NEW exhibition Geneva 2010



Making Peace, a tribute to the global peace movement.Lake Geneva June 2010

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INTERNATIONAL PEACE BUREAUNobel Peace Prize 1910 - 2010

100th anniversary


A photographic exhibition dedicated to the global peace movement and theorganisations and people - many of whom are based in Geneva - who work for asafer and more sustainable world.

IMPORTANT: This event will mark the centenary of IPB’s Nobel Peace Prize.

International peace conference, exhibition and awardGeneva, Switzerland. 17 June - 17 July 2010

• Established in 1891, IPB is the oldestinternational peace movement federation in theworld.

• Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1910 - 2010will mark the centenary of IPB’s Nobel PeacePrize.

• Thirteen of its officials have also beenrecipients of the Nobel Peace Prize, a totalunequaled by any other organization.

• IPB has United Nations ‘ICOSOC’Consultative Status since 1977 and is theSecretariat for the NGO Committee forDisarmament (Geneva).

• Federating 300+ member organizations inover 70 countries.

• A long record of campaigning and publiceducation on disarmament, peace and relatedissues.

International Peace Bureau

IPB board meeting, Bern, Switzerland 1899

The IPB is truly a global network, bringing together expertise and campaigning experience in a common cause.

The IPB was founded in 1891-92, as a result of consultations at the Universal Peace Congresses, largegatherings held annually to bring together the national peace societies that had gradually developed, mainly inEurope and North America, from the end of the Napoleonic Wars onwards. The representatives of the PeaceSocieties felt that the movement needed a permanent office to coordinate the activities of the nationalassociations and to organise the Universal Peace Congresses. Thus was born the 'Permanent InternationalPeace Bureau', as it was known ('Permanent' was later dropped from the title).

The seat of the new organisation was Berne, the capital of neutral Switzerland. The first President of the IPB wasthe Dane Fredrik Bajer and its first Secretary-General the Swiss Elie Ducommun. Ducommun was latersucceeded by another Swiss, Albert Gobat. Both of them, and Fredrik Bajer, won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Another Nobel laureate was the colourful Austrian countess Bertha von Suttner, who was a friend of Alfred Nobeland encouraged him to establish the Peace Prize. She was the author of the celebrated book (and film) LayDown your Arms! It should be noted that between 1901 and 1982 thirteen of IPB's officers individually receivedthe Nobel Peace Prize, as well as the Bureau itself in 1910.

During these early years the IPB was more or less the only international peace movement. It took positions, notonly in favour of disarmament, but also on the various international conflicts of the day. Its basic ideologicalapproach has been described as bourgeois pacifism, i.e. a heavy emphasis on the development of internationallaw, disarmament and the peaceful settlement of conflicts. Von Suttner and others entered into dialogue withTsar Nicholas II, urging him to establish an International Peace Conference, an idea that eventually came tofruition at The Hague in 1899 and 1907. IPB was active in promoting the idea of the establishment of a League ofNations and an International Court.

Early years of the IPB

International peace conference

Original headquarters of the League of Nations named after USPresident Woodrow Wilson and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, whoplayed an important role in the establishment of the League ofNations during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference after World WarI. Today the building houses the Office of the High Commissionerfor Human Rights (OHCHR).

The IPB intends to organise an internationalconference entitled “Peace in the 21st Century“to be held in the Palais Wilson in June 2010.

This conference will bring together importantGeneva based organisations (such as UNHCHR,ICRC, WILPF, WCC, ICBL, Green Cross…) aswell as other NGO’s and IGO’s. Attended bynumerous Nobel Peace Laureates, politicians andpersonalities including Michael Douglas andGeorge Clooney, we hope to be able to screenthe conference live to the Geneva public via anoutside screen.

Organised by the IPB, the conference will take alook back at the history of the peace movement,but more importantly discuss present challengessuch as poverty, climate change and militaryspending and try to foresee (and find solutions to)growing threats to peace such as conflicts overenergy and other natural resources; climatechange and the spread of weapons.

Palais Wilson, Geneva


Quai Wilson

June / July 2010


Aim & message

“It is possible to preventthe scourge of war andcreate a more just andpeaceful future - if weare prepared to learnthe lessons of historyand apply provenpeacemakingknowledge. “

Kofi A. Annan,Former Secretary-General of the UnitedNations and Nobel Peace Prize laureate 2001

This exhibition sets out to show - through photography andaccompanying texts - why the global peace movement isimportant and how it has shaped the history of the modernworld.

The exhibition will also explain how the ideas of peace and non-violence have changed notably during the latter half of the 20thcentury; and how since the end of the Cold War regionalconflicts and poverty have increased in importance especially inthe developing world. Presenting the different ways in which civilsociety attempts to influence decisions, the exhibition willidentify possible future areas of conflict, such as resource wars,and sketch out solutions that are being proposed.

