem Prcv'.»ienr* to Newpnrt M cer.ta.A Baggage Matter Bflflflflaaflfli** ttie flk-flflflfll tnd train thmngb

Fai paaaate, brrtli. iletr-room*, or freight. applv '.

ali aam. er at the freitl.l-olIn.-e I'.er Nf 2 Nortb River, or tt tb*aaWo of tbe Company, No. 18 Battery place-,


ORFAT »OUB*.a>TftACI ROUTE.The caaacity ef the Road it now euual to any ln tbe eountry.

TIIE OREAT SHORT LIVE.TO THE WE.T.OH.,« No 2 A-tor Houte, Broadway.* for tbe tran»p<.rt*ttor. of Paatenger* to and from rin-etr...'.. t',..-...M !- - bt Piul, Kathville. Now-t>7_«..a. uiii-1 other teWM in the tt'ei. Harth-weel aod Sootb-oreot, ate uMurpaa.oO for «r~-ed aud m**waj* by any' r...ite

Througl. traina fnr ib. \<"*tt leave New-.crk (footei ( oart-Mndt-il Morntr-g Expreti. 7a m.: Eipreti, « p. m.

B!ea pinx aud imot___iii-c*ut on ail traini.Fare aJwiyi at low ai.d tbe time ai qulck, ai by auy otoer

Er I.I ronl* Freightt of all IflflflriBfllflM can b* forwtrded IO

md from any point it tbe raiiioadiof Ohio. Kentucky. indiaaa,UHnoia, Wico-lii, lowa, or Mt-Mflri, Bl RaILKO*:) DI¬RECT. er to any poit nu the navigt'.'le nvert of tl.e Wr*t,*fi'.iJ. Tillalmgb ,lk ,,, ,, ...Tbe ratet of Freight lo tnd from IBT point oi the \n ett 6y tne

reaaaylvania Railroad arr at ail tiu.ra a- f.vortb.e tt are rbargedoU;er Kaiiro. Cataaanlaa. Merchanu and tbipper* intrutt-

SI the ttniponeti-n ai tbeir Fratrht to tbii Company can relyib Oflt it* tpeedy 'rtr.itTbit C*-mranv al*o mtintalr.t an Emiirant Acc-ommidaf.On

-Li_ue by wl.'ch partiet ru.igraiir.g w.-tiwtrd enjny a cnetp acdaomronabir mode of ronvevinc* at one btlf the nrtt c'.n ratetofJare- J L ELMOTT. Pat-enger Agent, No. 2Attor Hoote.

LF.ECH k iht Af. ..ti.tta. i Aitt-r Ht't. tnd S". 1 South WilliaiuiL

MiDONALD it BI'-CHOKF, Emigr.i.i Agn.t.,No 8 BaUery-pUce.

.l IIOMAS A. 8COTT, Otneral hup't. A^toona. Pa.

¦MJEW-Y0RK AND HARLEM RAILROAD.,1 FARE *2 lo ALBANY.Oa ard aft*r WEDNESDAT, Janutry 18, 1859, Traini .Ul

»ave2-tb r. Siatiuo. hew York. at foalowi:For WUluniibfidvr e:«'Bndlla tn.. acd 2:80 acdS.90 p. m.

For Wbiu Pl*tni-i2:90 acd 5:00 p m.

Ber Whn« Plaina.6115 p. m fron. W bite tt Depot.Bor ( raton I"all*.4 p. m trom it-tb-at. Dr.povtct Millertoa.8 p. m. from Jbtt tt Uep-t.Bor Alhe..y-!ia m. Mail and 3* p. m Eiprw. (-.Bnecttng

Wtlh UteNtw-lork < entral ll»ir*.,.dKetur-iti. will leave

Waiia.*brid«e.r ti aad MB a u. 1 and 8:40 p. m.

Wbite l'l«!ii».5and7:70 a m tnd 4:80 p. m.

Croton.7 a m. Millertoti.7 a uu

Albeny-11 a m. Mail and 4:lt)p. m. Expreii tralc._V> f. a m Mail and *¦** p. m. Eipre«t trtiu oennect M Cha*>

______ your Gomera for all HaiioBt on Wealrrn Kalirmd l^ggafetmmokrd lot Mail and Eipreat traini coi. Whlttt and Cent*. »U.,Atom 7 to 8 15 t. n... and fron. 1 to 240 p m.


CITY .Mail and Eapr*-*t Linet Irare .New i crk at 7. i). ana 11

at bl 'and 4 and t p. m . BM 41 Tbroucb Tickett ttU fot Oin-eLaa't) and lhe Wetl and for Wa*hlogWn New-Orl^an^ atadtke Soutb, k*. aad through baggag" e_e--A«4d to V*. atnington .n 7

a. at. aad C fl. m. traini ,'t W. WOODRUFF, Attlttant Supeaintendect

Ke bacflBce wiL1 be received fcr any train* unle*« delivered acdiaaekea 15.i n^aa* in ad»antve e! tb> time of leavii.g.


¦.' MIXiURI -lhe etttblitbed ano atanda-d remedy formtroMh cc d iuflaeattan-l'houieneti. and ill irrltatioui. o. theB.BVDO- aeaabr-nc of tbe throat, paiate and, it indortt-dBv pl.v.ui aa tr.d al! who htve i.»ed it, *.. * Prepvatior.t tftat BatBtirlvaliaibeh'W. Pne* Ab centa. fio.d by d~ggtttt. DepotBaa. 15 fca«h..n~. *t_T OCIfiYILtLE ARTE8IAN WATER.Cerae all d*Taopenier.U of

The M..acb, The Oltnd-.Tte Liver. Tbe IlUeatlon.Tbe KKk»a-Tt, Tbe Se.-retiou-

AUO, Rhenu.atitm, f.ont. Oruvel.I| ttlmuU.!*- tb. Appctite. *j_l givet ralieaf to tbe Stca^ek and

Bmmim'm* a-M .» ^""^fif.'.MP«iN. A^t.Ko OU RfuaHway, uf «*alrt..

*. AM EWCAL COMMON SKKSB.".Dr. E. B.Jri POoTI the aathor of thii popuiax beok. retami ie

hta realdaat oftee at "aralofa rHriun lhe 1*1 ot tUy- '*et mo

w who haaadi.aalt d..-»* ef ie*g kil *<"2"J_'''JBtoi at ocee. T-ouatndt of tnpjoied t-oaiBble laaei h-rr ^een

«aaad Iry bi. naedtcine. and el*-itr-:l.y. He givel ne-.n-rali.M* U iBretiag wfcaiflBiai flflMfl bt !*<» «"/ .'F ,,,U^___weoeo pteenleT^ VV. Na. 546 Bre*-iway (a«.lt d*.or to

IraaaeUott Uai-erv), New Yet*. Coaiahation tree oitiseWuafre-1 to< p ».- lavaSd. at a dleUuoe et*. eeawult buuAf, ill. Book aill br -Maitt l.y -_.!.' ptetUgr ^_J. U) tbotemrme tomit . 1 Addrea* t* akove.


tegol Kelixei.

1K I'URttt'AiX'E o-f bu order ef lhe fiunvijrat"m .1.. ( ountv of Naw York U-tio. it horotr rirtr tr, lii per*

ao-tketj^alaJn- t-ramit LatV n u ute af_*. ft., f .Si » foir, deenaied. to pftliat the aa. aritl

.w* tt.., ... :... !..» | . w;.-n ,ta II.. . ..t. .r- \. ,. u'l, ,,.. ..r U^oie_tUe>.i*hla->. *

.ett.-iiA.n. ^ -.. lork.tb. lMIA dtyc; J-iiiuary. Ituvj._J*U iaaw-tiio Tn'_JOMM lirBTACE. Adtiim.iratir

IN 1 '¦. Z ftf an ortVf of ita- fywrogkte ottke fanaa-t; uf Nw Vea noil'-r i. i*m~.,j tfeoo I* all i-ratt*

Ijaviig t^Ubi tftitttt ABA y.ty.illi, Uf.r *f tbe CiUr o.' E**JVa.ik d*, i , r^M.t y.r aan.r »'U2. rouoher. U..he Mbe-.ii.rr at I... tdftxr. k. tb WeM kroa-iwt;.. lu ... Clij.fK*-w tor* rtvri.ty thtrd dty *'i Jul-Deui Stv. T'..-r. t_.< i»Hb dty o ->_i:u«_ry, la»e.

*mti l.laiTa* JAUV.i MaCUME SMITH. F.teootxn.

VOTH'E il I..T.I.Y (.ll.-l. thftt ajif;!KBti..|l R_ WAa awda ui tte J.ejltlat _r of tbe Btate of New York ior aaaat raleariii, tu KI Be.f ( A M<¦( ALL ali li** right of tbe Statefmmmkmi oc the iti.ll ol ler bu.nuid. JOhN Mt< AI.L. to twoMa* of grotiu*! oi, 5tL t». aud iu tba Ci«y ti 1W> "tk.*m*T IflwBwlv

NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN, tbat an appiia.tioo wiU bo made I v '____» .^^UBlaxa .f tbe Bt-le .f New


Y-rk. at il« pjeKat .ra.! _^ te an act tt te_rpoTtU M BUNew Yatk aud Rrooklv

_ (^ Ce ,,

Dat. d Jano-ry 10. 't0m


from The Laadaa Aetteito.r.Wf Tfit-.ira io lay thut tba .aoBP »f " Spiritnal\em "

n» \»r ia fifii ao Vi. b-j h Liow airt.f. i- firat rvj'ir.d i'.i»hMaaaa read id Anun.-a, rome ai^rhteaa or 'wenty}e_.> t-im-e, aa it _d y_ete:_ay .turoMtf iu KdwardBtrn* l-_'M,riroii, r<> kj_.__-_. Tbe R-v. Mr.llarrie. u Kwide»borj»-.-n niinlBuj-r, w'.o Im I ein'iru-edS[.;n'nal>__ -freen yeara ago, aod who ia allowed onall baaca toba tba aakal an.l moat iiita-aafnal mtn inAaicricE tbat S^witual nn haa ever Ix-en ab)« tt) iriir.-I er i.tmii y ita die. i|.lea, Iium !»? .-ti in tbia couaf.ryionome -»«¦_», and bad been annonn.-d to peaon<.i.'inu yefeiday>'. N-twkhet-ind-u:y tbe tm'av. rVile a'-ataj of Uie wnvli. r,-early all the moet i_tellectu_l Spiritualura iaLoij-t'n a» d Ua ntijib-vrb-od, a__ount__ir to baiwaaa;* li aid 4<0, BBBtnibled 88 bear what t_«y dou',ileHeaxpc-cttd wi.'ild >rova oue r-i tha ableat and moat e o-

(|ti«. t txpc*ilirn« of avirtaali.-o that bad ever b.eud-1" errd. We leave k U our reade,* to i-aaume whu.v; rt have been tlieir ama/enjent, ue well a* mnrlifirt-.. v, wbin .bf} fouifl tliat ina*-»ad of thia, the rev-tuid fs>p:I«_i__- expoaed the feliiee, itnmoralitiea,and MbbB-BBBB lonaeq-tnctr, apiritualiy aud phyai-Callj, 8. tbeir aj-teui, * 1U1 BBBB a power ot reu-

Bonfr>K forra of eloqaeaoa, ani aanaalBaai of pnr-ia huve M>!dom hren dalp-Byad by any orator

tn rriorern ti«r.f«. Hi« trnmphanc expoeurea andc il>, DBC-ktirau of epiriToaliem, a» be'iifi

.Ie rrni:i» of K.i..riii* a<,~n<*y, fell like bo mnnyhiaaJ'al aOs. baialiBg lor ntariy an hour, i» rupid auo-

