Neuroimmune Pharmacology || Neurogenesis and Brain Repair


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32Neurogenesis and Brain RepairG. Jean Harry

Keywords Doublecortin; Epidermal growth factor; Fibroblast growth factor; Nestin; Progenitor cells; Stem cells, Radial glia; Rostral migratory stream; Subventricular zone; Subgranular zone

32.1. Introduction

Neurogenesis is a critical process in the formation and devel-opment of the neurons that comprise the brain. More recently, the identification of neurogenic regions in the adult brain has suggested that the general process of neurogenesis assumes a role in maintaining the normal brain as well as contributing to the repair of the brain following injury. As identified, adult neurogenesis is the production of new neurons in the adult brain. This is a complex process that is initiated with the divi-sion of a precursor cell and, in some cases, neural stem cells that progresses to the generation of functional new neurons. The environments within these neurogenic regions provide intrinsic factors to stimulate and maintain this as a normal process. These include a number of the various growth fac-tors. In addition, there are a number of extrinsic factors that can stimulate this process including life style and environ-ment, as welll as, factors that can inhibit the normal process, such as depression. The potential of these cells to assist in the repair of the brain following injury has fostered the genera-tion of a significant body of research to determine the signals and factors that stimulate the generation and survival of newly generated cells. In addition, efforts to understand the various stimuli that can drive the progenitor or stem cell to a mature neuron or to an oligodendrocyte for the production of myelin have contributed a wealth of information on the nature and plasticity of these cells and this process. The current chapter will address the basic dynamics of neural development with regards to the generation, migration, and maturation of neu-rons as they provide information to understand the dynam-ics required for the adult neurogenesis. The identification and details of the neurogenic regions in the adult brain, the growth factors that contribute to maintaining these regions, and the response to injury will be discussed. It is the intent of this

chapter to serve as an introduction to adult neurogenesis that can be used as a base for further study and evaluation of the increasing amount of data that is currently being generated.

32.2. Neurogenesis and Classification of Cells

32.2.1. Neural Development

In the normal process of nervous system development, organ-ogenesis occurs during the period from implantation through mid-gestation. Neurogenesis is a complex process involv-ing proliferation, migration, differentiation, and survival. It is characterized by an expansion phase in which stem cells undergo massive symmetric divisions followed by periods where expanded precursor cells give rise to differentiating cells (Gotz and Huttner, 2005). The complex architecture of the brain requires that different cell types develop in a precise spatial relationship to one another. To accomplish this, neural stem cells and their derivative progenitor cells generate neu-rons as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes by asymmet-ric and symmetric divisions. Stem cells are characterized by their ability for self-renewal with cell division generating at least one identical copy of the mother cell. Symmetric division yields two identical copies and asymmetric division produces one new identical stem cell and one that is determined toward a certain cell lineage. It is these cells that are often referred to as progenitor cells given the reduction in stem cell properties. However, these progenitor cells can dramatically expand in number of new cells. In the development of the brain, such cells can undergo a terminal symmetrical division leading to two differentiating cells (Takahashi et al., 1996).

In some parts of the nervous system, particular kinds of cells are generated from committed progenitor or “blast” cells. These cells proliferate symmetrically and then differentiate. Examples of such progenitors are the sympathoadrenal progenitor and the O2A progenitor from the optic nerve. As initially described, glia O2A progenitor cells first give rise to oligodendrocytes around the time of birth and begin to generate type 2 astrocytes during

T. Ikezu and H.E. Gendelman (eds.), Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 445© Springer 2008

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the second postnatal week (Raff et al., 1983). During this time, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is an important mitogen for the O2A progenitor. The differentiation of type 2 astrocytes is timed by cell-extrinsic factors. For example, ciliary neurono-trophic factor (CNTF) is a diffusible signal that, in association with other signals of the extracellular matrix, is required to induce O2A progenitors to develop into type 2 astrocytes. The current thought is that the NG2 cells of the brain may contain the O2A progenitor cells (Nishiyama et al., 1996; Dawson et al., 2000; see below for additional discussion).

In the formation of the cerebral hemispheres, neurogenesis begins during fetal development; gliogenesis produces astro-cytes followed by development of oligodendrocytes. For each cell type, temporal differences in cell production are maintained. For example, the first-generated neurons reach their final posi-tion before subsequent generations of neurons. The migration of neuronal precursors plays a role in establishing the identity of some neurons and defining the functional properties and connections of the neuron (Sidman and Rakic, 1973). This translocation is achieved by a combination of the extension of cell process, attachment to the substratum, and subsequent pulling of the entire cell by means of contractile proteins associated with an intracellular network of microfilaments. Directional control occurs as cells move along “guide” cells or according to a concentration gradient of chemotropic molecules. Positional identity of precursor cells is also spatially and temporally regulated by transcription factor patterns.

The radial glial cell processes serve to guide neurons from the zone of neuronal generation to the zones for final settlement and the laminar features of the cortex are generated over time by differential movement of groups of neurons born at dif-ferent times. These cells also divide asymmetrically to give rise to another radial glial cell while the second cell can dif-ferentiate into a neuron. Thus radial glial cells may represent a unique stem cell population (Gaiano et al., 2000; Malatesta et al., 2000). In addition to the radial glia having stem cell potential, astrocytes isolated from the embryonic and early postnatal CNS display stem cell functional features (Laywell et al., 2000). In examining various precursor cells in culture, specific culture conditions can induce some precursors to show a change in commitment such as, the oligodendrocyte precursor cells (Kondo and Raff, 2000a) and transit-activating precursors (Doetsch et al., 2002). These cells can be repro-grammed to multipotent stem cells by the action of cytokines and epidermal growth factor (EGF).

32.2.2. Neurogenic Potential in the Adult

Select areas of the brain contain populations of progenitor cells with various proliferative and migratory potentials (Altman, 1969; Kaplan and Hinds 1977; Altman and Bayer, 1990). In the adult mammalian brain, neurogenesis continues in restricted germinal regions: the subependymal zone of the lat-eral ventricle subventricular zone (SVZ) and the subgranular zone (SGZ) between the hilus and the granule cell layer of the hip-

pocampal dentate gyrus. Characterization of adult cells found in these proliferative domains demonstrated that the appropri-ate neurogenic signals are present and continuously support the stem/progenitor cell population. In addition, a third popu-lation of stem/progenitor cells may reside within the brain in the form of cells with astrocyte-like properties (Laywell et al., 2000; Magavi and Macklis, 2001).

Mitotically active precursor cells in the adult brain consist of a heterogeneous population of cells including stem cells with the capacity for continual self-renew and undergo multilin-eage differentiation in that they can differentiate into several distinct cell types (Alvarez-Buylla et al., 2001; Suslov et al., 2002). As compared to the multipotent stem cell, progeni-tor cells do not have the ability for continual self-renewal and have a limited multipotent capacity. The term “precursor cell” can refer to cells for which there remains limited proliferative ability but the differentiation fate is fairly determined. While a resident stem cell population has been demonstrated within the adult subependyma of the rostral lateral ventricle (Reyn-olds and Weiss, 1992; Morshead and van der Kooy, 2001; Gritti et al., 1996), such a prominent population has not been clearly demonstrated in the SGZ. Characterization of SGZ cells suggests that while some cells meet the criteria of stem cells, most studies characterizing proliferative SGZ cells suggest that they are primarily progenitor cells (Seaberg and van der Kooy, 2002; Bull and Bartlett, 2005).

