Mystara Player's Handbook


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  • 8/16/2019 Mystara Player's Handbook


  • 8/16/2019 Mystara Player's Handbook

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    Places and Times......................................................4



    Centers of Learning..................................................8

    Locations of Ill Repute.............................................9

    Crime and Punishment........................................... 10

    Calendar and Holidays...........................................11

    Dread Creatures.....................................................20

    Money of Mystara................................................. 21

    Factions of Mystara................................................22

    Races and Heroes.................................................. 25

    Races of Mystara....................................................26

    Casses of Mystara.................................................38

    Archetypes of Mystara.............................................43


    New Feats...............................................................70

    Immortals and Priests.............................................71


    Domains of the Spheres..........................................91

    Spels and Runes.....................................................96

    Secret Crafts of Gantri..........................................97

    Nordic Runes..........................................................106

    New Spels...............................................................109

    Goods and Services..................................................119

    Magic ItemAvailability............................................120

    Major Imports and Exports.......................................121

    Markets, Guilds and New Equipment........................123

    Captain Quinns Nautical Emporium......................127

    Tarlas Epicurean Deights......................................132

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    This star ted as a labor of love for catching up on the earl iest years of my gaming hobby, and i t

    just exploded in to the massive labor of l ove you are now readin g. I had no idea it was going to

    get thi s big, but thi ngs just kept coming up and I had to put them i n to be inclusive. I didn 't get

    it r ight on the fir st tr y, th is is at least the 40th ver sion. I even had to change the progr am I w as

    using because it r apidly outstr ipped the wor d pr ocessor I had been using. It w asn't cheap, I

    was told early to use all or iginal ar t and to keep it f ree to download. Whil e I handled the

    wr it ing fr ee of charge, the art had to be contr acted out, thank fu lly several of you helped

    alleviate the cost. I tur ned thi s over to Reddi t for playtesting, and after that f iasco to 5th

    Edi ti on D&D facebook page along w ith the var ious Mystara Fan Pages. Together w e

    hamm er ed out all the archetypes, feats and m iscellaneous rules. I hope you enjoy i t and

    maybe Mystar a one day w il l m ake a come back off iciall y.

    This work is not a challenge to any copyr ight or tr ademarks held by any indivi dual or

    company. This is a conversion fr om BECMI Dungeons and Dragons to 5th Edi ti on Dungeons

    and Dr agons. This handbook is fr ee for any w ho wi sh to download it . Many thanks to Bruce

    Hear d and the other author s of Mystara for giv ing us the greatest setti ng for our adventu r es.

    All art is fil ler except w orks by M ischa Jones, I w il l r eplace it as she fi ni shes. This is a fan

    work and is not for sale.

    Wr it ing and Layout: Glen Welch

    Im mor tals Section: Mar co Delm onte

    Il lustr ations: Mi scha Jones ht tps://w w 33k, Heather Holcomb

    Supr eme thanks to Bruce Hear d Dave Arneson and Gar y Gygax, w ithout which thi s would

    have never happened.

    Special Thanks To: Glen Butcher , W'raa But ler , Daniele Cuocci, David Fin ch, Giu li ano

    Michelon, Giovanni Pani ccia, Robin Smit h, Pieter Spealman, Sam Stockdale

    If anybody can help out fund new ar t please go here: http://w w w.gofundm

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    Places and Times

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    Nations and Peoples of Mystara

    dom of Al fh eim

    ompr ised enti rely of the gr eat for est of

    anolbar th, Alfheim is the resettl ed homeland

    e Sylvan elves. Steeped in mystery, the

    keep to themselves w ith the exception of a

    ingle tr ading city.

    guage: Elven

    m pir e of Alphati a

    d on the continent of the same name,

    atia is a power fu l magocracy where

    izards contr ol all aspects of gover nm ent and

    ose w i thout the art are second class citi zens.

    e: Alphatian, Nith ian

    uaghi n Clans

    lated from the r est of the Know n Wor ld, the

    ve tri bes of Atruaghin ar e content to be left

    to their hunts. A deeply spir itual people,

    lans r evere the Im mor tals mor e than any.

    epubl ic of Dar oki n

    ne of the two major tr ading power s of

    stara, Darokin is a functional plu tocracy

    d by an extr emely hard worki ng

    Wh i le possessin g a mighty army,

    rokin pr efers diplomacy.

    guage: Darokin

    t hengar Khanates

    li ke people now r euni ted under a Golden

    , the Ethengar people ar e ski ll ed horsemen,

    onsummate war r ior s. When un ited they

    esent a ter r if ying foe.

    guage: Ethengar

    Five Shi r es

    The homeland of the hi n, the Shi res are r ich in

    agr icul tur e and cul ture. The population enjoy

    their pastoral l ife, but w il l defend to the death


    Language: Hin

    Pr in cipali t i es of Glantr i

    A spli ntered magocracy, Glant r i is home to a

    vari ety of cul tur es and peoples, all devoted to

    improving their positi on thr ough magic.

    Extr emely powerf ul, but hi ghly fr actious.

    Languages: Thyatis, Alphatian, Belcadiz, Elven

    Averoigne, Flaemish, Ethengar , Klantyr e

    Kingdom of Ier endi

    A peacefu l mari time nation, th is chain of islan

    has become one of the most popular tour ist

    attractions for the wealthy. Their love of

    adventur ers goes a great way to keep their

    nation safe.

    Languages: Makai

    Gr and Duchy of Kar ameik os

    The newest nation, amicably split fr om Thyati

    Kar ameikos is an untamed land stil l being

    settl ed. Scarcely popu lated, it i s fi ll ed w ith

    thr eats both known and un known .

    Languages: Traladaran, Thyatian

    Min r othad Gui l ds

    The second great tr ading power, Mi nr othad i s

    an elven island nation that w elcomes humans

    dwarves and hin in to their business. The

    undisputed powerhouse in over seas tr ade, w it

    a bit of pir acy for f un.

    Language: Patois

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    gdom of Ostl and

    t power fu l of the Northern Reaches,

    stland i s the most aggr essive as well. Though

    eaker than they used to be, they li ke to remind

    ther Nor thern nations of their power.

    e: Heldann ic

    gdom of Rockhom e

    ound deep undergroun d, the Dwarves run

    ockhome as they alw ays have. Slow to change,

    low to progress Rockhom e has few f r iends and

    es. Just the way the dwar ves li ke it.

    guage: Dwar ven

    oder fj or d Jarl doms

    s a nation than a group of alli ed mi nor

    es, Soder fjord i s a land tr apped i n the past.

    oli ti cally w eak and hopeless divided,

    oder fjord is lookin g for a str ong leader to un ite

    e: Heldann ic

    Em pi r e of Thyati s

    The most power ful empi re on the mainland,

    Thyatis' in fl uence is felt thr oughout the

    conti nent. Though weakened by stagnation, it

    stil l the most powerfu l mi li tary for ce

    Language: Thyatian

    Kingdom of Vest l and

    The most modern of the Nor thern Reaches,

    Vestland has put behind its r aiding history an

    has settl ed on becoming an economic pow er

    once it has secured i ts own borders.

    Language: Heldanni c

    Em ir ates of Ylar uam

    A deeply r eli gious desert ki ngdom, Ylar uam h

    thr own off the yoke of two empi res and is in th

    mi ddle of a spir itual debate on its ow n futu re.

    Language: Ylar i

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    Centers of Learning

    oll ege of Wi zar dr y

     is not as impressive as it

    ounds. Shadow Elf shaman do not allow

    izards any for mal education, this small school

    the Cit y of Star s is in the back of a magic

    upply shop.

    ollegiu m Ar canum

     is the offi cial school of

    agic in Thyatis. Wh il e not as impressive as

    ts type, it is sti ll one of the largest.

    r okin Dipl omati c Cor ps

     r un a ser ies of

    es to teach i ts new of fi cer s how to negotiate

    ith outsiders. It focuses heavil y on languages,

    sin ess and for eign cul tur e. It also teaches

    um ancer s spells related to f in ance.

    dr ecor t' s Academy of Thaum atur gical

     is an Alphatian run school in Alhheim

    ity. It is run as a ser vi ce by i ts Master w ho spli ts

    s time between h is appr ent ices and diplom acy.

    r eat Libr ary of Ser r aine is the gr eatest

    epositor y of knowledge in the worl d. Not just

    crol ls and books, but magical fonts of memor ies,

    lusions of histor ical events. Though expansive,

    ir undead li brari an is a bit pi cky w ith visitors.

    r eat School of Magic in Glant r i City i s possibl y

    t famous school i n the Known Wor ld.

    il led wi th w izards of all sort s, fr om appr enti ces

    es, wi th r umors of hidden lore

    Ier endi Publ ic School

     is the where the islande

    go for a basic education. It i s the only publi c

    school for the enti r e nation, but m ore than

    adequate for the enti re population.

    Meali dor Libr ary Tr ee

     is an actual tr ee, fi ll ed

    w ith scrolls and books dating back thousands o

    years. Exclusive to Clan Meali dor , few outside

    elves and even fewer humans are allowed entr

    School of Ar t

     in Ierendi is the largest bardic

    school in the Know n World. Whil e it teaches

    other arts, it is the main sour ce for classically

    tr ained bards. Painters, w r iter s and sculptor s

    also fl ock to the school as well.

    Thyatis Gr eat Libr ar y  is the largest collection

    books and scroll s known. Wh ile not a magical

    school, all thi ngs mundane and histor ical can b

    learned here. It is open to the nobles of Thyatis

    and those w ith enough coin to gain ent r y.

    Tutor ial Gui l d is the largest school in Mi nr otha

    Wh il e it teaches many nauti cal t rades, it is mos

    famous for being the sour ce of many

    Aur um ancer spells r elated to nauti cal tr ade.

    Univer sit y of Sundsvall  at twenty city blocks is

    the unquestionably the largest u niversity know

    Ever y w izard in Alphatia receives their tr ainin g

    here, w ith enti re w ings devoted to magical


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    l ack Eagle Bar ony  at the western edge of

    os is home of For t Doom. Ther e Baron

    icks ter rori zes all that live in hi s

    ith the help of the evil w izard Bargle.

    lackhear t  in the middle of Alphatia is a place

    here w izards gather to per form dark

    xper im ents. Nothing is for bidden her e, and

    of the wor st sor t ar e comm onplace.

