NEhLENp RO - Atlantic County Library · 2002-08-15 · llu pll/n llUli ilix~clncallonll llcreto...


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............................... i L, ......... ; 7 i’.r

romd t;ompany PlorthPs.twardly hi tlH, Hnuth-wilt curb ilooof Msl. ~trPet.

lle It ordlilned by tileTowlltlllp(’olnlllitIPt,or iheTi,wnilhl p of llamlllllli, Alhinllc t’OUlily,.New .ler~ey :

Socllon 1. Tllat it ihlewlllk lind Cilrli llllall lipPllrlKtrucled and laid e,n b~t|l ~ldl’ll ill Ftr~g~ltAvenue May’~ I~ridlng, New Jt, rm~y, from thetra~lt~ +if the West Jersey nnd ,qea~holp ~l +rllad t!lilllilltny NorlliP’ulld wardly t(I IhO Houlli-wilt curb Ihl- of l%laln Siren1.

H~llon 2. Thal the ~idewalk blliall lip con-ilrut’U~l alia aid of Ih# wldlh i,f il’.’e (,5) feelwllh lhe ontqlde 0dge distant two (2) feet fl:l)mIho curb line : tinl+t laid lldewaik ~iuill DO t;onl-lamed .r three .~) Inch(l Of ttllnl’rt’tl ~ with It oneI1) Inrh wearlln{ xurface luyer n.ud #hall lipItild up<iu elglll 14) lul.hPltnfch+linRlind, elndPrNOF lilln~ lind Miall lie COlillru(’tl~ nnll hlld <Iftlie I~nilerlitlll uud In I lie inallnPr ill llreecrlbedIn epecillcatl0nl tlnd at iliowu rill the plaur~,lullng IO t~lnltrUl’llon ill xldeWlilkN Inllde lipart bere(l£

I~l|(ui ;i. ~lald curl, lhall tie enu.tructed ofi wldtll at the lop nf fly0 (,el) IncIn~m hy li lieplhof eiglitl~n (114) Inches upon n iii (6) layer of elemn stud, mlilt~l or elndeim, aod llhallbe of IhP dllnPnlllnnll lt[id Nilall lip Ishl SlidcOullrth.ll~l In a~)rdillitl~e wllh plllnx above .~eferrt.~ Io. "tilt whirsprivate drlveway~ ertmm the ~ldewltlks, thelllralllll carb rally blt omitted snd II two (2)r(sll radlrill curved i~lrn(!r plllcr~l lit elth0r Ithhi,~f tile drivew.v, the drlvewlly I|~llf In +Ill,l~ed With six (0) Inotlel t f concepts, al tlll)t llu pll/n llUli ilix~clncallonll llcreto ultnl.liell.Tile Inlerlloeilnn (if the curt) IIllll el Flirrl41{illAvenue and Mktn Street llhKII be ~llnnPcti,d llyti curvet1 curb havhig a raltlu~l often I10) feel

~tlrin 4. ~id Imldewtilk and curb ~lnill t.,conltrnetl~! and hlld at Ihe c~t lind pll~,lllll, illthe~wnPr or llwneim of 1he latldl4 Irl frtliit illwblcll tile mime ~liall be m c~lulilrucli!d itlldlaid.

l~lion ~. The owner i)r OWliPrm Hf lilt llnllllio fern1 Of whlfh mild ~ldPwillk~ llll~t t’urllt*nliali tip ~ (,,inlllrucll,(l lill<l I;llt~ bllliiil ill.allowlsl lhlrty dayi¢ tlinP Ill whl,’h Ill lu,rri)ruithe work requlrcil ilepliV itnll wrllli+n ll(llll.i,

Intnr~l by do~llt lli the land~ und pretul~~ougbt hl be dlmtroyed or clltnffby thelltddecree,; lind yOU, J. Nell bllllcl, sre slleged to

the Ilntll,ltnd elr iQIId l,nlli E. MIIJer, andyou ibm *lie tlall~.,rt, nee nll@g0d U) be the wifeof mild lll, rilehel 0 tlltlberl nnd S~ isuel, elalni|n harp mlnle intent In th0 lands and p~ln-ImPs unilllll to Ue destroyed or cut off by lliemild dPl+l~.

(JLIVKU T, Ito<il~P.~Hollelll)r of (:olnplslnllnl~

et (]uiirlllltCe Trait IIIdg.,Aline+tic City, N, 3.

Dated March Z’7. 19111.. t’r’~ fee. li3.It4

IN I’IIA.NCI~RY oF NEW .IRI~EY,Ti, l‘:dgnr Foden Imwr+.nee aed

,hlhn it. t’llrV.liy vlrlue of lie orl~l,r of lhe Court nfClian-

c~,ry lllll*li’ (’in the dsy (if tltedate hel’t~f0 in itrltllte will, rein eli.via D. (illtetlplo Is ~Oln-plallllilil, and Elinor M. tllll)ln , and yOU and F+sllite of Maria ~. Coty, dt~eeluu~.i)thi.rli itrl, (IcfendiiuDi, 3"1)11 ar~ ,rl~ulrl~ to Pureuaat~)theorderofEulunuellJ. t.lhanerlnpl+~nr, Ilit~lld, an.wer i)r demur 1o the hill of I+urroglite Or ll)O Connly or Atlantic) this dnvRaid con)l)llhllnt ou or’lion)re the .c’7111 dtiy ,if laid0 On the appllc+tLh)n of thn underslgn4~,April. llt, xl. <)r lhi~ l~l%ld, bill will DO Iliken’ all Ext~iltor nf Lhe mild dl+<~t~lelit~ notlee i.cnnfl’lmql ag.ln~l VliU, hereby given 1o Ihn cr~dltor~ nf the aald~lIThl, Mild hill hlilled tit f,l~el~ it mortgllge dl~ellt t~ exhibit tit the ~uh~crlber ilndcrgiven lie (te~)rlle A. Flvlns, alnJzlc man, to Lids oath or afllrrnatlont tht ¯ r clultrm and demantbl14 Itilb<wx!k sod Ciuirhltte BllllCoell Hiimrnell, llgalnlt thn t~tllle of tile lalld dee~dellt+ withinl‘]xeeulrh~l nf thl~ I,)Uile (,I Abel lt~. liilbcock, nine nlnnthpl frtlln thil dnil.+l or they will bedoe4~iP#d, dallli the Iwelfth day or December, forever harped frolu i, rl~et+utllt~ or re.leeringnl)llqevn hUlld~ll~I anti four, nn hlodiq IU lhe the m%In0 sgllln+ll the ill AlhinllcCIly, In Ihe County of Atlinllo.whlcli mild ul(irlgal~e was aflerward~ to wll, ATLANTIC ~AFE DKI’O~IT & TItUST CO.,i)n the fifth day ofJuutlury, nlnot~n hundrod . i’~x~ut~)r.nnd +,l~’~+vn, ll~llned In cnmphiirmnl0 and you Alhlntie City. lq. Ji+hlmtr P’t~l,n |lwPen~P and John R. Cary ar0 I May’~ 1+sndlngl ~. J., February’10, 19L6.Illnde dofPnduntJi nl~liillle It i. Ihereln sll~ed. TilOMI~ON ~ SMATHE~% I’rootorlIhlil ylill alp IMe eleeolol~ iif tb# I+~llltle of Atlnntlct;Ity, N. J.Arlhur F. |AtWl’~lit~, de~lllned, Ule bolder of I Pr’e fee, 111.80II)I’ Ill,i’d)nil IllOl~l~li~ coverillg said hlnd~ and

I)rPntl,.’~, which ~ald, mllrtl~lte will be nut out NI)TICE TO CItEDITt) it ~llo u~ldcr mild fnrech~urv p~ceedloga. " F.~t~le nf Itulh P. Iteevc~. d ’~x~m~ed.

