Nano Tech No Log 1


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8/6/2019 Nano Tech No Log 1 1/15

8/6/2019 Nano Tech No Log 1 2/15

nanoparticles will circulate

through the body, detect cancer-

associated molecular changes,

assist with imaging release a

therapeutic agent and then

monitor the effectiveness of the



Cancer: cancer is not just

one disease but rather a group of 


• All forms of cancer cause

cells in the body to change

and grow out of control.

• Most types of cancer cells

form a lump or mass

called a tumor .

• The tumor can invade and

destroy healthy tissue.

Cells from the tumor can

  break away and travel to

other parts of the body.

There they can continue to


• This spreading process is

called metastasis. When

cancer spreads, it is still

named after the part of the

 body where it started. For 

example, if breast cancer 

spreads to the lungs, it is

still breast cancer, not

lung cancer 



• Advances in

  Nanotechnology could


• Find cancer  

sooner.Improve the

quality of ultrasound wave

images. Reduce the need

for a biopsy.Increase the

  probability of beating

cancer at an early stage.



Cell division is the

 process by which a parent cell 

divides into two or more

daughter cells. Cell division is

usually a small segment of a

larger cell cycle. This type of 

cell division in eukaryotes is

known as mitosis, and leaves

the daughter cell capable of 

dividing again..A human

  being's body experiences

about 10,000 trillion cell

divisions in a lifetime.

Apoptosis is the process of 

 programmed cell death (PCD)

that may occur in multicellular 

organisms. Biochemical

events lead to characteristic

cell changes (morphology)

and death. These changes

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include blebbing, loss of cell

membrane asymmetry and

attachment, cell shrinkage,

nuclear fragmentation,

chromatin condensation,

and chromosomal DNA


Cancers are caused by a series

of mutations. Each mutation

alters the behavior of the cell

somewhat.Cancer is

fundamentally a disease of 

regulation of tissue growth. In

order for a normal cell to

transform into a cancer cell,

genes which regulate cell

growth and differentiation must

 be altered. Genetic changes can

occur at many levels, from gain

or loss of entire chromosomes to

a mutation affecting a single

DNA nucleotide. There are two

 broad categories of genes which

are affected by these changes.

Oncogenes may be normal

genes which are expressed at

inappropriately high levels, or 

altered genes which have novel

  properties. In either case,

expression of these genes

  promotes the malignant

  phenotype of cancer cells.

Tumor suppressor genes are

genes which inhibit cell

division, survival, or other 

  properties of cancer cells.

Tumor suppressor genes are

often disabled by cancer-

  promoting genetic changes.

Typically, changes in many

genes are required to transform

a normal cell into a cancer 

cell.There is a diverse

classification scheme for the

various genomic changes which

may contribute to the generation

of cancer cells. Most of these

changes are mutations, or 

changes in the nucleotide

sequence of genomic DNA.

Aneuploidy, the presence of an

abnormal number of  

chromosomes, is one genomic

change which is not a mutation,

and may involve either gain or 

loss of one or more

chromosomes through errors in

mitosis.Large-scale mutations

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and/or destroy the past

a common belief was that

cancer cells failed to be

recognized and destroyed

 because of a weakness in the

immune system. However,

more recent research has

shown that the failure to

recognize cancer cells is

caused by the lack of  

  particular co-stimulated

molecules that aid in the way

antigens react with

lymphocytes. noncancerous

cells can help the cell cycle

grow, while cancer cells can

no longer do that.

Nanotechnology may also

be useful for developing

ways to eradicate cancer

cells without harming

healthy, neighboring

cells. Scientists hope to

use nanotechnology to

create therapeutic agents

that target specific cells

and deliver their toxin in

a controlled, time-

released manner.



