Navigation Systems



Navigation Systems. 2013 GOALS and OBJECTIVES with voice over commentary on each slide. Click on the icon to hear the presentation after you read the slide. Prepared by the DSO-NS 013 – 1/1/2013. The Coast Guard is responsible for the inspection of all Class I PATONS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Navigation Systems2013 GOALS and OBJECTIVES with voice over commentary on each slide. Click on the icon to hear the presentation after you read the slide. Prepared by the DSO-NS 013 1/1/2013

  • 2013 PATON Totals *Sector NNE519Ant SWH 169ANT S. Portland265STA Burlington 85Sector BOS484ANT Boston484Sector SENE1,814ANT Woods Hole1,328ANT Bristol486


  • The Coast Guard is responsible for the inspection of all Class I PATONS

    Auxiliary AVs are responsible for the verification of all Class II and Class III PATONs.


  • PATON Priority 1

    VERIFY one-third of the PATONs in each Patrol Area.

    **Submit a 7054 AV Verification Report on-line for each PATON that you verify. Also, report your NS activity on a 7030 AUXDATA Activity Report.

    The scheduled PATONs for 2013 are listed in the Check Out list that appears when you log onto the PATON System - AUX PATON Logon Screen.

  • *The AUX Logon ScreenYour Official 1/3 PATON Schedule

  • The Check Off List shows the official 2013 PATON Schedule and PATON Status Report.

    When there are no more PATONs showing on this list, you have completed your 2013 PATON schedule.


  • Check every Private Aid within each Patrol Area.Submit an on-line 7054 AV Verification Report for each unscheduled PATON that you observe as discrepant.

    Report your NS activity on a 7030 AUXDATA Activity Report Individual for all PATONs that you check.

    There is a major difference between VERIFYING and CHECKING an aid.

    *PATON Priority 2

  • Your 7054 AV Verification Report is being sent to the PATONs Owner this yearEach 7054 AV Verification report submitted is being sent to the owner of record this year.

    Be especially careful that you follow the guidelines for observing and reporting Private aids.

    Remember our goals of accuracy, professionalism and credibility on each report that you submit.*

  • As NS Staff Officers, you and your AVs are the field force that has to achieve these goals as part of the local Coast Guard team.

    As a NS Staff Officers, you have to exert the expected leadership within your AOR to see that the whole job is accomplished.*

  • 2013 BRIDGE PLANSurvey all Class 1, 2 and 3 bridges in your Patrol Area.If a bridge is not navigable from the sea, submit a Bridge Update Report to change the Class Code to a Class 4.We will not need to survey this bridge again.

    Do not survey Class 4 Bridges unless specifically requested to do so by the Coast Guard.


  • Recheck the status of all bridges that are showing an open discrepancy.

    When a bridge has not been corrected in a timely manner, report your concern so that follow up with the Bridge Branch is re-initiated.

    Bridges showing discrepancies should be looked at on a monthly basis to check whether any discrepancies have been corrected.


  • THE ATON PLANCheck all ATONs within each Patrol Area.Check the Aids Position Maneuver close aboard the aid using the Open/CPN on-line chart with a WAAS GPS Dongel or else manually compare the observed position to the position of the aid in the Corrected Light List.

    Check the Corrected Light List to be sure that the narrative compares with your observations of the aid.


  • 3. Check that the position and the charted symbols and abbreviations for the aid match your on scene observations and the narrative in the Light List.

    4. Check the aid for discrepancies.

    Note: Only report Federal Aids and unscheduled PATONs observed with discrepancies to the Coast Guard.*

  • The 2013 AV Plan SummaryVisit each patrol area in the District to:Verify and report the scheduled PATONs.Check the unscheduled PATONs.Report any observed discrepancies.List all the Non-Permitted PATONs.On the Non-Permitted PATON Report.Check all the Federal Aids.Report any observed discrepancies. Survey all the Bridges.*

  • CHART UPDATING PROGRAMEncourage members to participate in Chart Updating WebEX Training and live workshop programs in your Division.Prepare and publish a list of Chart Updating opportunities for your Division.