OhlV gn T. Ito<;Ens. I Pnrl+nU,lt to the order i)f Eirmnucl C. ~tmner,IP~olinltor orComplalnant. ¯ 8nrrn4~ltle of the Pounly of Atlantic. nil# day

P~NI ltultnlnteeTru~tllldg., mnde ,m the applleathul of the underalglied.Atlaatlc City¯ N.J. Executor of tim mtld dry.lent, notice

Ihitl.l ,%litlt,h~, 191A. Pr’~ f@o,| I.,~ Is hereby glveri tt, the cr~0dltol~ of tho milddeoPdent u) (,xlilblt tal Ulc ~tlbl~’rtt~2r, uuderI~lh or afllrmatinn, th,,Ir clillmt snd doman~li¯ i~ilrmt th(, ~lJite of the maid, dc~Jtqlent, withinnine month, rroln thli dlih’, t~r they will be


Don’t. forget that our Free Service em-braces your town and vicinity, and that ull purehamm.made by you will be delivered directly to your door,without any ~lditionM celt.

Our MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT, with itsforce of trained shoppers, is at your .service at all.times. We pride ourselves upon our promptness andreliability. We will gladly send samples, or, where,that is dot feasible, detailed information of any mer-dumdise desired. If a monthly charge accountwould add to your convenience, just communicatewith our Credit Department.

Look for our ads in the Philadelphia papers.Mr.Fl~uk T,)mklnsim, lhimlnonton. N. J.. taktgl cape I or nil oar

l)elivery Hervlcc Iri Ilarnmonlon. ilo~Pdale, WIn~low, Wlaslow Jnnotlon.EIn], Ancora. llhtl0 Ancllor, IIrnddock. Ced)ir Bro*lk. Waterf0rd, Cheldlo hur.t, Flaher, I)unhllrtotl, At,:<,, i"alrview llotel, lllshope Bridge, Tans-borough, Ilerlln. Allihm. ~Vcsl lh.rlln, llerlln Jlelgble, Milford, Mttrltoh,McdfOrd. Indian .%1111~. AIMun, ll.raard, Dilcrista. ~ilwood0 Egg HarborCity. May~ I~ndlnK. ColoKnl,. (it.rlilanta~ port f~.epubllc, New Gl’~lna~Tuel~erton. Wading il+lvef, l+~wer Ilarik, Green llank, Upper Bank, Batsto,Pl~mant MIll% Nesco, and Wlllt*, Ilorse Pike.

Special Sales of Notions. Household Muslinsand of Cottage and Wicker Furniture

Starts Monday, April 3, 1916.

+ ,








lluvv:bapnon , i ,,llOAL, ~ :’ :~;lINI/ n, lIu llllu

¯ ¯ ,,:;.¯ ":¯,, : *. ,,

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,, , :, .

SATURDAY, APR.~ 8, 1916.

MAYI8 LANDING, APRil, .% 19l&

¯ The handwriting Is on tile ~ill and tt rt~(tq,

"Vale Wood row !"

l)~d IJmh~ should be removed front Ih, *,hi

tre~ abont town before the braves appOir.

¯ . + .....

nILERI~F’8 i#AL~. ,.i.lly %’lrtue of st wrl~ of florl fnelaa, t~ lee

dln,etcd, lened nnt of tile New Jor~y t?nlirlof Urnlncery, will hc m~hl lit t,nhlle vt,ndnel llll



at tWO n’clbnk In the anornoon or ~ld d~,, nnthe premI~ oil Ibel’lOnth~esl (l~rner of Atlilil-tleand lialtltnorc Aveun~*; In the City of ICggH~rbor City, Connty of Atlanll0 audHtule ofNew Jersey. " ¯ ¯

All the f~llt)wlnu trsct or I~el el land nllilpfe4ul~ herelnil~er "F4trlleularly dexcrlb~q~,.ituate, I]~Ing and being Ill tile t’lly of. Ettl{tl~rbor City, ill tile t’OISllty of ,ll, thlntli~ linubliate ,if New .Icr~(,y, .

Beginning no tile b~onthcnat corner of All,to-tie nltd ltaltllrh~re Aventlpli. then~m Famter|ynlollg the ’E~t ’side of Atlantl(’ AVevltle twitbun(IPed ro~| eXh,lldlug in h’ltglh or deDlhNortherly two bllllt|rt~l, and N, venlv-flve f~f.keeping emld lireudll; t’x‘lWeeli ImnllloI linesnnd at right allgl~ h) ~lld Atla~nth, Avenne prop~i~d t)lll’g ~t~t. koo’,vn llq pitt ofSinKer I’ark, Egg lie,her tTItv New .tPr~i,.y.

Ik’iflg liiO te4tnle [IIltJI~IA(’~ lll,,etll,ll~ arid (.I(~

~rJbed in a ~,rt*tlu deed from the NatfutetiI~tton Tuft and Flhrl~ ~latlnfilcterltlg Corn-piny tip I-iltrlxir 31tim (’onil,ilnv dlited theeight~elltil day nf Fel)rullrr. A~ b., niniqt~nhllndrt~ ttud It,ll, Iltld reenr(ic,d In tilt, eli]celt[the Uli~rk of ’Atlantic ~t,tlnlv at ~l,ty’s latnd-Ing, New Jersey, 4111 tile n]ePtt’eilth dav ofFebruery, A. l)~. liiltelel,n hlnldtrel| lied tell. lUllook of dl~d. No. 4~3. Imgel~4 &e.

