NABCA Legal Symposium Alcohol Regulation by Demographics Presented by: Rick Garza, Deputy Director...


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NABCA Legal Symposium

Alcohol Regulation by Demographics

Presented by:Rick Garza, Deputy Director

March 12, 2013

Alcohol Impact Areas (AIA)In 1996 King County and the city of Seattle started the Chronic

Public Inebriate (CPI) Solutions Committee:• Created a comprehensive collaborative strategy to provide

practical solutions to the persistent problems of chronic public inebriation. The strategy included:– Improvements in treatment;– Housing;– Employment counseling; and– Decreased availability of alcohol products shown to

contribute to problems of chronic public inebriation.

Alcohol Impact Areas

In 1998, The Liquor Control Board adopts AIA rules:WAC 314-12-210 through 314-12-225:• The rules establish a framework under which the

board, in partnership with local governments and community organizations, may act to mitigate negative impacts on a community’s welfare, health, peace or safety that results from the presence of chronic public inebriation.

Alcohol Impact Areas

What do the AIA rules seek to do:• Establishes an expanded local review process for liquor

license applications and renewals for businesses located within an AIA;

• Establishes standards under which the board may refuse to issue a liquor license or renewal

• May place conditions or restrictions on an existing license located within an AIA; and

• Allows the board to restrict the off-premises sale of certain liquor products in an AIA.

Alcohol Impact Areas

Responsibilities of the local jurisdiction before petitioning the board for a mandatory restriction:

• Must designate and alcohol impact area by ordinance; and

• Seek voluntary compliance for at least 6 months to mitigate the effects of chronic public inebriation by restricting certain products.

Alcohol Impact Areas

Local jurisdictions must submit findings of fact that demonstrate a need for an AIA and how chronic public inebriation with liquor sales or consumption within a proposed AIA:

• Contributes to the deterioration of the general quality of life within an AIA or threatens the welfare, health, peace or safety of an AIA’s visitors or occupants.

Alcohol Impact AreasExamples of findings of fact could include:• crime statistics;• police reports;• emergency medical response data;• detoxification reports;• sanitation reports;• public health records; and • community group petitions.

Tacoma Alcohol Impact AreasEvaluation of the Tacoma, Washington,

Alcohol Impact Area (AIA)

Report ofResearch Activities Undertaken in Support

of an Evaluation of the Tacoma, WashingtonAlcohol Impact Area (AIA)

By John Tarnai, Ph.D.Social & Economic Sciences Research Center

Washington State

Tacoma Alcohol Impact Areas

Tacoma Core AIA adopted by the board 12/01.Results after 1 year:• 35% decrease in alcohol related emergency medical

responses;• 21% decrease in detox admissions;• 61% decrease in “liquor in the park” calls;• 25% fewer chronic public inebriates;• 28% less panhandling; and• A significant decrease in the number of bottles/cans.

Tacoma AIA Banned Products ListWINE• Cisco• MD 20/20• Night Train

Express• Richard’s Wild

Irish Rose• ThunderbirdMALT BEVERAGES• 3 Sum• Big Bear• Bud Ice• Bull Ice• Busch Ice• Camo• Colt 45 Ice

• Colt 45 Malt Liquor

• Core High Gravity• Four Loko• Four Max• Hard Wired X• Hurricane High

Gravity• HG 800• Hurricane Ice Malt

Liquor• Ice House• Joose• Keystone Ice• King Cobra Malt


• Labatt Max Ice• Liquid Charge• Mike’s Harder

Lemonade• Mickey’s Iced

Brewed Ale• Milwaukee Best

Ice• Milwaukee Best

Premium Ice Beer• Molson Ice• Natural Ice• Old Milwaukee Ice• Olde English 800

• Rainier Ale

• Rize Up!• Red Dog• Rock Star 21• Schlitz High

Gravity• Schmidt’s Ice• Sparks• Special 800

Reserve• St. Ide’s Liquor and

Special Brews• Steel Reserve• Tilt

Alcohol Impact AreasThe Board has adopted 6 AIAs to date:• Tacoma – Hilltop/Downtown Core• Seattle

o Pioneer Square District – Downtown Central Urban Coreo North District

• Spokane – Downtown Urban Core• Tacoma – Lincoln District• Spokane – East Central-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

• Olympia – Recently adopted 6 month voluntary AIA.• Wapato – Considering AIA