Whilst also mentioning the individual work of outstandingindividuals such as Bertha von Suttner, Jane Addams, SimoneWeil, Mahatma Gandhi, Bertrand Russell, Woodrow Wilson,Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mikhaïl Gorbachev, andmore recent figures like Kofi Annan, Shirin Ebadi, WangariMaathai, Al Gore and Muhammad Yunus, we hope that thisexhibition will inspire the public to make their own contribution topeace and non-violence: sometimes the contribution of oneperson can make all the difference.


Whilst there will be photographs showing major

events that have marked our history such as

the fall of the Berlin Wall, it is not our intention

to produce an exhibition that focuses upon the

events themselves. Rather, the exhibition will

focus upon ways in which civil society

effectively works for peace. For example when

describing the work of the American social

reformer Jane Addams, we will also look at the

history of the women’s peace movement and

how it evolved to involve contemporary groups

such as the ‘Code Pink’.

Through the diverse content of the photographs

we will see just how wide-ranging the peace

movement really is; encompassing not only

opposition to war and violence, but also wider

themes such as human rights, social justice,

racial equality, and climate change.

Jane Addams and fellow delegates bisembark from SSNoordham to attend the 1st International Congress ofWoman in The Hague. I t also marked t he est ablishment ofthe Womens Intern

ational League f or Peace and Freedo (WILPF).Jane Addams and fellow delegates bisembark from SSNoordham to attend the 1st International Congress ofWoman in The Hague. I t also marked t he est ablishment ofthe Womens International League for Peace and Freedo(WILPF). Jane Addams and fellow delegates bisembarkfrom SS Noordham to attend the 1st InternationalCongress of Woman in The Hague. It also marked theestablishment of the Womens International League forPeace and Freedo (WILPF).Jane Addams and fellowdelegates bi sembark from SS Noordham to attend the 1stInternational Congress of Woman in The Hague. It alsomarked the establishment of the Womens InternationalLeague for P eace and Freedo (WILPF).Jane Addams andfellow delegates bisembark from SS Noordham to attendthe 1st International Congress of Woman in The Hague. Italso marked the establishment of the WomensInt ernational League for Peace and Freedo (WILPF).

Jane Addams and fellow delegates bisembark from SSNoordham to attend the 1st International Congress ofWoman in The Hague. I t also marked t he est ablishment ofthe Womens International League for Peace and Freedo(WILPF).

Jane Addams and fellow delegates bisembark from SSNoordham to attend the 1st International Congress ofWoman in The Hague. It also marked the establishment ofthe Womens International League for Peace and Freedo(WILPF).Jane Addams and fellow delegates bisembark from SSNoordham to attend the 1st International Congress ofWoman in The Hague. I t also marked t he establishment

Jane Addams and fellow delegates bisembark from SSNoordham to attend the 1st International Congress ofWoman in The Hague. It also marked the establishment ofthe Womens International League for Peace and Freedo(WILPF).Jane Addams and fellow delegates bisembark from SSNoordham to attend the 1st International Congress of

1915 Women’s Peace Movement

Possible panel design

Foundation of the International PeaceBureau as a result of consultations at theUniversal Peace Congresses. The Swisspolitician Eli Ducommun as its first GeneralSecretary.

1890 - 1900 1910 1920s

1915: Jane Addams and fellow delegatesdisembark from SS Noordham to attend the 1stInternational Congress of Women in TheHague. It also marked the establishment of theWomen's International League for Peace andFreedom (WILPF).

• Possible choice of photographs 1889 - 2010

First-ever series of nationwide people'smovements of non-violent resistance andcivil disobedience, led by Mahatma Gandhiand the Indian National Congress.

Other subjects:

• IPB awarded Nobel Peace Prize

• US President Woodrow Wilson proposed 14Points that formed the basis of the terms of theGerman surrender at the end of WWI

• Versailles Peace Treaty established the Leagueof Nations

• Nie wieder Krieg movement, Germany

• IPB organised Franco-German Congress

• International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR)

• Nobel Peace Prize was awarded toFrédéric Bajer, the first IPB president

• Bertha von Suttner wrote:‘Lay Down Your Arms’

• The Hague peace conventions

• Scout movement is formed (Girl Guides1910)

• Geneva Protocol outlawing chemicalwarfare

• Permanent Court of Justice established

• War Resisters International (WRI) founded

• Kerk en Vrede (Church and Peace): 1.5million signatures against the Navy Law

• German Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft(DFG)

• Joint Peace Council appealed againstconscription

Importance of a free press / how mediacoverage has contributed to peace. Photo:Robert Capa Spanish Civil War 1936.

1930s 1940s 1950s

United Nations Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights. Photo:: United Nations'prisoner-of-war camp at Pusan, S Korea.

