Nanny Survey - Park Slope


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Nanny Compensation Survey

Copyright 2008 by Park Slope Parents, LLC. Any duplication, reproduction, or usageof this document or any portion thereof without written consent is prohibited.

June 2008

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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 1

Table Of Contents

Methodology 2Summary 3

FAQ 11

Advice 16

Hiring a Nanny 21Nanny Duties/Responsibilities 25

Nanny Pay & Benefits 29

The Nanny/Family Relationship 45

Sample Demographics 52Future Research 56

Disclaimer 57

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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 2


Park Slope Parents conducted its first ever Nanny CompensationSurvey in March of 2008. Over 1,100 parents participated in thesurvey from the following groups * :• Park Slope Parents• Hudson River Park Mamas• DUMBO Parents• BoCoCa, Flatbush Family Network

• Bowery Babes• Attachment Parenting Group

This data represents the behavior and attitudes of employers of Nannies. We fully acknowledge that to have a fuller picture of Nannycompensation we would need to also survey Nannies’ perceptions andbehavior. This was beyond the scope and capabilities of the currentresearch. We also understand that both parents and caregivers willhave access to the data.

*Berkeley Parents & DC Urban Moms also participated in the survey and their data will beavailable in the coming weeks.

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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 4

Summary: Securing a Nanny

• 2 out of 3 respondents found their Nannies in a month or less.

• “Through a friend” is the number one way respondents foundtheir Nannies. One in three PSP members found their Nanny viathe PSP Classifieds.

• Checking multiple references for a Nanny is very common (78%doing it), but only 17% have Nannies sign a ‘Nanny contract’ (higher for full-time Nannies).

• Showing up unexpectedly is the most common way to check on aNanny (33%). Background checks (15%) and “Nanny cams” (3%) are seldom utilized.

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Summary: Duties/ Responsibilities

• Other than basic caregiving, the most common responsibilitiesNannies fulfill are:

— fixing kid’s meals— taking kids to extracurricular activities— light housecleaning— arranging play dates

• 8 in 10 respondents are fine with Nannies:— watching TV while the children sleep— making personal phone calls (with the Nanny’s phone)

• 6 in 10 respondents feel it’s okay for their Nanny to:— nap while kids are napping— do personal shopping with kids

— run their own errands— make personal phone calls from the employer’s phone

• Less than 10% of Nannies:— do heavy housecleaning— pick up dry cleaning— fix dinner for the whole family

— grocery shop for the family

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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 6

Summary: Typical P ay Rates*

*Families in Manhattan pay slightly more (but not in all scenarios)

** Full-time defined as more than 37.5 hours/week

$15/hr$13.50-$15/hrStandard Pay (2+ Children)

$13-$14/h$12-$13/hrStandard Pay (1 Child)

14 month16 monthsAverage Tenure

22 hours46 hoursAverage # of Hours Worked


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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 7

Summary: Typical P ay Rates

• 49% of respondents employ their current Nanny full-time .

• 78% of respondents pay weekly; 22% pay hourly.

• 97% of all Nannies live-out (3% live-in).

• 54% of respondents have only hired 1 Nanny, 25% have hired 2, and21% have hired 3 or more.

• 64% of Nannies care for 1 child, 33% care for 2 children, and 3% carefor 3 children.

• Average pay for live-in Nannies is $500-$550/week for 50/hrs.

• Increases for 2 nd child— $50-$100/week ($2-$3/hr; with $3 being themost frequently reported amount).

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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 8

Summary: Nanny P ay P ractices

• 63% of respondents employ a Nanny solely for their own needs,29% have a Nanny that also works for other families, while 8%have a Nanny share situation in which the Nanny cares for morethan two families’ children at the same time.

• 68% of employers who have full-time Nannies pay overtime,which is most commonly paid at $15/hr.

• 83% of respondents pay their Nanny if the family is on vacation.

• 86% of respondents pay their Nanny a full day’s pay if one parentcomes home early.

• 80% of respondents pay cab fare home for late nights, usuallyafter 8pm or 9pm.

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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 9

Summary: Nanny P ay P ractices

• 88% of respondents give their Nanny a year-end bonus, withthe vast majority paying between 1 and 1 ½ weeks pay.

• 9in ten respondents give their Nannies Christmas,Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day and 4 th of July as paid vacationdays.

