Navin gnanakrishnanslideshare


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I graduated from Woburn Collegiate Institute in 2008. Obtaining a high school diploma opened up many job opportunities for me. After graduation I worked at various call centers both an inbound and outbound environment. Going to school and working taught me time management skills and commitment to responsibilities. I have always been eager to work and open to all job categories. Currently I am a call center agent pursuing career opportunities in the line of business and banking.

Currently I am working as a Logistics Clerk for Vitran. I handle all incoming shipment paperwork and process their information so they are ready to leave to their destination. Working here over the past year has helped build my communication and interpersonal skills. With the knowledge gained from this job, I hope to use it on my pursuit to greater career opportunities. While I am continuing to complete my program at Centennial College I will continue to gain knowledge and experience working here.

I am enrolled at Centennial College and expect to receive my Diploma in Accounting in 2013. I am presently enrolled in my last semester and enjoy this new experience. Previously I attended Ryerson University but switched because I felt Centennial College had more to offer me. After I graduate from College I expect to go to University and complete my Bachelor of Commerce degree. I expect to be finished with education unless a future opportunity will require an MBA or Masters Degree.

In the near future I hope to work for in the banking industry. The pictures attached are some of my major banks I would like to work for. Since I was a child I decided I wanted to work with money and turn it into more money. I hope to work for a Canadian bank sometime soon so I can gain experience in the workplace while obtaining my education in Business.

When I am not thinking about work or school, I am usually doing something involved with Basketball. I have been a big fan of the NBA and an even bigger fan of the Los Angeles Lakers. I always try to bring basketball to the workplace whether its engaging in active discussion or analyzing odds for sports betting. Basketball has taught me that it brings people together and allows you to bond on a common interest. I use it as part of my icebreakers and because I enjoy the sport so much.