And the Iwrm)mil lir~l ~L, rty meal hined in Illemortl’lii~e Ix..tng filr~h,~;d t.?llll de~cr ll~l n~:All ,if lilt~ textile Illfll lllf~ lnlil.l]lnt~r.v, ~lllll~lel,

~lulleyp% hanR~rll, belllel~, Vligllll, % tlolloi’li henl-IAI[ pfaul, K.rlrlder ltlnid, hliln¯0 vlm,~, ll~)ll;

l~Lll~elinlleP~l Of ever)- i’hiirnl’ler lllld dPl(Yrlp-lhin0 e.~l.llpllng llio raw Inilii¯rhll lind llnlllll-fln’lurPd llrl~llil.I llf.lllillt ellilllllln%’ , vchll’h It~heI~li.v ~l-~’l. ll) t’Xi’t°litl’ll, now ll~’ltted and’llni Iu lllo eilll and fiiel¢lrv ill Ili0 mild (’oln-’qlll)’. Ii i¯~i~l tlilFlltIF t’liy ilftii’l’.uilll¯ ll)lrlilheri llll lill Iht. Inlic]lhll.-i- i|lld i.(llllplnl.ut iltl

[~D~OWnbl wbo ire holdlugofftorfiioey ,Iorl~tld that lUliy hi.rlillfli.r l,t, lil,l/ulr{.d hv

flgurl~ilhonld bellr In mind lhe oldndmonl. -llld i~lllilllll,, ill ~llh~llIllllllil ill llllll In ndlfl-lion Ill the xiild rln¯nlllini.{i ellUllllUl01110 ill herP-

lion, "/.’or Ihe 10re of MlIe. be reasonahle !"

Train them in the way they nhonld go! The

.’ Prem~" of AtlgntloCIty, heads au editorial,

"BabyMomllty¯" /~tartlng ’era In young on

the imrmw path, eh ?


"Kngllsh i she In ePelled" will hold the

boa,de it the Court Hon~e It la an

encouraging sign that spelling Is not yet

frowned upon by the dlctator~ of our ~chool

eu rrlen Ill m.

I~lxty-flve thoumnd dollnr~ worth of puhlle

Imprcvelnenta, at n.t a eent or expense to

Io~al tazpayera, Is a propo~ttlon fe w muin-

elpelltl~e have the chance to entertain. Thlm

Is MSI’I Landing’e opportunity In the pr~lJect

fore paved avenue sod two new bridgt~.

What we do Is all that eonnts, not what we

propose to do, Th~ man who takem a rake and

eloane up Ilia yard aecomplinhes a thou~nd

Umes more than tile one who fall~ baeg Ill an

easy chair aud dreaml of fawna and fonntalns.

What May’x Landing need& right now~ la

citliena who are deem, nnt dre~mera. ~prlng

Clean up:

The" Mlrror,"of Mt. Holly, ~ets up the novel

cry thai Atlantic County hl~ fared too well In

the way of political pr~Pfermeut and would

deny I~nator Waiter F~ l~Ige the gnt~rualorlal

nomination be, cause Atlantic has furm~oth fur-

nl~hed a Congre~mman, a Rpesker of the llouse

and a Prt~ldent of the [3enltte. That makes

mighty late,eating re~dlng, to be sire. It I.

the flr~t admlMIon from the " Mirror" that

i, lenator Edge htm evi, n a ehani~e. It In a pan-

leky mort of argument that betray, au abldhigI~lst tllalI ~llalitIc Ill anent tO l)~ I)onort~ Again.

It~ tough hick, and then s’~le, tu have pe~)-

pie about who are InfliCted wilh the eur~e of

perpet~l cynleism and p~r~Isteilt pe~Imlsm.

It ~ms to ~ brl~ Iu ~IEUe (if ’euL You

couldn’t cut It out with a hateheL Every once

Iu st while and mometlme~s menTM ofleo stranger~

bump right into ihe,i~ individuals with puck-

ere~ brows and find out what a ml~rat)le.

roraagen no-count bur~ this I!. They button-

hole the pr~mpecttve Duyer and make him

look up hi. timetable rliht away In ~ wlat

train they can get awliy on. t" bat a hltlng

would It be If all iueh plagued pt~lple (’ould Ix-

rounded up and hl~kl~ In tugether Io venl

thelripleeu on each oilier !

if Iom~ne c~)nld keep tabll (It3 " tint wurdi"

nttered by rt~ldents when tile.’," r~ll tile Me*

lion platfurm after a trip awa.~v from home, It.

a lille her that nine out of ten wotlld ruu Moln(~

Ihlng like lhl#: "’(]lad IO gel bnck]" The

tenth would think IL No melter If they I~lve

enjoyed a day or it ~reel[ or a montil In I’lilhto

delphla. New York or Allantle Clly. when

riley eet [~)t on May’~ I.aodlug ~,ll they feel

like themselves again. TIler~’~l ~nielhhll

xboUt thll place we (’Jill home lliat win Inx tile

heilrtand milklfll us fill lhlil lllli.r all " there

II rio place like lill~ I.iiudlliK. ¯" I)f all the

Iuwnl~olk who lill’,’l* ili¢l,,i,li ilw.lly for Olit. re’ll-

ton or a.olher, that person wuuJd 13~ llliel-

eeptlon who eouh| honestly nay he didn’t wltnt

tu ~me ba(’lc. Of eour~i~ we llre exe~ pll[Ig I he

Jail population, anti even at tliltt Itler~’~ fal

wor~ place~ to De kept °*In durance vile."

May’l Jatndlng hti~ a i’hlirm all her own. If

ill tho~e away who thl~ very day are wl~hl,iK

they were etmld monnt inagle e~lrj)t.t~

and Ily to this #D¢)t of lhelr hearl’~ de~lre, whiil

a gathl¯rlnK w~)l, ld Ilierl ¯ I., .’

Iu iniikhlg a pll(llnlloenl~ fur Ihe i.i)lll I)" lii-

itlLullone al l’}mllll’el llludlug, tno ll~mrd ()f

Chosen Freeholders sliould take Into (’l,liPtldl~r-

atlon the prul~r management of the hlrKe

farm eonlll.q’t~ with Ihe gri,undll, Which q¯all

ho 13lade to yield a grtlll dl~l (if tile ,upplhm

needful Ill Ihe Al~y]uin. the AIiil~tlOll~ll* ll+ntl Ihe

new Tul~ri~¯uh~lis IIo.pital,

’I’hel~ Iu~tltuti~ui~, e~l.~;h~lly Ihe h,~plLal,

r0qulre hirge iuppllell nf eggl, "lllk and butter.

#ill liieill, plliouId I)v l~uppll~ rlgilt ~io Ihe

premb~Lm. Iu nddlllou it, Ihexe, iulllelelit veg(~

t&llloil ihutild lie rahied Io U]L~el Ihe ne~lllof the

Ill rnatel tha yea r rou lid.

l’hes~ ire three of Iht. /~neNl I,lillluIton~ Ill

.l~ewJerl~y. f)lily a MiGrillll pereenLale of resl-

denti lesllze wI,ll{ iqplclidld, up-h~-date Inslltu-

lloea lliey r~llly lira. To Inllnlalu li lierd nl

COWlI a flnl~k {If poultry, and ,al~ vegetlthlqx~t eDoilllb tu ~u’pIIly them ia felullt)le and

would redoun4 .l(F@lttly Io II1¢, er*dll ill tile

Ioverulug h~dy whh;h iias IhPlu Iu charge.