    Br oken Lands

     are an area of Badlands

    ng Darokin and Glantr i. Her e the orc

    ng Thar plots what to do w ith hi s vast legions

    vil hum anoids.

     in the Empi r e of Thyatis is known for

    fanati cal hatr ed of outsider s. Beli evi ng

    emselves to be superi or to all others, Hatt ians

    ing the lesser races under their r ule.

    sland  is one of the two forbi dden

    in Ier endi. Home to eni gmatic fi r e

    izards, they tur n away all v isitors and enforce

    solation wi th their unsinkable fi r e ships.

    It heldown Castl e in the midd le of Lake

    Amsor ak, is a cursed place. None in Darokin

    know what caused the keep to tw ist and bend,

    but all ther e hear d the scr eams fr om w ith in .

    The Land of Black Sand  in Ethengar is a cur s

    place. Nothin g grow s there, no animals cross

    the blackened desert. When the wind blows

    str ong though, madness foll ows in it s wake.

    Mal pheggi Swam p

     betw een Daroki n and the

    Shi r es is a fetid marsh home to count less

    monsters and unspeakable horr ors. Rum ored

    be the sour ce of a great cur se from long ago.

    Thornbrush  in Al fheim i s Bad Magic Spot

    where the plants grow gnar led and blackened

    Mon sters spontaneously appear here and a

    constant vi gil must alw ays be kept.

    Whi te Island i s the other forbidden i sland of

    Ierendi . Home to insane monks and whi te ap

    the island causes madness to all t hat l and ther

    No one know s the cause, or how to stop i t.

    Locations of Ill Repute

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    Crimes and Punishment


    Assau lt Inci ti ng




    Fine Fine Fine


    Fine Slavery Fine


    Censure Not a Crime Censure

    Mur der Slander Tax


    Theft Rape Tr easo

    Exile Fine Exile Fine Exile Exile

    Fine or


    Fine Fine or


    Fine or


    Fine or


    Death or


    Exile or


    Censure Not a Crime Not a


    Exile Exile or



    Fine Fine Fine Death Fine Fine Fine Death Death


    Caning Death Caning Death Caning Death Caning Death Death

    Five Shi r es

    Quest Quest Quest Quest or


    Quest Quest Quest Quest or


    Quest or



    Maiming Maiming Maiming Death Public


    Up to t en


    Maiming Sex




    Up to 3


    Up to 3


    Up to 4


    Up to 30


    Up to 4


    Up to 4


    Up to 4


    Up to 30


    Up to 30



    Up to 1


    Up to 1 year Up to 6


    1 year up to


    Up to 6


    Up to 6


    Up to 6


    1 year up

    to death



    Loss of


    Loss of


    Up to 20


    Death Pilloried Flogging Loss of


    Death Death


    Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery or


    Beating Slavery or


    Slavery or



    or death



    Exile Exile Exile Life, Exile or


    Inactivity Inactivity Inactivity Life, Exile

    or Death

    Life, Exile

    or Death


    Beat ing Beat ing or


    Beat ing Beat ing or


    Beating Beating or


    Beating Beating

    or Death





    1 month up

    to death



    1 month up

    to death



    1 month up

    to death







    Fine or


    Fine or


    Fine Death or






    Fine or


    Death or






    Censure or


    Censure Death Censure Death Public


    Death Death

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    Mystara Calendar

    Nuwmont (Nyxmr)

    Lunadain Gromdain Tserdain Moldain

    1 See Below 2 Spring Equinox 3 4

    8 9 10 Ylaruam

    Ashura' Shi 'a


    15 16 17 18

    Nytdain Loshdain Soladain

    5 6 7

    12 13 14 Glantri Spri


    19 20 21

    22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    1 See Below 2 3 4

    8 9 10 Minrothad

    Feast of the

    Silver Purge


    15 Alphatia

    Closing Day

    16 17 18 Glantr i

    Mon sters Fair

    22 23 Darokin



    24 25

    5 6 7 See Below

    12 13 14

    19 20 21 Pear l Island

    The Drowni ng

    26 27 28 Alphatia

    Extra Day

    1 See Below 2 3 4

    8 9 10 Glantr i

    Spring Break


    15 See Below 16 17 Rockhome

    Caravan Day


    22 23 24 25 Glantr i


    5 6 7Alphatia

    Landfall Day

    12 13 14

    19 20 21

    26 27 28 Karameiko

    Day of the De

    mont- Var ious New Years, Glantr i Good Spr ite Day

    Vatermont (Amphimr)

    aterm ont- Alphatia New Year , Ethengar Win ter Festival

    aterm ont- Alphatia Land Fall Day, Ethengar Day of the Golden Khan

    Thaumont (Alphamr)

    ont- Fir st Day of Spr ing, Ylar uam Independence Day, Shadow Elves Discovery Day, Ier en

    Thaumont- Alphatia Openi ng Day, Ethengar Wh ite Hor se Ceremony

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    Flaurmont (Sulamr)

    Lunadain Gromdain Tserdain Moldain

    1 Vari ous Day of


    2 3 Glantr i

    Parl iament Day


    8 9 10 Minrothad

    Merchant Prince



    15 Ethengar Day

    of Blessings

    16 Shi res Fir st


    17 18

    Nytdain Loshdain Soladain

    5 6 7 Rockhome



    12 13 Alphatia




    19 20 Glantr i

    Parade Day

    21 Darokin

    Masked Ball

    22 Thyatis



    23 24 25 26 27 28

    1 Alphati a Day

    of Magic

    2 3 4

    8 9 10 11

    15 See Below 16 17 18

    22 23 24 25

    5 6 7

    12 Ylaruam

    Mawli d an Nabi

    13 14 Glantr i

    Gondola Gam

    19 20 21 Rockhome

    Cler ic's Forum

    26 27 Minrothad

    Min rothad Day


    1 See Below 2 3 4

    8 9 10 11

    15 See below 16 17 18

    22 Shi res


    23 24 25

    5 6 7 Rockhome

    Weddin gs Day

    12 Shadow Elves

    The Rejection

    13 14

    19 20 21

    26 27 See Below 28 See below

    Flaur mont- Shi r es Fir st Floweri ng, Ethengar Day of Par ti ngs

    Yarthmont (Sudmr)

    arthmont- Alphati a Howli ng Day, Ethengar Day of Bir th Blessings

    Klarmont (Vertmr)

    ont- Fir st Day of Sum mer , Ierendi Freedom day and Crown Tourney, Karameikos Day of t

    tr aw M en, Alfheim Il sundal Day, Soder fjord Thing

    Klar mont- Thyati s Days of the Hoof, Glantr i Night of the Red Moon, Ylar uam Laylat Al -Baraa

    Klarmont- Ylaruam Lailat al Mir aj, Minr othad Minroth Day

    Klarmont- Glant r i, Karameikos Night of Fir e

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    Felmont (Islamr)

    Lunadain Gromdain Tserdain Moldain

    1 Karameikos

    Beast's Day

    2 3 4

    8 9 10 11

    15 See Below 16 Rockhome

    Batt le of Sardal


    17 18

    Nytdain Loshdain Soladain

    5 6 Hattias Vanya's



    12 13 14 See Below

    19 20 21

    22 23 24 25 Glantri

    Beggar's Hope

    26 27 See Below 28 Minrothad

    Day of Silence

    1 See Below 2 3 4

    8 9 10 11

    15 Glantr i



    16 17 18

    22 Ethengar

    Great Hor se Fair

    23 24 25

    5 6

    12 13 Darokin Day 14

    19 20 21

    26 27 28

    1 See Below 2 Ierendi

    Celebr ation of

    the Sea

    3 Rockhome

    Show ing day


    8 9 10 11

    15 16 17 Shadow

    Elves Mu steri ng



    22 23 24 25

    5 6 7

    12 13 14

    19 20 21

    26 27 Minrothad

    Bask Day


    elmont- Karameikos Beast Day, Ier endi The Rebir th

    elmont- Glant r i Fer ia de Toros, Shadow Elves Cor nerstone Day

    Felmont- Thyat is Days of Valer ias, Alphatia Doggerel Days, Shi r es High Sum mer, Ethengar

    Felmont- Ylar uam Lai lat al Qadr , Min rothad All 's Reckless Day

    Fyrmont (Andrumr)

    1 Fyr mont- Shi r es Day of Heroes, Ylar uam 'Id al Fit r

    Ambyrmont (Cyrpimr)

    yr mont- Fir st Day of Fall , Shi r es Fast and Feast, Ethengar Fir st Day of Riding

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    Sviftmont (Hastmr)

    Lunadain Gromdain Tserdain Moldain

    1 2 3 4

    8 See Below 9 10 11

    15 Darokin Great


    16 17 18

    Nytdain Loshdain Soladain

    5 6 See Below 7

    12 13 Shadow Elves

    Tarasfi r Birt hday

    14 Glantri

    Raising of the


    19 20 21

    22 23 Ethengar Day

    of Counting

    24 Ethengar Day

    of Naming

    25 26 27 28 Karameikos

    Stef an's Birt hd

    1 Ethengar

    Cretia's Day

    2 3 4

    8 9 10 11

    15 Ethengar

    Night of Spir its

    16 17 18

    22 23 24 25

    5 Glantri


    6 Daroki n

    Harvest Day

    12 13 14

    19 20 21

    26 27 28

    1 First Day of


    2 3 Ier endi , Days

    of Right


    8 9 10 Ylaruam'Id al



    15 See Below 16 17 18

    22 23 Minrothad



    24 25

    5 6 7

    12 13 14 Glantr i Ice


    19 20 21

    26 27 See Below 28 Glantr i Be

    of Fate

    vi ftmont- Glantr i Best Wishes of Kr ondahar , Ethengar New Year

    vi ftmont- Thyatis Vanya's Day, Alphati a Star t of Win e Festival

    Eirmont (Eimr)

    i r mont- Five Shi r es The Reapin g, Thyati s Proti us' Day

    Kaldmont (Burymr)

    ont- Thyatis Footman's Games, Glantr i Boldavian Procession, Ethengar Blessin g of Golde