,.,,:.', uu.i'!.^ !,:.< aadjaaoa. Probablj we baaabaaa mnttmi, tiurii _.- Iba i,i-i qn _rte-r tt u eaatvy, atBinrii _iieiiiifr. tt BB8B8BB l-__i«i-*, uud BaBB- more oftbe ieuoint. i .-blfc Bje.a-tn> oi ile duy, th.n almoatai.y one elae that could be namad; but we never belote wHuBatad aaptb-BB ut u.J nppnui-hLriv t<> BBBe&eUBl.«b ~888 pr.Ju.ed yeet-i.iuy by Uie urgu-n.euV, daqu*-88i »ud oiatury af tue li*-\ Hl ilarria.IBw tbat biB nndiet.<r wern BBUtlaBl, ~onll be eay-ir/.'. otl Ir «. Tb«y were enibained, tracefixed, ttt-:. t!v loiil.unded, ua be tore into tea uioiisaiid U-teraU'eir futoiite ayBBB-B ef i*t>_>i_Kf, Ul''<-j:impij_.'rt,tcaneet .-tr le«, mi tluiuiM, und ho forth.Wfc -want t j iaa f.In-^o froi.n a tcnw of dutv, expoct-

ir.i/, n~ did t.11 the 3t0 or 400 S_,i,itr>alir><# arho wer«

pi-»r_.l, iba' ~e hbould brar lhe nio*>'. masterlv vnui-t dioii ..f Spnitial'Mn inat co'ild be viven; uudbo.»L_gtr a- lavip^oi-ce be rd itaableat defenae, we ahould teti e Baaaa fit'ed, ne orrionTiTii'y oifered, ro expoae witht-reater »n_ce_ tbo initiuniei", tba daujrera, and tbe dia-Bairoaa nanltf, mu'.LIv, BO-ialiy, aud phya;c__ly, ol'Ibir l_I.^t mid tuofct inti-io'-- l.iiu of 1'anUieiaiu.Waarfllaot afrmrtti desrribe, hc.-.nsr- we conld

notifwedid, ihs mmtled de)i(.'bt i_nd Bn.-.triae withvibub welouudtiie ta?k executed to our bauda, bvone of the ma«er minda of the dr.y. Mr. flarno tieldnf. to rh© txi-a of bi* uiidierif^ the ar.t«TTi of Npirirnsl-i. m iil iha innet hideoiis and horrible thirij.' wbich bal8~a_ 88888 fr.m Ibe aelbei isorld. Ue ntid tbat beh'mrtLt waa a thing proof of ihe daD»;ei, meiit-ll/ andil.veict.lh- of eahivaB-g he Bo-callel acienie of8p_citr)HJi"bm. II* menfoned that only a few yearaayo, it ba i ta.en to abaorl^Bf a posaeeeion of, and bsd obtamed «o eoaapla'a amH»vryover,}. m, that ir gnve ri^-idiiy to iIip naac-BB of bbtrBBBB,bnd u terr bie. tiuturtbly eapraaBao to bia aaaaBBBB-B-BaHe uddtd that be bad tu eu und _BO~_ nuiiy >*berr>.excelleiit and aiji-able B8tB8BB bel.ii- tbe? baiaineSi'iniualiati.liom wbom tbe power whkh the deuio-ma'iil ayetero ^iud arqaircd over them hid takenaaran thiir apr*t:.t-», hitd iir.rir-r d therTi forthe ordinarydutirB of life, ern.bttl ull tbeir ei er^iiea, ineiittil audphjeical. eeprived them of sieep at iiigbt, uud c tuitdib-jir boa ea to waata away, ae if tbe \ii'__a of boinefell diseaee which aet all meditral akill at defiance.Otberg >,e bRd kn.-.«rn ani "*en, whooe arma and k-^ahud : rr.-mit nn cold and md ritfid aatho^e of a mvVi:eBtutnc, wr.ile fhe e.xprcwion of thair r-onntrr:itnf'i>a wubeo boirb'e hb more to rt*Be__!.!e ihow of demoua Uuin

u btuf- The Sjiiiit-al-te ofAmari-A, ha fur¬ther Kt:itcd, are not only asa body PantheinTB, ri;jert.inguliki- tbe i'lea of tbe B-BrBjBafBB )_" u Divitie revelation,aud o' ile exirtent-e of a Ood, but that tbey are frroeeaeueua'kte i__d ut'erly i____.'r__ iu tbeir couduot m alltLe lelatioaa of lil'e.Mr. llajrie added, thst thie wa.* not only trne cf the

TTUTi.^itiuniir. 8_.iritu__i.-B ua a body, but tbat k waa

al ol l,(i'«! of tbeir number. Tbon-r-i.dB of perpons bud died in Aaaafiea dnrin>: the fifteenyniiB thut be bad betn a Np rituuliHt wbo BB<> B888*

\ :-v(',i BM-i immoral wn B, und yet tne apirits efBTan one tt IBB88 paaaaaa uftirmed thut they were

a!l lerkcilv bappj. Tbe Spirka-liet literature ofAui.iica, Ml. Ilarm alK« a .'.«_, wa., witb oue or twoaxcaMk-B in a fboaabad raceB P_i,thH=tir, f^eble,r-rive.linjr, aay, almrart idiotic. Tae K.iiiiTnRliai* wera

Otterry »»_]iir_if as well aa sentual tuid jrroeaty itamoraLThen wert-dt.atuteof ull hmnftosympathiee,and never

ei'e knowntonerformuBiiiKlebenevolentaction. TiityInliv believed that, in a fuwire atate, tbey wonld liroibe tmme liceutioun liveBUB tbey hud done on eartli.Tl.e A-uerh-t.i Spiiiit.-ie'_s wtre Lu reality u body ofPi ibbb, worbbifing, hke tbe an.iont FbfBMb, id avery Te-v-ect, naaatj li^eut'.'.u* deitiee. Audae regurda tbe apirita with whom they held coramntii-Mtirn, tbey reaemblad the norcerers and dem.nii whot. ok p.o*.eafc)on of men and women in the df«ye of

und who are ao fretjuently r-ierred to in liod' vtord whicb || Iba <»r.Iy eure fonndatiou ofour faitb, aud the only m-fe rule 88 our 88-BBB88.There were a few < "hriMian BMB who bnd heen de-

Dto tba adofaka of tba eyneiu, bal "uiy iuumodiSed de_ree, und ao lonir ue thtir Spiritaa'iaia wuakept in miI.kiti. n by tlieir CbriaTi.-iiiity, the r.bart-vK-t'one he haa made did not apply to them. But thereazoaprioaa wrre eo few at to he hardly wortbv of no-

i la U>_ed 18 impveae on tbe minde of his au-

dien- e, »ha*. ali tha' he had aaid of lhe a>atem of Spir-ituuiirm.wbicb ba cb_-_,cterued aa an infcrnal gy_-Wm BBB tba TtBlrH Tf ***.¦ own prraonul knowledf'euud B-Kp-B-aaBBfa He rnmitioned -ome indirldtia) cubob,ol vbub be wua uu eye-witne-H, in whicb tbe demouol Eta-ritOB-iB-B bad obtaiued bo tutire a _u_atery oar

it- ^)Ctln.a, ar- to Ibrow tbem down on platf.ruia audotbei pnbhr placee, inat bb the evil apiriu did of whichw e read in the New Taetument.Ibe marriage ~ow impoaee no obllgations in the

vii wa of Rpintnaliati, Hn*hai;dB who bad for yearabeeu BB devo edlv attacbed to tbeir wivaa, thut tbeybave aaid notfting in the world but death haolf couldpart tbem, ha^e abtrnd^ntd tba r ^Wea, and form.Iii.m:-_lconnecticu with other femulea, bacaune theBpiriU bad '<-id tl.em that tbere wanu yrWeo S[..ritri-i-it't allii.ity betaeeu tbeae buBbuuds uud certuin, tban between them and their lawfnl wivc\v,i e^, too, tbe moat devoied, and lovuiir, und uae totb« ir bnibuncp. thut had ever contracted the man-iugeol.lifiBtioD, hao: Itfl tbeir huebanda and jhildrc-n, undlived ir. immo-ulity wiiJi other men. becanae thoerinte b_cl t<dd thtm tbal they ou^ht to do eo, on tbeeTonrd of t.-rir brii;.- BflBB-Bt Hp-HtBB-B aympathybetwaen tbaai aid theee'n.. a, tbuu between tli.ui audthtir burbuad.".

1 aa -baaa who wrrr the \-ictimp. of thk terrible de-lusinn, Mr. Hnrr.H r xprceped the moat profotind coni-

It ao completely BabragB-ad them to itH de¬mou:: r_l -.wer, that they couid neitber think orapeakof anrthiiig dr-e. Tlie o'uly way in whkh they coaldOBeapafrO-B Ibe horrible tyraniiy whkh ie «x»nie-d..iti tLem, wae by Laviug l.tourae to a Tkrone, preceded aiid «fr<>mpanied by fersvnt prayerut.d uiiceaaiujr wutflifnlneaa. ln no other way couldtbeir tBlaaaa trr.m the iron yrarf of NpiritnaliBtj beachieved.Tha I8BBBBB of Mr. Ilarria waa ona of the moft, aa well ua intc.lUrtual, wc bave ever

Ba f~-.r,yi,t ii. laugua^e the ii ti.niB The niM .ameft, fi wain bearire of

_agaaa to their mentul fucultiiB and their phyBicaafrr.mih here, rui well ub ot tbeir jfnilt in tbe ajflrht of(....-I, .i.d tbe r.,nMw,iiei.t fknyer to their «<.iile here-;,fur.of buvinpanyUiiop to do wiih tranrej, oirclea,

i.jl \ty, io,d IB088,- trar.f ict.ione wiih apirkawb'v.h wtre becomiUg eo eoinmou in tbia otuitry, uudwhieh bad wron^M iWh inralr.nla'.le miwriief to anul8»j0 bod) k. Amwiiu. He wiebed to uiipret- uponturn, uf»j«ukiiig wi'h tbe eve of God ut'on

Uai, und bb aBBBekaa af kda ib-^O-BbbB-ity to tbe (iretit btipreme, tbat the only trae

sjirittialiuru wn* tlef- Bpinttialiam of the S'ripTnrea.ii..- hj-iriiuule ti. pradaead tbrout-b tbe opbtb-ea of IbaHoly Hpirit.tba aaMaaaliaaa oi tl.e a\paa.BBBB-I ilBlCbnatk-Oa.tbe Bpuiluaiiem ol Ov, en, aud lluxter, uudol the Imriiar.i. gBBM-ialry tba ipirk-iulinr_ of aurhm#n. _B Iba bj-BOBW K'-nenUion, ue Kletrber und\^',.pj^j_i,,en "wltoi* epiiltiiulisni bad; duni.i; theirlife, bt't-ti lhe meuue of couxerlLuK myrutde of v> b.-«e holy example ar.d arriUBBa.ojr whi.-h, andthroBfb ib-if oi«cipU>, umj l--i»K *8ai yet epeuk.I iid pro*/-- obm anam ot ronvertin^ inatiy millioua,* .< tbear daatb. ___ .

Bacb ib a very h_iperf-'.<t nntltne of one of the morti. n ,.r-..i,:<- d.'e*.^ttn-. ull tb. aaaaaaB-rta-ii-t* uLdei BrluebKwBa ddi>e..<l, wkb h wo huy.-<wr liear^. Ar-plirtitkin wua mudaUiMr. IJarna byona ol tfca .«*» iew wbo wero preaent who wara iiot

r}pi ituulitte, i.) tw aeraioii, but, uulortuna'.aly,ke bad an r.oiea /,f i*. Ra ndted, how-vrr, Iba rx- of u b-pe lUi, balore be lea buKlaud on luareiun. to Kew-Tork, U w/.utd U-ableto piK.liabaome-Huag -U-Biai 18 v- ljt.t be bi.d t_i_u day pfaaabaC

Tt_ Parielun tbeatc-re jwld $187,000 to uuthora fordxBiuUiK cnj.yiigbt durin|_ lh* jtar 1^-V.