’][’lilt the Yr~holdere will llppohlL sepnntlt.

lllperlntendenla Ii,r elll-li elf llil~ Inslllutlolil

leeml problthle, for Ihere II UX, nlneh wnrk for

uBe Inan U) h~.k ifter proi~rly. I)neof\lhe

ippolnteel lllil,llld i~ i man with ii pral~llcal

kaowled|eof farming, who elln take the large

trm there In oharge alld make II pl~ncea

lluhete nllil revenlle¯

In lll,l 5)rtll, lliKiqllor ,.l-Illl lill Ililll cerliihlpnli¯nl’lq’lll I li llin flirl~llll:~ lliiiclihle I~L~tlelllly Ilil, t°omUll~lfleltll,r ~lt Ihli, nl. ,If’ llio I’,illed~lllll_,~ lif Aillprll¯li Ill lil~lll.l~t# II.ellfu-i lilldMlirll,I II. Itl,llfu~ lllid liv illll,l’Wllrih~aNqunl.d lo’lht0 Niill(llial t’llllllll TII ~ lllld I,’~hll¯

Mllnllfhl.IurJli~ I¯l)ulli,lnv. rill llu. lulei(‘ llpllOtllt(if I~(’~,i-(l lu Ihe Lhilled ,’~lllll!l I’ Otlh,e¯V;ashhillnn. I). t’.

l’Aell¢~l liN the prllll,,rly ill Ilnrix,, .%1111~ I "olii-

I "f t’haheery’wiil h°s°ldntpubll°14~rdue,nu-," ; ..... # 1 ~ ’ i " P ~’ ’ ..... i I "l ~’:" ’ 1 ] 1 Jdl I~ ’ ’ ’ : ~ [ 1 ~ * ] I " ’ ’ : : ;i’ L" [ " ’ "" i ’ , [ ~ ’ I dl.l~.,ted, Ixntled onl~ of the.ewJelme¥~ourt dl~l~ted. II~I°A~U~I ~ho~lerllwjl~ofl~m; dlit,~,~lrt~l~0,of~lt,0.wrl..i °~.~.~ed_..t~.. llul, to ~ lily:virtue of. W rltof nerl ~l~laa, tO me ~ " Attoroey-ttt‘ilw,

[WI,IIJNI~DAY, Titi,: NINwr~IcNilt D^¥ ¯ .. , :,. - ’ :., " " "’ ........ ’ ’ ’ ....... ~’ " ¯’’ ...... "] ’¯ ’ : nl~nnno0ry Will be eoIGIt ubll vendue Oh " ""-~ ........... , ........ ~- ~u~ ~.~w 4eimey,uonrl ilr0~ui~ I onl ol the lqllJ Court[ : ’ I 1 1 ’ " ’ ’ ’ " 1 ’ ’ 1 [ " ’ " i " " ’ ’ I ̄ i. I 1 ¯ , ,. ,,. IIit . . . . ¯ . , . P 9 , 0f~ll&lioel~, will be ~old at puhlloven4ue, on of Chnncery, wlil I)e soldst publloveudue, oB ot (YmmoelT, Will hel~t~ntpublievlv~du~on I 8olleltor and.M~. _ter In (~aneew,

’ MAT’M LAlIDIllO, o~" ,~.rIUvR~Dt,,A~IDNXNIrrE~NmXT~mN.UUN. " ~" ~If people don’t glve sufficient’ attenffon to the~ ...... - ....... in ii I . -. W I~DNEI#DAY, THE TWELFTH DAY. OF WEDNESDAY, "THE TWENTY. 81XTH WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTY". 8IXTil WEDNIIIDAY, THE NINErleENTH DAY llooml 801-8~-7 Gunmntee Trlmt Building,

the nnernoon or mid dny, "im~t mattt~ of amlecting ml,E~eCtttor;. The =~v, .. J.lit twn o’clock Ih!l) the Court l iopnl No. 201, 8~ond .Floor, .........ltnnmitlee TrUst llUlldlmi, in th# CI1~ of At- "’ At~illie IK’p~ib and Trttst’Co.’ts 0rgaiiiz~


, , ~. llUllTON ~. O~SKILI~ .......8elicitor and Master in ~wmj’ r~,"" " M,&YqS LANDtM@I N. J,

e.d.., u, : : i; i ! A,to ey. .w.~J~mey. , . ’ und~t~the law. if any of ltsofflcers die, theyare. .pc: .Aillha, tmel-or.~,,+lofla.daedp~em.


.’ "’ "i "., ", ’’ ; : "¯ ": ; ;p:."; "~.,:~/ ..... "i",i! ~ ill ;’ ’:." ’ E~I.i ~li~:~i ;~ ~ Lfollc~. ! I~n ~ 2L ~( ~ ; : i~AT’-*.T,e ..r, ...,

.Itnate. IvllcIg njid t~[011ig In Ihe.~ity of Allan. ’ " ’ /ioonlm 17.80~l~ni~ Truer Bulldthl,IIc Clly.’l,i tli,~ (’ounly nf Atlanlle and l’]hIlenf yo,, thero i..o 0 an0e .ll,,.I,,,,l.g ni ,, ~.l,,t ht the Wc.tcrly ilh..f IIII ’(:hel.~iAvenuellt lliedl.~taneo of IWU hnndrt.I of lOSS or mlsmiluigement through, the death ¯ "$’0HN F~ 18~ARD,¯ lind ’~evmlly.II ve Feet ~mt tlw,irdly from Ihe ..--

In n l~0;tit e_m~. d d bed ~e(; a d~.~ aa ~ io i snd dese ae , , "y ~" ed io Ck)unamllor~lt-Lnw, ’¯ . ¯ - : - ¯ ~’ : : .... Illl ¯ :. i’ ’ ’ It tweet- ~o~t ~del ..... yl-lte°f -Begllnintnp°lntlutheS°utl~erlyIJneofl-’Beg~nnlni.atepointlntheWe’derl IIneofI Innln Itl ntin ]. i~ver 00d s le let " ¯, . ¯ := , ¯ $ treet one nunarea nny DrexeI-J[v ¯ . lt~ . " the l~lterly,llneo/~8,mllleriy ll,le ,,fl,,~,nc Avenue and’ ex,end. ’of the pa~y acting in this capacity,. We draw ’ _ y g.. ty 0 be found In our stock ; nnd tl~ree t~r~emfeet Westwsrdly from the enue ~lventy41x feet Water the C~tmb?ld Avenue one bpndred feet~thofi Mgmlfleld~v~t~e~f~tSo~thoftheSoutb.] -___ . .M~ter.(~rtot L~neery_. . . .... IIII ". .... ¯ , w.~,,, ,?.% or i,..o,. Av .. and n, " I ~-,.r;~,De om.~lan~ Avenue ..d ,n,h. I the .~.l~r,, ,,. o:.~"-a,,o ~..~ .od ~=-. o.,.oo-.,,~,.--....,n~hiK lheix‘e {I) %%’~tWlll’dly parnllel wllil Pacl; erly line of Alllmtl0 AVenne, and extendlnfie A ..... n, two huxidred nnd nfty ft~t tu the wills ’free when appointed Executors. " of stiff and soft’ Hats : ¯ Anv man whetk,,- k,, . lill ~ .... . ’. . .r~t 8Outhwardl- from "~- ~n~ .... .. nety_ Westerly’.llne or a roar feet right of wal, and extending thence {1) WeStwardly i~tullal with t thence ’l ....