    Kaldm ont- Glantr i Al exander Day, Ethengar Day of Law

    ldm ont- End of Year , Glantr i Bell s of Fate, Nor thern Reaches Loki Day, Mi nr othad Mi dw in ter

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    nr othad Calendar

    Mi nr othad Gui lds use the Thyatian calendar

    tr ade pur poses, but that their own calendar

    ational date r eckoning. They divi de their

    r in to 11 months of 30 days, each w ith f ive

    ix-day weeks. To balance the year , they add a

    pecial six day week to the end. The cur r ent

    r is 311 by Min rothad Dating.

    nm un (Nuwmont 1-Vater mont 2)

    omun (Vatermont 3-Thaumont 4)

    (Thaumont 5-Flaurmont 6)

    ir mun (Flaurmont 7-Yarthmont 8)

    ir mun (Yarthmont 9-Klarm ont 10)

    agmun (Klarmont 11-Felmont 12)

    ebmun (Felmont 13-Fyrmont 14)

    xmun (Fyr mont 15-Ambyr mont 16)

    byr mont 17-Svi ftm ont 18)

    cmun (Svi ftmont 19-Eir mont 20)

    lfmun (Eir mont 21-Kaldmont 22)

    tw ok (Kaldm ont 23-28)

    Shadow Elves Calendar

    The shadow elves div ide their year in to 14

    months of 24 days each. Each month takes it s

    name fr om a verse of th e Refuge of Stone, an

    im por tant hi stor ical text. Ther e are no weeks

    and days are not named. The shadow elves'

    cur r ent year is 2116.

    Gatheri ng (Nuwmont 1-24)

    Name (Nuw mont 25-Vater mont 20)

    Refuge (Vatermont 21-Thaumont 16)

    Shaman (Thaumont 17-Flaur mont 12)

    Crystal (Flaurmont 13-Yarthmont 8)

    Bir th (Yarthmont 9-Klarmont 4)

    Wanderers (Klarm ont 4-28)

    Temple (Felmont 1-24)

    Food (Felmont 25-Fyrmont 20)

    Days (Fyr mont 21-Ambyr mont 16)

    Army (Ambyr mont 17-Svi ftm ont 12)

    King (Svi ftmont 13-Eir mont 8)

    Others (Eir mont 9-Kaldmont 4)

    Bounty (Kaldmont 5-28)

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    Day. Glantr ians hold an hour of

    il ence then gather looking for a good omen.

    l 's Reck less Day

    . Minr othad celebrates the

    nd of tax day w ith a no holds bar r ed part y.

    cestor 's Day.

     Alphati ans set aside a table

    etting for dead ancestor s and v isit graves.

     Four day fair in Glantr i to lear n new

    pells, buy new m agic i tems and mingle.

    r angements Day. Dwar ves pr opose mar r iage

    aditionally on thi s day.

    hu r a' Shi 'a.

     The Ylar i l ose their restr ained

    r e and cut loose, alcohol i s even tolerated.

     A day of l aziness, no one in

    rothad works.

    t t l e of Sar dal Pass.

     Dwarves relive their

    t f amous battle wi th mi li tary celebrations.

    ts Day. Traladarans dress up in costum e to

    emember defeating the beast men of old.

    ggar 's Hope.

     For one day beggars in Glantr i

    e allowed on the cit y str eets legall y.

    l l s of Fate. Glantr ians ri ng bells all night to

    d away even spi r its.

    Best W ishes of Kr ondahar . Native Ethengar i

    Glant r i celebrate the new year.

    Bir th day of Tarasfi r.

     Shadow elves celebrate

    thi er fir st k ing wi th feasts and r evels.

    Bir thday of Thincol I .

     Imper ial family hosts

    games and parades and throw coin s to the poo

    Blessing of t he Golden Khan .

     The Ethengar

    host games at the winter camp of their khan.

    Boldavian Pr ocession. Peasants march the

    str eets ti ll dawn hold ing torches and gar li c.

    Caravan Day. Caravans leave Rockhom e, those

    left behind feast and toast the mer chants.

    Celebr ati on of th e Sea. Ier endi tie their boats

    together in to a flotil la to host a massive par ty.

    Chancel lor 's Day

    . Worki ng holiday in

    celebration of Darokin's fir st Chancellor.

    Cler ics For um . Pr iests of Kagyar meet to

    discuss pr oblems and changes to their order.

    Closing Day.

     Alphatians schools close, and the

    childr en r etur n home.

    Cr eti a's Day. Ethengar p lay har mless pr anks

    each other all day.

    Holidays of the Known World

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    r okin Day. Daroki n closes all shops and

    lebrates the bi r thday of it s founder.

    r oki n Masked Ball . Annual ball i s held in the

    pitol, wi th pr oceeds going to char ity.

    y of Adul thood

    . Chi ldren reaching the age of

    it y ar e presented as adul ts.

    y of Bir th Blessings

    . The shaman pr ay to the

    ite Hor se to watch over the bir th of the foals.

    Blessings. Tr ibal khans divi de up their

    ealth among their followers.

    y of Coun t ing. Ethengar count their h er ds to

    ain favor w ith the khan.

    y of Her oes.

     Hin spend the ent ir e day

    anin g up war memor ials and battlefi elds.

    y of L aw.

     Ethengar r ecite their laws given by

    ll cr im e is puni shable by death.

    y of M agic. Alphatia celebrates w ith magical

    y of Nami ng and Welcomi ng. Ethengar

    esent pr esent chi ldren and get engaged.

    y of Par t ings.

     Ethengar t r ibes spli t up and go

    own ways.

    i l ence.

     Sil ence is mandated in

    nr othad for one full day under l egal penalty.

    Day of the Dead. Traladarans clean their

    s, then feast m err il y at n ight.

    y of t he Hoof

    . Ker endas host a week of

    tr ian events.

    y of t he St r ay Man

    . Traladarans bur n li ttle

    tr aw m en i n effi gy to absolve their sins.

    y of Valer ias. Followers of Valer ias get

    ngaged, mar r y or otherw ise engage in tr ysts.

    ys of Right. Traditi on Ierendi day of

    gements and m arr iage.

    er el Days.

     Alphatian schools celebrate

    ama, music and other ar ts in a sponsor ed fair .

    m pr ess Er iadna's Bir th day. Nobles give gif ts

    e Empress or a coin to beggars in her name.

    Feast of t he Si l ver Pur ge. Minrothaddians tel

    scar y stor ies and ar e gratefu l f or good luck.

    Fer ia de Tor os. Belcadiz elves r elease bul ls in

    their str eets and r un alongside them.

    Fir st Day of Ridi ng.

     Ethengar chi ldr en r eceiv

    their fir st hor se.

    Fir st Floweri ng.

     Hin gather up seeds to be

    planted in the fall.

    Footm an's Games. Week long celebration of

    weaponsmi thi ng and war games.

    Freedom Day/Cr own Tour ney. Ier endi elects

    new King and Queen w ith much fanfare.

    Gondola Games.

     Gondoli ers host mock jousts

    all day, no busin ess is done.

    Good Spr i te Day.

      Glant r ians play har ml ess

    pr anks on each other al l day.

    Gr eat Hor se Fair . For a week Ethengar

    warr ior s tr ade hor ses and shaman convene.

    Har vest Day.  Darokini ans dr ess up li ke

    far mer s and celebrate the har vest.

    Hi gh Sum m er.

     For tw o weeks the Hin feast an

    per form dramas, bur ni ng a dead orc for luck.

    Howl in g Day

    . Alphatians r un w ild, having jus

    one huge par ty.

    Ice Games. Glant r i Cit y shuts down for thr ee

    days of w in ter games and balls.

    ' Id al Adha.

     Somber day of remembr ance and

    sacr if ice to the Im mor tals.

    ' Id al Fit r .

     A chil dr en's holiday of giftgivin g an

    generally merr y making.

    Il sundal Day. Celebratin g Il sundal's ascension

    each elf tr ibe holds a di fferent celebration.

    In dependence Day. A day of r emembrance of

    those martyr ed dr ivi ng out foreign i nvaders.

    Kin g Stefan' s Bir th day.

     A day of parades and

    mi li tary games, w ith petty cr im es pardoned.

    Lai lat a l Mir aj . Holy day at the temple

    celebrating Al-Kalim 's im mor tality.

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    Qadr. Ylari pr ay at their homes hoping

    sed with good fortune.

    all Day. Solemn celebr ation of Alphatian

    r r ival in new wor ld.

    Al -Bar aa.

     Dinners are held w here past

    li ghts are forgiven.

    an Nabi.

     Cler ics spend the day tell in g

    ds about Al-Kalim 's teaching.

    chant Pr in ce Day. Wizards create magical

    reworks wh ile parents thr ow out old clothes.

    dwi nter Festi val. Min rothaddians celebrate

    ith gift giving and mer r y making.

    nr othad Day.

     Election day, celebrated w ith

    egattas and picnics.

    ster s' Fair

    . Monster s are paraded thr ough

    lantr i Cit y on the way to the auction block.

    ster in g Day. Shadow Elves take a census and

    r form m il itar y demonstrations.

    Klanty re celebrates it s fallen

    oes, cleani ng up gr aves and battlefields.


     Typically celebrates aroun d th e

    nti nent w ith gif t giving, parades and festivals.

    ir e.

     Traladarans everyw here go

    ng for l ost tr easur e.

    pir it s. Ethengar f ast as the boundar y

    n the spir it w orl d weakens for a day.

    of t he Red M oon

    . Glantr i w izards

    lebrate a red fu ll moon.

    ni ng Day

    . Alphatian un iversit ies have their

    r st day of class.

    ar ade Day. Glant r i army m arches in parades

    hosts mock games.

    ar li ament Day. Glant r i pol it icians take a day


    r oti us' Day.

     Celebrated w ith cleri cal r ituals

    ui et feasts.

    aisin g the Wall s. Glantr ian w izards tr y to one

    each other creating defenses for their city.

    Show ing Day. Dwar ves get together to show o

    new wares and di scuss new techn iques.