The proliferative capacity of cells from these zones can be evaluated with the isolation of cells to form spherical, detached colonies called neurospheres (typically 50–140 mm in diameter). The generation of a neurosphere is not conclusive evidence of stem cell presence as both stem cells and progenitor cells are capable of forming such spheres (Reynolds and Rietze, 2005). An additional step for evaluation requires a limiting dilution neurosphere assay in which cells are plated by serial dilutions and analyzed for size of neurospheres and frequency of colony-forming cells. This allows for determination of stem cell and progenitor cell contributions. Under these conditions, the largest colonies (>1.5 mm diameter) originate from stem cells while progenitor cells form small colonies (Reitze and Reynolds, 2006). Cultures of stem cells can be expanded continuously while those of progenitor cells gradually dimin-ish. Other ways to distinguish between the two cell types is in their response to mitogens such as, fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) and EGF with progenitor cells showing a greater responsiveness to FGF-2. In addition to proliferation, growth factors and other signaling molecules are critical for the differentiation of these newly proliferated cells. Multipotency can be assessed with the removal of EGF and FGF-2 and the addition of other factors to the culture medium. Neurospheres containing stem cells are multipotent and can produce neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. If the neurospheres are comprised of progenitor cells, differentiation will generate astrocytes and oligodendrocytes and differentiation to neu-rons and glia will occur with the addition of brain derived growth factor (BDNF).

32. Neurogenesis and Brain Repair 447 Subventricular Zone

Cells generated in the SVZ migrate tangentially through a network of interconnecting pathways distributed throughout the wall of the lateral ventricle. The heterogeneous neuroblasts originating in the adult SVZ migrate in a chain-like manner towards the olfactory bulb (OB) along a defined pathway called the rostral migratory stream (RMS) (Lois et al., 1996). These migrating neuroblasts (type A cells) show a spindle-shaped cell body with one or two cell processes. Their elongated nucleus displays a dispersed chromatin pattern with small aggregates of condensed chromatin masses, 2–3 small nucleoli, and possible nuclear indentations. They have scant and electron-dense cyto-plasm with many ribosomes, a small Golgi apparatus, few cis-terna of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and many microtubules distributed along the long cell axis. There are no dense bodies, lipid droplets, or microvilli. These cells are immunopositive for nestin, the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion mol-ecule (PSA-NCAM), TuJ1 and are immunonegative for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin (Doetsch et al., 1997). (The details of each marker will be discussed later). During their migration, in the absence of radial glia or axonal guidance, the cells maintain contact with each other to reach the OB and differentiate into granule and periglomerular neurons. Cell differentiation is influenced by the expression of specific transcription factors in the SVZ or during migration in the RMS. For example, the transcription factor Pax6 is required for the production of a specific subpopulation of OB neurons (Kohwi

et al., 2005). It promotes the generation of neuronal progeni-tors directing them towards the dopaminergic periglomerular phenotype that is predominantly generated in the RMS (Hack et al., 2005). The transcription factor, Olig2, opposes Pax6 and promotes oligodendrogenesis (Hack et al., 2005).

In the rodent, the primary target site for newborn cells from the SVZ is the OB; however, more recent studies suggest that other brain regions may also receive cells (Arvidsson et al., 2002). This would support a role for stem/progenitor cells characterized in the primate SVZ (Quinones-Hinojosaet al., 2006; Tonchev et al., 2006). Several lines of evidence suggest that the SVZ astrocyte serves as the primary precursor for these new neurons. Astrocytes in the SVZ, type B1 and B2, have distinct morphological characteristics (Doetsch et al., 1997) and express vimentin, nestin, and GFAP but not PSA-NCAM or TuJ1. Transiently amplifying progenitor cells (type C cells) are smooth and spherical, have large nuclei with deep indentations, dispersed chromatin pattern, and large reticu-lated nucleolus. The Golgi apparatus is large, there are fewer ribosomes than in the type A cells, and they lack intermediate filament bundles. Type C cells stain for nestin, are immuno-negative for PSA-NCAM, TuJ1, GFAP, and vimentin. They express the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, express the Dlx2 transcription factor, and are found in small clusters in the SVZ, as well as, isolated cells. NG2 cells in the SVZ display a transit-amplifier type C cell phenotype and may provide a significant proliferative progenitor pool in the brain (Aguirre et al., 2004) Figure 32.1.

Figure 32.1. Schematic diagram of a sagittal section of the mouse brain localizing neurogenic regions. (A) dentate granule cell layer of the hippocampus. Newly proliferating cells in the subgranular zone (SGZ) are represented as dark cells along the inner border of the blades of the dentate. (B) subventricular zone (SVZ). (C) Extension of the ventricular system and the presence of newly proliferating cells within the ventricle noted as dark cell. RMS—rostral migratory stream. OLB—olfactory bulb.

448 G. Jean Harry Subgranular Zone

A relatively small number of proliferating cells derived from the cells of the hippocampal pseudostratified ventricular epi-thelium during embryonic stages continue to reside in the hip-pocampal hilus (Nowakowski and Rakic, 1981). In the rodent, this population is established at birth and during the early postnatal period. This intrahilar population produces about 80% of the cells of the dentate granule cell layer (Bayer and Altman, 1975). In humans and monkeys, this is reversed and only about 20% production occurs postnatally (Nowakowski and Rakic, 1981). This zone includes the basal cell band of the granule cell layer and a two-cell-wide layer into the hilus. Several types of neuronal and glial progenitor cells, as well as, astrocytes with radial glial elements, are within this neu-rogenic zone (Seri et al., 2004; Filippov et al., 2003). Similar to the SVZ, astrocyte-like B cells give rise to the transiently amplifying progenitor C cell to produce the migrating A cell. The putative stem cells morphologically resemble radial glia and have astrocytic properties. They have a large triangular-shaped soma with long apical processes reaching into the gran-ule cell layer. Sparse branching occurs into the outer third of the granule cell band (Filippov et al., 2003). Radial glia-like cells expressing nestin, type-1 cells, consistently express the astrocytic protein, GFAP, and are negative for the astrocytic marker S100β. Type-2 cells are nestin-expressing cells with irregularly shaped nucleus, dense chromatin, and short pro-cesses oriented parallel to the SGZ. These cells are either neg-ative (type 2a) or positive (type 2b) for the immature neuronal marker doublecortin (DCX). Type 3 cells are DCX positive but nestin negative, with a rounded nucleus and express PSA-NCAM and Prox-1. The type-3 stage comprises a transition to a postmitotic immature neuron. Adult-generated hippocampal cells migrate primarily to the inner third of the granular cell layer (GL; Kempermann et al., 2004). The exit from the cell cycle into the terminal postmitotic differentiation of granule cells is accompanied by a transient expression of calretinin occurring with expression of Prox-1 and the postmitotic neu-ronal marker, NeuN. With maturation of the granule cells, calbindin, rather than calretinin, is expressed (Brandt et al., 2003). The immature granule cells have a globular cell body with many fine dendritic processes extending into the molecu-lar layer (Kempermann et al., 2004) and axons into the CA3 pyramidal cell layer (Hastings and Gould, 1999). In the GL these cells assume the nuclear and cytoplasmic morphology of the surrounding neurons, express biochemical markers of immature and mature neurons, and receive functional GAB-Aergic contacts. When the neurons are established in their final position within the GL, they develop spiny dendrites reaching the outer molecular layer and functional glutama-tergic afferents increase. With the final stages of maturation, the cells obtain perisomatic GABAergic contacts. When these cells are selectively removed from the brain regions and cultured as neurospheres, they can differentiate into various cells and the neurons can form functional synapses (van Praag et al., 2002; Schmidt-Hieber et al., 2004).

