Nelson mandela ppt


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Umair Zahid(l1s12mbbf0003)

Nelson Mandela was the first democratically elected President of South Africa.

He was the leader and the face of the Anti- Apartheid movement and all through his life, he insistently fought against cultural discrimination.

His determination, focus and will-power were remarkable that even after serving almost 30 years in jail, he got out and worked again for what was right.

He came out as a hero and led the country into a free, equal future

Mandela has an extraordinary personality of very rare human qualities.

Mandela was the man for the people, for the media, for the black South Africans and for the Africans in general Mandela's relationship with the media is probably unique for a world leader.

It had become conventional wisdom in some political circles that image-making work was Mandela's chief role as president - raising funds and promoting trade and investment.

He stood strong and unshakeable all those years in prison, a man who rewarded his enemies with love and for that commands great respect all over the world .

Mandela has proved to the world that Africans are the most civilized people on earth 

Lack of freedom Nelson Mandela was jailed for 27 years, his time in

jail was a weakness as it was too long, and he did not have the capacity to fight against there people while in prison.

Scandals and Mistakes During Mandela’s era of leading the nation, his

government was hit by some scandals and he also made errors of judgment through having his ministers earn higher salaries which lead to accusations of greed and the allegations damaged his government.

Lack of Communication

While Mandela was in prison it was difficult for him to keep in touch with his followers and was often dangerous at that time, talking was usually prohibited, newspapers and radio transmissions were forbidden, and letters were heavily censored, lack of communication with his followers drew him back from knowing how the ANC(African National Congress) was doing. 

Lead from the front He is thinking way ahead of us. He was thinking

in terms of not days and weeks but decades.  it was just a question of how soon and how it would be achieved. He always played for the long run.

Know your enemy Mandela began studying Afrikaans, the language

of the white South Africans who created apartheid. Mandela wanted to understand the Afrikaner's worldview.

Nothing is black or white He tells the world that there is no difference between black and

white skin all have equal rights in the society. And even they teach their followers to don’t take any revenge against any actions from their enemies.

Appearance of him Mandela always remember from their happy smiling face, he

was the first black South African he had ever seen being fitted for a suit. Now Mandela's uniform is a series of exuberant-print shirts that declare him the joyous grandfather of modern Africa.


The leadership of Nelson Mandela has never forgotten and his devotion to democracy, equality and learning.. His life has been an inspiration, in South Africa and throughout the world,.. He has sacrificed his private life

and his youth for his people, and remains South Africa's best known and loved hero. All in all I think Mandela is one of the

great moral and political leaders of our time.