    Spr in g Br eak . Glantr i students cut loose and

    use spells to blow up ice in the canals.

    The Cor ner stone.

     Shadow Elves celebr ate

    creation of their temple by starti ng new r epai

    The Discover y.

     Shadow Elves celebr ate

    discovery of their home w ith songs and food.

    The Drow ni ng. Pear l Islanders launch toy

    canoes w ith candles to appease the sea.

    The Fast and t he Feast . For tw elve days hin

    fi r st f ast for six days then feast for six days.

    The Gather in g.

     Ethengar celebr ate sum mer b

    decorating camp w ith gar lands.

    The Reaping.

     Last hin holi day of the year w ith

    feasting, romance and r est.

    The Rebi r th . Week l ong holiday in I erendi

    alongside planting of new crops.

    The Rejecti on . Shadow Elves fast to r eflect on

    their betr ayal by Alfheim .

    The Thing.

     Soderf jor d Jarl s meet to enact new

    laws and sett le old scores.

    The Unsheathi ng.

     The Shi res r emember the

    Thyatian invasion by armi ng themselves.

    Vanya's Dance. Hattians and Heldann ic Knigh

    perf orm r itual dances in full armor.

    Vanya's Day

    . Thyati s celebr ates vi ctory by

    Vanya w ith good natur ed duels and feasts.

    Vyonn ese Car ni val.

     New Averoigne celebrate

    w ith br ight costumes and loud noises.

    Weddi ngs Day. The most popular day for

    dwar ves to marr y.

    Wh it e Hor se Cer emony. Sham ans sacri f ice a

    whi te hor se to protect herds in the new year.

    Wi ne Fest ival s.

     A week l ong w ine festival w it

    conski ll checks and tasti ngs.

    Wi nter Festi val . For a week the Ethengar

    compete and feast.

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    Dreaded Creatures of Mystara

    Black Ball

    or Deadly Sphere is quite possib ly the deadliest creatur e in the mu lti verse. A

    featur eless black orb appr oxim ately 5' in d iameter, the Black Ball destr oys whatever i t

    touches. Seemingly bereft of i ntelli gence the creature moves r andomly di sin tegrating

    every th ii ng in i ts path. It 's or igins and mot ives are a complete myster y.

    The Br ain Coll ector , or Neh-thalggu i n their own tongue, is an abomination f rom the

    Demiplane of Nightm ares. An amor phous body w ith four yellow or bs for eyes, six crab legs

    and a row of shar p teeth, the Brain Collector is beyond compr ehension I t exists to ki ll senti ent

    creatur es and take their br ains. The creature does not seem to even view i ts vi ctims as alive.

    The Decapus is an ar boreal creatur e known its its ten l im bs. Not much mor e than a torso and

    tentacles ending in sharp hooks, the Decapus li es in ambush above their pr ey. The creatur e

    also makes it self at home in abandoned buil dings, hanging fr om the r afters. And aquatic

    version exists, floating wi th the ti de and menacing all it comes across.


    are magical creatur es w ith the head of a lion and t he body of a gold dr agon. Found

    almost anywhere except arcti c regions, these solit ary hunters are some of the most dom inant

    hunters aroun d. Known for their fear some roar and deadly attack, Dragonne are often sought

    by some kni ghts as mounts. Whil e di ff icul t to tame, they are loyal steads if captur ed young.

    Drolems are a cross between a dr agon and a flesh golem. Created by only the most pow er fu l

    w izards, Drolems are the height of golem crafti ng. Extr emely power fu l, Drolems are immune

    to most magic and magic i tems. Their one weakness is their lack of in tellegence, and th e fact

    that li vi ng dragons hate them w ith a bur ni ng passion, attacki ng the Drolem w ithout pause.


    r epr esent one of the gr eatest thr eats in the Known Wor ld. An insectoid r ace of

    parasites, they in fect captur ed senti ent beings and tr ansfor m them into Hivebr ood. If l eft

    unchecked Hivebr ood wi ll competely stri p an area of all it s population and move on to the

    next area. Hivebr ood in festations are often met wi th a mil itary r esponse.

    Muj ina are extr emely str ong cr eatur es known for their abil it y to change their face to match

    their vi ctim 's appearance. Mu jina's own face is smooth and featureless. They hi re out often

    as assassin s, someth in g they excel at. When the Muj in a attacks, i t often show s i ts tr ue form to

    fr ighten it s target. The Mu jina's gr eat str ength all ows them to wi eld gr eat swords one handed.


    are disgusting centaur -li ke cr eatur es. Wi th over sized heads and tr ansparent

    ski n, they ar e dedicated to creating miser y where they can. Comm only all ied wi th f r ee w il led

    undead, the Nuckalavee are a thr eat to the ver y envir onment they live in . Their mere

    pr esence kil ls off native fauna, tur ni ng their swamps in to a lif eless bog.

    Thouls were a magical combi nation of a ghoul , hobgobli n and tr oll. Despi te their ghoul ish

    ori gin s Thouls are ver y much alive. Wh il e not a numerous r ace, Thouls are know n for being

    hard to ki ll and are often found hi red as bodyguar ds to hobgoblins and other evi l r aces.

    Thouls make for vi cious combatants, due to their abil it y to paralyze like a ghoul .

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    Coins of the Known World

    Nation 1/100 CP 1/10 SP 1/2 EP

    Alfheim Passim Tentr id Half Daro

    Alphatia Judge Mir ror N/A

    Atr uaghin Land Cloud N/A

    1 GP 5 PP

    Daro Leaf (r ar e)

    Crown N/A

    N/A N/A

    Darokin Passem Tentr id Half Daro Daro N/A

    Ethengar Tang Tang Tang Tang Tang

    Five Shir es Sunset Star N/A Yellow N/A

    Glantr i Penny (5) Sovereign N/A Ducat Crown (50)

    Ier endi Cokip Sana N/A Geleva Pali (10)

    Kar ameikos Kopec Crona N/A Royal N/A

    Minrothad Plen Quer t Byd Crona N/A

    Ostland Oren Eyr i r N/A Krona N/A

    Rockhome Stone Star N/A Tr ader /Moon Sun (10)

    Soder fjor d Oren Gundar Penne Markka N/A

    Thyatis Denar ius Aster ius N/A Lucin Emperor

    Vestland Oren Flor en Hellar Guldan Schi lder

    Ylar uam Fal Dir ham N/A Dinar N/A

    pecial Cur r encies

    lantr i's Penny is wor th 5cp, the Crown is enchanted platin um worth 10pp. If t he enchantm ent i

    pelled the coin is only worth 1pp

    ockhome's Sun is wor th 2pp, They have a sil ver t r ade coin they use wor th 1gp with other nation

    thengar 's Tang is mult iple stamped coins, each wor th 1, 5 or 10 of i ts respective type.

    heim 's Leaf i s a gold pi ece, but is considered collectible and wor th more than i t's metal conten

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    The nations of the Known Wor ld ar e often at

    each others thr oats. It can be fr om an

    economi c r ivalr y like Darokin and M in rothad,

    cultu r al di ffer ences such as Rockhome or

    Alfheim , or even outr ight hatred li ke

    Ethengar and Glantr i. Because of the delicate

    economic and tr ade str uctur e of the

    continent, open war fare is heavi ly f rowned

    upon by the neutr al nations. Much of the

    conf li ct instead is done by proxy

    organizations, leaving their sponsors w ith a

    degr ee of deniabi li ty.

    This is just a par tial li st of some of the small er

    factions active in Mystara

    - Br other hood of the Radiance.

    Pro magic

    secr et society in Glantr i pr omoti ng the

    study of unknown magics.

    - Elven Liber at ion Fr ont . Separati st group

    of Elves looking to bring part of Glantr i

    under Alfheim control.

    - Fi r e Island Wizar ds.





    pyr omancer s in Ierendi devoted

    themselves to the study of the Elemental

    Plane of Fir e.

    - Krondar .

    The duly appointed

    peacekeepers of the Five Shi res, their sole

    pur pose to keep the nation t r anquil .

    - Storm Sold ier s. The fanati cal loyalists to

    the Thyatian region of Hatti as. Their one

    desir e is to keep their land r aciall y pur e.

    - The Thorns. Radical Dwarven social

    group that tr ies to stir up t rouble inside of


    - Veil ed Society.

    Highly organized group of

    extort ion ists and thugs oper ating out of


    Adventu r er 's Society

    The Adventurer's Society was created to help

    select the r ul in g monarchs of Ierendi by

    recr ui ted the best adventur ers in the realms.

    In order to qualif y to par ti cipate, the Society

    requi res i ts members to help the less

    for tunate and keep the forces of evil at bay.

      Whi le headquartered in Ierendi City,

    member s of the Society can be foun d w here

    ever they are needed most. Society Hall s are

    found any where Ierendi has a pr esence,

    and in m ost large towns as well.

    The Society is open about i ts goals, they

    rewar d their members w ith increased

    benefi ts and f r ee passage on ships, in r etur n

    the Society members have to per for m quests

    to make the wor ld safer. Each member is

    requi red to under take two adventur ers a

    year w ithout r eward to maintain their


    Motto. Til All Are Safe


    The Adventu r er's Society's beliefs

    can be summari zed as follows:

    - The strong must pr otect the weak.

    - Ther e is no one unworthy of protection.

    - Through sacr if ice we become greater.

    Goals. Br ing stabili ty thr oughout the lands.

    Protect Ier endi fr om all enemies.

    Typical Quests. Drive marauding

    hum anoids or br igands fr om an ar ea. Put

    down undead thr eats.

    Renown Rank

    1 K'iai (Sir )

    3 Naiku (Knight)

    10 Haku (Lord)

    25 Keiki (Pr ince)

    50 M???(King)


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    Dar okin Diplom ati c Cor ps

    One of the most r ecogni zable insti tut ions in

    the Know n Wor ld, the Diplomatic Corps is

    found in ever y countr y known. Dedicated

    to fi ndi ng peacefu l solut ions to delicate

    situati ons, the DDC helps maintain a safe

    envir onment for Darokin's tr ade goods.