32.3. Methods Used to Detect Newly Generated Cells

32.3.1. Markers Used for Cell Proliferation and Stem/Progenitor Cells

The incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) into replicat-ing DNA during the S-phase of the cell cycle is a marker for DNA synthesis. BrdU incorporation can represent an increase in the number of proliferating cells or simply changes in cell cycle, active DNA repair (Selden et al., 1993), apoptosis (Katchanov et al., 2001), or development of tetraploidy (Yang et al., 2001); thus, in the absence of caution, false conclusions are possible regarding neurogenesis (Rakic, 2002). However, given the usually close link between BrdU incorporation and cell proliferation, it was initially used by Nowakowski et al. (1989) as a tool for studying cell proliferation in the develop-ing nervous system. As an alternative, or complement, Ki-67 is a nuclear protein expressed at different levels in dividing cells for the duration of their mitotic process. There are how-ever, questions with regard to whether the signal is sufficient to detect the early G1 phase of the cell cycle. While Ki-67 immunohistochemistry will provide a snapshot of a specific window in time, BrdU incorporation into cells can be fol-lowed over time. In the normal adult brain, the number of cells in the SGL that incorporate BrdU or immunostain for Ki-67 is histologically represented by a sparse number of positive cells along the inner blade of the dentate (Kee et al., 2002). Despite the technical problems with BrdU, results indicating signifi-cant amounts of adult-generated cells in the hippocampus (Cameron and McKay, 2001) are supported by labeling of newly generated cells with retroviral vectors and integration into the host genome (Lewis and Emerman, 1994). Co-immu-nostaining of the cells with neuronal specific markers suggests that these cells can differentiate into neurons. However, most of the newborn cells undergo cell death during the first several weeks after final cell division (Biebl et al., 2000; Dayer et al., 2003).

Additional methods of detection and tracking the fate of newly generated cells have been developed. Fluorescent markers have been combined with retroviruses for birth dating and tracking of cells (van Praag et al., 2002). Continued development of retroviral vectors has resulted in vectors to express transgenes, short-hairpin RNAs, and site-specific recombinase. Transgenic mice have been developed containing a restricted expression of a fluorescent marker in progenitor cells. For example, green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the regulatory control of the nestin gene produces animals with labeled progenitor cells and immature neurons in the dentate gyrus (Yamaguchi et al., 2000; Filippov et al., 2003). Under transcriptional control of proopiomelanocortin (POMC) genomic sequences, cryptic sequences in the transgene pro-vides expression in immature dentate granule cells that are approximately 2 weeks postmitotic (Overstreet et al., 2004). Alternatively, one can examine the progenitor cell popula-

32. Neurogenesis and Brain Repair 449

tion based on their distinct membrane properties. Newborn cells display high input resistance (Ambrogini et al., 2004; Schmidt-Hieber et al., 2004) and a lower threshold for activity-dependent synaptic plasticity such as long-term potentiation is seen in immature granule neurons (van Praag et al., 1999; Schmidt-Hieber et al., 2004).

32.3.2. Neural Cell-Specific Markers

Neuronal Nuclei (NeuN) expression is restricted to postmitotic neurons. The protein is localized in the nucleus with stain-ing occurring in the cytoplasm near the nucleus and in some cases extending into the neurites. NeuN can bind to DNA and may serve as a transcription factor that can be induced with the initiation of terminal differentiation (Sarnat et al., 1998). There is no reported case of NeuN expression in glial cells. NeuN immunoreactivity can be diminished in pathological conditions; however, loss of staining does not necessarily equate to loss of neurons nor does a reemergence of staining indicate neurogenesis (Unal-Cevik et al., 2004).

TuJ1 is the clonal designation for an antibody used against β-III-tubulin, a minor neural isotype of tubulin associated with neurons. Immature neurons in the neurogenic zones express β-III-tubulin; however, there is little data regarding the re-expression in mature neurons and there is some data suggesting a limited overlap with non-neuronal lineages. TUC4 (TOAD-64, Ulip-1, DRP-3, CRMP4) is expressed by postmitotic neurons at the stage of initial differentiation with the highest expression occurring in the growth cone. The duration of the expression after cells have become postmitotic is not known. With additional markers, it may offer information on the development of neurons either in the mature brain or following injury. It does not offer information on the net level of neurogenesis.

In neurogenic regions, PSA-NCAM is a specific marker for the neuronal lineage. The polysialic acid residue reduces the cell adhesion of NCAM; thus, it is found on migratory neuronal cells and identifies type-2b and type-3 cells in the dentate gyrus and C-cells in the SVZ and RMS (Seki, 2002). Expression of PSA-NCAM is thought to occur during post-neuronal dif-ferentiation and while, associated with neurogenesis, it is also associated with synaptic plasticity and can be expressed on glial cells in non-neurogenic brain regions (Kiss et al., 1993). In the neurogenic zones, the temporal expression of PSA-NCAM parallels that of doublecortin but offers information of the dendritic arborization of the cells.

Doublecortin (DCX) is a microtubule-associated protein expressed in neuronal cells during migration. It has both cyto-plasmic and nuclear localization and is enriched in the leading processes of these cells (Schaar et al., 2004) and in the growth cones of neurites. DCX is transiently expressed during adult neurogenesis and identifies the phase of migration and neu-rite extension of type-2b and type-3 cells (Brandt et al., 2003; Brown et al., 2003a; Ambrogini et al., 2004). The expression persists into the postmitotic stage of neurons when it overlaps

with calretinin expression (Brandt et al., 2003). Throughout the brain, DCX expression overlaps with PSA-NCAM with some evidence of staining of NG2 glial cells.

Nestin is an intermediate filament protein that is localized to a subpopulation of precursor cells in both the SGZ and the SVZ (Filippov et al., 2003). It is expressed at low levels in the neurogenic regions and in blood vessels. In green fluorescent protein (GFP)-nestin transgenic reporter mice, positive cells overlapping with DCX can be found through the entire brain. With injury, both nestin and DCX positive cells are found at the target site and can occur in the absence of neurogenesis. This reflects the residual capability of cells within the non-neurogenic region as induced with changes in the microenvi-ronment or rather, a limited specificity of these markers.

The chondroitin-sulfate proteoglycan, NG2, is a transmem-brane protein containing extracellular laminin-like domains. Cells expressing NG2 are a prominent progenitor population in the postnatal brain (Dawson et al., 2000). These cells can be either highly proliferative and migratory or slowly divid-ing and non-migratory (Belachew et al., 2003; Aguirre et al., 2004). It is thought that NG2 labels primarily precursor cells in the oligodendrocytic lineage and secondarily, a specific type of astrocyte that is closely associated with synapses and axonal structures. The sensitivity of NG2 as a marker for neu-rogenesis is not clearly defined but may indicate the involve-ment of radial glia as a precursor cell.

32.4. Regulatory Factors Influencing Adult Neurogenesis

As in many other forms of repair mechanisms for the nervous system, such as neurite outgrowth, reactive synaptogenesis, and remyelination, it is thought that the mechanisms involved recapitulate those that occur in normal development. This assumption has more recently been applied to the mechanisms operating to control stem cell proliferation (Vaccarino et al., 2001). During development of the brain, neural stem cells fol-low an orderly sequence of events resulting in the coordina-tion of multiple signals to produce specific products at specific critical times. In the adult, this may not be the case, but rather that the system responds to local environmental influences to produce a response appropriate for the situation. Questions that continue to be raised are: What intrinsic properties render a progenitor cell proliferative and migratory? What signaling molecules promote proliferation and migration in quiescent neural progenitors? To gain a better understanding of the plasticity of this process, changes in the number of BrdU+ or viral+ cells within the brain have been examined under various conditions. This process is regulated by a wide range of molecules such as hormones, neurotransmitters, growth factors, and transcription factors. It is also regulated by aging, nutrition, physical exercise, and environmental enrichment. Additional details for some of these modulatory factors will be discussed in the following sections.