• Geneva Conventions are signed

• Danes resist German occupation

• Norwegian teachers refuse to teach Naziideas

• World War II ended

• United Nation was formed

• Emery Reeves wrote The Anatomy ofPeace

• Day and Maurin founded the CatholicWorker

• Gandhi led the Salt March and gainedrights for Untouchables

• Maude Roydon proposed a Peace Army

• 59 nations attended the UN disarmamentconference

• Martin Luther King led the Montgomery busboycott and published ‘Stride TowardFreedom’

• UN achieved a cease-fire at the Suez Canal

• Bertrand Russell organised Pugwashconferences

• CND and SANE founded; peace symbol iscreated

• UNHCR founded

Other subjects:

Racial equality / apartheid and theFreedom Charter “The rights of the peopleshall be the same, regardless of race,colour or sex“. Photo: Freedom Chartervolunteers.

Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed.Photo French nuclear testing in the SouthPacific.

Millions demonstrate against the VietnamWar: Photo: Anti-war protests.

1960s 1970s 1980s

Solidarity Union grew to 10 million in Poland.Photo: Lech Walesa, shipyard worker,became leader of the Solidarity LabourUnion: He was later elected President ofPoland by a 77.5%vote.

Other subjects:

• Americans leave Vietnam

• United Nations 1st Special Session onDisarmament

• President Carter brokers Israel-EgyptPeace Treaty

• Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties

• Greenpeace is formed: now 3 millionsupporters worldwide

• 250’000 listen to Martin Luther King’sspeech “I have a dream”

• UN peacekeeping force intervene in theCongo

• Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signed

• Cesar Chavez organised National FarmWorkers Union, USA

• U Thant and Bertrand Russell mediated theCuban Missile Crisis

• Desmond Tutu wins Nobel Peace Prize

• Mikhail Gorbachev proposes ending theNuclear Arms Race and implements Perestroikaand Glasnost

• Women’s protests at Greenham CommonAirbase, UK

•Thousands protest against nuclear testing inNevada, USA

• German Green Party is formed

• Mayors for Peace established

10 million protest against the invasion ofIraq; election of President Barack Obamabrings new hope of peace.

1990s 2000 2010 - hopes for the future

Middle East Peace Agreement: :establishment of a Palestinian State.

UN Peacekeeping missions in Africa(Angola, Congo, Liberia, Rwanda),Central America (Haiti), Asia (Cambodia),Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina),Middle-East (Kuwait).

• UN Millennium Development Goals signed

• LIVE 8 concert and ‘Make Poverty History’campaign

• United for Peace and Justice (US nationalpeace coalition) founded

• President Obama’s Nuclear Free World speech

• End of Apartheid in South Africa

• Fall of the Berlin Wall

• UN Peace efforts in Somalia

• Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro

• World Social Forums are founded

• Oslo Accords

• ICJ outlaws nuclear weapons and theNuclear Weapons Convention is signed

• Iran and N Korea dismantle their nuclearprogrammes

• IPB Disarmament for Development globaladvertising campaign

• US forces leave Iraq

• UN mediates for peace in Darfur

Other subjects:

School syllabusIn collaboration with partners such as the UnitedNations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA),the Peace History Society (PHS), USA and GenevaUniversity an educational syllabus will be producedthat will explore the many different themes, peopleand events mentioned in the exhibition ‘MakingPeace’.

The syllabus will be initially translated into English,French and German and posted to an onlinewebsite , so that teachers can prepare their classprior to visiting the exhibition.

In collaboration with the United Nations onlineeducational website ‘Cyberschoolbus.un’ and the IPB intends to organise aninternational student competition,whereupon students will be asked to write an essayabout their interpretation of peace. Entries will bejudged by a jury including a Nobel laureate forliterature with the chosen author being invited tospend a week in Geneva.


Women’s Peace Movement

Special photo award for ‘peace’The IPB also hopes to launch a special award forphotographers and filmmakers who through their work havemade a special contribution to peace.

The award will not be judged so much by the quality of thework itself, although this will be a criterion, but by how thematerial has been actively used i.e. the manner in which it hasbeen presented and distributed, to bring public and politicalawareness to social issues such as poverty, violence,pollution, injustice, human rights, discrimination, and war.

A good example is the British photographer Sean Sutton.Working for the Mines Advisory Group, MAG, a British basedNGO, his work - shown through publicity, exhibitions andbooks- has made a major contribution to informing andmobilizing the public against the awful consequences thatantipersonnel mines and unexploded ordnance have oncommunities around the globe.

Selected by an international panel of judges comprisingpersonalities and professionals both from the media,advertising and NGO community, the award will be presentedevery two years in Geneva.

Possible supporting organisations & sponsors

Woman's International League forPeace and Freedom

Mayors for

International Committeeof the Red

United Nations HighCommission for Human

World Council of


Thank you

• Mr Ashley WoodsProject Manager

T: +33-676-499-840

• Mr Colin Archer

IPB General Secretary

T: +41-22-731-6429

F: +41-22-738-9419

International Peace Bureau41, Rue de Zurich

1201 Geneva