      The DDC is vi ewed by many to be a

    parti ally neutr al arbiter for m any disputes,

    offeri ng mediators for local disputes for a

    pr ice. If di plomacy fail s, the DDC is

    author ized to use for ce to stabi li ze a


      DDC members are techn icall y employees

    of the nation of Darokin , though they w il l

    take anyone w i th talent. The Corps pays

    well , and i s qui ck to defend i ts member s

    from undo harm .

    Motto. We Wi ll Find a Way


    The Darokin Diplom atic Corps

    beliefs can be sum marized as fol low s:

    - Peace is mor e profitable than conf lict.

    - If all else fails, money talks louder than


    - Sometimes you have to remove the

    obstacle to obtain peace.

    Goals. Lessen international tensions. Keep

    the tr ade routes open.

    Typical Quests. Settl e ter r itor ial disputes.

    Remove highwaymen fr om a tr ade route.

    Renown Rank

    1 Copper

    3 Silver

    10 Electrum

    25 Gold

    50 Platinum

    Heldanni c Or der

    The Heldann ic Order is the mi li tant w ing of

    the Church of Vanya. They ar e devoted to

    stampi ng out chaos in all i ts for ms. The

    Or der i s less concer ned w ith good or evi l

    than it is about maintaini ng order. The

    Or der despises anar chy, and r ather see a

    countr y be lead by a despot than fall in to


      The Heldannic Order is looked on by

    nations w ith appr ehension. While they

    fight against humanoids wi th fervor , they

    also wil l attempt to depose weak r uler s and

    replace them w ith str ong wi lled allies.

      The Order recr ui ts those it feels r epr esent

    the law ful natur e of the order. Anyone is

    welcome, but foll owers of Vanya are


    Motto. By Vanya's Wi ll


    The Heldanni c Or der 's beliefs can

    be sum mar ized as foll ows:

    - Only the law matters.

    - Chaos must be replaced wi th order.

    - Those that cannot lead must be replaced

    by those that can.

    Goals.  Maintain law and order. Spr ead the

    worship of Vanya.

    Typical Quests.

    Put dow n an u pr ising,

    over thr ow a weak rul er. Drive out a

    humanoid war part y.

    Renown Rank

    1 Soldat

    3 Doppelsoldat





    50 Oberste

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    I r on Ring

    The Iron Ring is one of the most feared

    organizations in the Known Worl d. A

    secr etive and deadly group of slavers, they

    w il l str ike anyw here they can. Though

    outlawed in ever y nation for their bru tal

    tactics, they always have a market for their


    The Ir on Rin g is mor e than a sim ple

    thi eves guild, their organization crossed

    borders and involves levels of coor din ation

    unseen in other simi lar groups. Often they

    w il l operate across mult ip le borders for a

    single operation.

      Member s of the Ir on Ring are member s

    for l ife. They are not allowed outside work

    w ithout permission, though they w il l keep

    up appear ances to main tain their cover.

    The Ir on does however pay extr emely w ell .

    Motto. We Ow n You, Body and Soul

    Beliefs. The Iron Ring beliefs can be

    summari zed as foll ows:

    - Any one wh o is not us is meat.

    - If violence doesn't w ork, you aren't using

    enough of i t.

    - Profit i s the only measur e of success.

    Goals. Keep the slave tr ade going. Remove

    and obstacle to the tr ade.

    Typical Quests. Scout a settlement for

    str agglers and weaknesses. Remove r ivals

    fr om your w ay.

    Renown Rank

    1 Brute

    3 Breaker

    10 Underboss

    25 Factor

    50 Overboss

    Ten Thousand Fists of the Khan

    The Fists of th e Khan i s an organization

    form ed in Ethengar to pr omote the wor ship

    of the Immor tals. Though their pr im ary

    target i s the atheistic Glantr i, the Fists wi ll

    target anyone who stands against the w il l of

    the Immor tals.

      The Fists of the Khan is organi zed in a cell

    str uctur e, w ith each group independent of

    the others and lead by a sin gle Fist. The

    Fists maintain a vast spy network to keep

    other s fr om underm ini ng the w ill of the


      A typi cal Fist member can come fr om any

    walk of li fe, all that i s requir ed i s they must

    be deeply r eli gious. Whil e most Fist

    members worship of of the thr ee patr on

    Im mor tals of Ethengar, worshippers of

    other I mm ortals are not uncommon.

    Motto. The Immor tals Wil l I t

    Beliefs. The Ten Thousand Fists of the

    Khan's beliefs can be sum mar ized as


    - Tr ust the Imm ortals in All Things.

    - Disbelievers must be made to believe.

    - The more brought to see the truth the


    Goals.  Spr ead the Worship of the

    Immor tals. Work to counter Glantr i.

    Typical Quests.

    Set up a church in a new

    area. Convert the masses to be devout.

    Renown Rank

    1 Khoobarak

    3 Gelung





    50 Lama

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    Races and Heroes

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    ven Subr ace

    ves in the Known Wor ld ar e separated

    n the dwarves that l ive deep

    dergroun d in Rockhome and those that live

    ground in vari ous human cit ies. Mystara

    ves are highly r esistant to magic, an abil it y

    iven to them by the imm or tal Kagyar. This gif t

    ever leaves them w ithout the abili ty to use

    cane magic.

    tar a Dwarf

    li ty Scor e In crease. Your str ength scor e is

    creased by 1.

    ven Resistance.

     You have advantage on

    saving th rows versus magic.

    est r i cted Classes.

     You cannot take the bard,

    izar d, or sorcerer classes.

    l ven Sub r aces

    lves in Mystara ar e greatly vari ed, being fr om

    o dif ferent ori gin s. The Souther n elves

    mi gr ated fr om Evergrun befor e the Great Rain

    ir e. The shadow elves tr aveled

    dergr ound to escape the disaster and settled

    large caverns underneath the conti nent.

    er group of elves, the Belcadiz came f rom

    and far over the ocean. They are

    ther br oken down by where they settled.

    r e ar e no Drow i n M ystara.

    Al l Elves in Mystar a lose th e Tr ance abil i ty

    Sylvan Elves

    Located in Al fheim , Glant r i and Karameikos

    mainly, Sylvan elves are by far the most

    numerous. Sylvan elf males tend to grow long

    whi te beards late in li fe. They use the defaul t

    Wood Elf Subrace.

    Belcadiz Elves

    Located exclusively in Glantr i, Belcadiz ar e

    known for their fi er y passions and extr avaga

    clothing. Their men are noted for spor ting

    shor t thi n beards. Belcadiz Elves are shor ter

    than normal elves, and possess darker ski n an

    almost always black hair , though br own and

    rarely r ed hair can be found. Belcadiz Elves

    use the High Elf Subr ace wi th one variance.

    Belcadi z Weapon Tr aini n

    g. You have

    proficiency w ith the rapier , shor t sword, shor

    bow and l ongbow.

    Shadow Elv es

    As a Shadow Elf you have lived your li fe

    underground w aitin g for the return of your

    people to the sur face. Your people was spl it o

    fr om the rest of your r ace in the Gr eat Rain of

    Fir e and have spent thousands of year s

    underground not know ing what was left of th

    sur face worl d. You come fr om a deeply

    religious people who ar e just now discoveri ng

    Races of Mystara

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    e are ent ir e civil izations above you.

    hadow elves are know n for their pale ski n and

    . Their ears are larger than other

    , it is a giveaway in the company of others


    l i ty Scor e In crease: Your w isdom score is

    creased by 1.

    l f Weapon Tr aini ng: You have profi ciency

    ith the long sword, shor t sword , crossbow and

    uperi or Dar k Vision : You can see in dark or

    il ight condi tions up to ninety feet as if they

    er e br ight daylight.

    ea Elves

    ea Elves are a tr ibe of elves native to the

    nr othad Gui lds. They ar e known for their

    canny sense of dir ection, ingrained fr om

    t sea. They are an adventurous people,

    pendin g more of their time at sea than on land.

    r e is some minor distrust among Sylvan

    for a resemblance to Shadow Elves, but the

    im ilari ty i s pur ely coincidental.

    l i ty Scor e In crease: Your in tell igence score

    aises by 1.

    l f Weapon Tr aini ng: You have profi ciency

    ith the long sword, rapier, long bow and

    onus Tool Pr ofi ciency

    : You are profi cient w ith

    cles (water ).

    ense of Di r ect ion : You gain advantage on al l

    sdom (Sur vival) tests you make for

    yali a Elves

    d in Thyatis and Kar ameikos, the

    eclusive Vyalia are exper t foresters, known for

    abilit y to disappear i nto the forest w ithout

    tr ace. Whi le they keep to themselves mostly,

    mpir e of Thyatis has contr acted them on

    lt ip le occasions to teach the way of the

    ldr itch Knight to human soldiers. The Vyalia

    erw ise stay by themselves, and ar e r emote

    nough that the count r ies they li ve in l eave


    l i ty Scor e In crease: Your in tell igence score

    aises by 1.

    onus Pr ofi ciency.  You have pr oficiency w ith

    tur e ski ll.

    Hidden Tr ai ls: You can cast Pass Without Tra

    once using this trai t. You regain th e abil it y to

    so after a shor t r est.

    Half l i ng Subr ace

    The hin of M ystara ar e a stout and proud r ace

    They value fr eedom and f amil y more than

    anythi ng else. Frequently attacked in the past

    the hin have become known for their stealth.

    Located pr im ari ly i n the Five Shi r es, w ith a

    large pr esence in Mi nr othad, the hin ar e on

    fr iendly terms most nations and r aces save

    Glantr i . They do possess on occasion the abil i

    to counter magic, based enti rely on their

    r elationship w ith the land of the Shi r es.


    Abi li ty Scor e Incr ease.  Your Consti tu ti on sco

    is in creased by 1.

    Unobtusive. You have profi ciency in the Steal



    Gnomes are the only m ajor demi human race

    w ithout a homeland in the Known Worl d. The

    do possess a giant f ly ing city kn own as Serr ain

    but the majorit y of them l ive in settlements in

    the hum an and dwar ven kin gdoms. While no

    known for being the adventur ing type, some

    gnomes do set of f to see the wor ld.