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32.4.1. Age

While the proliferative activity within the brain germinal zones declines with increasing age, cell proliferation continues through-out life (Altman and Das, 1965; Kuhn et al., 1996; Seki, 2002; Hallbergson et al., 2003; Duman, 2004; Maslov et al., 2004). An age related decrease in hippocampal neurogenesis (Kuhn et al., 1996; Lichtenwalner et al., 2001; Jin et al., 2003; Heine et al., 2004) has been linked to the decline in cognitive function with aging. With a decrease in the generation of new neurons as a function of age, the response to either the environment or injury may override any such changes. For example, an enriched envi-ronment initiated in the later half of life significantly increased the level of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in 20-month-old rodents (Kempermann et al., 2002). With transient forebrain isch-emia, 2-year-old rats show a greater increase in BrdU incorpora-tion into cells in the SGZ as compared to young adults. However, fewer of these cells survive and proportionally fewer differenti-ate into mature neurons (Yagita et al., 2001). These age-related changes in neurogenesis may reflect the influences of changes in the host environment with regards to mitogenic and differentia-tion factors. With increasing age, the ratio of glial cells to neurons increases, often resulting in glial hypertrophy (Cotrina and Ned-ergaard, 2002). With aging, the increase in glucocorticoids has been associated to synaptic loss and inhibited production of new granule neurons (Nichols et al., 2005). The decreased neurogen-esis in the aged brain may be related to a decrease in insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) (Aberg et al., 2000; Lichtenwalner et al., 2001) or increased oxidative stress (Nicolle et al., 2001).

To address such questions of the environment, experimental models of fetal cell transplants into the brain have been employed. Quite often, a decrease in cell survival is seen with increasing age of the host. The survival rate can be improved if the fetal cells are incubated with various signaling factors (e.g., BDNF, NT-3, and caspase inhibitors) prior to transplantation. Using the olfactory bulb as an example, in a developing system, interneu-rons produced in the SVZ and partly in the RMS (Pencea and Luskin, 2003) populate a newly developing structure; while in the adult, the interneurons are integrated into an existing OB cir-cuit. The origin, final target site, and distribution profiles are age dependent. Newly generated cells are evenly distributed across the anteroposterior axis of the OB and the relative contribution of SVZ versus localized bulbar neurogenesis increases from the neonate to the young adult. Cells derived from the SVZ/RMS in the neonate are targeted to the superficial regions of the GL and in the young adult, they are found primarily in the deeper regions (Lemasson et al., 2005). The fact that newborn cells reach the OB target faster when generated in the young adults as compared to the neonates (Lemasson et al., 2005) suggests the need for maturation of specific processes and anatomical structures to allow for rapid migration of cells.

32.4.2. Life-Style

Conditions normally associated with a decrease in neural activ-ity such as depression or those associated with stress can result

in a decrease in an already minimal process (Duman, 2004). In experimental models of stress, cell proliferation within the SVZ and SGZ is decreased and this decrease is often associated with a decrease in memory performance. Pharmacological antide-pressant agents such as lithium can enhance hippocampal neu-rogenesis (Chen et al., 2000). A chronic increase in the levels of corticosteroids has been proposed as one primary mediator of age-related decline in neurogenesis; however, such decline is not necessarily associated with an increase in circulating hor-mone levels (Heine et al., 2004). Yet, with age, the expression of corticosteroid receptors shifts to a more immature state pos-sibly representing a shift in receptor sensitivity.

Additional life-style modulators have been examined for their stimulatory role in adult neurogenesis. Rodents main-tained on dietary restriction show an increase in hippocampal neurogenesis, perform better on learning and memory tasks, show increased resistance to neuronal degeneration, and have increased BDNF levels in the hippocampal and cerebral cortex (Lee et al., 2000, 2002; Duan et al., 2001). Initial studies sug-gested that neurogenesis might be activity dependent and regu-lated related to normal behavior (Kemperman et al., 1997). The rate of neurogenesis in animals increases following voluntary exercise, housing in an enriched environment, and with expo-sure to specific learning and performance paradigms (Gould et al., 1999; Nilsson et al., 1999; van Praag et al., 1999). Environ-mental enrichment increases neurogenesis in the DG but not the SVZ and is mediated partly by BDNF (Brown et al., 2003b). Such increases can occur with a concurrent improvement on learning tasks dependent upon the hippocampus and inhibition of neurogenesis decreases learning performance. The impact of environmental enrichment is decreased when the basal level of neurogenesis is increased by other factors such as social domi-nance (Kozorovitskiy and Gould, 2004). These studies suggest that while a number of environmental factors can increase neu-rogenesis in the normal brain, there are limits to this induction.

32.4.3. Endogenous Factors

Signals in the cell environment regulate the maintenance, proliferation, and neuronal fate commitment of the local stem cell populations (Alvarez-Buylla and Lim, 2004; Gotz and Huttner, 2005). In vitro and in vivo, numerous factors have been shown to support the production of neural cells from the SVZ and SGZ. Factors derived from cells surrounding the neural stem cells participate in the regulation of neurogenesis such as, growth factors and other small molecules including, FGF2, PACAP, IGF-1, NT3 (Vaccarino et al., 2001, review). As one would expect, the number of factors identified con-tinues to increase with additional work and spans many of the same factors identified as critical for organogenesis and the initial neurogenesis during development. Sex Hormones

The primary support for a hormonal influence in adult neuro-genesis comes from the reports of neural progenitor cell

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proliferation being higher in the female rodent as compared with the male (Tanapat et al., 1999; Abrous et al., 2005). In the female rodent, cell proliferation peaks in proestrous with the increase in estrogen and decreases in phases of low estrogen (Tanapat et al., 1999). This level of proliferation is higher than what is seen in males (Abrous et al., 2005). The effects of estradiol are mixed with the induction of embryonic precursor cell proliferation (Brannvall et al., 2002; Ormerod et al., 2003) yet, a reduction in the mitogenic effects of EGF in rat neu-ral precursor cells. The neuroactive progesterone metabolite, allopregnanolone (3a-hydroxy-5a-pregnan-20-one) induces a significant increase in the proliferation of neuroprogenitor cells derived from the rat hippocampus as well as, cortical derived human neural stem cells (Wang et al., 2005). Growth and Neurotrophic Factors

As extracellular signaling molecules, growth factors have diverse effects on neurogenesis, proliferation, and maintenance of new neurons. Cell surface adhesion and recognition molecules mediate interactions between individual cells and between cells and the extracellular matrix. Additional interactions occur by means of diffusible molecules such as, growth factors and trophic agents. Studies on neural development have identi-fied several trophic factors important for neuronal survival and growth that appear to also contribute to the generation of new cells in the adult brain. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), IGF-1, erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor (EGF), and the basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) (bFGF) have been shown to support neural cell production.

EGF is known to be important in the proliferation and main-tenance of embryonic and adult neural stem cells (Doetsch et al., 1999, 2002) and EGFR is involved in the radial migra-tion and maturation of neural precursors during embryonic cortical development (Caric et al., 2001). EGF has a strong mitogenic effect on stem cells in culture and upon withdrawal the cells can be induced to differentiate. With the direct infu-sion of EGF into lateral ventricles proliferation increases within the SVZ (Kuhn et al., 1997) and neurogenesis fol-lowing ischemia can be augmented (Nakatomi et al., 2002). Both the basic and acidic forms of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) stimulate outgrowth of neurites, reduce the effects of injury, and enhance regeneration. FGF-2 plays a critical role in signaling for hippocampal neurogenesis in normal rodents (Cheng et al., 2002), aged mice (Jin et al., 2003), and follow-ing traumatic brain injury (Yoshimura et al., 2001). Follow-ing infusion into the ventricle, FGF-2 expands dividing cells of the SVZ and induces net neurogenesis in the OB (Kuhn et al., 1997). FGF-2 protein is up regulated within the hippo-campus with seizures induced by kainic acid and after focal cerebral ischemia. With both models of injury, the induction of neurogenesis is significantly decreased in FGF-2 null mice suggesting a regulatory role for this growth factor (Yoshimura et al., 2001).