• 17% of respondents have had a Nanny sleep-over for a night,with the ranging between $50-$100 (mode = $100).

• Half of respondents have given a raise to their Nannies,typically $1/hr.

• 9% of respondents’ families have traveled with their Nanny.

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Summary: Benefits

• 90% of respondents have an ‘open kitchen’ policy with theirNannies.

• 38% of respondents provide Nannies an allowance to spend onfood for the Nannies and kids.

• 66% of respondents allow their Nannies to select vacation time of

their own choosing.• 16% of respondents pay worker's compensation, disability,

unemployment, social security tax.

• 27% of respondents pay for a MetroCard (higher for full-timeNannies).

• 63% of respondents have helped their Nanny with some aspectof their life (e.g., researching health issues, school applications,family issues).

• 35% of respondents have given their Nanny furniture.

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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 11

Summary: Nanny/ Family Relationship

• 94% of respondents are very happy or extremely happywith their current Nanny.

• 71% of respondents have a great deal of respect for theNannies they employ.

• 62% of respondents feel completely confident their Nannywould know what to do in case of an emergency (higher forfull-time).

• 84% of respondents say that they are “in home” at leastsome of the time while the Nanny is taking care of theirchild(ren).

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How far in advance should I start looking for a Nanny?

• You should be able to find a Nanny within a month of when you need one tostart. If you are looking for a full-time Nanny you might start a bit earlier.

Wh ere should I look to find a Nanny?

• More than one-third of respondents found a Nanny through their friends,colleagues or acquaintances, although just as many respondents(members) find a Nanny through the PSP Classifieds.

Wh at should I expect my Nanny to do?

• Anything can be negotiated, but the most typical responsibilities are:— fixing kids’ meals— taking kids to extracurricular activities— light housework (picking up after the kids, cleaning up the table, etc)— arranging playdates

TIP : Using a Nanny Contract is the best way for both Nanny and employer tohave stated expectations.

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Should I pay w eekly or by the hour?

• 78% of respondents pay weekly, giving them some flexibilitywith hours (some weeks more, some less). But discuss thesetypes of issues up front before you hire your Nanny so that thereare no surprises.

My Nanny gets 2 w eeks vacation but w e are going on vacationfor 3 w eeks. Should I pay her when she’s not working?

• Since it’s not the Nanny’s choice not to work, pay your Nanny.The majority of respondents (83%) pay their Nanny when theyare on vacation (higher for full-time Nannies).

Should I pay my Nanny on the Books?

• While not a common practice, it’s ultimately better for all partiesto pay your Nanny on the books. This can be even done forNannies who do not have legal citizenship in the United States.

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I’m e xpecting #2 soon. W hat’s the typical increase from one childto two?

• The most commonly reported increases for a second child are $50-$100/week or $2-$3/hr.

Do I p ay cab fare after a certain time?

• Most respondents (80%) pay for cabs after dark, with the mostcommon times being after 8 or 9pm.

I’d love to get aw ay for a night – how much should I pay theNanny to spend the night?

• The pay range for a Nanny to stay overnight is $50-$100, withrespondents most frequently saying they have paid $100.

Should I give my part-time Nanny vacation days?

• Yes. Typically you give 2 days/year for every one day they work (e.g.,3 days a week = 6 paid vacation days).

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I’m thinking about sharing a Nanny. Wh at do I need to know ?

• Most “shares” pay their Nanny equally and the average amount theNanny earns is $20/hr.

• Good communication and clear expectations are key to a successfulNanny share situation.

W hat typically happens when you need to let a N anny go?

• Typical severance is 2 weeks pay or whatever is agreed upon in theNanny Contract. If the situation results immediate dismissal,severance is seldom given.

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• Yo u d o n ’ t h a v e t o s t a r t t o o e ar l y . The majority of respondents foundtheir Nanny in less than a month.

• D i scu s s t h i n g s t h a t m i g h t b e a p p a r e n t t o y o u . Is it okay to watch TVwhile the child sleeps? Nap while the child sleeps? Look at the policy liston the PSP website and see how you feel about these things and discussthese issues with your potential Nanny.

• U t i l iz e a N an n y Co n t r a ct o r “ t e r m s ” . These contracts (or a printed listof mutually agreed upon employment terms ) serve to set expectationsabout what is to be expected such as housework, house rules andvacation.

