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NET aims at bringing together experts and practicing entrepreneurs to provide trainings on entrepreneurial skills for youths, women and men that would make them self-reliant.

We partner with developmental organizations and NGOs working toward reducing the level of unemployment in the country.

Services: a) Training & Mentorship b) Research & Consultancy c) Business Advisory d) Enterprise Promotion

Youth Entrepreneurship Program Business Development Service training Pre-retirement training Entrepreneurship development for schools

Entrepreneurship skills acquisition remains one of the most vital way to fight against gender-based violence.

Home-based businesses is one avenue of achieving this.

Mention some home-based businesses that could be set up from the comfort of the home here in the North

Body Art/Decoration Hair Braiding Tailoring Poultry Farming Fish farming/Aquaculture Horticulture Bakery Laundry/Dry-Cleaning Rental Services Catering Services

Can you tell us what are the qualities of an entrepreneur?

Persistence and determination Can-do-it attitude Internal Locus of Control High Risk Takers Resourceful Persuasive Honesty Creativity Focus

Which is the most important requirement when starting a business?

a)Capitalb)Business Ideac)Knowledge of the business

The level of success in any investment,market or business depends on the extent to which you have control.The less control you have, the more risky the investment.

Scenario:Imagine a woman that owns a hair-dressing

salon at a very good location who does not know how to make hair but relies on the employees

The more you know about what you are going into the better your chances of succeeding at it.The more knowledge and experience you have, the stronger your position and control at your disposal

If you go into a business without sufficient knowledge,experience(including market intelligence,etc) you are essentially gambling

If you don’t know who your clients are, how to reach them, what they really want and how to deliver it to them to meet and exceed their expectations, you are leaving things to chance