    Plan and facilitate some Chart Updating events and submit CU reports to NOAA.


  • SMALL CRAFT FACILITY (SCF) UPDATINGIdentify and publish a list of Small Craft Facilities within your AOR that meet the criteria for inclusion on a Small Craft Chart.

    Review existing charted and listed SCFs for accuracy.

    Encourage members to participate in the Small Craft Facility WebEX Training programs.

    Plan and facilitate some Small Craft Facility events and submit SCF reports to NOAA.

    If your area is not plotted on a NOAA Small Craft Chart, you are off the hook.


  • When an Auxiliary Staff Officer doesnt make a detailed plan for achieving their assigned goals and objectives, its a sure bet that nothing will get accomplished in that Flotilla or Division during 2013.


    Welcome to the 2013 Navigation Systems Goals and Objectives training presentation for all Aid Verifiers in First Northern. As an AV, it is important that you clearly understand the scope of the job that you are expected to perform in 2013. Each AV in the District makes an important contribution for achieving our overall Navigation Systems goals. Thank you for your service each year.*This slide show the results of our PATON performance for 2012. Our goal was to verify 33.3% of the PATONs and we actually did 45.5%. This became a problem for some CG ANTs due to the extra clerical work that we created so we have modified our goals for 2013. Our thanks go out to all of the AVs who helped us achieve this goal. You did a super job last year.*The Auxiliary AVs are authorized by the Coast Guard to verify the Class II and Class III private aids in the District. Class II private aids are generally lateral aids that mark channels and are lights. Class III private aids are normally regulatory aids, such as, No Wake Buoys, Speed Buoys, and the like.

    The Coast Guard is assigned to verify all of the Class I aids. Class I private aids are required to be verified each year by Federal Regulation. The Auxiliary is not authorized to verify Class I private aids to navigation.*The number one priority for the Private Aid to Navigation (PATON) Program in the First District is to verify and submit an on-line 7054 AV Verification Report for one-third of the PATONs within each Patrol Area.

    Each individual AV must submit their own on-line verification reports. In this manner, your report is digitally recorded to you as the submitter on the PATON record. Your name and the verification date of your report will appear on future PATON Lists. Once your report is submitted, the reporting of your observations to the Coast Guard is resolved.

    You also must report your activity to the Auxiliary using a 7030 AUXDATA Activity Report Individual. You have two reporting methods open to you. You can use a 7030 report from the Auxiliary Forms Library. Or, you may chose to use the 7030 report that is part of the 7054 AV Verification Report. The details of these options will be explained in other training presentations as part of this workshop.*The 2013 PATON Schedule is shown in the Check Out list that shows when you log onto the PATON System using an AV Access Code. Scheduled PATONs are listed by Patrol Area and by PATON Name in alphabetical order.

    When you submit a 7054 AV Verification Report for a PATON, this system removes the PATON from this list. So, in effect, this list becomes an on-line Status report.

    When reports for all of the scheduled PATONs for a particular patrol area are submitted, the scheduled PATON part of the 2013 PATON program is completed.

    Do not submit reports for PATONs that are not on this list unless they have been observed as discrepant.*Additional PATONs could be designated for verification if the need arises, such as for new aids.

    The Check Out list will be the only source for the 2013 PATON Schedule. There will be no spreadsheets or manual schedules to deal with in 2013. This is it!*Along with the scheduled PATONs in a Patrol Area, you are asked to check every unscheduled PATON in each Patrol Area. Note the different terminology of Check versus Verify.

    In a checking process, you would do a pre-underway documentation check permitted specification versus the Light List versus the symbols and abbreviations on a NOAA Chart. You would do a brief IALA-B review of the aid. You would do a quick check that the aid is on station and a final check for any discrepancies on the aid. This checking process could be performed on either a Federal Aid (ATON) or a private aid (PATON). Only checked aids that show a discrepancy are reported to the Coast Guard.

    For all unscheduled PATONs that you check, you may submit your activity to AUXDATA on a 7030 AUXDATA Activity Report Individual Report.*New for 2013, every 7054 AV Verification Report is being sent to the PATON owner in addition to the CG Sector, The CG ANT, and DPW 1.