• Tr u s t y o u r g u t . While references might be glowing, if you don’t feel rightabout a hire, don’t do it. If you aren’t feeling right about someone you’vehired, find another caregiver.

• H a v e a t r i a l p e r i o d . This allows both parties to decide if the relationshipis a good fit.

*This advice is based on results of this survey as well as questions asked on the PSP email group over the last 5 years.

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• Keep you r f ee l i ngs i n check . Having a Nanny can bring up issues inemployers (e.g., being a ‘good parent’, letting someone else ‘raise’ yourchild(ren)). Explore these feelings in yourself, discuss them if relevant tothe Nanny, and above all support the job your Nanny is doing.

• Sh o w y o u r N a n n y y o u a p p r e ci a t e t h e w o r k s h e d o e s . It doesn’t haveto be “monetary” appreciation, a sincere “thank you,” “Good Morning,”

“I’m sorry I was late” can make them feel like they are a person, not justan employee.

• Pa y y o u r N a n n y a f a i r a n d r e sp e ct a b l e r a t e . Realize that Nannies arevery savvy, know what other Nannies are paid and have a good sense of how much you can afford.

• Pa y y o u r N a n n y o n t h e b o o k s . Even though it may seem cheaper, inthe long run it’s the best choice for everyone.

*This advice is based on results of this survey as well as questions asked on the PSP email group over the last 5 years.

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• Discus s em ergen cy s i t ua t i ons . Have an emergency plan “just incase” so you feel more confident in your Nannies ability to handle thesesituations.

• Re sp e ct y o u r N a n n y a n d t h e j o b t h e y d o . It’s not easy to take careof little kids, no matter how angelic we as parents may think they are.(and let’s face it, they’re not!).

• H a v e s ch e d u l e d r e v i e w s f o r y o u r N a n n y. It can help clear up mis-communications and increase the feelings of satisfaction for bothparties.

*This advice is based on results of this survey as well as questions asked on the PSP email group over the last 5 years.

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Hiring A Nanny

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Nanny Hiring Lead Time

How far in advance did you find your current Nanny?

1-2 months26%

More than 2 months8%

2 weeks to 1 month35%

1-2 weeks21%

Less than 1 week10%

Respondents needing a full-timeNanny gave more lead time infinding a Nanny– 41% 1 month ormore vs. 26% for part-timeNannies.

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Sources for finding a N anny

How did you find your current Nanny?



7%4% 3% 2%









T h r o u g h a

f r i e n d

C r a i g s l i s t

N o n - P S P

b o a r d

T h r o u

g h a n e i g h b o


T h r o u

g h a n a

g e n c y / n a

n n y s e r v i

c e

T h r o u

g h a M o m

m y g r o u

p c o n t a c


T h r o u g h a

n e w s p a

p e r

One in three (32%) of Park SlopeParents members found theirbabysitter via the PSP Classifieds.

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Nanny Hiring P reparation















0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Checked more than 1 ofthe nannies' references

Discussed time-off policy

Observed the nanny on a'playdate' with my

child(ren) to see how theygot along

Discussed a list of printedexpectations

Had a 'trial period' beforehiring the nanny on a more

long term basis

Signed a nanny contract

Conducted a backgroundcheck on the nanny


Which of the following things did you do to hire your current Nanny?

NOTE: Circled items highlight the largest differences between full and part-time hiring practices.

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NannyDuties/ Responsibilities

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Nanny “ Duties”

75 %

74 %

73 %

66 %

49 %

40 %

31 %

19 %

14 %





0% 10% 20% 30% 4 0% 5 0% 60% 70% 80%

Fixing the kid 's m ea ls

T aking chi ldre n to extra -curr icular ac t iv it ies

Light housecleaning

Ar rang ing p layda te s

Doing the kid 's laun dry

P ick up / d rop -o ff f rom schoo l

Buying kid-re la ted su ppl ies (d iape rs , milk)

Doing a l l hou seho ld laundry

T eac hing my chi ld to be bi lingua l

Heavy housec lean ingP icking up dry c leaning

Fixing dinner for the w hole family

Groce ry shopping for the family

Which of the following duties does your Nanny fulfill?