    Hi l l Gnomes: Use For est Gnome subrace

    Sky Gnom es: Use Rock Gnome subr ace

    Hal f Races

    In Mystara there ar e no half r aces. In the case

    of a mi xed couple, the r ace of the chi ld is the

    r ace of the same sex parent . Humans and

    demih umans can i nterbr eed, as can hum ans

    and or cs. Some races need m agical assistance

    have chi ldr en though, li ke humans and hi n.



    does not have ti efli ngs, aasim ar or

    dr agonki n. Half elves and half or cs take on

    th e r ace of a parent , but can sti ll have

    childr en of the other r ace.

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    Human Ethnicities

     are the smaller of the major

    thn icit ies of Ylar uam, and one of the ter r itor ies

    s. They ar e considered a good

    ed people, merging the cul tur es of Thyatis

    lar uam. They pr efer d ialogue to violence,

    adjusted their tr aditional garb for

    hion and pr acticali ty over religious reasons.

    y possess dusky ski n and dark hair . Their

    ve language is Thyatian.

     are found in the Empi r e of Alphatia.

    xtr emely m agical, their land i s ruled by

    izards. They have tw o distinct ethni c make

    the commoners have coppery color ed skin

    anging fr om r ed, and black. Noble

    atians have black hair and blue toned ski n.

    e language is Alphati an

     are nati ve to the plateau of the same

    e. They are an isolated people and behind

    ations in terms of technology. They have

    eddish ski n and black hair . Native language is

     are found in Glantr i. They ar e fr om

    orl d resembling that of Fr ance. They

    en plagued by lycanthr opy in the past,

    obles are known for being very

    ccent r ic. They tend to have fair ski n and

    de to brow n hair . Native language is


    Darokin  i s a mixed r ace from all the var ious

    peoples that have come to live in the count r y o

    the same name. They are a wealthy and

    industr ious people, bui lt on tr ade. They tend

    have tan ski n and dark hai r. Native language



     are proud warr ior s of the steppes o

    the Sea of Gr ass. They ar e nom adic and fam il

    ori ented. It i t said they learned to r ide befor e

    they learn ed to walk. Ethengar have dark

    copper toned ski n and bl ack hair and tend to b

    of a sli ght bui ld . Native Language is Ethengar

    Flaemish  wer e the ori gin al settl er s of Glant r i,

    ori ginally fr om Alphatia. They are a volatile

    people, descendants of the f ir e worshiper s of

    old. Many feel they are the rightfu l r ulers of

    Glantr i. Flaemish have copper toned ski n and

    br ight r ed hair . Native language is Flaemish.

    Hatt ians

     are fr om an i sland of f the coast of

    Thyati s. They wer e once an equal par t of the

    empi r e until an il l f ated r evolt caused them to

    be conquered again. They ar e known for their

    racism and super ior ity complex. They tend to

    have olive skin and hair r anging fr om li ght to

    dark . The native language is Thyatian.

    Heldannic Freeholder s come from the lands t

    the far nor th. They ar e fi er cely independent t

    the point of being disorganized. They have

    resisted attempts at conquest by Ethengar and

     If you choose Atr aughin as your r ace

    owi ng replaces the human's abil it y scor e

    l i ty Scor e Incr ease: Raise your Str ength,

    onsti tut ion by 1.

    onus Pr ofi ciencies:

     You have prof iciency in

    tealth and Sur vi val.

    or ed Defense. While you are not

    eari ng any ar mor your arm or class equals 10

    ur Constit uti on m odifi er + Dexterit y

    fi er. You can use a shield and sti ll gain the

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    stland, and r efused to be merged by the other

    r thern nations. Fr eeholders have fair hair

    and pale ski n. Their native language is Heldan.

     reli sh l if e, where they are

    ghti ng or carousin g. Their lands are at war

    ith the Thyatian Empir e, though some of them

    changed sides. Hinterlander s value

    div idual achievement over all else.

    nter landers tend to be larger than others,

    ith f air skin and hair t hat ranges fr om light to

    ed. Native language is Thyatian .

    enn i tes fr om Esterhold are a conquered

    ple. Overr un by Alphatia and used for slave

    the Jenni tes look to escape their w izard

    ords. Jenni te are of average height bu t

    buil d. They have dark br own skin, w ith

    k eyes. Native language is Alphati an.

     ar e found in Glantr i. They wer e

    ought over by the people that br ought over

    e Averoigne, a land r esembl in g Scotland.

    y tend to be a haunted people wi th a large

    ber of ghosts in t heir r egion. Klantyr e tend

    larger that nor mal humans, w ith pale skin

    own to red hair. Native language is

     are the native islanders to Ierendi .

    layfu l in times of peace, fearsome in times of

    , the Makai never do somethi ng halfw ay.

    y ar e a sim ple people, liv ing off t he vast

    y the isles have to offer. Their ski n tone is

    onze, w ith str aight or extr emely

    y black hair . Native language is Thyatian.

     are the largest ethni c group in

    lar uam. A deeply religious people, they are

    onsidered stern and unfor givi ng by other

    r es. They were largely nomadic unti l

    ecently, when they began to form cities. They

    honor above all, and have str ict sex r oles.

    ni have br own skin and black hair and

    ve a lot of hai r. Their native language

    lar i.

     come from the Isle of Dawn, unl ike

    other people native to the island, Thoth ians

    have dark ski n and hair . Though they shar e th

    same language as the reclusive Nit hi ans of

    Ylar uam, their cultu re is vastly d if ference.

    Native language is Nith ian.

    Northmen  compr ise the population of Ostland

    Vestland and Soderfjord. They are a r ugged

    people, li ving in a harsh land. They are of a

    large bui ld, wi th f air hair and heavy beards.

    Native language is Heldan.


     are dark ski nn ed peoples fr om the Pear

    Islands. Conquered by Thyatis at the star t of t

    Empir e, they have acclim ated w ith the Empir e

    whi le keeping their own cultur e. Nuari str ive

    for perfection no matter their task, they str ive

    be gr eat warr ior s and scholars. Nuar i have

    almost coal black eyes and black hai r. Native

    language is Thyatian .

    Ochaleans are a conquered people in the

    Empi r e of Thyatis. They are exotic compared

    the rest of the Empi r e, w ith yellow skin and

    dark hair . Ochaleans are know n for their

    arti str y, food and their unar med fi ghti ng style

    Native language is Thyatian .


     are the major ity in the Thyatian

    empi re, and have spr ead thr oughout the know

    world. They are found in neighboring countr i

    and as far away as Ostland and Glantr i. They

    are known f or t heir tr eacherous natur es, but

    mostly inside of Thyatis. Thyatians have a ligh

    olive skin tone and l ight to dark br own hair.

    They are known for their large noses. Native

    language is Thyatian, which is consider ed

    Comm on for M ystara.

    Traladarans are native to what is now the

    Gr and Duchy of Karameikos. They are a

    supersti tious people, li ving in a land plagued b

    undead, invasions, and monster s. They tend t

    dr ess br ightly when they can affor d it. Their

    tastes r un simple, valui ng function over f orm.

    Their hair tends to be dark and their skin pale

    They are shor ter than other nationali ties. The

    native tongue is Traladaran.

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    There is no glory to be had alone cub, true glory

    mes from the pack. Together we hunt, together

    we prosper. All lupin know their roles, from the

    our swiftest scouts to our strongest warriors to

    ur wiliest trackers. You cannot fault another for

    being bigger, nor can he fault you for being small

    of frame. Remember you can rely on his strength

    to aid you as much as he must rely on your speed

    to aid him. Differences are only weaknesses if

    you do not work towards the same goal.

    Together we are stronger than alone. That is the

    way of the lupin.

    -Horr the Scarred, lupin Elder


    A fier ce and nomadic people, the noble lup in

    tr avel the wi lderness in fami ly packs follow in

    the herds they hunt. A fr iendly people, lupi n

    get along with humans and demihum ans,

    though the canin e r ace prefer open spaces to

    crowded citi es. Lup in are the natur al foe of

    wer ewolves, huntin g them w ithout mercy whe


    Stout and Rugged

    Lupin are covered head to toe in fur , though th

    fur can be shor t to the point of barely cover ing

    the ski n, to thi ck and shaggy for the nor thern

    tr ibes. The heavier coated lupin for obvious

    reasons avoid heavy ar mor. They tend to tr av

    li ght, and don't carr y a lot of possessions.

    Excess equipment i s given to the pack to be us

    as needed.

    Lupin value loyalty mor e than other races.

    They ar e pack creatur es, to them the fami ly is

    all important. A lone lupi n that is outcast or a

    sole sur vivor of hi s pack can go mad fr om

    lonelin ess. Lupin such as these tend to becom

    adventu r er s to form a new pack, and ar e

    fier cely loyal to their new found fami ly.

    Loyal t o a Faul t

    Lupin packs are well known and welcomed in

    most nations of the Known World. They live o

    of the land, tr ading for w hat they need w ith th

    fur s and food they gather in their tr avels. Wh

    they are not allied wi th any nation, lupin w ill

    not th ink tw ice about pr otectin g innocents

    under attack. The lupin packs are not

    associated w ith each other , but when they me

    it i s a time of celebr ation. Many betr othals are

    created thi s way to keep the pack's blood f r esh

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    in can be appr oached by vari ous

    mmuni ties for tr ade, assistance or to hi r e out

    mercenar ies as needed. Often if a town i s

    et by w erewolves lupin w il l descend to r oute

    hated enemy. Whil e they are welcome

    most parts, lupin are nomads and seldom

    tay for long. When they come to any area w ith

    e game, they w il l set up a temporary

    lage to allow them to hunt f or longer per iods



    in of ten become adventu r er s when they

    left a pack for what ever r eason. Some

    ubs grow enamored of the worl d and w ish to

    ee more than what follow ing their pack can

    Others are exi led for some unspoken

    me, and others are the only sur vivor s of some

    eat catastrophe. Regardless of the r eason, the

    bond wi th their fellow adventur er s like

    upin Traits

    l i ty Scor e In crease. Your Constit ut ion score

    ncreases by 2.

    ge: Lupin r each maturi ty qui ckly, around 10

    old. They live on average about 90 year s.

    t: Most lupin are law ful in natur e, and

    ost ar e good as well.

    i ze:

     Lupin average 5'5. They aver age 180lbs

    ly grown. Your size is medium .

