Ncsp2012 Biomechanincs Pe- Ms. Lariosa



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BIOMECHANICS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION�Application of Biomechanics in Teaching

Physical Education

Overview q Define biomechanics q  Importance of biomechanics q Applying biomechanics in teaching

physical education q Qualitative and quantitative

approaches q Biomechanics in teaching Judo


It is the application of mechanical principles in the study of living organisms

(Hall, 2007).


The study and analysis of human movement patterns in sports (Bartlett,


Importance of Biomechanics in Physical Education

q To help students improve their performance in sports, dance, and other physical activities.

q To reduce the risk of injury.

Importance of Biomechanics in Physical Education

q To understand the human body.

q To know how internal and external forces affect movement.

Importance of Biomechanics in Physical Education

q To improve techniques and equipment.

q To promote safety.

Importance of Biomechanics in Physical Education

q To improve teaching and learning processes.

q To cater students with special needs (Adapted P.E.).

PE teachers, coaches, and athletes

are “biomechanists” but they think of biomechanics unconsciously.

Tasks of P.E. Teachers & Coaches q Observe movement patterns of students

or athletes during an execution of a skill.

q Correct errors and give feedback.

q Help students or athletes identify how a technique becomes effective.


q Qualitative Approach q Quantitative Approach

QUALITATIVE q Observation of form and execution q Mirrors q Video Recording q Performance checklist

QUANTITATIVE q How fast did the student run? (Speed) q What is the distance covered by the

student after running 5 minutes? q How high should a volleyball player

jump to block the ball? q How many free throws can a student

do? (Angle of release)

When I teach Judo… q Physics of Judo

Concepts in Biomechanics q Force q Tension q Gravity, Center of Mass q Equilibrium q Force Absorption q Friction q Newton’s Law

Teaching biomechanical concepts in physical education is easier than it

seems, and it provides an ideal basis for collaboration with science teachers

(Strohmeyer, 2004)

q Knowledge of biomechanics in teaching physical education will help improve the performance of students.

q  It will also help the teachers in improving their teaching capabilities and efficacy.

q Sound understanding of biomechanical concepts will help in the development of appropriate physical activities for students.

q  It will also help the teachers and coaches in understanding the movements of their students and athletes.



q  Bartlett, R. (2007). Introduction to sports biomechanics, 2nd Ed. New York: Routledge.

q  Gagen, L. & Getchell, N. (2008). Applying Newton’s apple to elementary physical education: an interdisciplinary approach. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 79(8), 43-51.

q  Hall, S. J. (2007). Basic biomechanics, 5th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. q  Hudson, J. L. (2006). Applied biomechanics in an instructional setting.

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 77 (8), 25-27. q  Knudson, D. (2003). An integrated approach to the introductory

biomechanics course. Physical Educator 60(3), 122-133. q  Knudson, D. (2007). Fundamentals of biomechanics., 2nd Ed. New York:

Springer. q  Strohmeyer, H. S. (2004). Biomechanical concepts for physical educator.

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 75(7), 17-21. q  Strohmeyer, H. S. (2005). Biomechanics in the postsecondary population:

are we taking our best shot? Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 76(8), 31-33.
