NCCC Letter - Collaboration With WMSU


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  • 8/13/2019 NCCC Letter - Collaboration With WMSU


    08 February 2014

    HON. ALDRIN BUCOY-ABDURAHIMStudent Regent and PresidentUniversity Student CouncilWestern Mindanao State University, Zamboanga City

    Dear Hon. Abdurahim,

    Greetings of solidarity!

    The League of College Councils (LCC) is convened by the Office of the ViceChairperson of the University Student Council of the University of the Philippines -Diliman. The LCC is an alliance of all student councils in UP Diliman. It serves as anavenue to forward concrete and sustainable actions to all challenges that hinder genuinedevelopment in the education sector and all other sectors in society. Being a younginstitution, the LCCs potential is aimed to be a bastion of the current student movementthat will push for maximum student participation by mainstreaming all possible means tointegrate the Iskolar ng Bayan in the challenge of serving the nation.

    In line of the goals of the LCC, the alliance will be organizing the National Congress ofCollege Councils (NCCC), a three-day congregation of student leaders from all over thePhilippines aiming to tackle the problem of budgeting and prioritization of the sector ofeducation to be held at the University of the Philippines - Diliman on March 7-9,2014.

    The NCCC aspires to serve as a venue for the united call for reforms in the educationsector and other pertinent social issues through the use of the applications of academicknowledge of the students. The NCCC is the key project of the League of CollegeCouncils UP Diliman. The NCCC shall consolidate the feasibility and establish therelevance why the education sector should be sufficiently financed, especially throughthe rechanneling of the Pork Barrel funds.

    In this light, we would like to request the following from your office:1. Send a delegation from your university s different college student councils and

    university student council; and2. Possible collaboration with the NCCC in contacting SUC administrations and

    students in Mindanao.

    If your good office will agree to collaborate with the NCCC, the logo of your studentcouncil shall be included in the credits. Also, further discussions shall be set to clarifydetails on the partnership.

    Attached in this letter are the NCCC Concept Paper, Brochure, Schedule of Activities,and the certification of the League of College Councils from UP Diliman.

    Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 09054502488 for your concerns andclarifications. Paglingkuran ang Sambayanan!

    In service,

    JULLIANO FERNANDO A. GUIANGConvenor, NCCC 2014Convenor, League of College CouncilsVice-Chairperson, USC UP Diliman