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Full-Time Part-Time Difference

Fixing the kid's meals 82% 68% 14%

Taking children to extra-curricular 82% 66% 16%

Light housecleaning (picking up after thekids, cleaning up table, etc.) 82% 65% 17%

Arranging playdates 74% 55% 19%

Doing the kid's laundry 64% 32% 32%

Pick up/drop-off f rom school 40% 41% -1%

Buying kid-related supplies (diapers, 39% 22% 17%

Doing all household laundry 24% 14% 10%

Teaching my child to be bilingual 14% 14% 0%

Heavy housecleaning (vacuuming,cleaning bathrooms, etc.) 10% 7% 3%

Picking up dry cleaning 8% 8% 0%

Fixing dinner for the w hole family 6% 3% 3%

Grocery shopping for the family 6% 3% 3%

Which of the following duties does your Nanny fulfill?

Nanny “Duties” by FT/ PT

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Wa tching TV w hi le chi ld( ren) s leeps

Pe rsonal ca lls on her ce l l phone w hi le w atching mychild(ren)

Napping wh ile my child naps

Pe rsonal ca lls on our hom e phone

Taking m y chi ld sho pping

Running her persona l e r rands w hi le on duty

Invi t ing f r iends or o ther nannies to the h ouse (not aplaydate s i tua t ion)

Take m y chi ld to the nannies ' house

Taking m y chi ld to v is it f r iends or o ther nannies (nota p laydate s i tua t ion)

What is your policy about the following things? (Percentage reporting that this behavior is “OK”)

P olicies about specific actions

•These policies do not differtremendously betweenrespondents who have full-time and part-time Nannies.•Given the responses to the

“anything else you’d like toadd” question after this oneit’s apparent that these arenot things that are necessarilydiscussed.•(Note: 44% of respondentssay they discuss expectationsin writing (see earlier section)perhaps these are just notdiscussed)

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Nanny Pay & Benefits

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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 31

P ay Rates for 1 Child

N Lowest25th

Percentile Median Average75th

Percentile Highest

Paying Weekly 225 300.00$ 525.00$ 575.00$ 583.77$ 625.00$ 1,000.00$

Wkly Rate/Hrs Worked 220 6.82$ 11.50$ 12.50$ 12.75$ 13.75$ 26.32$

Paying Hourly 72 5.50$ 12.00$ 13.00$ 13.12$ 14.63$ 18.00$

# Hours Worked/Wk 291 22 40 45 46 50 60

Tenure (months) 294 0 6 12 16 20 140

Paying Weekly 59 190.00$ 270.00$ 350.00$ 361.39$ 422.50$ 625.00$

Wkly Rate/Hrs Worked 58 7.78$ 12.22$ 13.33$ 13.45$ 15.00$ 20.00$

Paying Hourly 221 8.00$ 12.00$ 13.50$ 13.64$ 15.00$ 28.00$

# Hours Worked/Wk 275 5 16 20 22 30 48

Tenure (months) 275 0 5 7 13 15.5 108

1 Child - Live Out Only

Full-Time(>37.5+ hrs/wk)

Part-Time(<37.5 hrs/wk)

Note: At the 25th percentile, 25% of the data points fall below that point and 75% fall above.

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P ay Rates for 2 Children

N Lowest25th

Percentile Median Average75th

Percentile Highest

Paying Weekly 142 325.00$ 560.00$ 602.50$ 611.06$ 675.00$ 870.00$

Wkly Rate/Hrs Worked 140 6.36$ 12.15$ 13.46$ 13.57$ 15.00$ 20.17$

Paying Hourly 29 10.00$ 13.00$ 15.00$ 14.22$ 15.00$ 18.00$

# Hours Worked/Wk 169 30 40 45 46 50 80

Tenure (months) 167 1 12 24 30 40 180

Paying Weekly 32 120.00$ 300.00$ 380.00$ 384.38$ 416.25$ 750.00$

Wkly Rate/Hrs Worked 32 8.33$ 13.03$ 15.00$ 14.81$ 16.05$ 20.00$

Paying Hourly 86 12.00$ 14.00$ 15.00$ 15.18$ 16.00$ 20.00$

# Hours Worked/Wk 116 6 18 24 24 29.25 42

Tenure (months) 115 1 6 15 21 30 73

Full-Time(>37.5+ hrs/wk)

Part-Time(<37.5 hrs/wk)

2 Children - Live Out Only

Note: At the 25th percentile, 25% of the data points fall below that point and 75% fall above.

