Native Plant Establishment - Late Summer


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  • 1. Timingof winter/fallplanting Water needs vs.water use Faster establishmentwith lowermaintenance TRWG-Z over hand-watering

2. Clarify potential benefits of TRWG-Zover hand-watering Determine if single application ( or12weeks of continual moisture) couldsuccessfully establish plants Determine if photosynthesis prior todormant season would have substantialbenefit to plant establishment Define water saving using TRWG-Z 3. TRWG-Z, (carboxymethylcellulose cross-linked polymer) Potable water City of Santa Rosa, CA Zinc Sulfate essential to many enzyme systems in plants contributes to production of growth regulators most available form of zinc to plants Glacial Acetic Acid naturally occurring auxin induce elongation in shoot cells improve uptake of minerals 4. Species Quercus agrifolia Quercus lobata Planting times August 4, 2009 September 2, 2009 October 2,2009 Container size D-40 Climate-Mediterranean10- 10-Month9-Aug9-Sep9-Oct9-Nov9-Dec10-Jan 10-Feb10-Apr10-Jun 10-JulMar MayHigh 102F101F87F 80F 65F 62F 71F 81F 82F 83F 97F 92FLow47F 40F 38F 30F 21F 32F 34F 33F 34F 35F 45F 45FPrecip 0.11 in. 0.49 in. 1.81 in. 4.31 in. 4.50 in. 6.25 in. 6.08 in. 4.71 in. 1.67 in. 0.83 in. 0.19 in. 0.06 5. Each plot 32 plants 10X18 20 with TRWG-Z -12 hand-watered August single application TRWG Hand-watered : 12 weeks, 2.5 gallon each week Last hand-watered date was October 7 September single application of TRWG-Z Hand-watered: 12 weeks, 2.5 gallon each week October single application of TRWG-Z Hand-watered: 12 weeks, 2.5 gallon each week(except during active precipitation) 6. Two Harvests June 23, 2010 November 27, 2010 Three-weeks of drying time Weighed on calibrated scale3025 Quercus agrifolia20 June 2010 Harvest15 10 months after planting 1050 Hand-water TRWG-Z 7. TRWG-ZHand-watered15 grams 9 gramsQuercus agrifolia Planted August2009, harvested and weighed June 2010 8. Plant species Hand-watered TRWG-ZQuercus agrifolia815Quercus lobata1426Average 112010-month old plants 9. Left: TRWG-Z 78(g) Right: Hand-watered 37(g)Quercus agrifolia-15 month old plants 10. August 89(g) September 12 (g) October 9(g)15 month old plant 14 month old plant 13month old plant 11. Quercus lobata Quercus agrifoliaTRWG-Z left / Hand watered right TRWG-Z left / Hand watered right 42-inches 60-inches24-inches 36-inches 12. CaliperHeight2.5120 100 2801.560 CaliperHeight 1400.520 0 0August September October August September October 13. Photos takenAugust 23, 2012 14. Latesummer planting appears to allowsufficient photosynthesis resulting in amplecarbohydrate storage for spring plantgrowth Zinc and Glacial Acetic Acid contribute tothe production of essential growth overpotable water with no nutrients Using TRWG-Z contributes to overall waterefficiency No plants received water after 12 weeks -1fatality-continual moisture appearsnecessary 15. TRWG-ZHAND-WATER Per Plant Per plant 2.5 gallons at planting 2.5 gallons per week 1 Quart of TRWG-Zfor 12 weeks = 30 12 weeks = 2.75gallons gallonsWater saving per plant: 92% 16. EconomicsWater efficiencyUnpredictable weatherSuccess criteria 17. (1993). Zinc, needed throughout the root zone. Micronutrient newsand information, Vol. 13(No. 4). (1994). Zinc-the most important micronutrient. Micronutrient newsand information, Vol. 14(No. 3) Amrani, M., Westfall, D. G., & Peterson, G. A. (1993). Zinc plantavailability as influenced by zinc fertilizer sources and zinc watersolubility. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Arteca, R. N. (1996). Plant growth substances, Principles andapplications. New York, NY: Chapman and Hall. Mordvedt, J. J., Cox, F. R., Shuman, L. M., & Welch, R. M. (1991).Micronutrients in agriculture (2nd ed.). Madison, WI: Soil ScienceSociety of America. Wheeler, J., PhD, & Peterson, K. (2006). DRiWATER plus, a newproduct (cross linked carboxymethylocellulose gel with zinc andacetic acid). Tucson, AZ: Research conducted at Acre Inc. Source for Santa Rosa Temp. & Precip:*
