Narrative Essay Writing...Read the sentences below. Which 3 sentences would not be good as a...


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Narrative Essay


What is narrative essay writing?

• Story about something that happened in your life • Written from your perspective • Zooming in on a small moment

Quick Write #1Write about a time you were embarrassed on a lined piece of paper in your writing duo-tang or section of your binder. If you’re typing that’s fine too.

Put a timer on and see if you can write for about 5 mins.

No quotation marks for now.

Don’t worry about spelling, grammar or punctuation! Don’t worry about creating multiple paragraphs.

Don’t worry about including a proper intro or conclusion. Just focus on getting all your ideas out and on the paper.

Ms. Lane’s sample

An embarrassing moment that I can think of was an event that happened when I was in grade 8. I was walking through the school cafeteria with my friend Tuesday and we were going to get a snack from the vending machine. This particular day I was wearing my favorite pink pointy shoes and very flared jeans. As I was walking through the cafeteria, one of my shoes got caught in the flare of my

pants which made me fall down. I felt absolutely mortified. I quickly stood up, kept walking, and the same thing happened again! I was so embarrassed. I remember feeling my face get red instantly. I

remember my friend Tuesday helping me get up both times I fell over. I remember this embarrassing moment being stuck in my mind for so long and it was something I thought after a lot. When I look back now, I realize that it was so silly of me to worry about this for days afterwards, but as a kid in

grade 8, something like this is just the worst!

Stories are everywhere!

You are already telling stories every day! You gather on the playground to talk about that thing that happened over the weekend. You sit at lunch and describe an argument you had with a sibling. Without even thinking about it, you

begin sentences with “This one time…” and launch into stories about your childhood experiences.

You are natural storytellers; learning how to do it well on paper is simply a matter of studying good models, then

practicing what those writers do.

What’s in a narrative essay?

These are the parts of a narrative essay:

• Introduction (hook and thesis) • Body (includes a few paragraphs)

• Conclusion


Hook + Thesis = Introduction The intro of a narrative essay is the paragraph that beginsyour story. You describe the setting, introduce the characters, and prep your audience for the story to come.

The narrative hook is part of the intro (usually the first few sentences) that grabs the readers’ attention. It helps set the stage and helps the reader guess what’s going to come in the essay.

Intro Hook Example

Title: Frustration at the Airport

I had never been more anxious in my life. I had just spend the last three endless hours trying to get to the airport so that I could travel home. Now, as I watched the bus driver set my luggage on the airport sidewalk, I realized that my frustration had only just begun.

Read the sentences below. Which 3 sentences would not be good as a narrative essay hook?

1. The roar of the race-car engines ripped through the blazing heat of the day.

2. It was freezing on that sad December day.3. After my brother’s accident, I sat alone in the hospital waiting room.4. My friend and I should not have been walking home alone so late on

that dark winter night.5. Whales are by far the largest marine mammals.6. She gave her friend a birthday gift.7. The gleaming snow lay over the treacherous mountain like a soft white

blanket, making the terrain seem safe instead of deadly.8. The Russian dictionary that we use in our language class has 500

pages.9. Amber never expected to hear the deadly sound of a rattlesnake in

her kitchen garden.10. A shot rang out in the silence of the night.

ThesisThe thesis introduces the action that begins in the next 2nd

paragraph of the essay.

Title: Frustration at the Airport

I had never been more anxious in my life. I had just spend the last three endless hours trying to get to the airport so that I could travel home. Now, as I watched the bus driver set my luggage on the airport sidewalk, I realized that my frustration had only just begun.

Some more thesis examples. These would be the last sentence at the end of the 1st paragraph.

(1) I wanted my mother to watch my race down the steep hill, so I called out her name and then nudged my bike forward.

(1) Since his pride would not allow him to apologize, Ken now had to fight the bully, and he was pretty sure that he would not win.

The Body

• The body contains most of the plot and supporting info • We will be organizing our paragraph by chronological

order • Each paragraph will give more info about what

happened • First paragraph is the first event, Second paragraph is the

second event and so on • The length of the body of your essay will be different for

each of you.

End of lesson 1

You can pause video here and continue tomorrow or you can

continue listening if you’d like to go ahead.

Quick Write #2• Write about an important family moment on a lined piece in your writing duo-tang

or section of your binder. If you’re typing that’s fine too.

• Put a timer on and see if you can write continuously for 5 mins.

• Don’t worry about spelling, grammar or punctuation!

• Don’t worry about including a proper intro or conclusion. Just focus on getting all your ideas out and on the paper.

• No quotation marks

• The one thing I do want you to focus on, is can you include super sentence starters (with an –ing verbs) which a refresher of what this is is on the next slide!

Super Sentence Starters

-ing verbs

Try to include 2 of these types of sentences in your quick-write. Underline or highlight

when you’ve included one of those.

Of course, you can include more if you can!

Ms. Lane’s sample

A really important moment in my family has been the birth of my nephew Liam last August. The day he was born was quite an eventful and exciting day. None of us anticipated that this was the day he was going to be born as it was over a week before his delivery day. Earlier in

the day, my sister texted me saying she was having some pain and feeling strange. My brother-in-law and my sister decided to drive to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. A

couple hours later, I get a text message from my brother-in-law, and it’s a picture of my sister, laying in the hospital bed, with a tiny baby in her arms. Screaming in my head, I read the text again. I reply that this must be a joke and my brother-in-law replies that this is the real deal.Luckily I was visiting my parents apartment which is directly across from the hospital. Smiling

from ear to ear, we all quickly put our shoes on, and rushed as quickly as possible to the hospital.


• So far we’ve learned about what narrative essays are • You did a quick write • We learned about the intro • We learned about the body • Now we’ll learn more about what else goes into a

narrative essay

Transitional Sentences

• Each paragraph in your body will end w/ a transitional sentence • Moving away from the simple ones we learned at the beginning

of the year (first, then, next, secondly, thirdly…) • This signals the end of an action in one paragraph and provides

a link to the next paragraph • This gives your story unity and makes it easy to follow

Let’s talk about:-Hook -Thesis -Body -Transitional sentences -Conclusion

Let’s also talk about how this is zoomed in a very small moment in this person’s life. We’re not writing a narrative essay about our entire life.

Essay continues on the next slide

Conclusion – types of endings

• Moral The little boy had finally learned that telling the truth was the most important thing to do. • Prediction I can only hope that one day iw ill be able to do the same for another traveler who is suffering through a terrible journey. • Revelation Every New Year’s Eve, my wife and I return to the magical spot and remember the selfless act that saved our lives

End of lesson 2

You can pause video here and continue tomorrow or you can

continue listening if you’d like to go ahead.

Sequencing Events • When we’re writing our narrative essay, we’ll be writing

them in chronological order.• You’ll get some practice with sequencing events. • You’re going to watch some short clips and then write

down the sequence of events. • You’ll remember doing this in class right before Spring

Break. We practiced doing this for the short clip about Pip the dog who was trying to be a guide dog

Story Plot Diagram

Learning about Plot:

Some examples as seen in videos:

Watch these two videos. They both go into more detail about plot diagrams/mountains.

Sequencing Events practice Watch the short clip and fill in the plot diagram. Copy this diagram into your duo-tang.

You might remember watching this clip if you were at school during the last week

before Spring Break.

Sequencing Practice

Sample Essay

-Read the essay -Draw plot diagram in the

duo-tang -Fill it in based on this story

End of lesson 3