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89 %

83 %

78 %

64 %


27 %

16 %

15 %







0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100


The ability to eat what she wants out of our kitchen

Full day's pay if dismissed early

Sick/Personal Days

Vac ation time of their own c hoosing

An "allowance"

Metrocard/travel subsidy

Worker's compensation, disability, unemployment, social securityta x

Cell phone/cell phone allowance

Personal memberships to loc al museums, zoo or gardens

Help paying doctor's bills (not full health care)

Money for classes (English, other education)

Acc ess to our car

Full health care benefits

Pay f or caregiver's kids camp or classes

Which of the following things does your Nanny receive?

Nanny Benefits

If the family/children are away, 91%of Nannies working full-time receivepay vs. 74% of part-time Nannies.

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63 %

36 %

35 %

12 %



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

H e l p e d y o u r n a n n y w i th s o m e a s p e c t o f t h e i r l if e(e .g . , r e sea rc h ing hea l th is sue s , s choo l

app l i ca t ions , f ami ly i s sues )

Ta k e n a v a c a t i on t h e w e e k t h e n a n n y w a n t e d t o

b e o f f a n y w a y s o i t w o r k s o u t f o r b o th o f u s

G i v e n y o u r n a n n y f u r n i tu r e

T h r o w n a b i r t h d a y p a r t y f or y o u r n a n n y

T h ro w n a " g o i n g a w a y " p a r ty f o r a n a n n y w h oy o u w e r e n o l on g e r e m p l o y in g

S p o n s o r e d t h e n a n n y i n o r d e r t o g e t a g r e e nc a r d

Which of the following things have you EVER done in regards to any Nanny that you may have employed?

Other Benefits

Higher for FT

Higher for FT

Higher for FT

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P aid Holidays

89%86% 86%



30% 28%




0 %

1 0 %

2 0 %

3 0 %

4 0 %

5 0 % 6 0 % 7 0 %

8 0 %

9 0 % 1 0 0 %

C h r i s t m a s D a


N e w Y e a r s D a y

T h a n k s g i v i n

g D a y 4 t h o f J u l y

L a b o r D a y

M e m o r i a l D a y

T h e D a y A f t e r

T h a n k s g i v i n

g M L K i n g D a y

P r e s i d e n t '

s D a y

C o l u m b u s D a y

B o x i n g D a y

( D e c . 2 6 t h


V e t e r a n ' s D

a y

Which of the following are paid holidays for the Nanny?

For many respondents the number of holidays given to Nannies depended on howmany they themselves received at their job.

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Cab Fare for Late Nights

• 80% of respondents pay cab fare for late nights.

• Cab fare is most commonly paid:— after 9pm (43%)— after 8pm (32%)— after 10pm (18%)

• Some respondents pay at different times depending on theseason

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P aying on the Books

• Overall, 79% of respondents reported that they pay theirNannies off the books.*

• 27% of full-time Nannies are paid on the books, compared to13% of part-time Nannies.

• Respondents who pay on the books most commonly use

4Nannytaxes, GTM Nanny pay, PayChex, PayCycle andBreedlove services, or have their accountant figure out thetaxes. A few figure handle the accounting themselves.

• Quite a few respondents pay part on and part off the books.

• Equal numbers of respondents indicated that it was “hard” and “not hard” to find a Nanny who would be paid on the books.

*This may be under representative of a true percentage since this question wasoptional and over 10% did not answer this question.

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• 52%* of respondents had given their Nannies a raise, higherfor full-time Nannies.

• Increases tended to be $1/hour per year (given at the hiringanniversary).

• Some respondents provide annual increases of 5% to 10% ayear, or a set amount of money (most commonly $50-$100/wk.

• Some raises were tied to the increase they or a spousereceived.

• Another way some respondents give pay increases was todecrease hours worked while pay stayed the same.

*This may seem low, but not if you consider that over half of the respondents haveemployed their Nannies for less than a year.

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Nanny Compensat ion Survey 2008 39

P ay for Additional Child

$11.00$3.00$2.91$3.00$2.00$0.50135Hourly Increase

$250$100$89$100$50$2580Weekly Increase

Highest75thPercentile AverageMedian25th

PercentileLowestNTotal Sample

• Typical pay increase for a second child is $2- $3/hour.