WmMI ..............p.Ig - A’rLA.ICTIC tn’r’f, 1~. =. .

V.-terh’:) .~ou{hwl, rdlyll ......f itloelz’Mnetpell°rthe .ameAvenne’;’and tbotilefie~ex. ¯ ,*,, ~.~, ,o~= ,o, R..,,~0 u,. ’ ’ ’ .... .... IIII ¯ , .. ¯ , . . ,Medlt=rnm.n Averse. nnd r-n, (l~.Nnrth- erl line nf~(i~ rl h orally along the We~ AtlnnUo &venue .Ixt -two nnd[’ono.lmatfeetI AvemDe klxty-tt~tmd ~t~nth, feet~ben0e

¯ g . . . . , .ll~t,, ..=.~ ~o~ ~,,uwamny ann 8 Northwsl~l and . , i4~lhs .rot to ~ lim~etlyl~loe _fMtn~Jd

desires the conservative or the extreme ma be ¯ .., l w.~, end ~,.!:__=.~ .~ll.ol, *.en.. M:~,..d A..~lhto°,~-’~g~’~ ~el w,t~ p~ (~),.~ ~=,lal w,th 0.=. (~i.,~n~ ~__,~, ~ =un.~e,d A.~ tIOLTX ~oY; {~i]L- ...........,e,,<,ed ,,,e ,here,,f .,.,’eoteen h.nd~ a.d , ¯ , .... y . . ~.~ve ~)l~,’th..~t.)~.,...~l..d ,.eh.’ the. l ~.. ~ .d .Ix A e-..~ny~.eel,, .o-~i.~;~--~(~)W..wn.~y pa=l.,sure of findln o , . . , ., . =llel w[tu M,dlt~m,n,,,n Ave..e ode hu.- ’ ( ) ,~,~ly .nd P~li01 Pa~IPeX .Ith All.U0 Ave.De ~’ -two .t ~th tt~.Uo A.._.e m. -two ..d a.e ~e,m. Co.~.,llo,~t-U,w,,w,.,,,,--tire Feet ,.o. nr ,~-a to ,hec.,erlo, Capital and ProfitsS525;000 De oslts, $2,300,000 r~ g n t only the lar est selection but . . F~I ..... t ’ Pt~ q001 " ¯ .................. With Drexel Avenue twenty.four feet; thenee

Peone-he)r feet to the Westerl lineof~mbrl ’ " ¯ n .... &8,/4,B,e~E~ta~and .I~wBull~tn&Whlirl ~ line ill Ille Atlanlle Oet~all I~liihlleln~cl

Nl¯w ¯lhV tho .....Rll"’rhlnv In Ihet~°nl’nhl’l°ners of, car 1147~- thence C,)tlleL’ltillP nf}t~l.Nt.

"~~--~S--~.fe De ~ ~~t-- ~0 = ....

’ ’ ’ _i ra|lel w lh 1||lrlnl a ~li~ven e

) L~ pg, rRliel with .air lalld Av=ue, then= (4)Nort’wirdl. t i t~ ~it--ne* ~ (i Nerth~nrd|

A¯ A2i.Airri00ITTi I. ,T.

¯ ’ .... ~ ¯ ’ ~ ’ ’ .... " etr~t thent~’4’ ~vr~dl;’ "Ze"’Y :’°°Awmel I~outherl~ line of Drexel Atenue; thence (4) i the place -of beglnnln . Bel g lot Nb. 10 In I the la~of~--nn~] ...... .- ..... ~’ .... 1)OUI~iEOI8 & COULOMB,..~ TlPU ", nil . P ~ .~ . n,n. ,wen~ fo.rf~ to .,nee o, of__.h, h --.,. ~..~1 ~,. ~.,,- _-~. -,--_,,,.-.,,on .t th. -~-- ’" N~. ----.~,~,h,- .d,,,,,,,,i ,,,-.,,.. ,,,’,,er,,,r ’,,,o,wo,,n,,do~ The il[ I11~

M the most correct as well ..... Illi ¯ ¯ ." . . l~ttotheNortherPI ...... ".’_~;~.Y=~Y.o__C~.)l~v~-ne.el,ht,-,lenreef andMzlnehee~thei Wl~sterlyllneofOimbr]dgeAvennen~k~e(~tO llalllirl;’llmlofMaLnoldA .... ~n~°li~.~d~

T " [ ’ P " ’ It ’ ll ’ I " .... er I(neof w~~ y lonsmun~lorth- E~twardly In the 8outherl line or Drexel t leek 51-B on mnp o~CamdPe~n .dAthmU0 bill it.II,Id nfly feet to tile,,xtended We~terly.lin~of . he Manhattan Shtrt. line resents the . . . .... . . . ._ t ntyf0otwldes~reetsn I~.t~llel Aveuue. . . ........ ie~lUl the l)l~..perry of CIINon C 8hlnn, Jl.J C~unmllore~t.Liw..l’hel~l’ii .~ve,lno : illill IIil.llCe (4) Norlhwardly ]along ~.ahi ext,,luled Ihie and uh,ng Ille We~l-I N, g. C0r. A{lantlc & New Y0rk &vee., AUImU© City, N. J, IIII choicest patterns, thenewest fabrics and the heat fill ..... ’ ’ ¯’" ! " .feet tot~e placeofb~glnnlnl," _ ’[ ~e~’~ed aa the’nro~ertv of glln Parnell ,qnl [ ~e~n;7~.~°~,-Lr°~.,~t~m~,-%’-~-~2~-WI EIt--?! ~oe. u. unroof, ttee’r, et. il~, and to unlt~St~t~’I)~grlet~naunmaltOm~rt~erlt" line of.Chei~,~i Avi,nuP eeVel~teeu lluudred I

