NEW KINGDOM Ancient Egypt Part II 1600-1200 Yul Brenner as Ramsess


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NEW KINGDOMAncient Egypt Part II


Yul Brenner as Ramsess

“Mysteries” associated with Egypt

• Did extraterrestrials assist or completely construct the pyramids?

• Were Akhenaten and Nefertiti aliens?

• Do the pyramids align with the stellar constellation of Orion and why?

• Were the sky gods of the Egyptians of extraterrestrial origin?

• Is there a curse on King Tuts tomb?

Growth of the Kingdom.

Competition in the Mediterranean World

• Egypt was not the sole power.

• The Minoans on Crete were more powerful and received tribute from Egypt and Aegean states until a natural disaster destroyed the centers of Minoan culture.

• Egypt in Africa, and the Greek states begin the rise to prominence in the middle bronze age (1600 BC).

Egypt in the Middle and New Kingdom• Thutmose, Hatshepsut, Thutmose II, Amenhotep each

expand Egyptian power and influence through trade• Amenhotep II (Akhenaton), attempts religious

revolution • Tutankamen (famous but did nothing) • Seti• Ramesses II “The Great” becomes Pharaoh in 13th

century BC and extends the reach of Egypt through military conquest.

Tomb of Hapshetsut

Shown at left as Pharaoh

Hapshetsut’s recently “discovered” mummy.

Sketch from tomb painting.

Queen Tiye

Wife of Amenhotep

A long and controversial dynasty that will end with Tutankhamen


• During his rule he tried to institute a new religion based on a single god; Ra, the Sun--challenges the traditional power structure of priests.

• At his death all monuments he created are destroyed, his family line is eventually vanquished and tombs desecrated.

• According to some websites, Akhenaton exhibits non-human traits and may be an alien. He and wife Nefertiti ruled jointly.

• Son: King Tut

Akhenaton and Nefertiti Homage to the Sun Disk


See posted article about Nefs eyes.

Unusual body type. Alien?

Was this an art style or a true representation?

Tomb of Akhenaton

Akhenaton, who ruled from 1353 to 1336 B.C., is shown in paintings and statues as having prominent breasts and buttocks—indications of a hormone disorder. An overproduction of the enzyme aromatase, which is instrumental in the body's production of the hormone estrogen, is the likely culprit. In males, the disorder results in the development of feminine traits by puberty. Depictions that show Akhenaton's prepubescent daughters with breasts support the genetic hormone-disorder theory.

Another genetic disease, craniosynostosis, which can result in the joints in the skull fusing too early, could have caused the pharaoh's elongated head and neck. Egyptologists sometimes refer to the shape, which was common among 18th-dynasty royalty, as "royal head." Illustrations of Akhenaton's daughters also show the elongated head, as do mummies of his progeny. One such descendant: child-king Tutankhamen, who some believe may have been Akhenaton's son. Akhenaton's mummy has yet to be found; DNA analysis of mummies of the pharaoh's descendants may one day confirm his theory.

---Irwin Braverman, Yale University School of medicine

Forensic reconstruction of Tut.

Mummy of Tut

Is there a curse?• Howard Carter discovered and opened tomb of Tut.


• His sponsor, Lord Carnarvon• Died soon after return visit to Egypt to view the tomb.• Was already ill with an infection on arrival in Egypt.

• Associated archaeologists• All went on to illustrious careers.

• Disease from within tombs is a very real danger. Microbes from the past can regenerate under the right conditions.

Ramses II

• Initiates new phase of monument construction mostly in commemoration of himself.

• Temple at Abu Simbel his greatest monument.• Begins military exploits break Hittite Empire.• Helps break Egypt from isolation.

• Conquers Cannan, defeats Hittites, Syrians, Nubia and Meroe; all are forced to send tribute.

13th century BC

• Traditional enemies of Egypt included Hyksos (Semitic tribesmen

from Asia) who briefly ruled Egypt in 16th century BC

• Other powerful neighbors: Nubia, Kingdom of Meroe in Sudan.

• Ramsess defeats Hyksos, Nubians, The Sea People, Cannanites.

Hyksos warriors

Rameses II fights with the Nubians. Classic style.


At Luxor

Painting from the French scientific expedition to Egypt ordered by Napoleon.

Abu Simbel during the French occupation in 1805

Abu Simbel shrine to Ramses II (as it appears today). Seated next to Nefretari

Ramsses II

One of many statues of the Pharaoh

Ramsses’ mummy

Pathologies revealed• Heart disease• Clogged arteries• Several healed bone injuries• Intestinal parasites• 5’8” (tall for his era)• Arthritic and slightly hunchbacked• Dental abbesses• Red hair (researchers at L’Oreal claim he was naturally

blonde but used red dye).

Queen• Nefertari

Tomb looted in antiquity, but important because of the paintings and inscriptions concerning mortuary practices.

To the South: Meroe• Kingdom of the Upper Nile in Sudan• Briefly ruled Egypt• Considerable cultural influence

Sculpture from Meroe

Nubian tombs in Meroe

Burial pottery

For comparisons of pyramids


“Kingdoms came and went, but Egypt endures”

--Greek poet.