• The most frequently reported hourly increase for a second child is$3.00.

• Weekly increase for a second child is $100.

Note: At the 25th percentile, 25% of the data points fall below that point and 75% fall above.

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• 88% of respondents give their Nanny year-end bonuses(less frequently if the Nanny is a part-time employee)

• Bonuses ranged from 1 day’s pay to 2.5 weeks pay (ormore).

• 62% of employers paid 1 weeks pay as a bonus, while19% paid 2 weeks.

• Several responses indicate that bonus amounts increaseas tenure increases (e.g., 1 week bonus for the firstyear, 2 weeks in the second year).

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Sleep-Over and Weekend P ay

• 17% of respondents have had a Nanny stay overnight.

• Overnight pay ranged from $50-$100/night.— 50% of respondents paid $100— 26% of respondents paid $50— 24% of respondents paid somewhere in between these two


• Weekend pay was most frequently given in one lump sum, with70% doing this

— Range: $100-$800

• Some people paid “waking” and “sleeping” hours differently.— Lump sums for 24 hours most frequently ranged from

$100-$200.— Lump sums for weekend hours most frequently ranged from


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Nanny Shares

• 8% have Nannies who care for more than one family’s childat the same time.

• Pros and Cons

— Pros: Cost savings, attractive salary/hourly rate forNanny, socialization factor.

— Cons: Lack of full attention from Nanny, harder tocoordinate schedules, one child’s sickness cancomplicate arrangements.

• Flexibility and good communication between families aregiven as key elements of successful Nanny shares.

• Compatible ages, schedules and parenting styles help theprocess. Close proximity is also important.

• Frequent meetings are important.

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P ay for Nanny Shares

• Average hourly rate: $20/hour

— Range: $14 to $39

• 87% of respondents split costs evenly if they share aNanny. When there are differences, it is because of thenumber of hours worked or one family having an

‘extra’ child that they care for.

• Average weekly rate: $600/week

— Range $200-800

• Average time worked: 20 to 51 hrs/week

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Departing Nannies

• 78% of situations involving a Nanny leaving employmentinvolved a month or more notice because of a ‘known’ situation change (e.g., Nanny was pregnant, mother left a


— Typical severance was 2 weeks pay ($2000 max)

• 22% of respondents provided no notice citing “poor Nannycare” (e.g., lying, child endangerment, unsafe for theirchild).

— No notice typically resulted in no severance, althoughsome paid out the week (or as the Nanny contract

indicated).• Explanations to children (given only if they were old

enough) included “Nanny had to go away,” or that the “Nanny was going to be busy taking care of other children.”

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P ay Comparisons














I probably pay more than mostpeople

I probably pay about the same asmost people

I probably pay less than mostpeople


Overall, how do you feel about how much you pay your Nanny?

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Satisfaction w ith Nanny

On the whole, how happy are you with your current Nanny?

Not very happy orextremely unhappy


Somewhat happy7%

Very Happy


Extremely Happy47%

There are no differencesbetween how happyrespondents are who employfull-time or part time Nannies.

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The Nanny/ FamilyRelationship

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71 %



50% 60% 70% 80%

Our n ann y i s mye m p lo y e e w h o s e w o r k I

grea t ly res pect

I f e e l 100% con f ide n tt h a t o u r na n ny w o u ld

k n o w e xac t ly w ha t t o doin case of an em ergency

s i tua t ion

Our na n ny r e s pe c t s ou rdes i re to ra ise our

child( ren) the w ay w ewa nt and w i ll fo llow ourins t ruc t ions eve n i f she

d o e s n ' t a g r e e w i th t hem

Which of the following describes your current Nanny relationship?

The Nanny/ Family Relationship

While 2 in 3 respondents areconfident in their Nanny’s ability todeal with emergency situations, onein three has reservations.

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40% 50% 60%

The r e a r e m a n y t i m e stha t my nanny ha s m o r e

pat ience than I have w ithmy children

O u r n ann y h a s h e r ow nsty le and we a ccept tha t

she w on ' t do t h in g sexa ct ly like we w ould

Our nanny is som e o nethat I w i ll t ry to a lway s

s tay in touch w ith

Which of the following describes your current Nanny relationship?