Nerve growth factor (NGF) is required for survival and neurite outgrowth of cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain,

sympathetic postganglionic neurons, and sensory ganglion cells derived from the neural crest. In the developing and regenerating peripheral nerve, it is produced by both Schwann cells and macrophages. The highest level of NGF occurs in the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex, both of which are targets for cholinergic megnocellular neurons of the basal forebrain. A member of the same family, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a 12.3 kDa basic protein and, as a growth factor, it has its maximum effect during the time when embryonic neurons contact targets in the CNS. BDNF contributes to brain synaptic plasticity, influences aging, and promotes neuro-genesis and cell survival (Mattson et al., 2004). This growth factor assists in maintaining the basal activity in the prolifera-tive zones of the brain (Lee et al., 2002), can directly stimulate neurogenesis (Scharfman et al., 2005), and with voluntary exercise or enriched environment, is upregulated in the dentate gyrus (Farmer et al., 2004). It has also been reported to mediate the effects of antidepressant drugs on hippocampal neuro-genesis (Sairanen et al., 2005). However, over expression of BDNF in the hippocampus decreases the neurogenic response to ischemic insult (Larsson et al., 2002) and the blockage of endogenous BDNF increases ischemia induced hippocampal neurogenesis (Gustafsson et al., 2003). The inhibitory effects may be associated with the induction of progenitor cells rather than stem cells in the SGZ and the dysregulatory effects of chronic BDNF exposure as proposed by Larsson et al. (2002). This idea is supported by the work of Cheng et al. (2003) in which BDNF was found to reduce neuroprogenitor cell pro-liferation and enhance neuronal differentiation. Thus, in an ischemic injury, excess BDNF could serve to regulate neural progenitor cells in the SGZ with a down-regulation of excess proliferation and an induction of differentiation of the cells to the neuronal lineage. With a chronic BDNF administration, the regulatory balance would be disrupted resulting in a decrease in the overall neurogenic response.

The increased number of newly generated cells in the SGZ following life-style modulators, is thought to be due to the increase in cell survival and has been linked to increased protein levels for both BDNF and neurotrophin 3 (NT-3) (Lee et al., 2000, 2002; Duan et al., 2001). Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is an acidic protein involved in type-2 astrocyte differentiation. Injection of CNTF into the mouse brain stimulates precursor cell proliferation with the CNTF receptor alpha expressed on GFAP-positive cells of the SVZ (Emsley and Hagg, 2003).

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) mediates BDNF action and, when administered either peripherally or directly into the ventricle, induces both cell proliferation and net neuro-genesis (Aberg et al., 2000; Lichtenwalner et al., 2001). It is expressed in neurons with physical activity and many of the protective effects of exercise can be inhibited by blocking the uptake of either IGF-1 (Carro et al., 2001) or vascular endo-thelial growth factor (Trejo et al., 2001). IGF-1 can also inhibit some of the age-related decline in hippocampal neurogenesis (Lichtenwalner et al., 2001).

452 G. Jean Harry Cell Adhesion Molecules

Migration is influenced by the adhesion properties of the cells and the direct interactions between a cell and the extracellu-lar matrix. These include cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), intercellular adhesion molecules (I-CAMs), integrins, and cadherins. CAMs are a family of high molecular weight cell surface glycoproteins with regulatory properties during neural development. Family members include neural CAM (N-CAM), neuronal-glial CAM (Ng-CAM-NILE or L1), tenascin, and adhesion molecule on glia (AMOG/beta2 isoform of the membrane Na, K-ATPase pump). N-CAM is widespread early in embryogenesis and in both neurons and glia throughout nervous system development. It mediates Ca2+-independent homophilic binding and aggregation of neuronal cells. N-cadherin is important in Ca2+-dependent cell-cell interactions. Tenascin is a large extracellular matrix glycoprotein impli-cated in cell proliferation and neural cell attachment. With the decline of tenascin expression begins the expression of L1, a protein involved in heterotypic binding between neuronal and neuroglial cells. Integrins are membrane receptors with ligands consisting of I-CAMs and other matrix components such as collagen, laminin, and fibronectin. Integrin activation can lead to rapid changes in cell adhesion properties in the local environment and can signal intercellular events. These receptors provide the developing neural cells a system for linking adhesion/migration information with other develop-mental signals controlling proliferation and differentiation. The tangential migration of neuroblasts is influenced by multiple molecular signals. The polysialylated form of the neural cell-adhesion molecule confers a migratory phenotype to neuroblasts (Pencea and Luskin, 2003). Directional migration is mediated by deleted in colorectal carcinoma and integrins (Murase and Horwitz, 2002). The soluble ligands Slit1 and Slit2 serve as guidance signals (Bagri et al., 2002). Other Developmental Signaling Factors

Members of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) family serve as signaling molecules. This large family includes the Eph family and their transmembrane-associated ephrin ligands and members of the Erb RTK family. They serve to influence the proliferation of cells in the SVZ (Conover et al., 2000). The RTK ErbB4 is expressed by neuroblasts located in both the SVZ and within the RMS (Anton et al., 2004). This kinase can be activated by multiple EGF-like domain-containing ligands including the neuregulins (NRGs). The NRGs induce the transcription of genes encoding acetylcholine receptor sub-units and affect neuronal migration on radial glial guides in the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex through ErbB4 and ErbB2 receptors (Schmid et al., 2003). It has been proposed that ErbB4 activation helps to regulate the migration of precursors within the RMS and influence placement and differentiation into dis-tinct interneuronal subsets. The Erb RTK family includes the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) Erb10 and its ligand EGF. EGF is known to be important in the proliferation and

maintenance of embryonic and adult neural stem cells (Doetsch et al., 1999, 2002; Yarden and Sliwkowski, 2001) and EGFR is involved in the radial migration and maturation of neural pre-cursors during embryonic cortical development (Burrows et al., 1997; Caric et al., 2001; Ciccolini et al., 2005).

Wnt (Wingless) is important for self-renewal in hemato-poetic stem cells. In the brain, it is important for induction of neural specification (Munoz-Sanjuan and Brivanlou, 2002). Wnt signaling increased the intracellular concentration of β-catenin which associates with transcription factors TCF/Lef for gene transcription. Adult hippocampal progenitor cells express receptors as well as other components of the Wnt/Beta-catenin signaling pathway (Lie et al., 2005). Wnt3a signaling is required for normal expansion of precursor cells in hippocampal development (Roelink, 2000). Wnt3 stimulates this signaling pathway primarily by astrocytes located in close proximity to neurogenic regions of the brain. The Wnt signal-ing may serve as a regulatory pathway in adult hippocampal neurogenesis and contribute to the determination of neuronal fate commitment, as well as, cell proliferation.

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is critical for development and the patterning of the ventral brain (McMahon et al., 2003). It is required for progenitor cell maintenance (Machold et al., 2003). Secretion of the Shh protein increases cell proliferation in the SVZ and SGZ and is required for normal proliferation in the SVZ (Lai et al., 2003). Shh receptors, patched and smoothed, are expressed in the SGZ, as well as, in the hip-pocampus (Traiffort et al., 1999; Lai et al., 2003).