BOARD UF ALDERMEN.T)i. R.wr. of Aldfnn.n h.Kl thoir rtgalar nieoiiirf

vrctfrdnT, at b o'clodr p. ni thePaiMM nt la th-:cbai.-. .

Tbe of tbo previotiB fl»ee_ff wrr*' r*ad nn.lapproved. PetinoM oi Hopt Hote Coinptuy Nu. i'lttt a new honie; of Hote Company So. XI f*.r anewgonioaoi < I" Bl" dry property ownera to have a nnirketertrt*d be'wcen and 8event«enth atieeta,Avenne C. aud ibe Eaa'. River; ttm)9tOtmftOtA mtFouitb Judicial D a'ricl to liave the Conrt of «i»d di*-Ultil lu-attd »t Ibe c;irii«r of Hull pU*.' i.ud B«r«BUCrett, iit.j ol' ibe Affiri'.u Kt'inieiia Fri«nd Socictvfor a donation, wtre read and appropriately rtf-rred.

Mr. I'i \tt j>raMi.tnd h nnral>*r of ree^ationa orJer-ing ibe L.\ir_; d..»n ol the Belgian ptvement iu mindry«!ra»te. Referrtd to Committee on Sireet*.

Mr. IBABBIBT ofl'ered a reeolution dir.cting tbeCroton Depanmi'Dt to anperintend the buiiding of a

rtreiviti^ buein Htiil cnlverteon tbe nortb-w*i*t roni.trof P.'k'hIi iiMiitiii nnd Kifty-thir.1 itreet, and on tbe*otith-wffteonier ofthe hdme; also, one to reipilaeand ori*de Forty e_th atieet, between Eleventn andTwelllh avelilie*.

Mr. Htiutv ortiprfd ft reiolii'ion in favor ofextendinKWonh atreet, from Ba-ler Btroet to Chiithurn r.|nn~.K-ferred.Mr. BaoLBT Oamtoi one npprnpriiUinf.' WA toward

tbe rcpuir oi tbe Roman ( atho.ic Orphan Aa\ lom, fromthe dania^e occanioLed by tbe btte gale.A lommunit'atioD waa received from tlu: Mijor, in

11 y ii I. IU r from Neliwn J. Wu erbnry, eeq., tbeDintriri-Attorrey, itrcnfly recomraendtDir tbat theCorpora^ion ahould orler a rewardof #-',.jOO for tbeappiebenKii'U and rouvictiou oi tlu: mur.iereror ruu;-utiriKof "\\ illiam LlWl. Eiid o.i tbe lal.te.retolntiou . tl by Mr. Htiiith, U. tlu- aaine t tl.ct,tbared tbe mine late.A large numbtr of uniuijaortun'. reeoluiioua, in rela-

tion to stieet improvementa, Ac , were preoeated andrtfened.Oi motion of Mr. Ge.kit, the Maior'a aomiua'.iou

of Pat/iek (+. Malonry for Prcrideiit of thfl CrotonAtiunfci.'t Board waa rtjeclfd by a vote of 11 to ilMr, QaBIT moved lhat tht nomination of Dr. Lew i-

Sayre foi R»aident Pnyrician be cunlirmed. Carriedby t vote of 10 to 6.Yolnminoui* commnnicatinn.. from the B:>nrd of

AawaBOta weie received, uud referred tothe C.mmitt. IOll Arr-rrment*.A re*olu!iou wai. received from tht other itoard, ap-

propiating fv.600 to fle1r*j the expeneepofeelebrntiiitft.e t.irtbday ol Wu.tbii.Kt. n, und appo>iitit>K a Coiun.iUio to Uke proper measures in tbeuuiler.Mr. CoBBSll ffiovcJ to umesd by an appropriation

of orl; 9H,9Yk\ and by ciRpcnFing with the Speiial(,'mnitite. Cuirind.Ibe rerolution dirteling tbe Controller to leaae tbe

f.rt-nr.if a N<>. 90 HoiiMoii etiert, at a rent uot exctfed-inn $1,500 per annum, for the use ofthe Fonrth Jadie-iitl DiMricr (,'onrt, wag taken np and adopted.A Itrf-thy iiii.l niiiinrily p-jKitt from Mr. Iltn-

rauh. ti the C-jmrniltee appoi-ited to eousider theijueetion of taltiDg the etreete, obo»viu« tbe tent.lvo. Ip.utrioiir rrenlte aricing from thi« practir., waa readto the -Board.Mr. Si a rk moved itn aeeeptauee, W*\*n% tha1 he mn-

grainlited tbe pentieman'¦ e.-nHitaeiit* on bin fuilhiulbitention to tbe public henltb, and that the report de-jM-rvcd to be printed in letterg of siiver and lmmed ingold. The motion wa?, however, lost by a vote of 7lo ft.

* Mr. Ci.nvi.r r movrd tho adoption of the majorityrcpcrl and rtfolutioiiB, which nTommrnd u «toppaA'r>of :be taltiiif: e_\ rlem in tbe ttde elreelr, 9*9 allow itt« be eolituijed ou tbe BBBHBBBaMr. Bbadt rf oke eaintatly a^auist lhe ¦ itiuii. He

intimated that lavor^ from tbe liulroad cmpaniee iu-flnrnccd DBTtaJa rocml^TH.

MtHnr^. C.iiiM.u and (iwis* denicd the aoft iin-pi'iiiliriient.Mr. DahRAi.H ttuted thal tenthoueaud pereoLn were

killed annually by tbia practice, before it wae abol-itbed, in Ixindou.Tne qntstion woi» taken on tbe adoption of the ma¬

jority r.port. Curried, by a vote of li to. 9,Atijoiimed.

9BOABD 0» coi'NciLiws,:s.

Tlie prewtire in tbe lobby wa* (rrcatcr than usiial atthe meet'njr cf the board yeprerday, and bat few men.-lt rr were ubi*ent. Preudent Jone* occupied tbe cbair.Ur. PlBCBBBl ollerod a reeolu'.iou to uu'liar;/* the

Slreet C'oiumiBtioner to advertiue for propo-vl* forbuildinjr four rteam fire BDgiiiee to be urei by the city.Referred to the < ommntee on I-Ve Department.Tbe PaEITDBBt'.ed a propoiitiou lo pave

Broadway between S-Tvcriucnth nnd Fnrty-second*rreete with Uelgian pav«ment. Referred to tbe btreetCommittee.Mr. Kam r.roiented areiolntion to pave Twenty-

thiid r.rcet, from Third to Ninth avenue, with Belgianpavemeul. Keferrtd to rame (uiamillee.Uy reM.lnlion of Mr. 1>J' mn, the Sueet Coau^t-

tee were requfeted to report npon the atiiity of w.den-teg I^anrens'itreet twenty-iiva feet ou the w.Mmlytide. and aliio the extenaion ol _ai 1 eliect throuyb lheblork to Fonrth Btreet,Tbe Vije MBiaht*-1 iJMfcaaMBI repott was raBMTfi

and r.rdrred on filr.Mr. PlBCBBBl propored that tbe Strert CommL^ioner

bc reijueeted to inform the Board the rraaoni, if any,vsby tl e rtrolution ofthe (.'"Uiiuon (. ouu. J. amtfOti in

Julv, IfivS, reiii.iiing the Ilarlem BaOraad &m*poaj tunm' tbe.r IBoaU ikth to PutT M.0_l atreet, ha- uulbeen comphed M itb. Adopted.Mr. 1I....AV ott.'.re*i a rcf»o|ution to [aXIO l/Urty

Ktreet, from Brt-adway to Weet rtreet, Witb Belgianp .vnnrr.t. TriC mme membi r propoced to hitve Col¬lege plaee aJtltnBa. on lhe weeterlv uide, from Cham-btra to Barclay atre&t, and extended to Fultcn Btreot,Mr. Bbaw o-i.-rfd a resolntion t-r. para Dey and

Courtlandt mtkmm, from Broadway toWert rtreet.w itb Belgian paveinent, tbe expence to Ite e<)un_lly di-vued beti'.eeit the eity w.d tbe property owuerr: ah»o.|0 pave Maiden lane with lhe wime mnta-nal. Allthtre pajK:iB weie eeLt to tbe Sreet Commitee.

Thetus.iaJ invilati'.ui regardin« tbe OBB br.tionofthe antivfrmry of Waehington'e Birthday were re¬

ceived. Among them were invitaUoni to viait therooron of the Eightli Regimei.t in the evening, at 8o'clork; to review tho Kovcnty-firnt and Twclftti Kcgi-mentB, in frrnt of the City II.I1, ut BJ o'rlock, p. ra.;and Ui n;vi.w tlie. American Proteetant Ani"xnatton tn

front of tbe City Hull al 1 oYlo. k, p. m.-all of whichwere atccj.ud. .

TLe Board conctirted to gjij-repnate *!, -"U to par-cbai** a new en^ine for Company No. iH'.Tbe Boiud then adj.uined to Monday next 9 0 p. m.


Tbe Committee hhvhiK In .hirgetbe Inveatimtion a-

to tbe ripbt cf Mr. Iitnt to tbe reat iu tbe Board of('..nnrilmen now oc^npicd by Mr. Buker. rr.c.t at '-

o'clock >eeteitiu\.i_u tbe City liall. Ailer *Aui'.mi{*ometime in viiin for >Ir. Baker and liir friend: to appear,BriaaaMB|l 1*99 bevun without tbem. r oai or livenHet.r.K* buve i.lready l.een held in reepoct tO tlie mat¬

ter, but Mr. Baker haa alvtayg uvoided beiu« preueut.Tbe Clerk, in anewer to a quetstion, etated that be hadfiul.Bllf eubpenaed Mr. Baker und his witneafcea, onlyan bonr a^o. and they had promued that t ley wouldbe on the upot. Kcveral membrre of the Committeacxprei*ftd their diHpleaetirt at being " fooled witb" intbir mai'.ner. und Mr. Decker very decidedly informedh b fel.own Ibat be would not come again.Mr. k.81 made atvcral cloonor.t Bpocches iu favor

ol hie ovs n tlaiujH. II* naid tb«t Mr. B.iker w.e nit anatnralii'ed cit.iier., an tbe far-.-iiT.ile of hi» *ipamtnrtconld be M en iu tha re. .rda of the Naturali/.at.ou (Mticoot the Comf ol ( oinmou FloBB, under the dat. 9 Dk>cember II, I8SB, wl i.L wu" be\eial wetka aftei thetirr.e he l.rrn i lected an Councilman.

S.-.^.(tIlinj.'wa^ baidby Councilman CaMPBEU wbofem.eil tt. bt Iatll8-I**a in fair.r of Mr. BBBar la re-

gardto ¦ l.-itfi- nc. ivc! I y .Mr Ba.OT, from Kent i."ky,wbii b wonld bc put iu ua'evidunceof hia eiti/enBLip.Mr. I.i'i .wii.i it hia oppouent waa a citi/.*n i'. waa

.heytoebuwit. ThaatfBarwai ia a an-absU. Mr.Ituker bftd av.iiiied romiDg befcre tlie OoaMBtatBB avjhiUee <f Om laariBH. H. tbonght that the ComntTiTiewere not oblired to weel agam aud Uiiuui uutli Mr.

...w || lo ftpp'ur. .T.i_i"i..<:.i ln aaeB j ¦*'*,ui-der oidiiiaiy .iitiuialaiHte, uoiild be reud.redagahirl Un bj d. fmi.r.Mr. Bai i B piopo*ed an BttjoarnBBBBl BBtfl Tl.nre-

day. Mr. DBVBBB objetled. Tbe mijuunimeut was

<-i:hll> agreed on, WM tb< nt.i. rntandin^' tl.i.' iM:.: lo be alinal mttti^.'.