The Nanny/ Family Relationship

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43 %

39 %


30% 40% 50%

Our na nny i s like par t of our fam i ly

Ou r nanny h a s t augh tm e w a y s t o b e a b e t te r

pa r e n t

Our fam i ly i s s t rongerb e caus e o f ou r nanny

Which of the following describes your current Nanny relationship?

The Nanny/ Family Relationship

Even with positive feelingstoward their Nanny, mostrespondents see therelationship as differentfrom “family.”

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Full-Time Part-Time DifferenceOur nanny is my emplo yee whose work I greatlyrespect 82% 68% 14%I feel 100% co nfident that our nanny would knowexactly what to do in case of an emergency situatio n 82% 66% 16%Our nanny respects our desire to raise our child(ren)the way we want and will fo llow our instruct ions evenif she doesn't agree with them 82% 65% 17%There are many times that my nanny has morepatience than I have with my children 74% 55% 19%

Our nanny has her o wn style and we accept that shewon't do things exactly like we would 64% 32% 32%

Our nanny is someo ne that I will try to always stay into uch with 40% 41% -1%

Our nanny is like part o f o ur family 39% 22% 17%

Our nanny has taught me ways to be a better parent 24% 14% 10%

Our family is stro nger because of o ur nanny 14% 14% 0%

Which of the following duties does your Nanny fulfill?

Nanny “Duties” by FT/ PT

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Had a ' r e v iew ' w h e re w ediscuss the nanny 's w ork

Show n up unexpec t ed lyin order to ver i fy tha t ananny i s doing a good


Conducted a backgroundcheck

Us ed a n ann y cam wi t h o u t

t h e nanny ' s know l edg e .

Which of the following things have you EVER done in regards to any Nanny that you may have employed?

Nanny “ Checks”

Higher for fu ll-time

Higher for full-time

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Didn ' t le t the nan ny knowwhe n som e th ing w as

bother ing you

C a me hom e l a t e r t h an I

expected wi thout le t t ingm y n a n n y k n o w

Fai led to pay m y nannyon t ime

Disagreed wi th the nanny

in front of the children

What have you done as an employer?

Employer Shortcomings

Higher for full-time

These shortcomings highlight the needfor good communication.

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Number of Nannies Hired/ P arent

How many Nannies have you hired over the years with your child(ren)?

more than 38%




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Number of Children Nanny Cares For

How many of your own children does your Nanny usually care for?

3 children3%

2 children33%

1 child64%

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0% 0.2% 0.4% 0.6% 0.8% 1%



Younger than 30

Between 30-35

Between 35-40

Between 41-45

Older than 45



The Sample

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Future Research

These data were an important first step in helping to betterunderstand the process by which parents hire a Nanny. Futureresearch could focus on:

(1) Nannies' nationality, sex, level of education, immigration status,native language and other fluencies.

(2) What kind of back-up arrangements people have.(3) How people deal with Nanny's children/pregnancies(4) How children's meals are handled (is fast food allowed, who

cooks, etc.).(5) More information on whether and how parents monitored their


(6) How parents deal with socio-economic disparity issues.(7) The perspective that Nannies have on pay, benefits,responsibilities, relationships/power dynamics, and caregivingphilosophies.

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DisclaimerThe information provided is for the convenience of the individuals who may review it andfor convenience purposes only. It was gathered confidentially through a online survey link

provided to members of Park Slope Parents and other local parent networks. Participantidentity was not verified . No attempt was made to differentiate data provided by either anemployer/family or employee/caregiver (i.e., Nanny or babysitter).

Volunteer members of PSP did, however, clean the data and results focus on median vs.average data to minimize the impact of outliers on the market practice informationprovided. However, neither PSP nor any of its members nor any other participating parent

networks nor their members are responsible for the quality of the information reported orthe subsequent use of the data by anyone who reviews it.

It is expected that each individual employer/family and employee/caregiver will beresponsible for the negotiation and bargaining of a satisfactory compensation arrangementbetween the two parties and no warranties are made in relation to these data or anysubsequent updates. Please use other sources in conjunction with this data before makingimportant decisions about your family, and always check references for yourself beforehiring someone recommended by a PSP member.

Park Slope Parents, a Limited Liability Corporation, is duly formed under the laws of theState of New York. We do not hold ourselves out as expert in the field of surveydissemination or development and accept no responsibility for the accuracy of theinformation contained herein.

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