


Netflix Advertising Campagn

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Process Book


Netflix was established in 1997 by Mark. The company began its subscription service in 1999. It’s a company that offers on-demand video streaming over the Internet. TV and movies are streamed instantly onto the consumer’s computer, and they are available to watch right on their TV through Netflix streaming devices. The rental-by-mail and the streaming on TV are only available in the U.S. The company has competition with Blockbuster, Canuck broadcaster,, Cinema now, and other cable websites. Unfortunately, Netflix’s selection for TV episodes and movies are limited. The company is currently working on expanding their selection by writing bigger cheques for newer content from its suppliers.



The current media that Netflix uses is TV Commercials, Mailers, and web ads. What I would like to create is a mailer, Popcorn box promotion, print ads, and billboard. From the research I gathered they are lacking in their use of media.

Netflix competitors right now is Red box, Cable, Hulu Plus, Vudu, Amazon Prime, iTunes & Apple TV, Greencine, Blockbuster Total Access. Now all the other competitors are moving in and taking advantage of the recent Netflix price raise.

Explain the great things Netflix has to offer, such as taking your movie with you on your smart phone or portable device. Also talk about the verity and quantity that Netflix has compared to its competitors. Netflix is great for families because it offers something for all ages to enjoy. I want to put it out there that you can sign up for a one month free trial. That way when they sign up for the free trial it will be more likely that they will want to keep using Netflix once the free trial is over.


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• Male and Female• Those that have a fast internet connection• Primary 19-30; Secondary 30-45• Familiar with technology• Parents/family’s• Those that have a passion for movies and TV.

There has been a recent rise in prices from $9.00 rental/streaming plan, a month to $15.98 a month. It’s estimated that 2.5 subscribers will quit all together because of this change. They also have it now where you can’t have a bundle pack. Now if you want them you have to pay for them separately. If you want to keep the old services you had, pay $16 a month, rather than $10.I want to show that netflix is still a good service even with the price raise.3 4


For character development I wanted something that would be simple and vey family oriented. I knew that the character had to be used for both line drawing and digital painting. I started by sketching and researching other illustrations that had the look I wanted. I was inspired greatly by Lego toys and the fish from SpongeBob Sqarepants, a popular T.V. from my childhood.

SKETCHESAlong with developing my characters, I developed the way they would be incorporated in my advertising campaign. I used my creative brief and Extensive brain storming to come up with visuals for my advertising campaign. There was a lot of sketching to come up with what message I was trying to send with my illustrations. Along with visualizing I had to think of how my illustrations would work with all five elements.



Each illustration in my advertising campaign was painted in Photoshop. I used my original sketch as a foundation and as the painting progressed I built up new layers. Each step of the painting was saved to show progression. The line work for the “thought bubbles” that are coming out of each of the characters heads were created in illustrator, then transferred into Photoshop.

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For my first print advertisement I wanted to emphasize the fact that you can watch movies on you portable device. I chose to showcase this great feature that Netflix has because, it is something that makes them unique. I felt that this was something that wasn’t talked about enough in their advertising. I also wanted to show all the different character one would be into and how it reflects their personality. The illustration was created in Photoshop and the line work was created in illustrator. I wanted to give the advertisement a vintage feel by adding film grain and noise. I tried to give the advertisement a sense warmth and joyfulness by adding bright /warm colors. I also mad the Netflix a different color so it can be smaller but still pop off the page. The character shown in this advertisement can very much reflect my personality and what I wear.

For this Print advertisement I wanted to emphasize the variety that Netflix hast to offer by showing a family and all the different things they could watch. I added a little bit of comedy to my illustration by showing the dad crying and watching a love movie. Netflix is great for families because it gives them variety for different ages and gender. Like my first ad this one was created in Photoshop and the line drawing was created in illustrator. I made it the same style as my first print ad, but added different colors and a lot more Netflix red.Also if you look you can see each character has a different device above their head to showcase all the different ways you can enjoy Netflix.

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The self-mailer was created to promote the different features Netflix it has to offer, such as movies to go. I wanted to make the mailer look sleek but still have a warm charm to it, much like the other ads. When you first look at the mailer you see Netflix really big on the front. Then once you start to open it the next thing you see is the Phrase “Something for everyone”. Then when you open it com-pletely you see the family on the couch as a pop- up ant they have thought bubbles above their head showing the different movies or shows they could be into and thedifferent devices they can watch them on.11 12


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For this I wanted to promote Netflix by advertising on the side of Orville Redenbacher popcorn box. With every six boxes of popcorn you can get a three month subscription to Netflix. I think this is a great way to promote Netflix because when people win the subscription they are more likely to keep the subscription after the 3 months is over.

For the billboard I really wanted to advertise the great feature of Netflix being on the go, while people are on the go. I took the same guy from the first ad but now he is holding a portable device that says movies to go and there is a line drawing of all the character he is watching on it.