Froe- Tht Btrmviiiin. Jr.n 9Evrrvone wl... bin rrud thal line old |i(>eui AB

drew Muiwi, t-nllled "Tb*- EniiaraoU iu Beimud.ia,v. .1! remeuibei bow ikilllull* t.e tlcf :iib*e the \".'¦ <*¦*>

ifl naltii- v. I.i. li l'io\ i'len.e dit*plaTa at tUete WtttAn--tl.ut vhiie "e'«l_J aprina" rei_.'un here. aad<l*J.iate ai..! loaeiom, afrftiniB, it il ncv. .iLcle-a a apoi

Whi rr Hr tlx bug«- aaam*mn*tm w;f^x'-Thal lifl tbeiWp ..|

TLia el.arii<i«-ii-*lie, \*bi.b ibe trtt-1 cl-l I'muI'iii Jgolaa* ribod totht H* r«odui,wua not jnapily exemplineab\ tbe icuiuii ..! !i- "t-. urieiiff BtHtlliaar) Hii,. 1,-t. |i*i*A,-(n 10 and 11 .. Ol I "¦ BJ "ii tbatib.v, ii v.-iy wiiKubii liall waa arluullv vsitieked 00 lUeaii.'iin.^ abora ut tbe Mtaaaca lotbo boywo a¦ v-

iiit-nti.'iitd. 'J wo ^..ntlemen were nei-i tbe iborBJ .it

tbe time, and. bearinir a noi*« like that made by a laveIicb, loeaaariag in tbe wut.r. ruibi'd |a tbe iiM.t

9Jm9m lhe toiuidi iaib«, BHM lh«y »vu*nl ai" e, but

niitr.,e ijnietion ie. Wbal ib th.- pr.-per Bad.maiion ot

"aaaiBonBhrf" It baa altaady beaa wi.l.i.

lapidly di'.ng fiomexbuii»tion; a "iWa aea moueteiIta color wua 11 hngbt and ahining ail »er. Bb Bl»|I unt roTerinj. of lhe Bkia waa, froaa tba atroggbng'»tha ai.irnal, .rn'iend in gn-u'. profuaion ubout W8

pla.e. Tba akin bad a rough, wariy feeting to '.b-s1, ii.Ii, but wua iketrtule of uny aeulea. Tlier. ara. u

ii.nn.1 hn iBBBiaa nearly tbo wftolu lungth ol th. cr«**-

!.ih Ci mpo^ed of ihort ulender ntya nmred by a tniua-

I awr.t membiHtice, und aepnra'ed at in-ervala of leaail.ini i.ti ii .li; iu otber wonls, tbe .light bu.k Iiu hud u

iiuniber of regulur^a,,. in it. It hud u cariouBly-jbap.dhead, the like of whieh we httTe not a«e.'i iu uny of ibeiniaieroiiB illuetrutiune of icihyolugy we l.uvii exarn-

ir.ed. Krom u drowipg wbifri ia now before ue (fortte bad not tba good f.rtune to aee the ciealure Baalf)t' e c' ef tbe bead, in piofile, ii not aaLkatbat of n dog. There ia a di-ikielly defited fortbeudwuli u projaatilig u.i.u'h. The cyee, lu.afe, Hut, hii<1txceediPRly brilliunt. It bad very Bmall poetoral Uu*,iu d niinute v.Mnil lii >- pr. ceedii'g '"'iu tbe thonix. Iibad large pile, bnt wuh, we are of _B8B_But ita mott remarkable feutnre wua a b-uutifnl creetulapaaaaaae, rac-datrng of ei.rht long apiaar, of u riaa redrolor, whkh ejrang Irom tho top of the heiid, com-

mtnciUK ut the front al cdyt of tbe forebead aud lollosv-inp each ulhei ein^ly ineh np'irl, llie ibfBB tir-loi tben' -|>tii<-H l«'ing connec'ed hulf-wny npwaxd fromthe cranwl coverir.g by a gnur.y filument, bnt all thereal weie whtilly c. tiuite of un\ iiieuibi-iiiiiuiiiB 88

pct:d;it_e Tbere dtlicul-? t-rea-iil epinte, wbii'li tba¦aataaa bal tbe pawerto rabjB ordepreeeat phaaat.,weieol irregular leuglh..lhe. king-at, irrowitig fromabout tl.e niiteroi tlie top oi i!.e Baaa. baiaa Ihraafeet in lenntb, nnd the rcet ninging fiom atB.tBBBLucbea lo two and a balf feet. The Lurger BBSJBBf oi"tbere appeudugee were th- exti-uie eui,m ui. w hut like tbe tip of it fp. Br.Tba Idbglb ef thie aiaajalB- illbilbii.'llll of tbe hritiy

world waBBixteen feet Boven kM.88 fiom tbe frontrdyr- ofthe lip*, to tbe eid of tbe Uul. Itwaseleveuiiuhee deep, meiieniing tbr.oirh from thet.p ol" theba_ BbpBl one tbnd of its kugth fiom lhe head,nnd its thi:knere, latemlly, waa from tive to eixiui hee,ut ihe n.n.e rintunre frnm the head. Then'o the body.taref-d rradnaily nr.til it taraaaaBB- in a BBBBBBaji.iut ofabotB bulI uu imh iu diumeur.the tail buvin_-no fit.r.v rt BBJ otber urrx r>d_(.c.Thi* ei__ulai- fieh waa opened by one of the apecta-

toie, iiiui tlie,-,' araa baa I in it a me, abeol Ibbbb balin b i.i-t.b, ebowing tbat the crrutnre waa u f-male. Itwus nlpn irieperted by Dr. H. .T. Uinion, Dr. P. HTiirLir, Dr. ('ull.-n, B&d otber gentlemcn, liiclnding J.Matbaw Joaaa, eaq., tba lu_t-i_-med L-eutk-uinn bviugweD-kaawaaa tl.e autl.oi of "The Hattaialiet m Hei-Ti.lid.i. Ali. JaBBM ie in B88BBBBBI "1 BBB BBBd, a ¦,.>ii-

nibruble part of tb. rt.if, and a aectii.n ol the domilfir,: und ie, we beli, re, enpa^cd in preparin^ a papi r

baariayapoa tbe pamlbir feuturea of thie waaa-rf-dIpfiiluel

'I batlilB ..

eimkeu ol ub tbe "reu-rerpeut," or ae an oliaprBBja.laal eeldora-eeen and mucii-doubled deuueu ol ibe0CC8B. t-BB-Beat aeicilti-k men bave de, 1 ued ibut a

.-eti-feri^nt" ie a fabaloBB creuttirn. that, alibiin.-.'bi!,t«llif,t:it DSTbI ollicer. «nd coinmnnde. in tbe rom-menial m_iiCe aereit ibul tiicy huve, while truver/iu},'tle rxe.n, -een BBcba " B-OBBt-T, "o'.eei red i'.e uppear-i.tir.' aad watebed ita rr.otione, not only witb tbe nakedey. bnt thao-fb powerful lalaaaeaeB, yet tbaaa obecrv-BTI were imrtakeu, and that itbut tlii-y took to ba aa.'ftiiimai" w&e BOtbtng aaatattaa "BBBwaaa." ahall not or-deituke to dtride whether the the-orv .if Ibe men ofackaoa or tbe experienrv tt tbe mri-

lie'ul obaerreta ia tabsra Ibe giaalar waigfat; bat weare in a jHieitkn to BBB88. thut the MBU8 atqiaal" 'arby whatever name it BB] bei.illrni wbicb ibtrt. d np.itiour eboree ou Suutlay la-t, wue uol u epecitnen o! (i-

ri..u-|\-euUn._led "e'euweed," but u moet -iiit'iibr pif-cutory character, nnlika any lepreeentution of ruie or

remailable hebee to be found m booke, and from italong, tapcring form; ;ie well ae tbe mode hy whkh propilbd ifwlf throngn the water, ia not un

di rei muj,' of beiug BBj led " A Mumber of tbe Seu-Ser-j.. ut FuBtili."


Tiit LmiKiv oi TBB Bot'vtET..The Gazefle daThureoue aa_fa tbat not l-ug ago u bouquet waa

tlirown to a dantt use Wa one ef tbe ihetrtere at \'euke,nutde np of the three lOtora "f ltalian Lndependence,ri d, wbhe, and grwn. 8be picked it up and kiaeed it,Kor thia ahe wh* eurumoni d liefore the police an-hori-tiee, und ordered thaneefortli t-j truiuple ouall bouqtiettrbirh mife'bt be thrown to her. Tbia order got abroad,

and next night thrrn wae thrown a b.-inqnet of thaAnt-trian rolora, black and yellow. Ia obedknee to theorder ofthe police Bbe trurepbd it nuderher fret, whiletbe houae wua ebakeu by aerlamationR of appb-ti.¦'-.

¦ m

Utmsia ix THK FAn East..Suam naviatation on theAmocr haa been ancceaef-lly eatabliehed thia laat bam-mer by jrivate ownere. the liret veeeel launchedbting ihe A*mir_l Koxakowitch, boilt ln America,'t.roi yhi cvir in piorie, and pnt together nt Ni.-o'.;iief.;k.hbe E roueliticted of timber, und of a peculiar buildlaving only oue naddle-wbeel, wbich Ie placed tet.m.ln ber tiret trip _be went up tba ri-er ae fur a. tbeeot BntM.ra of tbe Khilka, tben retnrre-- t<. iftoolajafa-r,wiii-i- rhe took iu a rarjio for HIaifoveKaieuek. SUothm again went np the Aaioor aa fur aa tte thrivingt. \»u of, at tba moutb of tbeSor.rgari, cne tt tbo tribntariea of the Amotr, atdfnully went up to Manrhocrsk-, near Algoon, whnra.he ri fnr tbe Winter. T.K? *v4cw»tiC*l Bna-ek'UirieeLu>ie returued from Chi-ut, ufler a retiJeu'eof ten jaarBRt Prbin. No foimei BBBBlBB h.e bariede-> _i.-h't a nunibtr of ite membera as thie one.1 _a BUi-vivor. y'tvv a mott iutereetiug account of tue

eti.te of aM.iire in tbe Chineae Uapit_\, tc wbicb 1 aballpropably refer in u fulure letler. Iu lhe meuutime Imuy etalP tbat tbry dcBrnhfl tba feeling of tho ( hinoebi perfectly ea.-y l-etpecing tbe revolutiou goiug on iuaome purt-'of tbe Empirc, and tkar at Pok_ the inhah-itfiuleare willn.llj -BBBBd.BBd purjemely kept la BBBB*..^'leraute of ibe d__i_ei tbiealeued tbe B-BBB-88 ay.aaaty. aarBa ihey eeem to caie mnch abo'it ii, appear-m§ la l^e ae complete aud thorotiirh-coiug futaliste aa

thefoUo-terB of the 1'rophet. In thie atate of alfuii-tbe Chinere l.mpue. tbey ray. i. crumbliug to piacee,and reqniree hnt I very *m«ll irr.prilaa from abroad to

give it lhe <--*,/> de grae'e. Perhapa it ia reaerved fortbe Annlo-FreiKh expedition to lead to gieawr reeultatban uny of ua have nitberto dreamed of.

[ London aod Chiut Tol.|trtph.a

fflARBIED.jtKBtrT.HOI.MF.S-In New OrUana, on Ti:«.-»y, Fet. 7,

tiy tte Bev. Dr. i'r.:...*r, Ualdo At.not, ea.]., of thu rity, tofli-i Jul.a__-,alda.I \M:iuil-ti_.i *,«-)., ofN.w-Orloar...