During development bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) activity induced proliferation via activation of the BMP-1A receptor however, the BMP-1B receptor up-regulates p21kip1 to inhibit the cell cycle (Panchision et al., 2001) thus, suggest-ing multiple functions. They can be potent inhibitors of SVZ neurogenesis and are produced by SVZ astrocytes (Lim et al., 2000). BMP2 can promote telencephalic neuroepithelial cells to differentiate as astrocytes. In the presence of leukemia inhibi-tory factor (LIF), a synergistic action is provided. The antagonist Noggin is secreted by ependymal cells and functions to pro-mote neurogenesis by preventing BMPs from activating their receptors. This would then block the glial promoting effects of BMPs (Lim et al., 2000). The close interactions between the SVZ astrocytes and the ependymal layer maintain the necessary regulatory control or induction of SVZ neurogenesis.

Proneural basic-helix-loop-helix (HLH) transcription factors drive neurogenesis via cell-cycle exit specific protein expression (Guillemot, 1999; Kintner, 2002). The Sox B1 subfamily of the HMG-box transcription factors, (Sox 1–3) is expressed by precursors in the embryonic nervous system. They are expressed by most progenitor cells of the develop-ing CNS. They and are downregulated when the cells exit the cell-cycle and differentiate (Uwanogho et al., 1995; Pevny et al., 1998). It is thought that these factors maintain neural progenitors in an undifferentiated state thus, inhibiting neuro-nal differentiation. Sox2 is expressed in the germinative zones in the adult rodent brain while Sox3 is expressed transiently

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by neural progenitors in the SVZ and dentate gyrus (Wang et al., 2006). In human embryonic stem cells, Sox3 is transiently induced with differentiation to neural progenitors, suggesting a role for neural stem cell maintenance. Some bHLH genes are involved in neural determination, others such as Mash1 and NeuroD, are involved in terminal neuronal differentiation. The Proneural protein, Mash1 (mammalian achaete-scute homo-logue), is essential to the production of neurons in the embry-onic ventral telencephalon (Casarosa et al., 1999). With other neurogenin family proteins, Mash1 promotes commitment of multipotent progenitors to neurons and inhibits astrocyte differentiation (Nieto et al., 2001). It is expressed and required for the generation of precursors in the SVZ of the postnatal brain for both oligodendrocytes and olfactory interneurons (Parras et al., 2004). Data is also available to suggest that a similar regulatory pathway involving activity of Mash1/Olig2 and Dlx is involved in the differentiation of both GABAergic interneurons and oligodendrocytes (Fode et al., 2000; Yun et al., 2002 Marshall et al., 2003).

Notch1 activation serves to prevent neuronal differentiation by maintaining cells in a precursor cell state (Chojnacki et al., 2003). Notch receptor signaling restricts the neurogenic poten-tial of precursor cells by activating transcriptional repressors of the Hes gene family. These in turn suppress the expression of proneural bHLH proteins that can lead to the development of astrocytes (Tanigaki et al., 2001). A transient over expression of Notch1 in neural crest stem cells switches the cell lineage to glia from neuronal (Morrison et al., 2000).

The transcription factor cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) is considered to be involved in the regulation of specific phases of adult neurogenesis in the SVZ/olfactory bulb system (Giachino et al., 2005) and in the SGZ for hippo-campal neurons (Bender et al., 2001; Nakagawa et al., 2002).

32.5. Contribution of Glial Cells

The stimuli regulating adult neurogenesis also seem to affect gliogenesis. Several studies have demonstrated that cells expressing glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) give rise to neurons in the adult dentate gyrus. Radial glial cells have a bipolar morphology with the cell soma residing in the ven-tricular zone or SVZ extending long basal processes to the pial surface and a short apical process in contact with the ventricu-lar wall (Levitt and Rakic, 1980; Bentivoglio and Mazzarello, 1999). Notch1 signaling can promote radial glia differentia-tion (Gaiano et al., 2000). In vivo studies suggest that radial glial cells can serve as a source of neuronal precursor cells (Hartfuss et al., 2001; Noctor et al., 2002; Gotz et al., 2002; Ever and Gaiano, 2005). This has lead to the concept that radial glia can serve as a source of new neurons (Alvarez-Buylla et al., 2001; Gregg et al., 2002). However, not all radial glial cells are actively dividing during neurogenesis and not all are neuronal precursors (Schmechel and Rakic, 1979; Gaiano et al., 2000). An additional potential source for radial glia lies in

the astrocytes population that has recently been shown to de-differentiate to immature radial glia as a function of cold temperature (Yu et al., 2006). Whether is represents an addi-tional source of new neurons has not been determined.

In vivo, the contribution of GFAP expressing cells to neu-rogenesis appears to be from a sub-set of cells co-expressing both GFAP and nestin (Filippov et al., 2003), suggesting both a heterogeneity among the GFAP-expressing cells and a con-tribution to the generation of new neurons. In culture, GFAP-containing cells can show multipotency (Laywell et al., 2000;) while, other studies suggest that any such progenitor cells in the hippocampus require the actual presence of astrocytes to develop into neurons (Song et al., 2002). Kondo and Raff (2000a) showed that oligodendroglia progenitor cells cultured under specific conditions could be reprogrammed to multi-potential neural stem cells able to generate both neurons and glia. Their further work proposed a critical role for Mash1 in the timing of oligodendrocyte development (Kondo and Raff 2000b); however, the work of Wang et al. (2001) did not sup-port such a role for Mash1 but rather suggested a critical role for Id2 (inhibitor of DNA binding).

Cell-cell interactions between the newly generated neurons and non-neuronal cells have more recently been explored. Factors derived from local astrocytes participate in the regu-lation of proliferation and neuronal differentiation (Song et al., 2002). FGF-2 and CNTF are expressed by hypertrophic astrocytes in the denervated outer molecular layer of the hip-pocampus following lesion (Frautschy et al., 1991; Lee et al., 1997). FGF-2 protein is up-regulated within the hippocampus with seizures induced by kainic acid and after focal cerebral ischemia. With both modes of injury, the induction of neu-rogenesis was significantly decreased in FGF-2 null mice suggesting a regulation role for this growth factor in adult injury-induced neurogenesis (Yoshimura et al., 2001).

Cells immortalized from early postnatal neural precursors will readily migrate toward glioblastomas (Aboody et al., 2000). In glioblastoma-bearing mice, inoculation of such cells increased survival of the mouse with a greater survival seen if these cells were modified to over express interleukin-4 (Benedetti et al., 2000; Noble, 2000). Increased survival was seen with in vitro expanded neural precursor cell lines administered into gliomas (Staflin et al., 2004) and endogenous neural precur-sor cells show a strong tropism for glioblastomas (Glass et al., 2005). In mice, this attraction of precursors to glioblastomas declines with increasing age (Glass et al., 2005).

In the RMS, neuroblasts migrate tangentially in chains enwrapped by an astrocyte-derived tunnel-like structure termed the glial tube. This migration begins at birth yet, the astrocytes display a relatively homogeneous network and the glial tube does not become obvious until the third postnatal week of life (Peretto et al., 1997, 1999). The formation of the glial tube and the associated release of molecules to promote and accelerate neuroblast migration and the developmentally regulated expression of some integrins (Murase and Horwitz, 2002) may contribute to a more rapid and efficient cell turn-

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over in the adult animal. In the olfactory epithelium, both stimulatory and inhibitory factors influence cell proliferation. In vitro, stimulatory factors include the fibroblast growth fac-tors (FGFs), which increase the number of cell divisions that INPs undergo thus generating more neurons. FGFs also sup-port the proliferation and survival of rare progenitors. In vivo, FGF8 is considered to be a good candidate for a positive FGF regulator. In vitro, other molecules have been reported to stim-ulate proliferation of OE cells and include: epidermal growth factor (EGF), TGF-β2, TGF-α, and olfactory marker protein (OMP). The anti-neurogenic negative regulators include the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family possibly targeting the transcription factor Mash1 (Shou et al., 1999).