The nanorobots that

we describe here will be

floating freely inside the

body exploring and

detect the cancerous,while designing

such a nanorobot for

cancer detection and

cancer treatment the

main factors that are to

considered are;

A.Technique used:

The creation of 

nanodevices can be done

using any of the two

technique that are

available.They are




approach (is also known as step-

wise design) Separating the low

level work from the higher level

abstractions leads to a modular 

design.Modular design means

development can be self 

contained.Having "skeleton"

code illustrates clearly how low

level modules integrate.Fewer 

operations errors (to reduce

errors, because each module has

to be processed separately, so

  programmers get large amount

of time for processing). Much

less time consuming (each

 programmer is only involved in

a part of the big project). Very

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surpervising physician

can easily send new

commands or parameters

to nanorobots already at

work inside the body.

Each nanorobot has

its own power supply

,computer & sensors thus

can receive the

physicians message via

acoustic sensors,then

compute and implement

the appropriate response.

The other half of the

process is getting

messages back out of the

body,from the working

nanodevices out to the

physician.This can also be

done acoustically.

However, onboard power

requirements for micron

scale acoustic wave

generators in water

dictate a maximum

practical transmission

range of at most a few

hundred microns for each

individual nanorobot.

Therefore it is

convenient to establish

an internal

communication netrwork

that can collect local

messages and pass them

along to a central

locating, which the

physician can them

monitor using sensitive

ultrasound detectors to

receive the messages.


A navigational

network may be installed

in the body with station

keeping navigational

elements providing high

positional accuracy to all

passing nanorobots that

interrogate them,wanting

to know their

location.Physical positions

can be reported

continuously using an in

via communication







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envision letting these

nanoshells seek out their

cancerous targets, then

applying near-infrared

light. In laboratory

cultures, the heat

generated by the light-

absorbing nanoshells has

successfully killed

tumor cells while leaving

neighboring cells intact.

Nanoshells have metallic

outer layer and silica core

Selectively attracted to

cancer shells either

through a phenomena

called enhanced

permeation retention or

due to some molecules

coated on the shells The

nanoshells are heated

with an external energy

source killing the cancer











Research is being done

on a number of  

nanoparticles created to

facilitate drug delivery.

One such molecule with

potential to link

treatment with detection

and diagnosis is known as

a dendrimer. Dendrimers

are man-made molecules

about the size of an

average protein, and

have a branching shape.

  This shape gives them

vast amounts of surface

area to which scientists

can attach therapeutic

agents or other

biologically active

molecules. A single

dendrimer can carry a

molecule that recognizes

cancer cells, a

therapeutic agent to kill

those cells, and a

molecule that recognizes

the signals of cell death.

Researchers hope to

manipulate dendrimers to

release their contents

only in the presence of 

certain trigger molecules

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. Diagnosis and


Nanobiotech scientists

have successfully produced

microchips that are coated with

human molecules. The chip is

designed to emit an electrical

impulse signal when the

molecules detect signs of a

disease. Special sensor nanobots

can be inserted into the blood

under the skin where they check 

 blood contents and warn of any

 possible diseases. They can also

  be used to monitor the sugar 

level in the blood. Advantages

of using such nanobots are that

they are very cheap to produce

and easily portable.

Targeted drug delivery

Nanoparticles containing

drugs are coated with

targeting agents (e.g.

conjugated antibodies). The

nanoparticles circulate

through the blood vessels

and reach the target

cells.Drugs are released

directly into the targeted


Drug developement

The drug carriers have

walls that are just 5-10 atoms

thick and the inner drug-filled

cell is usually 50-100

nanometers wide. When they

detect signs of the disease, thin

wires in their walls emit an

electrical pulse which causes the

walls to dissolve and the drug to

 be released. “Putting drugs into

nanostructures increases the

solubility quite substantially”


• In the medical world,

nanotechnology is alsoseen as a boon since

these can help with

creating what is called

smart drugs. These help

cure people faster and

without the side effects

that other traditional

drugs have. You willalso find that the

research of  

nanotechnology in

medicine is now

focusing on areas like

tissue regeneration,

  bone repair, immunity

and even cures for such

ailments like cancer,

diabetes, and other life

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