     Your base speed is 30 feet.

     You can speak, read and w r i te

    ommon and Lupin

     You can see in the dark 60'

    : You gain pr oficiency in the

    er cepti on skil l.

    r ewolf Anim osit y: You automatically know

    someone is a wer ewolf w hen looki ng at them,

    ven i f they ar e in human form.

    Bull Lupin

    The har diest of the lupi n, the Bul l var ieties are

    know n for their str ength and cour age.

    Consider ed the best w arr ior s of the br eed, the

    bull lupin are often f ound looking for trouble

    when the pack ar r ives at a new hunter ground

    When the hound lupin fi nd w erewolves, the

    bull lupi n are the fi r st to go in.

    Abi li ty Scor e In crease

    . Your strength

    increases by 1.

    Buil t for Fight ing. You gain pr oficiency in the

    Intimidation skill .

    Hound Lupin

    The scouts of the lupin , houn d lupin are

    r esponsible for hun ting down game and fin din

    new places to hun t. Their sense of smell is

    legendary , and they are fear ed for the their

    tenacit y w hen they detect a foe.

    Abi li ty Scor e In crease. Your w isdom increas

    by 1.

    Hei ghtened Sense of Sm ell : You have

    advantage on all Perception ski ll checks usin g


    Hunter Lupin


    One of the most num erous types of lupin, the

    hun ter l upin are smaller than other lupin , but

    make up for it by being much more agile.

    Skill ed w olf r ider s and known for their archer

    ski lls, they form most of the lupi n outr iders on

    the hunt.

    Abi li ty Scor e In crease. Your Dexter ity

    increases by 1.

    Wolf Rid er . You are alw ays tr eated as havi ng

    saddle when r idi ng a wolf or other canine.

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    Despite what you think I 'm not a normally a

    burglar. But if you want me in on your little

    heist, I want double. Plus I get first pick of the

    loot and top billing on the wanted poster if the

    guard starts looking for us.

     Neulla Marta- Acquisitions Specialist


    akasta are a race of nomadic feline humanoids

    e found on the Isle of Dread and i n par ts

    ti s. They are a war li ke race, pr id ing

    lves on their mar tial ski ll s. They are also

    for their artistic natur e, w ith their

    d art being qui te coll ectible among

    of vari ous human k ingdoms. Rakasta

    avel i n f amily groups, always looking for new

    ey. They are valued as tr ading par tner s

    the Darokin and Min rothad merchant

    Lit he and Agil e

    Rakasta are as var ied as lupin, but all r akasta

    shar e an almost unnatur al gr ace. They are

    extr emely vari ed in size, fr om around 5' for th

    domesti c Rakasta to almost 7' tall for the great

    Rakasta. Li kewi se their weight can be

    anywhere from 90lbs for the lither versions, to

    almost 500lbs for the largest Greater Rakasta.

    Rakasta appear as fu r r y hum anoids w ith felin

    heads. The smaller r akasta appear to have

    heads of common house cats, wher e the lar ges

    of r akasta have heads r esembl ing li ons or ti ge

    Their coats can be any var iety of colors, thoug

    the greater r akasta often have coats sim ilar to

    ti gers or leopards.

    Fickl e Cr eatu r es

    Rakasta travel in f ami ly groups usually. They

    are not tied dow n to the famil y group, but owe

    allegiance to their chief. Many of the rakasta

    seek glor y on the battlefi eld, when their chief

    does not pr ovide them w ith enough glor y they

    w il l challenge the chi ef or seek it for


    Rakasta ar e known for their fi ne cr aftsmanshi

    when they are not at war they tur n to making

    high quali ty w orks of art . Many mer chants se

    them out for tr ade, br inging weapons in

    exchange for valuable fur s, jewelr y and

    tapestr ies. Rakasta prefer to tr ade rather than

    steal, there is no honor for them in r obber y.

    Highly Adaptable

    Rakasta are found almost ever yw here in the

    Known Wor ld. Though not the most num erou

    of r aces, there are few places on the continent

    they have not tr aveled. Rakasta prefer w ide

    open spaces li ke the Isle of Dr ead, but they ar e

    not a rare site in major cities either. The

    r akasta on the main land tend to stay in the

    w il derness foll owi ng the game animals.

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    r akasta have adapted to the vari ous

    nvir onments. The soli tar y gr eater r akasta tend

    loners, and can be found in h igher

    ntains or deep forests instead of w ith packs.

    ome rakasta fall in love wi th the bustle of the

    ity and the fact many fi nd them exotic and

    stead r eside in the great m etropoli ses in

    lantr i or Thyatis.

    ur ious

    akasta are well known for their curi osity, and

    abilit y to lead them into trouble. Many

    akasta grow t ir ed of the pack l if e and seek out

    fr iends to take them to mor e interesting

    s. Wh il e many r akasta retur n, some

    ome devoted to the adventur ing life and

    r settle down at all.

    l i ty Scor e In crease

    . Your Dexter it y score

    ncreases by 2.

     Rakasta r each m atur it y around 12 years

    They live on average 90 years.

     Most r akasta are neutral in

    i ze.

     Rakasta are fr om 6-7' tall, but on ly w eight

    nd 150lbs. You are a medium creatur es.

     Your base speed is 35 feet.

    . You can speak, read and w r ite

    ommon and Rakasta

     You can see in the dark 90'

    ear of Water . When on a boat or w hen

    etely dr enched, you have disadvantage to

    cks until you get on land or dr y off.

      You have resistance to fall ing damage.

    al Weapons. Your claws deal 1d4 points of

    lashing damage, and ar e considered light

     You have prof iciency in

    as, a for m of short sword they wear as

    Gr eater Rakasta

    The largest of t he rakasta, greater rakasta are

    solitar y hul king brutes. Unli ke other r akasta

    the gr eater r akasta live alone, hunti ng prey fo

    themselves. They tend to be sur ly and

    suspicious of outsiders. They can be found in

    almost any type of w il derness, often as hunter

    or r anger s.

    Abi li ty Scor e Incr ease.

     Your Str ength in creas

    by 1.

    Roar. You can spend your action to roar. All

    enemi es w ithi n 10' must make a Wisdom save

    DC 8 + pr ofi ciency bonus + your Char isma

    modif ier or become fr ightened for 1d6+1

    rounds. You cannot use th is abil it y again un ti

    you take a shor t r est.

    Wi ld Rakasta

    The most common r akasta, w il d r akasta are

    found in packs in secluded areas or w ide open

    spaces. Known for their abil it y to leap gr eat

    distances, they sur pr ise their foes by closing

    faster than thought possib le.

    Abi li ty Scor e Incr ease. Your Consti tut ion

    increases by 1.

    Pounce. When jumping you doubl e the distan

    jumped. You have advantage on all ski ll check

    when jumpin g over obstacles or seein g if you

    land on your feet.

    Domest i c Rakasta

    Givi ng up livi ng in the w ilds for the comfor ts o

    ur ban li ving, domesti c r akasta are an

    uncommon sight in the larger cities. While th

    have lost some of the savagery of their ki n, the

    are also known for their almost supernatur al


    Abi li ty Scor e Incr ease.

     Your Char isma

    increases by 1.

    Nine Liv es. You have advantage on death savi


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    Look at it The light reflects off it so perfectly

    ave you ever seen something so shiny? To think

    this was made by nature, no craftsman shaped it,

    no one designed it, it happened naturally. Just

    left alone in this cave undisturbed until the

    dragon made its layer right beside it. I call this

    for my first share of the treasure, this pebble.

    -Aurora Stargrove, sidhe Bard


    ages past two groups of immor tals existed.

    ne became the Im mortals venerated by the

    r ics. The other became the fey, w ith their

    magics owi ng no all egiance to the other

    mor tals. The most human of the fey

    es, a separate race of Immor tals of

    stara. The sidhe are highly m agical

    r eatures that are known for their curi osity of

    tal r aces. possessing it r obs them of their

    l abili ties.

    Ether eal and Tim eless

    The appear ance of the sidhe is as var ied as the

    humans. Sidhe appear to be a hybr id of man

    and elf, though they are related to neither rac

    They can usual ly pass as human easi ly. Sidhe

    r ange from 5'8 to well over 6' on aver age,

    though they tend to be of l ight bui ld, weighin g

    less than a human of sim ilar size. Hair color f

    the sidhe can r ange from nor mal human color

    to unusual like dark gr een or br ight pink . The

    eyes are the same way and can be any color an

    need not even match. Sidhe are effectively

    im mor tal, they do not age and if slain instead

    r eincarnate back in the Good Kingdom.

    Sidhe ski n color tends to be the same shade of

    humans, though they can go to extr emes, w ith

    ski n w hi te as snow or bl ack as onyx . Facial ha

    is r are on sidhe men, but not unheard of. Both

    sexes tend to ador n themselves w ith jewelr y, t

    more extr avagant the better. Their clothing

    r anges fr om simple fur s to gowns fi ner than

    what emperor s could even dr eam of.

    Sidhe tr easur e thin gs of beauty mor e than

    physical value. A well made etched glass wou

    be wor th m ore to them than a chest of gold

    bul li on. They are cr eatur es of passion and

    emotion, and love ar t of all types, from dwar v

    history recitals to rusti c hi n dances. They abh

    uglin ess, str ive for per fection in anyth ing they


    Str anger i n a St r ange Land

    Despite their human appearance, sidhe are

    foreign to the Known World. For them

    every thi ng is ext remely unusual. The lack of

    magic, the static nature around them and the

    shor t lived creatur es they encounter i ntr igue

    them. Sidhe are dri ven to exper ience all they

    can in nor mal w orld. They are not attr acted b

    gold or power , but by new exper iences. A sidh

    w il l agree to go on an adventur e that pays

    noth in g if it sounds exciti ng to her.

