National Center on Response to Intervention NCRTI TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE DOCUMENTATION AND...


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National Center on Response to



Tessie Rose, PhDNCRTI Co-coordinator of TA and Implementation and

Telecommunication Supports

Stacia Rush, PhDNCRTI Task Leader for Direct Technical Assistance

National Center on Response to

InterventionSection Agenda

Development of TA Action Plan

Highlights of TA Activities in 4 states

TA Documentation

State Implementation Resources

National Center on Response to

InterventionIdentifying Intensive States

Identify SEAs interested in intensive support

Conduct assessment of TA needs and level of state effort

Develop Memorandum of Understanding and establish state goals

Develop TA Action Plan

National Center on Response to


NCRTI Technical Assistance Tools

Purpose Identify potential TA areas of need Guide discussions for developing TA action

plan Center TA Tools

Rubric of State Efforts Capacity Building Dialogue Guide

National Center on Response to

InterventionRubric of State Efforts

Purpose Document state level of effort and capacity

for statewide scale-up of RTI Components

Leadership Systems of Support Evidence of Need

National Center on Response to

InterventionRubric of State Efforts

National Center on Response to

InterventionCapacity Building Dialogue Guide

Purpose Guide discussions to identify level of

implementation and potential areas of TA needs

Components Six Stages of Implementation (Fixsen) Capacity Building Elements

National Center on Response to

InterventionCapacity Building Dialogue Guide

NCRTI Capacity Building Elements Vision Leadership Needs Assessment Training and Outreach Evaluation

National Center on Response to


NCRTI Capacity Building Dialogue Guide

National Center on Response to


NCRTI Capacity Building Dialogue Guide

National Center on Response to

InterventionNCRTI TA Action Plan

Purpose Establish realistic state goals to match

identified needs Create clear action steps to achieve goals Keep TA and state activities relevant and

timely Designed to be flexible as SEA needs


National Center on Response to


Sample State TA Action Plan

National Center on Response to



Highlights of TA Activities for States at Varying Levels of RTI Implementation

National Center on Response to

InterventionSouth Carolina

Goal: Create a guidance document and supporting documents for the state of SC, describing SC’s vision of RTI, salient components, and details of RTI framework.

Set agendas for and facilitate leadership team meetings

Facilitate establishment of salient components of guidance document and appropriate supporting documents

National Center on Response to

InterventionSouth Carolina, cont.

Provide examples from other states’ visions and guidance documents

Designate authors and writing assignments

Establish writing timeline

Participate in final electronic revisions and editing

National Center on Response to


GOAL: Develop an implementation plan and provide technical assistance through PA’s technical assistance network for Secondary RtI Learning sites.

Assist in discussion and development of vision

Review and input on Secondary Guidance Document

Participate in Secondary RTI Workgroup meetings

Participate in State RTI meeting

National Center on Response to

InterventionPennsylvania, cont.

Review and input on Pilot Study

Assist in data collection and analysis of needs assessment

Share costs of experts to build capacity with PaTTAN and IU consultants

Identify trainers/coaches to work with selected PaTTAN and IU staff

Identify consultant with expertise in evaluation of RTI implementation at district and school level

National Center on Response to


Goal: Imbed fidelity into the current MTSS, including a fidelity training manual for Kansas MTSS training; and to disseminate the fidelity information and materials to a larger audience.

Develop and deliver a power point presentation and materials on fidelity to pilot groups

Gather feedback data about the fidelity presentation and materials to guide further development

National Center on Response to

InterventionKansas, cont.

Revise fidelity PowerPoint and materials

Embed fidelity materials within the MTSS structuring guides, implementation guides, and training power point slides

Present fidelity materials at Kansas’ MTSS Conference

National Center on Response to


Goal: Provide the technical assistance and professional development to prepare for implementation

Facilitate monthly planning meetings

Contribute resources and information

Coordinate with other TA centers to identify state associations and infrastructures for support

Facilitate activities at state meeting to identify roles in information dissemination

National Center on Response to

InterventionOklahoma, cont.

Facilitate development of action plan to disseminate guidance document

Review and provide feedback for dissemination plan

Provide content support for developing modules

Provide train the trainer activities on NCRTI modules

National Center on Response to

InterventionDocumenting TA: Portfolio

Compilation of information regarding state’s RTI activities

Five 5 Essential Parts Introduction: Technical Assistance Information Section I: State Demographics Section II: Current Related RTI Activities Section III: Monthly Update Summary Section IV: NCRTI TA Tools (Select States Only)

Part I: Capacity Building Dialogue GuidePart II: Rubric of State Efforts

National Center on Response to


NCRTI State Database

Database to contain RTI information and resources from states, such as:

• Policies• Guidance documents• Briefs• Handbooks• Presentations• Tools• Checklists


National Center on Response to

InterventionAdditional State Resources

Workgroup Briefs Bi-Monthly Updates of

Workgroup Activities

State Implementation Briefs Bi-Monthly Summaries of SEA


National Center on Response to



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