-- ¯ . -- --~--- ¯ - ". ,/~llug-ilnole prefnnl~e eM oorlve ed " . -- -- * ..................... , ~m~ ~ ~l~l iml lwt~ I lll~ll~ltl U:V . . ¯ ~ ]~tateaud IilW ~nll~.,i,,t,,’,.nty.,.’ef~.,,., ...... i~,.tolllel~l.t illl. _’_, _,...,’ ............ -’.-. ’ II!1 ~" : " ; ’ iinrrienuqenmhF’hiw1r~yi°~i1~’"-d-?~i{-et"-in-e-x~][i7~ttil~?~it°i~b1n~n~nd~in~he~ieri{~u~e~.- .-~-~-----.o~n----- " ~--,, -- , ’ J(~lEIPlt EL BAilTLWIT ITIC~lt"TIO one, M.t.lltld ldrl"e I’f I’l~lliinhIRl ] IIII " VaLUeS ~nlrts ranRln~ Irom li .DU t0 1.. _.. ¯ . IIII ’ - ".. . from Wenlev B. Pol~l ......... "]11 .........lluuary ill I .~’J pllu$ iluu I~ v~o eo cl ny. ’

Counl2_A~ ~’[ mey I uInlllnatbi eeil.alu trn~t l, lew Je . 8he~n~ ¯ -- ..........~el,,, tl ....... pre ,,l~, ~,lvey~! ..toi ¯)II3~TANCIAL..

’ REAL ~STAT]I31. Ilil .... II II . . !101. m:oTod lq qmce or, Olerk of AtllnUui . JOnEPlt R,.BARTI,lg3"1’, [ ...... ~ .... Lorpa.r~.jofr~’udlmdi ~ Imb t Ill ~ ~ ~BI. rVenln,lr M.vndlelllo hy Storllng.ltealty Corpora- I. . . . ¯ . . Lxlnlliiy It. Ma .n Indl ’ New tie ;# ’ 8hel~l rllmlllSI mlllmI4~ 10 ine UlI~ o|. vlmtnor ulty,

Ihul I~y d,N~l heJirhlg dnle Ibe lhlrd dlly ’of I ~i./o ’i’lellh,nll ..... 1910, lind duly rceorded In.thel . . Illl ,.-. ..... ’ ...... IIII ’, ¯ : ~lni~o~cU-~ez’-~l~k-I~°~-rded’ln~°lii.oearoresmdlT-ox~ttSiAT.ffim ~llelo~ I BeStnninlilnthe~laal!enr~l]O~l(~fl~imbrl~,--I" . rr’lree, ll&100 i~em-r~.ll.l..Ch-rk’lallll(lllll~, N()lllee .....lerxey, Ln bol)k No. 4~W ofd(N~d%l)f Alhtnlle Unnnty, nt

May’s. * ..... ~[ illl~UI ~t ~ #~ 9 ’ AV D

t ’ I! ’

A iiii i~lllll ii .],k~r1~ A\ ll~l[~]~Tf Tf Zg’ptl",thereoat,-dl~i:,,fromhewev--I Prefee.$11.~ ,.,e.o,e.h,.,dmin.dnqy.10oleo.thofl .. sumurrsnxl,~.l’llee 141’ "tc’l’mi.,it v will I~e .,Id ,llhJt~t to hixe..r the


~n ~,~ E~]111

I" ’ -- ’ All thnt eerulln trier °r--r°el °f lllld al~l;~l’ei ~

I ’ne I~lgumerw"l-me °f Atlannn Aye-nne’ nlld|’ BY vlltieot"a "dt of "ell " " " E" A" ELTOBoml~nlmUl°r’It‘iAw’ ’II II ..... li II . ~t!’tutne ann I~nlte or lqew Jersey, bounded I_.~Y.v.trt. ue o[ a wet or nert naemt% to reel tben~ ,2 ,.a^-"--2’-3’- ’-~=-’~,3"~--’fY~’.~m~ll °~L’imneerY’ WUl.mte°l¢[ tt pubUovendlonS,’lzl’li II~l lilt. Pr.liPrtv o( Veetnur 8yndhlite.I.,ll .....I t,li .....1,1 ,,~.lU,,n .t lhe ..It of ~’~.]l~k~ li il a~l.’l A ~-|----*S-- i .... ’, .. " illl . / ’ ,n.n dce0.1~ll fonowa: ,. i-,~t~, ..u.o.tof me ~ew Jelr ~urii h.;:~ :-’._~."-’".’_’.’_~.~..~"." --_’_:"_’ _~. I ....... -’ .......... *Ti~rno cll~r,..l_.IIII noel /AtlI~ItlILlt~ AVCIlUC! , IIII , . ! ’ ., Beglnnlnj~tt,~..po~ntlnthe~ortherl#llneofiOrUmmcery, will be~old nt publievenduno~l__~a’a~e~’~t~e~(17n~kv~noot~)m~),_w~J~._.] w~.~,]La.~ ~)r~r~.mTH DAY

.,,,,"".......,,,,’" ’r,,,.,,d ,,," i’,,,,,,,~,,,,,..."rri, a.~, eL ul., ~ ~ ! in Standard ! Illl ’ ’IIII " ~.’i’ L

¯ iwenly meet Wlna utr~st knowo.~_ ... ImIOlikla°d WI~DNIK~D&Y TE[[ on ..........l’ l.~ ..........

Al-itili, mllll~ EIUNDRED EDMUND C, O(~l~n~ob,t fflLl~w

,l(l~l,’PII IlL BAItTLIGYT, ’ ’ , .,. ’ ’ v , Avenne two hundred w . , E TWISNTY. 81XTR ne~nlffeet tothe West~rl llneofcsmb .. .

IIII ----’: ’ -- ..... "~"~ IIII . ’. : " ¯ .llllnot, Avennelmd’nlnety.feetBouth of =lil HUND~EDAND IWe/~tel’lF Ilneor.t~m. nrml~.Av~nu.e..fln~’.t~.|,~tt~o~/~_~~o[lld~y, Bothrnomm. i~,,LmrxocrrT, X.:.llnlt~t .’lnrt.l’i ~3, l~.l~ll.As.nlndl~ltlonofthegmwlngmteem. | ’ -- . II IIII . . " ¯ -" ’ . - - IIII .. i r ; .

" .ofMt~iltermntmn.Avenul~and~rut~netnt.w^ & ..............