ItOMVK-rmi.F-On lt,e Ifill. ;.,.(., l.y I'.ie.i.l.'.e-e....uyI rl-ard h. Kovrr.- cf Balf.a-re, to Sarah 11., only d-i._hter o

Joha C.rie, jr.. o1 tL. city.FRr.KMAN-I'OTTUt-At Nm Wla.,onTuea.lty, Keb.

14, lBStl. by tbe Rev. J. t'oliie. Mr. J. KrKi.^U Kra_i.Mii afMarjanBa, CaL, tnd Mim llarriat I*. Potter ot AUJen, 111.

KnT"NT.BKNDBirK;-inN.4>u Tlu.r.J.y, VtA\ 1«, tt iiaaaea aftiw -ridea n.r.thfr, by Uie Itev. 1). II. Stout. Jol.uMo-nt to Eletaot 8. Hrndrick^on, tl! cfMiddletown. N. J.

¦MITn.lini.nrs.'.Ai Baiavi., «i. w-i.,-..u_f, i-ei. ;r., l.yIba I'.ev. Tbaa. r 'ly>r. -Baab hmithand bltnu. BBaab-t.,

¦¦. o: Baa '-. t'. Iloltfen.

_>I-CD.AUIBTKONO- Iu t-isrlty, on r riday Icb. 17, Jan.,u iscw o: tiie late -tiwtn Aimitronf, in thr With yoai ot liormjm

'II.-relatlve. tnd frlrnd. af th. f___lly tre reap., tf..'ly luvlte.1to the fi.i.eral fr.,.. lie r late, No. bbti Oreen-wirL atrert, thia ( aftrrnoo-at 1 o'clock.

BLAM.l i lu rlr.cltlyu. oa --xidav. rob. 111. Hobtrt _!___.:. j,aaad 4.-i y -.., in ..,-.,tl,. _..J 21 ¦qra.

BOKAVAV.Oa Sunday rr.or_:af, Feb. 19, tt 1 o'clock, a! b. r^l.^r'a raal-ri.. e, ^e_'_rk. N. J., Julia M. Kelrey*.y, ilaugli-

t. r (.1 Mra. Uoi.ov.r, No. a (irieu atreet. Noa.rk.K.NNI5- In Hudr«n, N. J., on Sundsy, Feb. 11), Jtnc l_n__i.

Jc <; :i Kanir, tr.,a|tet! Jt ycart.(iKAHAhl .ln tbu nty, ru Sunday monilr,., .eb. 19, Mra.

Kiidgrt, rriirt ot thr late Honry _lr___ai. la th. BU JOtfMher a;r.

UMUltK-.tiddci-ly, oa t-ucday, Ftb. 18. Mary __, Btb ot,M.,.l... |i...:.,

_-.1T.! tnd mendt tr- ron>ectlu!!T invifed to attucd taerus-ral{roaabri Lti rr.i-.a.-.. N_."'J l'ltnc- »t;ott, Biaablf a,aa IBaadafi Zl*t *aat,al 2 ..'<:_.-.

1\ ;-..<_r.,, :r.i.,.i.. r_k ia, -. Ua'. naliiaiilTi RIr"..-'it_ _v< tnr. Jc.i ph Appt.ton. ion of Johi. ar.d I'.:.Aj i. .1. i> I... e.e.l '

ie_>«, l .....i.i '-. ai,.t V' .laya.'j; .. :.-:> r _t cf tae 1-n.iTy .:.. iuvitrd to tttend Lia fi;ner_l thii

,,.\ ai ii./, |aab a.....ib tbi cttT,ei luadaj, F. b. II iaba Wabw, ,...iUe

c::u (c'.:_'5 o: Kurr:.r.v. Irrlaad.ln tho 27th v._r o; r.l. ue.ri IIKTIF.Y.Ii 11.1. eltr, oa P-fiiej, K'l. 19, .'oim FraatiI'i.i'Vv aal], BBB <¦! Ut. J.-.bu I'rte.t;.y a_-.1 3 JOOtt 2 ii.oi.Ihaa_;.'_..%-..'

POUTII.-a tl- raatfa-BB af 1 :> Brat-Bi No. 174 Xu-miBa ol _.. \'. ul. t, .un of Jania _._l Baral l'---

ia ii lawhiI r.i.Li la <Ula citv, .n Soturduv evei:!n«, F.-b. U, Rore,

bardJ. Frilly.LutL. S'Hh year uf ber aaa.BC1IOO.NMAK1 It .In I', ou.S.i,-.. I tb. ',',, l;;;_«l>e'hR v -t t: jchn O. ahcoLmaier.

Ib. rt-tivai »..! friejid- e, llie f.miry »r« lcrltedtu.lUuitUie luueial ou VVeilueaUay, l.d iuil al % o'clui'ky tu frooi Nu. r:, By.rtoo nre-... Drvublj

i. -...i ivi.k.:: i_,|. .. ,,i.....,.....rililTil i- _:.,-.», i.i .-. rur l occty, Pa, on Turad.y. Y. b.M.Mt8, afttvalaaa tnd p.iaful R__aaa.w_-ch thr bore ivithC-trialUli u: .'. ttd pirua araiauallua, ti.iah K. S.-itb,daufbti t .f the laat Ea~. Johu Suiitb, U. tbe 2Tih year of bera-e.

Bl i-PTOBD On 1'ctid.v. Feb. K. Min Mrry R. Stalford.Tle f inalv.!,! |-l- ,AV (, .*.i {Tuatlaj). at Bf .., fi-»_U

t.'.r rraid. r.i r tt .-. lt tirr|orr. 117 l.lictoi. .trart, ttijoklyn.I'*-I)FRH1_L.t»n Buudaj eveolua Keli. IS. Virciula AdeUid.-. Ij .:-.._! ... ,.i Ai|.l... . I ..-..l.ill, j. _w-j ti -_-,. _...! :.BOOt.lba.

Tl.ei.i.ii... .mi r<_ta-aW U.e f_,.,IU .,- re.,w.'tr..lly invite.1. to att. ud tbe fu.-.ertl ou Tr'e*dtv .f-e'rnoon at I> e'elork, Irom

tne . il le: naud/al-er, No IM \V uuatet atioet.N H .«ai. i .-¦. ii, .. p.pera u\mtm -<yy\l I.A/_jt I /-ii,, :...t,, r.U 18, Mariaa. \.la-.|,i-. _. '.

( ... .... ti. tl, vr_r _t hia ur.Tbe nlativr. ani fneiid. o? the f___Uv, ala., thooe of bi. aatl-lew, Kiai..iw. Aa.i, .ii.l Ib. K.. ..l.y af CalunablaCallaa.. agraaf»c1fi.::y lL-lt*<r i.iil.out liuttii r notlre, to altend theli.iier.1 arrri,-aa at hl I'a-iuk . C-lho-ral, on Ta»^«y aaora-laa, tba.lal, .t '- oviork. __.U rATT-la il.i.i'li, i, Bi ,.d«v i...-rt.;¦._. K.b. 18 Marjr. wile

Vi IttlU-Mbli vV|M|, U till .> tlta j._I vl Ull *i«-


CUUET Of OIEE AND TEBairHEA-Faa. W.-B-fcreJtalloe f**.*K«N»«.

tht Ktrtrr «« rnr.

Tbe rounael ia tbt c_e of Utmry Karolaa, jr. inHi.-trd for terte'y 111 *n Hee.krr,rl-..Ud In btr ©f tbe lndlctu.*ut Mttotr the urtener iu tMe

Fouit Iba- fo,n-.r aconhta' In the (*«rt t' Bflfl..out. After _u»u-n.ent bj aeoioel tbe trial vfh po*<pOL«tl.

plia or MAVi.iitinrr.ii. .....

Wm n. Hntchiiieon, in-licted for the homicido ofJoLuH.we bv »-»*« bi*- mntpmt B filhtJn a porte^l.ouae.y^drttXyot ,,...%'aoghter.nUi*r.-rthd«,<r.e. He wa.'eJ for a-n'eac* .

HI..T on rurrios i.ay..,,...

Tl.e Di^rie'-Atiorrev c^le.l up the «i-''«'f \*.r.rkCtrm.(*ll iudir.edfor. :eWi,u. _«ault on i..C. !*«__»'°a.thr I?,.- -, b r * laett. d diy. The iflny aro-* ou o>.>'_¦.» "3f-renr.., tu. be'.ig a Tea.r..*ny lirtnoc tt ai.d the

pn.< nt-r tu tdheieot of M«.|l liall. U i* -.Wd ^»t.l_." ptimm violti.lly *-.»..!(. d the .ompltinaiit The **«¦*_» '*?'.''"

fendedby U Y Ilubtnton. more faiullitrly -ojwu tt Ki^hrlie....nd f'hn S. r. ,. ,.

llwhBBltlfctaBlBBIBBfla'a luaierltl vtllBflw tbe coi...«Vr*rlo..of tbe tate waa potlpouedby the Court till (b*. eud of the teiui.Tbe Cotut then adjo.ini.-d tlll l'oraday tt in a. m.

SUPREME COUKT-CatMBBBa-KBB. W.-Before Juf.ireSi i iiikum.. .DaCMIwVfl.

Cbarlea P. Mlleoney a^t. Robert T. 8hil!inu;loflr..I d. linf !.¦ make (he erder at prrteut, but [.lalutin '- -.ounielctn *i.bmil iu arrillxi the giouuili upou whicb he cllimt lheludgen.i.t tt.rd a M. Smtib a»rt. A'len N. .The plaintitf

lu-tv tiie an ordtr of n.ieeiice to K. LellUi-tweil, etq to Ukertrtiofc.f th** fa.'t* ttated ia ll.e roir.plaint, oi,i tmport thr tax*',v. itb Ui* ouiuiou of lhe auiount tbe pUlutid it eulitled tl tr-

IIIVI-.Iu ie. tbe I'etilion of tbe Firat Conurexational Soci-

ely uf for ietve to -Mor'gtge.Order irtBted.Gk .-r»e LewU ugt U. Ndaoa. et at .Take a. QTtfer

tn al.ow r*u«e bt-fom m«, retnrntble in one or two dtyt, why or-tit-i ahoi.ld not b- rarala-d.Henry Duvia egt, Kdwurd M. A. Rudolpb, et al..

Oid'-r gratted.J'-Htph II Patt«>n Igt John W. Crane .Tne Conr

taa art- uo ue. ettlty fur xrautiutf the order a*kej ht. and cauao

p int it ou thr ptpen tubmitti

IDfB-UOB COl'RT-Tkial T«aa.Fbb. *i..Beforej,,.i,,e a ooDBirr.

mr. riAii.v oaan cobtbotbbot.K.ivtB.d M. Maxwell agt. Ileujauiin Wood.

Thia MMoa waa ..ri thn dty-C-leiidara of laat week,aud wa* ren-rved froui 11.*. to tiiuc it reached. wtiliug the re-

(...ery of t :e d.-lvud.ct, whi i* »aid to be lvint lick at thnMetropolittn Hotrl It wat alto on tbe i.«r.dar or yrtterday,acd war in tlie tame macter reterved. It will bfl tne lat tion

u tbedtltndti.t hat tuffi-t'eutly r.vtined hii Eetltli to adtuu ofhit pri--. i c iu Court. Hia i vidruce it riaiuied to be iodit-;¦ niable on ht* BflTB hehilt. ao 1 bfl hid bren twice mbpen-oil At

a witteit cn beha-f ofthe arrnia tlrt ..:.." timr i..'.'.irr Novemher, 1HS. Mr. _vv ooi.