32.6. Models of Brain Injury Showing Induction of Neurogenesis

Post-development neurogenesis can be upregulated in response to a variety of stimuli including ischemia, seizures, and head trauma (Kempermann et al., 1997; Magavi and Macklis, 2001; Arvidsson et al., 2002; Nakatomi et al., 2002; Parent and Low-enstein, 2002; Parent et al., 2002; Kokaia and Lindvall, 2003).

32.6.1. Olfactory System Damage

In the olfactory epithelium (OE), undifferentiated progenitor cells generate new neurons throughout life. It has been a source of information regarding cell interactions and the molecular response of progenitor cells (Calof et al., 1996). OE neuronal progenitors lie in close proximity to the olfactory response neurons (ORNs); while, the SVZ as the origin of progeni-tors for the ongoing production of OB interneurons lies at a distance. Proliferating cells are located throughout the RMS and may respond differently to injury signals depending upon their placement within the migratory process. Physically, one can severe axons of the olfactory receptor neurons, remove the target site with an olfactory bulbectomy, or disrupt sensory input to the olfactory receptor neurons by a naris occlusion to block the nasal opening. Damage can also be induced with inhalation or direct application via nasal irrigation of chemical agents or exposure to corrosive gases.

The extent of recovery of the OB is dependent upon the extent to which ORNs are able to regenerate and re-innervate the tissue. Regeneration is more robust following nasal irriga-tion with either Triton X-100 or methylbromide as compared to the delayed progression of repair following zinc sulfate. Contact deprivation of olfactory receptor neurons with their target cells by axonal severing or olfactory bulb removal results in rapid apoptosis of mature ORNs followed by degen-eration of the olfactory epithelium, and a permanent upregula-tion in proliferation of cells in the basal compartment of the epithelium for replacement. In the absence of an olfactory bulb with a bulbectomy, these cells turn over with a lifespan of 2 weeks, suggesting that functional connections with the

bulb is required for ORN maturation and survival. The high turnover of neurons provides for continued apoptosis in the region and suggests the ORN death may be involved in regu-lating proliferation of progenitor cells.

Naris occlusion usually involves the closure of one nostril during the early neonatal period and results in decreased sensory input to the ORNs, decreased volume of the ipsilateral olfactory bulb, and decreased proliferation of progenitor cells in the basal OE. When a reversible model is employed, the OE can rapidly recover from these changes with an increase in the number of newly generated neurons in the periglomerular layer, the target of afferent inputs from ORNs (Cummings and Brunjes, 1997).

32.6.2. Seizure-Induced Neurogenesis

Severe and sustained seizures lead to neuronal degeneration in the hippocampus via both a necrotic and apoptotic process. Single or intermittent seizures may or may not lead to neu-ronal damage. However, the assessment of damage becomes complex given the neurogenic capability of the hippocampus and the current evidence indicating that seizure activity alone will stimulate neurogenesis (Smith et al., 2005). Thus, the number of neurons within the dentate gyrus following insult will depend upon both cell death and cell replacement. It is thought that seizure-induced neurogenesis produces a surplus of granule cell neurons resulting in the formation of abnormal and aberrant neuronal circuits. In rodent models of temporal lobe epilepsy, seizures are associated with an increase rate of neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus within the first week (Bengzon et al., 1997; Gray and Sundstrom, 1998; Parent and Lowenstein, 2002). This induction occurs with a single short seizure period, a prolonged seizure activity, or with repeated kindled seizures induced by direct stimulation of by pilocar-pine or kainic acid. Extended seizure activity induced by pilocarpine produces an increase in cell proliferation in the rostral forebrain SVZ with a large proportion of the cells dif-ferentiating into neurons. It also produces an induction in the caudal portion of the SVZ but a large proportion of these cells differentiate into glia. Induction in the SGZ also occurs with limbic kindling and intermittent perforant path stimulation. In the rat, both single and intermittent hippocampal kindling stimulations produce a marked increase in apoptosis in neu-rons along the hilar border of the granule cell layer within 5 h of cessation of stimulation. This is accompanied by an increase in BrdU/NeuN+ cells (Bengzon et al., 1997) and an increase in BDNF protein levels.

32.6.3. Ischemia

Ischemic brain injury results in the death of distinct susceptible populations of neurons in the brain. In addition, the injury con-currently triggers cellular repair mechanisms. SVZ precursors can be recruited following transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (Jin et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2001). In this stroke

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model, extensive damage occurs to the striatum and the over-lying parietal cortex. The new neurons migrate into the dam-aged striatum and begin to express striatal specific markers (Arvidsson et al., 2002; Jin et al., 2003; Parent et al., 2002). However, the functional significance of these new neurons remains in question, as the majority die within the first few weeks (Arvidsson et al., 2002). In addition, acute ischemic stroke increases proliferation in the SGL and migration to the hippocampal granule cell layer within 7–10 days post injury (Jin et al., 2001). Treatment with BDNF enhances the repair process and additional neurons are seen to replace pyramidal cells in the damaged CA1 hippocampal region (Nakatomi et al., 2002). While the CA1 region is known to be vulnerable to ischemic injury, cells along the inner blade of the dentate gyrus at the SGL show signs of injury and express active cas-pase-3, indicative of cell death (Bingham et al., 2005). This could either contribute to the loss of the neurogenic cells or may represent an early signaling event to initiate proliferation. In a rodent model of transient ischemia, reperfusion resulted in a transient decrease in Hes5 mRNA levels with a concurrent increase in Mash1 mRNA levels (Kawai et al., 2005).

32.6.4. Traumatic Brain Injury

Permanent structural changes occur in the brain following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) yet often there is remarkable functional recovery. This is more than likely due to a number of repair mechanisms including altering the connectivity of the remaining neurons and possibly the generation of new neurons. The general cellular characteristics that occur with TBI include a diffuse pattern of cell death. This is accompa-nied by an intense inflammatory response from both the resi-dent microglia and from infiltrating cells such as monocytes, macrophages, T-cells, and neutrophils, given the damage to the blood brain barrier (Ghirnikar et al., 1998; Raivich et al., 1999). A secondary wave of neuronal death involves what is commonly referred to as delayed neuronal death. Reac-tive gliosis occurs in the lesion site and the astrocytes form a glial barrier to contain the injury. Thus, TBI results in the upregulation of numerous factors within the lesion site and possibly at more distant non-directly-injured sites, including cytokines, chemokines, and trophic factors. Neurogenesis can be triggered by targeted apoptotic death in cortical neurons (Magavi and Macklis, 2001) and TBI of the cortex can trig-ger increased proliferation of cells within the SGZ of the DG (Dash et al., 2001; Kernie et al., 2001). At the site of lesion, induction of the transcription factor, Olig2, is a common feature with a significant increase in the number of Olig2-positive cells occurring in multiple nervous system regions (Buffo et al., 2005). During development Olig2 is expressed in neuroepithelial cells, motoneuron precursors, and differen-tiating oligodendrocytes. It also plays a role in transit-amplifying precursors in the adult subependymal zone. It is possible that upon physical injury or under inflammatory conditions, Olig2 expression may mediate dedifferentiation of glial cells and

regulation of neuro/gliogenesis in the brain (Cassiani-Ingoni et al., 2006).