BI~C’]’E~’~,.. - |~oluu~pll~oor .t21~l~n~l~l._llem~lt_limolu~| ~.2~..~#i~i~ - I.i, ;tle~= F~or, ---

. . . ~ - . . . . .. . .~ueu0e (l I ~iorLbwllrdly Idtirnllel wlthIlli " I" v ~0~llli" llli lUq0 Illill[UqJl~’LJ ILO" ilIBilU’ (]~lY’ ~& " %111 Lllllll Vi q=AilUlllUIIIFU ~.l~Ill AILIlll[]l I llillilllill Alli I~illllll In Ine UI 01[ At-(|OIII:ILI~V. (lllil, INl,~l t~. ItF+Al" ’~l°lleltel’R’l’r’. f~,. |lll.:~In whh,h thle hank In held, and of the I Improv,<llmprov,<! lindll dUuImlSuimp~,,vedF.m. ll .,ved~ .... ¯ IIJI ..d .io.. ,he / . Counesllmi4t-lllw+

~l ~L.~----~----=~--~ [[3[ 101 ¯ ’ < rlvn ¯ llliU0 Clly, Uounty of Athmtle and 81a~ of d lint% dated tie Immber 1ill, nnd ~ All Uult omldn t .orgrowth of tllil tOWli ne well, the following [[ 5 to r.D acrid. ~’ ’ , II Wal ann .......... ,-,-a. ,u ,..~ ,-.-a ~. ,~tt,- ........... ,~ ............. w.. ---- -~.--., ¯ , an(ms 1, t, Ig 9, Union NsUon~ B~nk BI~.,h.nd- ~.,..,d, ..d a..I,e, ( ) N..~..~, . ...... ,..:.cie.. ~..o, At’-u,,O.CO~t, at :..~.~.,n ~ C~t.~’~=..,.P~ ~. or ̄ A~y_O~:..__Y P wlth M0dlterrln~n , tyIlv ~,Irlul, or t wr t llf flert fl elns to’ me ~el, . ~--l-----! __ ~ ~ ’ Avenue t~e-,~ ,h~ _.~ . .., ....... All gh~t. eelff~ln lOt, tract or parcel of land M,ly’l Linalng, l~ew Jereey, "- Auani Im ~ i Of New J~ ~.m.~dirt.vie,I, I.~n,.d out .f tile New .terry Court ’ April 1, 1907, $ 24,500 i Conveynnclng In all Ite br~nebe~ ~ f,’~llL _:llU~llr--7--’--~llr---lill------------llll-’lil _ IIR% 4 .. ’, ’" ’ buudredli~ "~’--~;’7"~..-?"~,--?’-u72~’; n-v~e~ -°he’/situate In, the Olty of Ma TO CIty In tim L’~I~ aq the property of Ankle B. Beware lumlt~mMbe~uillowx. 7"--" ~’"~ ~M II. imma~DIam,

of t’h:me*,ry, will t.. sold at public vendue, onJan’y I,Jnn’Y 1, I~9,1908’ I ~0,80018~4i00

~Comml~ Deed. f0r New Jer~..L_ ¯

- - ]~I1"11 , ’ . ¯ . ~ ¯I~.’;_...~.[~’ ,..~w ut uIwlty .mr sou mventy.uve one./ bonnd-edd[hd ,qm~.4hod ~a f~l/n=n--lit ¯ W Je.~., i V,tlerla M. 8potg and Io be soi(i-~" t t¯. ......... / Ma~a,.~-g,.~.~...’.7..~’ ,.atlt ...............

~.~stvm J22]geon~ 1 W 4C~nnsoli°/~t’Lmw"

WI’:I,NI.>~I)AV,.TIII" NINI4TI,]ENTII ’DAY .Ian’y], 1910, $11,800 i n n* w~ ’ I - ¯ . thrcef~tw~e rlvatewu , rly~l’ne~&tlantleAvenuewlththeWt~er¥ r nU1 lad eX~--~s’~ce I iwsrdl ,~ ITx, klr~0crl~.La. ~

masJue~m ~mdlat.1 ~ ¯ .’ ’ , . . m lllm ..,n the ~me el~lSIlig the elbrceild e s . ~1 ~,l rue mmlu- JOHICPH It. BARTLETT, ,.u m tml liml O~AUlantle AVe-,IF’ AI’I{II.. NINI,:TI.:I.:N ]IUNDI{].’IIAND .~IIXTI,’.F..N..

" Jan’y,, 1912,dan’y], 1,11,

ll IIII III! .... ^:.o.e, ..=. A..,,, ,.0 ’he",,, ,,.,,,,.,.,.,< ,,,,, .....oern, o o, .,d day, ! lill uu. IIII :’’’‘’~’~’"’~’;’~’#’::~’/8Ak~:~(’‘>’‘’.~:~;~"~;:~;~e’~A~i;~"~’"*"~-"’~e1~~

.~,?~, ~, ,~nesun,.,,.~,.ii,.,~s oo~t of ~t,meew.In th,, Court Ih~,In No. 201 ~ceond Floor, "" ’ ’ Imm lel wlt~ Med t~rmneen --~ . . / twlirdly et rlghtengleswlth the Wmteryl ~ ." Pl’mllm.l~.ll (8) Westwlrd!y . with AthintloAvtmne lltl~_r~:(itimrliiil,~,’l’ru~t Ihllhlllll~,, I11ty nf At- .Jan’yl, 1914, $111,U00 ~ Bell Phone No. l. ~ll~ll z~al.~, N.J.i II II ¯ II II - " --"-"~ tbPoe lind nln .... v ...... L.~_~elL~. °. tw.enty’/lloe of M,nsBeld Avenuo moventy-~hlf end ............... .xt~41~ll_ nn~ ~bl totbe Y ll~mmlilUI, ll4,MJt, OilnlnteeTlln4, A’rx~l.lrrloolIy, w.j.Bi~ldin~

.%.11 Ih*ll trllq’l or ptrvel lit hlndx nnd prerolm~l to the dovelopment of Ihe bnnlne~t ofonr ~ ---7~’- " "hert.IH,,n.r l,,irth.uhiHv dl.xt¯rlt)Pd, .tunto ellenl., mode posalb|e hy tll+ willing oo- .................... UL I. Lowest - ~ o.~, .~

LUM hER I~TCIll0" (’ilv ,)f l’l, ll~lllllvllil,, h lilt’ I’l)UUly of At- Ol~ratIoo 0fthla lank. ’ ". ~ Attorl~y4t‘Law, ¯taliih. ;,lid ~lat,..f N ...... I ..... y, boun(I.d and " Prices ! sold’by ’ " ’ Be’-- " bell ig .... E TWENTY. 81XTH .... O. Ollllr. E~ r, eLili nnd to Omcel ]tllliirdBnlldiili, "¯ lzecL an the pro rty ofC I~on C 81ilnn" ¯ o~SOlany ’.IOe~EPH R. llARTLI~./,.. ReeelVer,~t. ale, inner’ken In exe(utlon at th~


Dal.~4 t,,.--,¯ ,. ,.,. ~"~.,"- lult of Jl~u O. Horner Receiver el .I and to HUNDRED AND nlXTEEN,’- ........ " ..... ’"’" "’ bemld bX ’ ’ "

L~Ofl)’ et. Hltl. and takeli lu eXt~’Lllh)u ,tt I)~esnlL of Allwrt U. l"lLellininy. Trulil(N, et. al~l. litidto be sold Ily

JIg~l~l’ll IL llAItTI,ETT.,~ h ,., r I ri’,

llllte~l .illirl-h I.% ililll,

l’. (1. ~r,l{~IN. Pllllh.ll~r.l°r’l fifo $:~’).lfl

":.. . " .’L -¯...{... ¯

# " 7~;"

¯ p


ilffOlUL I .81101~I.

