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Assessment is not only a process of evaluating students’ progression, but also a tool of

evaluating a teacher’s success in implementing his lesson. A teacher is like a sailor of a boat

and the pupils are like the passengers where the boat will not get sailed if the sailor fails to do

his job. Same way, if a teacher does not play his or her role in giving the right test paper for

one’s student, the objectives or goals set will not be achieved. The test paper that i created is

for standard 4 pupils. This test paper used questions such as multiple choice questions,

matching, which is used to test the pupils’ proficiency level.

In debating the authenticity of the test paper, both the test papers portray authentic

items by using items that are related to Malaysian context such as the type of vehicle used.

Besides, the test papers followed the principle of reliability. Reliability is the degree to

which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results (Phelan & Wren, 2005). The

assessment carried out by the teacher is reliable in terms of intra and inter-rater reliability. This

is because if the same test were to be marked by other teachers, the marks obtained by the

pupils should be consistent as the marking is neither affected by self factor nor different

perception of markers. This is because the answers are fixed and cannot be changed according

to the mood or perception of markers

In addition, a good test should have validity which is to test what it is supposed to

measure. This test has content validity where the questions given test the skill of writing. The

test paper has filling in the blanks as an assessment. Filling in the blanks is a good way of

testing writing skill. Apart from that, the strength found in the test paper is the principle of

practicality. It is believed that an effective test is practical which means, the test is not

excessively expensive, stays within appropriate time constraints, relatively easy to administer

and had a scoring procedures that is specific and time – efficient(Brown, 2004). The test paper


was easy to administer and pupils would be able to do the test paper within the time constrain.

Besides, the test paper is not costly. Testing material was also readable and comprehendible.

The fonts and pictures in the test paper were clear for the students to see, read and understand.

On the other hand, the objective of the test paper is also achieved. The questions in the test

paper are not too difficult and it suits the proficiency level of their age group.

The interpretability of the test paper is also been achieved as the words are not too

difficult and it is appropriate for the students level. The teacher can identify the student’s level in

apprehending the specific skills tested easily through their answer. The principle of

interpretability has been followed at matching question. This is because the pictures used as a

clue for the question are not ambiguous.