'h« tetmnimmt, h-ctme. r> ptir.h»ie, tne owner o(one hall" of Th*1/aly tud II ttkty Seu*. toi-tther -itn th^ trpei *ubt :riptioaliat a, er.i tll mttrer* and thinp btlnnglng to that paper. Thei.urc£ wu u.ade tt W iiluiir. N. MfllBUflfl fortcrrlt pub itBerof The Srt-t iu rounfctieii wi'h tl.e p.eaeut p'.blither, WeareU:akf -Hum-~i, to whom timu iJtd atill bt lsu|i tae other lulf oftLlS et!ubii"l:u:eLt

1 Im purchaie wai aidi. ni tte tJttlt; tbwivs jauoediiteiy ptivrto the which the IIou. Ferutndo Wuud Waa tdu fortbe Mavoraity by the Tauiuituy Hai. urauch of the Demot-iraey,ai.d. itiiiald. with a vlew to ^-.'.ir- il>e infl.ien.e )f Th' Aru-.ii, upport nf i.i* aleciion But. hiwever thi* latter fact uiay be,it ii will known that the paper did advo-.ate hii choice. and thatnji"s<-o,ut-ntl7. -tiouie Itofl, be, Ifcfl Hayor. hern'uo. tud luw 1*.the owuercl thathtlf ol the paper theu purc-tted by hit brother,the defendaut.Theie fact*. itide froni lhe iuent« of lhe cutroveity, wlil

give to tbi- caae ta naa* lal li.tvr^.t i.. tl.*- Bilua* of piUtl.:i«n.,t-trecially wh.u it i? knowu thtt tb" htitoty of th*« ptper. durtu*ibt lltyorthy cimptiiu ol 11*7, wlil be taoiyughly iuvettieated.Souieilchdevelopuiruttmtj. bettiiticlpatanl.The tt-tit u m bruu»ht to rroover dt>i.u(tei o tn nle|*»d br*^oh

of a t'ontrtct, mmt* -BaillBaT. 13JT. b«t*e*'n Vj* ptitiei to tbuiuh, the d^ft-'udt-t profettl.-g lo .« at iltoruey for oue Lewt^Dtvit. Tbec nfictprovid. i that Davii tbtil fu-nitb Mutwe 1wrrkly tne.umof *3Z-uctii ihe 3d day of JBUU-U7 foilowi.ig,md Mtxw. II wtt to rrpre.rr.t thr inreratttof Ulvtt ln the N.-W-.|i wt»Ii*iil.*irt(rrtedlhittttr tho moneya adv*ure4 by Uaviaw^.*- repan. Btaxwell aboil 1 re.-l ffl flM rfltflla tAm Bflll OT thtli.ta-r*-* ot Iltvt* lo lhat paper, and'a <*an»i--iratian *f hi***ium-lu| ali :lablii. ie. thal u.iunt ariae iu the m«i*«ema'nt of the paper,wa* to beeem* pablUhei laataal *»T Mr. Pflia.IMaAwellnieed (o repty » *uch monej*. out of the procetwii

orifieipu ol thepeier, ¦. t'aviau.l^h f..".i tlmetoti.ii- *.lt«n;elo Iiiin oa *>r t*for*. lhe 1*1 of Marefe, !8-i!, oeln-.ting in^li «.nut

ti Davii u.i«.it colia-ct fioui my party or partiet for oren aee .untofthe pipei. Aiid it wai u.ututlly *tteed 'liat liavii iliouidb*\e etcluaive eonticl ol tbe edit-iial d-|.«"".""' ot the Pip*i-The coutitct wat made i-y lhe defeudaiit. wbo *i((ued it L. Oa-

vi*. per ittfruey, B Wuud; aud the defeud. t at the **me

tiire lu a writini undnrurath. ratilied aud e-j-ifiruied the «*ree-

ment, »nd bound hbnelf to do tverytktnf thereiu a* if he wera

the eontracting party And it li a ctiricut fact that tbe eoatrar*.ofthe. oelendant with Mr. Pamoua, ihe pretent publithar of Th*Arirt, wai made in prvritrly the tat^e way, by B. Wood, whotirr.* hin telt ai atton.ov for L. Hivia

lt 1* ttid tb.t at tbe tfise the defendant berime ownar of one-

hr.:f cr Tlu A-«t it wu on We expres* condiUon tbat on he lttd'TcfJtxuary, wralt pay **____. K. M-iaUrt, froui* I oui Ue»aU. B5.C00, in *allaf*ctiou ol a oio.Ue#e upouti.e nropertv, and iu the event the money wa* uot paid at tgreed

.. _._._.__tl .__.._. J .«_i t 1. . ,!._,..,.. ... _._..,.C91.ttr purchate *Uoulr benuliandvoii; and the property io

T*vrd thouid revertto Mr Mclntire. And lt il alleged thataoch mortfar*' wt* r.ot to ntitfled, .« defenJant I* ltable to the

fi-nntirt In dta-aje*, tothe exteut of ona-half of hi* int«re«t in_"*»«.' ArviKy tte contrae.t, tbe drlrnd.t bound bimielf to advance 0820

wet.iy l-r a tpecirr tiui* a_i it ii timItted tbat during theCrtt two weekt of thtt time t).- .no. wt* pald, hat no" B**B*>w*id tud (he pleintiB clalu.t for wbat wtt not rerelaed, tud fordtbta lucuned, tnd for which he l* liable, by leuou of thitbr»»ih of tl.e rontrtrt. thtt inime*iat*ly aflerthe exacntion of thi* eontrtrt,V.r .Vtiwtli berame the pablilfcor of The Daily aud H'cmi'vArurt, onder the dtrefition ef Beritmin Wood, aad r.ontintiad toort tt tuch from thtt time to the 3d of Jtn:iary following. Bntat tbe date lait mentloned, the Hon Fernando .V'ood havm_j »i*

tained a d.'teat for th.' Mayoralty, the de.'endaut dittoiv.d hiiir.t.t-rtl.ra wl-h the p.per, by di.ipoiing of hii Inu-rett to hii

brotbar, tt* drieit. d caudlttate. Ttere being noreterratioa iathe truntfer, Maaweil, iu ciuaeifieuce, waa deplived of hit in-terrtt ln lhe p*p-r, an.l l»fl to bM I.*d| bj »'-.i "i

Vt.lerday ar. tpplio*ti ib wat mtde by deiendant'i eoaate! tohave tbe cau-c leaeived tgtm uutil toia morning, that the exaetconditlou of Mr. W'ood't hetlth might be f..'.-rta_ed. witb avicw to an immediat' trial or a postpoutuient for the term.

.', Tldbail ii WtleB mn |*lii.-ifl; Jaiuet Suiltli, jr.,foreieltidtxtt.



Wiillams tgt. Haye* et al.In an action for aa BOOOBB.iuj: tbe coniplaiut alleired

ti;at the pltintirl wtt a partntr with tbe defentlantt la the execa

li met two r.-ulr*.'l* fvr bui'.dii.g rallr»a.l tbat tlie fi.m h«J ...

o.iecled a**«t. to the aiuom.t *.l 011,*** an.l o.»e.i #2 <»*.

'I he tn.w.'- .lei.i^d tte tuterrttof the plaintlli in the »ecoui joba::« r.pon thb ltoue lhe anawer wat itiitalnvd by the hudiug tt

lhe tnil It wt" "ilelit »t t" ll.e tll-ged a*tft* tnd In.lel.te.ln^aol tbe brm, acd an aecornt wat taken and itited by arefsree be¬tween a 1 the partiti. without icfereuce to iuca aatet* or debu.A/ter tke eviflence had been rloaed, one of the .lefeudautt offeredevldeae** of tb* ladabladaati ofthe Bnu, which w»a r-j-.-t-dOa iSPeal ttxm '.hc ;udgicenti arvintt him md the plaintitf in .'*-vorof theot_rdefrud_ti: Held.The adoiintcn of evidencetfter the tettimouy hia been cloted

it nif.t-r af dllllllltia iu ll.e ie.'-re^, n»t revi^w.l.le in thi*Coort. Kelielran odIj be had ln the Court of ori|i_l juriadic-

'I he allegntion in the r-implair.t of thn firm'i ttaeti and lndebt-e.luett i*to be eouttruea lt dependent upon iu itatemeut of ei-t.ut ol Ih.- p'.ali.tilt '. intereii. U h«u K w»» eauniuned beliadtn. li..*"--' in lii*- ta-.oii.ljoW, ni iiiip.i.M'liii. reuialo*-d lhatau> h debtt or t»»et* wera admHted by the tailure of the antwer

to deny tbeir irtnii that a party faiilug to call a-'teution at thi tnti io an

ln.plirff-dn:i..Honiu hit favor iu the pleadinjs, ihouii uot aftervrard be permittid to ivail bimseii thervf.

Hauptuu. tg'. Ca'.liu.Tbe Men of me.__.. aua maierialuien ia the City

of New-York, under elap. M8 of 18*1. attachad to labor aod ma-

teriaia fuuiahed tftei lue tet, though reudeled uudei a coulriotn,H.Uba.f...eth.. art took.-fie't.

'i l.e lien attarhed npon th* leparata property of mamedwoc:rn a* weii al oi>tliat uf uuuiiuiird femtlett-r uien

1 he notice to Bfl .fv-d on the C...iuty Clerk it .uflicient If ilMM .t.e. ll.e ot th. p. ncn againit whom the claim u mtde,the name ol tl.-e owuer o' the buildiug. 1*.* tituttiou, *nd lheamouut of the -__-_._, a'a1 ii-p it lo 1^ .....l-r th<- «.« Il ,. u..-

ai 111117 to ap*.'.lfy the name of the pertou with whim th. conl;...t wbl made.


a. _a«______________ *__.It t.rm* that the title and Intereit to be *olJ uuder ajudgmrnt

Ifl '.hat wliich tl,-.-wiiM l.i.d »l ll>«- d'.ie tt tAXeg noli .- ..f IB*ilei. at W.-1I i.i..ler tl.e ttt ot IKM t* und'-r the of..f rh.p KI4, 1105.

Ouold aft. Chtuin.I .'irrier tn poereeaion H iryy_ lo be delivereJ to a

...l.M-.i..* i.t. tir.i r lor traiiipoilatiou, rrmai-i iiabie bi inurer,-ilti.oi'Fl. 'he *aaand ra.. i-l, -fl^i i...ii- - «...! .~| .-alto *lo ao, Bainriicctcd ior in flarflflflflflBMI time tc reeeive tti-m

Ib I., asaoaraU Hmflfllf. tl.. eamat -iu*t itore the goodiin 1 wirehou.*-, w'ner* Ctmre i- *.p|...rt»..iiy lo d*i *», or ln BOMtothtr way clcarly moicate hii nnun^ation ot the retation ofcatiier.Hohxld. wtrre i carricr enthe Hudi?n Kiver, havinx goodi

at-ilibauy tu be dellvei*rd to a .ariler on the tri- (Viai fblirau-rponation to the owuer reuioved tbe *,o"d* to a llottiug...... laaatlbj hiu. «a a p!w.ol teu.poi-.ry atoitge and to facilt-lata liBaal.lpinaal la o*aal^tfll* Th*. caual c-rrh.r unreatooablytl' layed tn rac-iflfl tham al'ter being re.juetled aud pioiuitiafl lo

do ic. ar.d ther weie eoutuuied by hre.W< J-. ExOOotOt, A.v int llowea, kr., luiplea.led, kc.

(li.e who nnder a ror.tract hi* pemotaltrtvirei. aud proMding t.-r partial ptyrutnt during the employ-.- aai aad .)..- ranailndai al lt.- aad tttka tmat, fartottm amnV..-ri TBltiable t" :he empleyer, hut ia, l^-fnre the eapiratio.. "f tbettipuiat.d ivr.od, diublcd by nckn-ii r.-om c.i.pieting l.t»-"u-ii-.-t I* i«. ratflflflfl flflflfll * oiui/xtem atrtir fer tu.h ior-vi :tat bc icnaertd. .,

It la uaaaeaiary ihe i.:.d..tllV *hi.i!d *et upinhli.'om-phdattbeei.. fai Bat f..'..j perfMa_ila| th« .'-..Uact. lt 1*I...-!. r r.i ii t.lj to a .li !«!:f interpoting thr coatract.