You Never DidNor Never Will

Pay $8.0C~ for a

$4 Shoeat

1534 ̄ Atlantic Ave,Atlantic City

In lanlih or d.~~aed eta the property of E~ra Lewlne eL al~

and taken in executton at theeull o/WilliamJ. Cooper and to be sold by


Dated Maroh 18, 1516.

Willoli & CAiln, 8olleltoriPta8 fee. $13.~i

he sold atWleD~II~DAY, TIIte Trill{D. DXY ,OF

MAV, NI~II~IpgI~N IiUIqDRED~ ’¯ ’ AND BIXTI~N, ’ : " ’i . "

at 11~ u’nle~k In theia the CoUrt Room’ N~O,~-mnt~ Tr~tt





e~nt. pure from artenlan wella mo~ than twohundt~! feet deep. 8tandpll~ one hundJ~,~l same; thence extending (|) Notthe~twardlyand twenty feet high. with fifty-five pound along ~Id line of 8hom Ro~d One hundredprm~ure. ~tl~O, O00. eighty.nine hnndrt’dths feet to

induatrlal i’arksnd public fountain, adjoin- line or a feet wtdest~t

lng Oonrt grounda nn Main flit’eel.and twenty-~rven mini. High ,’4¢h0o1, I,’armgut Avenue. ~t. O¯ Huber,a line at right anglea to 8here Ro~d two hnn-l.rtnctl~d" ¯ ,

Fll’mt National ~ltk, Main 8t~t. M. 1~deed fifLy-4~gh~ aDO tweBty-nlnQ hundrq~thsfeet; thence 18)t4outhw~twardly at right

~lur~e, CMhfer. Depmlla gO00,000¯ President, anglt~ tu mid .treet one hundred and i~venty.

harlem D. and fifty.nine bundrt~lthfi lt~et to WilliamH. DurksN’s line thence (4) 8outhea~tw~rdly

I,Ihrary Hail, Second 8trent. ileadquart~r~ ~id line two W0ndred fifteen ladhleltanee Here ~m~ and (let,. William J¯ hundredths feet to tbe place of

14ew,~tI I’o~t No, 47, O. A. It. . and therefrom lu Tract-----------~..4~-~-- the following describ~

piece of land :~em~D Of Ch01eD l?Teeh0]der|. ~In nine in the N~hwmt line of the ~l)ore

Atlantic Cit3"-- David Ek Bin-tell. ~tt ward ; l~md at a imlnt dl.tant one hundred andfurl/y-one and eighty-nine hnndredthn feet

14haekelford, 2nd ward ; Itob~,’t Fitzgerald, Nortbemstwardly from the Nnrth~et line .of:{rd ward : Thom~ Rlt~n, 4th ward¯ Burkard’~ land ; tben~e extending (1) North-

wemtwa~ly at right ang|ee tn ~atd ~ho~ l~d IAh~seou Clty--I~lwlu l~btnmn, lfit "ward ~venty-two and thtrl.v-~ve~} hundredths feetF. Farley Doughty, 2nd w~trdL to the Northeast line of the i~Id Ely¯ Fifi~ld’s

Buena Vlst~Town~hlp---Domlnleg(’orCglU~ housv hd; thene~(2) t’~ul~h~twardly alongt~ld line ~venty-flve and ~lRht huudr~lthfi

R. D., Fau;t VlnelamL ’ ’ feet b, tile Nortllweml line of the Shore l~mdP~t At,antic Clty--Frt~. Wlliett~. I~t ward thence i ’) ~uthweatwar~ly along ~ald line of

AIh~-q:! It. t.lmlth, 2nd ward. Shore lured twenty feet to 1he plate of be-F~g Harbor City--~muel Wlnterbotlo~ gtnuteg.

:~elzed n.q the prol~rty of Clam Fifleld et. al,R4gg l:larborC/ty. ¯ ¯ ’ and taken In exeeuth)n at the autt of The

F~ Harbor Township -- I~wl~ H. Rmlth i ~nd Natlomtl Hsok nf Atlnntie City. N. J.,English Creek. ’ i and U) be todd by

JORE|’tl IL HAItTI.ETT,Galtoway Township -- John Hand,mann . Plherlff.


I~it~l April S. 1916.

]hamilton Townsbip--Ir¯T. ~. Smith¯ May’ TlloY41,qn.’~ & ~MATllglt.q. S~lleltor~Landing. Pr’n r~, t~r~

llammouton - William L. ltlw~’k. (?)’r~ HII EItlFW~ HA’I,h~O~r)(,d, ’ ’ [ty virtue of a writ nf flPrL fa,-la~,, Io n

Mare.In tlty -- (;eorge W+~h. Marg~te dlre¢led. I~u~qt out of th~ New. Jersey (7o’.11"1City. of Chnt.’erv, will b~ m)ld at public vendu0 on

Mullh’~ Townahlp -- WllIlam ~ IIlalr, El- WEI)NF~I)A’t’, Tire TIll.liD DAY OFwood. = MAV, NINErFF~N HUNI)ItED

Norlhfleid CIty--W~iter J. l~yon, l.t ward. AND ~IXTEEN.I:aker~vllle; Herman I~ Itannlng, 2nd ward, at two ,,’ci<~k In thP afternoon of ~id day,Llfiwood. In the Court Ih~om No. 201. t, tm~nd Floor,

(Jufil’~,lt~e Trust lh, lldlng,. In 1he (.’try of At-Plem~ntvllle--Jnhn P. A~hme~d. let ward ; I~nttc t’lty, Cottnty of Attanttc and Htate of



OILy, .... " i’:’:~’i:i’. ....... " .~Psc~

For Sale at.


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ADVERTISING YOUR HOME TOWN........... ~’ ~..Jt~ ...............

Every municipality has its adverUslng ~gents and May’s La’ndlng has some o[

t~e most ~ggresslve to be found ~nyw, here.They ~tm of two kinds: those who advertise the town’s attr~ctions ~nd

~dvant,~ges and those, who. knock it at every opportunity.The lmpresslon most $tr~er5 get of May’s Landing depends on whlch

of these they meet.The 0nly way to suppress the und~lrable advertisers Is to shame them into

silence; .to form a regular army of good advertisers and so minimize the others thattheir fretting wlll not be heard,

This Is your oppOrtunity to become an ~vertlserl Join the ranks of ¯those .who are spre=dlng, the good n=me ’of the municipality; get hold of thestr~nger be(ore’ the other fellows d0"+=id welcome him to the Town of NaturalOpp0rtunlUes. L~t Your fair h In your home‘ town be known l







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