32.6.5. Chemical Injury and Damage to Dentate Granule Neurons in the Hippocampus

Neurogenesis induced in both the SVZ and the SGZ have been examined in animals of various ages following drug or chemical induced injury. Excitotoxicity induced by a direct injection of the glutamate analog, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), into the cerebral ventricle of the brain will induce the generation of immature neurons from the SVZ in immature rat pups (Xu et al., 2005). Postnatal excitotoxicity induced by an injection of NMDA into the sensrimotor cortex differentially affected proliferative cells in each of the zones with a decrease of BrdU+ cells in the RMS yet, an increase of labeled cells in the striatum. In the SGZ, this injection and injury did not alter the proliferative nature or level of the cells (Faiz et al., 2005). This finding suggests that different stimuli, location, or level of damage are required to induce proliferation in each of the two regions. Adult hippocampus neurogenesis may be regulated by NMDA receptors present in precursor cells and in newly differentiating granule neurons suggesting an additional property of these receptors in the adult compa-rable to the critical role during brain development (Nacher and McEwen, 2006; Nacher et al., 2007).

The majority of experimental brain injury models have focused on established models of seizure, ischemia/hypoxia, or traumatic brain injury. However, given that the greatest proportion of cells produced from the SGZ are cells in close proximity, the dentate granule neurons a few studies have been undertaken to examine neurogenesis following a focal injury to this region. Death of dentate granule neurons has often been attributed to apoptotic mechanisms in various animal models. Of these models, adrenalectomy (Nichols et al., 2005), bacterial meningitis (Bogdan et al., 1997), and trimethyl-tin (Bruccoleri et al., 1998; Geloso et al., 2002; Lefebvre d’Hellencourt and Harry, 2005) show damage localized to the dentate granule neuron and evidence for the induction of proliferation in the SGZ as a mechanism of neural repair. Tauber et al. (2005) reported an increase proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells in the SGZ after bacterial meningitis. This was accompanied by an increased synthesis of BDNF and TrkB, a decrease in NGF mRNA levels, and no changes in GDNF at 30 h following transmit-tal of the infection. Adrenalectomy has served as a model to examine glucocorticoid regulation in the hippocampus and induces neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (Fischer et al., 2002; Nichols et al., 2005). Other models of glucocorticoid regulation support a role for this signaling pathway in hippo-campal neurogenesis. The trimethyltin model is somewhat unique in the specificity for the dentate granule neurons. This specificity does not appear to be related to glucocor-ticoid signaling, excitotoxicity, or ischemia but rather, may

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be related to localized inflammation, oxidative stress, and altered calcium regulation. The timing of neuronal death follows that of “delayed neuronal death” seen with seizure, in that pronounced neuronal death occurs within 24–48 h of a systemic injection of the compound. The initial report of neurogenesis induced by prototypical neurotoxicant trimeth-yltin (TMT)-induced dentate gyrus degeneration suggested the active period of neural precursor proliferation coincided with the active period of neuronal death and the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines (Harry et al., 2004). This was followed by two supporting studies in rat (Corvino et al., 2005) and adult mouse (Ogita et al., 2005). In the rat, the primary target site is not the dentate granule neurons but rather the CA 3–4 pyramidal neurons and requires 5–6 days for damage to be clearly evident. In this model, at 14 days, BrdU uptake was seen in NeuN positive cells in the dentate gyrus but co-localization was not yet evident in the CA3–4 region suggestive of undifferentiated cells at this early time point. In the adult mouse, Ogita et al. (2005) reported that the BrdU+ cells that co-expressed NeuN were located not in the SGZ or the granule cell layer but rather in the molecu-lar layer and the hilus. This is in contrast to the data in the weanling mouse (Harry et al., 2004) where co-localization of these two markers was not prominent in these peripheral areas but rather, localization was seen in the dentate granule cell layer. These data suggests that the temporal and spatial progression of neurogenesis following a localized damage to the dentate granule neuron is dependent upon age, level of damage, and localized environmental cues including those associated with a neuroinflammatory response.

32.7. Neuroinflammation

During development, mesodermal cells committed to the macrophage cell lineage infiltrate the CNS to become resident microglia that actively engulf apoptotic neurons (Cuadros and Navascules, 1998). The phagocytosis of apoptotic cells is a process to remove the cellular debris thus, preventing leakage of potentially cytotoxic or antigenic substances. With brain trauma, both the resident microglia and infiltrating monocytes comprise the macrophage population in areas of direct injury and traumatic necrosis of neurons. With transient ischemia, activated microglia are detected as early as 20 min post re-perfusion and actively phagocytize the neuronal debris at 24 h. The impact on the neuron of microglia reactivity to an insult and activation to a phagocytic phenotype remains a question. The influence of each of these microglial phenotypes on newly generated neurons is an even greater unknown. In the activated state, microglia can reduce neurogenesis (Monje et al., 2003; Ekdahl et al., 2003). However, microglia activated by inter-leukin (IL)-4 or interferon gamma can induce the production of neurons or glia from adult progenitor cells (Butovsky et al., 2006). In every injury model the induction of “neurogenesis” is accompanied by a microglial response that may be a source

of neurogenic factors. Given their location within the injury, microglia would be in a prime position to provide such signals to the new neurons such as IGFs, EGF, and TGF-β1 (Banati and Graeber, 1994). Microglia also secrete IL-1 that stimu-lates astroglia hypertrophy and promotes nerve growth factor synthesis by non-neuronal cells (Heese et al., 1998). In addi-tion to monocytes, activated T cells can cross the blood brain barrier and penetrate the CNS (Flugel and Brandl, 2001) and, with appropriate signals, secrete Th2/3 and neurotrophic fac-tors such as, interleukin-10, TGF-β and BDNF (Aharoni et al., 2003). Thus, multiple cells can provide regulatory molecules to the new neurons at a critical time in the injury process.


The current data demonstrates that the adult brain retains the capacity to generate new neurons. The exact role for these cells, their mechanism of integration into the existing cytoarchitecture, and their ability to restore function following injury remain a basis for extensive ongoing basic research and targeted efforts to identify their therapeutic potential for brain repair (Sohur et al., 2006). The progenitor/stem cell populations in the brain are exposed to multiple signals at the time of origin, during migra-tion, and at the site of differentiation. Distinct signaling pathways that act on a multipotent progenitor cell might inhibit or modulate each other leading to interactive signals and biological processes. The question remains as to how the cells integrate the different extracellular signals present in the injury environment to provide for a successful repopulation of the damaged region.

Review Questions/Problems

1. What is a primary neurogenic region and target site of the adult brain

a. the subventricular zone to the olfactory bulb b. the subventricular zone to the rostral migratory stream c. the subgranular zone to the rostral migratory stream d. the subgranular zone to the pyramidal cell layer of the


2. What types of stimuli have been shown to enhance basal levels of adult neurogenesis?

a. physical exercise b. enriched environment c. visual recognition d. A and B

3. Progenitor cells are distinguished from stem cells by their

a. ability to self-renew b. multilineage differentiation c. inability to self-renew d. B and C

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4. In the adult rodent brain, doublecourtin has been used to identify

a. mature neurons b. oligodendroglia c. immature neurons d. stem cells

5. There are both stimulatory and inhibitory factors for proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells. Which is an inhibitory factor

a. Fibroblast growth factor b. Transforming growth factor – beta2 c. Bone morphogenetic proteins d. olfactory marker protein

6. Nestin is a marker for

a. mature glia b. immature neurons c. immature neurons and reactive glia d. olfactory neurons


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