COLET Or OKNr.RAI* HKSSIONM-F**. 2).-B*for* Ra-cordcr Bauxaau. .

1 »r. Tboma* Tbomtwen*. tbe eonfideuee * ftndler,|...... »ere very f..llv prwoteO t-, t-".n''^"all... tiiu.' o: t.i-i irml Laat Summrr. wa. brou«bt oatandwriWU'j}ler hia pte._Uloai. He .... Wu ln th- £»_£,,£-_--week. patt, hit tu.etie. baviufl be. «....e alaru.ed wbtn « w «

,,,..,( tv_.f«..i.d «t*'...»t hi.-.. "'/th.' l)r»nd, JJH.lJ Lu Priucetki, t.u.r he bad beeu etttuiithed in moainal P^.fM7M ajvft' Tlie Ctl-pWat ar.a.n- h.u The cvtoplalrJl *,-.».u" b.u "../""" aB T,>ry inti-H..;.er(.,.bl.,ke,add....ael -III. wL?_b'' »^ ^rr 7|tWft

ler«_»wrU. prarticmj .. . phjiician tn oure

m ti W#-1* ^ h t ,b, h«l knoim Dr.wa* twom and tettihed » "{ mn,ioye4 bl*J

lr,T.,l'd,^ii"tl on the iith ot Feb,1 Wl.ll. .'I. a Vt*.» *_.wa.k.a-nr.n- i ..-rutry. il.r .Uege f w ,. oua *u... *

gh.^kti hi -e.l.dthat tle >H.U

f '0ilU B,r t.itinst-r waa verj pretty *nd teeii. .

t ^ .~j ^l,.,.k .. lt, abe «V«"J^2VlJa ,1:,uld met h,off indlrretl* reti.irlinl tb.t »'_,.,. u.hUj, ,.,, r,..^lt_

nrA'i-arTSaT-^flfl. . *m «a* -»-»»-ll >t*v.:B, wa,

"'T,'v.tUp'.-l. re.UBed .1 .. _»»____ <B_Baeaflr*a k_fl|MII -i l|1.c.i'..l:irv!U.'?!"""',''l»«^llM '."te,' ",, .. .. Uii.a J"-"'- «uaekeabBrt ot the Jettarton MarketPatv-aUeaut. Ahu JiMtor, on that o.-ouiia, conleued t

bto. be had takcu tud kept the rlng, at let lortb iu tbe cin

PI*iiut to BCqua-iitin.-a., tnd filend of M..a II .'-...rt.,t,..;|i^d'..' Ibadeaatiaa il.-t *!... waa*. i.t *'. tl... tt...« l»rtlltltoefc tu<- ruigfrum Uu. Kabe.ti'i hoger TbeDoctoratked,iu afau-'Ula. Uiauiiei, fcr Ute ria| I.. order thtt be iJAl ral«'i, u.e tuoaey on lt, aiul M «. lt,.i->rt* eooteited to let Biuthtv. It. *

t[\r ol .it ...ler v l.|ir..e« » rre fev tl.e Jaf»n*e.Tbe evidiuv* W«a| \i iltow thal B<A ouly *M M*tr» ivo*i4tx»bie

:.-_*_. betw.-a th. Oaetor mi Umt «..>.. U, kaa tb* t»ayI... ..?_ ita-iui oa. aaolb-r atoitay lo tb. a_i__*ne of -pwtrdof» Uooaard d-lW !*> *»__-» -"___-. « .__,.c_n.'/iv,_^-_. «,_.Twn rur_it.r-dr.l"»iu Broavl-a/ U«tlf-d W tl. *«*t th*.after tb* exijr.alalv.t waa firat mt-'.e,, ifittu: tlton _irM»« iaaa )*»-»-

n»ar. Tr I'L'fr ard MI-. R-be-t. :.-M, tofeiber to b.v Wiae fut-nltora, hnt tbat, on an-nat of tbeir rafe-earaa. tft-w di- ntx mii

th*in t.y. Tbeir la.t1n.-i wei.t t-> -bow tbat tft. oo.oijW_tat»i.d drfendaut were quit. GiU-utte tliet tae flrtt sa-Bfl-U* wa.

made. . #1 r-e p.per w*. pot ia .. evldon-. for tb. 8«r«n«.:' -Ucbed troai Dr. T. T. Mii*. hi* ackr_»wl-_f-B*nt **4

.fr.euieut t« p»y iu* the nvw-y no-.ed hlai, aad aU. *a*a.B4-:._jond ring louned Bim to rni'O ui-oay, wbina ia tb. aaaaaB).Mleaa8 iu tb. prvc«<dlag» at Mr J..*i*a U_-e]ii******''.C.urt.MAB.Y JtOBtBTs.

'¦ VVItne.a, Md. V'.arrnrt Puhon."Mi.tFu't«n tl.e cciBwIrtat*., waa la A'aiuna. aod t-waba<

been uu ine.i.a of ge'.tiug ber hr»e iu tiuio tot tae Uinl. ha htr.iigbt brre, iba caae wouU br, mrtaotly david*-. a<. utioii, bowevar, repraaen'e.l ttiar t'i« of M aaItobcit. waa t fjigery. B»oj_jI'. lit.bijick, t re.p*t*ble-lo kT.g ger.-L mar., taa lanamrd of Mtaa Roba-u tn Hra'r,. t, waa « *oiu, aui aai I 1.1 uad fre>|uraliy aeen bat mao'.aimo'M.ia Itwbcita. .ud tbo-.l.t >.bi. -id u«l. »»k -itogelbcr like f,a'.ennth it rrteo.hle.l it to t good o-<ree.

V'vluna ot'jvliona weie intrfe b. c- bdo.1 te tbe proeaaed'aga.botruledtftiDtt by tka i.oirt Th. Ju-y retired, aad tfkn abc'f hour'. kbiaani. retora-d * rttt.tb mi" liuilt- "

Tl.e iiclot, ratb«r .hop-f. U. not 4i>. oocerttd mtrnoi lorrttti bi. rtae a* y_* vrlthlu the bouuda of hope. When rtllrdlit.oi. to give tt.y rea-on wh- aeateae* »bn~l<t not ae p-r-atiae**la bi. .aue be eame forwaid b >Hly. I'bai aacorder cbtttoi biaa

..e a-aaaHa a *-wneck . in- .-n*. .n;. ¦*-'-'"«., _m

lu ,,:.-. 1 tl,.t itwa. au uo.lerat.KKl tb '.g tliat Ue (tte prU-,--..WM ,., ba. tmrnttO ?.! e> ...» Brle. " I '« _-M .r<ler _^«---»4aa .tti.avitiu wbicb l>r. _i» ba- BWora l-.-me of t_wa.»t-e-

arnt., inc-ruue. tion with tpet-tiu- re4u.a_.i8 ti. rmwoinl mlthe ea.* bofi re Jodfe iBgr.hai).TLe Rec.rder atid be never »aw tb. woruaii but .nrs.^ m

ne.xtt wua lei eoun.ei. hl. toriuer p«nner, Mr. ioneo, omaomher ,. uu.el, but be k-ew a .tt.iut t,->ut the nuit'er. ".«.»»*'tbe iniaourr tu actfjuat f.r Aio'iv* «ucb iu-UcIj-. »t«,e..-hirJi rbet-urt aaid warreof tbe k.ndu.o*.y ru__o opbyiwr-aru. al.eady couvict-d an_ li. l*>e M-te Prttoa. BatttUacM.parti-ular.of '.uetnpUitj ol Judge., wlioM rapuU'loaaboola.taraur.a.-ati.fda_da_fr.dbefor.t.'ie --a.try. la taia e**e -h-

at.rie.b.ppeiied to b. cMcuiat. d 8oinl ¦ BBB BBBBI'li-uU. ,4 iin.l.l!..| .>r:vera_llon to'k pl^cat bMwmm th. <

tl.- t.ri.ouei, Uttfaaf tm uetily .u hour, lu wl_i:b tlae p.-i«-*e.'u.e. .very u. bi. power lo ii»* hi.urelf laa-f-o*. offal.ehood. tud guiliy ouly ofat-t'u. tbe fa't. Uioidarto obtaiaafairtiial. He at laat pro.uced a utll doten rertlBcata.of food< baaaelar, *» of whicb dared b-rt nearly twenty year., and tha>, .-t <.l _). .h «... given biro by lu. mtoraand ProVaaara in tb*Du'iiu Luivet.ity Medical Co'.-ge. Tber« .poko very bi«Uly ofIiu »,i d r, other good q__J ti.'a, rnentioned hi. " cootaIU-te.y ui.uuer."

'1 ue Court, on tbe other ride, read aome very forcible letter* oftlaier daie, tbowiug quiie tba louuary cturacter.An orli-.r o( the e*uit being appealad ta a. to wb-'tbar tb.

ptisonrr bad uot rirculati-d mtltcl.'.a atonej to tbe prejadiee otIB. l ocrt, t:; werrdj tddrMtiog tue Lrortar: " Yoa told asa it»ta . put up joi, l>y ihe Rteord.r," to wbich tba rodoabtablaaLiocforgave tbe, he dirert.ev.ry etiier aapport n.r__( ta-iadai.._ -nd th. n atepped off the ata.ia.

1 I..-I.. rt pro., ed » aei.ieu-* o' three jntrtand aiimoc-haat bard labor iu tbe o'.u.e I'riaon Adjiuru-d.

SI IKF.MK COt'RT . iJavan-r. Iaaa. Bbcoxd Dumti-r.The forlo«-Bg daehri .r.e were randerad u*. a fleoersi

Term, beld tt tbe City Hall, in tb. City of Brooklya, on Keb. 18,18,.«:

J*r.ieut. Jobu A. Lott, Jatue. £_-oit, Jobn W. Biowa, Jt_B>t,ce.«

Hiniel Brovle tgl.WUlUui H. Hudbrd..T)r_er of tbeCHyCourt of llrjoklji. a_iru,-d, wi.b Bl1' «*>»t«- Opinion by .udfaBrowu.

Inuiea Bigler »gt. Geor»e Colyer tn-! otber. .Order ofthe 8p^clilTvrinaflii-jrd, witb *10c«j-i«. Opi"iou by Judge Lott

Dauiel T Ynuu.a .u.i olbrr. aat Jovepb rlau-.j. mi otb-it..Order. of lh. -pci-Ul Term afliruied, witb 818 ooota *t._.* aa-

pe-1 OpL.iou by Jodae K-'HtIltury Mlawoilh aa'- '4«»orge w- l-nphell, 1,-«-.

Prder of tbe Speotal Terin rever.el, au. au order W »e eutoeadln acrordti.e* witb tbe opiniou of tbe C-...rt, an.l t-> be eettied byt.e lu.l.e deliveiUig tne .am.. OpIi.Wn by J--«e Browo.BamoolU. t i.der.tll aat. Cieorg- »>. -ohmou -td vtBa-ra.

-«»t. KiebajrdK. Blydeul.urgh au-1 otiiera..Ordar. ottli. IfOa-i Term a_J..d, witb *10 coata of tbe appeal in lwi»of tbe ctaea.Harriet D. Ttlmar.. tnp.iltrit. tgt. Jobn 9ebrD<_ tnd otnert,

reapondentL-Ju-gnitniarhro-td wi-b cottt. Opinion oy JudjnThe Vlllage of V'aren, reapondenta, tft iaba ?Wlli|_. ***

othera, appelianu..Judgment trhrmea wt:h eo-ta. Op_-l«i byJiO.e Lott.