    Your credibility is at stake. Be sure that you are following the PATONs guidelines for accuracy. Be sure to add the Accuracy Statement and any photos of discrepancies. Also note the Photo Icon that appears on those PATONs that have an Official Photo. The system accepts multiple photos and you dont have to label them when that are attached to a 7054 report.

    This is our opportunity to demonstrate our professionalism as Auxiliary AVs.*Direct any questions on the PATON Systems goals and objectives to your ADSO or SO-NS.

    If you have any questions as how to report a Private Aid when you are on scene at the PATON, you can call Frank Larkins cell at 617-997-7423.

    Be sure that you are right before you report! Your credibility to the Coast Guard and the Owner is very important.*In 2013, survey all Class 1, 2 and 3 Bridges in your Patrol Area

    Just e-mail me and I will fix the system.Or go into the Bridge Database and correct the Bridge Specifications. The system notifies the DSO to confirm the change and advise the Bridge Branch in New York.

    Send photos of the obstructions that we can post on the bridges record.*You should be rechecking bridges with discrepancies on a monthly basis.If nothing is being done, report it. The DSO will follow up to see what is the problem.*While you are verifying and checking the PATONs in your Patrol Areas, we want you to check all the Federal aids or ATONs in that area. You would only report any discrepancies that you observe. For the ATONs and the unscheduled PATONs being checked, you would only report discrepancies to the Coast Guard.

    Note that ATONs should be checked not verified. This simplified checking process for ATONs and unscheduled PATONs includes:

    Check the position of the aids. Using an on-line chart plotter, maneuver the OPFAC close aboard the aid. If the aid shows close to the charted aid on the plotter, considered it as on-station.

    Check the narrative for the aid in the Corrected Light List. This should be done prior to the Patrol. The basis for a PATON is the permitted record. Many PATONs are not charted nor listed in the Light List. The basis for an ATON is the Corrected Light.* 3. Check the charted symbols and abbreviations against your observation of the Aid. This should be done before the Patrol.

    Does the aid comply with the IALA-B Aid to navigation System? This involves only the lateral aids.

    Check the aid for discrepancies. Only report ATONs and checked unscheduled PATONs observed with discrepancies to the Coast Guard. PATON discrepancy reports would be submitted on-line.*To summarize the AVs job this year, we are asking that they visit every patrol area in their AOR this year. It will be necessary to establish a specific patrol plan so that every scheduled PATON, unscheduled PATON and Non-permitted PATON are not missed. Also, every Federal Aid (ATON) in the patrol area is checked and every Bridge in the area is surveyed.

    We recommend that as each patrol area is visited, all of the scheduled PATON verifications, unscheduled PATON checks, ATON checks, Non-Permitted PATON listings and Bridge surveys are performed in the area on the same patrol. This is how the Coast Guard checks an area. *We will be conducting Chart Updating Training using WebEX this year.

    Schedules will be published on the First Northern Web Site and in the NS Newsletter.

    Start forming a team of interested AVs.

    Start reviewing your local charts and listing the items that may need to be updated.

    Many updates can be performed by land. OPFACs are not needed.

    Remember that Chart Updating is a year round Auxiliary activity.*If your AOR does not have a Small Craft Chart, you are off the hook on this program.

    Make a list of potential SCF update possibilities in your AOR.

    Schedule some update events with your CU Team.

    Most of this work can be performed by land. OPFACs are not needed.

    This is a year round activity.*When an Navigation Systems Staff Officer doesnt make a plan for achieving their assigned goals and objectives for the year, history has shown that nothing will get accomplished in that Flotilla or Division in that year.

    The Coast Guard relies on our Navigation Systems staff to get these important jobs done. If your flotilla or division doesnt their job, we have to assign other flotillas and divisions to do your work. As in the past, Navigation Systems will get the job done for the Coast Guard. However, we would much rather work the AVs in the area.

    Our sincere thanks go out to all of the dedicated AVs in First Northern who help us achieve our goals each year.*