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    o outsiders the sidhe seem overl y generous but

    h. They don't understand the inhuman

    vations of the sidh e. They are im mor tal,

    no need for r iches or pow er. When

    etur n to the Good Kingdom their stor ies

    r ency. To the fey memor ies are

    oin and excitement it's own r ewar d.

    ldr i tch Or igins

    ome from another r ealm called they

    ll the Good Kingdom. The most well know n

    tal is in Al fheim , but other s exi st. The

    s a place w ithout t im e or death,

    here every thi ng seems to change but nothi ng

    uly does. Oberon has been ki ng for longer

    an has walked the face of the planet. The

    idhe have watched mountains ri se and fall , and

    s no sur pr ise that many of them get bor ed

    ith their im mor tal existence.

    idhe have exi sted sin ce befor e the Im mor tals,

    s such need nothi ng fr om them Their

    mes fr om another realm, Immortal

    over them noth ing.. Sidhe often blend in

    ith hu man societies, their neighbor s none the

    iser. Sidh e even get mar r ied to tr y and lear n

    but they are doomed to watch th eir

    pouse w ither and die from age.

    xpl or i ng the new wor ld

    idhe when enteri ng the new w orl d tend to seek

    e large population center they can fi nd.

    any become adventur es because of the

    xcitement it br ings. Their lack of desir e for

    ealth cause many to th ink them naive, but few

    derstand the myster ious creatures well . Once

    e sidhe has cir cled the globe a few times, they

    eturn to the Good Kingdom to shar e their tales.

    idhe Tr ait s

    l i ty Scor e Incr ease. Your Charisma

    creases by 2 and your Dexteri ty i ncr eases by

    ge. Sidhe have no concept of age as they are an

    mor tal race, r eincarnating back in their

    native land after death. The aver age sidhe

    appears ful ly grown after 20 years.

    Alignment. Most sidhe are chaoti c by natur e,

    though their r ulers are lawful. Evi l sidhe are

    considered unseelie and shunned.

    Size. Sidhe average 5'6 to over 6' tall and have

    li the build. You ar e a medium creatur e.

    Speed . Your base speed is 30 feet.

    Languages. You can speak, read and w r ite

    Common, Elven and Fey

    Eter nal Cr eatu r es. Sidhe are not creatur es of

    thi s world, their magic is their own, they cann

    use Im mor tal's magic. You cannot gain take a

    class that gr ants Immor tal m agic such as cleri

    dr uid, r anger or paladin. As High King Obero

    alr eady grants them fey m agic magic, they

    cannot become war locks.

    Fey Magic. Star ti ng at level 2 and every other

    level af ter that, you may select a spell fr om the

    Enchantm ent or Il lusion schools. The spell lev

    must be hal f the sidhe's level. you may cast th

    spell once w ithout needing components. You

    r egain the abil it y to cast the spell after a long


    Water Br eathin g. You can br eathe water as

    well as it can breathe air.

    I r on Al lergy. You cannot stand the touch of

    ir on. You cannot cast spells whi le wear ing or

    touchin g metal w eapons or armor. Items w ith

    +2 enchantm ent or better are not considered t

    be made of ir on. You have damage

    vulnerabili ty against i ron w eapons.

    Tr ue Fey.

     You are im mune to nonmagical

    di seases, can see other fey that ar e invi sible an

    take damage fr om holy water as if they wer e

    undead. As you reincarnate in to a new for m,

    spells that r aise you fr om the dead do not w or

    un less cast w ithi n ten mi nutes of the your


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    This is the life I tell you. No worries, no fretting.

    Just fishing all day and lounging around in the

    un. This is how a tortle is meant to live, leave all

    the running around and worr ying to the other

    races. Here we live in peace and harmony with

    all other things. Just fishing and sunning. That's

    the life. Of course if you feel obliged to take up

    arms and go live a short brutal life before some

    orc pries open your shell and eats you, that's up

    to you. I won't stop you, who know maybe the

    change of scenery might do you some good. They

    out some caves of goblins. You grab a club and

    go head over there and sign up. Maybe you

    should do that, because if I catch you with my

    niece again, I 'm gonna throw you in the ocean.

     -Flash Yellowbeard, concerned uncle

    Tort le

    Tor tles are a stoic and placid r ace, content to

    live in their shoreline villages fi shin g. Wi th

    natur al heavy ar mor and nothi ng of r eal value

    most other r aces are content to l eave them

    alone. Whi le they have few enemi es, Tor tl es d

    not go out of their way to make fr iends either.

    Slow and Ponder ous

    Tor tles have li ttl e in the way in vari ety, they

    have coloration r anging from brown to gr een

    but ar e hard to tell apar t except for their shell

    Each tor tle shell i s a uni que patter n on the bac

    and occasionally the Tortl es w il l paint them fo

    decoration. The average tor tl e stands 6' tall ,

    weighing in at almost 700lbs or m ore.

    Tor tles are repti li an in natur e, w ith r ough sca

    over much of their body. They have a heavy

    shell that in on par w ith heavy arm or. Their

    faces have beaks for mouths, and also have

    lar ge oversized hands and feet.

    Bound by Tr adit i on

    Tor tles above all else value their peace and

    quiet. Most Tort les li ve alone, fi shi ng and

    keeping their huts tidy. They are not known fo

    being craftsmen or war r ior s. Tortl es farm

    communally, comi ng together as a group in

    times of need. When w in ter comes often they

    load up on wagons and head to war mer clim e

    Whi le tor tles are known as kind and car ing

    creatur es, they are not the most fr iendly. Rare

    w il l you fin d a tortl e going to tr ade w ith other

    races, and almost never w il l you f ind one livi n

    inside a city. Tor tles are happy watchin g the

    world go on by them.

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    oastal Cr eatur es

    or tles are found exclusively on the shor es of

    ainl and and the islands in the Sea of

    They bui ld small fi shi ng vi llages where

    an also maintain their far ms. They don't

    p forti fications but r ely on their natural

    or and n eighbor s to aid them in case they

    ttacked. Whil e mer chants may come to

    ade, tortl es are generally known for their

    eager existences.

    ortl es do maintain a forti fi ed building for their

    gs. Here the female tor tl es come to lay their

    gs, guarded by older tor tl e males. Once the

    gs are laid the females die shor tly there after,

    owed by the older male guar dians. The r est

    e vil lage then raises the hatchli ngs when

    ey emerge.

    tur al Bor n Guar dian

    or some tor tles liv ing solitar y bor ing lives unti l

    ey die isn't enough. They have to go out and

    ake something of themselves, even i f just

    iefly. Once in a long whil e a tortl e w il l put

    n h is hoe and fi shing pole, pick up a

    eapon and go and tr y to make the wor ld a

    ace. Whi le not the most agil e creatur es,

    ake excellent war r ior s because of th eir

    al str ength and heavy ar mor.

    ort le Tr aits

    li ty Scor e Incr ease.

      Your Str ength score

    in creases by 2 and your Wisdom score in creas

    by 1.

    Age. Tort les r each matur ity around 5 year s ol

    They ar e a shor t l ived r ace, only r eaching 50

    years old on average.

    Alignment. Almost all tor tles are law ful in


    Size. Tort les are usually 6' tall , and weight on

    aver age 700lbs. You are a medium cr eatur e.


    . Your base speed is 20 feet.

    Languages. You can speak, read and w r ite

    Comm on and Tor tle.

    Natur al Ar mor

    . You have a har dened shell th

    gives you great pr otecti on. Your armor class

    equals 10 + your Consti tu tion modif ier + your

    pr ofi ciency bonus. You can use a shi eld and s

    gain the benefi t, but you cannot wear any typ

    of ar mor.

    Per sonal Shel ter . As a bonus action the you c

    w ithdr aw i nto hi s shell. This gives you +2 AC

    and advantage on al l saving thr ows, but you a

    considered bli nd unt il you spend another bon

    action to come out of your shell.

    In cr eased Lun g Capaci t y

    . You can hold your

    breath for 2 hour s.

    Clumsy . You do not add your Dexter it y to you

    Ar mor Class.

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    Classes of Mystara

    tween the elven maiden he had just rescued

    He shouted at the elf to run as he pulled

    s from his belt. He hoped she got far

    h way from the melee to be safe. His last

    n th e fu r thest r eaches of the Known Wor ld

    here civili zation ends is where you w il l fi nd

    er ce war r ior s in a str uggle for sur vival. From

    e isolated Atr uaghin Plateau to the savage

    ter lands at war w ith Thyatis to the

    rkers that are ever present i n the Nor th

    eaches, bar bar ians can be found waging war

    ith foul cr eatur es and the elements. The type

    ians are heavi ly r egionally in fluenced.

    erserkers are almost never found outside the

    hern Reaches, other lands li ke Atruaghin

    ar lean more towar ds Totem

    r w ith the spr ead of civi li zation the

    festyles of the barbar ians are bein g

    enged. As nati ons li ke Vestland and

    lar uam look to moderni ze their lands, the

    less tr ibes and savage war r ior s are being

    hed fur ther and fur ther away.

    rves are notoriously tough crowds. They

    songs are tend to be monotone and tuneless.

    thr illed by a recital of the last fifteen

    Ther e is not a nation i n the Known Worl d w he

    bards are not welcomed wi th open ar ms. Eve

    the magic hating Ylar uam and Rockhome

    appreciate the tales and r ecitals of tr avelin g

    bards. Bar ds for many ar eas are the only

    reliable sour ce for news or entertainm ent ,

    when a wanderi ng minstr el ar r ives it become

    almost like a holiday.

    Bar dic coll eges are r arely a physical locati on,

    often new techniques are learned by word of

    mouth . However the nation of Ierendi fu lly

    embr aces the works of the bards and dedicate

    an actual coll ege to teachi ng both the Colleges

    Lore and Valor.

    Musical Instr um ents

    In addition to the comm on musical i nstr umen

    li sted in chapter 5 "Equi pment," of the Player 's

    Handbook, bards in Mystara play the follow in



     A w oodw ind fr om Elven l ands, the

    aelethr ia is a long sti ck w ith large air holes on

    either end. The elf pl ays the instrument by

    rapidly spinning it around w hil e changing the

    pitch and tone by changing where the aelethr i

    is gr ipped.


    A two barr elled flute found

    commonly in Karameikos. Known for its dual

    high pitched tone and usually played uptempo