. . .

(e..rg. N. llrig^aand otlor., r-tpondentt, aft. Otl. II. How*and othei., appelUDta.-Jndg_.eut artirmed witb cotta. Optneoaty Jud..Brown. , .

Jobn I'eck ajt. B.lth H-l«r.-Otd«r ari_n.d wttbBlOfl^ta.(.ii.,.,i..n l.y Jndg. Lott___ _rl be IV.-jle ex r*L Th. HnilaOB Rifor Bailro-d Compwiyagt Uecrge K. Pieice aod other...Judgment lor d.fea-ac.t*,wi' Opiuioa by Judge

1'ai.iel I). H.,wtrd, re.poi.deut .gt. Benjamln Braodreth aadotber.. _upel'.-u- J-d»uieiil atliimea, with coaU.Anlonfo J. Mooerno, rerpondeut agt. Beujauilu BrauJretii and

otber.. appe'.lant>. Judg.cut aiilruted, wkb co«t«. OpinWa byJudite Brown. , ____________

t\ iliaui W. Hum aad other., reapondent. agt FerdiutndBoch tppeilant Judgnieat t__r_j»d, with co»U. Opinion byJudge Lott ...., .

Jobn Moore. re.pondeut tgf. Loftua Wo.*., appellanL Judg-inei.t of Ibe ("Ify fu'.n .eveiee.I and ew trial oroVfod in thtt( onrt, tl.e co«t. to .tide the -ve.,». (ipinion hy Indf. Brown.

Willit-u Brown, tetpondent ul I.eonard C. Mcrb-U appcl-laut Jud.uj»i,t of tiie 4. it? «.o..n revei^d aud new trial order¬ed in tbat Court tbe oott. to abide the eveut. OpUalou by Judg-ea Lot- and Hrovru.Tbe Same a.-.. Too Same. Judgment en-erod in the Chy

Couit of HiObkTvn uoon tbe report of a retera. affira-ed -ithcon. Opiniou uy Juoge OtOftx

(.'li-aljelh I Bawfcotry, r«ap«,t .gt. John K. Carland, ap-Baaa.t JudEm.ut t-.ruied, witb aaaaa. Optuion by Jodg.taott.Hlttm Coiti., tppelUnt, »g»- Th.ndireP. Howell, ra^xmdent.. r-venvo, aud new trial ordtred tt tbo C'ir.ui'., tbeccita to abide tbe event. Judge -mott diiientiug. Opiaianby Jur'gea Lott and

Seinurl W., appel-iut, a<«. Jnliaoa Oarduer, repoud-rut. Judgiuent afljr.rd. with tw.i.. C'piuiju Oj Judge Brown.Fren< ia Mouuot, re uondent, ag*. Mviu Hwit, appellaut.

Judgmtnt rev.raed. tud new iriail jiderrd Lu tbo Cily Oaratt, tbecoata to tbidc tbe eveut. Opinion by Judge Eiuutt.Ctl-iu Krct, re-rJotideiH, nyt. Bkb.r. 0. A'den, appeilaot.

Juiignue-t of \V>_l_h*»tei C;ouuty Caatl alhru^d, wlta eoaU.(Jj-ii.i. n by Jud.* Lott.(Jrcrie X Mcrvrin, r-.pond.nt, agt. John HL Oaklcv and othera,

atprliaut.. Judgu.vut afluiued, w ill. c*t«. Jplulou hy J*ig/>LottNoth Wtterbmy, re»pn_.l*n), »... W. A...i .Sin'l.ur, !¦»- kc. tpp.ll.ut. Judgc-.ut __-rmed. wi_b cottt. Opiaion by Jndge Euiott.Soiuujon IlowUud appeilaul. agat. r*rtucl- M. A. Wicka, re«p»_e

dri't.. Juigu.eni o'-uff'-lb -.uutyCo.rt aAiruied witb aaaBBOpiniou by Judge Lott.

...._,,, .

Ahel T. Fdgenep,ie.poiident,ag«t. Jo»«a M"NaiDaae, app-...ut.I -Iginent aflnuied with .-.ta. l)pin:on by Judf. -.mott.t-.urj bre.liiig.g".lhcBrooklyuCiiy-U_aoad Company. Or-

dtr reveroeo, aad j.idg-ieut orierrd f..r tbe -efendauta 00 iH«>demorrer, with leave to tbe pl-uititl to amend utthe oooal temaa.J ,i<t«e Lott took 00 part In tb,. deei.'.. n

Milomon lietn, re.poudent. utt. Tb» Ba-lding Amo-ciation, tppeliaut.. Judgiu«it a_brui«d wi.h .oata. Opiuioa by.1 -.- 1.U..II. .

Geoige OalUgbar and otber., td-nlnittrttor.,, ag*4.Cali.u Wbite. execuioi, appeluuii. Jud.uaent and order i_-

ver.ed, .nd -.ew ! Bal ordered, witb '.'-.t« tv abidv Ib. .voat. Oyia-,. 1, t.. .' .-.. I'.ri.n ii.

Joaeph Eicbaidoon, revpond.nt, agat. Tb. City ot Brook.yn,arpel'.nt. . .....

Wilbam A. Coit. reepondent, agt «he mom apoolUat..i-dff-ment -everaed and new trial. o.dereJ iu lhe City Court, tho abide tb. evrnt. Opiniou by Jtidae BrowuV'Uiiauj Betrd, >rap<.udent act tbe Citv of Brookiyn. app*.1

lant -Jadpcent tftr-el, wtth oo-ta. eplcloaby Jiiat Brotra.Judge Lott-i-»a.ti-il. . , ._.,.jobnK. Otkley. F.i-c.iver, tppelltnt, agt. th. W Ulitiu.bu.-ga

S.viug. B.i.k. r..pond.nt-. Judgruai.'. ath-mci. wi.1 co-tt.Henrv M. Btrnet t8t. Thoro_» N. Allen .Juijin-nt for tha

p.._tirf. ou tte veidkt. Hpiuion hy Judire Ia>U.L.wi. A. Seybo t, appellaut airt Jouah U Heed tnd oiuert,

r«-u;u-ii-ut»..-teaicu-ueut ord«r«d t" l_H placo jial-y.Tbouv. D. Ca1w.11, ITxecutv., aJT^''*"*. H' O.rwvod Pl_-»

an J au< tuer retpoudmt ludrti..u'. an I ord-i ot tbe tXty C-ourtn.\era.d. witb rott.. tnd jud|.ent orde.rad -r tbe pi..t.f. wh.lca- e to tbe to aatwer ia tb. crdlntry terma.

.Hoi.otia oad Cooiet HiU at /'.««.«/ Torm.Jean Jaiioat,11., uid othart agt V\m. VV. S tu W___nen aui othart..Oi dtr a_bn_i d without oottt oi tbe tppcai to either p-ty.

J. Winurboff and o.ii.n agt. Jobu U. -Wigart and..:'.-,« .Appeal diall.iMW-d. ,

Lb-xiottc B. Ln'Uyo. tpp«-l-nt. tft. fli_i-h A Parka, rv-pondei '. -Jud.uient reve-wrd.ud uew Uial oidere-I at th. Cuc-ll,tl.e i-o«t. lo abide llie event.


Mephon h. V\ belpley, rr^ondent, ag- Wtlliaai \ail,apv."lani..Jud._r.ent aflinued w;tn cotu. .

Elixabet- Drabble, revpouaarni. aat. Hwlge. Babeoek. ^a***"!_i.t..Ju.'ginea.l ..f tbe S-fto-'k i-->u.ity Court and of IU. Ja*».eier.etl with ro*t*. Opiniou l.y J_d$e UOA.

_.Ct-u-le. V. CUrk. tppeliant, agt, Hirtai Foat r.-pot»d«tf..

Judgmeut alTiruied witb co.'.. , .____Alfied Jackaon, re.p't, tft. UavU Ti'ton, .pp^Iant-JBdr

u.ent aa-aaad wiih aaaaa ....._ __ ____>_.Sar.i. ). Baiker. appellaa!, H<- Mark BUpU_aoa, r»*p 4.

Or_cr*thiBiedwlthco.U. ia__»_atJ.,1. BraMkfi-U a4t. tsmanjt IU--.ii, _-_B_k«8a-*8BB»-»wat'er p'tintiB witb c-..«<a _.._,_ __n»Aer

\\ __U_. \ tn __.d_lo *.*.. K.-hard W_Uaa*-Order aa_r_-c»

wi'li ciiti._,._,,_lu___>ent tf-Jobu iVcb, r.ap't tft. 8r..ih t.lter, -ppe-U-i--wBB_--« ¦

feimed with coaU. Opiniou by Jud_» nv""..!.. Uiple-d-d ta-Jamrt McEeruan. ri-.p-t. act Job_ l> *?**"*. *»«"_«rc ¦"

^;,.nl.ri__.d-itb^ ^pjead-d, Uc.Tue MU.e, rv.p t, «f'- M. , .

J.djmint tndordrr tmrmod w«b .oai»-


l^^lifo.tSt, 144, 898, ani. 311, »». 408, -BO-, BH1, 1^.

^i/VaBion Corac.-Part L-_-_(a_. 13, 43, ELma-LM 441. s-7, »", «8l. wa, wa, -oi, «n, aoi.. aas.,."'. m -N-.. -~. I»«. «.»¦ **. lUW- IW> *S«> *»- *.*. i**< *»°a__b «_ 2*6. ItO, 24), ib, 40*.

tov'tir or Cumbob Plkab -Tbe Geu-xul Tarai ie io,r.non. Tnal Term tdjoumed for tba term.jlrtoomYN Citv Cdukt..Feo. _-.-.Noa. 34,--',

37j, 47, W, 81, M, -:, -M, -'.', U). ,.. bi -5 -ti, 18, BU, tt, tt, *-.

Hrcrlplo ml Prodato.Tur.i, bi 2u, laert.lOStb.'.a. r^ni;

l.*f-hiijh. V\ba*t; B.dt.da. Cora: i.'.'i. pkft. Fi.Ttai)-*. 4i>io. Lard; do. W'niaky.

Uaveaaaata of Qreai WUiau-aBBiTO DSfABT.Imo*. fm. Bat*.

Cviiada.Aootem.Liv_-p_ol.'**.$»Kaugarco.Naw Voit.. ..Ll.eipo--,._,*_'2hobe-ulan.Fortlnnd-Liverpool.Jeb. IBA.-ablt.N-.w-Y«ik .... Livaarwa^.._..*_.

Al.nt.New Toi.....(;alway._-**rt_tl,-a-onla.New-Tork....r.i i.aiiaaiytaa.._**^JAtage. .New- Vork....ilttrrm.~MmMZ lllU-gow.New Vork....U-Mgow._l*w?J>.ur.(. _.Beaton..Livwar*-!.B8B.

TOiJUUVff.Itr-t eU. .*.¦ .tl.-11 -,>._.11.Naw-Tat.J*a-ruited Kt<«doui ....fii_.f..w..__* .».__* _¦..__:*f 1rr1ne.|A1b.rt.Othrty.«'»'<"*.«}(H-.goW.«jL-mow.Siw YJfa.J».r1o-t_a_arrton.N.wYor_.rmm..,r....r-rttaad._.__'.

I.Bcatua.__j|.Porth-td ...

Xftl'a..tirorp-o'.New Yerk.

Il._f_.ia.>.l.i««pw«...u.»«_»..B)_KI1l.u.Tpa.Lr-«T»-.___*_.:.5S_iaA-ct-Sa....larmomml.Vmthmi.^]*Afll a..U-arpoo.New lerk..'.'"%*? MI d'i t>-r«h.Uwrpo^.New Tarb.'.? SB-aaa-aa.l_*an*>-l...._-a*«-a.9mm
